February 25, 2025

Child Forgiven

 Many of you have gone on Spring Break or are anticipating taking a vacation this summer.  It is a time to refresh spirit, soul, and body.  Over the next couple of weeks, our faithful bloggers will be taking a ‘spring break’ from writing so that they can come back to us refreshed and freshly anointed. 

However, Girlfriends’ Coffee Hour website won’t ‘go black’!  We will be revisiting some of our favorite blogs and daily devotions which have blessed us in the past.  We pray that each of you, our faithful friends and readers, will continue to start your day meditating on the devotionals and songblogs, and be encouraged and blessed.

Let’s give each of our bloggers a big round of applause, a hug,
and the rest they so deserve.  God bless you, ladies!

I thought I had my bases covered

My destiny was in control
But I could see I’d never reach perfection
The day I hit a slick spot in the road

After that I thought my life was over
But Jesus had a different point of view
All I did was confess, and Jesus did the rest
Thank God I’ve been released and made brand new

You’re looking at a child forgiven
You’re looking at a soul set free
You’re looking at a pardoned prisoner who’s walking now in liberty
I’m standing here because of wondrous grace
My sins are in the deepest sea
He washed me clean somehow
So what you’re seeing now
Is a happy, happy child set free

Now what you see is not a perfect person
What you see is not a faultless soul
What you see is someone who was broken
Until the hand of Jesus made me whole

What you see is not a finished product
What you see might sometimes miss the mark
But I know my Father’s eyes see only His sweet prize
The perfect holy children that we are

The Gaither Vocal Band
Songwriters: Suzanne Jennings and Bill Gaither

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Hey, before we go any further, would you do one thing, please?  Would you go look in the mirror….  Now, see there?!  There is a “child forgiven, a happy happy child set free”…you!

But for the grace of God, we would still be prisoners and slaves to sin. But for His wondrous and amazing grace, we would be without hope.  But,

This righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe.
There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, for all have sinned
and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by His grace….
Romans 3:22-24

For He rescued us from the domain of darkness,
and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son,
in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
Colossians 1:13 and 14

For He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight.
Ephesians 1:4

One of the joy-filled lines of this song is “But I know my Father’s eyes see only His sweet prize—the perfect holy children that we are…”.  Now I know we aren’t completely and totally perfectly perfect yet…but remember Jesus told His disciples (and us!) to “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Matthew 5:48).

The apostle Paul, who is such a wonderful example to us of how to live righteously, wrote of his own struggle with this Truth:

Not that I have already obtained it or have already become perfect, but I press on
so that I may lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus.
Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do:
forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead,
I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
Let us therefore, as many as are perfect, have this attitude;
and if in anything you have a different attitude, God will reveal that also to you;
however, let us keep living by that same standard to which we have attained.
Philippians 3:12-16

It is so very important to remember the Truth of who you are in Christ.  Here are just a few aspects of this reality that, by God’s grace, He has made us to be.

  • I am forgiven; Jesus paid my debt

When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature,
God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins,
having cancelled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us
and that stood opposed to us; He took it away, nailing it to the Cross.
Colossians 2:13 and 14

  • I am His child

Yet to all who received Him, to those who believed in His name,
He gave the right to become children of God.
John 1:12

  • I belong to Him

Little children, you are of God [you belong to Him]
and have [already] defeated and overcome them [the agents of the antichrist],
because He Who lives in you is greater (mightier) than he who is in the world.
1 John 4:4

  • I am chosen, holy

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood,
a holy nation, a people belonging to God,
that you may declare the praises of Him
who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light.
1 Peter 2:9

  • I cannot be separated from His love

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?
Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?
…No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,
neither the present nor the future, nor any powers,
neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation,
will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:35-39

  • I have been given strength to do all which God calls me to do

I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me
[I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him
Who infuses inner strength into me…].
Philippians 4:13

