February 22, 2025

Girls with Swords: Chapter 10 – “Sword of Light – More Than Meets The Eye” (pgs. 159-162)

Growing up in church I have always heard the word discernment used, but I can honestly say that I have never looked at the term from this point of view. Discernment, to me, meant that a person had the ability to see past the first few layers of a person or a situation to see the truth behind the facade (if there was one). It was the ability to see the darkness hiding behind the light. Discernment had a slightly negative connotation behind it.

For some reason, some churches teach discernment as seeing the bad through the good, instead of how it should be, which is seeing the good through the bad. “Discernment is about knowing what is really going on, so that heroic daughters can turn what others see as a disadvantage into an advantage. The discerning warrior will know how to turn evil around for good” (pg. 159).

Let’s look back at a much loved scripture…


The good is there, it may be deep under the surface of the situation, but it is there. We are promised good in His Word, but that doesn’t mean that He will lay it in front of our eyes each time.  We will have to use wisdom, discernment, compassion and prayer to see it.

“Treat people as if they were what they ought to be, and help them to become what they are capable of being.” – John Wolfgang Von Goethe (pg. 160)

We are a society that almost automatically labels those around us; we label ourselves just as much. Often times these labels focus on our negative characteristics, they focus on what we or others may see wrong on the outside, or on our brokenness. We create labels that we can’t look past…labels that others can’t look past. But there is more beyond those labels.

We as warriors, girls with swords, Godly women, need to look past these labels; we need to see those around us and the situations around us through God’s eyes. I’m not sure why it is so easy for us (people in general) to see the bad in most situations; I do this also.  It’s easy to point out the bad instead of searching for the good. But God did not gift us with discernment to see just the bad things in people. He gifted us with discernment so that we could see the good and the bad in them.  So we could help encourage the good and help us see ourselves and those around us for what He created us to be.


Let’s Pray:

Dear Heavenly Father, with the world in the state that it is in, it can be difficult at times to see Your creation through Your eyes. We judge, and we label.  We do this to those around us and we do it to ourselves. Lord, I pray that You touch our hearts.  I pray that we see people and situations for what You created them to be. Remind us that our job is to lift-up and encourage. I pray that we walk with wisdom and discernment, that we walk in compassion, and in prayer.  In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Girls with Swords: Chapter 9 – “Kill or Defend” (pgs 150-151)

I wanted to point out to you ladies that in the introduction to this chapter, Lisa explains that the machete is a formidable weapon for self-defense, capable of fending off assailants and wild animals and killing venomous snakes (pg 140).

This reminded me of something a friend told me last night.  I was explaining how sometimes I feel like I am in a tug of war with Satan.  I feel him wanting to wrap his slithering body around my arm and try with all of his might to pull me on his side, but God is not pulling my other arm, He is holding me securely in His mighty arms.

Her response was this: Satan is first mentioned as a snake in the Scriptures.  Did you know that when a snake gets its head cut off, it can still live.  They do not know that they are slithering around without a head.  Satan is walking around with his head cut off, he just doesn’t know it yet.  Genesis 3:15 says Satan will strike HIS (referring to Jesus) heels BUT HE (Jesus) WILL CRUSH HIS HEAD.  Satan is still trying to have you because he doesn’t know that he is dead, but he is.

YES!  He sure is dead.  There is something more powerful than the machete; the stained cross where our Precious Lamb was slain for you and me.  That same cross sliced the head of Satan the day He rose from the dead.  Jesus has overcome Satan’s many attempts to strike His heel, with His stained cross and empty tomb.  Jesus has freely given us this same victory over Satan’s many attempts to pull us on his path!

Satan is slithering around headless, he is dead, and he just doesn’t know it yet.  When he tries to wrap around your arm, that is when we, princess-warriors-in-training, MUST slay his grasp with the machete of God’s word.

When we are on God’s path for us, we will encounter the snake in many forms.  The snake wants us on his path.  He will pull out all of his tricks to discourage us on our path for God.  Lisa tells us on page 150 that even if the snake is not positioned to strike, it must be removed.  Snakes are a threat, but not to God.  When we are living our life for Christ, snakes lose their threat to us.  Especially when you know the snake doesn’t have a head!

We have all power and all authority of God behind us, ready to take on that headless snake!  Philippians 3:21  “The Lord Jesus Christ, who by the power that enables Him to bring everything under His control will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like His glorious body.”  The same God who raises our bodies to be with Him in Heaven one glorious day, is the same God who has beheaded Satan’s body.  We have God’s mighty power behind us, the work has already been done, Satan is already dead.  We must continue on God’s path and be prepared princess warriors with the machete of God’s word in our hands and on our tongues at all times!



Let’s pray Lisa’s prayer together:

Dear Heavenly Father,  direct my paths by the light of your Word, and instruct me in ways to leave a clearly marked trail behind for others.  I want to use your Word to create environments that encourage others to flourish.  I choose to guard my heart so as not to mistake co-laborers for competitors.  Open my eyes to see the fields surrounding my life that are white and ready for harvest.  In Jesus’s name, Amen.


Girls with Swords: Chapter 9 “Manage Harvests” (pgs 147-150)

I have been to three churches in my adult life and have been able to see the different cultures in these churches. One of the things that I have noticed is the fact that some individuals in the church are more concerned with their image and looking better than others than they are with spreading the Word. I think that being competitive is part of our nature; it can be fun. I know that I enjoy a friendly competition with family and friends; but, “Competition has its place in the Olympics but not in the house of God” (pg. 148).

I enjoyed how Lisa examined the relationship between Jesus and John the Baptist.  I liked how the powers that be (religious leaders) were unable to create a rivalry between the two.  I like how John was “a forerunner who understood his season and purpose…Like him, we should herald the One to come” (pg. 149).

Life is full of competition and it is full of trying to be the best. But there are areas of life when competition is not warranted and, in this case, it can do harm. When we are going head-to-head with our fellow Christian, what message are we sending?

I’ve heard the term herald before, and I knew that it was an individual who acted as an olden day announcer; but I wanted to look the word up in order to better understand the responsibilities.


1: an official crier or messenger

2: one that precedes or foreshadows

3: one that conveys news or proclaims

4: one who actively promotes or advocates





Conveys News



Are we clearing the paths, or, are we adding more barriers for those trying to reach Him?  “In times of harvest, paths must be cleared and maintained so the harvesters can get to the fields” (pg. 147).


We have been assigned many titles—woman, wife, mother, daughter, friend, employee, girls with swords, warriors, and now we are also heralds. We now need to walk our paths, sword in hand, clearing paths.

In times of harvest, paths must be cleared and maintained so the harvesters can get to the fields (pg. 147)


Let’s Pray:

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the path You have placed us on. Lord, with so many responsibilities and titles we often try to outdo one another. Please forgive us for this and remind us that we are all assigned to be Your heralds.  We are assigned to proclaim Your glory, working together to clear paths and lead others to You. Thank You Lord for Your assignments in our lives.  In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen.


Girls with Swords: Chapter 8 – “Sword of Words” (pgs 129-134)

What are we doing with our words?

In the world we live in today, the power of our words means more now than ever; the power of the Scripture means more than it ever has, and the impact of its words will reach further than ever. I can honestly say that I have always known that there is power in our words; there is strength behind what we say and strength behind how we say it. That strength can have either a positive or negative impact.

Proverbs 12:18 NIV

The words of the reckless pierce like swords,
but the tongue of the wise brings healing.

I’ve seen well-intentioned words hurt, and I’ve heard well-intentioned words lead someone astray. We don’t do it on purpose, but when we aren’t intentional about what we say and how we say it, the interpretation of those words can become skewed, even in a conversation between only two people.

“Far too much is lost in interpretation when we pass the words through the filter of earth rather than fashion the earth with the words of heaven” — Lisa Bevere (page 129).

Are we allowing our words to become earth-based? Are we allowing them to become catchy or cliché?  Are we trying to make the sacred words common?  Are our words lacking wisdom and hurting instead of healing?

The Bible was not only given to us to help us grow closer to God, to help us understand God’s love for us, to teach us the history and to give us a guide in which to live our lives; but it was given to us  for us to share it with others.  We must retain the power it holds.  We musn’t allow the filter that the world has placed on it to lessen the power it holds.

Hebrews 11:3 NIV

By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.

When I read this quote by William Booth I said “wow!”  “In answer to your inquiry, I consider that the chief dangers which confront the coming century will be religion without the Holy Ghost, Christianity without Christ, forgiveness without repentance, salvation without regeneration, politics without God, and heaven without a hell” (William Booth, pg. 133).

I don’t believe that we are intentionally creating this reality, but I do believe that we are unintentionally making this statement true. When we say things, are we saying them because they sound good and will grab the attention of others? Or have we passed what we are going to say through God’s filter?  Have we asked His advice about what to say and how to say it?  Have we sought out His Scripture?

Ladies, we need to be aware of our words. I know that this needs to be a goal of mine, too.  I am not always intentional about what I say. I always tell my kids to think before they speak. Not only do we need to apply this to our lives, but more importantly we need to pray before we speak.  We need to run our words through the Heavenly filter.

Let’s Pray:  

Dear Heavenly Father, our words can do harm as easily as they can do good. Lord, touch our hearts before we speak as a reminder to pray about what we are going to say and how we are going to say it. Your words hold power that we want to retain. Please help us to use our words to heal and not hurt, to draw ourselves and others closer to You and not to lead them astray.  In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen.

Girls with Swords: Chapter 7 – “Pressure” (pgs 112-114)

 Day 3 of our Anniversary Giveaway

is listed at the bottom of this blog.


My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind.  For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.

James 1:2-8 (NKJV)

Pressure. We can all relate to this word, this feeling, this state in life. I truly enjoyed how Lisa broke this scripture down into separate parts. When pressure enters our life and minds the last thing we think to do is “count it all joy,” I know that I don’t. Joy is often times the last word I would use to describe myself. When I’m dealing with the topic of joy I look it up each time, because it is so much more than a simple three letter word. This statement is one of the many that I found about joy.

“Joy is something that is unaffected by circumstances. It is a state of mind and an orientation of the heart. Joy is deep. It is a settled state of contentment, confidence and hope.

I have to remind myself that joy isn’t about being happy, it doesn’t mean that it is going to be easy. What it means is that I am going to accept my situation for the time being, and walk in the joy of the Lord. Pressure and joy are not two words that are normally paired together in this world. I also have to remind myself that I only live in this world, I don’t think like it.

“You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors…” (James 1:3, MSG).  Basically I understood this to mean that when life is hard, when obstacles are placed in our path, or when we place obstacles in our path, the strength of our faith will be shown. This is a hard realization for me, especially when my faith is not as strong as it should be. But I learned something a long time ago—just because I wasn’t where I thought I should be at a certain time doesn’t mean that I cannot grow to be that person. Just because my faith-life wasn’t strong during a time of pressure doesn’t mean that it never will be.

We have to remember that a sword didn’t start out strong. It took work; in most cases, it took a lot of work. “God wants us to thrive whether we are under pressure or free floating” (page 113), and in order to thrive in all situations we must be prepared, we must be tempered.


We have trials. We have pressures. We count it all joy. We exercise our faith. We ask for wisdom when we need it. We work towards becoming the women that God created us to be. And we do all of this with God by our side, with God directing our paths, with God holding us up.

When I was reading these scriptures in my study Bible, this note was given:

“The potential a Christian woman has for maturity relates to the realization of her God given destiny. She is striving to reach a goal that only God can enable her to achieve.”

In order for us to be the warriors we were destined to be, we must be willing to face our trials and be willing to accept the pressure and accept it with joy in our hearts.  Joy isn’t happiness, it’s the knowledge that we are where we need to be for a season in order for us to be formed into the woman He wants us to be. We are being tempered by God so that we can withstand any level of pressure, so we can continue to fight for the Kingdom despite the battle.


Let’s Pray:

Dear Heavenly Father, each day we face the pressures of life; each day we walk our journey.  Some days we walk with faith that could deal with anything and some days it feels like the smallest thing could crush us, but always despite the circumstances You are with us! You are right next to us with Your hand on our lives. Lord, we are told to count it all joy.  Thank You for this joy that surpasses all situations. Thank You for the gentle reminders of this gift, and thank You for the grace You offer when our faith and joy is not where it should be.  In Jesus’ Name, we pray.  Amen.


Day 3 of our Anniversary Celebration Week!

Are you ready for another giveaway????

Today’s giveaway is something that I wish was around when I had little ones at home!  I’m telling you, I remember days where I honestly wondered why God chose me to be a mom!  I remember going to bed at night crying my eyes out, thinking what a horrible mom I had been that day!  And then the next day, I wake up to two little girls who jump in bed with me, and we all begin to giggle from all the tickles!!  And I start another awesome day of being a Mom!  Being a mom has been one of the greatest joys of my life, and I am so forever grateful for the wonderful children (and grandchildren) God has given me!  I am truly blessed!


“Psst—over here! I’m hiding out in the laundry room eating dark chocolate. Got a sec? Good. I was wondering, is it just me, or do you sometimes find it really hard to be a mom?  Faith Bogdan never planned to have children, but within six years, she had four. Who Are All These Children and Why Are They Calling Me Mom? is the story of Faith’s journey to fully embrace unexpected motherhood as, little by little, God revealed the heart issues that prevented her from relishing the role He’d called her to fulfill.  Whether you’re a mom to tots or teens, Faith offers real hope for change and concrete guidance to help you navigate the joyful, messy, and sometimes overwhelming challenges of motherhood.”

We are giving a signed copy of Faith’s book to not just one, but TWO blessed winners in today’s giveaway!!  All you have to do to enter is read today’s blog, and post a comment below about how this blog spoke to you!  That’s it! Easy-peasy, huh?  If you don’t want to wait until the giveaway is announced, and you want to order your copy of Faith’s book today, just click on the picture to be taken to our Amazon link.

Girls With Swords: Chapter 6 – “Becoming A Warrior” – “Saul’s Warrior Son” (Pgs 90-98)

I never used to look at the term soldier and warrior as two different people, two different meanings, but after the past few weeks I am noticing a significance difference. While a soldier isn’t less important, less needed or lower than a warrior, a warrior possesses traits I want to strive for. I want to be a soldier that matures into a warrior. I want to “sign on to be more than a soldier”. I want to be tempered until I am the warrior God designed me to be. I looked up the term tempering because to be honest I’ve only really heard it in reference to chocolate (which I feel is one of God’s food choices for us women warriors).

Tempering may refer to:

Like Lisa said “the processing of tempering may not be pleasant or quick”.  But imagine the outcome.  Imagine being the warrior woman who not only sees what our enemy is doing, but one who can follow God’s lead into battles with his promises in our hearts.

2 Kings 6:16-17

So he answered, “Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”  And Elisha prayed, and said, “Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw. And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

Romans 8:31

 What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

Imagine walking into battles without the “blinding fear” that has stopped us in the past. Imagine walking into battles, big and small, private and public, wanting to give our all, wanting to be an example for others, wanting to be different than those around us.

The example of Elisha instructing the King not to slaughter his enemies, but instead to honor them and gift them with a feast was surprising to me, but it made sense. A warrior isn’t quick to teach a lesson, they aren’t quick to avenge a wrong done. But in the right situations they are compelled to offer grace, and compassion. They are compelled to show God’s love, they are led by God to do what is needed when it is needed, whether it is to offer grace, or to stand up and fight.

When we see a “lion with a lamb in his mouth”, when we see an area where we can make a difference, an area where we can bless others, an area where God’s love can shine through us, we as warriors need to seize the opportunity. We need to face each day, each task, and each battle with the perspective of more than just a soldier; we need to face these with the perspective of a warrior. We need to allow ourselves to be tempered.  We need to step back and allow God to mold us into the warriors He desires us to be, and to be the David’s and Jonathon’s of our time.

Let’s ask ourselves ladies: 


Let’s Pray:

Lord I pray that we walk with Your promises in Romans 8:31, I pray that we believe that no one, or nothing can be against us when You are for us. I pray that You open our eyes to see those standing behind us when we need it.  I pray that we become more than soldiers, and that we desire to be more and do more. Thank You Lord for this task, and thank You for Your guidance.  In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.

Girls With Swords: Chapter 5 – “The Croise” (pgs 72-76)

I don’t like math.  I don’t understand it, and whoever invented the calculator is an awesome person.  But I do understand the equation Lisa gave in this chapter.  I understand what it meant for me, what it means for my children, and what it means for all of us.

Moment = Force x Vertical Distance

I can picture standing there…watching His hands being nailed to the Cross; that moment meant so much more than an arm being stretched across a piece of wood, “in a moment the Cross spanned the unfathomable distance between God and humanity, and overcame every force of hostility.” Every person, place or thing that may stand in our way from becoming who He created us to be was taken care of that day; that’s what that equation means to me. It means that nothing placed in my path will stop what God has planned for me.

Ephesians 2:13-16

But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.

For He Himself is our peace, who has made both one, and has broken down the middle wall of separation,having abolished in His flesh the enmity, that is, the law of commandments contained in ordinances, so as to create in Himself one new man from the two, thus making peace, and that He might reconcile them both to God in one body through the cross, thereby putting to death the enmity.

on the Cross

Jesus died on the Cross, so we could be the person He created us to be.  God gave His only Son so that we could one day fulfill our potential.

The Cross, out of all the symbols out there, is one that most people recognize.  We were driving to school the other day and my 4 year old little boy said “Mom, I know why there are so many crosses around the church.”  I asked why and he responded by saying “It’s because Jesus died on the cross.”  From this to an elderly gentleman, kneeling in front of a cross in the hospital chapel, praying for his sick wife…to images of the Cross appearing everywhere when tragedy strikes, the Cross spans the distance. This image is a source of comfort, a defense in our times of trouble, a reassurance that everything will be ok in the end.

The name of Jesus is one lever that lifts the world

– Author Unknown

The Cross, and what Christ did for us, brings us together.  The Cross, and what Christ did for us, lifts us up above any attack used against us.  Christ created the bridge needed between our neighbors and ourselves, between races, between genders, between ages, between classes.

“The cross has the power to unify all who are willing to embrace it. In Christ the far off and wandering come near.”

Let’s Pray:

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Cross!  Help us to remember what Your Cross means to us. Your Cross rid us of any hostility that may stand in our way. Your Cross has power that we cannot always see but, standing on Your word, we will walk in faith with our swords held high, knowing that Your Cross, and what Christ did for us on that Cross ensured that we will walk in our full potential.  In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen!

Girls With Swords: Chapter 4 – “The Battleground” (pgs 59-62)

The Battleground,” so many lines jumped out at me as I was reading this part of the chapter. I think the biggest realization that I would like to focus on is the following TRUTH.

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Ephesians 6:12

As Lisa referenced this scripture on page 61 I was immediately reminded of my messy past. At one point in my life it was easy for me to blame the someone who robbed me of my innocence. It was even easier for me to blame myself. I chose to ignore the roots of my problems which seemed to be a man, my lack of self-esteem, and the pain from people who had betrayed me. I truly believed ultimately that those roots would turn into ugly, evil weeds. Ones that grow back continually taking away from any beauty my garden once was. These weeds multiplied and eventually started to take over the potential my garden held for a beautiful future. This would be the moment I started to learn that the roots of my problems were not people or my own thoughts, they were the lies Satan was feeding me.

It is important to realize the roots of your problems start with that crafty snake who wants to destroy your garden of peace. Satan uses anything he can to help destroy your garden of peace, but we must not blame those vessels. We must remember that Satan is the evil one. His chosen weapons are not to be hated, but to be prayed for.
There was a major lie I once believed that I have found others struggle with as well. It is the lie that people hurt me, so therefore I should put a barbed wire fence around my garden so that no one can get in; that way I can at rest assured that no one would hurt me again. But what I did not realize is that this fence was hurting others and, even more so, it was hurting my relationship with the Master of my garden.
The day my sister introduced me to John 10:10 is the day that I learned that my garden has every reason in the world to be beautiful; I needed to break down that fence, and let God’s beauty in. The root of the problems in my life needed to be fixed so they could finally bloom into the beautiful fruited flowers they were always meant to be.

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
John 10:10

As I was breaking down the fence, this is what God taught me. God loves not only the man who stole my innocence from me, but also any and everyone who has once hurt me. I am called to love them too!  God knows that the reason I went through tragedy was because of Satan and no one else. I cannot hold onto anger, bitterness, or pain towards anyone—it simply does not belong. Even though this world is not Heaven, it does not mean that I need to be dying in my garden of weeds full of past pain, shame, regret, disobedience, and fear. I am a new creation, and I am able to receive God’s full measure of joy in my life. God turns my garden into His beautiful masterpiece.

I love when Lisa encourages us to look over our lives and bravely look beyond both the people and the pain, and see the serpent coiled in the shadow—hidden until he pounces on our hopes and dreams (page 60). Today, I see so clearly how Satan tried to kill me, destroy my life, and steal the joy-filled life God has prepared for me. I see even more clearly, though, the hand of God all throughout my past. The moments I thought God had abandoned me or became disgusted with me, are the moments I know now He was right there beside me. He was waiting patiently for me to turn back to Him. In the moment I had no idea, but now looking back, I know He never left me, and He never gave up on me. God never stopped fighting for me.

Ladies, Jesus has come so that WE MAY HAVE ABUNDANT LIFE. This means what happened that dreary day at the cross was for YOU and for ME to live abundantly. All of your problems and struggles were nailed to the cross with Jesus, and that is where they need to stay. Satan will try so hard to bring back the pain, bring back the memories, and bring back the people who hurt you the most.  BUT this is when you need to get out that weed killer and destroy Satan with God’s power inside of you. The more you grow in your relationship with God, the stronger defense you will have against Satan. Trust me…you will need it; because the stronger you grow in your relationship with God, the more Satan will attack you. Don’t let that discourage you in your relationship with God.  Trust and know that God is the Author of beauty in our lives. When we let His love flourish in our lives, we receive a beautiful garden for all to see. You must decide what you want to do with those evil roots, I pray you choose to kill them with God’s power and let your garden be restored to the beauty it was meant to hold.




Let’s Pray:
Lord, thank You for the abundant life You have given us. I ask that You bring to light all of the evil weeds we are letting into our life. Give us Your power and aid to get rid of the roots of our problems so that we can live a joy-filled, peace-filled life with You. Let our flowers grow and spread so that others may see You throughout the ends of the earth. Thank You for the beauty You bring from the ugliest moments in our lives. Amen.

Girls With Swords: Chapter 4 – “The Battleground” (pgs 57-59)

I often wonder why it seems as if life is a daily battle…. Why we have to fight for things that seem so basic, so common, as Lisa says, we don’t have to fight for the words of Galatians 5:19-21.

Galatians 5:19-21 (NKJV)

Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

But we do have to fight for the words of Galatians 5:22-26.

Galatians 5:22-26 (NKJV)

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.  If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.

Jesus fought a battle larger than any we could imagine.  He died on the cross and won that battle.  He won that battle so w could handle the battles He knew would follow.  “This means, that sometimes we must battle to become one.”  We must battle to become one with Him. We must battle to become the mothers He created us to be, to become the wives He designed us to be, and we must battle to become the women He designed us to be.  He knew what we would be facing.   He knew that our lives would seem like battlegrounds, that’s why He gave us the tools we would need.  He placed the sword in our hands, and told us what to look out for, what to avoid.  He told us what Satan would use to attack us, what weapons he would throw in our path.

When I am counseling someone at work one of the things I tell them that they can use to their benefit is the knowledge of what may happen—knowing what may come down the road can help prepare them for it. We have a list printed up of some common reactions to their situation.  This list can be used as a tool when things arise.  It allows each person to develop the tools needed before the “attack” comes.

The same has been done for us.  Listed above (Galatians 5:19-21) are the attacks Satan uses on us and will continue to use on us, to try to divide us and separate us from our Heavenly Father.  God has also created a list of tools (Galatians 5:22-26) we need to carry with us to fend off these attacks.  We would be wise to use these God-given tools each and every day in our lives!


“You don’t set up camp in hell…you journey through it.”  Life was designed to be peaceful and pleasurable, but yes there are times where we have to hold up our swords to protect our joy and peace; times when we are walking through rough patches in our lives. As Lisa says, we journey through it.

Ladies, keep this in your heart, “There are times you must battle to become one.”   So, let’s pick up our swords and push forward.


Let’s Pray:

Lord, I pray Galatians 5:22-26 over our lives. I pray for love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control as we journey through our battlefield. I thank You for the tools we need to counter Satan’s attacks.  I thank You that no weapon formed against us will prosper. In Jesus’ name we pray,  Amen.

Girls with Swords: Chapter 3 – “Heroes Have Something More to Them” (pgs 49-51)

When I read this part of the chapter, I wrote down five words and put them next to my bed.  Each night before I close my eyes for the day I am reminded of these words:


…with the words, “live by these, apply these” underneath.  As I was reading The Message version of The Full Armor of God found in Ephesians 6:10-20, these words stuck out the most.  I love how this version tells us that these five words are more than words.  We must learn to apply them.  I have been thinking each night as I fall asleep, “What does it look like to apply these words to my life?”  Each morning as I awake, God shows me exactly what it looks like to use these words in my life by helping me put on His full armor.

Has God ever placed something in your life at just the right time?  This study has come into my life at just the right time.  I had been feeling this nudging to put on the Armor of God daily, but I was not sure what to do with this nudging.  Thanks to Lisa’s book, God is showing me what to do!  God is showing me how to be a hero.  No joke, some days I sit in my apartment and imagine myself with the prettiest pink, bedazzled sword you could ever imagine.  I picture my perfectly pink armor filled with sparkles, and I get this joy deep down in my heart because I imagine so clearly God’s words and actions of truth, righteousness, peace, faith, and salvation covering every inch of that bedazzling pink armor and weaponry He has handpicked for me to use.  The Armor of God is out there, ladies, just for you!  What does yours look like?  Take the time to find out.  Take the time to use and apply God’s truth, righteousness, peace, faith, and salvation to your life.  If you find yourself becoming more aware of Satan’s attacks and less aware of how to defend yourself against them: you must spend some much needed time learning what the Armor of God looks like in your life.


I love so much when Lisa says, “As the daughters of God draw their swords, the enemy draws back.”  Do you know where your sword is, what it looks like, how to use it?  There is no time for guessing; we MUST be quick to pull out all of God’s truth against Satan.  The last thing the enemy wants to see is the person God created you to be standing firm against him each morning.  Satan will do anything and everything in his awful power to keep you from seeing who God sees when He looks down at His precious hero.  However, God is doing everything in His mighty power, even at this very moment, to show you the something more you have been in search of: Himself.  If your whole heart desires to meet with God, think about how much more God’s heart desires to meet with you!  Don’t let Satan get in the way of meeting with the One Who loves you and created you to be His hero.

As impossible as this task may seem, with God we know all things are possible (Philippians 4:13).  Lisa tells us that prayer is not optional.  I believe prayer is what ties this all together and makes this all possible.  When you are finding yourself in that nearly impossible task, pray and ask God to show you His possible way.

Our prayers are our life-line to God: this is how we can keep in constant contact with Him.  I am learning that prayers are powerful and they are to be used constantly for all kinds of things.  Prayers are one of the best gifts we can give to our brothers and sisters in Christ.  When we pray for them, we are giving them Jesus’ aid, not ours.  Can you think of anything better that anyone would ever need?  Prayers keep God in the loop.  Prayers help us all get out of the prison Satan tries to keep us in daily.

I picture all of us: swords in hand, shields in place, bedazzled in GOD’S TRUTH, RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE, FAITH, AND SALVATION; standing tall, shouting prayers of all kinds to our Holy God in Heaven, as we leave behind all of Satan’s lies that fall in crumbles with the chains that kept us tied down from the something more we have been craving: God Himself.  Can you picture it?


Let’s Pray:

Lord Almighty, thank You for the armor that You have prepared for each and every one of us.  Thank You for the privilege we have to come to You in prayer.  I ask that You help each and every one of us stand firm with our feet fitted with Your peace to crumble Satan’s evil’s schemes.  Lord, we need You every moment of every day for this battle.  Thank You for being there for us each and every moment.  We love You so much and desire Your truth, righteousness, peace, faith, and salvation to be displayed in our lives for others to see, so that they will be drawn to You alone.  Please help us.  Thank You, Lord, that You are always there for us.

In Your Precious and Powerful Name, we pray,  Amen.