February 22, 2025

Winning Him Without Words – Heart Tablets

“You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everybody. You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the Living God, not on tablets of stone but on human hearts.”

2 Corinthians: 2-3

What is my message to the unbelieving loved ones in my life? What can I communicate with my actions today? Am I willing to let the Holy Spirit make his mark on me for the benefit of my unsaved loved ones?

I re-wrote these questions from the book and only changed them to make them personal for me. I needed to do that so I could ponder them and claim them for my life, so I could examine myself from them. Do I leave a Godly message for my loved ones? Are my actions motivated by my love of the Savior? Or are my actions done with the motivation that I can save them?? I pray not.

In our scripture today, God says we are a letter from Christ to our spouse. That because of our ministry to them they can have the Spirit of God written on their hearts if they accept Him. I’m humbled by that. Not only has the Spirit of God reached down and written on my heart, I can reflect Him in my words and actions. If they, our spouse, see this lived out in us, we could be the vessel God uses to bring them to Him! It is also somewhat daunting as well. But then I remember what Dineen says: “We can find tremendous comfort in the sense that it isn’t up to us to know what to say or how to say it.”  We have the Holy Spirit in us that helps us do that. We don’t have to rely on ourselves and be bogged down with what to do or say. That is a relief, and it gives us more reason to pray and stick close to God.

How many times have I tried to push the issue with them? Nagged and cried and begged?? Or even just sat back and was angry because they wouldn’t listen? Oh Boy!! I can think of many times! Not letting the Holy Spirit guide me, just pushing ahead without any direction at all! I need to stop and think, Would I listen to someone who is hassling me like this? Would I see a loving, caring God in that tone? I’m thinking  NOT!  What I need to remember in that moment is that I leave a permanent impression on my loved one whenever I am speaking to them.

In the story of the prodigal son in Luke, we see the father in this story giving his son free will and an early inheritance. Off goes the son and blows all the money then hires himself out a s slave to someone because of a famine in the land. He ends up feeding PIGS!! Even desiring the food he is feeding them! He finally comes to his senses and remembers that even his father’s hired hands have food to spare. So he goes home and repents, offers himself up to his father as a slave and what does the father do?? He throws his arms around his son and quickly organizes a party for him. How awesome is that? Now, obviously, this is my own interpretation of this Parable but as I read it I’m thinking I don’t hear his father begging him to stay or crying or nagging. No he just gives the son what he wants and let’s him go. I have to believe the son was brought up in a believing household. I’m sure he probably prayed his heart out, like any parent would, that he would return to him. And because the father lived out his faith and wrote on his heart, the son realized what the truth was and returned home to the father.

What I’m trying to get at here is that maybe taking a step back in our marriage. Don’t worry about planning what to say or do next. Let yourself be God’s love letter to them. Let the heart of Christ radiate out of you for them to see. We don’t have to worry about what to say. We just need to be willing vessels, ready to give God’s grace in the moment. God can only use us when we  yield to Him. Give them freedom to choose for themselves because of that reflection.

Purpose in your heart to be God’s message to your husband. Communicate love and grace to them ” letting the Holy Spirit make his mark on you for the benefit of your Husband.” When you do this you are honoring God and your husband. Ask yourself those questions at the beginning of our chapter and make them personal by putting your and your spouses names in them. Then implement that answer and let God shine through you!

Let’s pray:

God thank you for writing on our hearts today. We ask that you would radiate your Spirit through  us and let us have the honor of being your vessel and tool in the salvation of our spouses. May they only see you and not us. Give us willing hearts to be able to do this. Show us and give us the exact words and things to do to make this happen. You are faithful and loving. We praise you today for all that you are doing and will do. In Jesus name I pray – Amen

Your assignment:

I am purposing to do what Dineen says in the first paragraph of our chapter today-speak words of love to my husband and reflect Christ while doing so. What can you do that will speak to your husband today and how will you do it??

God’s blessings on your day,



If you are interested in joining this “Winning Him Without Words” online bible study, please click HERE to complete the sign-up form.  You will need to purchase the book in order to follow along with us.  You can find details for the book on our sign-up form.

Winning Him Without Words: Stay Connected


1 Corinthians 13: 4-7

 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.



Well, how did the first two chapters go for you?  Are you ready to move forward and learn more about making your unequally yoked marriage thrive?  I am!!  Let’s get to it!

In this Chapter, Lynn walks us through different ways that we can stay connected to our husbands.  In the beginning of this chapter, she talks about how putting together a Fantasy Football Team gave her something in common with her husband.  I admit I haven’t been that much into football, or any other sport for that matter. But there are things that my husband and I do like to do together; riding motorcycles, movies, reading, playing cards, trying new restaurants, trying new foods and recipes, and more.

A little over five months ago, we turned off our television. Yes, shut it off!  We even had the cable turned off!  We had discussed this for a couple of years, but he was never really ready to give it a try.  But one day he brought it back up again, and I jumped at the chance.  I called the cable company and asked them to turn off our cable.  We looked at each other and said, “Well, Now What????”  🙂

From there, the only time we watched television was if the two of us wanted to sit down and watch a movie.  Netflix has some fun programs that we enjoyed watching, as well; like Myth Busters, or How It’s Made; both fun and interesting shows.

We weaned ourselves away from the television, and began to find new things to do together.  We began to explore new books.  We got into the reading the bible more.  We learned how to play new card games, or board games.  We went for more walks. We TALKED more!! That was a big one!!

During these five months, we grew together.  We learned more about each other.  We learned each others Love Language.  We spent more quality time together.  During our meals, we sat at the table and talked, instead of in front of the television without speaking a word to each other!  It was amazing what was happening in our marriage!

If you do not know what your spouse’s Love Language is, please click HERE for an online test.  HE WILL NEED TO TAKE THIS QUIZ.  It will be well worth it,Ladies, to learn his love language!!  His love language will speak directly to his heart!  Win-Win situation!  You will also see other quizzes for wives, children, teens, and singles!  Excellent site!

About a week ago, we decided that with winter months coming on board, and football season starting, we would turn the television back on; but we both agreed that it was not going to become the idol that it had been in our home before.  It would not become the thing that divided us, or took away our quality time!

It was funny when we turned the television back on and hooked it up to the antenna…we flipped through a few channels and said “Eh, nothing really on…so now what do you want to do?”  LOL  It wasn’t like before, where we would flip through the channels and even if we couldn’t find something worthy of watching, we would watch it anyway just to have something to do!!  That will not happen again!

We gained a lot during this time without our television, and we are determined not to let a stupid little box divide our relationship again!

I love my husband.  I know he loves me, too.  We want our marriage to be successful.  So we are determined in finding ways that we can make our marriage even better.  It isn’t a bad marriage, in any way!  Don’t get me wrong!  But I believe that every marriage has room for improvement, no matter how good it is!!  All it takes is a little work, creativity, and the determination to do it.  Whether it’s turning off the television, or creating a fantasy football league, or ??? … ask the Lord what will bring your marriage to a higher level, and then be intentional about it!!  Your marriage is worth it!

This week’s chapter has a whole lot more to offer you than what I’ve shared here.  Lynn covers some pretty awesome topics!  Be sure to spend the time that you need in this chapter.  I believe it is truly going to open your eyes in so many ways!!


Your Reading Assignment

Oct 15 – 1 Cor 13:4-7 – Love Is a Lifetime – Beverly

Oct 16 – All Things Are Not Equal – Jennifer

Oct 17 – Bring On the Bedroom – Donna

Oct 18 – When You Don’t Agree – Sarah

Oct 19 – Discovery / Prayer – Martha


Let’s Pray:

Lord, I pray for each women that reads our blog posts this week.  I pray that each woman would be given creative ideas to stay connected with her husband.   Give us creative ideas of how we can meet our husbands needs physically, emotionally, and more.  Teach us his love language Lord. Help us to speak to him through his love language.  In Jesus’ Name, AMEN!

If you would like to join this Online Bible Study and our Facebook Discussion Group, please click on the “Sign-Up Here” button at the top of our page, and follow the instructions.  We will add you as soon as we receive your request.  🙂

God bless you,


The Resolution for Women: The Affirmation Crusade

Memory Verse:

You did not choose Me, but I chose you.

I appointed you that you should go out and produce fruit.

John 15:16


A crusade can be defined as a vigorous concerted movement for a cause or against an abuse.”

Yes, precious girlfriends, I agree with Priscilla….. what we need is indeed an AFFIRMATION CRUSADE!!!

My primary Love Language just so happens to be “Words of Affirmation.” Not only do I love to hear them…. but I am very generous in giving them out! Today’s lesson made me stop for a minute and think about why I might be so intentional about this and if I am only this way with certain people, or am I free with my affirming words to all I come in contact with.

I really think that I am so intentional about this because of the negative words I was bombarded with growing up. Of course, not everyone in my life did that, but 2 very close people to me did….. and it hurt. It made it hard for me to speak those words over myself for many years, but through understanding the truth of God’s love for me, I have been able to break that cycle.

It is important to be your friends’ biggest cheerleader! You might just be the only woman in their life who affirms them and that alone can completely change their perspective on their day.

I know I am hardest on my family and I am working very hard to change that. I expect a lot from them… more than I should. I do affirm them and cheer them on, but I also can be very critical. I am really going to intentionally do my best to squelch my critical spirit and focus more on building them up!

SO…. we have the “why”… so we need to know the HOW!”

How can you be intentional about affirming other women in your life? I’ve compiled a list here and I would love it if you could add to it in the comments section of the blog today! Let’s think outside the box and see what we can come up with together! Maybe a friend surprised you with some awesome words in a unique way that spoke directly to your heart. How did she do it?


You could……..

Write a letter….. you know, snail mail! How awesome is it to get something besides a bill in your mail box?!? Decorate the envelope in a fun way too! You can even address it “To the beautiful Mrs. Megan Smidt!!!” 😀 (…just a suggestion…)

For my daughter’s 14th birthday, we had a slumber party and all of her girlfriends wrote annonymous “love letters” that were full of affirming words and we left them all over our town. We put them on grocery store shelves, the pick up counter at Starbucks, in random mail boxes, and even in the pews at church. The girls had so much fun spreading this joy and Vicky has told me that her friends have continued to leave these letters around town even after they went home! We need to be modeling this behavior not only for our friends but also our children!

Sing them a song on their voice mail. It could be something like “That’s what friends are for” or “Beautiful, beautiful”

You could greet them in a fun way the next time you see them. Instead of greeting them with a simple “hello, ” How about giving them a huge hug and compliment them on something they are wearing or their hair. You could even address them as your “gorgeous friend” or your “most incredible sister.”

Make them a banner the next time you know they are coming to your house! Make it big and bright for all the passers-by to see! Hang it across your garage or over the front door so they can’t miss it!

Send them random txt messages every once in a while just letting them know how much you love that they are in your life!

Send their husband or kids a letter telling them how much it means to YOU that they let you have time together. Tell them how much your friend means to YOU!

What can YOU come up with???? What will you do this week to INTENTIONALLY affirm your closest sisters in Christ?

Priscilla points out to us that “…this resolution not only affects you. It will also enhance the women around you as they experience the affirmation that BUBBLES up from the security you’re living in. This should be our MANDATE, our CAMPAIGN. A MOVEMENT of women linked by our resolution and devoted to seeing it manifested in the lives of the women around us.”

WHen we are living OUR lives secure and complete in the authentically unique way that God created us, our salt and light is contagious! Give away your compliments freely to yourself and all those you love and see your love spread to all those around you! Let’s be infectiously bold in our own unique ways for our Lord and Savior! He commands it <3


I will accept and celebrate my uniqueness,

and will esteem and encourage the distinctions I admire in others.

Signed x       Megan “Lucy” Smidt               


Let’s Pray: 

Dear Lord, we praise You for all of the unique qualities you have blessed us with! You have made each of us so unique for Your purposes to be fulfilled when we are true to who you created us to be. That is so awesome! Give us Your revelation into anything we are not seeing that might be keeping us from Your very best of us in this area. Help us take off our masks and be excited to show the world the beautiful and sometimes rough women you have so specifically made each of us to be. We love you, Lord, and we thank Your for Your perfect ways! In Your Son’s name we pray, amen <3


Today’s blog assignment: 

Explore for a little bit why you are or are not affirming in your words to your girlfriends. Also… think about if there are any women in your sphere who you are not comfortable affirming…. why do you think that is? Then….. resolve to commend all of the women in your life for their unique value and worth to you this week! Read the resolution out loud and sign your name below it in your book.

If you are not a member of our OBS Facebook Group, and would like to be, please send us an email and we’ll be happy to place you!!   Our email address is:  GirlfriendsCoffeeHour@gmail.com

my blog: www.glorytoglorylifecoaching.wordpress.com

My Craig’s blog about the Men’s Resolution journey: www.adversusmundi.wordpress.com

Many blessings,

Megan 🙂