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…Grace to you and peace, from Him who is and who was and who is to come…
and from Jesus Christ, the faithful Witness, the Firstborn of the dead,
and the Ruler of the kings of the earth. To Him who loves us
and released us from our sins by His blood—
Revelations 1:4 and 5

More Of You


Many of you have gone on Spring Break or are anticipating taking a vacation this summer.  It is a time to refresh spirit, soul, and body.  Over the next couple of weeks, our faithful bloggers will be taking a ‘spring break’ from writing so that they can come back to us refreshed and freshly anointed.
However, Girlfriends’ Coffee Hour website won’t ‘go black’!  We will be revisiting some of our favorite blogs and daily devotions which have blessed us in the past.  We pray that each of you, our faithful friends and readers, will continue to start your day meditating on the devotionals and songblogs, and be encouraged and blessed.

Let’s give each of our bloggers a big round of applause, a hug,
and the rest they so deserve.  
God bless you, ladies!



I made my castle tall
I built up every wall
This is my kingdom and it needs to fall
I want You and no one else
Empty me of myself
Until the only thing that’s left is

More of You
Less of me
Make me who I’m meant to be
You’re all I want all I need
You’re everything
Take it all I surrender
Be my King
God, I choose
More of You
Less of me

More of You

This life I hold so close 
Oh, God I let it go
I refuse to gain the world and lose my soul
So take it all I abandon everything I am You can have it
The only thing I need is

All to You, I surrender
All to You, my blessed Savior
I surrender all

Colton Dixon
written along with Ben Glover, David Arthur Garcia

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Walking through life everyday, we can become complacent.  Not searching for any more than what we have right now, right here.  But, God does not want us to live that way.  He wants us to live life to the fullest.  He wants us to seek Him and seek His ways. Until we do that, we will never experience the life He holds. We can be safe…we can be ‘free’;  but are we really?  Are we truly free if we have to come to the same job everyday, perform the same tasks everyday, and are not living for Him?

  • When was the last time you told someone about your walk with God?
  • When was the last time you were on your knees with God?
  • When was the last time you were in His word, seeking His will for you?

You may say, ‘I am too old’ or ‘I am too young.’  Perhaps you may even say, ‘I am not physcially able to do anything.’  Sister in Christ, you are able. You can pray.  You can say positive words to a hurting person. You can even post things to your Facebook page to encourage someone.  You never know when your words, your actions, your kindess will impact a person who needs a touch from God.

Should’ve Been Me

Many of you have gone on Spring Break or are anticipating taking a vacation this summer. It is a time to refresh spirit, soul, and body. Over the next couple of weeks, our faithful bloggers will be taking a ‘spring break’ from writing so that they can come back to us refreshed and freshly anointed.
However, Girlfriends’ Coffee Hour website won’t ‘go black’! We will be revisiting some of our favorite blogs and daily devotions which have blessed us in the past. We pray that each of you, our faithful friends and readers, will continue to start your day meditating on the devotionals and songblogs, and be encouraged and blessed.

Let’s give each of our bloggers a big round of applause, a hug, and the rest they so deserve. God bless you, ladies!


I’ve read the story
I’ve seen the movie
I give to charity
And tithe my ten percent
These I remember
But I so easily forget
All these years never heard it like this

It should’ve been me
It should’ve been us
Should’ve been there hanging on a cross
All of this shame
All of these scars
Should’ve been stains that were never washed
Why do I hide
Why do You try
Over and over and over again
I guess it just leaves me saying thank God
It leaves me saying thank God, thank God
For the should’ve been

I live a good life
I love a great wife
Our kids are beautiful
We got friends down the street
If I’m so thankful
Why do I easily forget
That You died for all of this

For this heart You changed
This soul You raised
My God for taking my place

 Citizens Way
Written by Ben Calhoun

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If I’m so thankful, why do I easily forget?’”

That question goes straight through my heart.  Oh, around Easter—I don’t forget.  But the rest of the year…it can be hit or miss.  How could I ever forget it should have been me?  That my sins nailed Christ to the cross?  How could I possibly take that for granted?

This song is my reminder. It reminds me —

  • He was handed over to die because of our <MY> sins, and He was raised to life to make us <ME> right with God.  Romans 4:25 NLT
  • God proves His own love for us <ME> in that while we <I> were still sinners, Christ died for us <ME>!  Romans 5:8 HCSB
  • For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our <MY> sin, so that we <I> could be made right with God through Christ.  2 Corinthians 5:21 NLT
  • And He Himself bore our <MY> sins in His body on the cross, so that we <I> might die to sin and live to righteousness; for by His wounds you <I> were healed.  1 Peter 2:24 NASB

Take a minute and read back through those Scriptures substituting your name for the <pronouns>.   Makes it much more real and personal when you do that, doesn’t it?

As I was typing this, I kept thinking about the first two verses of the “Roman Road” I learned growing up….

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God
Romans 3:23 HCSB

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 6:23 HCSB

It really should have been me.  It REALLY should have been me!  The shame, the scars, the stains should have been mine.  How could I forget to thank God for the ‘should have been’?  Instead of being forgetful, let me make this my refrain:

For this heart You changed
This soul You raised
My God for taking my place
It leaves me saying thank God
For the should’ve been

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Lord, thank You for Your never-ending mercy and grace.  Thank You for trying over and over again, especially when I become forgetful.  Most of all thank You for taking my place.  It should have been me. In Your precious name I pray – Amen, it is so!

Broken Together

Many of you have gone on Spring Break or are anticipating taking a vacation this summer.  It is a time to refresh spirit, soul, and body.  Over the next couple of weeks, our faithful bloggers will be taking a ‘spring break’ from writing so that they can come back to us refreshed and freshly anointed.

However, Girlfriends’ Coffee Hour website won’t ‘go black’!  We will be revisiting some of our favorite blogs and daily devotions which have blessed us in the past.  We pray that each of you, our faithful friends and readers, will continue to start your day meditating on the devotionals and songblogs, and be encouraged and blessed.

Let’s give each of our bloggers a big round of applause, a hug, and the rest they so deserve.  God bless you, ladies!



What do you think about when you look at me
I know we’re not the fairytale you dreamed we’d be
You wore the veil, you walked the aisle, you took my hand
And we dove into a mystery

How I wish we could go back to simpler times
Before all our scars and all our secrets were in the light
Now on this hallowed ground we’ve drawn the battle lines
Will we make it through the night

It’s going to take much more than promises this time
Only God can change our minds

Maybe you and I were never meant to be complete
Could we just be broken together
If you can bring your shattered dreams and I’ll bring mine
Could healing still be spoken and save us
The only way we’ll last forever is broken together

How it must have been so lonely by my side
We were building kingdoms, chasing dreams and left love behind
I’m praying God will help our broken hearts align
And we won’t give up the fight

Casting Crowns
written by Mark Hall and Bernie Herms

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This song could be about a marriage that two went into with great but unrealistic expectations; and they realize that it really wasn’t what they expected.  And yes, it is a mystery because no one can see the real road ahead.  If you grew up in the times when our moms watched their “stories,” (television soap operas) you would really have a totally different idea of marriage, of sunset walks, and dancing around the room before you go to bed.  However, the real picture may actually look like the wife walking out the door and taking a walk by herself because she cannot remember what she saw or what she was thinking that day she said “I do.”

But God is the Inventor of marriage.  He knows that we are human and imperfect, as well as that two are better than one…no matter how hard the road.  Because one falls down and then the other picks them up.  We have someone that always has our best interest at heart.  And we have each other to lean on and laugh with and seek His will together.

What if we listened to this song and thought about our relationship with God? WE are His bride and He is our groom. We say ‘yes’ to this relationship and He lifts the veil between us and we are one.

