February 24, 2025

The Resolution for Women- Supernatural Selection

Memory Verse:

You did not choose Me, but I chose you.

I appointed you that you should go out and produce fruit.

John 15:16

 We have three takeaways from today’s lesson that we cannot take lightly or breeze right past. Please read and then re-read today’s lesson intentionally, my dear sisters because THIS is exactly where our true value lies…….. THIS is our value in Christ.

1. God chose YOU.

2. God set YOU apart.

3. God has appointed YOU.

Did you read that in the verse typed above? You probably read it…. but did you really sink your teeth into it? Dear friends…. it is so important that we let each of these truths intentionally penetrate every part of our hearts and souls. Let them weave their way into all of the places you have been stuffing down the lies that have been said over you during the life and let God’s truth bring light to those dark corners and crevices.

Have you ever really thought about why you are in a certain situation or circumstance you are in? Have you? I want you to think about one aspect of your life and dissect it with me here about your unique value to that situation or circumstance. We started this process last week, remember? Priscilla shared with us why it is good to be a girl and we were challenged to look at a specific role we play in our life and note how we are good for it, necessary to it, an important component to it, worthy to be part of it, and trustworthy to fulfill your role in it.

I hope you did this exercise along with me last week. If you did, pull it out because we are going to look at it from a little bit of a different perspective today. If you didn’t, that’s okay too….. just think of one of the roles you currently play in your life and get ready to explore it with us here.

The role God CHOSE me for that I discussed last week was my role as “Mom” to Craig’s five kids from his previous marriage that I have since adopted. I joke with my daughter Vicky sometimes that when I was a little girl, I never dreamed of growing up to raise someone else’s FIVE children, but at the same time, I cannot imagine my life any other way. I know in my heart that God specifically had ME picked out for this not only because I am just THAT CRAZY (hahaha) but because I 100% fill the need in who I am that they were missing in their life. Does that make sense? Those 5 aspects that I bring to this role that I mentioned earlier explain exactly why God CHOSE me specifically for this role … it was just up to me to be obedient and bring my gifts and my unique self to this role for God’s purposes to be fulfilled in it.

God SET ME APART for this role. I am not like all the other moms out there. That used to be hard for me because I felt like such an outcast and like no one would ever take me seriously as a parent because I was so young and really did have NO IDEA what I was doing. But that was me giving into my insecurities as a parent from believing lies said over me my whole life. I never babysat, never changed a diaper, never cooked…. how could I possibly have what it takes to be a parent to my new insta-family? Well….. I could because God set me apart uniquely for THIS… at THIS moment in time, with THIS set of children, at THIS point in their lives and my life. When I tried to be the version of “mom” that I thought everyone expected me to be, it was a MESS!!! When I fully embraced each season we were in and lived fully in it, we ALL thrived! God has put me in every situation and circumstance in my to SET ME APART for this and every other role he places before me. It is up to me to CHOSE to thrive or merely survive in it. As I thrive, so do the lives He has entrusted to me.

God has APPOINTED ME. It really does not matter if I, personally, am happy with who I am or even happy with the circumstances I am currently living in. What DOES  matter is that *I* am specifically here for a reason intentionally and purposefully by God in His divine design. It is supernaturally ordained…. and He fully expects to reap much fruit from the seeds He is sowing through me being an obediant vessel in this circumstance and situation. I trust Him because he knows me intimately and I have grown and continue to grow to know Him.

He loved ME enough to make me like no other. He has given me this task that is mine alone to complete with His abundant help and empowerment. It would be denying HIM if I do not love myself as who I am… who He created. It would be denying His perfect plan.

I pray you are able to see this in YOUR role you chose to explore last week. Has God shown you yet WHY He uniquely created YOU specifically for that role? I would love to read all about it here in a comment on this blog. Please share how your unique role has come full-circle for you to know fully why he planted you where he did for His purpose. I would love to praise His work right along with you!

