February 22, 2025

Crazy Love: Chapter 5 – “Serving Leftovers To A Holy God” (pgs. 88-90)

Poor Rich People is what Francis Chan is talking about on pages 88-90.  He begins this section with a story about a young man name Ronnie from Uganda who is poor, as well as blind.  Ronnie’s closest friend is a girl who is deaf.  But, what stands out about these two isn’t that they are handicapped or very poor, but that they are totally content and in love with Jesus.

In the following paragraphs, I agree with Chan’s thoughts in regards to our society being filthy rich in comparison to poverty-stricken countries.  Chan goes on to say that, in reality, being rich is a serious disadvantage spiritually.  He then points out that WilliamWilberforce, an English politician and philanthropist in the 1700-1800’s said, “Prosperity hardens the heart.”

With all due respect to Mr. Chan and Mr. Wilberforce, their statements disturbed me. And yet, the scriptures in Luke 18:22-24 clearly point to the words of Jesus when He told the wealthy person to sell all he had and give to the poor, and he would have treasure in heaven, then “come, follow me.”  But, the man chose not to do so, and walked away.  Jesus responded:  “How hard it is for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God!”  He said (verse 25) it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God.

I wanted to get a handle on the statement Mr. Chan, and Mr. Wilberforce made, as well as what the above Scripture was saying.  So, hang with me while I talk this out with you and, above all, ask God to clarify it for you.

First of all, I believe that an entire doctrine cannot be based on one scripture, such as Luke 18:22-25.  Jesus did say that, but the Bible also says in 3 John 1:2:  “I wish above all that you prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers.”  So, it appears as though God does want us to prosper in our soul, as well as in health and financially.

Now let’s take a look at another scripture in regard to wealth in 1 Timothy 6:10.  “For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money have wandered from the true faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows.”  Now, didn’t that say the love of money?

Think about this:  Could it be that the rich man’s (Luke 18) soul was not prospering, not because he had wealth, but because of his love of money?  Could it be that his soul was not prospering, not because he had wealth, but that his wealth had him?

The old saying:  “You can’t come back from where you ain’t been,” is why I felt so compelled to look at the topic Poor Rich People from another angle by sharing a personal experience.

You see, I was put through the test about 20 years ago with those very words from Jesus:  “Come, follow me.”  Without going into all the specifics and details, to follow Him meant leaving the teaching profession I had been in for years…a job I dearly loved.  I was okay with that but, to follow Him meant facing other issues also.  So, I made my excuse list to God.  For example:

  1. Your timing is all wrong; ask me again in 10 years, and I will follow You.
  2. What You are asking is way out of my comfort zone.
  3. It will bring opposition, and I don’t like facing conflict. 
  4. I went to college for four years to be a teacher.  Sounds like such a waste to give all that up.
  5. Public schools need Christian teachers like me.
  6. My identity will be gone; I will not be able to call myself a teacher.
  7. And besides, and besides, and besides—the list went on and on.

These things were hardening my heart.

The beauty of all of this was that God kept pursuing me to follow Him, even in the midst of all my excuses.  I have to believe it was that Crazy Love for me that Mr. Chan talks about.

One of the scriptures that finally helped me make my decision was:  Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses.  Now, I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make.  Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!  (Deuteronomy 30:19 NLT)

May I quickly point out that we are no longer under the curse, so I knew that God was not going to cause a great calamity to come upon me if I chose not to follow Him. So, I began to see that He had a plan for my life, and He had a path He wanted me to go down in order to fulfill that plan.  But, it was up to me to make the choice.

And, yes, I answered His call to “Come, follow me,” and turned in my resignation and started my journey.  My journals are filled with that time period in my life.  If I may borrow a phrase from Mr. Chan:  “It was CRAZY!!!”

In conclusion, I’d like to offer my own personal opinion about what Poor Rich People means: 

Our heart can be hardened by things other than wealth.  Mine was.  Only as I humbled myself before the Almighty God to trust where He was leading me, did I become Rich in Spirit. And may I add:  He is still working on me in other areas to become ‘more rich’ in Him.   


Let’s Pray: 

Father God, first of all, we open our hearts to the convicting power of the Holy Spirit to show us where our hearts might be hardening.  We ask Your forgiveness, and help us to turn from those things and follow You.  In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Your Assignment:   

Do you see anything that has hardened your heart?

Be blessed,


If you would like more information about Crazy Love Bible study click HERE.  Once we receive your registration, we will email you further details..

If you would like to send Martha a personal message in regards to this blog, you may email her at: Martha@girlfriendscoffeehour.com.



Crazy Love – Chapter 4: Profile of the Lukewarm (pgs. 68-72)

In our study today, Frances Chan asks the question:  Would you describe yourself as totally in love with Jesus Christ?  Or do the words half-hearted, lukewarm, and partially committed fit better?  Before we get into Chan’s profile of a lukewarm Christian, I’d like to take a look at the Scripture that references that word “lukewarm.”

So, come with me to the Church at Laodicea where God had sent the Apostle John to address the Christians.  “I know you well – you are neither hot nor cold; I wish you were one or the other!  But since you are merely lukewarm, I will spit (spew) you out of My mouth!” (Revelations 3:15, 16)

Whoa—back up!  Let me read that again!  I wish you were one or the other!  But since you are merely lukewarm, I will spit (spew) you out of My mouth!. I don’t know about you, but that word “lukewarm” grabbed my attention.  Why, that’s the same thing I do to a mouth full of lukewarm coffee!  It is so disgusting to me that I immediately spit it out of my mouth!  Would God really do that to me if I were a lukewarm Christian?

