February 22, 2025

Forgiveness – Matthew West


~  Listen while you read, please!  ~

It’s the hardest thing to give away and the last thing on your mind today
It always goes to those that don’t deserve
It’s the opposite of how you feel when the pain they caused is just too real
It takes everything you have just to say the word—”forgiveness”

It flies in the face of all your pride, it moves away the mad inside
It’s always anger’s own worst enemy
Even when the jury and the judge say you gotta right to hold a grudge
It’s the whisper in your ear saying ‘Set It Free”

Show me how to love the unlovable
Show me how to reach the unreachable
Help me now to do the impossible
Forgiveness, forgiveness
Help me now to do the impossible…forgiveness

It’ll clear the bitterness away, it can even set a prisoner free
There is no end to what it’s power can do
So, let it go and be amazed by what you see through eyes of grace
The prisoner that it really frees is you—Forgiveness

Show me how to love the unlovable
Show me how to reach the unreachable
Help me now to do the impossible—forgiveness
I want to finally set it free so show me how to see what Your mercy sees
Help me now to give what You gave to me—forgiveness

~  Matthew West  ~

* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

It’s the hardest thing to give away and the last thing on your mind today
It always goes to those that don’t deserve
It’s the opposite of how you feel when the pain they caused is just too real
It takes everything you have just to say the word—”forgiveness”

Sisters, do you want the most of what God has planned for you?  Do you want to feel the FULL expression of God’s love?  Then you have to step out in faith and forgive. This song by Matthew West came to mind last night after praying for a choir member who is going to see his dying, aged father this weekend for the first time in over 30 years.  He is going to forgive his father, and seeking forgiveness himself.  This song would not leave my mind all night, so I figured God put it heavily on my heart and mind because he needed me to share it with you all—and also make sure my own plate is clean.

It flies in the face of all your pride, it moves away the mad inside
It’s always anger’s own worst enemy
Even when the jury and the judge say you gotta right to hold a grudge
It’s the whisper in your ear saying ‘Set It Free’—Forgiveness

Some of you may feel offended or irritated that I would suggest that to feel the full measure of God’s love that you would need to forgive others.  You might be thinking right now of a person who you should forgive but don’t want to.  You know of someone that justifiably deserves your anger for all of the wrong committed against you, right?  I don’t know what you’re going through.  That’s true…I don’t.  (But God does.)

Show me how to love the unlovable
Show me how to reach the unreachable
Help me now to do the impossible
Forgiveness, forgiveness
Help me now to do the impossible…forgiveness

You see, God does understand.  He sees your life.  He sees you’re hurt.  He knows the pain that has been brought on you by others.  But He says to lay your cares on Him, to let Him avenge your wrongs—He is faithful to do those things for you, because He loves you.  He also knows that when you don’t forgive someone, the person it really hurts is YOU.  The anger, the emotion, the pain – it keeps you in bondage. When you don’t give that person over to God to deal with, you remain a captive to the hurt you feel.  The circumstance has power of you, not the other way around.  And, in case this hasn’t crossed your mind lately, when was the last time you hurt God?

It’ll clear the bitterness away, it can even set a prisoner free
There is no end to what it’s power can do
So, let it go and be amazed by what you see through eyes of grace
The prisoner that it really frees is you—Forgiveness

Was it yesterday that you sinned against God?  Have you even made it this far into the day before you’ve done something that could separate you eternally from the presence of Jesus?  Do you really understand the power of God’s love and forgiveness toward you?  In 1 John 1:9, the Bible says “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” God can (and will) forgive us daily.  If you’ve truly felt the full measure of God’s forgiveness—why not extend that to someone else?

Show me how to love the unlovable
Show me how to reach the unreachable
Help me now to do the impossible—forgiveness
I want to finally set it free so show me how to see what Your mercy sees
Help me now to give what You gave to me—forgiveness

You know, no one said forgiveness is easy.  And you may not forgive others because you don’t fully realize what it feels to be forgiven.  You may not accept the gift that forgiveness is.  But God is here to help you—to help you accept your own forgiveness, and to help you forgive another.  Try it today…and experience freedom from the bondage of hurt!

* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

Let’s pray:  Dear Lord, thank You for Your abundant forgiveness.  Please help me to forgive others as You have forgiven me.  Help me to extend the same healing power to others as I have received.  Where I am resistant, help me change.  Break down the bondage of unbelief.  Free me from the need to get revenge.  Help me to trust that You will vindicate me.  Help me to see others how Your mercy sees them.  Help me to love those who have hurt me.  Forgive me where I have hurt others and hurt You. Help me to walk in freedom!  In Your Son’s name, Amen.

Glorious Living w/ Coach Megan: Manipulation

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Coach Megan,

What makes someone forget EVERYTHING you have ever done for them in their life when you are not able to do the one thing they are asking for now? Thanks for any guidance you can give. ~CW

Dear CW,

Manipulators tend to be very skillful strategists. They map out their art subtly steering and controlling people or circumstances by using indirect, unfair, or deceptive tactics. People-pleasing is at the root of being manipulated. Those who are manipulated allow others the control God alone should have. Exodus 20:3 says, “You shall have no other Gods before me.”

Manipulators control others by aggressive manipulation or passive-aggressive manipulation. What I hear in your question is that you are wondering why someone would manipulate someone else. This is not a complete list, by any means, but I believe this will give us a place to start…

Manipulators tend to:

  • Make others feel guilty
  • Get others to believe what they want them to believe
  • Keep others “hooked” into a relationship…even when the relationship is unhealthy and one-sided
  • Avoid meeting their obligations and responsibilities
  • Appear positive when they feel negative toward others
  • Set up “fixers,” “caretakers,” and “rescuers” to take care of them
  • Intentionally confuse others
  • Get others to do for them what they would not normally choose to do
  • Get others to feel responsible for them or for their welfare
  • Control the emotions and reasoning of others
  • Use religious words for personal gain, causing harm to another’s walk with God
  • Win the battle for control

Proverbs 26:24 describes the manipulator:

A malicious man disguises himself with his lips, but in his heart he harbors deceit.

At the root of people allowing themselves to be manipulated is the belief that they must have the approval of others in order to feel good about themselves. What God calls us to is to NOT live for the approval of others, but to realize that God will meet all of our inner needs because he accepts us totally and loves us unconditionally!

Jeremiah 17:5

 This is what the Lord says: “Cursed is the one who trusts in man,  who draws strength from mere flesh and whose heart turns away from the Lord.”

CW…It looks like you have done a lot of work within to stop yourself from being manipulated. For the benefit of our readers (and for your benefit if someone tries to manipulate you again), here are some steps to help stop being a victim of manipulation:

Decide not to be dependent on the manipulator {Philippians 4:19}

  • You must decide that you have an unhealthy, dependent relationship and confess that to God. Decide that you only want  healthy relationships that glorify God. Decide that you will be dependent on the Lord to satisfy your deepest needs. 

Expect Exasperation {Psalm 31:3-4}

  •  Do not expect your manipulator to understand or agree with your decisions, acknowledge being manipulative, or be willing to give up control to set you free.

Prepare yourself for pain {Job 3:26}

  • Accept change as being painful… however in time, you WILL have peace.  Also, accept the fact that if you don’t change, you will stay in pain and peace will elude you.

Examine the methods of the manipulator {Proverbs 22:3}

  • Ask God to open your eyes to ways that you have been manipulated. Also, ask yourself, “How am I being manipulated?” and then write out your tactics for change. You can also ask a trusted friend to help you see blind spots and develop a plan of action.

Notify the manipulator of the necessity for change {Hebrews 12:1}

  • Admit that you have been wrong. It can sound like this: “I’ve come to realize that I am wrong in the way that I relate to you. At times, I don’t speak up because I am afraid. This is not healthy for either of us.”
  • You need to also give your commitment to them which can sound like this: “I really do care about you. I want you to know that I am committed to change and I believe that we can ultimately have a much better relationship.”
  • State your resolve to them if it is not appropriate to continue the relationship: “We cannot continue in a relationship as it is and still be the people we need to be before God.”

Don’t defend yourself {Ecclesiastes 3:7}

  • Even if you are accused of being unkind and unloving, you can choose to:
  1. Be silent, but do not use silence as a weapon.
  2. State the truth only once or twice: “I’m sorry you feel that way.” ” What you’ve said is not true.” “It does not reflect my heart.”
  3. You can say “I understand that you think I am being heartless, but my intent is to become healthy.”

Expect the manipulator to try new strategies {Proverbs 14:24}

  • They may resort to using other methods to regain control
  • They need to know you are aware of these new methods
  • They need to see that the new methods will not succeed

Nullify your need to meet all of the manipulator’s needs {Psalm 37:4-5}

  • Realize that God didn’t design anyone to meet all the needs of another person
  • If you meet all of the manipulator’s needs, then the manipulator will not need the Lord
  • You need to redirect the manipulator’s focus to the Lord as the only true need-meeter

Commit Galatians 1:10 to memory

  • Realize that you are “transformed by the renewing of your mind”
  • Recognize that you are given the mind of Christ to direct your thoughts

Yield to pleasing the Lord first {Psalm 27:1}

  • You must not be a peace-at-any-price person
  • Jesus was not a peace-at-any-price person
  • Keep your trust in God and fear no one

We need to give people the space to be upset and grow through their disappointment.  When we don’t, the danger is in people looking to another person to be God and be everything to them when that is the exact opposite of God’s design. We need to give God the space He needs to move and that is possible when we create and keep boundaries firm and stand on God’s Word.


Coach Megan 🙂 

Glorious Living w/ Coach Megan: Defeating Distractions!

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Dear Coach Megan,

I am so frustrated with myself because I have been so easily side-tracked by distractions lately and I just can’t get a handle on it! It is beginning to affect my job and my home life, and I could really use some direction on how to focus and let God take control back of my time! I hope you can help! ~LN

Dear LN,

I think we all struggle with distractions at one time or another and I am so happy you have reached out to get some guidance on this issue in order to make best use of your resource of time. I actually led a conference call on this very topic for Girlfriends Coffee Hour Leadership this past year so I will be using that as my guide to help you. I pray this is a blessing….


Let’s face it. We all are guilty of succumbing to distractions…. But God calls us to not to and it IS possible to keep them at bay!

Do you know what the key to this is?????

Oh yes friends, it’s all about being INTENTIONAL!!!!

We all know that the more we are in line with God’s word and doing things to further His Kingdom, the more fiery darts Satan will throw at us in his attempt to knock us off course.  We need to recognize distractions for what they are in order to keep them in their proper place and NOT give them center stage!!!

Distractions as a whole are a huge drain on every aspect of who we are. They take our focus away from what we should be doing – our tasks, goals, and purpose. This is why we have to eliminate them from our lives, if possible!  Personally, I find that if I  indulge in a distraction, an hour could go by and before I know it, I’ve blown away an entire block of time that God had meant for me to use in another, more purposeful way.  Generally, this makes me feel drained and disappointed, not just in myself for having let myself be distracted, but also about the lost opportunities and productive time I could have spent furthering His Kingdom in my home, in ministry, or in my community.

There is a flip side to this too…. When we succumb to distractions, not only are we affected but, if another person is involved, they are affected too!  If Facebook takes up all your time at home, your family is affected; and all the lives that you converse with, they are affected because they might also not be good stewards of their time.  If you bombard friends with private message after private message all day long, they are being distracted.

Essentially, a distraction is attractive because of two reasons:

  1. It gives us pleasure
  2. It takes pain away

When we indulge in a distraction, we focus our time and energy on something that is inherently more pleasurable than what we are currently doing.  Solving that problem is hard, so I’ll just surf on Facebook instead, right?  Finishing this document is going to take some time, so let me squeeze in 30 minutes on the phone with my friend.  Making that call to the customer will be challenging, so let me read the news first.  The reason these things are attractive is because they either give us pleasure or take some pain away.

I would like to challenge you to record everything you do in one day and how much time you spend doing it.  You can do this tomorrow.  As a distraction comes into play, jot down the circumstances surrounding it and how you chose to respond.  BE HONEST!!!  You might be surprised at just how many distractions are being thrown your way all day long and what is triggering them!

Here is an example for you….

I get home from work and I need to get dinner on. I am on my way to the kitchen and one of my kids comes flying downstairs in a panic because he can’t find his keys and he is going to be late for work. I have a choice to make whether his emergency is going to become my emergency, or not.

Remember those “Choose Your Own Adventure” books? I used to love those when I was a kid! Here’s my chance to see the different ways this could turn out….

  1. I could join his emergency and lose the time I need to get dinner started and then have to just order pizza because I am out of time and my family will eat unhealthy food and I will feel horrible about it.
  2. I could say some mean words to him, scolding him for being so careless and continue on with getting dinner going. He will feel horrible about himself by the time he gets to work.
  3. I could let him use my keys and no lesson will be learned but the panic will leave my house and I can stay calm.
  4. I can prepare some food for him to take with him to work and cheer him on, in finding his keys, while I get dinner ready.

I don’t know about you, but this is real life stuff in my house. Also, one thing I’ve noticed is that the more I choose behaviors that make me feel bad like giving cutting responses or jumping to every rescue, that makes me want to spend even more time doing distracting activities because the last thing I want to do is dwell on feeling bad about myself.  YIKES!!!

You might already know the areas in your life that you have a tendency to be the most distracted by and with. If that is the case, it is time to call the distractions what they are, move forward full speed ahead, and get them out of your way!!!

You need to overcompensate in the areas where you are the most distracted!

What does this look like in real life??? 

  • If Facebook is a distraction, turn off the alerts to your phone.
  • If the computer in general is a distraction, turn the parental controls on YOU!!!
  • If people are a distraction, schedule in certain times in your day to answer phone calls, texts, emails, phone calls, etc.
  • If YOU are doing all the parenting/watching your kids while your spouse watches TV, make it a point to get out of the house and see friends at least one night a week to give your hubby that father time he needs!

God calls us to give every aspect of our lives 110% of all we’ve got.  We owe it to Him and every single life we come in contact with to be our best and not let these fiery darts cause us to falter. When we are distracted our joy gets stolen and it becomes harder and harder to get it back. Things like Facebook, family time, helping a friend, and watching TV are not inherently bad things at all…. But being undisciplined and unintentional about the time we spend on them is not honoring our Heavenly Father with our time that He has so graciously given us!



Coach Megan 🙂

Girls with Swords: Chapter 5 – “Scapegoat” (pgs 76-78)

Every single word that Lisa has written on these two pages of the book have touched my heart in one way or another.  There is so much “good stuff” in this section of the book.  I have enjoyed the whole book so far, and I have really loved this chapter.  This chapter has caused me to look at the Cross in a whole new way.  The Cross as a sword is something I never visualized before.  This idea was all new to me, and it brought something to mind.

We all have a journey to the Cross.  Everyone’s journey is different.  Maybe we can all relate with the scapegoat in different areas as we journey to the Cross.

  • Guilt: How many times have you blamed yourself for an event in your life in which you carry around an immense amount of guilt from?
  • Lonely nights: How many nights have you fallen asleep next to your husband, or at home with your family, yet the loneliness that you feel inside is strong enough to cause you to think you are alone in this world with no one to love you…care for you…or be there for you? 
  • Oppression: How many times have you felt a heavy burden on your heart, one that crushes you to your core causing you to panic and shake the calm life you once lived? 
  • Rejection: How many times did you just want to fit in with your friends, family, co-workers; just to find out that no one wanted to be around you, and when you tried to surprise them you overheard the cruel words they spoke of you that cut deeper than any knife ever made?  The list goes on and on.  There are so many words that are used to describe the scapegoat we once believed we were.

Let’s consider Jesus’ journey not to the Cross, but with the Cross.  Jesus knows the pain and the hurt behind each and every word used to describe what a scapegoat represented.  Jesus went through more suffering than our human bodies can ever imagine.  Yet your depression, your loneliness, your hurt, your pain, your guilt, your betrayal, your shame, your (insert others here) were all taken with Jesus on the Cross.  Could you imagine the weight on His shoulders as He fell up Calvary’s hill?  The astonishing part is that Jesus’ innocent shoulders were not the ones meant to carry all of these things.  We deserve all of it, yet Jesus loved us so much that He took what was meant for our cross and sacrificed Himself so that we can be saved and free in Him!

As Jesus approached the spot where He was to be sacrificed, I can only picture Him taking the Cross with the weight of it all and sticking it into the ground.  Then I imagine the Cross as a sword and I know that when that sharp point hit the ground, our world was shaken.  Not for the worse, but for the better.  Jesus IS the ultimate sacrifice.  As I write those words, “Jesus is the ultimate sacrifice,” I begin to tear up because I stand in awe of Jesus and His love for me that He died and rose again, defeating all that was on the Cross, FOR ME, that I may live eternally with Him.  Lisa is right: the Cross is a sword of love.

It is time, ladies, to follow Jesus’ footsteps to the Cross.  For when we arrive, we will meet Jesus waiting to hand us His sword.  As He gives us His power, we must be able to echo His words in our hearts, “Forgive them; for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34).  We must forgive ourselves, too.  We must leave all the burdens we carried to the Cross in His hands where they belong.  We must pick up His sword and follow JESUS TO HEAVEN!

Make time to meditate on this Scripture today:



Let’s Pray: 

Heavenly Father, how can we find the words to thank You for what You alone have done for us?  Thank You for loving us so much that You sent Your only Son to die for us.  Lord, some of the ladies in this study may have already traveled to the Cross and found Your healing and have picked up Your sword.  I pray for these ladies, that You empower them to use Your sword and stand firm in You against Satan as You guide them to Heaven.  Lord, maybe there are some ladies who are in the middle of their journey or have not started yet.  Lord, I pray for these ladies that You show them Your paths to the cross, that You give them Your strength to reach the point where they find You and give You all of the burdens that lay so heavy on their hearts.  I thank You for the power of the Cross.  I thank You for guiding us every day to You.  We love You, Lord, so much!  Amen.

Life’s Healing Choices: Chapter 8 – “How Can We Use Pain to Help Others” (pgs 247-250)

“This is your life, child; this is why I’ve allowed so many years of pain and suffering, to help another of My children in need.” God spoke these words to me, not too long ago. It’s amazing, the second great commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself and that love must be shared by sharing your story of hope, so that all can see Jesus in you. 1 Peter 5:2-4Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, serving as overseers, not because you must, but because you are willing as God wants you to be. Not greedy for money but eager to serve, not lording over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock. And when the Chief Shepherd appears you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away.

The phone rang over the weekend. She wanted to give up, throw in the towel—just keep doing what she was doing until it finally took her from this life. Alcohol had its grip on her, and she cannot stop this cycle. Going to bed with the shame of doing exactly what she promised herself she wouldn’t do and waking up with so much pain that she didn’t have a choice, but to repeat the events of yesterday. She needed hope , not from someone who had it all together always, but from someone who has experienced falling apart—someone like me. She knows my God put all my pieces back together, and she wanted to know how. She talked and let it all out, over 400 days of the habit. She just needed hope. Who knew my pain was for a purpose? He did!!!!  I am so thankful and grateful and humbled to be His servant, that He entrusted me with such a story of addiction, recovery, forgiveness, and a life changed through Him and for Him.

The “Y” in Recovery stands for yield. “Yield your heart, mind and body to God.” Here’s what He wants from your yield:  take your everyday, ordinary life—your eating, sleeping, going to work, play—and place it before God as an offering. He will use every bit of your life, recycle it and help so many! Embrace what He does for you!  It’s the best thing you can do for others! Don’t become so well adjusted to your life that you forget the main purpose. What is that purpose, you say? Use your mess for His ministry.

The “Y” in Recovery also stands for YOU. You are amazing and so worth all His efforts!  See, He loves you that much, to not just leave you in a state of contentment, but to make you see how desperately you need Him and how desperately others need to see your dependence on Him. Don’t waste what has happened to you!!  Fear not, He will guide you to who needs you most.

1 Peter 3:14 says “Do not fear what they fear, do not be frightened. But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord; always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope you have. But do this with gentleness and respect–keeping a clear conscience so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.” That pretty much tells you word for word how to tell your story. His word is our guide, my friend.

Ask boldly for the strength to carry His message and pray for discernment. His Spirit will guide you to who needs answers; answers to questions like…How did you recover? How did you do it? On the hard days when you couldn’t muster the strength for mascara, how did you even pour the milk for the children’s cereal? How did you breathe and put one foot in front of the other? What kept you from giving up? You know your story, and you know how you made it. Don’t waste it, I keep repeating this, but it’s just so crucial to your own recovery as well as someone else. You will get more out of this than they will. On Sunday, when I was reminded of still being in that pit, I knew I never wanted to go back. God sends us those to remind us of how it was and how we don’t ever have to go back there.

I end this with praise and a reminder that there is strength in numbers.  There is strength in His name, there is healing in His name, and redemption in His name. Be the light to all; use your story, His story. Go ye into all the world and tell everyone who will listen…


Let’s Pray:

Dear Heavenly Father, You have been so evident and present in our lives these past weeks and years. You have spoken to us through Your Word as if You were sitting right next to us. You have brought us to this place. We know now You have a plan. You are inviting us to share Your truths with hungry and thirsty men and women. As we now prepare to lead Your sheep, please prepare the hearts of those You are calling. Give them a hunger in their hearts, an open schedule, and a desire for more of You and a hope that comes from You. Give us a love for each and every one, no matter who You bring our way. Give us Your vision and wisdom as we step out and tell our story and recycle our pain for Your purpose. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.


If you would like to email Kim in regards to this post, please email her at kim@girlfriendscoffeehour.com


Love Letters from God ~ I am Yours and You are Mine


My story is made up of many love letters written from my heart to God’s heart, and from His to mine.  I open up to Him with a pen in my hand and a journal in my lap.  The Lord speaks to me through my writings and I am beyond excited to share with you bits and pieces of different letters I have from God.  I share parts of my story so that God’s love, power, grace, forgiveness, and His perfectness may be showcased.  As you read I pray the Lord grabs hold of your heart and fills you with hope!

Song of Songs 6:3

I am my lover’s and my lover is mine; he browses among the lilies

Dear Lord,

This year another Valentine’s Day will come and go and yet again I do not have a handsome man to be mine.  This will be the 24th year in a row I will not go to a fancy dinner, receive a box of chocolates, or get the chance to smell pretty flowers from a man who loves me.  Can I be honest with You, God…why?  I cry at the thought of feeling so alone.  What is it that is wrong with me that no man has ever wanted to be mine?  Am I not skinny enough, sweet enough, kind enough, social enough, anything enough?  Am I not all the right things at all the right times that a man sees as I’m driving in my car…working hard at work…staying fit at the gym…trying to find my way through the grocery store…worshiping YOU at church?  I sit here sometimes and just wonder what exactly it is that has kept me from being able to have a man call me his and for him to be mine too.  I remember that awful day that awful man told me I am his but he will never be mine.  Lord, I am scared I will never meet a man who will want to be mine.  Am I deserving of such a blessing?  Have I ruined my chances, what is it Lord, please help me.  All I know is I do not want to spend another day let alone another Valentine’s day feeling so alone.


Love Letters from God

Oh Precious Love of Mine,

I know that you know that you are not alone.  I am with you always holding you by your right hand.  Can you do Me a favor and please get rid of the lies that you are storing in your heart?  There is not one moment of any day that I am not with you actively seeking you to grow even closer to you.  I do not want you to feel alone; I want you to feel the love I have for you always.  It breaks My heart that you cry at the thought of not having anyone to be yours.  Am I not enough for you?  The truth is I am more than enough for you.  I know the desires of your heart; after all I am the One that has placed them there.  Trust Me that I have handpicked a man for you to be yours.  One who will want to pursue you with everything he has because he has learned from Me that is what you do when you love someone.  I love you and I am pursuing you daily, moment by moment even!  You have the luxury of being pursued and loved by Me every day of your life not just the single days.  These single days are here to spend loving time with Me.  Please take advantage of this Valentine’s Day.  I promise one day there will be a man who asks you to be his, but in that moment please never forget that I, too, am asking you to be Mine—this Valentine’s Day and every day in between for the rest of your life!

Yours always, God


The One my heart has been longing for,

It is true over and over again—You truly are the Lover of my soul!  You are what I have been longing for.  You are what takes away this awful lonely feeling I do not want to feel.  Why is it so easy for me to forget that You are my heart’s only true satisfaction?  Anyone can bring me chocolates and anyone can buy me flowers, but no one can give me the priceless gift that You have already given me!  Your sacrifice and love for me is more than enough to fulfill all of my heart’s desires.  I will never forget the day I read in the Song of Songs that You are mine and I am Yours!  Words that were once used to hurt me, You used to mend my broken heart.  Valentine’s Day is not a day for single women to feel anger or bitterness towards all of the happy couples out there.  This Valentine’s Day I will choose to pursue You and be thankful that You are pursuing me too!  This is the day I will choose to not whine about what I do not have but accept and be thankful for what I have in You!  My most disliked day of the year will surely be my most liked day of the year as I spend every waking moment with You!  With a Valentine’s Day like that, I pray for Valentine’s Day every day!

Yours always, Diane


Questions for Reflection:

  1.  What are you doing this Valentine’s Day?  Are you consumed with fear because you do not have a man on this day?  Are you going to choose to pursue the One pursuing you throughout this day and every day from now on?  Embrace the comfort knowing God is yours and you are His always!
  2. Spend time thanking God for all He HAS DONE and WILL DO for you!  As a lady in waiting, you can use this time to send a lot of thank you’s to God in Heaven for His PAST, PRESENT, and FUTURE blessings!


If you would like to send a private email to Diane in regards to this blog, please email her at:
