February 22, 2025

Pray to the Father


You will call to Me and come and pray to Me,
and I will listen to you.
Jeremiah 29:12

 Do you ever feel alone? Do you ever feel like you have more on your list than you can handle? Do you ever feel like there is no hope? Do you look for a miracle; perhaps you receive it or you do not receive it? Do you ask for something only not to get it? I think that everybody can answer yes to these questions—at some point in their lives.

Yet, many people rely on the outside world to find answers to these questions. However, the world itself cannot truly fulfill the answers to these questions/feelings. We must call on the highest power—the power of God—to answer these questions. He does not leave us. He will be there for us and help us when we feel like we have too much to handle. God brings us hope, love, and peace. He gives us the miracle we need (not what we may think we need).

Answer me when I call to you, O my righteous God.
Give me relief from my distress; be merciful to me and hear my prayer.
Psalm 4:1

 Prayer is our way of talking to God. We should pray daily. Through prayer we can talk to God about our problems and request help for situations that we cannot control. If we hold true to our faith in God, He will bring relief to us. He will show us mercy and listen to us. As His children, God always has our best interest at heart. We may not like how God answers our prayers, but He answers them in ways that are always for our good.

Our Father loves us dearly. He answers our prayers in the ways that He knows we need. We may want something very much, and pray for it, but if God knows that it is bad for us, He will answer us in a way that protects us. He answers our prayers in the ways that are best for us. He knows what will harm us, and as any father would do, He protects us from what is not good for us.

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Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for looking out for us. Sometimes we do not know what is best for ourselves or our families. You do. Without You, we might make the wrong decisions and put ourselves in harm’s way. Continue to protect us and look out for us. In Jesus name, amen.


Crazy Love: Week 1 / Chapter 1 – “Stop Praying” (pgs. 27-28)

The story goes of two men walking along the beach.  One man said to the other:  “Tell me all you know about God.”  His friend reached down and scooped up a handful of water in his hand and said:  “What I know about God, I can hold in the palm of my hand.  If you want to know more, you will have to go swimming for yourself.”

On pages 27-28 in our book, Chan expands on God’s diversity, creativity, and sophistication in the universe, on earth, and in our own bodies.  I marveled at how the thought of it just engulfs him. 

I sense his excitement in the video, “Just Stop and Think,” as he walks along the beach in awe of God’s creation, and his realization of how the God of the universe could love him so much.  One can readily tell that he is genuinely in love with God, as well as has a deep understanding of how much God loves him. I feel his intense desire that we, too, embrace this crazy kind of love he is being overwhelmed with in his relationship with God. Crazy!

But, to be honest, I have to grab hold of those truths for myself.  They cannot be poured into me by someone else, even a teacher such as Chan.  I have to experience it in order for that craziness to be a part of my life.

For me personally, I have caught just a small glimpse of this crazy love that God has for me through the relationship I had with my earthly father.  In his book entitled Father Hunger, Robert McGhee stated:  “as you see your earthly father, so shall you see and relate to God.” 

I shall never forget teaching this concept to a group of inmates at Stiles Prison in Beaumont, Texas. I made the statement that “my daddy had a sense of humor, and I often laugh out loud with God, because I believe He has a sense of humor, too.”  To which an inmate replied:   “Woman, you must be crazy.  God doesn’t laugh.  He is standing there just waiting for you to mess up, so he can swing his axe at you.”

I said:  “Tell me about your own father.”  At that point, he began to cry and related how he was physically abused as a child and how hard his dad use to “whip up on him.”

My heart broke for him because, you see:

  • My dad was firm in discipline, but gentle and not abusive. 
  • When the deed was over, it was never brought up to me again.  
  • He was fun to be with.
  • I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was, indeed, crazy in love with me. 

As secure as I felt in my dad’s love, my heart tells me that his love could not reach to the height and depth of God’s love for me.

And so, I ask you:  Do you want to experience this crazy love that Chan is, not only talking about, but obviously experiencing?  If so, let’s go swimming together toward the King of Kings.  I long for more glimpses of the One who bought the whole world to get a piece of the treasure, which is you and I.


Let’s Pray:  Father God, may we worship You for who You are, and never cease to have the praises of God flowing from our lips.  Show us anything in our lives that is hindering our relationship with You.  In Jesus name I pray, Amen

Your Assignment:  Did you follow Chan’s suggestion at the bottom of page 28 to meditate on the Almighty One?  If so, what did you discover in your silence?

Be blessed,


If you would like more information about Crazy Love Bible study, please email us at: GCH_Womens@girlfriendscoffeehour.com, OR click HERE to be taken to the sign-up page.

If you would like to send Martha a personal message in regards to this blog, you may email her at: Martha@girlfriendscoffeehour.com.


A Daughter’s Worth Week: 10 / Day 1 – Have a Story to Tell

When I was younger I was never certain I was going to Heaven.  I asked Jesus into my heart when I was five, but I could not say without a shadow of doubt that I would go to Heaven one day.  I was not ready for what that simple prayer I prayed at the wee age of five would do for me.  Though, I soon found out what I was not doing for that prayer.  There were days I would pray that prayer over and over, worrying that I said it wrong or didn’t mean it and had to keep saying it to make sure that there was no chance I was missing out on Heaven.  I spent a decent amount of time praying that God would save me, but from what I was not sure, and from where I was praying-no clue, all I was sure of was it was not coming from the sincerity of my heart.

Today, I can confidently say that I belong to God, and that I will be in Heaven one day.  It took me a long time to believe those words in my heart.  What about you?  Do you believe that you will be in Heaven one day?  Do you belong to God’s family?  If there is even a hint of doubt in your answer to those questions will you please reach out to a leader or pastor!  I cannot begin to explain to you the importance of praying with your heart the prayer of Salvation.  Simply believing that God sent HIS ONLY Son to DIE on a CROSS for YOU AND ME and then ROSE from the DEAD three days later; asking for forgiveness of your many sins and accepting JESUS into your HEART to help guide you and follow HIM, will not only guarantee your entrance to the gates of Heaven one day BUT it is also the start of the perfect story you have with the GOD of the UNIVERSE!

Have you ever thought about your story?  God already has a beautiful story written for you and Him to share together.  In this story you will grow closer to Him, learning to depend on Him for all of your needs.  Everyone’s story is different.  Everyone’s story has potential.  We are the ones that have to choose to embrace the pages of our stories.  It is not enough to just sit back and watch the pages turn.  We must act out on what we feel in our hearts.  We were told to read Acts 22:15-16 today.  Let’s take a look at it.

You will be his witness to all people of what you have seen and heard.  And now what are you waiting for? Get up, be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on his name.

Do not get discouraged if you have not seen or heard from God lately or ever!  It is never too late to change your path and go another way…leading to Jesus.  The more time you spend with Him in prayer, reading the Bible, getting involved in church, etc. the more you will see Him and hear His gentle whispers in your life.  This life is short.  Those of us who know Jesus and call on His name, we are all saved by the blood of Jesus.  We will all get to live the life we were intended for in Heaven with Jesus one day!  Until then, we MUST flee sin and run into the Lord’s arms!  We must take advantage of this life as short as it is and use it as an opportunity to share our stories with others.

I know for certain God did not save me from a life of complete misery just to leave my story on a pretty shelf.  He saved me so that I may share my story; being a light to others and helping others find Jesus as they hear each chapter.  Today, I leave you with a piece of my story; I pray that you share pieces of yours in our discussion group!  One thing I know is that when we let God into our hearts, he transforms our stories into something amazingly beautiful!  I cannot wait to hear what God has done and will do in each and every one of your lives!

Little Tid-Bit of my Love Story with God

I am so thankful that I asked the Lord into my heart when I was 5.  Even though I was not certain what that meant, the Lord heard my words and he never ever left my heart especially when I turned from Him.  When I turned from Him it was the worst time in my life.  One night after too much heartbreak, I cried out to Him and asked Him to help me.  I was not expecting anything but to my surprise, God heard my cry, and helped me.  He protected me and saved me from a life of misery.  He is faithful!  I rededicated my life to the Lord. He is the love story I was always searching for.  I always thought I needed a man, but they all left me feeling empty inside.  When I embraced God, I found His love that fills every possible crevice in my heart and overflows into the lives of so many others that need so desperately to find HIS love.


Let’s Pray:  Dear Heavenly Father, thank You honestly does not seem like enough to show the gratitude I have in my heart for what You alone have done for each and every one of us.  I ask that any girl who is reading this post and does not know You as her personal Savior, will find You and start embracing Your story for herself.  I ask that each one of these girls feels confident in the salvation You have given them, freely.  I pray that these girls truly live out the story You have prepared for them.  Bring opportunities into their precious lives to share their stories with others.  We love You Lord, oh so much and we cannot wait to see You in Heaven one day!!  Amen.

Love to my dear sisters in Christ,


For the A Daughter’s Worth Online Bible Study, you will need the book, your Bible, pen or pencil, a highlighter and a quiet place. You can order the book right through our website from clicking the sign-up form button at the top of our webpage.

If you are interested in joining us in our GCH:decaf Teen Girls Ministry, please click the sign-up form button at the top of our webpage. Just follow the instructions on the form and hit submit. We’ll be happy to add you to one of our Online Bible Study Groups! Please email GCH_Decaf@girlfriendscoffeehour.com for more information.