February 24, 2025

Lady In Waiting: Ministry of Listening, Helps, and Non-Newsy Works

This blog post is brought to you 

by Diane Meyers

Where is Your Glue Gun?
1 Corinthians 10:31: So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.  This verse is one of my LIFE VERSES!  When I spend time in the word, every so often I read a verse that the highlighter does not even do justice to!  These verses struck a chord in my heart, and because of that they change me.  These verses are my strength in weakness, my light in darkness, my solid ROCK when shaken; or LIFE VERSES as me and my sister like to call them!  1 Corinthians 10:31 is one that really struck me when I read it.  I’m not sure if it was because as I read it over and over again, I thought of everything that I had once done in my past that was the complete opposite of giving glory to God; or, if it was because I instantly thought of everything that I would do from that moment forward to GIVE GOD GLORY.  Probably both, this verse was my motivation and God used it to lead me to live a life full of helping others.

Every single day I (WE) encounter broken after broken hearts.  These hearts come in all shapes, sizes, and pieces.  It is the heart of the lady you sit next to at work who cannot go home because she is her husband’s punching bag.  It is the heart of the man that you pass by at the bus stop wondering how he is going to provide for his family because at his last interview he was too experienced or just not what they are looking for.  It is the heart of the little boys and girls you hear about on the news who are ripped out of their homes and now living with temporary families.  It is the heart of the lives of every single person that you encounter who does not know their Savior in Heaven personally, that ought to make you want to grab a super-size glue gun and help fix these broken pieces.  I know I have my glue gun, all because when I look into the faces of these broken lives all I see is my old, glory-less self; the lost little girl in a big scary world.  I see the hurt behind their smile, the pain in their eyes, and I know them all too well.

Can I ask you some things that you either will not get or crave to find out the answer to?  Where is your glue gun?  Have you been renewed from all of your hurts?  Do you know what it is like to be made new, with no broken pieces all because of the glue guns of others that God is the power source to?  If yes, don’t you want to be that glue gun to others, leading them to the only power that will heal them, help them, and restore them; Jesus Christ.  If no, be honest to God; let Him know where you need those broken pieces to be glued together again.  His glue lasts forever.

Matthew 25:40 And the King will answer them, “Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.”  There it is, another LIFE VERSE.  That one hit me even harder, everything I have ever done to anyone I did to God.  That realization brought about a huge change in how I treat others.  Now, I still do see myself in the brokenhearted of the world, but even more so I see Jesus.  When people look at me, I want them to see Jesus, NOT ME.  This verse also helps me remember that God is with the brokenhearted, and I want to be where God is.  I have come to love my single days instead of dreading them because I get to spend them looking for Jesus, among the brokenhearted.

There are opportunities all around me and YOU to share God’s light.  Are you sulking in your singleness that it is blinding you from taking advantage of all of the opportunities God is giving you to minister to others, and live each day with HIM (where you just so happen to be the happiest, not in a marriage)?  Being single is the perfect time to ask God to bring the brokenhearted along your path.  This is the time to spend listening to others needs instead of focusing on the one need you think you need that God has not given you yet-a husband.  This is the time to figure out your LIFE VERSES, and share them with the world.  This is the time to find that glue gun and go on a journey with God to find the broken pieces.  Don’t let what the world says about being alone and single ruin your happy.  And better yet, LET THE WORLD KNOW you are not alone, you are with God; and they can be too!


Lord, I thank you so much for always shining through when I write.  I thank you for this time we have to hear from YOU.  I pray that each and every one of us that is along this journey together desire to seek your face among the brokenhearted.  I pray that you bring opportunities into our lives to help others come to know you as their personal Savior.  Lord, we love you so much, and I just pray that we learn to be happy, productive, single women, helping to FURTHER YOUR KINGDOM, give us your strength Lord.  I pray these things in your Son’s precious name, AMEN!


What are some things you have done to help others all around you?  Are there people in your life that you know God has placed in it so that you can minister HIS love to them?  What areas of helping, listening, and staying humble do you enjoy most or struggle the most with?  Please comment answers below, I CANNOT WAIT TO HEAR WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY!

