- Be consistent with your daily quiet time and be in The Word.
- Keep God with you throughout your day.
- Let God prioritize your day! Don’t give HIM your to-do list… give it up to HIM and I promise you, what MUST get done will get done… in perfect timing!
- Take a look at all you do in one day and ask God if there is anything you can delegate or anything you have taken on that HE is not intending for you to do in this season. If He shows you anything that falls into these categories, give them up.
- Give yourself a “time-out” when you need it to re-center and focus and not be “grumpy.”
The stronger your relationship is with your husband, the better you will handle every single situation and circumstance that your kids bring your way!
- Submit to his authority and let him handle the big stuff…. even while out-of-town.
- You both need to be on the same page with boundaries and consequences (good and bad) with the kids.
- Clear expectations need to be set with the kids. We call it our family’s “culture” and I highly recommend drawing up a family constitution together with the kids so that everyone has input and understands what is expected of them.
- Woo your husband even {and especially} when he is out-of-town.
- Stay positive and know that this, too, shall pass!
Philippians 4:11-12
I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.
I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation,
Philippians 2:14
Do all things without grumbling or arguing
- Check your heart condition! {Most of the time if something happens that is small but our reaction is BIG…. we need to check the condition of our own heart}
- Go to God and let Him fill that space! No one else needs to own what is yours to go to God with!