Sometimes the walk is easy, fun, and exciting—full of good moments.  Other times are really hard, walking in a valley just waiting and waiting to finally see the mountaintop. But all along, He never leaves us.  Just like in a marriage, when the hard times come—we don’t walk out or call it quits.  We keep seeking Him and we still love Him and, like a husband, He always wants what is best for us.

When you are listening today, what are you thinking of, who comes to mind? Basically, we are broken and together we can all be broken together. God can and will heal what is broken and He can fulfill each one of us just by walking with us. And oh! how He loves us!  So today, if this hit home to you, I pray that God’s grace will wash over you like rain and that if you’re married and things aren’t what you thought, hold on and seek the One that can make all things new..and praise Him for all the miracles and blessings He has given you. And if God is your groom, take His hand and walk through life together.  Joy will be yours!

As the bridegroom rejoices over the bride, so shall God rejoice over you.
Isaiah 62:5

Your Maker is your husband; the Lord of host is His name.
Isaiah 54:5

I will betroth you to Me forever; I will betroth you to Me
in righteousness, in justice, in steadfast love.
Hosea 2:19-20

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Let us pray:
Dear Lord, You are our forever, today, and yesterday.  You have no beginning and no end.  Thank You for Your steadfast love and for rejoicing over us as a groom does over his bride.  Lord, You are our Groom and You are with us always.  Yes, we are broken but still you never leave us. And in marriage, You give us grace and mercy to live out our vows. You enable us to walk with this person and to have a good life together.  We love you so much!  We look forward to what is to come!!  In Jesus’ name, amen.

Broken Vessels


Amazing grace! How sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but now I’m found, was blind but now I see

All these pieces
Broken and scattered
In mercy gathered
Mended and whole
Empty handed
But not forsaken
I’ve been set free
I’ve been set free

Amazing grace! How sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but now I’m found…was blind but now I see
Oh, I can see You now
Oh, I can see the love in Your eyes
Laying Yourself down
Raising up the broken to life

You take our failure
You take our weakness
You set Your treasure
In jars of clay
So take this heart, Lord
I’ll be Your vessel
The world to see
Your life in me

Temree Miller along with SaddleBack Worship
Written by Joel Houston and Jonas Myrin

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Such grace…such amazing grace!!!

How blessed are we {mankind} to have been shown such love and grace by Almighty God that He would give us the gift of grace through the awesome, incredible gift of His Son? !! ?

But not as the offence, so also is the free gift.
For if through the offence of one many be dead,
much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace,
which is by one man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many.
Romans 5:15

But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved—and raised us up with Him and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in the coming ages He might show the immeasurable riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.
Ephesians 2:4-9

This is amazing grace!  That we…dead in our trespasses and our sins, without hope, destined for eternal damnation…have been redeemed, saved, set apart, made alive, raised up, seated in heavenly places!

He <Jesus>appeared to me also. For I am the least of the apostles,
and not fit to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God.
But by the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace toward me did not prove vain;
but I labored even more than all of them, yet not I, but the grace of God with me.
1 Corinthians 15:8-10

The apostle Paul was a man who always purposed to magnify God and speak well of the grace he had received.

…and the grace of our Lord overflowed for me with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.
The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance,
that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost.
But I received mercy for this reason, that in me, as the foremost,
Jesus Christ might display His perfect patience as an example
to those who were to believe in Him for eternal life.
1 Timothy 1:14-16

In all of Paul’s encouragement and admonition through each of the Epistles, he wrote over and over again to the first century believers of the greatness of God’s grace. Paul seemed always to endeavor to help the people (and us, too!) to remain aware and thankful for God’s grace!

According as He hath chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world,
that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love:
Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children
by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will,
To the praise of the glory of His grace, wherein He hath made us accepted in the beloved.
In whom we have redemption through His blood,
the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace;
Ephesians 1:4-7

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I pray for each of us that our hearts will cry out every day with praise and acknowledgment of His great grace to us.  And that we, like our brother Paul, would share this with others.

