February 22, 2025

I Can Just Be Me


I’ve been doing all that I can
To hold it all together, piece by piece
I’ve been feeling like a failure
Trying to be braver
Than I could ever be
…It’s just not me

So be my Healer, be my Comfort
Be my Peace
‘Cause I can be broken
I can be needy, Lord, I need You now
To be, be my God
…So I can just be me

I’ve been living like an orphan
Trying to belong here
But it’s just not my home
I’ve been holding on so tightly
To all the things that I think
That satisfy my soul
…But I’m letting go

So be my Father, my mighty Warrior
Be my King
‘Cause I can be scattered, frail and shattered
Lord, I need You now
To be, be my God
…So I can just be me

‘Cause I was lost
In this dark world
‘Til I was finally found in You
So now I’m needy, desperately pleading
Oh Lord, be all to me

So be my Savior, be my Lifeline
Won’t You be my everything?
‘Cause I’m so tired
Of trying to be someone
I was never meant to be

Be my God, please be my God
Be my God so I can just be me
So I can just be me
…I can just be me

Laura Story
written with Jason Ingram

*  ~  ♥  ~  ✞  ~  ♥  ~  *

Can’t you just imagine leafing through your Bible and coming upon words like these…they are so similar to some of David’s songs, don’t you think?  This choruses of this song sings just like one (no, like MANY) of the psalms.  Perhaps these words are very similar to a song in your own heart?  I’ll tell you…they are close to my own, at times.

Oh, ’cause at times I can whine…and complain!  Despite the great measure of grace and blessing that my God has poured into my life, at times I seem to forget.  I can become overwhelmed with situations and circumstances.  And then I attempt to wrestle with these ugly things rather than seeking God and relying on Him.

Silly me!  I try to take things into my own <incapable> hands instead of seeking the only One Who IS capable—my Lord, Jesus the Christ, the One to Whom  “all authority (all power of rule) in heaven and on earth has been given…” (Matthew 28:18).

I (and you also, my friends!)…we are not alone in struggling with matters such as this!  We’ve already recognized that David called out to God in his struggles. But we also have the examples and godly encouragement of other men throughout the pages of the Bible.  The Apostle Paul and his disciple, Timothy, are two who I thought of immediately!  Paul wrote in his letters to encourage the believers in the first century Church <and us, too!!!> to rely on all that Christ had made available.

But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you,
for My power is made perfect in weakness.”
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses,
so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses,
insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities.
For when I am weak, then I am strong.
2 Corinthians 12:9, 10 ESV

In Paul’s letters to Timothy, as he taught him regarding leadership, Paul faithfully reminded Timothy that God is the One Who is to be trusted and relied upon.  For example, He said:

That is why I am suffering as I am.
Yet this is no cause for shame, because I know Whom I have believed,
and am convinced that He is able to guard
what I have entrusted to Him until that day.
2 Timothy 1:12 NIV

All throughout the Scriptures, God’s people are instructed over and over and over again of the simplicity of the commands He has for us.

He has showed you, O man, what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you
but to do justly,
and to love kindness and mercy,
and to humble yourself and walk humbly with your God?
Micah 6:8

We need to remember.  And to trust and obey.  It is SO much simpler to do things God’s way!  And then ‘I can just be me!’   Amen?

 *  ~  ♥  ~  ✞  ~  ♥  ~  *

Oh, how we praise You, dear Lord!  What joy we have in our hearts knowing that You ARE our Healer, Comfort, Peace… our Father, Mighty Warrior, King… our Savior, Lifeline… truly our EVERYthing!  How gracious, kind, and compassionate You are towards our human nature which, at times, is weak and needy and tired!  Thank You for how patient and longsuffering You are with us…never leaving us nor forsaking us even when we whine and complain.  Thank You for Your grace and mercy, Your lovingkindness, Your forgiveness, Your love!  Thank You for always being there when we turn our little hearts around and acknowledge that You have not changed…and You never will.  Thank You for forming and making us—to ‘just be me!’  We love and adore You, Faithful Father!  And pray in Jesus’ name.  Amen.


Am I Merciful?


