January 18, 2025

Good Carbs vs. Bad Carbs in Your Diet


Dear Crystal,

There is so much information about carbohydrates. I have friends who tell me to cut out all carbs and then I hear there are “good carbs” and “bad carbs.”. Which is it…and what should I do?

I need direction,



Dear Confused,

It can be hard to figure out the truth about carbohydrates, and how to manage our weight and eat healthy. We are told we need carbohydrates and then told to cut them out. The truth is, it is impossible to cut carbs out of your diet completely.  Trying to live on a carb free diet can deprive you of the nutrients your body needs, not to mention leave you feeling lethargic and deprived.  The answer is filling your body with the right amount of “good” carbs not “bad” carbs in your diet.


Your body has a need for carbohydrates to give you fuel and energy.  To meet those needs, 45-65% of your daily intake should come from healthy carbohydrates. For example, at 4 calories for every gram of carbohydrate, a woman following an 1800 calorie diet would require approximate 225 grams of carbohydrates a day.


Carbohydrates have received so much blame for weight gain because most Americans fill their diet with processed carbohydrates such as white rice, white bread, white flour, cookies and other sugary filled foods.  The key is to fill your diet with good carbs that consist of plant-derived food such as fruits and vegetables, beans, and foods that are less processed like whole grain breads, wheat pasta and brown rice. 

One way to ensure you are eating the right carbohydrates is to have an adequate amount of fiber each day.  As a woman, you want to strive to eat 25 grams of fiber a day.

As stated in WebMD, fiber slows down the absorption of other nutrients eaten at the same meal, including carbohydrates. This helps by regulating your blood sugar levels, reducing your risk for type 2 diabetes and fiber helps you feel full which aids in weight management.

Don’t give up your carbs completely, replace all of the sugary, “whiter” foods with healthy high fiber carbs.  Check out next week to learn what foods to add to your diet.

To Your Health,


What Really Matters by Wellness Coach Crystal Breaux

This week, I was fortunate to have time to sit on my porch one afternoon to relax and just read and meditate on Scripture as my kids played. To be honest, I purposely made things simple for me that day so I could enjoy that time.  Instead of going to the gym or killing myself with a work out, I had enjoyed a long walk at home.  Instead of killing myself in the kitchen, I prepared a simple and healthy meal in the CrockPot for our evening dinner.  Instead of thinking I had to work extra hours for my job or it would never get done, I gave my timeline to God; and instead of thinking I had to plan every minute of the day to entertain my kids, I realized they truly love “just playing” outside.

What I realized is this:  when I focus on the basics—the simple things of life—I’m able to enjoy what really matters.

As a Fitness and Food Designer for Busy women, I have seen many women who are chasing so many different things that it keeps them from enjoying the basic things of life and ultimately keeps them from living a healthy life physically, mentally and spiritually. 

Has life become so busy for you that you are no longer focusing on what really matters? Has your lack of time for “busy work” become an excuse to not exercise?

 Could it be that you are:

  • Trying to please other people instead of looking to please God which can keep you from feeling confident in who you really are in Christ.
  • Trying to be something you are not instead of learning what God created you to be which can keep you constantly busy, yet never feeling successful.
  • Attempting to do too many things at once instead of giving attention to one thing and left feeling exhausted with no energy for yourself, family or career.
  • Focusing on succeeding in things that are really not important so that you feel like you are failing over and over,  or are not good enough.

I love what Francis Chan says in the book Crazy Love, “Our fear should not be of failure, but at succeeding in things in life that really don’t matter.”

These are things that can keep you so busy that you are unable to enjoy what really matters. Life can be easier when you focus on the basic needs of life, which allows you to be:

  • physically fit with proper diet and exercise
  • spiritually fit by spending time with God
  • mentally and socially fit by doing what you are called to do

Ask yourself this question:  “What is keeping me too busy and keeping me from what really matters?”

To Your Health,

Coach Crystal



One Step to a Consistent Healthy Lifestyle

We have been talking about starting an exercise program. However getting started with any new way of eating or exercise program is not the hard part.  It’s consistency, which is evident since 60% of Americans drop out of a program within the first six months.  So how do you stick to it with so many distractions in a busy world? One step to a Consistent Healthy Lifestyle is to create a healthy vision for yourself.

Follow me for one minute.

Think about something in your life that you really wanted and worked hard to get.  It may have been a college degree, savings for a home, promotion in a job, or respectful children.  Did those things just happen?  I would guess not.  You had a vision of what you wanted.  And, because it was very clear, you took the appropriate steps to make it happen.

Why do we think being fit physically, mentally, and spiritually will just happen?

It doesn’t.  We must have a vision of what we want for health.  A personal vision will allow us to:

  • Stop trying to do what everyone else does
  • Know the specific and realistic actions to take
  • Give assurance and peace that the right steps for a healthy diet and exercise are being done

I love the Bible story in Nehemiah 6.

Nehemiah had a vision to build the wall of Jerusalem and nothing would stop him.  He was clear on what needed to be done.  He was not chasing the latest trend or trying to do whatever one else was doing.  He had a vision and nothing could stop him as he clearly states in verse 3.

“I am carrying on a great project and cannot come down.”


My Personal Healthy Vision

When I think of myself at my best physically, mentally, and spiritually, this is what I see:

  • I am looking and feeling healthy
  • exercising 4-5 times a week
  • spending daily quiet time with God and my family

To fulfill that vision, which is an ongoing process not a check off, I know there are certain steps I need to take each day. I need to say “no” to certain things and let go of unrealistic expectations.  Having that vision helps me be consistent because:

  • I am motivated to have it which makes it a priority.
  • I want to look and feel healthy, not perfect. Comparing myself to others would only leave me feeling like a failure and giving up.
  • Allows me to realize that I cannot attempt unrealistic exercise regimens at THIS time in my life because it may interfere with family time. I choose exercise programs that work for my family.
  • Reminds me that I have to spend time with God and He will show me the right path to take.

You can be consistent

You can consistently exercise and follow a healthy diet no matter how busy you are at this time of your life. It starts by having a healthy vision of what you want for your life.  Once you have that vision, you can have a clear design with the steps to take in a consistent exercise program and a healthy diet.

To Your Health,

Coach Crystal


Running or Walking with Jesus

My morning quiet time with God is my favorite part of the day.  I have a special chair and perfect side table for my coffee and Bible. I feel so close to the Lord by praying and studying His Word. But I have to be honest, there are times when I get up from “my chair” that I don’t talk or listen to Him for the rest of the day.  A few years ago, I heard a pastor share how he talked to Jesus while riding in the car. If he were driving alone, he pictured Jesus sitting next to him and he would pray.  So I thought…that is it!  I will invite Jesus to ride in the car with me each day.  I never once thought about running or walking with Jesus.


That week, after my morning coffee and quiet time, I put on my tennis shoes to head out for a run.  While running, I said a quick prayer,  “Lord, help me remember while driving that You are riding right next to me and to pray.” It was at that moment, I felt like He took me by my shoulders and shook me right in the middle of MY RUN.  I know He said, “Do you not see me running right here next to you?”  Friends, he was not in sandals, I believe He was in Nike’s.

Now, there is nothing that can replace the quiet and still moments of kneeling at the feet of Jesus to pray. But, the Lord has shown me so many things while running circles around my block giving Him praise, sharing my concerns, and listening to His voice.

The Struggle

I completely understand the struggle to find time for prayer and exercise, which is why I am so passionate about designing exercise programs for busy women. However, I believe before starting a new fitness program, we have to discover how to have balance in our life. I believe real peace and balance can be found by spending time with the Lord Jesus.


We have been talking about how to start an exercise program and use our time wisely.  If you are struggling to find time to exercise and pray, try doing them together. You can improve your health physically, mentally, and spiritually by running or walking with Jesus.

To Your Health,



If you have a question for Crystal, related to health and exercise, please email them to:


Guidelines for Beginning An Exercise Program



Dear Crystal,

I am a 55 year old woman who is overweight by almost 100 pounds.  I currently get very little exercise. I work behind a computer for several hours a day, and I want to get back into shape. I also have lower back issues, and weak ankles. What is a good exercise routine for me to get started with?



Dear Anonymous,

Congratulations on starting an exercise program. Getting started can sometimes be overwhelming but, with the right motivation, you can do it. There are certain guidelines for beginning an exercise program.  Here are a couple before you get started.

1. Receive clearance from your doctor with any specific guidelines.  American College of Sports Medicine, the largest sports medicine and exercise science organization in the world, recommends that all females over the age of 50 receive a physicians release before starting an exercise program.

2. Invest in a few pieces of apparel.

  • A good pair of walking or running shoes.  Walking in street shoes or thin sneakers could result in injury.  Find a knowledgeable athletic shoe store and get a pair of name brand walking or running shoes that is best for you. Also, because our feet swell during exercise, buy a size bigger than your normal shoe size.
  • Cool clothing.  While many feel it is beneficial to wear extra clothing to sweat more, all those layers do not allow your body to cool and can lead to overheating and exhaustion.


For weight loss, calorie burn is a priority. My recommendation for a beginner exerciser is to start  a walking program. Walk at a brisk pace to increase heart rate, which is the key to burning more calories.  While activities like Pilates and Yoga are awesome and provide many benefits, your primary focus should be cardiovascular exercise 3-5x a week.

For your walking program, begin with a simple plan of 30 minutes a day in duration, even if it is 10 minute intervals at different times.  Gradually build your times up to 30-60 continuous minutes.  If time does not permit that duration, work on increasing the speed of your walk during the time you do have for exercise, which burns more calories too.  🙂  Be sure to end your workout by cooling down and stretching your hamstrings, quadriceps and calf muscles.


Lower back issues can be the result of injury or a sedentary lifestyle.  If injury is the culprit of your back problems, be sure to check with your doctor for the type of rehabilitation or prevention exercises he recommends.

Low back pain can occur many times, due to extra weight, sitting for long periods of time without stretching muscles or an accumulation of stress, which for many is carried in the back and shoulders.  Taking about 10 minutes each day to stretch your low back and hamstrings when your muscles are warm (either after exercise or a hot shower) will eliminate a lot of stress and tension in your back.  Yoga or light Pilates is also very beneficial is eliminating and preventing lower back pain.


Weak ankles could also be a result of extra weight and lack of exercise. By strengthening through exercise and a safe weight loss program, your ankles should be feeling stronger.  Again, if problems persist, consult your doctor.

In summary, as a beginner who wants to lose weight, I would say you are ready to begin a brisk walking program for 30-45 minutes 3-5 days a week followed by 10 minutes of stretching to eliminate any tightness or tension and the risk of pulling a muscle.

You can do it!  Take a deep breath, put on some great music with good tennis shoes and get to walking.

To Your Health,


Wellness Coach/Fitness Designer



If you have questions for Crystal, relating to health or exercise, please email them to:


Have Time for Fitness…Physically and Spiritually


I remember my thoughts, very clearly, as I sat drinking coffee at 5:30 one morning. It was the week before I went back to work from maternity leave for my second child Zach.  We were now a family of four and I remembered all of the words of friends and family who said, “Two kids changes it up.”  Life is different when you go from one child to two.  How would I have time for fitness, physically and spiritually?

As I sat there, I began to realize all of the things on my plate, not my breakfast plate, but my plate of life.  I did a quick check list:

  • Full time job
  • New business
  • Volunteer work at church
  • New schedule with Hannah (my daughter) starting Kindergarten
  • New baby


Adding to all of that was my continued desire to have daily quality time with God, my husband, children, and exercise. They were all important to me, but were overwhelming and seemed impossible. It was then that I realized there were things I would have to take off my plate and let go of, if I truly wanted to focus on things that were important to me. As I thought about where my time went each day, I realized it was not all toward my priorities or really necessary. I knew I would have to make a few changes.

Such as:

  • Saying “yes” to things before thinking it through
  • Having my house perfectly cleaned and organized at the end of each day
  • Working hard to make sure everything goes according to MY plan (that can really take up a lot of time)
  • Giving up a favorite TV show

A couple of weeks ago, I talked about making exercise a priority.  Do you feel like you had good intentions of making it a priority, but still struggle to find the time to actually do it?  If so, it may be time to ask yourself two questions.

  1.  Is my time prioritized each day around what is important to me?
  2. Are there things I need to give up or add to focus on my priorities?

Improving our fitness and having a daily quiet time will not just happen. We have to be intentional with our time and sometimes that means giving up what may not be that important in the big scheme of things, certain responsibilities, or our own selfish desires.  God has shown me that, if I give my time to Him, He will help me find time for what is important, even now as a busy woman with a family of four.

family tball

Finding time for your physical and spiritual fitness has to be intentional and usually comes about by making a few changes. Give your time and agenda to God and ask Him for guidance.  He will show you that you do have time for fitness, physically and spiritually.


If you have a question for Crystal in regards to this blog, please email her at: Crystal@girlfriendscoffeehour.com

An Exercise Plan that Gets Results


Last week, I talked about finding the right motivation when starting an exercise program.  But let’s be honest, we still want an exercise plan that gets results, either physically or mentally.  It can be easy to quit if you feel defeated and it is important you follow a program that is right for you.  Everyone has different goals, schedules, and fitness levels.   Once you have established your motivation and made exercise a priority, it is  time to develop an exercise plan that gets results.

Establish the following for your program:

Type: Choose the right type of exercise (walking, jogging, yoga, strength training, Zumba, step class, etc.) to meet YOUR goals whether it is to gain energy or strength, maintain a healthy weight or increase flexibility.  Find something that you actually enjoy and determine if it is appropriate for your fitness level and physical limitations.

Intensity:  Determine how hard you will work and include the appropriate working heart rate. As a certified instructor with American Council of Exercise, I guide my clients with the following heart rate zones when designing a fitness program.

Duration: Set the appropriate length of time for your workout. Do you need 20, 30, or 60 minutes to achieve your desired results?

Frequency: Decide how many days a week are needed and what you can commit to give.

Proverbs 21:5 says, “The plans of the diligent lead surely to the advantage, but everyone who is hasty comes surely to poverty. At the beginning of the week, take a few minutes with your weekly calendar and pencil in your exercise for the week.  Be sure to include the type, intensity, duration, and frequency.  With a plan and a goal,  you are less likely to quit a few minutes into it.

Proverbs 16:3 says, “Commit to the Lord whatever you do; and your plans will succeed.”  Give that plan to God as a way to honor Him and commit to stick with it.  With commitment and the right program for you, you will have an exercise plan that gets results.


If you have questions for Crystal, please email her at: Crystal@girlfriendscoffeehour.com

Crucial Questions Before Starting an Exercise Program by Crystal Breaux, Wellness Coach/Fitness Designer



Have you ever wondered what you should do when starting an exercise program, such as:  What works, what doesn’t work?  Should I do cardio or lift weights?  How long, how fast, and what do I wear?  These are all important questions and need the right answers to achieve your personal health and fitness.

However, can YOU answer two crucial questions before starting an exercise program?

  1. Have you made exercise a PRIORITY in your life?
  2. What is your MOTIVATION?

Your answers will not only help you get started, but set the road map for having a consistent exercise program, which can be the most difficult part.

Follow me for a moment with this newspaper headline:

After receiving the news that she would have to drive 45 minutes to pick up her 1 million dollar lottery check, a busy woman states  that she  “does not have time” and will have to decline her winnings.”

Does that sound crazy or what? Like me, I am sure you are thinking, “I would find the time!” because I know that…

  • My life would change
  • I would never HAVE to work again
  • My kids college would be paid
  • I would never have to worry about money again

Without a doubt, picking up that money would become a PRIORITY that day because of the benefits I would receive in finding 45 minutes in my day.

How often do you say “I don’t have time to exercise?”  Let’s be honest — is it that you don’t have the time or you have not made exercise a priority?


A priority has been defined as something afforded or deserving attention. 

The truth is we will make time for the things that are a PRIORITY to us, like picking up a million dollars. We will rearrange schedules, cancel meetings, or say no to certain things so that it can be done.


Would exercise become a priority if you were motivated for the right reasons?  Before I design a specific program for my client, we establish a concrete motivator.

It is important to know that what motivated you in the past may not motivate you now.  For example, the only reason I exercised 20 years ago was to “hopefully” look a certain way in my jeans, although it did not exactly work.  Today at age 41, while the jeans do matter (let’s be honest) it is not my only motivation for exercise.  If I use “the jeans” as my only motivation, exercise would not be a priority.

What does motivate me is focusing on Scripture and remembering that when I exercise I am

  • Bringing honor to God with my body (I Corinthians 6:19-20)
  • Feeling close to God as He strengthens me during my exercise (Isaiah 45:5) and brings me:
  • Less stress (Philippians 4:6)
  • More peace (Psalm 34:14)
  • Feeling good and in good health (Proverbs 3:8)
  • Strong enough to do what I am called to do (Proverbs 31:17)
  • More energetic at work (Proverbs 31:17)
  • Positive with a better attitude (Proverbs 17:22 )
  • Feeling confident about myself (Psalm 197:14)

What will motivate you today?  Before jumping into the next exercise craze, ask yourself the real questions before starting an exercise program.

  • What is my motivation?
  • Have I made it a priority?

If just like taking the time to pick up your money would change your life,

how would your life change if you were motivated to make exercise a priority?


To Your Health & Wellness, 

Crystal Bush Breaux

Wellness Coach/Fitness Designer

Easy Healthy Lunch to Go by Crystal Breaux, Wellness Coach/Fitness Designer


One of the biggest challenges for busy women can be finding the perfect healthy lunch. Packing the same old sandwich or salad every day can become boring and frustrating. When at a loss, it is easy to slip into old habits such as grabbing whatever is available or eating at the mercy of your nearest fast food restaurant. For busy women, we want variety and an easy healthy lunch to go. One of my new favorites is a Black Bean Power Salad.


• 1 cup whole-kernel corn

• 2 cans (16oz each) of black beans, rinsed and drained

• ¼ cup chopped parsley

• 2 TBS minced red onion

• ¼ cup balsamic vinegar

• 2 TBS olive oil

• 1 tsp lemon juice

• 1 tsp minced garlic

• 1 tsp honey or brown sugar

• Salt and pepper


In a large bowl, combine the corn, beans, parsley, onions, vinegar, oil, lemon juice, garlic, and honey or brown sugar. Let it marinade for the 30 minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste.


Calories 417.6

Fat 6.9

Sodium 220.3

Protein 21.7

Fiber 21.3

It is so delicious and look at the fiber and protein…..a guarantee to keep you full and satisfied. I make it right after church on Sunday to prepare for my upcoming week. It just takes a few minutes each morning or the night before to pack my easy healthy lunch to go. To add a little more protein, I add any leftover grilled chicken (nutritional value not included with chicken). For variety, I reduce my serving size and add cheese and crackers. All together, here is my lunch to go.

photo (2)

Don’t forget your calories with crackers which can add up quickly. My favorite cracker that gives me the most bang for the buck is Triscuits Thin Crisp. At only 150 calories for 15 crackers, half of a serving is perfect.

TriscuitThinCrispsOriginal8_5oz240g500Combine with string cheese at 80 calories and you Black Bean Power Salad and you have an easy healthy lunch to go.


Eating Healthy, 

Crystal Breaux

Wellness Coach/Fitness Designer



A Snack Schedule to Help Keep You Healthy by Crystal Breaux, Wellness Coach/Fitness Designer

Have you ever rushed out the door in the morning with nothing more than a mug of coffee in hand? Then when hunger hits, you discover you are at the mercy of someone or something else for something to eat.  You may even decide to skip a snack which only slows down your metabolism and leaves you famished at your next meal with no control over what you eat.

One of the biggest pitfalls I see with women is not planning healthy snacks. Snacks can be the key in weight management by helping you:

  • Meet your daily nutrient requirements
  • Regulate your metabolism
  • Keep you from overeating at your next meal

I believe conquering this ONE behavior—creating a snack schedule—can lead to a lifetime of weight management and feeling at peace with food.  If the right snacks are not chosen, it can lead to feeling unsatisfied by eating empty, unnecessary calories.

Building My Snack Schedule

I like to build my snacks around nutrient dense foods (foods that have a lot of nutrients) but relatively few calories. At times, I may combine them with a smaller serving of something that is less nutritious.   For example, I love a handful of nuts, string cheese and end with a Hershey’s Kiss.

 cheese almond kiss


Sound crazy? The nuts and cheese are nutrient dense, and the Kiss fills my desire for chocolate. I am not tempted to over indulge because I am satisfied and have built my sweet “treat” into my daily requirement.

Another favorite is 1 tablespoon of peanut butter with a banana or apple.


 apple and peanut butter


Daily Motivation

My prayer each day is that I view what I eat and how I exercise the same way I do other areas in my life.  It is a way to honor God.

The Bible says in I Corinthians 10:31: So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.   

Of course, I am not perfect. There are plenty of times I eat things that were not the best choice; but I take it as an opportunity to give myself a little grace and learn how to do it differently the next time. Have you ever thought about how you eat as a way to bring honor to God? It may give you a new motivation for eating healthy that may include planning a snack schedule.