Come and hear, all you who reverently and worshipfully fear God,
and I will declare what He has done for me!
Psalm 66:16

Amazing grace!
How sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but now I’m found, was blind but now I see…

In Christ Alone


In Christ alone my hope is found; He is my Light, my Strength, my Song;
This Cornerstone, this solid ground, firm through the fiercest drought and storm.
What heights of love, what depths of peace, when fears are stilled, when strivings cease!
My Comforter, my all in all—here in the love of Christ I stand.

In Christ alone, Who took on flesh, Fullness of God in helpless babe!
This gift of love and righteousness, scorned by the ones He came to save.
‘Til on that Cross as Jesus died, the wrath of God was satisfied;
For ev’ry sin on Him was laid—here in the death of Christ I live.

There in the ground His body lay, Light of the world by darkness slain;
Then bursting forth in glorious day up from the grave He rose again!
And as He stands in victory, sin’s curse has lost its grip on me;
For I am His and He is mine—bought with the precious blood of Christ.

No guilt in life, no fear in death—this is the pow’r of Christ in me;
From life’s first cry to final breath, Jesus commands my destiny.
No pow’r of hell, no scheme of man can ever pluck me from His hand;
‘Til He returns or calls me home—here in the pow’r of Christ I’ll stand.

Keith and Krystin Getty and Band
written by Keith Getty & Stuart Townend

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The words of a song can be so stirring!  For myself, I have found hymns to have this effect on me.  A choir director once told me that hymns are songs that “are soaked in doctrinal truth.”  One definition of hymns says that they are “… songs that help teach faith.”  What we sing through this type of song can profoundly affect how we think and feel.  And each of us have our own favorite hymns and choruses…they come to mean so much to our hearts!  This song, In Christ Alone, is considered a modern-day hymn. It contains such foundational truth.

Take for example, the very first three words of this song, “In Christ alone…” You could say them in other ways, too—‘only Jesus…’ ‘Jesus is everything to me…’ ‘You, Lord, JUST You…’

The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.
For in Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth,
visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities;
all things have been created through Him and for Him.
He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.
And He is the head of the body, the church;
He is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead,
so that in everything He might have the supremacy.
Colossians 1:15-18

In and through Jesus we have been given so very much!  He truly is our ‘Light… (John 8:12), our Strength… (Psalms 28:7 and 8), our Cornerstone (1 Peter 2:5 and 6)!’

I just love to sing these next lines of this song; they are so beautiful!

What heights of love, what depths of peace,
when fears are stilled, when strivings cease!

My Comforter, my All in All, here in the love of Christ I stand.

Through Jesus, also, we have love (Romans 8:38 and 39), peace (Philippians 4:7), comfort (Psalm 46:10)!  He IS our ‘All in All.’

And when all things shall be subdued unto him,
then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him
that put all things under him, that God may be all in all.
1 Corinthians 15:28

In Jesus our hope, our trust, our constant assurance is in the right place—on the solid foundation of who we are in Christ.  In my own life I seem to need continual reminding  to not let my feelings get in the way or my circumstances be allowed to dictate my actions.  But, as we (I!) stand firmly on the unchangeable truths of the gospel of Christ, our (my!) faith is being continuously built.

This hope we have as an anchor of the soul,
a hope both sure and steadfast and one which enters within the veil,
where Jesus has entered as a forerunner for us….
Hebrews 6:19 and 20

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How about you?  Do the words of this beautiful hymn evoke a response in your heart when you hear them?  (I would so LOVE to ‘hear’ your answer in the comments below.)

