May 3, 2024

GCH: What’s on Your Plate? – Bread Pudding

Bread Pudding is one of those dishes that makes me sentimental. It’s a dessert that my dad would get whenever we’d go to a local buffet. I’d spy it at the dessert station, and I’d go back to the table and entice him with, “Dad, they have bread pudding.”  Every single time I make it I think of him. I’ve tested and tweaked various recipes, until I came close to perfection, and I’m sharing it with you today.


  • 3 to 3  1/2 c Italian bread, enough to fill the bottom of a 9×13 baking dish
  • 1 3/4 c sugar
  • 2 c milk
  • 6 medium eggs
  • 2 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • ground nutmeg

For topping:

  • 5 Tblsp butter, softened
  • 1/2 c light brown sugar, packed
  •  1 1/4 c pecan halves

For brandy sauce:

  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 2 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • 1 stick butter
  • 3/4 c sugar
  • 1/3 c brandy


1. The day before, cube bread (good size cubes) and put in an uncovered bowl. Let sit on counter overnight.

2. Preheat oven to 340 degrees. (F)

3. Grease a 9×13 baking dish.

4. Place bread in the baking dish.

5. In a bowl, beat 6 eggs. Mix in 1 3/4 c sugar, 2 tsp vanilla, and milk. Pour over bread, making sure all the bread is covered. Sprinkle with nutmeg. Let sit for 15-20 minutes.

6. Place the topping ingredients in another bowl and use a pastry cutter or wooden spoon to mix. Sprinkle over the top of the bread.

7. Bake uncovered for 50 minutes, or until the pudding is set.

8. Remove from oven and allow to cool while you make the brandy sauce.

9. In a medium saucepan on low-medium heat, combine all sauce ingredients except the brandy. Once the butter and sugar are completely melted, turn the heat to low, stir in the brandy and mix continuously for 2 minutes. Pour over pudding.

10. Serve warm. (May be served with a small scoop of vanilla ice cream.)



Praise God! Let’s eat!



Please be sure to visit Shandy’s personal blog, Aprons ‘n Pearls

GCH: What’s on Your Plate? – Grape Salad

This is one of the easiest desserts you will ever make, and so delicious! My first experience with grape salad was this past summer when my sister-in-law made it for a family gathering, and I was hooked! She made it with red grapes, and I am definitely a green grape gal, so this recipe calls for green grapes. Whatever your preference, it is good stuff! After playing around with several variations of recipes, this is my go-to recipe. I’ve made it for family, friends, and Bible studies, and EVERYONE loves it, young and old!

Grape Salad


  • 3 lbs. green grapes
  • 8 oz. container of light cream cheese
  • 8 oz. container of light sour cream
  • 1/2 c. white sugar
  • 3/4 tsp. pure vanilla extract
  • 1/2 c. light brown sugar
  • 1/2 c. pecan pieces


1. Place grapes in a colander and rinse well. Empty into a bowl lined with paper towels to absorb excess water.

2. Empty the containers of light sour cream and light cream cheese into a mixing bowl. Add the white sugar and vanilla. Mix until combined and smooth. (hand mix or use a mixer)

3. Add grapes into the mixing bowl and fold until grapes are all coated.

4. Transfer to a serving bowl and sprinkle with brown sugar and pecans.


  • Serve well-chilled.
  • Add more grapes if you prefer a lighter coating.
  • Walnuts are also good on this!

Praise God! Let’s eat! 



You can visit Shandy’s personal blog at

Saturdays with Shandy: 6 Weeks to Make Your Home Shine for the Holidays! Week Six

Congratulations! You made it to week six, and by Friday your home will be clean, organized, and ready for the holidays! This week we are organizing the office/craft room, and cleaning the laundry room. You’ll also have two days to work on any additional spaces that need cleaning, and to catch up on anything you may have missed.

I’m so excited about getting started, we’re going to get right to it! But first, I just want to quickly thank you for following us these last six weeks, and let you know what we’ll be doing in the upcoming weeks… You are invited to join us for our next series starting next Saturday – “Saturdays with Shandy: Christmas Edition!” That’s right – on to the fun stuff! Decorating ideas and handmade gifts is what we’re focusing on for the four weeks before Christmas. I hope you will join us!

*Don’t forget to share your pictures with us in our Facebook group today! And if you have any questions, or need advice on how to handle a cleaning or organizational problem you have, today is the day! Just ask away in the comment section below!

