March 31, 2025

Homemade Laundry Soap

Over the past few months, I have gained an interest in making all of my cleaning products at home.  I’ve heard so much about women saving money by making their own cleaning products. So I branched out onto the Internet to find a recipe that I liked.  I have found several recipes out there, but the one I’ve shared below is the one that I like the best!  My clothes, towels, and sheets come out clean and soft (soft, mainly because I make my own softener, as well).

If you are looking for a great way to save $$ in your own home, this recipe is for you.  If you would like to make your own laundry detergent & save a few dollars, I highly recommend this recipe.

Homemade Laundry Soap


1 – (4lb – 12 oz) box of Borax

1 – (3lb – 7 oz) box of Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda

1 – (3lb) container of OxiClean

2 – (14.1 oz) bars of Fels-Naphta soap

1 – (5lb) bag of Arm & Hammer Baking Soda

All of these ingredients can be found at your local grocery story in the detergent aisle; with the exception of the baking soda, which can be found in the cooking aisle. 

*Adding 20 drops of your favorite essential oil is a nice addition


1. Grate the Fels-Nephta soap in a food processor until it’s a powder.  You can also use a blender.

2. Add the Fels-Neptha powder to a kitchen size garbage bag, and then add remaining ingredients.  Shake well.

3. Store in an air-tight container.  I use a small canister in my laundry room, and just refill when needed.

Use 1 Tbsp for small load; 2 Tbsp for medium sized load; 3 Tbsp for large or heavily soiled load. (I use the scoop that came inside the OxiClean container.)  You will want to start your washing machine and allow it to fill it 1/3 full of water before adding soap.  This detergent will not make suds or bubble, but don’t worry it IS cleaning your clothes!

Since homemade laundry detergent doesn’t contain a sudsing agent it is safe and can also be used in front loading HE washing machines!  For front-loading machines, use about two Tbsp of your homemade detergent and mix the detergent with two Tbsp of hot water before adding to the dispenser.

Making your own laundry soap has many benefits.  I’ve listed some of them in the picture below.



If you decide to try this recipe and use it in your own home, I would love to hear from you!

Happy Cleaning!


Tamale Pie

I wanted to share a recipe by my friend Irene Ladd.  I haven’t tried this yet, but it looks delicious!!



1 tablespoon olive oil
1 cup chopped yellow onion
2 cloves garlic, finely minced
1 1/2 pounds lean shredded beef
1 (29 ounce) can tomato puree
1 small can of enchilada sauce
1 (15 ounce) can pinto beans, drained and rinsed
2 cups whole kernel corn (drained & rinsed)
1 (4 ouncez) can diced green chilies
1 package of chili seasoning
4 ounces shredded Monterey Jack and Cheddar Cheese


Saute onions, and then add garlic last minute in olive or coconut oil.  Add the shredded beef and reduce heat.

Stir in tomato puree and enchilada sauce.  Simmer for 1 minute.  Add chili seasoning package. Stir and simmer for about 10 minutes on low.  Add in beans, corn, and green chilies; simmer while preparing Tamale crust.

Tamale Crust


2 cups masa harina

½ cup salted butter, cold and diced into pieces

1 teaspoon baking powder

½ teaspoon salt

1 ½ cups hot water


In a food processor or mixing bowl, mix together masa harina, baking soda, and salt; cut in butter.  The mixture will resemble coarse crumbs.  Stir in hot water.

Divide mixture into 8 Ramekin cups and add about 1/2 cup of chili mixture; top with cheese and bake for 30 minutes at 350 degrees.  Top with chopped green onions, chopped cilantro, and sour cream.



At Home with GCH: Homemade Body Scrub

We all know, as women, that Body Scrubs can be expensive; ranging anywhere from $10 to $50+ per bottle!  How about if I show you a way to make a Homemade Body Scrub that costs far less than you would pay for retail?  It’s easy, of course, and it works like a charm!  Why spend top dollar for a product that you can make at home; one that works beautifully!  The proof is in the pictures below.

Homemade Body Scrub


1/2 cup Sea Salt

1/2 cup Shampoo (I use the 99-cent brand)




Mix both ingredients together in a small bowl until well blended.











