February 22, 2025

I AM Free to Run … (Part 1 of 3)

For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been involved in a fast against media in my life: Television, Computer Games, Kindle Games, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and unneccessary texting.  It’s the first time I’ve taken on such a huge challenge all at once!  This fast is to last for 30 days.  I’ve learned a lot about myself, to say the least!  Over the next few days, I’d like to share some of what I have learned with you.

In the first week of this fast, I was ready to give up!  I was having a very difficult time staying focused, and staying away from the temptations of all of these areas of “excess” in my life.  I call them excess because the fast I am doing includes removing anything in my life that has taken time away from God, and my relationship with Him.  I had to really think about this when I was making my list of things that I was going to fast.

First of all, I had to really look at my life with a microscope.  I had to be honest about the things in my life where some days I would spend hours upon hours doing.  Facebook, as an example, is a huge area of excess in my life!  Why?  Mainly because of what I do for Girlfriends Coffee Hour, but also because I was spending HOURS a day just wasting time on “stuff” with Facebook because I was bored, or even lonely, at times!

So in my quest in looking for things that were taking time away from my relationship with God, and with my family, I had to get serious, and real with myself.  When I did that, I was really sad to see how much time media “STUFF” was taking up in my life, away from the things that needed me.  When I began the fast, I prayed “Lord, I am really going to need Your help with this because I know how drawn to Facebook I am!”

The first week…I FAILED MISERABLY!!!  The fast began on Monday, and by Saturday night I was ready to call it quits, I had failed to temptation so many times.  I prayed, “Lord, I am just not cut out for this!  I believe I have taken on way too much at one time!  I keep falling into the same temptations over and over again!  I’m just not any good at this.  I think I need to quit, Lord!”

The next day, I went to church.  My Pastor’s message was about keeping our eyes focused on the race, and on Jesus.  I just KNEW God had heard my prayer the night before, because this message was so “right on”, and just what I needed to hear!  I’d like to share some of it with you…

The whole point of this fast is to rid my life of the things that are taking time away from reading the Word, listening to God, praying, and building that relationship with Him.  It’s also about ridding the excess in my life to allow for more time with my family and other relationships.

My Pastor’s sermon was about running the good race, reaching the ultimate prize, running so others would see Jesus through this journey.  It was like this man had been reading each one of my daily blogs; which I doubt he truly is!!   But God gave him this message for today, and God knew that I needed to hear that message!

The message was titled “Free to Run”.

To start with, Pastor’s son had just finished a 100-mile run!  Yes, ONE HUNDRED miles!!! Can you only imagine!!  Never in a million years could I ever see myself running 10 miles, let alone 100 miles!  Right!?!

At one point in this 100 mile run, a friend of our Pastor’s son hit the 53 mile marker and he was just exhausted, thinking he could not go on. He was hurting so bad!  His wife kept encouraging him, and then she pulled a letter out from their daughter that encouraged him so very much!  “Come on, Dad. I know you can do it. I love you, Dad.  I believe in you!” and so on.  It was awesome!!  It was then that he stood up and continued to the finish line…running a total of 100 miles!  It just goes to show what we can accomplish when we have a team of encouragers motivating us to continue on! I loved that part of the sermon!

The overall story of his sermon today was that whenever we are doing something, anything—that includes reaching others for Christ, or showing Christ in our circumstances—we must not give up!  We must continue on toward the ultimate prize.

What is the Ultimate Prize in my fast?  To show what can be accomplished when we put our trust in Christ, and allow His strength and power to fill us up when we are weak; to be able to run and not grow weary; to walk and not faint; to shine the light of Christ through our struggles.  We should run with determination, and not toil along the way. 

