May 2, 2024

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Girlfriends Coffee Hour!!!



Woo Hoo!! Happy Anniversary to GCH!!!

1-year ago today, Girlfriends Coffee Hour published its first LIVE Online Bible Study on this website! We had just a few women sign-up for that study, and we had a blast!

Today, GCH, as we allΒ so fondly call it, is now in 150+ Countries across the globe!! Never in a million years would I have ever dreamed that God could use a simple housewife from Southeast Wisconsin to help spread the Gospel!! Many times, I had to be reminded God’s God This!! Β Don’t ever think that God can’t use just ordinary people!! Β He can, and He will, if you let Him!!

Today, we have 20 women on our Ministry Leadership Team, who help keep this ministry functioning on a daily basis! Thank God, because there is no way this housewife from Wisconsin could do this on her own! I am so very BLESSED by this amazing Team of women who give so graciously of their time, prayers, support, and LOVE!! Truly without these women …. wow!

God has blessed this ministry in so many ways. Each day we dedicate GCH to Him in our prayers, and we give Him thanks for all that He has done, and continues to do.

The scripture that God gave us for this ministry is Proverbs 27:17 (NLT) “…as iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.” In this ministry, we are blessed to sharpen each other. We are blessed to hold each other accountable to building our relationship with our Heavenly Father, and being the Leaders that He has called us all to be! We are blessed to have such a Sisterhood in this ministry, where faith, friends, and fellowship flourish in our Fellowship & Study Groups!

I give God all praise, honor, and glory, for Girlfriends Coffee Hour! I hope you will help us celebrate this week! We will be giving away some amazing prizes this week in honor of our anniversary! Stay tuned … on Monday (tomorrow) we will announce the first prize!! These prizes are going to bless your socks off!!

Be sure to leave a comment below to let us know how GCH has been a blessing in YOUR life! We’d love to hear from you!

Thank You ALL so very much for joining us this last year! We hope to see you around for many more years to come!!

May the Good Lord Bless You,

Christi Wilson
Founder of Girlfriends Coffee Hour

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  1. Jennifer M says

    <3 happy happy anniversary!! <3

  2. This has been an amazing journey! One of the biggest blessings I’ve received is meeting so many amazing women whom I never would have had the opportunity to meet before! AMAZING women!!

    • Dana Kim says

      I don’t know how many of you ladies I’ll ever get to meet in person, if any, but it doesn’t matter. This online fellowship has blessed me so much and I am so thankful for my Girlfriends! Happy Anniversary!

  3. Same here, Christi! God opened the door to fellowship BIG time on your GCH Fellowship page. What a blessing your ministry has been in my life!!! Thank you so much for stepping out in faith to start this ministry! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY and God bless you with many more!

  4. Happy Anniversary. I am still amazed at its outreach. Thank you for your walk of faith. I am one of many who has been blessed.

    • Oh Dear Martha, you have been such a blessing to me, and to GCH!! When you first wrote to me about the book you were writing, the Lord told me then that you would be writing for GCH! I said, “LORD!! She’s a book-author…not a blogger!!” Then I found out about CreatedWoman! I LOVE your writing! You are so very creative! We have ALL been so blessed by your blogs!

  5. Happy Anniversary!!!

    So blessed to have found a safe place for fellowship, where you can open up and be real and not have to worry about anyone judging you or thinking differently of you. GCH has been a huge part of my journey with Christ. I am so excited to be using the gifts that God has blessed me with alongside of AMAZING women of God whom encourage me and support me on a daily basis:)

  6. When God lead me to GCH it was after months of searching for like minded women seeking His face!!! Thank you GCH women for all you do are are committed to. Ministering to women and sharing the Gospel.

  7. Kim Golds says

    Some of my most treasured friendships i have are a result of GCH and the ministry The bible studys are powerful and have given me the opportunity to grow deeper in my Faith. Kim Golds

  8. Tina Rodeheaver says

    Happy Anniversary!! I am so glad that I found this site, I have met some really neat cyber friends. And have realized that I am not alone on my different lessons of life. And thru this site have found answers to questions and problems. I thank each of you ladies that are part of this that have taught me (even when you didnt realize that you did) Tina R

  9. Happy Anniversary ! GCH has been a true inspiration in helping me to stay on track with Bible study and to keep getting closer in my walk with Jesus!,

    Thank you ladies for your time, prayers, help!

  10. Andi Graham says

    GCH has given me more opportunities to join Bible studies that fit my needs, both spiritually and what will work with my life schedule. Its a blessing to be a part of something that so many can contribute to. Everyone gets along and the help/advice is unparalleled. God has truly used this in so many lives, mine included and I am blessed to be included. Thank you for all the work and dedication poured into making this a sucess!

  11. so thankful to God for all that He has done, is doing, and WILL DO, in our lives through GCH! ‘faith, friends, and fellowship’ i truly believe that our relationships only happen in this virtual online world because of God—it is supernatural!!!
    by God’s grace and blessing, i have been encouraged and ministered to and loved by my sisters here at GCH! i wasn’t here for that very first obs, the 30 days of praying for our husbands, but been here since; whew! i often think of this verse when i am praying for y’all: “i am a companion of all those who fear, revere, and worship You, and of those who observe and give heed to Your precepts” (psalms 119:63). you each remain in my heart and prayers! xo

    • Thank you, Coleen, for your fervent prayers! You, too, have been gifted in a mighty way! Your prayers always land in just the right spot! πŸ˜‰

  12. So thankful for GCH – the amazing studies, fellowship and encouragement from the women in this group has been a lifeline for me. I relocated and did not know too many people but had the women on this group for support. We all come from so many different walks of life and countries and yet it feels as though we are neighbors. Happy Anniversary GCH!

  13. GCH is ONE! One year of blessings and over 150 countries reached through the miracle of the internet. These godly women have blessed me more than words can say.

    Psalms 16
    5. Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure. 6. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance. 7. I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. 8. I will keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken. 9. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure, 11. YOU MAKE KNOWN TO ME THE PATH OF LIFE; YOU WILL FILL ME WITH JOY IN YOUR PRESENCE, WITH ETERNAL PLEASURES AT YOUR RIGHT HAND.

    I pray God’s blessing on this ministry and on the women who serve so faithfully. Let us keep our eyes focused on the One who can make our Path of Life full of Joy as we live in His presence.

  14. I really enjoy GCH. What an appropriate title to such times as these. We are so busy. Yet when we take time for Him our lives work so much better! I truly am thankful to you all for your posts each day. Keep up the great work!

  15. Nancy Miksad says

    GCH has been and continues to be such a blessing to my life. I have friendships with so many women whom have blessed me and left their fingerprints upon my heart. These women are there for you in a moment, they make you giggle and even share recipes. GCH is AMAZING and I don’t even drink coffee. I’m thankful for the Joy of GCF

  16. Thank you for a community to share with other woman, where we drink a warm drink, challenge and pray for one another. I really enjoy all the parts of GCH. Can’t wait to see more of GCH and what it looks like in another year.

  17. I am so THANKFUL for GCH! Over the year, I have met some great women. I so appreciate the support and prayers. I just wish I had more time. Thank you to all of the Leadership Team, you are outstanding!