The Easter Song


Hear the bells ringing
They’re singing that you can be born again
Here the bells ringing
They’re singing Christ is risen from the dead

The angel up on the tombstone
Said He has risen, just as He said
Quickly now, go tell his disciples
That Jesus Christ is no longer dead

Joy to the word, He has risen, hallelujah
He’s risen, hallelujah
He’s risen, hallelujah

Hear the bells ringing
They’re singing that you can be healed right now
Hear the bells ringing, they’re singing
Christ, He will reveal it now

The angels, they all surround us
And they are ministering Jesus’ power
Quickly now, reach out and receive it
For this could be your glorious hour

The angel up on the tombstone
Said He has risen, just as He said
Quickly now, go tell his disciples
That Jesus Christ is no longer dead

Keith Green
Written by Annie Herring

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And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins.
Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished.
If in Christ we have hope in this life only, we are of all people most to be pitied.
1 Corinthian 15:17 

Jesus paid the final price for our salvation in Him.  No matter what we have done in our past, right here and now, we can begin again.  Jesus is alive and He does live.  He lives inside of us once we ask Him to become Lord of our lives.  He will not make us do anything we do not want to do.  All He asks is that we serve Him with all of our hearts.  We need to give every fear, hurt, pain, injustice, hate, love, and concern over to Him.  We are to not have any worries or concerns.

For God so loved the world, that he gave His only Son,
that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.

For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world,
but for the world might be saved through him.

Whoever believes in Him is not condemned,
but whoever does not believe is condemned already,
because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.
John 3:16

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Lord Jesus, I ask You to come into my life and forgive me of all my sins.  I confess my sins before You this day.  I denounce Satan and all his works.  I confess Jesus as the Lord of my life.  Thank You for saving me.  I believe with my heart and I confess with my mouth that You rose from the dead.  I am saved.  Write my name in the Lamb’s Book of Life.  Today is my God-day with the Lord Jesus!  I pray this prayer to the Father in the name of Jesus. Amen.

(Prayer shared from Jesse Duplantis Ministries website)

God’s Great Dance Floor


I’m coming back to the start
Where You found me
I’m coming back to Your heart
Now I surrender
Take me
This is all I can bring

I’m coming back to the start
Our God is freedom
And here we feel Your heart
Your heartbeat for us
Take me
This is all I can bring

You’ll never stop loving us
No matter how far we run
You’ll never give up on us
All of heaven shouts: let the future begin
Let the future begin

Take me
This is all I can bring

I feel alive, I come alive
I am alive on God’s great dance floor

Chris Tomlin
written along with Martin Smith and Nick Herbert

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Last week I kept thinking about starting over and getting back to basics.  I have been trying so many different things to make changes in my life that I lost my focus.  I was doing lots of things…but none of them well.

First of all, in one of my secular FaceBook fitness groups, a girl posted she was wiping out all her accomplishments and starting over.  Then something similar happened in a Christian group.  (This song was mentioned multiple times.) Finally, for the last several days I have had this verse stuck in my head:

I’m coming back to the start
Where You found me
I’m coming back to Your heart
Now I surrender
Take me
This is all I can bring

Ok, I may be slow at times, but even I could tell God was trying to make a point with all of this—I need to go back to the start.  So I reread all the material from when I started my current fitness journey and decided to begin again.  To start applying the basics in diet and exercise, and stop trying all the crazy new things or current fads.  But that line from the song kept playing over and over in my head. “I’m going back to the start….”  Then I realized I needed to go back to the start in my relationship with God…back to the foot of the Cross.

I was searching for anything that could help me regain control of my health and wellness but I was looking at worldly solutions.  At the same time I was seeking to deepen my relationship with God by doing multiple studies; and, again, doing none of them well.  I felt tired, weary of the struggle.  Nothing was working.  I was wearing myself out, physically and mentally.  Finally, I realized I needed to surrender.  Thank goodness God never gives up on us.

This song is such a celebration of God’s grace.  We come alive because of the grace He extends to us. Ephesians 2:1 & 5 (NKJV) state:

And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins…
…even when we were dead in trespasses,
made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved)…

Christ wants us to feel alive in Him.  Not tired, not weary, not defeated—ALIVE.  We have something to celebrate.  If I am struggling, I need to stop and ask myself  “Am I living in Christ?”  If I am, then, (as Philippians 4:13 tells us), I can do all things because Christ is my Strength.  2nd Corinthians 12:9 (NKJV) reminds us “…for My strength and power are made perfect (fulfilled and completed) and show themselves most effective in [your] weakness.”