That’s it!  Apply the scrub to a part of your body that is dry or scaly, and needs rejuvenating!  You will definitely see, and feel, a huge difference in your skin after application!  Your skin will not only feel softer, but look a lot younger, too!  It’s definitely a keeper in my bath routine!  I hope you will love it as much as I do!

I hope you will give this a try, and then let me know what you thought of it!  I’m all about things that are EASY, and Cost-Effective!  This recipe definitely fits the bill for both!




Happy Scrubbing!



If you would like to send an email to Christi in regards to this recipe, you can email her at:

At Home with GCH: “Painted” Mason Jars

I LOVE Mason Jars….there I said it!  It’s off my chest now! 🙂  Mason jars can be so much FUN!    I’ve seen them used for organizing pantries, for holding green smoothies, drill holes in the lid to put a straw in and use it as a drinking glass, change jars, cookie jars, pasta jars, and so much more!  All of those ideas seemed pretty understandable…. But, then I saw this next idea, and I got excited!

I’m so excited to show you this next project!  When I first saw it on Pinterest, I thought “NO WAY….Painted Mason Jars??”  But oh my goodness, just wait until you see just how beautiful this project turns out!

So let’s get to work!


Here is what you will need for this project:  Jar Paint_Ingredients

1 clear glass Mason Jar

½ cup of Elmer’s Glue

5 -10 drops of your favorite food coloring (depending on how dark you want the color)

1-inch paint brush







Jar Paint_Step 1


Stir the glue and food coloring together until well blended.  Grab your favorite 1-inch paint brush and then start painting the glue onto the jar.  After the whole jar is covered, set the jar aside and allow drying, and then watch what happens!          


The fun part of this project is that you are not limited to just one color!  Once the jar has dried with the first color, mix up more “paint” using a different food color.  Using a smaller brush, you can take this 2nd color and draw all kinds of squiggly lines, or geometric designs, or circles, or whatever you want onto the jar.  Once again, after you’ve painted the jar, set aside to allow drying.  If you want to add a 3rd color…you know what to do now! 

Then to finalize this project, find some amazingly beautiful flowers and viola…you have a perfect homemade vase to hold your beautiful flowers…or whatever else you want to use these jars for.  I love the flowers because, well, I just love fresh flowers, and the jars and flowers together make for a beautiful centerpiece.  If you want, you can use three different jar sizes…make them all different colors and then use as a centerpiece on your table!

Jar Paint_AFTER

Now that you know what you can do with JARS, don’t throw away your old jars.  Save those mayonnaise or pickle jars, and turn them into something beautiful.  I’m sure a friend would love to receive one of these amazingly beautiful jars filled with flowers or candy, or … or … or.  The possibilities are endless!

If you have been following my blog for any length of time, you know that I like projects that are simple!  You can’t get much simpler than this for a beautiful set of jars or a centerpiece!

I’d love to see YOUR projects!  You can email your pictures to me at

Happy Painting!



*Cleaning Tip 1:  Wash your brush out with water as soon as you are finished painting your jar.

**Cleaning Tip 2: As your jars are drying, you will see some of the glue slide down the jar, onto the countertop or whatever you are placing the jars on to dry.  USE PAPER TOWELS TO WIPE THIS UP.  Otherwise, whatever you use will get stained with the food coloring.  (Don’t ask me how I know this!!)   🙂


At Home with GCH: Restaurant-Style Salsa

Whenever we go for Mexican food, I am very particular about where we go mainly because of the Salsa! I’m very picky about Salsa, and there are only certain kinds that I like.  I don’t like the chunky salsa.  I love the blended kind.  So in my search for the perfect salsa, I finally came up with one that works for me!  I hope you will give it a try!


Restaurant-Style Salsa


1-28 oz can of whole peeled tomatoes

1-10 oz can of Rotel tomatoes w/ green chilies

2 Tbsp minced garlic

1 med yellow onion, diced

1 tsp cumin

2 tsp Wildtree Jalapeno Pepper Blend

2 Tbsp minced cilantro leaves (or 1 handful of fresh cilantro)



Put all ingredients into a blender and blend for about 1 minute.  



Refrigerate for 1 hour before serving, to allow all the ingredients to blend together.  Serve with your favorite tortilla chips!