Have you never heard?  Have you never understood?  The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth.  He never grows weak or weary.  No one can measure the depths of his understanding.  He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless.  Even youths will become weak and tired, and young men will fall in exhaustion.  But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.  They will soar high on wings like eagles.  They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.  Isaiah 40:28-31 (NLT)

He will give new strength to those who trust in Him.  We will soar like eagles; run and not grow weary, walk and not faint!  I really needed to be reminded of that Scripture.  The race I have been running with my media fast has been difficult.  I’ve caved into my fleshly desires many times.  My focus has not been on God…it has been on my own wants and desires.  I was choosing what is EASY, and not allowing God’s grace to take me over the edge to the other side of this journey, which is running the race WITH Him and not just in my own power.

I needed to hear again that my flesh is no longer the one I serve.  I have only one Master, and His name is Jesus!  I am not here to serve myself.  I am here to serve the One who loves me, encourages me, motivates me to keep going on!  Pleasing myself produces nothing for Jesus; and offers nothing towards eternal life—the Ultimate Prize!

When we run any race, or face any serious trials in our life, we need to always keep our focus on Christ.  It’s in Him that we are able to do all things, and in Him that we will be able to serve others.  It’s by that focus that we will bring others to Christ.  They will see that God is truly the only reason we are able to complete the race, or face the situation like we do!  That truly should be our ultimate goal anyway: to show Christ in all that we do!

I had not been doing that in this media fast.  I had only been showing others what Christi was able to do in her own power; which turned out to be nothing!  The Lord is my power, my strength, my grace, my hope, and my prize in the end.

The Lord Is

At the end of this fast, I want to hear God say “Well done, thine good and faithful servant!”  I want to hear others say that they saw Jesus through me.  That they were encouraged through my own struggles.  That they saw the true message: with God nothing is impossible!  That quitting is NOT an option!!

When it’s all said and done, there is really only ONE thing that matters:  Did I live my life for Him?

In His Love,


What’s Next for Girlfriends Coffee Hour?

Now that our Girls with Swords study has been completed, what’s next for GCH?  I’m glad you asked!

1)  We are very close to releasing our next online Bible study, titled “I AM“, written by Teresa J. Bolme.  You may have read some of Teresa’s blogs right here, every Monday, for the past 12 weeks, as she blogged for the Girls with Swords study.  She has spent many hours writing this next study, exclusively for GCH!  You won’t find this study anywhere else on the World Wide Web!!  It can only be found HERE!  If you have not already registered for this study, please CLICK HERE to be taken to the Registration Page.

2) “I AM” is in the final editing stages, and we are anticipating the release date of July 3rd.  When that happens, we will make an announcement right here and give you instructions on how you can purchase and download the study!  Remember, to purchase the study, all you have to do is make a donation to GCH in ANY AMOUNT to help us cover the ministry and website costs that we incur; AND this gives us the ability to offer free Bibles to those who don’t have one.

3)  When you purchase and download your copy of “I AM“, you will want to store it in a 3-ring binder, or take it to an office supply store to have it bound.  I am planning to take my study to the office supply store and have them bind it, so it will stay neater and more functional.  I’m really trying to figure out how I can get an actual signed copy of “I AM” from the author!! (hint hint)

4)  Everyone who has registered so far has already been placed into our GCH Fellowship Group.  Please don’t confuse this group with the actual Facebook Chat Room, which is where we will dig deeper into the “I AM” study.  The Fellowship Group is where we…well, fellowship!!  It’s a place to just let your hair down and have some fun!  It’s a place to make some new friends, share your favorite recipes, show pictures of your cute little animals, or even the kids/grandkids.  We share devotionals, and prayer requests in the Fellowship Group, as well!  It’s really just a place where faith, friends, and fellowship flourish!

5) Toward the middle of this week, we will start adding you to the actual study group (Facebook Chat Room).  THIS is where you will go each day to get that day’s reading assignment, and the link to the blog lesson that is posted for the day.  You will read the blog, and if you want, you can comment there; but you will come back to the Chat Room to dig a bit deeper into the study, and discuss it more as a group.  This is an awesome place to really ask your questions about the study, and allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you through what is shared in this group!  If you are not on Facebook, you will just read and comment on our blog each day.