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If you have not accepted Christ as your Lord & Savior, we would love to pray with you. Please contact our Prayer Team leader by emailing Prayer@GirlfriendsCoffeeHour.com. Someone from our prayer team will contact you soon!



The Resolution for Women: Anything, Everything, and Whatever

“Anything, Everything and Whatever”

From Christi:  I would like to take a moment to introduce you to Beverly McCormick, our newest Blogger for Girlfriends Coffee Hour.  I am very excited that she has agreed to become a regular on a blog!  I hope you enjoy her blogs, as much as I think you will!  Welcome Bev, to the Girlfriends Coffee Hour Blogging Team!


We can’t do anything well, when we choose to do everything, so we decide to just do whatever.

WOW, this statement hit me hard as I studied this lesson.   Then I took a look at our scripture verse for today,“Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for God’s glory”. 1 Cor. 10:31.

and then another scripture came to my mind, “And whatever you do, whether  in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus giving thanks to God the Father through him”.  Col 3:17.

God is really trying hard to give us a message through this study today

Whatever we do

Do it for His glory

Then give Thanks.

Like many women we constantly feel like we are failing at everything, we go to bed feeling inadequate, that we just don’t have what it takes, that we just don’t have it together like everybody else. As this lesson taught us we set the bar too high, we get discouraged, we can’t do anything because we are exhausted from trying to do everything.

As Priscilla’s friend told her and should stand for us too “you cannot do a thousand things to the glory of God, but you can do one or two.”

And Paul teaches us that we should zero in on our unique set of “whatever you do” qualities, because there is value in the way we do them.

God has put us where we are in this season of life for a reason.  It may not be the most glamorous role we will have, it may not have been our choice, but it was the place He designed and chose just for each of us. We are in this place (this season)  on purpose.

God is not concerned at all about what we think we should have accomplished in our life or where we should be or how we compare to others, but God is concerned about what we are doing in the place (the season) that He has assigned us to.   God doesn’t ask us to do what other people are doing.   He wants us to do what He has told us to do and do it with all our being in the place we are in, even if the place is the “whatevers”.

Here are some of my “whatever” places that my life consists of:

-library assistant

We must realize what God has gifted each of us to do and do them with all our might as unto the Lord.   Each of us will have our own set of “whatevers” because each of us are uniquely designed for a purpose.

We must take a moment to consider what God has uniquely equipped us to do as well as what He’s asking of us or (what He’s NOT asking of us) in this season of our life,  then no matter what day it is, or how old we are or what the moment demands we can be ourself,  fully believing that our personal “whatever you do” is fulfilling the purpose of God and that it will bring Him glory and honor (in anything and everything).

Pg. 100 of todays lesson from Priscilla Shirer “Resolution for Women” Paul’s instructions are not meant to inspire us to become like somebody else – to start doing more of the things they do, like they do them. It’s calling for “whatever YOU do”. There is value in the unique way you mother your children, love your husband, do your job, oversee that committee, participate in that organization and spend your time.  It’s what YOU do, how YOU do it and that’s what He has promised to undergird with His power, causing Himself to be magnified through your actions.

Be encouraged my dear sister, we are where we are on purpose – by His design. We are in this specific season of life for a reason, so whatever your whatevers are – do them all for His glory and don’t compare your whatevers to someone else’s.   Be faithful and accountable for the tasks He has assigned specifically to you for they are “preparation” for the great “whatevers” He still has yet to come in your life.


Let’s pray:
God I thank you for all the ladies who are participating in this Bible Study and I pray that You help us all to “see” that we don’t have to “do everything” and that it is OK to say no, or there may be times we need to put things in the background and wait a while (until You are ready for us Lord), help us Lord to seek You so that in “whatever “ we do, we do it ALL for Your glory. Amen!

Your Assignment:
Share some of your whatevers with us and also share if there are some whatevers in your life that God is showing you needs to be shifted to the background and replaced with what currently matters most with where He is moving you to in this season of your life.

After you have completed this assignment here, go back to your Facebook Online Bible Study Group, and see what fun activity we have for you there!  You never know what we will come up with!!  If you do not belong to an Online Bible Study Group, and would like to, please email us at GirlfriendsCoffeeHour@gmail.com, and we will be happy to add you!

Love to all,