Now, back to our regularly scheduled programming…

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Let’s pray:
Lord, I just want to thank You for this time we’ve had together the last several weeks. It’s been a blessing to me, and I pray it’s been a blessing to these awesome ladies and their families. We thank You for all that You’ve given us. Whether we have a little, or a lot, it’s all in thanks to You. Be with our families as we gather for Thanksgiving, Lord. Bless these wonderful women with safe travels and happy memories. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Your assignment:

***For some fantastic cleaning and organization ideas, go to our “Saturdays with Shandy” board on Pinterest! You’ll find all kinds of tips relevant to this week’s assignments.


Today & Monday – If Mt. Washmore has formed in your laundry room, today is the day to catch up. Wash, dry, fold or hang, put away, and repeat until Washmore is no more. Then, it’s time to clean, clean, clean! Laundry rooms can quickly become dusty, cluttered messes if you don’t take care of them. Toss old detergent and fabric softener containers, and clear away any clutter. I like everything to look pretty, so I use baskets to hide unpretty things and a glass container for my homemade detergent. I’m so blessed to have my grandma’s big wicker laundry basket, as well. It makes doing laundry more pleasant. Special even.

Let’s move on to the deep cleaning. By now, you are a pro at this! You know the drill… wiping down shelves, walls, light fixtures, etc. Just save the floor for last, because I have a couple projects for you to do first… cleaning your washer and dryer. And I’m willing to bet you know my next words. That’s right! Check out our Saturdays with Shandy Pinterest board for the how-to. You’re so smart!

All done? Ok, NOW you can clean the baseboard and floors. P.S. That homemade laundry detergent I mentioned… I will be blogging about it on my personal blog at the end of next week. Check it out! I will never go back to my old favorite. It’s that awesome.

Tuesday & Wednesday – We are deep cleaning the craft room and/or office today, just as we’ve done the last five weeks in the other rooms of our homes. And it’s time to get our paper and craft clutter supplies under control.

Paper is my downfall. I am a recovering paper hoarder, really. Fortunately, when I moved last month, I recycled mountains of papers and magazines that I told myself I would use someday. But it created more problems than it was worth. Organization became more important than the stacks of craft magazines, project and decorating ideas, and receipts from years ago. Learning to file things right away, in the right place, and knowing how to discern what to keep and what to throw away is the first step. Check our Pinterest board on Tuesday for some awesome solutions to your paper dilemma! I will have what I’ve found to be the best tips on there.

We also have some ideas for you now about how to organize your craft room. I’ve gone from having bags full of yarn in the closet, to having them organized by color on a shelf. Cute and functional! The key to any kind of organization is, “a place for everything, and everything in its place.” Use baskets and decorative boxes whenever you can, and your home will not only be organized, but beautiful, too.

Thursday & Friday – Catch up on anything else you haven’t completed, then do a happy dance! You did it! You made your home SHINE for the holidays! Enjoy your weekend!



You can visit Shandy’s personal blog at:

Saturdays with Shandy: 6 Weeks to Make Your Home Shine for the Holidays! Week Five

Wow! Can you believe week five is already here? The main living areas of your house must be looking fabulous! This week we are working on bedrooms and bathrooms. Then, for our final week, we’ll be organizing the office/den/craft room – whichever you have! – and cleaning the laundry room. Plus you’ll have two days to work on any additional spaces that need cleaning, and to catch up on anything you may have missed. Let’s finish strong so we can move on to the fun stuff: decorating and making gifts!!!

Let’s talk a little about how our families help around the house. I have a 12 year old daughter. She is old enough to keep her bedroom and bathroom clean, but still needs me to remind and encourage her on a regular basis. She may not clean and organize it exactly how I would, but it’s important that we let our children be responsible for their own belongings. It’s also important that we give our children proper instruction. If we tell them to do something, but don’t take the time to teach them how, we can’t get frustrated when the results are not what we expected. When cleaning the bedrooms and bathrooms in your house this week, please don’t do it all by yourself if you have children at home. Even preschoolers can (and should!) help keep their rooms clean! For those of you with children, how do you encourage them to help keep their space clean? Share your tips below, then head on over to our facebook group where we’ll have a little fun and share pictures of our progress!

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Let’s pray:

We just want to thank you, Lord, for helping us stay on task. Please give us the fortitude we will need to finish strong these next two weeks.  Replace unwilling and complaining attitudes with cooperation and cheerfulness as we ask our families to pitch in, and instill in us an attitude of gratitude as we care for all You’ve blessed us with. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Your assignment:

***For some brilliant cleaning and organization ideas, go to our “Saturdays with Shandy” board on Pinterest! You’ll find all kinds of tips relevant to this week’s assignment.

Today –  Break out those rubber gloves, girls. We’re deep cleaning the bathrooms today! This is an important day, I kid you not. A pristine powder room is a must, especially when you have company coming over for holiday celebrations! Because there are so many things I want to share with you about cleaning your bathrooms, please head on over to Pinterest for everything you need to know to do the job, and do it well.

Monday – Today, we are showing our master bedroom some love. I could do a whole post on just this room alone! Your bedroom is your own private retreat. Do you treat it as such, or is it a catch-all? Let’s work on making it a serene, inviting, romantic place to be.

Let’s start by stripping the bed of all linens, including the mattress cover. Throw them in the washing machine so it can work while we work. Next, take down your window treatments and blinds. Wash your blinds (remember, there’s an excellent way to do this… see the post on Pinterest!) Wash your window treatments once your bedding is done.

If there’s anything on your floor, or clutter on your dresser or nightstand, pick it up and put it away. We don’t want to clean around “stuff.” Once everything is picked up and organized, we’ll move on to dusting…

Dust your ceiling fan (check our Pinterest board for the how-to!) Then dust the furniture, lamps, clocks, and decor. Wipe down walls, light switches, trim, and baseboards. Clean your light fixture, then wash the windows and mirrors. (My husband and I agreed not to have a television in our bedroom, but if you have one, now is the time to clean it. Don’t forget to clean your remote, too!)

Before making your bed, check out Pinterest to find out how to clean your mattress. Very important step! Vacuum (be sure to move your furniture!) or sweep & mop if you have hardwood. Then, make your bed, taking the time to make it look nice!

Now let’s clean those closets! You guessed it! Check our Pinterest board! (I’m telling you… it’s absolutely awesome!) When you’re done, put your window treatments back up, light a candle, and invite your hubby in to look at what you’ve accomplished!

Tuesday –  Moving on to bedroom #2… Since you’ve mastered the master bedroom, you’ll know what to do for the other bedrooms in your home! 🙂 Check out Pinterest for tips especially for children’s rooms and guest rooms.

Wednesday – Bedroom #3 is next. (If you don’t have a 3rd bedroom, you can catch up on anything you’ve missed, or work in an area of your house, like the basement, that we’re not covering during these six weeks.)

Thursday – Today, we’re working on bedroom #4. (See Wednesday’s assignment if you don’t have a 4th bedroom.)

Friday – Catch up on anything else you haven’t completed. Smile at a job well done, then enjoy your evening!



You can visit Shandy’s personal blog at:

Saturdays with Shandy: 6 Weeks to Make Your Home Shine for the Holidays! Week 3


Happy Saturday! Are your living and dining rooms sparkling clean? Doesn’t it feel like a weight is being lifted each week? I know it does for me! Each week, we are one step closer to having a sparkling clean home for the holidays! And how did you do with tuning into your five senses while cleaning? Let me tell you… my house smells amazing!

This week and next, we are focusing on the kitchen! These are, perhaps, the two most important weeks of this 6 week journey, as the kitchen is where we do all of our preparing! Cooking, baking, freezing items for later, wrapping presents… the list goes on!

It’s possible you noticed the picture at the top of the page and maybe it made you smile a little. I want you to read (or sing!) these words with me…

A robin feathering his nest has very little time to rest while gathering his bits of twine and twig.  Though quite intent in his pursuit, he has a merry tune to toot.  He knows a song will move the job along…

We all know that song, right? At least most of us here in the States. So what does Mary Poppins have to do with cleaning? Listen carefully to the words she says at the beginning of the song…

In every job that must be done

There is an element of fun.

You find the fun, and… snap!

The job’s a game!