6)  You will want to set aside some time every day, Monday thru Friday, to check into the FB Chat Room to see what your daily reading assignment is, and t0 find the link to the blog lesson for the day; maybe use this as your devotional time each day.  A lot of women use the GCH blogs as their morning devotional.  It’s a great way to start the day!  One word of advice:  Don’t give up on the study if you begin to fall behind on the study.  Just take some time to get caught up, and/or jump in right where we are in the study, and catch up later!  Just don’t quit!  We try to encourage women to stay on board even if you have gotten behind!  We all do that, but we are here to help you get back on track again!

What will you need for the study?

1. The “I AM” Bible study, of course.  Without it, it will be impossible to follow along!  You will need the book!

2. Your Bible

3. A journal

4.  Pen & Highlighter


So let’s run through this one more time:

  • The study will be released for purchase & download on Wednesday, July 3rd!  
  • Be sure to have the study downloaded no later than July 7th.  If you have any problems with purchasing or downloading the study, PLEASE email us at GirlfriendsCoffeeHour@gmail.com.
  • Have all your study tools on hand & ready for when the study begins July 8th!
  • You are more than welcome to invite your friends to join us, but REGISTRATION ENDS JULY 7th.

We look forward to studying God’s word with you through this amazing study “I AM“.

God bless,

Christi Wilson, Founder of Girlfriends Coffee Hour


Christi’s Homemade Granola Recipe

This is a recipe I was a bit hesitant to try at first.  I thought it was going to take a lot of time to make; but I was pleasantly surprised to find just how easy Granola is to make!  I love eating it with a little milk, or served on top of plain yogurt.  My husband even used it on top of his vanilla ice cream!  I hope you will give it a try, and then let me know what you thought of it!


Homemade Granola









2 cups rolled oats

1/2 cup dried craisins

1/2 cup raisins

1/3 cup shelled sunflower seeds

1/3 cup slivered almonds

3/4 cup shredded coconut

1/2 cup honey

1/2 cup maple syrup

1/4 cup flaxseed

1/3 cup grapeseed (or olive) oil

*You can add other dried fruits, as well.  But craisins and raisins are our favorites!



Preheat oven to 325 degrees.

Mix all ingredients together in a large bowl.  Spread out loosely on a large cookie sheet sprayed with cooking spray.

Bake 25 minutes; stopping every 10 minutes to stir granola.

When finished baking, take out of oven, stir again; allow to cool down on cookie sheet.

After granola has cooled down, store in air-tight container.


Happy Eating!

Girls With Swords: Chapter 14 – “A Conversation About the Cross” (pgs. 210-214)



There is so much I can write about the Cross – what it is, what it represents, what it means to me personally, and what is has done in my life. But, I want to go a step further today. I am challenged by the author’s words at the bottom of page 213 and the top of page 214:

Jesus didn’t hold formal crusades, conferences, or even weekly services. Yet every waking moment of his life was a message. (There is nothing wrong with these, but they are rarely part of our everyday lives.) Jesus carried God with Him every day, everywhere He went, and He is asking you to do the same. Embracing all of what God has done for you and reflecting this new life to others can be likened to taking up the cross. As we lay hold of this truth, we carry ourselves and see our world differently.

When I first read this, I thought that there was no possible way that every waking moment of my life could be a message. I mean Jesus could do it, because, well—He’s Jesus! But, me? I’m just a frail, selfish, fallible human who does a lot of things wrong most of the time. Thankfully, God’s grace and His power see me though. He lifts me up when I fall; He redirects me when I stray off the path; and He shows me how to make my light shine to those around me who most need to see it.

So, how does each of our lives become a living message? It essentially comes down to all the all-important ingredient in our Christian walk: TRUST. Will I lay down my will for the will of my Father? Will I lay down my cross(es) (burdens, disappointments, hurts, pains, betrayals, past sins, unforgiveness, etc.) and let Him pick it up for me? Will I let God use me, this fragile clay jar, in order to further the gospel message?

For God, who said, “Let there be light in the darkness,” has made this light shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ. We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves. (2 Corinthians 4:6-7, NLT)

God wants to use each of us to reach the lost and broken of this world with the message of hope and life that we know is found only through the Cross of Jesus Christ. We have a light shining in us that only He can provide. His Spirit is alive and active in us, and only works when we allow Him to work. The Lord knows we are fragile humans. He knows that we need Him and His power to get through each moment of the day. We are powerless on our own. Our lives were changed when we accepted Christ, believed in Him, and fully realized the significance of the Cross. We MUST live each day remembering this and helping others, as we are led, find their new life as well.

I will end us with the prayer Lisa writes at the end of this section:

Heavenly Father, may everything that the crucifixion of Your Son provided gain full expression in and through my life today. I choose to deny sin and my former limitations as I magnify Your work and follow You. In Jesus name we pray, Amen!

Have a Great Week!

Christi’s Homemade Bread Recipe

When it comes to bread, there is nothing better to me than homemade!  I love the way the bread makes my home smell while it is baking in the oven.  I have always been a homemaker at heart, and there is nothing more special to me than to make a couple of loaves of homemade bread for my family.  My hubby works hard each day, for us, and he deserves something special for dinner.  I love a lot of things homemade, but this recipe is my all-time favorite.  I hope you will give it a try and let me know what you think of it!


Homemade Bread

Makes 4 loaves

Homemade Bread


 2 (.25 ounce) packages active dry yeast
4 1/2 cups warm water (110 degrees to 115 degrees)
6 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons salt
1/4 cup shortening, melted and cooled
12 cups all-purpose flour, divided



  1. In a large mixing bowl, dissolve yeast in water. Add sugar, salt and shortening; stir until dissolved. Add half the flour; beat until smooth. Mix in enough remaining flour to form a soft dough that cleans the bowl. Turn onto a floured surface. Knead 8-10 minutes or until smooth and elastic.
  2. Place in a greased bowl, turning once to grease top. Cover and allow to rise in a warm place until doubled, about 1-1/2 hours. Punch dough down. Cover and let rise again for 30 minutes.
  3. Divide dough into four parts and shape into loaves. Place in four greased 9″ x 5″ x 3″ loaf pans (I use Pampered Chef Loaf Pans). Cover and let rise in a warm place until just to the top edge of the loaf pan*, about 30 minutes. Bake at 375 degrees F for 30-35 minutes or until golden brown. Remove from pans and allow to cool on wire racks.

*If you don’t want that dry-flour look on the top of your bread (as shown in the picture above), brush butter all over the top of the loaf before removing the bread from the loaf pan.  It not only makes the bread taste delicious, but it also gives the bread a nice golden brown color.

We like a denser bread versus a light and airy bread, so I only allow the bread to rise just to the top edge of the loaf pans before going into the oven.  If you want a lighter, airy bread, you will let it rise a little higher before placing in the oven.  Keep in mind that the bread will rise a bit further during the baking process.




Girls with Swords: Chapter 13 – “Sword of Forgiveness and Restoration” (pgs. 198-200)

God knows every one of us. He knows our past, our present, and our future. There is nothing that we can keep from Him: no secrets, no heartaches, no fears, no doubts, no lies. He is sovereign over all. We will never understand His ways because we cannot see what He sees. We cannot see into the hearts and minds of those around us. Our only job is to follow His leading… however difficult it may be.

The author’s story about her father is heart-wrenching. In our short section today, there is much to chew on, though. Up to this point, we have learned that this man may not have been the best father. He suffered with an alcohol problem, was dismissive of his family, and generally showed a lack of caring. Do we know what was causing all of these issues? No, but God does. He knows every detail of her father’s life. He knows his struggle, his pain, his heartache.

Plus, God knows what it will take to move the relationship forward.

During a visit with her father, who was in a facility due to dementia, the author relates a story about God’s faithfulness. Lisa sensed that her father was fully cognizant of who she and her children were and prayed, asking God what she should say. Here is the exchange:

“I lifted a silent prayer: Heavenly Father, what should I say?

The response was shocking and immediate: Tell him he was a good dad.

What? Stunned, I countered, That’s a lie! I am not going to lie to him…especially not now! He was not a good father.

I heard a firm assurance: He was as good as he knew how to be.”  (pg. 199)

Isn’t that the way of God? He tells us what to do, but His answers are often not the answers we want to hear. The things He makes us do are difficult and painful sometimes. Forgiveness is extraordinarily difficult, especially when we have been severely hurt by another person.

Yet … God knows how to mend those broken relationships. He is the Ultimate Healer and Fixer. His timing is always perfect and He knows just what we need to say and do every time. It may not make any sense to us, but to God, it makes all the sense in the world.

Can you imagine if the author did not heed God’s leading and speak those words to her father? We cannot spend another day living in regret of what we should have said or done. If you are nurturing hurt from a broken relationship and God is prompting you to move toward restoration, listen to what He has to say and then act. His timing is perfect and His plans are always good. He will not lead you astray. Holding on to those feelings of resentment and anger will only inhibit your relationship with the Lord. Release them. Release the person. Let God work it out. He wants to..you just need to let Him.


Let’s Pray: Father, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, we pray for supernatural strength and boldness to take a step of faith in our broken relationships today. Help us, Lord, to move toward healing and restoration. Give us a heart of love and peace. Show us how to focus on the hope we have in You rather than on our bitterness and anger. We thank you in advance for this provision, Father. Amen.

How to Organize Your Incoming Mail

Several months back, our normal routine for bringing the mail was to simply lay it on the counter in the kitchen, until we found the time to go through it.  Sometimes the stack would just get bigger and bigger; it was always in the way of things I had to do in the kitchen; and I was getting more and more frustrated!

A friend of mine suggested the following organization tip for sorting my daily mail, and I have to tell you — THIS IS AMAZING, and IT WORKS!!

Today, when we bring in the mail, we have a spot in our kitchen that is used specifically for mail. It took a matter of about 3 days to get in the habit of using it, but once we saw how much better this process works, it was so easy to get in the habit of making it part of our daily routine!

So what is this fabulous organization tip, you ask?  I want to first share a picture of it with you to show you how little space it takes up in my kitchen!  Then I will tell you how to set it up.  (The picture is really all you need to learn how to set it up…it is THAT EASY to set up!)

















This little table sits right next to the door that comes into our kitchen from the outside.  So this makes an excellent spot for this box to sit!

What you will need:

Iris(R) Clear Open Top File Storage

Smead Hanging File Folders, Letter, 1/5 Cut Tab, Assorted Primary Colors, 25 Per Box (64059)

Post-it Tabs, 2-Inches, Angled Lined, 4 Assorted Primary Colors, 6-Tabs/Color, 24-Tabs/Pack

Insert all of the file folders into your new Mail Storage Bin.

Mark each tab as:

  • Persons name receiving mail
  • To Be Paid
  • To Be Filed
  • To Be Read
  • To Be Shredded
  • Taxes
  • Miscellaneous

Once you have marked all of your labels, attach them to the individual file folders.







VIOLA!!!  Your new Mail Storage Bin is ready to be used!!  So now what?

Each day that you retrieve your mail, get in the habit of coming inside and going directly to your Mail Storage Bin!  Sort the mail right then!!  Place inside the folders what needs to be kept, and then TOSS anything else IMMEDIATELY!  I promise you, you will LOVE this system!!  At least two or three times a week, set aside some time to go through each file folder; file what needs to be filed; shred what needs to be shredded; pay what needs to be paid, and so on.

You’re Very Welcome!! 


Girls with Swords: Chapter 12: Sword of Silence – “Individual Struggles” (pgs 181-183)

Wielding the Sword of Silence is very tricky, especially when the battle we are fighting against is personal.  It is easy to toss out a careless word or comment, to pass on gossip or to share in a conversation about another person.  This is something we all struggle with on some level, I think. As I was studying through this section of the chapter, I kept going back to Proverbs.  There is so much wisdom regarding quarrels, friendships, and revenge that I thought I would structure this blog post around three Proverbs as they relate to wielding the Sword of Silence during our individual struggles.

We’ll start with the one our author mentions:


Have you ever been the target of gossip? Perhaps you have engaged in perpetuating a bit of gossip? Sadly, I have witnessed enough of this outside the realm of the high school hallway to know it is not just teenagers who deal with this – it is a divisive adult issue as well. But gossip will only continue if we fan its flame. The anger and the hostility only continue when we give it fuel to burn. If we make a choice not to take part in gossip, we are removing a piece of wood from the fire. The proverb says that quarrels will disappear when gossip stops. We have to make a choice to stay silent, to not be angry, and to entrust the situation to our God. Instead of gossip, I offer you another solution – pray. Whatever the situation, take it to the Lord. He wants to help you through it, no matter what it is.

A troublemaker plants seeds of strife;
gossip separates the best of friends. (Proverbs 16:28, NLT)

Sometimes gossip begins between friends. When it is allowed to perpetuate, a division will most likely occur unless someone wields the Sword of Silence. We must remember that Satan is at work in this world. He is trying to find a foothold anywhere he can. It could be in your best friend’s life or even a family member. This could potentially provoke someone to planting seeds of strife within a friendship or family unit. We must always be on guard and recognize that “we are not fighting against flesh and blood enemies but against the powers of the dark world” (Ephesians 6:12). It is imperative that we rise up, stand strong, and be warriors – warriors who sometimes need to be SILENT.

Don’t testify against your neighbors without cause;
don’t lie about them.
And don’t say, “Now I can pay them back for what they’ve done to me!
I’ll get even with them!” (Proverbs 24:28-29, NLT)

Oh sweet revenge. I am sure there has been a time in your life that you have thought about paying someone back for a wrong they committed against you. Now, whether you actually followed through on that is irrelevant. I submit to you that we should not even think it. Revenge is the way of the world. It is not God’s way. We are called to be messengers of light and life, not of gossip and revenge. You may have a terrible offense committed against you that is deserving of revenge. I am sorry if this has happened to you. God will take care of it for you. You must entrust it to His care and let it go. Remember, dear sister, Jesus was arrested, tried, convicted, and put to death an innocent man. During the course of His trial and conviction, He had many opportunities to plead His case, but He remained SILENT. He knew that His Father was taking care of everything. We must have that same trust. He is the SAME GOD who raised Jesus from the dead. You are not alone.

We all have our individual struggles, but we were not created to handle them on our own. God is right there, waiting for you to call on Him. He wants to change our hearts. Be still; be silent. Let God speak to you and then do what He says.


Let’s Pray:

Father, we come to You with so many struggles. It is so difficult to remain silent sometimes. Lord, we pray that You give us wisdom and guidance to say the right thing when You want us to speak and to help us be silent when we need to be quiet. We know that You are in control and You are sovereign over EVERYTHING. Help us to trust You always, no matter what situation we face today. In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen!

Have a Great Week!


Homemade Laundry Soap

Over the past few months, I have gained an interest in making all of my cleaning products at home.  I’ve heard so much about women saving money by making their own cleaning products. So I branched out onto the Internet to find a recipe that I liked.  I have found several recipes out there, but the one I’ve shared below is the one that I like the best!  My clothes, towels, and sheets come out clean and soft (soft, mainly because I make my own softener, as well).

If you are looking for a great way to save $$ in your own home, this recipe is for you.  If you would like to make your own laundry detergent & save a few dollars, I highly recommend this recipe.

Homemade Laundry Soap


1 – (4lb – 12 oz) box of Borax

1 – (3lb – 7 oz) box of Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda

1 – (3lb) container of OxiClean

2 – (14.1 oz) bars of Fels-Naphta soap

1 – (5lb) bag of Arm & Hammer Baking Soda

All of these ingredients can be found at your local grocery story in the detergent aisle; with the exception of the baking soda, which can be found in the cooking aisle. 