Easy-Peasy, and oh so delicious!

homemade salsa_finished

At Home with GCH: Homemade Fabric Softener

To finish off our month of “All Things Green“, I want to focus on saving you money today, by giving you a recipe of a product that most of use every day in our home!  Anytime I can save the GREEN in my wallet, I’m a happy camper! 🙂


Homemade Fabric Softener

Makes 151.6 ounces
I have used this homemade recipe several times in the last week, and I have to say, “I LOVE IT!”  You can choose whichever fragrance of Suave conditioner that you wish!  It works perfectly on making your laundry soft and gentle, and it beats static cling!  Can’t ask for more than that, right?

6 cups HOT water
3 cups White Vinegar
2 cups Suave Conditioner (your choice)



(I had to split this recipe in half to begin with to be able to make the recipe in my blender.)

Blend 3 cups of HOT water and 1-cup of Suave Conditioner in a blender until the conditioner is dissolved. Add in 1-1/2 cups of white vinegar, and blend another 30 seconds. Pour into a 2 liter bottle. Mix remaining ingredients into a blender as directed above and repeat the same process. Pour into 2nd 2-liter bottle and into a 1-pint jar.

Pour into a downy ball… or use approximately 2 Tbsp. in the fabric softener section in your washing machine, then wash and dry the load. Shake well before each use.


I paid 96-cents for a bottle of Suave Conditioner.

I paid $1.00 for a bottle of White Vinegar

The water…well, that didn’t cost me anything!!

The recipe makes 151.6 ounces.

Total cost per ounce: $.0129 

That fits my pocketbook perfectly!


“Girls with Swords: How to Carry Your Cross Like a Hero” BEGINS MARCH 25th!

I am so very excited about this next study “Girls with Swords” by Lisa Bevere! I’ve read up to Chapter 6 so far, and I am telling you—this is one amazing book! All I can say is “Ladies, GET READY!” This book is going to bless your socks off!

If you haven’t enrolled in this amazing study yet, DO SO NOW! You WON’T want to miss this study! Go to our sign-up page located HERE and enroll. Once you complete the enrollment process, we will email you further details!

Until your book arrives, we would like to share Chapter 1 with you now. We really hope you will join us for this amazing study!


At Home with GCH: “All Things Green” — Green Food!! :)

I know St Patty’s Day is done and over with, but I just had to share these FUN recipes with you!!  It doesn’t have to be a GREEN holiday to share them, right??!!  🙂  ENJOY!




Green Velvet Cake Pops


Grasshopper Cupcakes


Green Tollhouse Cookies


Split Pea and Ham Soup


Green Rice Krispie Treats


Shamrock Shakes


Enjoy sharing these fun recipes with your family!


Be Blessed,



If you would like to send a private message to Christi regarding this blog,

please email her at:

Meet the Founders of Girlfriends Coffee Hour

Christi Wilson

Founder  –  Blog Contributor 

Meet Christi Wilson.  She lives in Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin.

Christi is the wife to her wonderful husband Gary, mom/step-mom to her amazing kids Tiffani, Heather, William, and Joshua, and grandmother to her awesome grandchildren Michael, Brandon, Makenzie, Brooklyn, Kyler, Alaina, Jayden, Austin, Kylee, and CJ.

Christi has been involved in Women’s Ministries for ten years.  She was part of the Women’s Team with Christian Motorcyclists Association for nearly 9 years.  She  has been coordinating Online Bible Study/Prayer Groups on Facebook, since 2011, when she created the first Facebook Prayer Groups for Proverbs 31 Ministries.  The Lord led her into starting her own online Bible study ministry, and that’s when Girlfriends Coffee Hour was born!

After over five years of being empty-nesters, Christi and her husband became foster parents for children in crisis.  Although foster parenting can be quite challenging, the rewards are far more numerous!  This was truly a God-thing!  Coming from a background of physical and emotional abuse, she can relate to the hurts that many of these children go through in their life!

She also loves to read, study the Word, cook, and play word games.

She gave her life to Jesus on March 23, 1984, when He saved her from suicide, drugs, and alcohol.  She believes that without Jesus, we are nothing.  He is faithful to forgive and cleanse us from all unrighteousness in our lives and accepts us right where we are in our lives…blemishes and all.


Megan SmidtMegan Smidt, CLC – Co-Founder –  Blog Contributor 

Megan is a Certified Christian Life Coach specializing in Relationship Coaching and more specifically, Blended Family Relationships. She also works part-time as Personal Assistant to Christian Musician Yancy.