We have now entered the season of Lent.  For many Christians, Lent is taken as a time of preparation for the celebration of Easter where God miraculously redeemed mankind by resurrecting His Son from the dead. It is also a time to consider what Jesus said and did; and how we should be living in light of His Words.  ✞ ♥

During this season, here on the Seeking Him devotional blog, we have chosen to focus our devotionals on Jesus’ instructions and admonition communicated in Matthew chapter 5—the Beatitudes.  Jesus said, “Blessed are…” and He went on to give instruction as to how to be “blessed.”  To be ‘blessed’ is to ‘be happy, or to be envied.’   Truly for the Christian, we ARE blessed—oh, how very blessed we are!  Those who observe our lives should clearly be able to tell that we ARE blessed—and that we KNOW it! ✞ ♥

Please consider Jesus’ instructions along with us.  We pray that our words will encourage you and spur you on to be prepare your hearts for the joyous celebration of His Resurrection!  ✞ ♥

Blessed (happy, to be envied, and spiritually prosperous—
with life-joy and satisfaction in God’s favor and salvation,
regardless of their outward conditions)
are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy!
Matthew 5:7 AMP

As I was researching this verse, what struck me was the call for self-evaluation—am I merciful?  What does it mean to be merciful?  Systematic Theology defines mercy as “…the eternal principle of God’s nature which leads Him to seek eternal salvation….even at the cost of infinite self-sacrifice.”  He extends mercy and grace to us, even to those who oppose Him, both now and forever more.   Am I willing to sacrifice in order to show mercy?   Do I show mercy to those I don’t like, even to those who have hurt me or oppose me? Easton’s Bible Dictionary says mercy is a Christian grace. The Greek Dictionary uses words like “tender, kindly, compassionate.”  Is that who I am?

Joyce Meyer calls the Beatitudes the “Be-Happy-Attitudes.”  Mercy (and being merciful) is just that—an attitude.  It is more than taking action, more than a surface experience.

  • Mercy needs to become ingrained in me.
  • Merciful should be what I am as a Christian.
  • Merciful means I need the right attitude before I take action.

Mercy is not  about overlooking sin or being easygoing in the face of wrong.  It is having sympathy and compassion for those who are hurting.  To be merciful is a heartfelt desire to help, or to alleviate suffering.  Being merciful is to bear the pain and misery of others, without pride, (being aware of the mercy I have been shown) with no expectations, not seeking anything in return.  For Matthew 25:40 tells us “…to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.”

There is no better reason to be merciful than the mercy that has been extended to me.  Undeserved mercy!  But our gracious God rewards us when we are merciful. The Amplified Bible says we are “…happy, to be envied, and spiritually prosperous…” when we are merciful.

  • Proverbs 11:17 tells us: “The merciful man benefits himself [for his deeds return to bless him].”
  • James 2:13 puts it this way: “Mercy triumphs over judgment.”  But we should be merciful even if there are no rewards simply because we are called to be merciful.
  • Micah 6:8 says “And this is what He requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.”
  • Luke 6:36 states: “Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.”

So today I am examining my attitudes.

I want mercy to be who I am, not just something I do.

Maybe you do, too.

*  ~  ♥  ~   ✞   ~  ♥  ~  *

Lord, I am so very thankful You chose to extend mercy to me, even before I knew You.  I did not nor do I deserve the sacrifice You made for me.   But I gratefully accept Your merciful gift.  Please remind me to be merciful in heart and spirit as well as action and deed.  My desire is to become more like You and for others to see You shining through me.  In Your precious and holy name!  Amen, so be it.

CHRISTLife – Thirteen: Who I Am in the Flesh?

Christlife graphic wk3_3My name is Kim, I’m a ______. For many years I filled in the blank with a word.  I defined myself by what the world named me until one day God spoke loud and clear. He said, “You are Kim and you are My child.  You are a new creation, the old has gone and you are no longer defined by it!!”  Now that doesn’t mean I no longer sin, it just means that my old flesh is gone and I am no longer separated from God because of it.