*Adding 20 drops of your favorite essential oil is a nice addition


1. Grate the Fels-Nephta soap in a food processor until it’s a powder.  You can also use a blender.

2. Add the Fels-Neptha powder to a kitchen size garbage bag, and then add remaining ingredients.  Shake well.

3. Store in an air-tight container.  I use a small canister in my laundry room, and just refill when needed.

Use 1 Tbsp for small load; 2 Tbsp for medium sized load; 3 Tbsp for large or heavily soiled load. (I use the scoop that came inside the OxiClean container.)  You will want to start your washing machine and allow it to fill it 1/3 full of water before adding soap.  This detergent will not make suds or bubble, but don’t worry it IS cleaning your clothes!

Since homemade laundry detergent doesn’t contain a sudsing agent it is safe and can also be used in front loading HE washing machines!  For front-loading machines, use about two Tbsp of your homemade detergent and mix the detergent with two Tbsp of hot water before adding to the dispenser.

Making your own laundry soap has many benefits.  I’ve listed some of them in the picture below.



If you decide to try this recipe and use it in your own home, I would love to hear from you!

Happy Cleaning!


Girls with Swords: Chapter 11 – “The Beginning of Song” (pgs. 168-170)

I will sing to the Lord, for He has triumphed gloriously; He has hurled both horse and rider into the sea. The Lord is my strength and my song; He has given me victory. This is my God, and I will praise Him – my father’s God, and I will exalt Him!

(Exodus 15:1-2, NLT)

Music feeds the soul.  I think the Lord designed us that way.  I never really thought about the origin or beginning of song until I read this chapter. In my Life Application Study Bible, the study note for Exodus 15 says the following:

Music played an important part in Israel’s worship and celebration.  Singing was an expression of love and thanks, and it was a creative way to pass down oral traditions. Some say this song of Moses is the oldest recorded song in the world.  It was a festive epic poem celebrating God’s victory, lifting the hearts and voices of the people outward and upward. After having been delivered from great danger, they sang with joy! Psalms and hymns can be great ways to express relief, praise, and thanks when you have been through trouble.

Do you know why the Israelites were so joyous?  The Lord had just parted the Red Sea, allowing them all to cross while the Egyptians chased after them.  Once every Israelite had crossed, the water rushed back into place, sweeping the Egyptians away with it.  The Lord gave them victory over their enemy – I am pretty sure I would be dancing and singing for joy, too!

Music draws us closer to our Creator. When we are praising and worshiping Him through song, our hearts are open in anticipation and excitement. Singing to the Lord invites Him into our space and allows Him to work. The Holy Spirit is alive and active during times of song; when we are truly one with the Lord.  Have you ever felt a time like this?  I would love to hear about it!  I have had several occasions of pure worship through song when I felt the Holy Spirit so acutely that I did not want to move for fear of breaking the spell.  It is as if I was transported to another time and place.

As we sing, God is magnified. His dominion is declared over our situation. As he inhabits the praises of His people, we are before Him even as He is within us. Our hearts begin to swell with Him courage as they overflow with gratitude (pg. 170).

Songs provide a means of coping with a difficult life situation. The Lord always provides the most perfect song at just the right time. He knows our every need. I cannot count how many times that I was struggling with something, only to get in my car, turn on the radio to our local Christian music station, and the most perfect song begins to play. God speaks to me through music all the time. I am sure He does to many of you reading this, too! As we lift our voices with the words of these songs, we are declaring our trust in the One who is trustworthy; the One who loves us beyond comprehension; and the One who seeks to meet our every need, in His perfect timing.

Lift your voice to the King today. He is waiting to hear your voice!

Let’s Pray: Lord, we thank You for the pleasure of music. We so enjoy singing and listening to songs. We love lifting Your Holy Name in worship and praise as we sing, too, Father. Today, Lord, I ask that You provide the most perfect song for each lady reading this blog. You know all the needs present here today. Give them comfort through Your Word and the joy of song. In Your Son’s matchless name, we pray, Amen.