March 4, 2025

The Resolution for Women: I’d Like a Word with You

Our Memory Verse

We’ve talked a lot about Quiet Time this week, and being faithful to that time with God.  We’ve talked about Divine Appointments and being Faithfully His.  We were asked in one of our blogs this week to define what faith and faithfulness means to us.  Were you able to really sit down and think that through?

What does being “Faithfully His” really mean to you?  I’d like to start by seeing what it means to God, first.

In order to find out what being faithful means to God, we have to start by looking at His Word.  His Word….the infallible Truth.  He has given us His Word to teach us; mold us; refresh us; revive us; save us; teach us obedience; to draw us closer to Him; to show us how much He loves us; and to transform us.

He is faithful in His Word.  His Word is truth.  His Word is alive and sharper than any two-edged sword.  His Word is active in our lives, every single day.  His Word is living, and never returns void.  His Word is unchanging.  He Word is eternal.  His word is an historical account of where we come from, and where we are going.  His Word is love.

His Word defines who we are in Christ.  It lifts us up, and encourages us.  It speaks intimately and personally to reveal His purpose for our life!

There is so much to be seen in God’s Word!  It is up to us, though, to be faithful in reading His Word every day.

It is up to us to open this beautiful book of LIFE, and allow God to speak to us; to pour out His amazing Spirit upon us.

It is up to us to be consistent and intentional about allowing God to speak to us through His Word … in our Quiet Time.

It is up to us to choose to shut down the outside noise of life, and to just sit quietly with Him, allowing His Word to permeate our souls and our minds; to allow Him to reach us deep down inside.  That is the only way we will hear the voice of the Shepherd.

It is up to us to CHOOSE to spend this time with Him; to be faithful to Him through this time each day.


What if God suddenly decided one day not to be faithful to us anymore?  What would our world look like?  What would our marriage be like?  What would our kids be like?  That, my friends, to me, is a scary thought!!  I thank God every day for His faithfulness to me; for always being there, no matter what the circumstances, or time of day; and for always providing for me.

I see many prayer requests every day.  I see us all reaching out to Him, asking prayer for this or that.  Are we faithful to really seek Him for those answers?  Or is it easier to just put the request out there, and ask others to do the work for us?  I don’t mean that in a hateful way, either.  What I mean to say here is this, is it easier for someone else to pray for you, instead of you spending that time with God one on one?

Are you as faithful to Him, as He is to you?  Are you available to Him, when He needs to speak to you?  To be honest, I haven’t always been that faithful to Him.  Even today, I can see areas of my life that I need to resolve to become even more faithful to Him.

What about you?  Can you see areas of your life that you have chosen to let the world, or your circumstances, rob your time with Him?  Can you see areas of your own life where you haven’t been as faithful to Him, as you could be?  What can you do TODAY to change that??


In this chapter, Priscilla has shared five pages of scriptures with us.  She has suggested that we use these scriptures as affirmations over our lives, and the lives of our loved ones.  She has referenced not only the scripture, but the verse it comes from, as well.

I would encourage you to go through this list of scriptures and highlight the ones that speak to you; and then go to your bible, His Word, and find them there, and highlight them.  Date the scriptures in your bible, as the day that God spoke to you in His Word!  Speak these scriptures out loud, so you can audibly hear them with your own ears.  Faith comes by hearing the Word.  Speak these scriptures out over yourself and your loved ones each day during the quiet time that you are now going to choose to set aside for Him; and then just watch God’s word come alive!!! 

His Word will help renew your mind and your faith; and even your actions and attitudes toward Him will be changed!  Praise God!!


I will close today with our latest resolution:



I, __________________, will live as a woman answerable to God and faithfully committed to His Word.

Signed:  Christi Wilson


Will you join me in this resolution, as well?


Let’s Pray:

Father, we come before You today Lord, and ask for Your forgiveness for the times that we have not been as faithful to You as we could have been.  Forgive us Lord for the times that we have chosen worldly distractions over our time with You.  Forgive us for not being there when You needed us, Lord.  Father, we thank You for that forgiveness right now, and from this day forward we resolve to be more committed to Your Word, and more faithful to You.  In Jesus’ Name, the Name above All Names, Amen! 

Your Assignment:

Set aside some time today to spend with the Lord.  Ask His forgiveness for the times that you have chosen other things over Him.  Repent and receive His forgiveness, and then resolve to make better choices where He is concerned in your life.  Do whatever it takes to make time for Him, each and every day!

Don’t forget to head back over to your Facebook OBS Group and see what we have in store for you today!!  If you don’t yet belong to a Facebook OBS (Online Bible Study) Group, and would like to, please send us an email at, and we’ll be happy to add you!! 

Living Intentionally to Become More Faithful to My Lord and Savior,

The Resolution for Women: Divine Appointments

Our Memory Verse

Priscilla so eloquently points out to us in this lesson that in Resolving to be faithfully His, we are….

  • Women who lean into His voice- listening, heeding, conforming our will to His.
  • Women who uphold the laurels of Scripture in the face of contrary opinion.
  • Women who do not ultimately answer to earthly authorities but to the One who created us, and called us to Himself.
  • Women who live with heaven’s purpose in view and heaven;s whisper in our soul.
  • In the world, but we are not of the world- not controlled by it, consumed by it, compelled by it
  • Heaven called, pursuing His purposes and driven by the passions He has placed within our hearts.

THIS is what makes us uniquely His! No matter what our sin-filled world throws at us, we will stand strong, ever faithful, to HIM and the laurels of His Word!

James 1:3 (ESV)

for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.

Amen!!!! We KNOW that we will be tested and we KNOW that we will not always be our best and do our best to pass the test…. but THANK GOD He loves us anyway! Each and every single one of us as daughters of the Most-high King have a heavenly calling God has uniquely and divinely designed us to fill.

We will not be perfect, but we MUST be purposeful!

We will not live without blemish, but we are marked with God’s PRESENCE!

We must not be swayed by the whims and fleeting passions of this world, but be fiercely focused on Heaven’s call!

“The faithful are those who resolve to despise the pathways of earthly success

in exchange for the divine mission

given specifically and uniquely by the Father.”

So, it is time that we all ask ourselves the BIG QUESTIONS:

  • What do you sense Heaven is calling you to do and be?
  • What do you believe to be God’s overarching purpose for creating you and then setting you down in THIS generation at THIS particular point in history?
  • Are you seeking to discover it as you wake up in the morning listening for the hush of Heaven?

Do you know that THE BEST WAY to begin is by being faithful to what God has set before you RIGHT NOW? That is the truth! In this very season, you are being called to be uniquely YOU for HIS purpose. Please, dear one, don’t miss it!!! Don’t rush ahead and don’t lag behind! He needs so intentionally PRESENT in your current situation and circumstance for a divine reason. You might not like it, but really, it is not about YOU! You are here for a higher purpose and He will equip you with all you need for His purpose to be fulfilled. Live BOLDLY for HIM in this season! He CHOSE YOU!!!

No rain-checks allowed, dear friends! No re-scheduling and no cancelling. This divine Appointment is meant for YOU and YOU ALONE. Don’t miss it. Don’t be late. Just show up and let Him lead!

Let’s Pray

Dear Lord, we come to you today with bold abandon! Father, we ask that you make our divine appointments crystal clear to us in our current seasons so that we can fulfill the unique purpose You have for us in this time and place. We don’t want to miss a thing, Lord! Help strengthen us supernaturally to keep us committed to what You are calling us to do and not be distracted by our fallen world. Lord, help us each day to stand in the gap for our sisters where needed to ensure that your purposes be fulfilled. We love you, Lord, and we thank you in advance for all you will do in our hearts, minds, souls and spirits! In Your son’s matchless name we pray, amen <3


Your Assignment Today:

What is calling you to do and be in your current season? What is standing in your way of fulfilling this purpose in this season?

Share below in the comments section, what you will do this week to clear the way for God’s purpose within you to be fulfilled.  Then go on over to your OBS Facebook Group to see what we have planned for you today!  You just never know what we will come up with next!!

If you are not a member of our OBS Facebook Group, and would like to be, please send us an email and we’ll be happy to place you!!   Our email address is:

Ladies, I believe in you and know I am praying for you every step of the way as we resolve to be different, changed and so Faithfully His! He deserves our very best and may He get all the glory!

Many blessings,

Megan 🙂

Keep up with my journey on my blog here:

…and my husband Craig as he is on the Resolution for Men journey:

The Resolution for Women — Faithfully His

Our Memory Verse

Today, I have a special surprise for you!  I’m not going to be talking, or writing about today’s lesson….

I’m going to let Priscilla Shirer speak to you directly, about being Faithfully His!

Are you ready???!!!!  Here we go!


Please note that Girlfriends Coffee Hour is not endorsing the

Crossroads Memberships mentioned at the end of this video.


Let’s Pray

Father, as we begin this new lesson this week, let us prepare our days so we are able to clear our schedules, and our minds, Lord, to better hear Your voice.  Let us lay aside all things that concern us this day, so we are able to sit at Your feet and learn from You, so we can become even more Faithfully Yours, Lord!  In Jesus’ Name, AMEN!!  


Your Assignment Today:  

Take at least 30 minutes today to clear your mind, and your schedule, so you are better prepared this week to hear from God.  Share below in the comments section, what you will do this week to make this happen, each day.  Then go on over to your OBS Facebook Group to see what we have planned for you today!  You just never know what we will come up with next!!  

If you are not a member of our OBS Facebook Group, and would like to be, please send us an email and we’ll be happy to place you!!   Our email address is:

Living Intentionally Each Day to Become More Faithfully His,

The Resolution for Women – Intelligent Design

Click HERE for a Quick Message From Christi


Memory Verse:

You did not choose Me, but I chose you.

I appointed you that you should go out and produce fruit.

John 15:16


I have to be honest and tell you that today’s chapter really spoke to me in so many ways!  I can’t even tell you what an impact it has had on me!  I struggle with my value, like many of you do.  I always have.  It’s like I know in my head that I am valuable, but it just hasn’t reached my heart yet.  I can tell you how worthy you are, to God, and I do mean it.  I just need to take my own medicine.

Last week, I was on the phone with my Life Coach.  We discussed this very issue:  the feeling of no value.  Just after that call, I opened this book and read today’s chapter, and just about fell over!  I said, “Wow, God!  You know just how to get Your message across, don’t You!!?”  It was amazing!  But that really shouldn’t surprise me because God is always listening, and He is always ready to talk to us, when we are willing to actually sit down and listen!!

Today, I want to show you who you are in Him.  I am taking my own medicine in this lesson, also.  I pray that this scripture speaks to you, as it did to me when I read it.

1 Peter 2: 9-10 (MSG)

But you are the ones chosen by God, chosen for the high calling of priestly work, chosen to be a holy people, God’s instruments to do his work and speak out for him, to tell others of the night-and-day difference he made for you—from nothing to something, from rejected to accepted.

Let’s look at those two scriptures just a little bit closer.

  • You are chosen by God
  • You are chosen for the high calling to do God’s will
  • You are chosen to be holy, set apart, sanctified
  • You are His instruments to speak for Him
  • You are to tell others what God has done in your life
  • You have been changed from being a nothing, into being a “something!
  • You have gone from being rejected, to being accepted!

Did you see that?  We have such a high calling on our lives because HE CHOSE US!  He chose US because He knew we would do what He called us to do!

He did not reject us!  He accepted us!

He turned us from being a nothing, into being a something!!

Wow, Ladies!  What more do we need to see here!?!

We should never allow others, or things, to control our thoughts about who we are, and what our value is!  God says it right here….WE ARE CHOSEN TO DO HIS WORK!  That is VALUE!  He would never choose us if He didn’t think we couldn’t do what He is calling us to do!

Whether your job is as a homemaker, a nurse, a doctor, a teacher, or a ….. the list could go on and on…..  HE CHOSE YOU to be that person!  He chose you.   Therefore, He will equip you.  If He will equip you, He will be with you all the way….  All the way, my dear Girlfriend!  He sees your worth to do His work; to spread His word; to spread His love!  And if He has chosen you, this means He thinks you are worthy and valuable enough to do what He needs you to do!

I don’t know about YOU, but I am about to jump up and down and shout, “Hallelujah!!!”  Can I get an AMEN out there???!!!

As Priscilla said on page 53, “this resolution is important – this commitment to assign genuine value to who we are based on our God-given worth, talents, gifts, and abilities.  Because once we’ve settled this issue (in our own hearts … my emphasis here), everything else can begin falling appropriately into place.  We’ll have the freedom to build our lives on what really matters, discarding all the things that don’t.”

Wow!  I don’t know about you, but I am ready to discard my stinkin’ thinkin’ and start focusing on what God’s word says about me!  I’m ready to stop owning those negative thoughts, and start taking back my life, and my value, for God!!

Remember, “The life you are renovating has far too much God-given potential for you to plant its roots in something so menial.  Dig deep and lean in to the truth – the truth of who you are and what He’s created you to offer to the world – and then orbit your life around that steadfast knowledge.”  That steadfast knowledge!  That knowledge that will never let you down, no matter what!  AMEN?


Let’s Pray: 

Oh Father, we come to You today with open arms, and tears of repentance for the times we have doubted our worth; for the times we have not chosen to believe Your word, and allowed our stinkin’ thinkin’ to take first place over You.  Lord, please forgive us!  Cleanse us of all that junk that keeps us so bottled up inside.  Cleanse us from the pity-parties that we throw for ourselves!  Cleanse us from all the lies that we have told ourselves, and have allowed ourselves to believe.

Lord, I give You praise for all that You have shown us in this chapter today!  Thank You for opening our eyes to see who we truly are, in You Lord!  May we stand in that knowledge today, and allow it to sink down deep into our hearts, so that we know that we know, that we know!  Thank You Lord for revelation knowledge!  May we never go back to that stinkin’ thinkin’ again!   In Jesus’ Name, AMEN!


Today’s blog assignment: 

Name some things in your life that you have allowed to shape your self-worth or self-image?  When you have completed this assignment here on the blog, return to your Facebook Online Bible Study Group for today’s FUN Activity!!  You just never know what we have in store for you!! 


If you are not a member of our OBS Facebook Group, and would like to be, please send us an email and we’ll be happy to place you!!   Our email address is:




The Resolution For Women – Role Reversal

Memory verse:

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.

Proverbs 31:30


Remember the feminist movement in the 60’s and early 70’s? The one where women wanted and demanded equality with men? They burned their bras in protest, stating the bras represented being constricted and confined. Some of those women really, really, should have kept theirs on, know what I mean? Anyway the girdles, bras, and pantyhose came off.  This is how the women were going to “show those men that they were no longer going to be confined!”.  Now I’m not really understanding how this was going to “show the men” because the men LIKED the women going bra-less, you know how men can be…..

Anyway, to my point, ever since this movement, women have been demanding equality with men; the ability to participate in previously male-dominated sports (football, basketball, hockey), equal pay in their careers (I agree with this one as a woman who is doing the same job as a man SHOULD receive the same pay),the ability to become licensed and ordained ministers and priests, congressmen, president, the right to work outside the home, etc. Women fought for the right to do anything a man could do. Remember the commercial where the woman “could bring home the bacon, and fry it up in a pan, and never, ever, them him forget he was a man?”

We’ve come a long way baby, but still have a ways to go. Yet in my opinion, it’s gotten out of hand. This chapter Role Reversal is a good one, as is the whole book. I was watching a TV show last week where the wife was a realtor working very long hours and bringing  in a lot of money. The husband called himself a “stay-at-home dad”, took care of the kids, cleaned the house, ironed, did the grocery shopping, cooked dinner, massaged his wife, and ran her bath daily, and she made all the major decisions. Before you ask “where can I order one of these?” think about this…..what is wrong with this picture according to the Word of God? Don’t get me wrong, if you must work outside of the home, you must. No judging, this is MY choice.

Ephesians 5:22-23 says that we are to submit to our husbands, not vice versa.  Now don’t get me wrong here, my Gorgeous Husband does all the above (with the exception of the bath), but this is not his primary role, it’s mine as the homemaker.  HOMEmaker, not house wife. To me a house wife just cleans the house, a homemaker makes a home. Yes we clean, cook, etc. but we’re the nucleus of the family. Ever heard of the expression “if mama ain’t happy, ain’t NObody happy!”  It’s our job to pray over, teach, lead, guide, minister to, and love on our family. The godly woman’s touch if you would.

Now while doing all of this we are under our husband’s prayerfully, godly authority, we’re to submit to our husbands. To not do so is rebelling, and rebelling is as witchcraft. (1 Samuel 15:23)

Is this always easy? Nope! Sometimes we’re right, and they’re wrong. We agree to disagree so that we’re in agreement, and seek our Father’s face for direction (remember the triangle I talked about in the conference call?) For those of you who weren’t on it: take both your thumbs and put them together tip to tip, next take your index fingers and put them together to form a triangle, you and your hubby are the left or right side, from the knuckle. God is the top as He should be, when you or your hubby are discussing, (look from left to right at your thumbs), and you don’t agree, one (or both) take it to the Lord, (go up from corner of triangle to the top of your finger), pray and talk to Him asking who is right and to minister to you both, then God ministers to your husband (look down from the top of triangle down to your left (husband), he “gets it”, then talks to you ( look left to right)and all is well!

God designed our husbands to be our spiritual head, our covering, our protectors. When we wrongfully try to assume that role we are out of God’s will, off balance, and out of order. Read Ephesians again: “Wives be subject to your own husbands, as TO THE LORD” (emphasis mine). “As to the Lord”, so not only are we being submissive to our husbands, but we must do it as unto the Lord! We don’t want to disrespect our Adonai do we?!  We want to be obedient to God, being submissive to Him.

Those of you whose husbands are not saved, or are not walking with the Lord as they should be, THIS is what you think of when you’re being submissive to your husbands, that you are doing it as unto the Lord, to and for HIM, God.  God will bless and honor your obedience. Your husbands heart will be changed, “Likewise, wives, be subject to your own husbands, so that even if some do not obey the Word, they may be won without a word by the conduct of their wives….”1 Peter 3:1

Also read Titus 2:5, 1 Corinthians 11:3, and Proverbs 31:10-31. Being submissive to your husband doesn’t mean you’re a doormat. You have a mind and a mouth.  We’re to be our husbands partners and helpmates.  God blesses us with wisdom and discernment as we minister to our men.  They in turn have responsibilities towards us: 1 Peter 3:7 and Ephesians 5:28-29.

As Priscilla said, if you are being abused do not accept it!  This is not of God and please seek help whether it be your pastor, a counselor, or local police.  Get help!

Let’s get back to our rightful roles according to the Word of God.  It does not make us meek and mild, on the contrary, our role is critical to our family and to our household. God has entrusted us with an awesome and beautiful responsibility, let’s walk in our roles! <3


Let’s Pray:

Adonai, I lift my Gorgeous Girlfriends to you in love.  I ask You to minister, lead and guide them in Your  Way and Your Truth. Open the eyes of their hearts so they may know and understand You and the roles and responsibilities You have placed on them, yet You wouldn’t have them do this without Your help. Minister to their husbands  so they understand and actually do what You’ve called THEM to do, all to Your glory. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.


Our 2nd Resolution

Purposefully Feminine

I will champion God’s model for womanhood in the face of a post feminist culture.

I will teach it to my daughters and encourage its support to my sons.

I’ll sign this.  Will you?


Leave your comments below about today’s blog  and be sure to go to the Online Bible Study Facebook Group to see what Megan has in store for us!!  If you are not part of our Online Bible Study Group on Facebook, and would like to be, please send an email to us at, and we will respond as soon as possible!




Welcome to Our New Blog!

Girlfriend’s Coffee Hour was created to bring together a few friends who enjoy each others company, a good cup of coffee or herbal tea, and a good bible study!

We’re a group of women who are scattered across the U.S.A.  We are married, single, SAHM’s, and Empty-Nesters!

We will use this site to share posts and comments about our current study; which currently happens to be The Love Dare.

If you would like to join us, send an email to: and we’ll add you to our Facebook Group.  You will need a copy of The Love Dare book, which was introduced with the movie “Fireproof”.  The book can be found at any bookstore.  We will not be using the devotional for this study….just the original book!

This study will begin on May 14th, 2012.  We hope you will join us!

Until then, enjoy the brew!