I understand now that my role in my kids’ lives is bigger than I could have ever expected ten years ago when I was “just” a weekend stepmom trying to keep my sanity as I navigated the turbulent waters of step-life. God had me in ever hard circumstance and every messed-up situation so that I can now speak into and encourage other stepmoms and kids through those hard relationships and confusing times. I have been there and I let God do His good work. I let Him use me and I continue to let Him use me no matter how ill-equipped or unworthy I feel. Feelings are deceptive but God’s truth is infallible!


Let’s Pray: 

Lord, we come to You today so grateful for Your supernatural selection! Thank you for making each of us so uniquely for our individual situations and circumstances to fulfill Your purposes on this earth. We are not worthy in our eyes Lord, but thank you that we are in Your’s! Help us to see ourselves more as You see us, Father…. perfectly created in every way for purposes bigger than anything we could come up with on our own! Help us today to see each of the roles we have as You see them…. perfect and planned for Your purposes….. and help us be willing to be obedient to Your call on our lives within these roles. Rid us of our selves, Lord!!! Help us be real with ourselves and each other to finally be SET FREE from the lies that keep us from Your very best! We love you, Lord, and we thank you! Amen.


Today’s blog assignment: 

Did you see it in there? Share whatever you feel comfortable about your role you explored and what God has shown you through this exploration.  When you have completed this assignment here on the blog, return to your Facebook Online Bible Study Group for today’s FUN Activity!!  You just never know what we have in store for you!! 🙂

If you are not a member of our OBS Facebook Group, and would like to be, please send us an email and we’ll be happy to place you!!   Our email address is:  GirlfriendsCoffeeHour@gmail.com

my blog: www.glorytoglorylifecoaching.wordpress.com

My Craig’s blog about the Men’s Resolution journey: www.adversusmundi.wordpress.com

Many blessings,

Megan 🙂

The Resolution for Women — Week 2 Overview

Weekly Review

Hasn’t this been an awesome week learning how to be God’s Girl!  Wow!!!  I have so enjoyed reading all of your comments this week!  It blesses me to no end to see how God is working in your lives, and how excited you are about it!  Praise God!!

I’m actually going to have our beautiful Megan Smidt, do the Weekly Overview this week.  I am actually at the hospital today having surgery on my finger!  So I pre-wrote this to make sure I could “talk” to you myself this week!  I hope you have enjoyed this last week as much as I have!

I must admit that I’m not really a girly-girl, but after this week’s lessons, I am sure encouraged to start looking for ways to become one!  It is such a blessing to be a GIRL!  God created us to be women for a reason!  He could have chosen to make you or I a male, but because of the special plan that He had for our lives and how He was going to use us to serve Him, He chose to make us a Girl!  I am honored to be a Girl!  I am honored to serve Him in whatever capacity He asks of me.

So, with that Ladies, I am going to turn today’s blog over to Megan so she can review this last week with you!  I pray that you will have an awesome weekend, and I’ll see you back here again on Sunday for next week’s reading assignments!   BE BLESSED!

Living Intentionally to Be My Best for Him,

Christi Wilson, Founder of Girlfriends Coffee Hour


HAPPY Friday, my dear friends!

WHAT A WEEK! I don’t know about all of you, but this book sure is rocking my world! It’s all good of course, but as I sort through all of the junk I am resolving and being released from FOR GOOD, I can’t help but be a super-girly emotional mess! God is healing some places in me that I didn’t even know were sick….. and I pray He is healing your heart and soul as well.

MONDAY: We had a giveaway and our BIG WINNER of that super cute t-shirt was Donna Slaten!!! Congratulations, Donna! We want to see a photo of you strutting your stuff in it once it arrives! 🙂

TUESDAY: We started off Week 2 learning what it means to have biblical femininity and to and live it out loud. Priscilla Shirer helped us to begin to understand the full scope of this aspect of our resolution by asking us to explore how we have seen feminist ideals affect women in the way they dress, act and make decisions. We thought about some ways we see young women today turning away from biblical womanhood and we mulled over what biblical principles of womanhood strike us as stifling or repressive.

