February 22, 2025

Quit Trying to Quit Bad Foods

Have you ever said, “I need to quit! I know I should not eat that!”?  Do you feel like you are constantly battling the things you should NOT do?  I want to share with you a new perspective. Instead of thinking about what you can’t eat, think about what you can eat and quit trying to quit bad foods. Many times if we focus on what we need to add to our life, it eventually takes the place of what we want to quit.


Let me share how to put this concept into everyday life.  There was once a time in my life I was faced with a personal situation that caused me worry and grief.  I continued to dwell on it instead of giving it to the Lord, which solved nothing. I wanted to give that worry up and quit thinking about it, but it continued to be a struggle that led to nothing but self pity.

I realized I had to turn this temptation into something for good and bring glory to God. I loved sending cards to friends who I knew needed a word of encouragement, but of course never really took the time. I decided the time I used for worry and self pity could be used more wisely. So it became a trigger for me…self-pity and worry equaled sending a card.  By placing my focus on others, the self pity was alleviated a lot quicker than just trying to quit on my own. I focused on what to add in my life instead of what I wanted to quit.

Quit trying to Quit Bad Foods

You can use this same concept in your diet.  Instead of trying to use will power or self control to cut out “bad foods,” think about adding more of the “good foods” such as 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day, or 25 grams of fiber. By concentrating on what foods you need, you have less time to think about those you are trying to avoid—the foods that are a “sometimes” food.

Is there something that has become a habit for you that you know is not the most healthy?  Quit trying to quit! Put into practice a healthy behavior that could take its place, even if it is one thing.

What to Put in Place

Last week, I talked about “good carbs” vs. “bad carbs.”  Most of us love those carbs. This week, think about ADDING “good carbs” into your diet instead of thinking so much about cutting out the “bad.” Here are a few ideas:

  • Aim to eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables which can give you 10 or more grams of fiber, depending on your choices.
  • Include some beans and bean products in your diet. A half-cup of cooked beans will add from 4 to 8 grams of fiber to your day.
  • Switch to whole grains every single possible way (buns, rolls, bread, tortillas, pasta, crackers, etc).

Remember when you want to add something new, don’t get over ambitious.  Think about one thing at a time and break it down in small increments.

 Quit trying to quit bad foods.

Instead, focus on trying new things.

To your health,


One Step to a Consistent Healthy Lifestyle

We have been talking about starting an exercise program. However getting started with any new way of eating or exercise program is not the hard part.  It’s consistency, which is evident since 60% of Americans drop out of a program within the first six months.  So how do you stick to it with so many distractions in a busy world? One step to a Consistent Healthy Lifestyle is to create a healthy vision for yourself.

Follow me for one minute.

Think about something in your life that you really wanted and worked hard to get.  It may have been a college degree, savings for a home, promotion in a job, or respectful children.  Did those things just happen?  I would guess not.  You had a vision of what you wanted.  And, because it was very clear, you took the appropriate steps to make it happen.

Why do we think being fit physically, mentally, and spiritually will just happen?

It doesn’t.  We must have a vision of what we want for health.  A personal vision will allow us to:

  • Stop trying to do what everyone else does
  • Know the specific and realistic actions to take
  • Give assurance and peace that the right steps for a healthy diet and exercise are being done

I love the Bible story in Nehemiah 6.

Nehemiah had a vision to build the wall of Jerusalem and nothing would stop him.  He was clear on what needed to be done.  He was not chasing the latest trend or trying to do whatever one else was doing.  He had a vision and nothing could stop him as he clearly states in verse 3.

“I am carrying on a great project and cannot come down.”


My Personal Healthy Vision

When I think of myself at my best physically, mentally, and spiritually, this is what I see:

  • I am looking and feeling healthy
  • exercising 4-5 times a week
  • spending daily quiet time with God and my family

To fulfill that vision, which is an ongoing process not a check off, I know there are certain steps I need to take each day. I need to say “no” to certain things and let go of unrealistic expectations.  Having that vision helps me be consistent because:

  • I am motivated to have it which makes it a priority.
  • I want to look and feel healthy, not perfect. Comparing myself to others would only leave me feeling like a failure and giving up.
  • Allows me to realize that I cannot attempt unrealistic exercise regimens at THIS time in my life because it may interfere with family time. I choose exercise programs that work for my family.
  • Reminds me that I have to spend time with God and He will show me the right path to take.