I know this to be true, yet I so easily forget and go back to striving on my own. So, I am going back to the start because God IS my freedom.  I want to feel alive and the only way I can do that  is through God’s {great dance floor of} grace.  Let the future begin!n

That’s My King


My King was born King.
The Bible says He’s a seven way King.
He’s the King of the Jews – that’s a racial King.
He’s the King of Israel – that’s a National King.
He’s the King of righteousness.
He’s the King of the ages.
He’s the King of Heaven.
He’s the King of glory.
He’s the King of kings and He is the Lord of lords.
Now that’s my King.

Well, well, He’s enduringly strong.
He’s entirely sincere.
He’s eternally steadfast.
He’s immortally graceful.
He’s imperially powerful.
He’s impartially merciful.
That’s my King.

Well, I wonder if you know Him.  Do you know Him?
Don’t try to mislead me.  Do you know my King?

David said the Heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament shows His handiwork.
My King is the only One whom there are no means of measure that can define His limitless love.
No far seeing telescope can bring into visibility the coastline of His shore of supplies.
No barriers can hinder Him from pouring out His blessing.

He’s God’s Son.
He’s the sinner’s Savior.
He’s the centerpiece of civilization.
He stands alone in Himself.
He’s honest.
He’s unique.
He’s unparalleled.
He’s unprecedented.
He’s supreme.
He’s pre-eminent.

Well, He’s the loftiest idea in literature.
He’s the highest personality in philosophy.
He’s the supreme problem in high criticism.
He’s the fundamental doctrine of proved theology.
He’s the carnal necessity of spiritual religion.
That’s my King!  That’s my King!

He supplies strength for the weak.
He’s available for the tempted and the tried.
He sympathizes and He saves.
He’s God and He guides.
He heals the sick.
He cleanses the lepers.
He forgives sinners.
He discharges debtors.
He delivers the captives.
He defends the feeble.
He blesses the young.
He serves the unfortunate.
He regards the aged.
He rewards the diligent and He beautifies the meek.

Well, my King is a King of knowledge.
He’s the Wellspring of wisdom.
He’s the Doorway of deliverance.
He’s the Pathway of peace.
He’s the Roadway of righteousness.
He’s the Highway of holiness.
He’s the Gateway of glory.
He’s the Master of the mighty.
He’s the Captain of the conquerors.
He’s the Head of the heroes.
He’s the Leader of the legislatures.
He’s the Overseer of the overcomers.
He’s the Governor of governors.
He’s the Prince of princes.
He’s the King of kings and He’s the Lord of lords.

That’s my King!

His office is manifold.
His promise is sure.
His light is matchless.
His goodness is limitless.
His mercy is everlasting.
His love never changes.
His Word is enough.
His grace is sufficient.
His reign is righteous.
His yoke is easy and His burden is light.

Well. I wish I could describe Him to you…
but He’s indescribable. He’s indescribable.

Yes. He’s incomprehensible.
He’s invincible.
He’s irresistible.
I’ve come to tell you, the heavens of heavens cannot contain Him,
let alone a man explain Him.
You can’t get Him out of your mind.
You can’t get Him off of your hands.
You can’t outlive Him and you can’t live without Him.

Well, Pharisees couldn’t stand Him,
but they found out they couldn’t stop Him.
Pilot couldn’t find any fault in Him.
The witnesses couldn’t get their testimonies to agree.
Herod couldn’t kill Him.
Death couldn’t handle Him and the grave couldn’t hold Him.
That’s my King!

He always has been and He always will be.
I’m talking about He had no predecessor and He’ll have no successor.
There was nobody before Him and there’ll be nobody after Him.
You can’t impeach Him and He’s not going to resign.
That’s my King!

Thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory.
Well, all the power belongs to my King.
The glory is all His.
Yes. Thine is the Kingdom and the power and glory,
forever and ever and ever.
How long is that? And ever and ever and ever and ever.
And when you get through with all of the evers…then…Amen.

Dr. S. M. Lockridge

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That’s my King!  Throughout the Scriptures…not only in many Old Testament prophecies but from His conception to His death…Jesus is spoken of as the King.

When the Angel Gabriel announced to Mary that she was going to conceive and bear a son, Jesus, he told her of Jesus’ Kingship.
Luke 1:32-33

When the Magi came to Herod, they were looking for the newborn King of the Jews.
Matthew 2:1-2

When Jesus made his final entry into Jerusalem, the crowds hailed Him as a King.
John 12:12-15

When Jesus was arrested, it was for saying <supposedly> that He was a king.
Luke 23:1-2

When Pilate confronted Jesus, he asked Him, “Are you the King of the Jews?”
John 18:33-39

When Pilate was dealing with the crowd, he asked “What shall I do with the Man you call the King of the Jews?”
Mark 15:9-14

When the soldiers were torturing Him, they mocked Him as a king.
Mark 15:16-20

When Pilate had a sign fastened to the Cross reading: Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews.
John 19:19-22

And when He returns to the earth, He will come in power and glory!

When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him,
then He will sit on His glorious throne.
Before Him will be gathered all the nations, and He will separate people
one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.
And He will place the sheep on His right, but the goats on the left.
Then the King will say to those on His right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father,
inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.
Matthew 25:31-34

That’s my King!  Is He yours, too?

I deeply yearn and endeavor to live in submission and obedience to my King so that I can be gathered with His sheep and inherit life in His Kingdom.  You, too?

Christ Is Risen From The Dead

Let no one caught in sin remain
Inside the lie of inward shame
We fix our eyes upon the Cross
And run to Him who showed great love
And bled for us
Freely You bled, for us

Christ is risen from the dead
Trampling over death by death
Come awake, come awake
Come and rise up from the grave

Christ is risen from the dead
We are one with Him again
Come awake, come awake
Come and rise up from the grave

Beneath the weight of all our sin
You bow to none but heavens will
No scheme of hell, no scoffer’s crown
No burden great can hold You down
In strength You reign
Forever let Your church proclaim

Oh death! Where is your sting
Oh hell! Where is your victory
Oh Church! Come stand in the light
The glory of God has defeated the night

Oh death! Where is your sting
Oh hell! Where is your victory
Oh Church! Come stand in the light
Our God is not dead, He’s alive! He’s alive

Matt Maher
written along with Mia Fieldes

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Tomorrow is Easter Sunday, the day that Jesus rose from the grave and defied death.  Are you as humbled as I am?   Today is the day in-between. Yesterday, the world turned dark as Jesus hung on the Cross. All of our sin and shame was nailed with Him and forgiveness replaced fear.  Jesus tore the veil between us and God and we are free to go to Him; not through a priest,  but through Jesus.

As the music plays, close your eyes and picture what He did for you…what He did for the whole Church.  Now death will not end here but we will forever live with Him in eternity.  The enemy will not be victorious for he will be defeated. Now, as Christ’s Church, we will stand together, in the light and shout that He is alive and He reigns forever!  And yes, God has defeated the night.  He is not dead, He is alive!!!!!

Oh death, where is thy victory, oh grave, where is thy sting?
1 Corinthians 15:55 KJV

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Let us pray: Dear Heavenly Father, how awesome and amazing You are.  How grateful we are for Jesus’ victory over death and for saving us, His Church, from all sin and shame.  We cannot even begin to thank You for Your plan to save us from ourselves, through the death of Your only Son. We love You and we praise You.  Keep us faithful and full of joy!  In Jesus’ name, amen.