Do any of us really think that scrubbing our floors, cleaning the stove, and polishing woodwork is fun? I’m going to be 100% honest with you. As much as I love being a housewife, that part of my job is usually not a fun time for me. I love the results, and I love blessing my family this way. I do not, however, love the hard work. I want to love the work, but I’m just not there yet. Can you relate? But remember in Colossians 3:23 we’re told to do everything enthusiastically, so let’s do this with a smile on our faces, a song in our hearts, and some songs on our iPods or CD players! Music can be the element of FUN! A song will move the job along! “They themselves lift up their voices and sing to the tambourine and the lyre and rejoice to the sound of the pipe.” Job 21:12 (AMP)

After we pray, and after reading your assignments for the week, please comment here letting us know how last week went for you and share your thoughts about this week… what do YOU do to make a job fun??? Then head on over to our Facebook group to share your pictures and to find out what our fun activity it is! And be sure to join us next week as we continue to make our homes shine for the holidays, and for some free Christmas planning printables!

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Let’s pray:

O come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the Rock of our salvation! Lord, thank you for another week. Thank you that we are able to work with our hands to serve our families this way. Let our work be pleasing to you, and let it bless our families. Holy Spirit, please be with us and put a song in our hearts. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Your assignment:

Today – Today we are tackling our pantries! This is super important, as we tend to do a lot of shopping for holiday cooking/baking, and need plenty of room. Remove everything from your pantry. Throw away anything that is expired or questionable. Wipe down the shelves. Put in new shelf-liner if you’d like! If you have a walk-in pantry, give the walls a scrubbing if they need it, and make sure ceiling is free of spider webs. Wipe down the baseboard, and sweep & mop the floor.

Now it’s time to get organized and put everything back! I just LOVE an organized pantry!  All the veggies in one place, all the breakfast items in another, all the pasta in another, etc., etc. If you have cleaning and miscellaneous supplies in your pantry, those get organized, too. Two half-empty bottles of the same cleaner? Combine them, and recycle the extra container.  Cleaning rags that should’ve been thrown out long ago? Time to bid them farewell. You get the idea! This is the time I would also clean up my vacuum and disinfect my mop.

For some awesome pantry organization ideas, you can go to our Saturdays with Shandy board on Pinterest! I will have some great cleaning tips there for you, too!

Monday – Today we are working on our refrigerator! Start by getting rid of expired items and forgotten “science experiments” if you have any. This is definitely the time to have the dishwasher empty and ready to clean any dishes you may be taking out. Now get some hot, soapy water and clean the refrigerator shelves, followed by wiping down the inside walls and door(s). Just like with the pantry, organize as you put items back. Do you have a bunch of ketchup or hot sauce packets from take-out places? Toss them if they’re old, or if you have newer ones you want to keep, put them all together in a plastic container. Salad dressings go on one shelf; condiments on another, etc. I will post a picture today (Saturday) of my before and after from when I did this a few months ago, so you can see how I organize my fridge. Now that we’ve moved, that refrigerator is now in our garage and is all clean, empty, and awaiting Christmas goodies and extra beverages, but I do have the refrigerator in our new kitchen to clean! I am doing this right along with you!  Grumbling Rejoicing right along with you!

Now that you are done with the inside of the refrigerator, do the same with the freezer. While you’re cleaning the inside, make sure you are cleaning the seal and any crevices carefully. Things like to hide in there if you aren’t careful to keep it clean. Now that the outside is clean, clear off the outside – remove magnets, notes, artwork, and anything else that may be there. Wipe down all sides of the fridge, including the top! Carefully move the fridge away from the wall (careful if you have a water line!) and clear away any dust bunnies that have accumulated. Now is a good time to sweep and wipe down the floor back there before pushing it back up to the wall. Be selective in what you place on top and on the doors and side of your refrigerator. Clutter makes it look untidy, even if it’s the cleanest fridge on the block!

Tues – Today we are cleaning our microwave and small appliances like the toaster and coffee maker. If anyone needs tips on how to get any of these clean, just ask! I have a great tip on how to clean your microwave on our Saturdays with Shandy Pinterest board! It’s the way I personally clean mine and it works great! You definitely don’t want to clean the inside of your microwave with a chemical cleaner, so take special care.

Wed – Time to clean the dishwasher. For a great how-to, check out our Pinterest board!

Thurs – We are cleaning our oven/stove today. I personally do not use the chemical sprays in mine. I don’t like the fumes, and it’s just not a very safe method. And you guessed it… there is another how-to on our Pinterest board! (Why try to reinvent the wheel? LOL)

Fri – Catch up on anything you haven’t completed. Then, enjoy your evening! You’ve definitely earned it this week!  We’ll be back in the kitchen for week 4, but isn’t it great to know the hard stuff is behind us? What a relief!!!