How many times have you made up your mind to not give in to those same habits? I imagine that some of you are frustrated right now because you’ve gone back on that resolution you made some 28 days ago.  Good news!  It’s ok, you can start over with Jesus.  Galatians 5:6 says,”So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature.”  Weary soul, you are fighting your flesh in flesh and victory doesn’t last long, and the battle comes back with force as you try again to fight it. It’s like shoveling snow in a snow storm.  Darkness cannot fight darkness.  Put on His light and see what happens.  The darkness disappears.

I want to introduce you to King Jehu.  He’s one of the bloodiest kings to ever rule Israel.  2 Kings 10:28-31 introduces him to us as the king who singlehandedly destroyed Baal worship in Israel. There’s a  HOWEVER, though:  however, he didn’t turn away from the sins of Jereboam—the worship of the golden calves.  He may have been powerful and successful but he crashed spiritually.  He had a spiritual flaw in that he could run but he couldn’t walk very well.  He craved excitement more than he craved God.  Can you relate?  God gives us direction in what He expects of us in Micah 6:8,”He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” God wants us to walk with Him, in good times and bad. Your excitement should come from a relationship with Jesus. This is where we are transformed.

We all face limitations. But God promises that all these trials and hardships are temporary. Paul tells us that we will all have new bodies and when Jesus returns and the trumpet sounds, we will be transformed immediately. On earth, spiritually we have been transformed. 2 Corinthians 5:4 says,”While we live in these earthly bodies, we groan and sigh, but it’s not that we want to die and get rid of these bodies that clothe us. Rather, we want to put on our new bodies so that these dying bodies will be swallowed up by life. God Himself has prepared us for this and as a guarantee He has given us His Holy Spirit.”  And 2 Corinthians 5:17 says,”This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!”  You are brand new inside!  And we have been re-created, not rehabilitated. We don’t just turn over a new leaf but we actually begin a new life with Jesus. So the question is this: Is it noticeable to all who know you that you have changed?  That you have a brand new life? We are made perfect because of His perfect love.

I’m full of hope and I am ready to spread the good news to all who I come in contact with.  Are you?  Then let’s do it!!

Let us pray:  Dear God, we all have sinned and come short of Your glory. But because of Your perfect love, You sent Your perfect Son to die with all our sins on Him. He was separated from You so we are no longer separated from You. The veil was torn and we now can come directly to Your throne.  Thank You for giving us a new life, a new heart, totally recreated and totally filled with Your Spirit.  Help our lives to reflect this always.  And when we are tempted again to take our old, worldly name back, remind us that we are made in Your perfect image and we were bought at a price and we are Yours!!!  We love You and we praise You! In Your Son’s name we pray, amen.

The Positive


Let them praise the Lord for His great love
and for the wonderful things He has done for them.
Let them offer sacrifices of thanksgiving
and sing joyfully about His glorious acts.
Psalms 107: 21-22

My mom has been talking to me about what I focus on.  Basically, I need to stop focusing on the negative.

I’d call the season I’m in now one of discovery. I’m learning more about God and myself. And yet, when the road gets rocky and circumstances aren’t favorable, I’m prone to focus all my energy on the problem until it is solved.  Focusing on the negative is like having blinders on that stop you from seeing all the good in your life.

So, when I was told what our next devotional was going to be on, it’s no surprise the word “sacrifice” is what had my attention. (Nothing negative about that, right?) Forget that verse 21 says, “Let them praise the Lord for His great love and for the wonderful things He has done for them.” I was going to write about how obedience is much better than sacrifice, but something just didn’t feel right.

So, I waited. (Yay!)

For four days I pondered. Every time I went to write, I felt like I was being told to wait. Three of those four days I was drawn to Micah 6:8, “No, O people, the Lord has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.”

On the fourth day, I got curious! I went back to the beginning of Micah chapter 6. This chapter is about God bringing his case against the Israelites and Him asking them to bring their case against Him (verses 1-8).

God went first asking, “O my people, what have I done to you?  What have I done to make you tired of me?  Answer me!” (verse 3).  He then reminds them of good things He’s done for them.

The Israelites replied asking what sacrifice they could bring Him (verses 6 and 7). And then, verse 8 is God’s response.

I reread Psalms 107:21-22 and noticed that I’d completely missed the positive in the verses. And finally, it dawned on me, I am inclined to focus on the negative, even in God’s life-giving, hope-filled Word.

I’ve decided to focus on the positive and to be thankful in all circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5:18); to fix my thoughts on what is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and worthy of praise (Philippians 4:8). I know this is possible because God is working in me, giving me the desire and power to do what pleases him (Philippians 2:13).

* * * * *

Thank You, Lord, for opening my eyes and softening my heart. Thank You for Your faithfulness and for constantly loving me.  Amen.

Glorious Living w/ Coach Megan: Discerning The Will of God


Dear Megan,

How can I discern God’s voice from my wants so that I can be in His will? 

I know that God will open the right doors, but in the meantime trying to wait and not push what I want to have happen is so hard.  Sometimes it is so hard to discern His voice when our desires are so strong and the enemy starts to make us doubt, plot and plan, and he makes us think that we are in God’s will when we are really just doing what we want. Looking forward to your thoughts!




My dear C, this is one of the questions I get asked most as a Christian Life Coach and I am so excited to discuss it with you and a few friends here today!

One thing I know for sure is that the more you are in the Word, and have a consistent, deeply intimate relationship with the Lord, the more your will will be aligned with His and the easier it will be to discern His voice through your wants.

I think it is important to begin this discussion with a few Biblical facts about the will of God:

1. God’s will for you was prepared in advance:

Ephesians 2:10

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,

which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.

2. God desires to reveal His will to you in a personal way:

Acts 22:14

“The God of our ancestors has chosen you to know his will.”

3. God reveals His will primarily through the Spirit of God and the Word of God:

John 16:13

“…the Spirit of truth will guide you into all truth.”

Psalm 119:105

“Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path.”

4. God sees the whole big-picture of your life…past, present, and future. Discovering God’s will for you is like unrolling a scroll….  He unrolls it one line at a time:

Psalm 32:8

“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
    I will counsel you and watch over you.”

5. Sometimes God’s will for our lives includes sorrow and affliction. Suffering gives us compassion for others and allows us to see God’s sufficiency as we learn to depend on Him:

Psalm 119:71

“It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees.”

Okay! Now that we have that background established, let’s move forward and discuss what decisions are pleasing to God. One thing I know is that God doesn’t play hide-and-seek as you try to discover His will! As you sincerely place HIS desires above YOUR desires, He will be faithful to point the way. Let THIS be the prayer of your heart:

 Psalm 40:8

“I desire to do your will, my God;
    your law is within my heart.”

In His Word, God states that He blesses decisions that…


He initiates (Proverbs 4:11)

line up with His Word (Psalm 119:33)

accomplish His purpose (Philippians 2:13)

depend on His strength (Philippians 4:13)

result in giving Him glory (1 Corinthians 10:31)

promote justice, kindness and humility (Micah 6:8)

reflect His character (Romans 8:29)

come from faith (Hebrews 11:6)

consider the interests of others (Philippians 2:4)

are bathed in prayer (1 Thessalonians 5:17)

My friend C… I so wish that I could just tell you exactly what to do and what decision to make, but we all know that is not possible (and you probably don’t even want that)!  I do know, though, that God is guiding you each and every day as you discern which path to take:

  • through your spiritual gifts, talents and abilities
  • through your understanding all facets of this decision
  • through impressions God is making on your spirit in the form of convictions and  establishing truth
  • through knowing that God placed certain desires in your heart for a reason
  • through advice from trusted sources who God so divinely places in your path who are grounded in the Word, who are mature in godly wisdom and who might also have overcome similar circumstances in their own lives
  • through the possible necessity of the situation (like having to move because of a sick parent, etc.)
  • through seeing beyond circumstances (Proverbs 16:9)
  • through the elimination of options which you discern are not the best options (1 Corinthians 10:23)

I pray that this has helped you to have a better understanding in your current situation and know that even if time has run out on this decision and you still don’t know what to do, you can still pray!


Dear Heavenly Father,

Because You know everything, You know the decision before me and the way I should go. I want only YOUR will, Father. Because I no longer have the option of waiting, I will choose one option. If this decision is not right in Your sight, I ask Your Spirit in me to put a heaviness in my heart. If this is the right direction for me to walk, please confirm it with Your peace that surpasses all understanding. I am willing to take whatever detours You decide to put in my path, as long as I reach the destination You have for me. In Your Son’s matchless name, I pray, Amen. <3



Megan Smidt, CCLC

The Resolution for Women – How do you Heal an Unbroken Heart

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom Shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I, Send me!

Isaiah 6:8

Wow, what a week to have me blog for this chapter!  I just came back from a life changing trip to Nicaragua.  This wasn’t my first mission trip though, in fact, last year I went to Guatemala with all intentions of going back. God started working on me way before we left on August 11.  I signed up to go to Guatemala then a Proverbs 31 She Speaks conference was scheduled in the same month – due to financial reasons I had to choose one or the other.  I chose Proverbs 31 as I felt like God was working on me to expand my personal ministry and begin writing or speaking.  So….I registered for the conference.  A few weeks later at church I see where my own church is taking their first independent mission trip to Nicaragua! Immediately God let me know that I was supposed to be on that team  – so I cancelled the conference registration and joined the missionary team.   My wonderful husband had given me the conference money which I now needed for the mission trip and I was able to raise the rest without issue. Yes, God was at work.  When I almost raised all the money needed, the people at work asked me how much more I needed, I told them $125 – they raised $82 for me.  I talked to our pastor taking us, his records had me only owing $80 and I had just received $82!  I preface this story telling you this so you understand how from the very beginning, when I was asking God to show me what ministry activity I was supposed to participate in – He was there – setting me up the entire time.

With that resolved, Like Priscilla in our story today, I now prayed for a broken heart – for the biggest, cracked, shattered, brokest broken heart because you just can’t heal one that is unbroken.  I truly wanted to FEEL the pain, I wanted to understand, I didn’t just want to go through the motions.  I needed to be broke.  Does that make sense?

The first 5 days of our mission trip were spent in a village called Salinas Grande.  It is on the ocean and is built around a salt mine. It was about 8 miles of dirt roads, Many houses were lean-to’s wrapped in black plastic, some were block but were open to weather.  People rode horses and yes, we saw many horses with make-shift wagons (piece of flat plywood) that they would ride multiple people or things on.  Most had electricity with mostly 1 lightbulb hanging for light. However running water was not an everyday gift in most houses.  People went with buckets and containers to get their water; sometimes on bikes, sometimes on horses, sometimes walking.   Oh yes, the heart was breaking already.  Thank you Jesus.  How can we have so much and they have so little?  Why God?

We met a 90-year-old beautiful, precious woman at one of the feeding programs.  She was manually hoisting the water from a very deep well with a bucket and pulley.  Our guys tried to lift the water to see how she managed, they could not lift it far!  God, she’s 90 and happy, I said.  This is life for her; but why? We all have clean running water into our homes – and this elderly sweet lady had to drop a bucket into a well for hers?  More heart break….I gave this woman the biggest hug I could possibly give.  There is no language barrier with a hug!  And the GREATest news…..We had a person on our team who dealt with water pumps at work and we were able to give this her running water at the flip of a switch.  No more pulling her water up with a 10 gallon bucket!

The children were beautiful.   They would come to the feeding programs at lunch time and get a nice hot lunch. These are funded by missionary teams through Open Eyes Ministries. They would come up on bikes or walking with their empty bowls and spoons and for some, this might be the only full meal a day they get.   Can you feel my heart shattering…..being totally broken.  And I prayed for this! I needed this!  The ladies would cook over their fires, no stoves for them, preparing a big bowl of rice, a big bowl of beans, and a big bowl of some kind of meat and vegetables and we would serve these beautiful little people.  We’d play with them – they loved to play ‘football’ (soccer), we had some doing the hokey pokey with us and a translator – All God’s people, but living a different kind of life.

We went into a pastor’s home for a sewing ministry – the young girls were learning how to sew and were making school uniforms to help furnish uniforms to the children at schools that didn’t have the money for them.  Someone in ministry had gotten them Brother Sewing Machines to work with – they looked so out-of-place in this pastors open house with chickens and little biddies running through it – they even had a couple of green parakeets  running around – but they were happy.  It was HOT and there wasn’t much air running through the house, but here these girls sat learning a trade  because someone cared.  Amazing Grace! God is so good! The navy blue skirts they made had perfect pleats.  I stood in awe.  I had to donate to this ministry.  They were working so hard to give back and they didn’t have enough themselves.  —-crash, shatter—-bang…

I know this is getting long-winded, but I have to tell you about the final straw!  We went into the schools to teach lessons to the children. We taught Honesty, Optimism, Integrity, and on the last day we took them the gospel.  I had the opportunity for the first time to stand up in front of this class and teach them about taking Jesus into their hearts, asking for forgiveness of their sins, teaching them that their slate would wash clean, and they would be new.  In my class, I had 22 students and a teacher pray the prayer of salvation!  Oh be still my heart!  Further shatter…..completely broken – emotionally exhausted.  We had 94 total give their hearts in the school that day!

I will end by telling you that I left Nicaragua with a shattered, broken, destroyed heart.  God made sure that it would never be the same again.  Even as it healed, the remnants of the cracks would remain.   I now know that my heart is in ministry for the lost.  For those that do not know Jesus Christ.  I am on a life mission to be part of the groups that change things in the world for those are less fortunate, and many times lost.   I won’t ever be the same person after this trip.  God used it to change me so I in turn could change the lives of others.  I’m thankful to Jesus for shattering my heart. For showing me the way.  I pray that if you have never had your heart spiritually broken, you pray for it.  Pray that God takes it and shatters in it pieces. The beauty of what you feel afterwards will change your life as it did mine.


Let’s Pray

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for breaking my heart.  Thank you for allowing me to share my broken heart with others; allowing me to be a vessel for you.  Bless each one that reads this blog today and each one that doesn’t.  I pray that you will work in our lives, in our hearts, and mold us and shape us to be missionaries to the world – starting right here in our own towns and cities.  Thank you for the running water, the electricity, the way of life we have here in the USA.  Work with us so that we can take some of our wealth, spiritually and otherwise, to other places in the world, blessing your children there as we are blessed.  We ask these things in your name, Amen.

Your Assignment:

Perhaps you’ve been burned when trying to reach out too drastically, people have taken advantage of you or misunderstood your motives; but when you to go minister Christ’s love to another person, what is your real reason for going?  What’s a better way to evaluate your success than with measurable, feel-good results alone?

After you have commented below, go back to our Online Bible Study Group on Facebook to see what our Daily FUN Activity is. If you do not yet belong to our OBS Facebook group, and would like to, please send an email to:


We’ll send you the details needed to get you into this group!

Don’t forget to stop by Craig’s blog to see what the guys are up to with The Resolution for Men.


With Big Hugs and a Big Heart, 

<3 Kelley






























Resolution for Women- Look Again

I feel so ill-equipped to write the blog post for today’s lesson. I pray you will bear with me as the Lord leads my fingers as they dance across the keyboard…..

Have you ever found yourself in a similar circumstance to the one that Priscilla describes in today’s lesson? Maybe it was at your church or a conference or even watching the news on television….. but have you ever been bombarded with image after image of horrible, unspeakable travesty that make you want to run from it and hide you face?

I have.

For me, it happened a month or two ago when I was catching up one afternoon on Facebook……

I’m “friends” with many of the teens I work with at church Thursday nights and, as you can imagine, I like to encourage them in their walk with the Lord in social media channels like Facebook. On this day, I was at a loss for what to say.

This BEAUTIFUL daughter of the King who I met through my own children at church had started dating a Muslim boy, had renounced her Christian faith, and was excited to show off her new look wearing her burqa veil. I didn’t know what to do. I could not click “like” but I also didn’t want to make her feel like she isn’t beautiful to me…… I wanted to reach through my laptop screen, scoop her into my arms, and help encourage her right back towards her Heavenly Father…… but I didn’t know how to do that in the constraints of reality… so I prayed.

I prayed a lot.

I started reading more and more about the Muslim faith and a woman’s place within that religion/ culture. I kept praying and learning and I found out that many members of my church family had been praying too.

THIS MORNING I popped on Facebook to post today’s FUN in our Resolution Group and I saw this gorgeous face staring back at me once again and my heart sank. Yes, I have been fervently praying for this precious soul, but I still have not acted on encouraging her or speaking into her life in any way…… and then God nudged me….

He reminded me that she sees every single word I post on my own Facebook page every day. She has not unfriended me so I get to assume that she has at least read one or two encouraging things I have posted! However, I know that God is calling me to be more bold than this with her heart…. and I know He will equip me with all I need to do His work in speaking into her heart…. or any other dear heart that He might show me that is in need of His pure, unconditional love.

My town has been in the national news over the recent past about many of our residents not being happy about a Muslim Training Center that is enlarging its current structure here and I am sad to say that I do not feel that some of my brothers and sisters in Christ here have handled their disapproval of this in the most constructive or Godly manner…. I don’t want to fall into that category…. but I also want to respond in a way that glorifies our Father and shows love for all people. I know he will give me the words to share with any young woman He puts in my path and I know He will also equip YOU to represent His Kingdom in a mighty way for whatever cause He places so intentionally on your dear heart.

Habakkuk 1:3

3 Why do you make me look at injustice? Why do you tolerate wrongdoing?

Priscilla reminds us that God puts these images and circumstances in front of us for a reason….. it is simply up to us whether we choose to do something about it or not. I know it is hard not to look away or just pray that SOMEONE ELSE will make a difference with it… but why not allow yourself to be that instrument, that willing vessel for God’s work to be done in this earth? Certain injustices will stir your heart in ways it wouldn’t the heart of another. God has divinely designed YOU to specifically impact that injustice in a unique way that only YOU can, dear sister. I know you don’t feel ready, or able, or prepared…. that’s what God is for!


Let’s Pray

Dear Heavenly Father….. please please please break our hearts for what breaks your’s!!! Then, we ask that you give us the courage that only can come from You to act in such a bold way as to make a difference for Your Kingdom. We no longer want to stay idle….. we know that You have been preparing us to take action in this season and may You get all the glory, Lord! Give us your eyes, give us your heart, give us your love and give us your strength for we know we could never do this in our own power. Help us to lift one another up as we search our hearts, Lord, and may our relationships be ever strengthened for this stand we will take. In Your Son’s name we pray, amen <3


Your Assignment:

In the comment section below, tell us about what global or local devastations are you currently seeing that stir compassion in your heart? What has kept you from doing something to help? What is one thing you can do and would be willing to make time to do?


After you have commented below, go back to our Online Bible Study Group on Facebook to see what our Daily FUN Activity is. If you do not yet belong to our OBS Facebook group, and would like to, please send an email to:


We’ll send you the details needed to get you into this group!

Don’t forget to stop by Craig’s blog to see what the guys are up to with The Resolution for Men.


Many blessings,

Megan 🙂

Resolution for Women – My Heart

What breaks your heart as it breaks the heart of the Father?


Is it abortion?
Is it child abuse?
Is it human sex trafficking?
Is it child pornography?
Is it the homeless?
Is it the spiritually lost?
Is it 3rd world poverty?
Or is it your own backdoor neighbors?


What is it that brings your heart to full compassion and mercy?

What breaks your heart so badly that it makes you get up and do something about it?

That’s what the lesson is about this week, in The Resolution for Women.

It’s a chapter on finding what breaks your heart and makes you want to go out and help, or lead, or feed, or clothe???

The Father’s Heart — It’s finding out what breaks the Father’s heart and then asking Him what He wants you to do about it.

“He has showed you, O Man, what is good.  

And what does the Lord require of you?

To act justly and to love mercy and

to walk humbly with your God.

Micah 6:8



Let’s Pray

Father, break our hearts for what breaks Yours.



Your Assignment:

In the comment section below, tell us about what breaks your heart.


After you have commented below, go back to our Online Bible Study Group on Facebook to see what our Daily Activity is. If you do not yet belong to our OBS Facebook group, and would like to, please send an email to:


We’ll send you the details needed to get you into this group!

Don’t forget to stop by Craig’s blog to see what the guys are up to with The Resolution for Men.


Living Intentionally to Be My Very BEST for Him,





Resolution for Women – Chapter 9, My Heart – PLUS … BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!!!!

“He has showed you, O man, what is good.

And what does the Lord require of you?

To act justly and to love mercy and

to walk humbly with your God.”

Micah 6:8


This week we deal with the heart.  What does God want from our heart?  This scripture above gives us a clue:  He requires us to pursue justice; love mercy; and walk humbly with Him.   He wants our hearts to break for what breaks His heart.   He wants us to have a revelation of what His will is.  He wants us to respond to what God has called us to.  He wants us to have His heart.

This week, we are going to see the heart of God and what He wants our heart to look like!  It reminds me of a song that I will post below…..  READ the lyrics and let them sink deep into your heart.  Pray these lyrics as a prayer to our Lord & Savior!

What stirs compassion in your heart?

What tugs at your heart?

Your Reading Assignment for this week:

  • Come to our blog on Monday, where Christi will do a preview of this weeks topic “My Heart”
  • Come to our blog on Tuesday, where Megan will be discussing pages 164-168 “Look Again.”
  • Come to our blog on Wednesday, where Kelley will be discussing pages 169-173
  • “How Do You Heal an Unbroken Heart”
  • Come to our blog on Thursday, where Beverly will be discussing pages 174-179, “Mercy Me”.
  • Come back on Friday, where we will do an overview of the week, AND sign this weeks resolution!



 Our Next Women’s Bible Study

Girlfriends Coffee Hour is so excited to announce the next brand new Online Bible Studies that will begin October 1st!

If you are struggling with being in an unequally yoked marriage, this study is for YOU!!

“Winning Him Without Words –

10 Keys to Thriving in Your Spiritually Mismatched Marriage”. 

To join this study, please send an email to GirlfriendsCoffeeHour@gmail.com with “Winning Him” in the subject line.  We’ll send you all the details you need to get signed up!

This book is based on the scripture from 1 Peter 3:1 “…they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives.”   This Online Bible Study will be led by Christi Wilson, Founder of Girlfriends Coffee Hour.  Beverly McCormick and Donna Day will help with the blogging for this study.  You won’t want to miss this study!! It is AMAZING!!!

If your husband does not share your faith, you may feel like you are walking a tightrope of spiritual survival – guarding the flame of your belief in Christ, yet unable to share it with the person you love most in the world.  But your spiritually mismatched marriage can be a vibrant, blessed relationship where you’re free to grow in love with God and your man! 

Winning Him With Words, written by Lynn Donovan and Dineen Miller, both Christian women married to unbelieving husbands, is your invitation to thrive instead of survive!  This study begins October 1st right here on our website:  GirlfriendsCoffeeHour.com.


Mark your calendars also for October 2nd when Lynn Donovan,

one of the authors of this book, “Winning Him Without Words”

joins us for our monthly Conference call!!  More details to be given soon!! 

If you’ve made it this far, GREAT!  Because I am actually giving away a FREE copy of  “Winning Him Without Words” to ONE person.  This person will be randomly chosen.

All you have to do is:

1.  Comment below WHY you want to win a copy of “Winning Him” 


2.  Comment on our FACEBOOK Community Page why you love Girlfriends Coffee Hour! (Click HERE)

You MUST do BOTH in order to be entered into this drawing!

We will announce the winner on our FB Community Page Monday Morning!!!


Be sure to check out our Teens & Singles blogs, also, for details on their next study, as well!   Go back to our front page … CLICK HERE …  and you will see the Teens & Singles blogs under the Featured blog.  This is going to be an amazing time with GCH!!


If you haven’t signed up for our Online Study Groups on Facebook, and you want to be a part of this amazing trend, send us an email at GirlfriendsCoffeeHour@gmail.com, and we’ll email you the details that you will need to get added to these groups!  You will have a blast with women all across the world who loves the Lord, and enjoys studying His word!

Wow! I’m tired just from typing all this!  We have some AMAZING things happening here at Girlfriends Coffee Hour, and we hope you are enjoying the ride, as well!  Stay tuned for more announcements this week!

Living Intentionally to Be My Very BEST for Him,