Questions buzzed around in my brain. 

What precisely does lukewarm mean?  A quick Google search yielded this definition as it pertained to a person’s attitude or action:  UNENTHUSIASTIC.

My next buzz question was:  What caused the Church of Laodicea to become unenthusiastic that produced a lukewarm attitude in regards to their relationship with God?  I believe we find the answer in verse 17:  “You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing‘.”

As I continued to research the Church of Laodicea, I learned that the city of Laodicea was affluent, rich, and prosperous.  It was known for 3 main things:  wealth, black-wool textile industry, and housed a world-renowned medical school which discovered a miracle eye-salve. 

From that, I assumed that there were Christians living in the richest commercial center of the ancient world which, no doubt, yielded them much personal wealth.

Next buzz question:  Is God scolding them for being wealthy?  I don’t think so.  It was then that I had my “Aha!” moment. Could it be that the Church of Laodicea had become so secure and self-reliant in their natural habitat and had no need of anything, that the same self-reliant attitude had spilled over into their spiritual life and their relationship with God?

It took me back to my early years of being a Christian where I was totally dependent upon God to supply every piece of clothing I wore, food for my family, and His guidance to solve all my problems. I jumped out of bed in the early mornings hours to talk with the King of Kings before rushing off to work.  Oh yeah, the two of us were engrossed in a very intimate relationship with one another and I relied totally upon Him for everything.

Had I now developed an attitude that seemed to be apparent in the Church of Laodicea? “You are no longer hot and enthused in your pursuit of me; you are not excited and on fire about the faith.”   “You are not cold either, because you have not left the faith, you still go to church, call me your Savior, but – I didn’t like the sound of where this nudge might be leading, so I went quickly into my prayer closet to do some soul searching.

And now, let’s look on pages 68-72 in Crazy Love  for the profile Mr. Chan gives us of a lukewarm Christian:

  1. attend church fairly regularly—it is what is expected of them, what they believe “good Christians” do, so they go
  2. gives money to charity and to the church as long at it doesn’t impinge on their standard of living
  3. tend to choose what is popular over what is right when they are in conflict
  4. don’t want to be saved from their sin; want only to be saved from the penalty of their sin
  5. are moved by stories about people who do radical things for Christ, yet they do not act
  6. rarely share their faith with their neighbors, co-workers, or friends
  7. gauge their morality or “goodness” by comparing themselves to the secular world
  8. say they love Jesus, and that He is, indeed, a part of their lives—but only a part

If any of Chan’s profile points have described you, I have good news for you!!  We are God’s children; He really does not want to spit us out of His mouth.  So He has provided a way out of being lukewarm. “As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.” (verse 19).


Be blessed,




Let’s Pray: 

Father God, first of all, we open our hearts to the convicting power of the Holy Spirit to show us where we  have become lukewarm.  We ask Your forgiveness, and help us to turn from those ways.  In Jesus’ name, I pray.  Amen.

Your Assignment:   

How would you describe yourself – halfhearted, lukewarm, or partially committed?


If you would like more information about Crazy Love online Bible study, click HERE to be taken to the sign-up page.  Once we receive your registration, we will email further details.

If you would like to send Martha a personal message in regards to this blog, you may email her at: Martha@GirlfriendsCoffeeHour.com

Crazy Love – Chapter 3: “In Love with the One I Fear” – Pgs 56-57

Quoting Frances Chan, page 56:  “If I could choose one word to describe my feelings about God in those first years of being a Christian, it would be fear.  Basically, any verses that described His overwhelming greatness or His wrath were easy for me to relate to because I feared my own father.   However, Chan stated on page 55 that his relationship with God took a major turn when he became a father himself.  The words he now uses are reverent intimacy.

Personally, I am so grateful I never experienced the fear of my father.  I knew my daddy loved me, even when he disciplined me, and I have never doubted God’s love for me. However, there came a time in my life that I experienced what Christian counselor and psychologist, Robert McGee, refers to as blocked development, which began to affect my relationship with God.

In his book, You and Your Parents, McGee points out that a child goes through 4 stages of emotional development, each stage serving as a foundation for the next.

  1. Bonding (birth – 2)  The need to be loved:  Its purpose is to convey feelings of love, value, worth, closeness, and trust.
  2. Separateness (2-11)  The need to set personal boundaries:  This is what I feel, I  don’t feel that way; I believe this, I don’t believe that.
  3. Adolescence (11-18)  The need to develop adult behavior and identity: What am I good at doing and not good at doing.  What are good and unwise choices.
  4. Maturity (19 & older)  The need to continue growing in adult behavior and identity: Learn how little we really know, and how much more we have to learn.

McGhee says that based on the type of parental modeling a child encounters starting at birth, the child could become blocked and not progress to the next stage.  When that happens, the child’s emotional, relational, as we as hi spiritual, development remains at whatever stage he became blocked in.

Hang with me while I give a personal example that bears this teaching out. As I said, I never doubted how much my dad loved me as a child.  Certainly, I had bonded with my dad and it transferred over to knowing God loved me unconditionally.

However, once I reached the next stage called a separateness, that’s when problems started, although I didn’t know this as a child.  In both my parents’ efforts to shield and protect me from “life,” they were unable to find a balance between advising and guiding while at the same time giving me some freedom to begin forming my own thoughts and beliefs.

Added to that was my own personality type, which could be described as laid back, don’t rock the boat, desires peace and harmony at all cost.

The result of these two scenarios combined were:  I became a cripple at making decisions on my own and had no confidence in myself.  In short, I lost my identity and became a puppet on a string in my adult life trying to please everyone with whom I interacted.

I began to sense the emotional strain this was having on me, but did not realize that it had actually affected my relationship with God until He began to lead me down a totally new path in my life—a path that would require a major transition.

Fear gripped me.  I was afraid of trusting my own heart.  I was afraid of making a  decision…something I had never done as a child nor as a grown woman.  Up until this time, I had allowed others to think, feel, and make decisions for me. 

However, after months of prayer in trying to make a decision to follow the path I felt God was leading me down, these Scriptures literally leaped off the pages of the Bible to me: 

  • For do I now persuade men or God?  Or do I seek to please men?  For if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.  (Galatians 1:10)
  • These are the commands, decrees, and regulations that the Lord your God commanded me to teach you. You must obey them in the land you are about to enter and occupy, and you and your children and grandchildren must fear (reverence) the Lord your God as long as you live. If you obey all his decrees and commands, you will enjoy a long life.  (Deuteronomy 6:1-2)

A peace settled over me, and I knew it was God that I should be concerned about pleasing.  And with that, I began walking in obedience to His call on my life.  “He’s the BOSS.”


And that chapter in my life was my testing time in learning what Reverent Intimacy or the Reverence of God means.   Mr. Chan learned it when his own children were born.  I learned it when I was put in a position to make a decision to wholeheartedly follow God’s leading.  My life has never been the same.

Be blessed,



Let’s Pray:

Father God, thank You for Your unconditional love for us.  May we put aside anything that has hindered us from being intimate with You.  In Jesus’ name, I pray.  Amen.

Your Assignment:

What does reverent intimacy mean to you?  Share your experience of coming to this place.


If you would like more information about Crazy Love Bible study, click HERE to be taken to the sign-up page.  Once we receive your registration, we will email you further details.

If you would like to send Martha a personal message in regards to this blog, you may email her at: Martha@GirlfriendsCoffeeHour.com.

Crazy Love – Week 2 / Chapter 2: “You Might Not Finish This Chapter” pgs. 40-45

It is Tuesday, and my day to blog.  Please don’t tell Christi, our Administrator,  but I don’t have a blog ready to post.  Absolutely nothing would come to my mind to write.  Well, nothing that was creative, descriptive, fun, exciting – – something that I thought would impress you and keep you leaning on your seats for more of my writing.

So, for the past week, I have gone to bed every night, shall we say, a little bit – – STRESSED.

I so related to Chan’s thoughts on worry and stress as it pertained to the ministry God has called him into on pages 40-41.  For the past few years, God has opened up doors of opportunities for me to write and teach that I never dreamed would be a part of my life.

“Hey, God,” I want to shout:  “You have opened up doors for me, but it is killing me at times trying to meet all these deadlines.  I don’t mean to complain, but I thought I had retired.  Talk about justified stress!  I think I fit the bill!  Just take a look at the things You are asking me to be responsible for.  For starters  – – – –

“Whoa, whoa,  whoa,” I suddenly heard God shouting back at me. “Go back and read Chan’s words on page 44:  “You need to get over yourself!”

As that phrase zoomed out in front of me, my thoughts turned back to writing this blog.  Perhaps that is why I couldn’t think of anything to write this week – – God was trying to teach me a lesson. Did He really need me?  After all, where was I when He created the world?

At that point, a song kept going over and over in my mind, and that is what I want to leave you with today.  Perhaps it will minister to you more than any words I could pin at this time.

Let’s listen to it together.



Be blessed,


Let’s Pray

Father God, help us to remember that life is like a vapor.  May we relax and enter into Your presence, rejoicing always and not be anxious for anything.  May we roll all our cares on You, knowing that You are in control.   In Jesus name I pray, Amen


Your Assignment

Be honest.  Tell how those words “You need to get over yourselves”  relate to you?”

If you would like more information about Crazy Love Bible study, please email us at: GCH_Womens@girlfriendscoffeehour.comOR click HERE to be taken to the sign-up page.

If you would like to send Martha a personal message in regards to this blog, you may email her at: Martha@girlfriendscoffeehour.com.

Crazy Love: Week 1 / Chapter 1 – “Stop Praying” (pgs. 27-28)

The story goes of two men walking along the beach.  One man said to the other:  “Tell me all you know about God.”  His friend reached down and scooped up a handful of water in his hand and said:  “What I know about God, I can hold in the palm of my hand.  If you want to know more, you will have to go swimming for yourself.”

On pages 27-28 in our book, Chan expands on God’s diversity, creativity, and sophistication in the universe, on earth, and in our own bodies.  I marveled at how the thought of it just engulfs him. 

I sense his excitement in the video, “Just Stop and Think,” as he walks along the beach in awe of God’s creation, and his realization of how the God of the universe could love him so much.  One can readily tell that he is genuinely in love with God, as well as has a deep understanding of how much God loves him. I feel his intense desire that we, too, embrace this crazy kind of love he is being overwhelmed with in his relationship with God. Crazy!

But, to be honest, I have to grab hold of those truths for myself.  They cannot be poured into me by someone else, even a teacher such as Chan.  I have to experience it in order for that craziness to be a part of my life.

For me personally, I have caught just a small glimpse of this crazy love that God has for me through the relationship I had with my earthly father.  In his book entitled Father Hunger, Robert McGhee stated:  “as you see your earthly father, so shall you see and relate to God.” 

I shall never forget teaching this concept to a group of inmates at Stiles Prison in Beaumont, Texas. I made the statement that “my daddy had a sense of humor, and I often laugh out loud with God, because I believe He has a sense of humor, too.”  To which an inmate replied:   “Woman, you must be crazy.  God doesn’t laugh.  He is standing there just waiting for you to mess up, so he can swing his axe at you.”

I said:  “Tell me about your own father.”  At that point, he began to cry and related how he was physically abused as a child and how hard his dad use to “whip up on him.”

My heart broke for him because, you see:

  • My dad was firm in discipline, but gentle and not abusive. 
  • When the deed was over, it was never brought up to me again.  
  • He was fun to be with.
  • I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was, indeed, crazy in love with me. 

As secure as I felt in my dad’s love, my heart tells me that his love could not reach to the height and depth of God’s love for me.

And so, I ask you:  Do you want to experience this crazy love that Chan is, not only talking about, but obviously experiencing?  If so, let’s go swimming together toward the King of Kings.  I long for more glimpses of the One who bought the whole world to get a piece of the treasure, which is you and I.


Let’s Pray:  Father God, may we worship You for who You are, and never cease to have the praises of God flowing from our lips.  Show us anything in our lives that is hindering our relationship with You.  In Jesus name I pray, Amen

Your Assignment:  Did you follow Chan’s suggestion at the bottom of page 28 to meditate on the Almighty One?  If so, what did you discover in your silence?

Be blessed,


If you would like more information about Crazy Love Bible study, please email us at: GCH_Womens@girlfriendscoffeehour.com, OR click HERE to be taken to the sign-up page.

If you would like to send Martha a personal message in regards to this blog, you may email her at: Martha@girlfriendscoffeehour.com.


Winning Him Without Words: Weekly Review


Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.  (Proverbs 22:6)

One Sunday morning many years ago, I stood staring out my kitchen window, contemplating on not going to church any longer with “just me and my two little girls.”

Three months had passed since we had moved from Atlanta to New Orleans. My husband had been offered a job opportunity he felt he couldn’t afford to turn down.  During the process of our lengthy talks about taking the job, I said to him:  “I’ll go with you anywhere you feel we need to go; it is just so hard for me to move with two little girls to a strange city and have to take them to church by myself.”

To which he replied, “I promise you if you will make this move with me, I will go to church with you and the girls.”  And with that hope, we made the move.

Oh yes, he went the first Sunday to help me find the church, and that was the end of that.  As a young mother I felt so betrayed.

So, on this Sunday morning as I was about to give this church-going up for good, I heard little children in my neighborhood playing out in the street.  It was then I prayed:  “Lord, if he never goes to church with me, I commit to you this morning that I will go alone if I have to; I can’t bear the thought of my children playing on the streets on Sunday morning and not in church.”

And with that, the three of us began our journey, and today both girls and their husbands hold ministry roles in their church and are raising their little ones for Jesus.

I realize it doesn’t always happen this way.  When children become of age, they make their own choices and sometimes stray from their Christian up-bringing. But, I would encourage every mother to make the effort to teach their kids about Jesus and take them to church, even if it she has to do it alone.  It has its rewards—I am blessed. 

On a side note, my husband gloats over his children and grandchildren.  He has been the best husband and father any man could be with the exception of that “missing link of having Jesus in his heart.”  But, as Lynn and Dineen point out:  “God makes everything beautiful in His time.”

As we come to the close of our study in Winning Him Without Words, let me say it has been a pleasure reviewing Beverly, Jennifer, Donna, and Sarah’s blogs for you, our readers, each week.  I know they have inspired you as much as they have me.  Let’s take one final look at what they had to say this week on:  What About the Kids. 


Weekly Review


Monday:  Where to Start?  Before answering that question, Beverly talks about the thoughts most women have in a spiritually unequally yoked marriage, as Beverly was.

  • Am I doing things right
  • Am I teaching them the truth
  • Will they accept Jesus as Savior one day
  • Will they learn to be a prayer warrior
  • Will they love Jesus
  • Will they wake each morning with a desire to live every moment for Him
  • Will they seek a godly mate for their life
  • Will they love God’s Word and want to spend time getting to know Him

As most mothers, Beverly had thoughts on whether her children would continue living out their Christian foundation after her children were grown and left home.

But, even with these consuming thoughts, Beverly agrees with the answer in our book on page 170 of Where to Start:   “Help our love for Jesus be so contagious it can’t help but rub off on our loved ones and when our kids see us loving God in this way, they will love Him too!”


Tuesday:  Teachable Moments:  Jennifer brought us to the reality of three main points we must consider if we are to have teachable moments with the children God has placed in our lives.

  1. There are limited moments in our daily lives. We only have 1,440 minutes every single day.
  2. Be ready for these moments.
  3. Create those moments if they are not spontaneously popping up on their own.

Jennifer challenged us to be alert to the teachable moments that will come into your life be it your own children, grandchildren, nieces/ nephews, cousins, etc. Pray that the Lord will open your eyes and your heart to these moments. Seek Him for how to respond; in all situations.  Show love and grace.


Wednesday:  Start When They are Young:  Donna certainly believes in starting young in teaching and training children for the Lord as she did with her own children.

For starters, she:

  • Prayed before they were conceived.
  • prayed for them during pregnancy.
  •  prayed after they were born that she’d have wisdom to know them like God did and know how to raise them for His purposes.

After her children were born she:

  • taught them to pray at early age
  • no TV was allowed; only Christian radio
  • videos taught God’s word in song
  • read children’s book on their Bible heroes
  • prayed with them for healing of cuts and bruises

Donna knew she was to start out showing them Jesus as soon as they were born.  In addition she knew that her own faith should be lived out in every aspect of her life, every day before her kids.


Thursday:  As They Grow:  Sarah points to us as parents the spiritual influence, positive or negative, we have on our children as they grow.

Because of some issues she and her believing husband had in choosing a church home, they did not attend church for a year. Her main concern during this time was how this was affecting her girls, ages 11 and 13.

I personally found the prayer Sarah offered at the end of her blog should be the prayer of all of us who desire to be a Godly influence on children as they grow.  Dear Lord, we want to make sure they continue to want to worship You, learn more about You and grow closer to You every day. This is a crazy world we live in, with many negative outside influences that are hard to keep away from our children. Help us in this effort Lord, to keep their eyes focused on You.


Let’s Pray:   Father God, you have given us a precious gift – -children.  Help us all as parents, grandparents, children church leaders, aunts, uncles – -not let a teachable moment pass us by.  Give us wisdom to guide the children you have placed in our lives.  Above all, may these little ones love you with all their hearts, and live their lives according to what you have created them to be.

Your assignment:  Tell a child today that you love them.

If you have not accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior, and would like to have someone pray with you, please email us at Prayer@GirlfriendsCoffeeHour.com. and one of our prayer team members will contact you.

Have a blessed day,

*****We would LOVE to have your feedback on this study! Will you take a few minutes to complete the following survey? Your responses will help us create the best online bible study experience for you! CLICK THIS LINK to fill out the short 10 question form. Your responses are completely anonymous, I promise!! Thank you so much!*****


Our next Women’s Online Bible Study

“Crazy Love” by Francis Chan

Begins January 6, 2013.

To sign up for this new Online Bible Study, click the link HERE and follow the instructions. You will also be given a link to where you can purchase this bible study. We’re looking forward to learning about this “Crazy Love” with you!!


Please email Christi@girlfriendscoffeehour.com if you have any questions, or if you have a private comment that you would like to forward to one of our bloggers in regards to their post that day.


Winning Him Without Words: Weekly Review



“Who is to say you have not been brought into the kingdom for such a time as this.”
(Esther 4:14)

This week, we are brought to some soul searching questions we must answer if we choose to be a part of God’s plan in helping our husband find his way to Christ.

The chapter begins with the role John the Baptist played in the life of Christ.  John was chosen to prepare the way of Christ, and not be one of the elite group of Twelve Disciples who would walk side by side Him during his ministry on earth.

As I read the role John the Baptist played, my mind raced back to a time when I felt I was being placed in a role for a bigger picture to unfold in my marriage.  Quite honestly, I didn’t want to assume that role.  But, one day Esther 4:14 caught my attention: “Who is to say you have not been brought into the kingdom for such a time as this.”

I raced to my computer and composed a poem, recalling people and, yes, even animals, in the Bible who were pre-positioned for an important role in the history of all mankind.

Who is to Say?

(Martha Bush – -November 10, 2005)

Esther, a Jewish slave, became the wife of a pagan King in the land,
Discovered that Haman wanted all the Jews destroyed by the King’s command.
But, Esther had favor with The King and Haman’s plot went amiss,
Who is to say that a slave girl wasn’t brought into the Kingdom for such a time as this?

Think of Rahab, who was called a harlot by name,
Heard about God drying up the Red Sea and bringing the Egyptians to shame.
So, she hid the Israelite spies and every wall of Jericho fell without a miss,
Who is to say that a harlot wasn’t brought into the Kingdom for such a time as this?

And then there is the donkey that stopped Balaam in his tracks,
From going the wrong way less the Israelites be cursed and attacked.
Now we might scoff at the idea of God using a donkey & say: “that idea I will dismiss,”
Who is to say that the donkey wasn’t brought into the Kingdom for such a time as this?

Let’s never forget Mary, a young virgin in her day,
Received a visit from an angel who had powerful words to say.
“You shall bring forth a son to save the world by shedding blood of His.”
Indeed, a virgin was brought into the Kingdom for such a time as this!

But wait, there were others involved in the nativity scene,
Shepherds, wise men, angels, all around the stable they leaned.
Quite unnoticed was Anna who proclaimed the redemption message in their midst,
Who is to say that an unknown woman wasn’t brought into the kingdom for such a time as this?

Now each of these people probably questioned their position from the start,
Why, even Mary pondered these things in her heart.
No doubt they even found discomfort in doing what they had been asked to do,
For example the donkey, “I’m sure he didn’t like being kicked by Balaam, would you?”

But, the Bible shows how God uses slaves, harlots, virgins, and even donkeys too,
To fulfill the plan and purpose they were created to do.
And so if I should be pre-positioned by God in a position that I would rather dismiss,
Who is to say that I, an ordinary housewife, wasn’t brought into the Kingdom for such a time as this?


Let’s review Sarah, Jennifer, and Donna’s points on how God prepares us, an ordinary housewife, in helping our husband find his way to Christ.  

Weekly Review

Monday:  Sarah – John the Baptist – -Sarah reviews Dineen thoughts on John The Baptist’s role and wonders if he ever felt short changed because he wasn’t chosen to be part of the Twelve men who walked with Jesus daily?  If John compared himself with the other twelve, certainly he knew he was just as capable to spread Christ’s word as they were.

Sarah confessed to comparing herself to others from junior high into her adult life. But, Sarah has discovered that: “I can be ME, Sarah Jane Boyer. And that is a great thing to be because He created ME and He has me on the path He predestined for me.

Sarah has moved herself from 2nd best into the #1 spot:  “I don’t need to compare myself to others because there is no comparison.  We are all #1 to God and all for different reasons.”  Like John The Baptist, I am content to fulfill the role God has chosen for me and I will do it with grace and honor to Him.”

May we do likewise.

Tuesday: Jennifer-Motivated By Agape Love / Crossing a Threshold

Jennifer points to a place of preparation for our role in helping our husband find his way to Christ – –Agape Love.

Agape Love is:

  • a selfless, sacrificial, unconditional form of love.
  • the love that Christ has for each one of us.
  • is based upon a decision, not a feeling

When you live out agape love, you choose to love, despite the fact you have been hurt; overlook the ways your spouse has slighted you; forgive your spouse for the way he has hurt you.

Pointed questions Jennifer ask us:

  1. Can you sacrifice your own needs, wants, and desires and truly love your husband with an agape form of love that is not based on anything other than choosing to love him like Christ loves you?
  1. Are you ready to cross the threshold and say:  “Lord, do whatever it takes to bring my husband to Christ?”
  1. What are you willing to risk for your unbelieving husband to know Jesus?

May we prayerfully consider these questions.

Wednesday: Donna – Prepared by God / Unanswered Prayers – -Donna brings out another way God prepares us for our role in bringing our husband to Christ:  TRIALS.  She points to the fact that Jesus learned obedience and submission from His sufferings.

Some of the trials we might face:

  1. Perhaps God has asked you to stay the course in your marriage through very tough circumstances.
  2. Maybe He’s asked you to show love to a man who acts unlovable
  3. Maybe you don’t feel loved by him

Donna agrees with Dineen who wrote:  “In our trials, we can look to Jesus and see the pattern of preparation, and perhaps therein lies our joy-in knowing that the Father loves us as much as He loves His Son and is preparing us for the destiny He has planned for each of us, and for our husbands.”

Thursday:  Sarah – -The Perpetual State of Waiting – -Sarah brings us to another way God prepares us for helping bring our husband to Christ: Waiting.

Why Does God Make Us Wait?

  1. The Testing Time – – Involves a good attitude
  2. The Right time – – Doing things on our own time, causes setbacks and frustration. Waiting patiently for God; all things will fall into place and run smoothly.
  3. Motivation – – God also wants to make sure our heart is right. He wants to be certain that you don’t misuse your blessings.

Sarah concludes with:

  • He is waiting on you. YES! God waits for you too!
  • He waits for you to show Him you can be patient.
  • He waits for you to show Him you will rely on Him for help when there are obstacles in your path.
  • He waits for your heart to be right.

So you see, it’s not just us that are doing all the waiting. He waits too.


Friday: Discovery/Prayer – Father, God, I thank you for what you have taught about the role we play in helping our husband find his way to Christ.  May we not compare ourselves with others, live in agape love, and be willing to wait for your perfect timing.    In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.

Your assignment: What do you need to do to be better prepared to help bring your husband to Christ?

Above all, if you have not accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior, and would like to have someone pray with you, please email us at Prayer@GirlfriendsCoffeeHour.com. and one of our prayer team members will contact you.

Have a blessed day,


Our next Women’s Online Bible Study
“Crazy Love” by Francis Chan
Begins January 6, 2013.
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Winning Him Without Words: Weekly Review

Picture this scene:

God:  I have called you to the Mission Field.

Woman:  Praise the Lord!  I’ve always desired to go into the jungles of Africa and preach your word.

God:  I have not called you to “go and preach” my Word in Africa or any other part of the world.  I have called you to “stay and show” my love to your un-saved husband.  You might say I have called you to be a home missionary.”

Woman:  Okay, God, if you insist.  But, where do I go to for training?  My church sends missionaries to school for training before sending them into the field.  And, not that I am hung up on money, but the church even gives them financial support.

God:  May I  break it to you gently:  You won’t be getting either of those.

Woman:  What do I get?

God:  Quite simply – –  the best of ME.  As a missionary wife, you are my personal ambassador, and you will receive the best training and equipment any soldier ever had going into battle. You see, a soul is at stake, but my armor is your shield of protection against all attacks, and you will come through each battle in victory and not defeat.

As for the financial support – -your reward shall be great.  Just like Esther, you have been brought into the Kingdom for such a time as this.

Woman:  I want to know more about this armor.

Weekly Review

Monday:  Beverly – Keep Your Armor On—You’re at War– -Beverly points out that when we get up each morning we are entering a battlefield

She directs us to Ephesians 6:12-17 that describes who the battle is with and what to do about it.

  1. Who?  For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers and the powers and the principalities of the air.

  2. What to do?  Put the armor on the whole armor of God and stand.

Beverly points to the fact that our strength for the front line of  battle comes from our commander, God.  It is God who also provides our armor to wear in order to go into the battle with strength.

She challenges us to wake up each morning, prepare your heart, put on your armor, and stand ready and prepared to help lead your man to the commander by your example


The question is: “What are the pieces of this armor that God tells us to use?” Jennifer, Donna, and Sarah describes each of the pieces.

Tuesday:  Jennifer

  1. The Belt of Truth – – The enemy will try to deceive us by telling us lies disguised as truth. We can stand firm against Satan’s sneaky attacks by having the Belt of Truth around our waists. With God’s Truth, we can rebuke the devil’s lies, schemes, and manipulations. We can turn to Jesus, who is Truth, when the devil tries to deceive us.

  1. The Breastplate of Righteousness – – Satan wants to attack us where we are most vulnerable – -in the heart where our emotions and sense of self-worth stem from. Protect your heart with the Breastplate of Righteousness which will never cause you to doubt God’s unending love for you and offer a barrier from despair and discouragement that Satan will try to use against you.

  1. The Shoes of the Gospel of Peace – – Our foundation is Jesus Christ and the Good News of His saving grace. The shoes that God fits us with will allow us to move when the time is right to share this Good News with others.

  1. The Shield of Faith – -God’s Shield of Faith will enable us to see past our current circumstances and difficulties to our ultimate victory.

Wednesday:  Donna

  1. Helmet of Salvation

  2. Sword of the Spirit

Our thoughts can be a real battle. A thought creeps in, and one thought leads to another, invading our mind, which leads to a pity party! Why am I in this marriage with an unsaved husband? Why do I have to be Christ’s representative to this man? I’m not equipped to handle this! I’m not spiritual enough, I’m not good enough!

The Helmet of Salvation and The Sword of the Spirit, God’s Word, is our protection against these doubts and lies that enter our minds.

Donna challenged us to think of our Bible heroes as our examples. When Daniel was told he must bow, he followed his God and put on his armor and went into the battle equipped.  Esther fasted and prayed and said “if I perish, I perish”  The ULTIMATE sacrifice was Christ when he went to the cross.  He went into the garden to pray first and put on his armor. He told the Father, “not my will but yours be done” then he followed through with the plan of Salvation for us all!

Thursday:  Sarah  concluded the chapter with points on Basic Training

  1. When someone questions your faith, your beliefs, or your God; you need to be ready to give a logical answer that explains the hope and love you exude for Christ. BUT…you have to do it in a courteous and respectful way without yelling and degrading them.

  2. It is so important to arm yourself with the Word.

  3. Dig deeper than what you hear in church or from your most knowledgeable Christian friend. Educate yourself on what is said between the pages of the good book.

  4. The mission God has given you is to spread His message of love, hope and faith. To complete this mission, it is important to know scriptures and the meanings behind them. Then, once you have sharpened your sword with the Word, you are then able to present His Word logically and courteously.


In conclusion, I’d like to review the assignments that each blogger gave us this week. May we see them as a way of judging ourselves in order to be better equipped for the call God has on our life – -Missionary Wife.

  1. Beverly:  Have you recognized any attacks from the enemy in your marriages lately? How did you take a “stand” against the enemy?  What have you learned new that God has shown you from studying this chapter that will be of help in future attacks against the enemy?

  2. Jennifer:  Which piece of the armor do you have the most difficulty wearing? Which piece is the easiest for you?

  3. Donna:  What is holding you back from putting on the armor everyday?

  4. Sarah:  Share your life verse – -the one that you read and almost felt the earth shake when you were finished!

Friday: Discovery/Prayer – Father, God, I thank you for what you have taught us this week about your armor through Winning Him Without Words, as well as personal thoughts of Beverly, Jennifer, Donna, and Sarah.  Help us to make it a part of our daily routine of putting it on as we began our day.  In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.


For those who are reading this blog and would like to join the Bible study, we would love to invite you to join us!  Click here and follow the instructions, (you can also click the SIGN-UP link in the menu bar above to be taken to the form). It’s that simple!  We hope to see you soon!

Above all, if you have not accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior, and would like to have someone pray with you, please email us at GCH_Prayer@GirlfriendsCoffeeHour.com and one of our prayer team members will contact you.

Have a blessed day,


Winning Him Without Words: A Front Row Seat

Take a stroll with me down the streets of Orange, Texas, a small town located on the Louisiana border, where I have resided for the last 25 years.  One of the main attractions in Orange is The Lutcher Theater.  Though a small town, we here in Orange are very privileged that The Lutcher plays host to big name celebrities throughout the year.

Two blocks down the street from The Lutcher is another theater called Orange Community Players.  It is here one will see familiar faces of people in the community, using their God-given talents in the performing arts.

Five miles north of town is The Bush Family Theater.  In this theater, God Himself, is the producer.  On any day of the year, He is producing some of the highest quality dramas, unlike The Lutcher, or I dare say, Broadway has ever produced.

It is in this small home theater where God casts my husband as the main character in each  drama.  The role he is playing is a true story and it is all about God relentlessly pursuing him for his eternal salvation.  An analytical, strong-willed man, who feels he is self-sufficient and has no need of God, he is totally clueless about what is going on between him and God.

I kid you not, every time I watch another episode, my mind races back to the farm I grew up on in Georgia.  Not only did my daddy grow peanuts like all farmers do in Georgia, but he had a large herd of cattle and hogs.  Once a month, Daddy would load up about 50 hogs that he had been fattening to take to the market to sell.  He’d back his big truck up to the fence and line it up with the  “hog shoot.”  For all you city girls, a hog shoot is a narrow wooden passage that the hogs walk up to enter the truck from the field.

Now, the old hogs did not “gracefully” walk up the shoot.  They had to have a little prodding.  Daddy had just the thing to get them going in the direction of the back of his truck – -a hot stick.  This was a battery operated device that gave them an electric shot in their rear that guided them up the narrow passage way into the back of the truck.  Poor hogs – -they had no choice, but to enter the truck.

I am sure you know where I am going with this.  My man has no choice.  God’s guiding hands will get him in the back of His truck.

Yes, it is all being played out before my eyes, and I get to have a front row seat, just as Lynn talks about on page 129 in Winning Him Without Words.

I just feel it in my bones that the final episode is about to be produced.  When it is, you are invited to Orange to the little theater five miles north of town to the celebration. I will kill the fatted calf that I have been fattening up for this occasion.

Outside The Bush Family Theater, the marquee will read: “My Son Which Was Lost Is Now Found.  Admission FREE! Come on in!”


Let’s pray:

God, I thank you for pursuing each of our husbands, not only for their eternal salvation, but that they grow in grace and in the knowledge of you.  Help us to live our lives before them as 1 Peter 3 calls us to, and not interfere with what you are doing in their lives.  In Jesus name, I pray.  Amen

Your assignment:

Have you seen God in some way pursuing your husband?  If so, how?  The big question is:  “Did you stay quiet and not interfere in what He was doing?


If you are interested in joining us for this Online Bible Study, please click on the “Sign-Up Here” button at the top of this page, in the menu bar, and complete the sign-up form.  We will add you once we receive your request.

Winning Him Without Words: Weekly Review w/ Martha Bush


He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”  Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.  [2 Corinthians 12:9]

Trade perfection for authenticity is what Dineen asks us to do in Chapter 6.

Not to sound “holier than thou,” but I aced this chapter.  A perfectionist, I am not!  In fact, that is the character trait that divides by husband and me the most.

Oh yes, he is the perfectionist in the family.  He cleans up most of the things I start because, as he puts it: “You made a mess of this!”  It drives me nuts.  Perfection just isn’t a word in my vocabulary.

I believe there is no room for perfection in our spiritual lives either.  So, I ask you ladies:  “Do you really think you can live this Christian life before your husband perfectly?” “Do you really think those old fleshly flaws within you aren’t going to occasionally pop up?”

“Come on, ladies, you need to get real!”

Authenticity says:  “Yes, I goofed, that is why I need a Savior!”

Authenticity says:  “I need to stop putting up a front before my husband, and ask his forgiveness when I mess up.”

Authenticity says:  “I’m not intimidated to speak about the passion I have within me for my Savior in front of my unsaved husband.

Oops!  I guess I didn’t ace the chapter after all.

Oh, God, forgive me.  I now see that the passion I have within me for Jesus needs to spill out of my mouth “naturally.”  I know not to preach and nag at my husband, nor run my mouth off like a “religious freak.”  But, I now see that I have become unbalanced in my efforts to say “not a word,” and have quenched my passion for you.

I hear you saying, “Come on Martha, you need to get real!”

“Let your passion for me flow out of you like a soft stream of water flowing along the river bands – -sweetly and soothing.”

And now, let’s review what Beverly, Jennifer, Donna, and Sarah had to say about Trading Perfection for Authenticity.


Weekly Review

Monday:  Perfection for Authenticity / A Fine Linen Belt – Beverly had tried to be the “perfect” wife to her husband for years.  But, this week, she learned a lesson through Jeremiah’s linen belt. God had instructed Jeremiah to take his belt off and hide it in rocks near a river.  When Jeremiah retrieved the belt, the elements had ruined it and it was completely useless.

Beverly compared this to allowing certain “elements” to damage our relationship with our husbands to the point that we are no longer being the living representation of Christ in our homes.

Beverly challenges us in the following ways to reflect and show our husbands God:

Our heart – -what is in there

Our minds – -what she is thinking

Our soul – -what are our desires

May we accept the challenge.

Tuesday:  A Confession – Jennifer asks us some thought provoking questions concerning how we live our lives in front of our unsaved husbands.

How often do you let your husband see the not-so-Christian parts of you?

Do you fear that you might “look bad” or “un-Christian” if you are authentic?

Do you think you might give Jesus a “bad name?

Jennifer suggests reasons why we might be having problems in this area, such as:

My husband might laugh at me

My husband might mock me

My husband might say I’m not really a Christian

My husband thinks I should be perfect if I’m a Christian

My husband’s words might hurt my feelings

Jennifer challenges us to:  Lay down the idol of perfection.  We cannot be an authentic warrior for Christ if we pretend to have it all together.  It is through our authenticity that Christ uses us to reach other people with the Good News of His saving grace.

May we accept this challenge.

Wednesday:  Heart Tablets – Donna points to the scripture Dineen brought out in 2 Cor. 2:3 as humbling her.  In this verse, God says we are a letter from Christ to our spouse.

From this verse, Donna saw that the Spirit of God has reached down and written on her heart.  These reflections from her heart can now be reflected to her un-saved loved ones who does not listen to fleshly efforts of nagging, crying, begging, and anger when she witnesses to them.

Donna makes a very valid point to think about:  Would you listen to someone who is hassling you?  Would you see a loving, caring God in that kind of tone?

She challenges us to:

Take a step back in our marriage.

Don’t worry about planning what to say or do next.

Let yourself be God’s love letter to them.

May we accept this challenge.

Thursday:  Sacrificial Giving – Sarah, uses Dineen’s idea of the perfect gift to give our husbands for Valentine gift, instead of chocolates.  It comes in the form making a listing of the things that she would not do to her husband anymore.  Just plain and simple:

No Nagging

No Expectations

No False Assumptions

No Resentment

Sarah leaves it with each of us to determine where in stand on these matters.  It is definitely food for thought as a means of Sacrificial Giving.

May we expect the challenge and do likewise.

Friday: Discovery/Prayer – Father, God, I thank you for what you have taught us about being real this week.  Help us to get rid of any hang-ups in our lives that are preventing us from representing Jesus before our husband, be he saved or unsaved.  Help us to live our lives before him according to 1 Peter 3.  In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.


Your Assignment:

Think back over the week and name one thing you definitely know you should start immediately doing to be authentic with your husband.


Have a blessed day,



For those who are reading this blog and would like to join the Bible study, we would love to invite you to join us!  Click here and follow the instructions, (you can also click the SIGN-UP link in the menu bar above to be taken to the form). It’s that simple!  We hope to see you soon!

Above all, if you have not accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior, and would like to have someone pray with you, please email us at Prayer@GirlfriendsCoffeeHour.com. and one of our prayer team members will contact you.