That was a lot for my little head to digest…… but with all of your help, I made it through to day 2 and I’m glad you all did, too!  🙂

WEDNESDAY: We had a good time on day 2 as we talked all about how good it is to be a girl! What an affirming day this was! I loved how much I saw everyone encourage each other as being GOOD, NECESSARY, IMPORTANT, WORTHY, and TRUSTWORTHY in every single role we live in our precious lives on this earth! I struggled quite a bit with the “worthy’ part of this exercise and I heard from many of you that you did too, but what it all came down to was that even if WE don’t feel worthy, GOD deems us as super worthy and the more we let that seep into our hearts, we will believe it too and live our every role with the COURAGEOUS confidence that God calls us to have!

We also talked about the importance of raising our children and all the young people we come in contact with to understand submission to authority and the value of women. You all came up with some great ways YOU can influence the young people in your life to appreciate biblical femininity and be their very vest for God to get all the glory!

THURSDAY: It was all about submission in the last segment of reading for this week “Role Reversal.” With Priscilla’s help, we learned that surrendering to submission is not devaluing or demeaning your talents and gifts….. rather it provides boundaries within your potential can truly flourish! “Your strength can best be displayed, its benefits most fully experienced, when you choose the trusted, effective boundaries of God’s established order.” Wether leaders in your life live their responsibilities well or not, they will be held accountable for how they handle their role, just as we will be. It is our job to function well within our submitted roles all while we put our trust in God’s faithful love and goodness by obeying.

There is so much freedom and peace in that, dear sisters!

….and in that lies our second Resolution!


I will champion God’s model for womanhood in the face of a post feminist culture. I will teach it to my daughters and encourage its support by my sons.

Please sign here: x _________________________________

Please leave a comment below about one “ah-ha” moment for you this week! We want to know how this lesson spoke to your heart!


Next week, our topic is
Authentically Me— a resolution to value myself and celebrate others”.  
Oh…. I CAN’T WAIT for this!!!
Have a Great weekend Ladies!  See you again on Sunday with our assignments for next week!! 
Please keep in mind that if you have fallen behind in your reading, we weekend is a great time to get all caught up! 
Make today AMAZING, 
Megan <3 
Craig’s taking the Men’s Resolution Journey: 
Let’s pray:
Father, thank You so much for all You showed us through Your Word about biblical femininity and thank You for every revelation in our spirit. We know it will be impossible to live this resolution OUT LOUD BOLDLY in our fallen world, but we know that through YOU all things are possible! We thank You Lord for what You are doing in all of our lives through this study.  We ask special blessings upon Priscilla Shirer, the author of Resolution, for the work she put into writing this amazing book!  I thank You for protecting all of our homes from any and all negativity and confusion that satan might try to throw our way to distract us from YOU purpose through this study. We love You Lord, in Jesus’ Name, AMEN!
After reading today’s blog, please return to our Online Bible Study Group on Facebook for your daily activity!  ♥  You just never know what we have in store for you!
If you are not currently a part of our Online Bible Study group, and would like to be, please send an email to GirlfriendsCoffeeHour@gmail.com, and we’ll be glad to add you!

The Resolution for Women ~ It’s Good to be a Girl

Memory Verse:

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.

Proverbs 31:30

Wow, I had to read our chapter over and over today before actually finding the words to blog for you!   – Do I say this every week in my blog?  I think so [grin]  because it seems every week it takes several times before I ‘get it’ and truly understand what it is that God is instructing me to pass on to you!  

Now without further ado, along with reading the words Priscilla wrote, I googled ‘the great women of the bible’.   I googled the women I didn’t know well, googled those I did, and really tried to get to know these women so I could share just the right message.   Then it became apparent, a light bulb went off ~ He truly wants me to teach you  that it’s more than okay to be a girl ~ it’s an honor and privilege to be a girl!  The heck with society – as women, we have a purpose!    

