March 31, 2025

Pumpkin Spice Coffee Creamer




Since the website is called Girlfriend’s Coffee Hour, I think we should have a post actually about coffee!  One of the hardest things I’ve ever done for my health was changing how I took my morning coffee.  I was a teaspoon of white sugar plus half and half kind of girl.  I was also a big fan of Coffeemate creamer – you know, Irish Cream, French Vanilla, Hazelnut – the good stuff. Unfortunately, white sugar first thing in the morning creates a huge insulin spike, setting you up for inflammation, sugar cravings, energy crashes – the list goes on.  And I dare you to pick up a bottle of flavored coffee creamer at the store and tell me what half of those ingredients are. Chemical city!  So I decided to surf the web and find something to jazz up my coffee (because a splash of almond milk just isn’t making magic in my cup.)  After some experimentation, I present to you:  Pumpkin Spice Coffee Creamer!

This recipe is dairy-free, gluten-free, and processed sugar-free.  I used maple syrup for a little sweetness, but you can use honey or stevia if you prefer.  This recipe calls for an egg.  Try to find organic, best-quality eggs – hopefully you can find a farmer’s market that carries local eggs, because that really lowers any salmonella risk.  If it freaks you out, you can skip the egg, but it really does add body and substance to the creamer.  I keep this in a mason jar in my fridge.  I go through it in about a week and that seems to work well.  It may get solid, and that’s fine – just scoop out a ball of creamer with a tablespoon and it will melt immediately in your coffee.  If you want to make a fall treat for the kids, heat up some milk in a pan on the stove, stir in a quarter cup of the Pumpkin Spice Coffee Creamer, and garnish with whipped cream and a little extra cinnamon!

Pumpkin Spice Coffee Creamer

(makes about 16 ounces)


  • 1 can (13.5 ounces) full-fat coconut milk
  • 1/4 cup pumpkin puree
  • 1 egg
  • 1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice (or 3/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon and 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract (or try half vanilla and half almond extract!)
  • 2 tablespoons maple syrup
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil (optional, but I like it!)


  1. Add all ingredients to the blender and mix for 30 seconds.  That’s it!  Pour into a jar with a lid and store in the fridge for up to one week.




Personalized Coffee Mugs

Here at Girlfriends Coffee Hour, we are all about coffee!!  So, today’s blog gives us an interesting and fun way to decorate our coffee mugs!

Items needed:

Solid color coffee mug (make sure it is microwave safe)
Bic(TM) marker(s)


Think of an idea that you would like to write on the mug—a word, a picture, a Bible verse, a prayer, etc.  For my coffee mug, I wrote “Dear God, please make me harmless as a dove.  Amen!” I also drew a picture of a dove and decorated the bottom of the mug with hearts, the handle with polka dots and I drew a cross under the handle.

Use your BIC marker(s) to decorate the mug any way you would like.  I used a silver marker on a black coffee mug. The color choices are endless.

Bake it in the oven at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. This will keep the marker from coming off.

Let cool, wash and enjoy!


Have fun and Be Creative 🙂


HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Girlfriends Coffee Hour!!!



Woo Hoo!! Happy Anniversary to GCH!!!

1-year ago today, Girlfriends Coffee Hour published its first LIVE Online Bible Study on this website! We had just a few women sign-up for that study, and we had a blast!

Today, GCH, as we all so fondly call it, is now in 150+ Countries across the globe!! Never in a million years would I have ever dreamed that God could use a simple housewife from Southeast Wisconsin to help spread the Gospel!! Many times, I had to be reminded God’s God This!!  Don’t ever think that God can’t use just ordinary people!!  He can, and He will, if you let Him!!

Today, we have 20 women on our Ministry Leadership Team, who help keep this ministry functioning on a daily basis! Thank God, because there is no way this housewife from Wisconsin could do this on her own! I am so very BLESSED by this amazing Team of women who give so graciously of their time, prayers, support, and LOVE!! Truly without these women …. wow!

God has blessed this ministry in so many ways. Each day we dedicate GCH to Him in our prayers, and we give Him thanks for all that He has done, and continues to do.

The scripture that God gave us for this ministry is Proverbs 27:17 (NLT) “…as iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.” In this ministry, we are blessed to sharpen each other. We are blessed to hold each other accountable to building our relationship with our Heavenly Father, and being the Leaders that He has called us all to be! We are blessed to have such a Sisterhood in this ministry, where faith, friends, and fellowship flourish in our Fellowship & Study Groups!

I give God all praise, honor, and glory, for Girlfriends Coffee Hour! I hope you will help us celebrate this week! We will be giving away some amazing prizes this week in honor of our anniversary! Stay tuned … on Monday (tomorrow) we will announce the first prize!! These prizes are going to bless your socks off!!

Be sure to leave a comment below to let us know how GCH has been a blessing in YOUR life! We’d love to hear from you!

Thank You ALL so very much for joining us this last year! We hope to see you around for many more years to come!!

May the Good Lord Bless You,

Christi Wilson
Founder of Girlfriends Coffee Hour

Saturdays with Shandy: Christmas Edition! “Tea-Stained” Fabric

This week and next is a two-part project. This week I am teaching you how to make the  “tea-stained” fabric that you will need for next week’s Prim Christmas Stitcheries. This is one of my favorite craft projects to do. It’s easy, smells wonderful for years, and looks beautiful.


What You Will Need:

  • muslin fabric (I dye 1 yard at a time)
  • cheap instant coffee
  • cheap imitation vanilla extract
  • cinnamon
  • large pot
  • large cookie sheet


  1. Fill a large pot with water (approx. 5 cups) and heat on the stove to boiling.
  2. Remove from heat and add 1/3 c. vanilla extract, 2 cups of instant coffee, and 1/4 c. cinnamon to the water.
  3. Put the fabric in the pot and let sit for an hour.
  4. If you want a “grubbier” textured fabric, you can rub cinnamon directly into the fabric as well, after you take it out of the pot.
  5. Gently wring out, then hang to dry, or place fabric on a large cookie sheet and bake on low heat (200 degrees F) for a few minutes. You will need to stand by and watch the fabric so it doesn’t burn. This is my preferred method, and it makes for a slightly stiffer fabric as well.


  • You can make more stained fabric with the remaining mixture, or put it in a container and refrigerate to reuse later.
  • This fabric is wonderful for all sorts of craft projects, especially for those like me who love primitive country decor.
  • I buy my coffee, cinnamon, and vanilla at dollar stores. No need to spend money on good ingredients!
  • I never pay full price for fabric! The popular craft stores have apps with 40% off coupons!
  • I also dye embroidery floss to give it a muted or aged look, and just put it on a plate to dry. Works well for lace, too!
  • Use for craft fabric only, and not for garments, as it will at least partly wash out.
  • I once dyed a shower curtain in the bathtub using the mixture, leaving it in for a few hours, and it came out beautifully. I just hung it to dry! When it came time to wash it, I washed it in COLD water, and it preserved some (but not all) color.

This opens up a whole new world of crafting. Have fun with it! The possibilities are endless!

Love & Blessings,


Be sure to visit Shandy’s personal blog Aprons ‘n Pearls for crafts, recipes, homekeeping tips & more!