You can be consistent

You can consistently exercise and follow a healthy diet no matter how busy you are at this time of your life. It starts by having a healthy vision of what you want for your life.  Once you have that vision, you can have a clear design with the steps to take in a consistent exercise program and a healthy diet.

To Your Health,

Coach Crystal


At Home with GCH: Focus on Health

kale saute

When it comes to New Year’s resolutions, I am a champ.  Every year, I swear I’m going to lose weight, exercise more, and eat healthier.  This year, so far, I’ve done really well on one front—eating better.  There probably isn’t anyone in the world who couldn’t stand to give their daily diet a tune-up, and one of the biggest improvements we can make is to eat less “bad stuff” and more “good stuff.”  What’s the good stuff?  Vegetables, of course!  (Don’t roll your eyes at me!)

Let’s introduce the star of this show:  KALE.  It’s a hearty green vegetable in the Brassica family, related to cabbage, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts.  Any veggie you eat in the Brassica family is going to help you. Kale is the the best, and most-studied, of the group.  Kale has been shown to reduce the likelihood of many different types of cancer, and is now being investigated as a treatment for cancer and other diseases as well.  If an apple a day keeps the doctor away, imagine what a serving of kale can do!

Where I live, kale is in season now.  I’ve seen it at my local farmer’s market lately, as well as at my regular grocery store.  Whole Foods and other health food stores will always have it in stock, and if you are lucky enough to live near a Trader Joe’s, you can find it stemmed, cleaned, and bagged, all ready for your culinary prowess!

Here’s what you need to know to cook with kale:  the stem, which goes all the way up the middle of each leaf, is too tough to eat.  Your best bet is to wash it, then hold the stem in your hand.  Fold the leaf in half and hold the stem with one hand, and pull off the leafy part with your other hand.  Then rip the leaf into bite-sized pieces.  Now what?

Kale is a hearty leaf, and can stand up to long cooking and strong flavors.  Because it is an excellent source of Vitamin K, it is best served with a little fat to aid absorption of  the important nutrients.  Use either olive oil, butter, or (get ready for it)—BACON!  But don’t boil it to death.  Saute it, add it to soups, toss it into salads, or, my favorite, kale chips.  Are you ready for some inspiration?  Let’s go!

kale bag


Let’s start with my favorite, and the most “snacky,” Kale Chips.  (You can probably get your kids to eat these!)


Here’s one from me, featuring sautéed kale, sun dried tomatoes, and almonds:


Kale plays well with others!  Try it in Coleen’s yummy soup recipe:



Here’s a salad, for you hearty souls who are ready to take it to the next level and EAT.  YOUR.  GREENS!  (PS: I make a salad similar to this once a week and it is delicious and filling!)



Here is another great way to get your greens in!  It will also work for the kids, too! A lot of people think Green Smoothies are going to taste bad.  Not at all!  Especially when you add  fruit to your ingredients!  I always add a banana, or strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, an apple, and more.  Once all of the ingredients are blended together, the main thing you will taste is the fruit!  So don’t be afraid to try this recipe!  I think you’ll be glad you did!


Green Smoothie

1 handful of kale or spinach ( I use a combination of both)

1 tbsp of almonds

1 tbsp flaxseed

2 scoops of your favorite protein powder

1 banana

16 oz of filtered water

6 ice cubes


Using a high-power blender, blend all ingredients on high for at least 1 minute.  If you are using a lower power blender, you will want to blend on high for at least 3 to 4 minutes.  Ingredients should smooth and creamy!  Pour yourself a glass of this delicious drink, and keep the rest of it stored in a Mason jar until you’re ready for your afternoon Smoothie!  Makes just over 1 quart.


Explore, experiment, enjoy! — Dana

Please visit me at Frugal Girlmet for more unique recipes!

If you would like to contact Dana in regards to this blog, please email her at Dana@girlfriendscoffeehour.com