~we are fearfully and wonderfully made – Our God makes no junk! (Psalm 139.14)

Unfortunately being raised Catholic, mass, confession, and communion were all led by priests.  Attending the Baptist church, I soon learned that there were certain situations where women could not teach or lead men.  There is and has always been an awful lot of emphasis on what women could not docould not say, or could not be, instead of  what WE CAN DO (based on the God-given talents we received and His intent for our lives).   This is intent, by the way, that He blessed us with at creation ~ it’s not something He decided years later to develop or invoke ~  it’s part of the BIG picture, His BIG plans for us – the ones he put into place many, many years ago as he was picking out the color of our eyes and the number of freckles on our noses! 

We are  NECESSARY –  Did you realize the statistics in church these days?  Sadly, there are more women than men in attendance.   On Father’s Day in the church I attended, there were  1/3rd the number of men to women.   Although men are to be the leaders in the homes and in the families, many families are unequally yoked and it is necessary for the women of the house to ‘train up their children’ in the ways of the Lord.  We were given the characteristics of a ‘feminine heart’ full of wisdom, along with the gift of soft touch ~ things as wives and mothers we will use to keep Christ in our homes.  We have been prepared ahead of time for what the days may bring.

We are IMPORTANT and WORTHYWhen Jesus met the woman of Samaria at the well he treated her with mercy and love.  He held conversation with her that showed he truly cared, that she mattered.  He asked her opinions and valued her responses.  Jesus treated her like a somebody, he treated her with importance and worth.  He set the stage for the women of today – we too are valued.  We are worthy of the Messiah’s ‘living water’.  – Let me say that again,  “WE ARE WORTHY OF THE MESSIAH’S LIVING WATER”

Are you there yet?  Are you believing how great it is to be a ‘girl’?    We have been given gifts in abundance!  Our cups runneth over with amazing goodies to be used as we work with little children or the elderly ~ as we travel to other countries to share our hearts ~we lack nothing and have been blessed with all ~

Along with Priscilla in her book The Resolution of Women, there is another author who does an amazing job showing us we are loved by our Heavenly Father ~ through LOVE LETTERS to us from Him,   Sheri Rose Shepherd teaches us where we stand in the eyes of our Abba Father.  Here are a few of her quotes.  I know they will touch you as they have touched me. 

Favorite Quotes by Sheri Rose Shepherd

  • Although I am God, my arms are not too big to hold you, My beloved daughter.
  • Don’t let anyone define you but Me, your Daddy in Heaven.
  • The beauty I had in mind when I created you is a reflection of Me.  (WOW!  yes, created in His image)
  • You are royalty even when you don’t feel like a princess.  (always important to Him!)
  • Inside you is a supernatural surprise a gift that is waiting to be unwrapped…by you.  (continued blessings!)

Regardless of the situation, regardless of the time and place – we are WOMAN, hear us ROAR!  No, Seriously, I say this time and time again to those with no self-esteem, to those who feel less than adequate – to those that are unhappy with their physical appearance and allow that to carry over into their hearts and abilities – GOD MAKES NO JUNK!    

We were each individually, especially made to fulfill God’s plans for our lives.  We are not PERFECT, but being made by the KING we are precisely and exactly what we are supposed to be – each flaw intended!   We are beautiful, worthy, necessary, gifted and blessed beyond words!  


Abba Father,  Thank you for the blessing of being women who were created specifically to fulfill your plans and purposes; who were designed wonderfully with beautiful hearts, tender touches, and amazing gifts.  Who are worthy Father of your ‘Living Water’ and understand your intentions in creating us.  Be with us as we utilize these many tools, that lives are touched and that everything we do brings glory to you.  May we always embrace your/our purpose.  In your precious and Most Holy Name we Pray,  Amen.


Choose one of the many roles you currently play in your life and record for each one how you are…….. Good for it, necessary to it, an important component of it, worthy to be a part of it, and  trustworthy to fulfill your role in it.   Comment on the blog and let us know what this role is for you and ‘how you are’ with it.

Remember, You are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made – God doesn’t make Junk! and don’t forget to go back over to our Facebook group and see what fun Megan has going on for you over there today!

<3   Kelley




The Resolution for Women: Purposefully Feminine

Memory Verse:

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.

Proverbs 31:30

This week we will take on a new resolution to champion biblical femininity.

What does biblical femininity look like to YOU?  

Enjoy this special message from Priscilla Shirer.


Please note that Girlfriends Coffee Hour is not endorsing the Crossroads Memberships mentioned at the end of this video.

There are many faces to biblical femininity, and I am so excited to cover this topic this week!  We, as women, have a very important role in this universe.  We have a huge responsibility not only to our husband, but to our children, our home, our church, our workplace, and more!  We are constantly in the spotlight, where the life we’ve resolved to live will either champion or demote the beauty of biblical femininity.

Are you ready?  Let’s get started!!


Here is your reading assignments for this week:

Monday:  Since we only have 3 chapters to read this week, there is NO reading assignment for today.  However, you will want to come back visit our blog and comment on Christi’s commentary because she is offering another GIVEAWAY!!  🙂  You’ll have to visit us on Monday to find out what it is!! 🙂

Tuesday:  Read “Pretty in Print” beginning on page 32.  Come back to the blog and read Megan’s commentary, and leave a comment.  Then go back to the FB Group where you will find your daily activity!

Wednesday:  Read “It’s Good to Be a Girl” beginning on page 37.  Come back here, to the blog and read Kelley’s commentary, and leave a comment.  Then, once again, return to the FB Group where you will your daily activity!  These activities are great in helping us build our relationships, and think outside the box!

Thursday:  Read “Role Reversal” beginning on page 42.  Come back here and read Robin’s commentary on this chapter.  Leave a comment, and then head back to the FB Group for your daily activity!

Friday:  I will be gone this day, but Megan has graciously agreed to fill in for me to offer the Weekly Overview.  I am asking for your prayer this week for surgery that I am having done on my finger on Friday.  I may pop in later in the day, but we’ll see how I’m feeling first!   After reading Megan’s Weekly Overview, then once again, head back to the FB Group for your daily activity!


Let’s pray:

Father God, we give you this study this week, as You teach us through this book what Your meaning of biblical femininity is, and how we can become purposefully feminine!  I know some women will struggle with this part of this book, and I ask You now Lord that You prepare their hearts to receive from You this week; that You teach them just what it means to feminine.  I thank You Lord for what You are doing in this ministry, and how You are touching each and every life that is represented here.  In Your precious Name, AMEN!

The Resolution for Women — Weekly Overview

Well, how was your first week with The Resolution for Women?  Were you able to make some changes in your life, or at least see some areas where changes are needed?  I know I did!  I saw a few things!

Our Memory Verse of the week:  

Yet true godliness with contentment is itself great wealth.

1 Timothy 6:6 (NIV)

Monday we talked about making “every bite count” and enjoying your life where you are right now!  Taking the time to smell the coffee, and enjoying what God has given you; scraping up every last crumb of that amazing dessert!  No matter what age you are, there is still time to start enjoying your life TODAY!  Resolve to make that change in your life; spend more quality time with your husband and children, and move on from there.

Tuesday we talked about the “secret” to contentment.  Do you remember what the secret is?  Choosing to recognize that God has already supplied us with everything we need in life, and choosing to be perfectly content with what He has already given us.  Only then will we be able to fully engage in life in a way that we never have before….living life to the fullest.

Wednesday we talked about His “overflowing blessings”.  Here we learned how to be more comfortable with giving, because we have learned that God’s got our back, no matter what!  To use the abundance that He has already given us to give to others, and not to worry about “what if I run short by giving what I have to someone else”.  This was truly an eye-opening chapter for me!!  How about you??

Thursday we talked about the “balancing point”.  Again, another eye-opening chapter, for me!  What is true contentment?  Priscilla describes in so many different ways in this chapter, but the one that I liked the best was this, “It’s a balance.  A holy equilibrium.  A genuine gratitude for what the day brings, all the while maintaining a controlled anticipation for tomorrow may offer.”  I LOVE that!!  Having gratitude for today, and a “controlled anticipation” for tomorrow!  Meaning, not allowing ourselves to get ahead of God and begin to worry about tomorrow!

I don’t know about you, but I have learned a lot in this section of the Resolution for Women!  Be sure to go back over this first section once more, before we head into next week.  Highlight areas in each chapter where you feel God is speaking to you about.  Then pray and ask Him to help you resolve to become increasingly satisfied in your life, as Paul was.  Ask Him to teach you to be content.  As Paul said, being content is a process that we need to learn.  It isn’t something that just happens overnight.  But it is something that can be learned!


Next week, our topic is “Purposefully Feminine — a resolution to champion biblical femininity”.   Another awesome chapter!
Have a Great weekend Ladies!  See you again on Sunday! 
Living Intentionally for Him,
Let’s pray:
Father, thank You so much for the lessons we have learned this week.  As Paul learned how to be content in all things, Lord, we ask that You help us learn to be content in all things, as well.  We understand that in our own power, it can’t be done completely, but through You, Lord, we can truly learn to be content!  We thank You Lord for what You are doing in our lives through this study.  We ask special blessings upon Priscilla Shirer, the author of this book, for the work she put into writing this amazing book!  We love You Lord, in Jesus’ Name, AMEN!
After reading today’s blog, please return to our Online Bible Study Group on Facebook for your daily activity!  ♥  You just never know what we have in store for you!
If you are not currently a part of our Online Bible Study group, and would like to be, please send an email to GirlfriendsCoffeeHour@gmail.com, and we’ll be glad to add you!

The Resolution for Women: Overflowing Blessing

Memory Verse for this week:

“Now godliness with contentment is great gain”

1 Timothy 6:6 (NIV)

I’ve heard it, you’ve heard, it we have all heard it – in fact, we have probably heard it time and time again throughout our lives.  “If you give, you will get it back ten-fold” , “You will reap what you sow”, “Bless and you will be blessed”., Yes, we’ve all been raised on a variation of Luke 6:38 and its a scripture that doesn’t lack understanding.  God promises if we give, we shall receive.

I have a friend who has struggled most of her life with addiction.  However, even during these times of addiction I watched her stop to help strangers time and time again.  At one point downtown she ran into someone that had a dog with a health problem and right there on the street she showed the owner how to correct it.   I’ve watched her change tires for people on the side of the road, get gas for a vehicle that ran out, and not think twice about passing out cigarettes from a pack that someone just had to buy her because she didn’t have a dime to her name.  She just GAVE without thinking, even in the state of addiction.  This was the goodness very few people saw in my friend.  She was a [quiet] giver and do-er – nothing was publicized or bragged upon – this was just who she was.  She gave with total contentment.    As I helped her pack up her house to go into treatment and worked along side of her to get ready to go, all she could think about was making me a special steak dinner to thank me.  I didn’t want her to spend her money on me; however, the last night in her house she had dinner waiting for me and we ate on a small table covered with a white towel – all because she wanted to give in appreciation.  I am sitting here with tears in my eyes thinking about that night – here she sits at rock bottom, leaving her son and all she has right now to go into treatment – but all that was important to her that night was ‘giving’. – giving with total contentment.  How many of us give without thinking?  How many of us have to stop and evaluate, pray for a few days, and then decide if we have enough to give?  Where are we in our level of ‘giving’.?

Now, Where is God in His?  OVERFLOWING  is the only way to describe it.  As Priscilla says, “His gifts are overflowing. He’s not stingy with His goodness or ungenerous with His supply”  YES, He fills us up with far more than we started with, far more than what’s fair ~ He fills our cups until they runneth over and can no longer be contained – when we choose to give, this is His promise.

AND, it’s even larger than that……Days when we are at our lowest points, when we have given all we think we can possibly give – if it is God’s Will  and we feel that ‘nudge’  but we just don’t know how we will find the energy to give with the desire of Our Heavenly Father’s heart – He will simply bust up inside of us with all of His power and through HIS power we’ll get it done.  He provides us with every need to follow his request. Do you get those ‘nudges’?   Those nudges that are ever so slight,  but oh so powerful;  that you just KNOW it is a request coming from above and not just random voices in your head?  WOW, I do……  More often than not, I feel my Father telling me – “Now Kelley, you know you need to do this’.  It’s then I know there is no further questioning what is expected of me. It is also here when I must understand and find peace within, KNOWING that giving contently and carrying out this desire of my Father’s heart will provide me with an over abundance of blessings – when we take what little we have left inside and are willingly able to give that away, God promises, it truly will come back to us in unimaginable amounts – in blessings beyond belief.  How absolutely amazing and beautiful our God is.  He never ceases to amaze me with His Love for us.

Remember, every day starts with a choice.  We can be content or discontent ~ let’s make the resolution right now to be CONTENT, let’s intentionally live our lives each and every day being content -content in giving, content in doing, and content being a Christ Follower.  Try this and watch the blessings flow – be prepared, anticipate, and be ready to pour yourself out at the drop of a hat, the nudge of Our Father – whether we are weary and tired, full of energy, or lacking – remember, He will provide so we can provide.


Based on God’s provision that you listed at the end of the last chapter, what is the one thing you could close this book and go do for someone else out of that resource?

Let’s pray:

Dear God,  Thank you for the ‘nudges,  for pushing us ~sometimes not very comfortably~ into being the Christ Follow we need to be. For teaching us to live in contentment rather than discontented.  Thank you for providing us with the strength when we are weak, for smiles instead of frowns, for sunshine instead of rain – for taking care of each and every detail in our lives, preparing us to carry out your requests to give contented. We love You, Honor You, and prayerfully make the resolution today give with a content heart. <3 Amen

Question of the day:

When you consider your level of willingness to give of yourself, does it reveal more contentment or discontentment residing in your heart?  In what way?  Let us know below –

After reading today’s blog, please return to our Online Bible Study Group on Facebook for your daily activity!  ♥  You just never know what we have in store for you!

If you are not currently a part of our Online Bible Study group, and would like to be, please send an email to GirlfriendsCoffeeHour@gmail.com, and we’ll be glad to add you!

Praying you have a beautiful, blessed 4th of July holiday.  Remember today the soldiers that continue to fight for our freedom and our country every day of their lives.

Live  Intentional, Live Content

Hugs, Kelley

The Resolution for Women: The Secret

Memory Verse for this week:

“Now godliness with contentment is great gain”

1 Timothy 6:6 (NIV)

I am speechless. Dear Priscilla…….. I, Megan Smidt, am SPEECHLESS!!!!!

I don’t even know what to write. There is no way I could add anything of importance to what Priscilla penned on the 6 pages that make up the section of Chapter One called “The Secret.” If you have not read it yet, I BEG YOU to stop reading my words, pull out your Resolution book, and read pages 17 to 22. Go now. I’ll wait…..

Ok so I just gave you pleanty of time to read this all for yourself. Now….. let’s chat.

I was a retail sales manager for over 10 years and I was good at it. It was my job to motivate people to sell things to other people wether they needed it or not. I’m not talking about a $30 handbag either…. the handbags I sold cost anywhere from $500 to $10,000. I decided I couldn;t do it any longer when my boss came to me a few weeks after 9/11 complaining about our sales numbers. She urged me to make my sales people “play up” feeling better about life and the state of our world by buying things to make them feel better. While we were living in the midst of complete uncertainty about EVERYTHING, I was supposed make my sales people prey on our customer’s insecurities, fear and doubt to get them to buy stuff to give them a false sense of security.

I couldn’t do it.

I was recruited to a higher paying retail job managing “secrets” of another kind involving lots of bras and panties. I didn’t work there for very long though, as I was more needed managing my newly acquired full-time household of 7.

Philippians 4:12-13

12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry,whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

Priscilla states: “When you’ve concluded that what you already have on hand is enough, that it’s adequate- that it’s been deemed by God as sufficient- then you’re EQUIPPED and EMPOWERED to participate fully in the tasks set before you during this season of life.”

Do you know that you can BANK on that? Really, deep down in your soul, do you TRUST that God is not only capable of providing for you but He wants to give you even more than you need to be able to EXCEL at His purposes?

This is Biblical, my friends, and I urge you to let this sink into your heart. Priscilla shares with us that “God has already given enough. He always does. And when you and I choose to recognize this and TRUST in His continued supply, we’ll be able to engage in life in a way we never have before. We’ll finally be living life to the fullest.”


Please, please, please DO NOT keep it to yourself!!!!! Really let this penetrate into every crevice of your heart and soul today. Spend time with this TRUTH and I urge you to spend a good amount of time in prayer with your Heavenly Father before beginning today’s homework.


When you are ready, begin your journey to contentment by making a list. Label one side “My Needs.”  Label the other side “God’s Provision.” Then match up your needs with the way God is currently meeting them. Place your list in a handy place for the times you are tempted to lean toward dissatisfaction.

Let’s pray:

Dear God, You don’t ask us to do anything in Your Word that isn’t possible through You and through having a deep, intimate walk with You. Thank you for this perfect provision, Lord, and I pray that TODAY is a new day for every woman who reads this blog who is struggling with trusting You with every aspect of her life. Speak boldly into her life today, Lord! Wake her up to your perfect provision so that she can FINALLY be all You have created her to be for YOU to get all the glory Lord! You want more for us than we could ever come up with on our own for your love is truly extravagant…. more amazing than anything we could try to replace it with of this world. Help us to only seek satisfaction through walking intimately with You within Your will, God, and help us to boldly share the  perfect provision found only through You with every life we encounter. We are believing for INCREDIBLE revelation today, Father, and I pray that none of us will EVER be the same again as our eyes are now open to YOU being the only satisfaction that could ever quench our thirst. We love you and we thank you. In Your Son’s matchless name we pray, amen <3

Question of the day:

What might God be trying to grow in your character or cement in your relationship with Him by keeping you separated from some of the things you want but don’t have yet?  Please share your thoughts about this in a comment below!

After reading today’s blog, please return to our Online Bible Study Group on Facebook for your daily activity!  ♥  You just never know what we have in store for you!

If you are not currently a part of our Online Bible Study group, and would like to be, please send an email to GirlfriendsCoffeeHour@gmail.com, and we’ll be glad to add you!

…AND don’t forget to also follow my husband Craig and I’s blogs as we are writing about this journey daily here:

Me: www.glorytoglorylifecoaching.wordpress.com

Craig: www.adversusmundi.wordpress.com

Many blessings, dear friends,

Megan 🙂


Welcome to Our New Blog!

Girlfriend’s Coffee Hour was created to bring together a few friends who enjoy each others company, a good cup of coffee or herbal tea, and a good bible study!

We’re a group of women who are scattered across the U.S.A.  We are married, single, SAHM’s, and Empty-Nesters!

We will use this site to share posts and comments about our current study; which currently happens to be The Love Dare.

If you would like to join us, send an email to: GirlfriendsCoffeeHour@gmail.com and we’ll add you to our Facebook Group.  You will need a copy of The Love Dare book, which was introduced with the movie “Fireproof”.  The book can be found at any bookstore.  We will not be using the devotional for this study….just the original book!

This study will begin on May 14th, 2012.  We hope you will join us!

Until then, enjoy the brew!