February 23, 2025

Positive Attitude


 For everything that was written in the past
was written to teach us,
so that through endurance
and the encouragement of the Scriptures
we might have hope.

Romans 15:4

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Ever felt like, no matter what, things never seemed to go your way?  I believe we all have at some point.  I remember when my brother went through a bad spell that seemed to last forever.  From bad relationships to an attempt at suicide, he felt alone and desperate.  Through family, friends, and God he found his way back.  He is in a strong relationship and is happy.

God will allow us to go through issues—not to keep us down, but to make us stronger.  He has to prepare us for serving Him.  It will not always be easy (as some of our brothers and sisters in Christ are finding out in other countries right now).  As we pray for them, God will help the families and people through their journey.  God has given them the hope of seeing their loved ones in heaven if they believe.

God gave hope to Hannah.  Hannah was barren.  She went to the temple and prayed for God to take away her shame.  When the prophet, Eli saw her praying, he thought that she was drunk instead and questioned to her. When she explained she was praying for what she requested of the Lord yearly, Eli sent her on her way, asking God to grant her request.  And God did.  She gave birth to a son, Samuel, whom she dedicated to the Lord.  She was also blessed with other sons and daughters for her faithfulness. (Click here to read this account.)

God still shows up in this way today.  I have some friends whose child was at the point of death and was brought back to life.  Others  who were dying of cancer and once they were prayed for, they were healed.  There is power in prayer and belief.  Within these lies our hope.  We only need to pray with confidence to our Father who can heal and restore our homes, our families, and our nations. Not just the United States, but all nations.

For we have been given the commission to go and share the good news about Jesus to everyone.  We are doing this with our blogs, sharing our stories.  Sharing our life struggles and our victories in life, with the guidance  of the Holy Spirit.  God wants to use us to spread His good news!!

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Father, thank You for loving us.  Thank You for sending Your Son to die for us on the Cross.  Help us continue to share Your Word—Your good news to the world.  Let the words we write honor and glorify You and Your Son, Jesus.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

All Things

psalmshymnsspiritualsongskjvI met a woman down the street at the park where my kids play
She was living underneath the trees because it’s pretty hard to find a job these days
We talked about the ups and downs of her life
As the tears filled her eyes she smiled and said something I will never forget

That in all things, all things
Give thanks to the One
Who meets our need before we know we even need it
Because all things are all the things I just can’t handle
So I hand it to the One who takes care of all things

Tweet tweet tweet way up high in the sky fly the little birds
(Without a care in the world)
And how much more does our Father provide for the ones He loves
And I’m ashamed how I complain everyday about things that don’t matter anyway
And it makes me think of the woman down the street who said

In all things, all things
Give thanks to the One
Who meets our need before we know we even need it
Because all things are all the things I just can’t handle
So I hand it to the One who takes care of all things

To the scared soldier there on the front lines
To the cancer patient running out of time
To the father afraid he’s gonna lose it all
To the single mom who doesn’t even know where to start
To the ones who think they’re all out of hope
To the ones who know the sting of death and feel all alone
Cast your cares for He cares for us
And there’s nothing in this life that’s bigger
Bigger than His love

I have a reason to, in all things, all things
Give thanks to the One
Who meets our need before we know we even need it
Because all things are all the things I just can’t handle
So I hand it to the One who takes care of all things

All things, all things
I know You’re taking care of all things, all things
I’m gonna trust You

 Citizen Way
Written by Ben Calhoun

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And we know that in all things
God works for the good of those who love Him,
who have been called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28

What a great promise from God!  Paul is writing to the believers in the Roman church, teaching them, counseling them, growing them in God’s wonderful ways.  We need to be reminded how much God gave for us.  How much He sacrificed for us to be grafted into His family, to serve Him in His command to share the good news of His great love.

Then in 2 Corinthians 9:8 we read this:

And God is able to bless you abundantly,
so that in all things at all times,
having all that you need,
you will abound in every good work.

How cool is that?  “All that you need“, God will bless us with it as long as we strive to do good work for the Kingdom of God.  We had some folks over to the house this past weekend.  One of the people was our youth pastor.  As my husband was introducing the various people, the pastor began to ask about a friend’s salvation status. (Do they believe, do they go to church, how have you done with sharing your beliefs….)  I think we passed with the ‘sharing’ part, but our friend has not chosen to return to church.  Sometimes all we are to do is plant the seed of Truth.  Hopefully someone else will come along and water the ‘seed’ and it will mature and become the follower God has created them to be.

Who of us has planted seeds, watered those seeds, and then helped it ripen?  Each one of us is given gifts to further the Kingdom.  Have you used yours lately?  If we do not exercise our gift, we will lose it.  God will continue to bless us with these gifts we exercise on a regular basis or He will take it and give to someone else.  I pray we will use our gifts and will ask for God to restore to us the ones we have not used in a long while.  How about you?

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Father, thank You for Your sacrifice You gave us many years ago through Your son, Jesus.  Help us to be brave and seek Your gifts and use the ones You have given us.  Give us the courage to seek Your will and not our own.  Help us to not seek approval of men, but Your approval.  Forgive us as we fail, give us the strength to succeed.  In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.



Don’t you yourselves know that you are God’s sanctuary
and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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From Dictionary.com:

  • Sanctuary – a sacred or holy place
  • Temple – an edifice or place dedicated to the service or worship of a deity or deities

Paul was writing to the Corinthian Church, which was surrounded with idols and other pagan ways.  He was trying to encourage them to keep on the right path.  As with today’s church, we have to be mindful of the teachings that we submit ourselves to.

Oftentimes, when I hear someone speak of ‘keeping the temple pure’, I think of what I eat…not necessarily what I watch on television or what I might listen to on the radio, but those are important, too.  If I allow negative thoughts and feelings to enter my mind and stay there, I will become depressed and will struggle to focus on what is right and true.

It can also be the result of negative words spoken to us as a child.  Those can be overcome by the power of the Holy Spirit.  When we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, the Holy Spirit indwells us to give us the power to overcome.

Just as the Spirit of God was there from the beginning.

Now the earth was formless and empty,
darkness was over the surface of the deep,
and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

Genesis 1:2  NIV

The Spirit was also there when David fought Goliath and defeated him (see 1 Samuel 17).  David had no doubt that God would be there.  When the giant appeared to insult God, David knew he needed to defend Him. We know God could have struck down the giant, but this was the opportunity David needed to show himself worthy to be chosen as the next king of Israel.

What giants are you facing?  Have you faced them already?  I pray you will have the simple courage David displayed.  His faith was borne out of continued living in God’s presence and seeking God’s help in all situations.  Being a shepherd requires a lot of care and attention to the small things. David was such a man.

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Father, I thank You again for Your wonderful example of how to trust you and how to seek You in all things.  Forgive us when we forget to seek You first.  Holy Spirit, come back to us!  Do not grow weary with our stubbornness to not seek You first.  We need you—like a headstrong child needs a patient, loving, and caring parent—be there with us.  We want to have solid food from our Father.  In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Second Chances


For we are God’s handiwork,
created in Christ Jesus to do good works,
which God prepared in advance for us to do.
Ephesians 2:10

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As we walk through life, we are given chances to begin again.  God knows we are not perfect.  We strive every day to be better.  With the help of the Holy Spirit we will do more and more for the Kingdom.

I was listening to someone this week talking about bearing fruit for the Kingdom.  If you have been serving in a certain area, and you feel God is closing that door, it is not always a bad thing.  You have to cut away some of the bad (or simply unnecessary) things to let the good enter into your life.

While David was living his life, he did not know what he was going to be or where God would have him.  He served God in the areas where he was needed.  From being a shepherd in his father Jesse’s household to showing up where his brother’s were serving in the king’s army.  I am certain David did not plan on slaying a giant that day!  But David did what was asked of him.  David was not perfect.  But he did do what was required of him to serve God and His people.

Can you and I have a relationship like David did with God?  Of course we can.  God will always be there for us to call upon Him and for us to talk to Him.  All we have to do is trust Him and believe God wants the best for us.  Why else would God send His Son Jesus to live among us? Why would God sacrifice his only Son?  Because He loves us.  As our Father, He disciplines us, loves us, hugs us and holds our hands all throughout our lives.  All we have to do is reach for Him.

God knew what Peter would do. Jesus knew what Peter would do. Under pressure and full of fear, Peter denied knowing Jesus three times.  Would we deny knowing Him if we were in similar circumstances—under pressure and fear-filled?  We do not know.  Just as Jesus restored Peter after His resurrection, I would hope and pray that Jesus will restore us if we are faced with such an occasion. Our Heavenly Father loves us.

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Father, thank You for loving us.  Thank You for showing us how Peter was forgiven and restored so that he could proclaim the words and ways of Jesus.  Help us to be bold and able to speak on Your behalf when we need to.  Let the power of the Holy Spirit speak through us.   Thank You!  In Jesus’ name, amen.



There’s got to be more
Than going back and forth
From doing right to doing wrong
‘Cause we were taught that’s who we are
Come on get in line right behind me
You along with everybody
Thinking there’s worth in what you do

Then like a hero who takes the stage when
We’re on the edge of our seats saying it’s too late
Well let me introduce you to amazing grace

No matter the bumps
No matter the bruises
No matter the scars
Still the truth is
The Cross has made
The Cross has made you flawless
No matter the hurt
Or how deep the wound is
No matter the pain
Still the truth is
The Cross has made
The Cross has made you flawless

Could it possibly be
That we simply can’t believe
That this unconditional
Kind of love would be enough
To take a filthy wretch like this
And wrap him up in righteousness
But that’s exactly what He did

Take a breath smile and say
Right here right now I’m ok
Because the Cross was enough


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Aren’t you glad God’s love is unconditional?
Aren’t you glad you and I can experience pure love?
I know I am.

I am glad I do not have to earn it.  I am glad I do not have to do anything but love God and know He loves me.  When I was in my teens, I asked Jesus to be Lord of my life.  His love made my life tolerable.  His unconditional love helped me know I was cherished and, no matter what I was going through, there was a way for me to make it through.

I was able to forgive and to find forgiveness.  I was able to begin to deal with (and sometimes am still working on) feelings of abandonment and rejection.  We have someone that wants to remind us every moment of our faults and failings.  That is where we are instructed to take our thoughts captive and refuse those negative accusing thoughts and feelings.  We are to deny those and replace them with what God’s Word tells us.  We are to dwell on these positive things.

Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood,
but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world
and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Therefore put on the full armor of God,
so that when the day of evil comes,
you may be able to stand your ground,
and after you have done everything, to stand.
Ephesians 6:11-13 NIV

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Father, thank You for Your Word reminding us to guard our thoughts and know we are protected by You.  Help us to refocus on You when our thoughts wander towards negative or wrong thinking.  We love You and pray for Your mercy and grace while we struggle with keeping our thoughts pure.  In Jesus’ name, amen.

Living A New Life


I have been crucified with Christ
and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.
The life I now live in the body,
I live by faith in the Son of God,
Who loved me and gave Himself for me.
Galatians 2:20 NIV

Paul had such passion and understanding for the Word of God.  He allowed God to use him in whatever way he was needed.  Jesus knew the character of Paul.  He knew that if he called upon Paul to serve, Paul would be ready.

Due to Paul’s early training as a Pharisee, he was well-versed in the Scriptures.  He would have been knowledgeable of the prophecies about Jesus’ coming and about the Law.

Paul would have known about Jesus’ teachings and been a witness to many of them in Jerusalem.  Because Paul would have been so immersed in the teachings of the Law, there would not had been room for the Holy Spirit.  When Paul was visited by Jesus on the road to Damascus, Paul was given a gift—he was given a second chance to win others to Jesus, the only way to God.

Paul was freed from the Law.  He was freed from the rules the Pharisees had created for the Jewish people to follow, making the burden impossible for everyone to come close to God.  With Paul’s conversion and baptism, he could speak to the Jews and the Gentiles with authority and eloquence.  He learned about faith.  He learned about Jesus’ love for everyone, not just the Jewish people but also for the Gentiles.

I am glad Jesus recruited Paul for the Gentiles.  He is a great example of what Christ did for you and me.  He sacrificed for us His life to give us the gospel.

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Father, thank You for the people You have recruited to spread the Gospel.  Thank You for sending Your Son, Jesus, to create for us a way into Your Kingdom.  We thank You for the Jewish people who have made it possible for us to know You.  Help us have the courage of Peter, Paul, and the others to share the good news of Jesus.  Let us be bold to stand for what is right.  In Jesus’ name, amen.

Taking Our Thoughts Captive


So if you have been raised with the Messiah, seek what is above,
where the Messiah is, seated at the right hand of God.
Set your minds on what is above, not on what is on the earth.
For you have died, and your life is hidden with the Messiah in God.
Colossians 3:1-3 HCSB 

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As the world goes, we should be different.  We may look the same on the outside, our hair, our makeup, our clothes. But from our heart we should have such a different light that shines forth from us.  Our inner light, our inner contentment should be so shining that others are intrigued.  The way we react and love each other should be with a different slant, a better example of what God has for us.  

We all know this is not easy.  We look at what others have and say: “Why can’t I have that?”  “Why do they get to go on those great trips all the time?” “I want a car like that!” God knows what we desire.  He hears, He sees, and He wants to bless us.  But where the correct thinking should be is where are we storing up our treasures?  These things we desire will corrode, tarnish, wear out, or we will forget them. 

If we have been given the gift of teaching, we should use this to further His love by showing kindness, encouraging kindness in our students. If our gifting is in the corporate world, we are to be sure to practice what Jesus demonstrated in the Temple and to always honor God in all of our business dealings.  We are to be fair and honest, not seeking to get the best deal for ourselves, but the best for our customer. 

This week, ask God to show you how you can honor Him.  Listen and watch for those moments where you and God will be lifted up and you will be amazed at the blessings you may have been missing.  Today, find your quiet time and reflect on the words in the verses above.  Ask God where you can make changes in your thoughts and actions to glorify Him. 

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Father, today I thank You for Your Word that would remind us of right thinking and actions.  Today, I repent of the wrong thoughts I have had.  Forgive me for coveting what others have.  Forgive me for focusing on things here on earth that are of the world.  Begin in me a new heart, one that seeks after You and Your ways.  The one that will bring much fruit into Your Kingdom.  Thank You for the many chances we have to serve You. In Jesus’ name, I pray and ask these things, amen!!!

Word Of God Speak


I’m finding myself at a loss for words
And the funny thing is it’s okay
The last thing I need is to be heard
But to hear what You would say
Word of God speak
Would You pour down like rain
Washing my eyes to see
Your majesty
To be still and know
That You’re in this place
Please let me stay and rest
In Your holiness
Word of God speak

I’m finding myself in the midst of You
Beyond the music, beyond the noise
All that I need is to be with You
And in the quiet, hear Your voice

I’m finding myself at a loss for words
And the funny thing is it’s okay

written along with Peter Kipley
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The Lord God is waiting to show how kind He is
and to have pity on you.
The Lord always does right;
He blesses those who trust Him.
Isaiah 30:18
God so wants to bless us!  All we have to do is call upon His name and He will bend His ear to hear our cry.  For we have been grafted into His family through Jesus Christ, His on.  Without the people of Israel—the Jewish people—we would not have the Bible and we would not know the person of Jesus.  We are a blessed people!
As we go through this week, let’s focus our thoughts on the nation of Israel, finding ways to bless them by praying for them daily and lifting up their nation. Asking for their protection, we are bringing on a blessings to us…for we are to bless God’s people.

Hide Myself

psalmshymnsspiritualsongskjvI’ve heard the thunder before
I’m not a stranger to storms
Even in the flood
I can always run
To where You are

I’ve had to wait in the dark
And hold the Truth in my heart
Even in the night
Still You open wide
Your faithful arms

And I hide myself
Where I find my help
And I hide myself
I find only rest
I find only peace
Beneath Your wings

You are the Refuge that stands
You hold my world in Your hands
The quiet in the noise
The stillness of Your voice
Will be enough

And it’s Your Presence alone
That changes all that I know
‘Til all that I know
Is just Your Presence alone
I’m safe in Your shadow

Even in the flood
I can always run
To where You are

Michael W. Smith
Writer: Mia Fieldes

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We certainly can sense there is turmoil and strife in the world.

They were filled with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice.
They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness.
They are gossips….
Romans 1:29

God knew there would be trouble in our lives.  Some because of our choices and some because of the world.  It is how we meet those challenges, lifting His name in all situations, that sets us apart from the world.  He will not always remove the testing, but He will walk with us through it.  If God can be with David all the while, He will surely be with us.

We need to search our hearts to see where we might doubt Him—where our faith is weakest.  We must ask God to help us strengthen it, to help us grow our faith, and to trust more and more.  David sometimes wondered where God was; and even the prophets did, too.

Look at Elijah….  With God, he had just destroyed all of the prophets of Baal but upon hearing that Jezebel was going to kill him, he was afraid. But isn’t that the man in us—our human side? To forget what God had just done…?  (How quickly we forget when our peace is threatened?)  God knew that Elijah was tired and needed rest and reassurance.  After receiving it, Elijah’s faith was restored and God told him what would happen in the future (see 1 Kings 19).

As God was faithful in restoring Elijah,
how much more will He restore us?

Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God
so that at the proper time He may exalt you,

casting all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you.
Be sober-minded; be watchful.
Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion,
seeking someone to devour.
Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering
are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world.
And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace,
Who has called you to His eternal glory in Christ,
will Himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.
To Him be the dominion forever and ever.  Amen.
1 Peter 5:6-11

Let this be our prayer for our nation and our world.

Living In Us


You are from God, little children, and have overcome them;
because greater is He Who is in you
than he who is in the world.
1 John 4:4 NASB

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How to be in the world but not of the world.  We strive everyday to live in a fallen world…surrounded by hate, mistrust, deception, malice, negative thoughts, and backbiting.  We are guilty of it no matter how hard we may try to remove ourselves from it.

The question is, how do we live in the world but not of the world ?
By inviting the Holy Spirit to live in us.

When we ask Jesus to come and live in us, we invite God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit to take up residence in us and assist us in our daily living.  God directs them and grants to each what is needed at the appropriate time.  The Holy Spirit helps us to determine if what we are doing is honoring God.

When we are tested, we are put in situations that would determine whether we believe it is God’s ability to help us in a situation or if we trust our own abilities.  I recently heard someone state that our first place to run is supposed to be God (not to our friends). We all need our quiet time with God and to be still and reflect. To allow Him to be greater in us, by seeking His will before our own and that of man.

God always wants our best.  He puts us in hard situations to determine how we will react.  Will be become angry, bitter, lashing out…or will we be patient and kind, waiting to see what is going on.  If we are being meek and humble, we can do what God asks of us.

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Father, give us the courage to seek You first before we do or say anything.  Let us have the discipline to control our thoughts and emotions.  We want to please You.  We want to be a light for others who are seeking something more in their lives.  Thank You for allowing us to be your children…your daughters.  In Jesus’ name, amen.