She and her husband Craig have been married 8 years.  She is the adoptive full-time mother to Craig’s 5 children from a previous marriage, all ranging in age from 21 years old to 14.  Megan is from sunny Southern California, but has lived in middle Tennessee since 2007.

Megan is very active in her church and in ministering to women. She leads a family small group in her home every week along with her husband and she works with teenagers at church on Thursday nights.   Megan also regularly does speaking engagements on various topics concerning Christian Women and is a Certified Christian Life Coach with clients all over the world.

Megan loves to travel and spend time with family and friends. She enjoys reading, music, movies, photography, paper crafting, sewing and roller skating.  She is silly, fun, and loves making new friends!

You will learn more about Megan when we introduce her new Glorious Living blog on Friday!


We are so very excited to start this next study, Girls with Swords, with you! Lisa Bevere is an amazing author who will bring you deeper and deeper in your walk with the Lord!  If you haven’t signed up for this study yet, you will want to TODAY to reserve your spot!  To sign up, click on the picture below, and you will be taken to our sign-up page.  Once you complete the registration process, we will email you further details.  


Study Begins March 24th!

Sign Up Today!



Our Next Women’s Online Bible / Book Study Begins March 24th!



“Lisa Bevere is one of God’s most powerful voices for this time in our history.” — Sheila Walsh, core speaker of Women of Faith

“As you read Girls with Swords, you’ll be empowered to face your challenges with boldness and learn to live like a hero.” — Robert and Debbie Morris, pastors, Gateway Church, Dallas-Ft Worth, TX

“Read this book with fair warning: You are about to engage in a powerfully courageous life!” — Christine Caine, author of Undaunted and co-founder of The A21 Campaign

“In Girls with Swords you will be challenged to join the ranks of Christians who are already moving forward in their faith.  Don’t be taken out of the fight! Stand firm and experience spiritual victory!” — Pastor Steven and Holly Furtick, Elevation Church, Charlotte NC


I’m a huge Lisa Bevere fan.  I’ve been a fan of hers for years, all the way back to “Kissed the Girls and Made Them Cry.”  I had the privilege of seeing Lisa and John in a conference, here in Wisconsin, several years ago.  It was one of the most empowering, invigorating, spiritual conferences I’ve been to!  Lisa and John both have an amazingly strong desire to reach others with the Gospel!

When I first heard about this new book Girls with Swords I knew immediately that I had to get it!  I immediately felt God say “This is your next GCH study!”  Even though we continued to discuss other studies, I always came back to this book!

The day I got the book, I wanted to read it right away; but I put it aside until I could really focus on what I was reading.  I’m so glad I did because this is a book that you don’t want to just skim through.  You will want to study this book!  It is that important!  If you take this book and really study it, it truly will bring you victory!  Promise me that you won’t just skim through this book!  I want  to see victory in your life, just as much as Lisa did when she wrote this book!

So, how do you sign up, you ask?  That’s the easy part!

There are three steps to take to make sure you get the most out of this study:

1) Buy the book.  You will find links on our sign-up page for the hardcopy and the Kindle version of Girls with Swords.

2) Sign Up HERE

3) If you are on Facebook, you will need to send a Friend Request to our GCH Admin, so we can add you to our secret Facebook group where we will dig deeper into this book as a group.  You do not need to be on Facebook to follow along with this study.  BUT, you will get so much more out of it, if you can join our study group!  As soon as you complete the registration process, we will email you further details.

Before I close, I want to share one more thing with you.  This is shared on the inside cover of this book.  It will give you an idea of what you can expect from this book.

“Creatively forging the imagery of swords, the Word of God, and the Cross, Girls with Swords will teach you:

  • How to speak the language of heaven on earth
  • What it means to intercede
  • What it means to carry your cross
  • What it means to be discerning
  • How to disarm the enemy
  • Why women are the enemy’s target-and why God needs them to be heroes

It’s time to take up your sword and be a hero!”


We hope you will join us for this amazing study!


God’s VICTORY is waiting for YOU!

Christi Wilson, Founder of Girlfriends Coffee Hour


To send Christi a private email in regards to this website, blog, or ministry, you may email her at: