January 11, 2025

Resolution for Women: Ok

“For the law was given through Moses,

grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.”

John 1:17


Some of you know that my oldest son James (who I CANNOT believe will be 21 this month!!!) has Asperger’s Syndrom. One of the characteristics typical to Aspies is that they tend to not show a whole lot of emotional about things and can even have a robotic-type of sound to their voice when they speak.

My Aspie is no different and it used to drive me crazy when I would be really upset with him about something and the only response I would get from him would be “ok.” You see, I am an extremely passionate person… when I am happy, I am super happy. When I am upset, I am super upset. SO, to have someone simply say “ok” in response to one of my epic rants would just drive me insane…… but it always instantly got me to calm down and it diffused the situation.

I know I say this all the time, but it’s true…. EMOTIONS ARE DECEIVING!!!! Ladies, we don’t always HAVE to be right, or get the last word in, or be in the driver’s seat for every conversation. We need to just STOP and simply say…


That’s it.

Proverbs 15:1

A gentle answer turns away anger, but a harsh word stirs up wrath.

On page 235, Priscilla writes:

“Truly the wise woman doesn’t always seek to be heard or validated but sometimes- in order to protect and preserve relationships, in order to invite peace back into her home- chooses a soft, delicate, gentle response in place of one that’s harsh and explosive, harmful and wounding. She is resolved not to tend the fire of quarrelsome conversations, knowing she’ll only be covered in ashes long after the embers have burned out… she is patient. She brings calm to the storm.”

Choosing to respond in this way, and NOT react makes you wise and graceful… not a pushover or a doormat. I cannot think of a more intentional way to show grace, respect and honor in conversation than to be so careful with your words. God calls us to this, but it is up to us to obey and show this grace.


Let’s Pray:

Lord, help us to temper our tongues and show grace in every conversation today. We need you to work within us from the inside out to get out-of-the-way be graceful in all circumstances. Help us to model this in our homes, in our work places and in our communities. Help us be difference-makers, Father! Give us the courage and wisdom to know when to be silent or only mutter the tiny word “ok.” We thank you for this provision, Lord! In Your Son’s matchless name we pray, amen <3

Your Assignment:

Prayerfully consider how you can apply the message of these verses in your life today:

  • A soothing tongue is a tree of life, but perversion in it crushes the spirit.” (Proverbs 15:4)
  • Patience can persuade a prince, and soft speech can break bones.” (Proverbs 25:15)

Resolve to respond with “ok” as much as you can in the next 48 hours in order to begin to make this a habit. Take note of the impact it makes in your closest relationships <3


Reminder… on October 1st, we will begin our brand new Online Bible Study, entitled “Winning Him Without Words” by Lynn Donovan and Dineen Miller.  If you are in an unequally spiritual marriage, you won’t want to miss this study!!

To sign up for this study, please send an email to:  Womens@GirlfriendsCoffeeHour.com and we will send you all the details you need to get started!

Now jump on over to our Facebook Group for the daily activity!! If you do not yet belong to this group, and would like to, send us an email at GirlfriendsCoffeeHour@gmail.com with FB GROUP in the subject line, and we’ll be glad to add you!

Be a blessing,

Megan 🙂

A Daughter’s Worth…… A Giveaway!!!

Happy Monday to each of you, my precious sisters in Christ!!!

I have a video message for you today AND information on a giveaway!!!



We will be giving away 2 copies of the book for our very first Bible study A Daughter’s Worth by Ava Sturgeon!!! How do you enter to win?!?!?!?

1. Tell your friends about the Bible study! You can call, txt, email, FB, etc…. any of your best girlfriends that YOU think would benefit from this online Bible study!

2. Have them send an email to teens@girlfriendscoffeehour.com to sign up for the Bible study and have them give us YOUR name as referring them.

3. The two people who refer the most people to the Bible study WINS a FREE copy of the book!

We are opening up our secret fellowship group on Facebook today so get ready to make some new friends who love the Lord!!!! 🙂

Thank you and be a blessing today! <3

Megan 🙂

Psalm 145:4-6, 11-13 

4 One generation will commend your works to another;

they will tell of your mighty acts.

5 They will speak of the glorious splendour of your majesty,

and I will meditate on your wonderful works.

6 They will tell of the power of your awesome works, and I will proclaim your great deeds.

11 They will tell of the glory of your kingdom and speak of your might,

12   so that all men may know of your mighty acts and the glorious splendour of your kingdom.

13 Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and your dominion endures through all generations.

The LORD is faithful to all his promises and loving towards all he has made.

Tonya’s Journey to GCH:decaf!


GCH: decaf blogger Tonya Elliott

I have always known who God was. I can remember as far back as 4 years old, kneeling beside my bed, with my mom and dad on each side of me, teaching me how to say my prayers…you know how it goes: “Now I lay be down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep…”. If my mother and father didn’t do anything else, they made sure that my sisters and I had some form of concept of who God was. “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6.

You have to understand that my mother and father weren’t avid church goers, but my mother would consistently place my sister and me on the church bus every Sunday to go to church. In a way, I am so glad that she did that, because those wonderful ladies helped introduce Jesus to my sister and I more and more…more seeds were planted…”I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase.” 1 Corinthians 3:6). Thank you Jesus for the lovely women of Christ who took time out to plant seeds, while others watered and I can now definitely see God’s increase! God is awesome like that!

I spent most of my elementary and middle school years traveling back and forth between Germany and Ft. Campbell, Kentucky. Ft. Campbell, Kentucky was my father’s home base. He was a Sergeant First Class in the Army…a Mess hall Cook. I LOVED my life growing up on the many military bases. What my sisters and I didn’t know was that our father’s drinking problem was starting to affect his work, and he was making more mistakes with his cooking.

I can remember coming home from school in the 8th grade, to my mom packing our belongings. I was used to packing and moving, but I knew that my dad was not scheduled to be transferred anywhere else, so I asked her what was going on. She replied that we had to move because my dad was being discharged because of his drinking. I was devastated! My world as I had always known it was coming to a complete halt!

How does a person…a young teenage girl comprehend all of that? To be honest with you, I had a difficult time trying to adjust to the news. I was angry, I was frustrated, sad, confused, all of the above. We ended up moving to Memphis, Tennessee, which was where my parents were from. We moved with my mother’s family and the saga began. I won’t go into details about all of that, but I will say that it was a very emotional time in my life. We went from having everything we wanted, to not having anything at all…well; at least we still had each other, right?

During this time, I met a lady who changed my WHOLE life around! She was my Young Life leader who would take the second baton of my Christian  growth and help me to run with it. She took the time to get to know me, share with me in my time of hurt, frustration, confusion, and anger, through the love of Jesus Christ. She took what was a horrible time in my life and helped me to refocus everything in my life towards Jesus. She loved me in spite of what was going on in my life.

Did my dad ever stop drinking, I am sure that you are asking? Unfortunately no, he did not, but our relationship got better. I loved my dad unconditionally, even through all of the hurt and disappointments. I learned to see him through the eyes of Christ…and believe me, once I truly became a Christian, that wasn’t hard to do at all! My dad passed away in November of 1998 and I miss him so much, but I know that God has him in His care. I have learned so much since then.

Today I am a Young Women’s Coordinator for a ministry called Red Zone, which is under the Memphis leadership Foundation umbrella, here in Memphis. I work with youth in the inner city Memphis area. I work primarily with middle school aged youth, but I have been working with the youth in that particular area for such a long time, that I have youth who are now grown and some married. I know that this is what God was calling me to do. He wanted me to go through what I went through, so that I could see that trying Jesus really does work and that He could work for the youth too.

I was married for 14 years and I have been divorced for 2 years, and I have 4 AWESOME children of my own, who have faced all kinds of odds, which I will share with you a later date. Trinicia (19), Jonathon (15), Justin (14), and Carlia (12).

Smiling is my thing! It is one of my ways of encouraging others. I am crazy enough to believe that if you share your smile with others, especially those who may be having a bad day, you just might brighten up their day!

I found Girlfriends Coffee Hour and it has been the BEST thing that I have ever done! GCH has brought life back into my world, and I feel alive again! My desire is to come alongside teen girls through this new ministry and walk with them and mentor them and share with them the love of Christ.


Please “like” our Facebook Community page here to stay up-to-date on all we are doing for teens over here at GCH: decaf: https://www.facebook.com/GCHdecaf.

Be sure to email our lead barista, Megan, if you would like to join a small group or if you have any questions about the study or this ministry. She would love to hear from you!  Teens@girlfriendscoffeehour.com .

Our first study will start October 1st!  We will be studying A Daughter’s Worth by Ava Sturgeon.


Tonya Elliott is a 40 year old Memphis native…  but she was raised all over the world, Germany, Kentucky, Tennessee, etc…Her father was in the military for 16 years. She has 4 beautiful children, Trinicia (19), Jonathon (15), Justin (14), and Carlia (12).

Tonya met Christ when she was 7 years old and really began to walk along beside Him when she was 14 years old. She has always had a heart for youth ministry! She currently works for a faith-based organization called Memphis Leadership Foundation as a Young Women’s Coordinator, working with middle school aged girls, and she loves it!

She was married at 23 and divorced at 37 years old, but she is thankful for that part of her journey because it has helped to shape her into the woman of God that she is today.

She loves to read, read, and read!! Tonya also loves to learn new things and is currently seeking her degree in Human Services. She is eager to see where God is leading her.


we just LOVE that Tonya is serving with us on our Leadership Team AND with your precious daughters! Please take a moment to leave her a comment and let her know how happy you are that she is answering God’s call eith GCH:decaf!!

Coleen’s Journey to GCH:decaf!


GCH: decaf blogger Coleen Hayden

I love this J.J. Heller song.  Take a listen…or sing along.  Wait!  Maybe you should get a tissue or two first…you ARE going to cry.


Who will love me for me

Not for what i have done or what i will become

Who will love me for me

‘Cause nobody has shown me what love

What love really means


<Big sigh!>  wiping away the tears that have splashed onto the keyboard, I pray, “Please, Lord, help me to love ’em!  Please give me YOUR heart!  Lord, please show me how!”

…and I struggle, wondering how I can possibly help a girl living in Montana trying to maintain her purity. “What can *I* really do,” I thought, “for a teenager in Texas who really doesn’t think she is smart enough to pursue honors classes and go to college?”  How can I even begin to be Jesus’ hands and feet to a young lady in Virginia whose parents are divorcing and her heart is being torn apart?  I don’t know how to even start to help a girl in LA see her beautiful self through God’s eyes not the world’s viewpoint… and what do *I* possibly have to say that could bring peace to the heart of a teenager in New Jersey, where gangs and violence make her scared to go to school?


Then I remember… I can PRAY!!! For them, with them, over them, and I can show them in the Scriptures that THEY have access to their heavenly Father.  I can teach them how to lay down their worries, fears, cares, and concerns at the feet of Jesus.  I can help them to recognize that God is always listening. I can inspire them to believe that God hears and answers.  I can encourage them to voice their own prayers…simply and with faith.  And, even from a distance, I can pray with them and show them God’s love. This, THIS is why I have committed to GCH: decaf.


Thousands of girls all over the world have hearts that yearn to feel safe; to be cared for and wanted ‘just because’ They want to be filled with peace & joy, they desire to feel pretty, and they need to know that who they are is enough.  I know Who knows exactly how to meet their need—my Lord, Jesus Christ. All that they need, want, yearn for, and desire can be met through Jesus Christ. He is the only Way to His Father, the Almighty God.  GCH: decaf is a place to come and meet my Savior, to learn about Him and His Father, to find a relationship with Jesus.  And, if you are privileged to already know this awesome Jesus…to build on and grow in and thrive in your relationship with Him!


Perhaps GCH: decaf is the place where you, if that is your heart, can come and be encouraged.  Maybe Girlfriends Coffee Hour is the place where moms and daughters can have a meeting place where they can grow together.  Possibly GCH: decaf is where you will learn about God’s love and all that He provided when He sent His Son to die for all mankind.  GCH: decaf, for me, is where love and compassion and acceptance are found.  Come visit us at GCH: decaf and see if you agree.


My name is Coleen Hayden and, with God in Christ in me, I will…


Love you for y.o.u…..

Not for what you have done…or have not done

Not for what you will–or won’t–become

I will love YOU just simply because you’re YOU

and, by God’s grace,

we will each be reminded of what love…what love REALLY means.

God loves you…and I do, too. <3


Please “like” our Facebook Community page here to stay up-to-date on all we are doing for teens over here at GCH: decaf: https://www.facebook.com/GCHdecaf.

Be sure to email our lead barista, Megan, if you would like to join a small group or if you have any questions about the study or this ministry. She would love to hear from you!  Teens@girlfriendscoffeehour.com .

Our first study will start October 1st!  We will be studying A Daughter’s Worth by Ava Sturgeon.


Coleen Hayden enjoys the privilege of being a housewife.  She and Robert have been married for 18 years and currently live in the Capital District area of New York state. They have one beautiful daughter, Kassia, who is married to the best son-in-law, Matt, and their marriage has produced 3 sweet grandchildren—Elijah, Kaylie Joy, and Levi.  They thankfully live close to these sweethearts and spend much joyful time together.  Her extended family includes 7 siblings and their spouses, 19 nieces/nephews, her mom, dad and step-mom, and her step-granny.

Coleen has a testimony of God’s awesome grace & mercy towards her when Jesus captured her heart 31 years ago.  She was an unwed soon-to-be mother with little hope, but God had a plan for her life and made a way for her and drew her to Him.  She is still growing and changing and, by God’s grace, becoming more like the image of God that He made her to be.

The Haydens have led a home Bible fellowship each week for over 5 years.  The folks who join them share a meal, Bible study, sing praises to God and pray for one another. Coleen also facilitates a womens’ small group which meets in her home.

Coleen has been blessed by God with gifts of intercession, hospitality, and encouragment.  There is not too much that makes her happier than living out Titus 2:4. Well, maybe her grandbabies…. 🙂

Coleen and Robert are thankful that God has allowed them to minister together through praise & worship.

Coleen’s hobbies include sewing, cooking, and playing the piano…. and if you need someone to pray with, she would love to do so!


As you can imagine, we are so happy to have Coleen working with us on our Leadership Team AND with your precious daughters! Please take a moment to leave her a comment and let her know how happy you are that she is answering God’s call!

Jordan’s Journey to GCH:decaf!


GCH: decaf blogger Jordan Spring

Hello precious readers!! I am SO excited to be writing this blog post, and I can’t wait to write more in the future. I really feel so honored and so thankful that the Lord has connected me to all the right people in order to be involved in this ministry, and because God is the ultimate networker, He brought them all to me!

I am currently in a “waiting room” season in my life. I’m 20 years old, and because of our financial situation, I have yet to start college. I have spent many days these past few months asking the Lord what His purpose is for me while I’m in this season, and I firmly believe that GCH:decaf is one of the reasons the Lord has not opened the doors for me to go to school yet.

Looking back on my teenage years, I can see clearly where the Lord used other women and girls within the Kingdom to minister to me. Many times He would speak into my life through mentors or friends, and He always brought about the conversations exactly when I needed them. My teenage years were not all butterflies and gumdrops. I loved Jesus, but I, far too often, allowed other things to take His place as first in my heart. I was constantly searching for friends to tell me my worth, and when they couldn’t be found, I went to boys. It took me a very long time before I BELIEVED in my heart that JESUS defines me. JESUS tells me I’m beautiful, worthy, loved, etc. Only He can satisfy my heart. Once I had that revelation, I fell madly in love with Him. I want to be a part of what God is doing in the Kingdom in any way that I can. I want to make Him known and to be an instrument of His hands.

My prayer for you is that, through this ministry, you would allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you about who you are in Jesus. We serve a God who is SO much stronger than any lie the enemy uses to keep us in a place of insecurity. You are all called to something very specific and very unique, and we NEED your gifting. The Kingdom needs you to walk out your calling CONFIDENTLY; knowing who God is and believing what He says about you. I also want you all to grow in your relationship with Jesus while growing in friendship with girls who are seeking the Lord alongside you. Fellowship is SO important. Jesus says, “Where two or more are gathered in My name, I am there.” So He is definitely HERE in GCH:decaf! I believe that He is going to move mountains in your hearts as we begin our first Bible study. I believe that He is going to bring healing to the brokenhearted. I believe that He is going to give hope to the girls who have been burdened by the struggles they have faced. I believe that Jesus is going to show up, and He’s going to change lives through our time together.

I hope you’ll join me on this amazing journey we’re about to begin. And I PRAY that you’ll have an open mind, an open heart, and open hands to receive from the Lord through this ministry.


Please “like” our Facebook Community page here to stay up-to-date on all we are doing for teens over here at GCH: decaf: https://www.facebook.com/GCHdecaf.

Be sure to email our lead barista, Megan, if you would like to join a small group or if you have any questions about the study or this ministry. She would love to hear from you!  Teens@girlfriendscoffeehour.com .

Our first study will start October 1st!  We will be studying A Daughter’s Worth by Ava Sturgeon.


Jordan Spring is 20 years old, and is waiting on the Lord’s timing for her to go to school for ministry. She was saved when she was five, has led worship since she was 13 and senses a calling on her life to lead worship full time. Her dream is to travel around the world and lead people in worship. Her heart for worship comes from walking through brokenness and having encounters with the Holy Spirit during those seasons, and she wants to lead people into His presence so that they, too, can encounter His love while walking through fire. She also writes songs, and her prayer during her songwriting is that she would write songs from the Lord that would give people hope and would draw people to worship.

Jordan has such a heart for teenage girls and LOVES to talk to them about Jesus. She loves to encourage them to walk in the confidence of who God is and who God has created them to be! She works with teen girls at her church and has lead them in small groups and retreats.

She loves blogging, singing, eating healthy, all things Christmas, coffee, a good book, fuzzy socks, Disney World, frozen yogurt, and rainy days. She also LOVES headbands, pearl bracelets, hairspray, and loves to put together outfits that are trendy, cute, comfortable, and modest.

Jordan grew up in Jackson, MS. She and her family moved to the Sunshine State when she was 18, where they now live in Pensacola Beach.

We are so happy to have Jordan working with us on our Leadership Team and with your precious daughters! Be sure to leave her a comment and let her know how happy you are that she is answering God’s call!

Be sure to check out her personal blog here: www.justacupofjo.com

Resolution for Women: Chapter 11 Review

1 John 3:18

“We must not love with word or speech, but with truth and action.”


Loving our children through action is not something that I have been the best at doing!  I have to admit that right here, and right now, that I have not always been the best at showing my love to my children, or my grandchildren.  I haven’t been the best at sharing the joy they all give me when I am with them, or when I think of them.  I know I have a lot of things to work on….and this chapter was a reminder of that…loud and clear.

My children are grown and gone.  I am the mother to two beautiful daughters, and two amazing step-sons.  I LOVE these kids with all my heart and soul, but to be honest, I have a hard time showing them how I feel about them.  I KNOW I need to work on this!

I am the grandmother to ten of the most amazing grandchildren, ranging in age from 15 yrs old to 10 months.  I have to admit that it hurts when I hear “Nonnie, I don’t like coming to your house because it’s boring.”  And you know what?  They are right!  It is boring here!  I AM BORING!

I have had to sit back this week and really look at who I am to my kids and grandkids.  Do they really know how much I love them?  Do they really know how much they mean to me?  Do they really know how BLESSED I feel to be their mom, step-mom, and grandmother?  I’m not sure of that answer.

As I’ve read this chapter and prayed about what I was going to share today, I really felt that I needed to remind all of us who are mothers and grandmothers, what an awesome privilege we’ve been given by God to have these amazing little people in our lives.

We need to realize what a huge honor it is to have been trusted by God to rear these beautiful creatures that He created.

We need to realize what an honor it is to be called Mother and Grandmother.

For those of you don’t have children yet, you need to realize what a huge impact you can have on your nieces and nephews, or your neighbors kids, or friends kids!  What an honor it is to be able to share the love of Christ with them.  Don’t let an empty womb stop you from reaching out to others kids and being the Light in their worlds!

We need to realize what a joy it can be to rear these amazing little creatures into responsible, amazing, God-honoring, adults, who in turn, give the same to others in their lives.

We also need to realize that it’s never too late to start.  THAT is where I am today, at this very moment.

I RESOLVE, FROM THIS MOMENT ON TO BE THE BEST MOM, STEP-MOM, AND NONNIE THAT I CAN BE.  I resolve to teach my kids even more who Christ is.  I resolve to continue to teach my grandkids who Jesus is, and why He is important to them.  I resolve to become a better step-mother.  I resolve to become a better mom.  I resolve to stop being boring!!  (this is a big one, by the way!! LOL)

I want God to bless my children and grandchildren, and what better way than to start being a blessing to them.

Granted, I haven’t been a horrible mother and grandmother.  But, I have much room for improvement!  And that is what I am going to focus on.

I want to encourage you to find something that your child, young or old, loves doing and then make a promise to yourself that you are going to step out on a limb, out of your comfort zone, and actually DO that thing, whatever it is, with them!  Maybe your son loves football.  Go to a football with him.  Maybe your daughter loves designer clothes, or funky clothes.  Go find a funky clothing store and go shopping with her.  Maybe your grandson loves playing in the sand.  Go find a place that you and he can go to build sand castles together!  Maybe your granddaughter loves being a princess.  Find a place that will allow her to try on princess gowns, and take pictures.  Whatever it is, DO SOMETHING with them!!  REACH OUT TO THEM!!  I’m preaching to the choir here, too, Ladies.

As I write, I am becoming more and more excited to step out of my normal boring “mom/Nonnie” mode, into the world that allows me to create precious memories together with my kids, and grandkids.  It all starts with me.

It ALL starts with ME.  I have a choice to be the kind of person I want to be in the lives of these precious souls in my life.  I have a choice to be a part of their lives, or not be a part.  I have a choice what part I want to play in their lives.  A significant part, or nothing at all.  It IS MY CHOICE!

I have the choice to sit down with my kids and tell them just how much I love them, and then SHOW them!!  I was speaking to my Life Coach today about this very topic today.  She gave me some amazing ideas on how to love on them in action, not just in word.  Sending little care packages to them, far or near.  Sending cards in the mail.  Sending coupons that allows them to pick a special place that they want to go on their birthday, with YOU!!  Sending them their favorite candy.  Sending them a magazine, for the older kids, of their favorite sport, dreams, or hobbies.  Thinking outside the box on how to better love on them!  Pinterest has some amazing ideas on FUN activities for kids.

Granted, life is not all about having fun with our kids….but it IS about creating memories.  Good memories.  Memories that your kids/grandkids will look back on and smile.  Attending my stepfathers’ funeral this week helped me realize the many wonderful memories that I have of him.  I want my kids / grandkids to look back on my life, when that day comes, and say “I will miss the amazing times we had together!”  What a beautiful legacy to leave behind!


Loving My Children

I will demonstrate to my children how to love God with all their hearts, minds, and strength, and will train them to respect authority and live responsibly.

I will also resolve to make time for each of my children to spend quality time with them, and get to know them and who God created them to be.

I will also resolve to put aside the “stuff” of the day once a week to do something FUN with my kids!

(Okay, so the last two lines are mine!!)


If you are ready to sign your name to this weeks resolution,

please join me.

Christi Wilson

September 14, 2012


Your Assignment:

Today, I challenge YOU.  What will YOU do this weekend to show your love to your child?   Tell us about it, and how you approach your child or grandchild with this idea.  If you need ideas, go to Pinterest or call a friend and brainstorm together.  Whatever you do, DO SOMETHING!! 🙂   Pray and ask God to give you ideas….He will answer those prayers!!


Let’s Pray:

Oh Father God, I admit that being a mom can sometimes be one of the hardest jobs You have ever given me.  There are times where I just want to give up, and say I quit!  There are times where I feel so very inadequate.  And times, where I wouldn’t trade my job for anything in the world!  Lord, I need You every single day to help me be the BEST Mom/Grandmother I can be.  I pray that You will guide each one of us Lord and give us the wisdom, courage, boldness, and JOY, that it takes to be a Mom / Grandmother.

Lord, for those women who do not have children, I pray that You will give them ideas on how they can reach out to the children in their family, neighborhood, church, or community.  Lord, help them be the Light that You have created them to be in the lives of kids who need it.  Help them to see that they have a very important role in the lives of children all around them, and then help them do what You have called them to do.

Lord, I give You all praise, glory, and honor for all that You are, all that You have been, and all that You will be in our lives, and in our kids/grandkids lives.  In Jesus’ precious Name, AMEN!


I’ll be back on Sunday to post your reading assignment for next week!

Living Intentionally to Be the BEST Mom and Nonnie that I Can Be Through Him,

Teresa’s Journey to GCH: decaf!


GCH: decaf blogger Teresa Bolme

Yesterday was a big day in our family.  My husband David and I “officially and legally” became parents…again! God has given us three beautiful, biological daughters who are now 22, 18 and 16 years old.  Today, the courts gave us three more sisters (18, 16, and 14 years old).  You don’t have to be very good at math to add 3 + 3 = 6 daughters in our household…every day.  The three “new” daughters have two older sisters who have also lived with us.  They are 21 and 20 years old and are working and off at college (but home on breaks).  God has chosen to place eight (8) daughters in our home and we couldn’t feel more blessed.

Most people looking from the outside in cannot understand the work God has done in our family.  We definitely stand out in a crowd.  This family has been years in the making.  Like most stories, the facts don’t add up if you try to make sense of them looking forward.  Only when we look back can we see God’s fingerprints all over our lives.  He placed me on a path at twelve years old that brought me to where He has me today.   That is why teens and teen ministry is so important to me.  God can begin using us as soon as we surrender our hearts and lives to Him.

1 Timothy 4:12

Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young,

but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.

Deuteronomy 11:19

Teach them (values, scripture, morals)  to your children,  talking about them when you sit at home

and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

All of my girls have given their hearts to the Lord and have a heart to serve Him.  They have all experienced their own struggles with their worth, body image, social issues, love, finding friends, depression, serving God and learning to live a life of faith.  My girls and I welcome you and your girls to come along with us as we study “A Daughter’s Worth” through GCH:decaf.  We have committed as a family to learn and grow together.  Please come along with us.

My name is Teresa Bolme.  I am honored to be part of Girlfriend’s Coffee Hour: decaf.  I leave you with a quote from Mother Teresa,

“We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is the greatest poverty. We must start in our own homes to remedy this kind of poverty.”

Not everyone can be a Mother Teresa, but I can be a Mama T.  Come on along as we dive into the Word.  Bring your daughters, moms and sisters.  There is always room for one more!


Please “like” our Facebook Community page here to stay up-to-date on all we are doing for teens over here at GCH: decaf: https://www.facebook.com/GCHdecaf.

Be sure to email our lead barista, Megan, if you would like to join a small group or if you have any questions about the study or this ministry. She would love to hear from you!  Teens@girlfriendscoffeehour.com .

Our first study will start October 1st!  We will be studying A Daughter’s Worth by Ava Sturgeon.


Teresa Bolme lives in middle Tennessee with David (her husband of 26 years), eight daughters (22 years – 14 years old) and her Rock Dog, Angus.  She has been a not-so-stay-at-home mom for the last 18+ years.  She is her family’s biggest cheerleader, devoted counselor and caretaker.

Teresa is a soccer mom, has been a dance mom, a tutor for all her girls and a volunteer in the school system for the girl’s teachers and administration.  She is affectionately called “Mama T” by those who know her and have been loved by her.  She balances a very diverse household of strong, intelligent, godly young women and supports an awesome husband and father.

God has chosen to use Teresa to reach broken children, teens and women (most who were broken as children).  She has been a ministry planter, a home missionary and a support to ministry families and staff.  She is currently completing her degree in Psychology with an emphasis in Christian Counseling with Liberty University Online.

Teresa has been participating in and leading women in Online Bible Study for about a year now.  She has taught children and middle schoolers in Sunday School and AWANA Truth and Training Director for several years.  She believes her life mission to be to teach others this fundamental truth that has sustained her throughout her life:

Proverbs 3:5-6

5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6  In all your ways submit to him, and he will direct your paths.(make your paths straight)

We are THRILLED to have Teresa working with us on our Leadership Team and with your precious daughters.

Resolution for Women- The Encourager

1 John 3:18

“We must not love with word or speech, but with truth and action.”


The Intentional Encourager

 In our chapter, Priscilla was amazed that a very young 22-year-old Solomon – when given the opportunity to gain health, wealth, prosperity, and prestige – asked God simply for WISDOM to lead the people he was made king over.  This amazed me as well.  I have 4 children ranging in age from 17-26 and if given the opportunity to gain health, wealth, and prosperity OR wisdom – my crowd would certainly choose health, wealth, and prosperity. What child this age today wouldn’t?  Once again, like Priscilla, my initial thoughts were the same – King David certainly must have raised his child the right way ~ a way different from what I raised my own.  Do you see the similarities of this situation with times today?  They really aren’t any different.  We all have character defects or deficiencies, we all make errors in judgement and King David did as well.  Priscilla says, ‘He made some colossal mistakes in both his personal life and his parenting’; as we all have done and continue to do.

  ‘My son Solomon – God has chosen him alone – is young and inexperienced. The task is great, because this palatial structure is not for man but for the Lord God.’            Chronicles 29:1-2

Solomon has been instructed to build God’s temple – did you get that?  God’s temple!  That is HUGE! …..and although he recognizes that his son is “young and inexperienced”, he also realizes that he is the chosen one.  That God chose Solomon to be king, to lead his people, to get His temple built.  Now it is his job to support, encourage, and most of all BELIEVE and have faith in his son to accomplish this undertaking. David does just that.

Like most parents, I have high expectations for my son and daughters.  I want them to have wisdom, health, wealth, prestige and all the blessings God promises in His word.  Unfortunately there have been many choices made by my children that were not in their best interest, that go against God’s instruction – that have caused me to lose faith in them, that have caused me to stop believing in them in many areas.  Shame on me.   I certainly was not perfect growing up and only in the last 4-5 years have built a relationship with Jesus Christ that has given me the desire and conviction to make my life’s decisions based on my Heavenly Father’s desires, the desires found in His word.  God didn’t give up on me.  God believed in me.  However, it remains very hard difficult to give my children that same gift (virtually impossible! – although we know with God all things are possible!)

As God’s child,  He was with me every step of the way growing up.  I know this because I should have been a ‘street kid’.  As a teenager my brother and I were being raised by my father.  He left our house to move in with his girlfriend and we had free reign.  Our dad wasn’t there giving us parental guidance, he wasn’t cooking for us or taking care of us.  I remember living in that mobile home (our home), just me and my brother (who was only 18 months younger than me) wanting to take care of him. There was no desire to ‘party’ as many teenagers do today. There was no desire to stay out until all hours or to do drugs or drink. God delivered us from what could have been a disastrous young adulthood.  He gave us wisdom.

The lesson being taught to us today is that we MUST be INTENTIONAL (and we have heard this word throughout many chapters n our study) with our children.  We must INTENTIONALLY encourage them, we must INTENTIONALLY provide them support (and I’m not talking about financial support or treasures), we must INTENTIONALLY believe in them.  We have to trust that our Heavenly Father has them – after all, they are His children.  We are simply here to give them earthly guidance and support until such day that they are reunited with their Father in heaven.  They are on loan to us.  We must never give up providing them with the spiritual food they need to get to know their daddy.  We must believe that they are going to do GREAT things in the course of their lives, that they too will build a relationship with God that will allow them to give their children what David did to Solomon.  This is a hard task ladies – a tough, tough task.  It is for me anyway – maybe it’s easier for you guys.  Perhaps you are in a different place in your life than I am in mine.  However, the lesson remains the same.  BE INTENTIONAL with your children.  As we have read in the past chapters, our jobs as parents don’t end when our children become adults.  Even with our grown children we must be INTENTIONAL in our actions towards them and continue to ‘train them up’ in the ways of the Lord. We must believe in them, encourage them, and support them – Intentionally. What incredible life gifts for them!

Let’s Pray:

Father, work in our lives.   Work in my heart Lord and in the heart of every reader here.  Allow us to become convicted and determined to be INTENTIONAL with our children AND the children of this world – those in our churches, in our communities, in  other cities and countries we visit.  Especially those father that do not have a parental figure in their lives.   You know every situation Father – for every parent and every child.  Provide us with the wisdom, guidance, and gentle nudges OR large pushes necessary to give our children the gift of belief in them, of encouragement, and the desire to continue spiritually feeding them regardless of where they are today in their personal lives.  May we be more like David in our daily walk with our children.

Your Assignment:

List some of the immature actions and temperaments in your children that may discourage you.  Keep this list in a place where you can always be reminded to pray regarding them, and consider who you can enlist to encourage your child in these areas (along side of you).  Carefully consider how you can make the overarching tone of your relationship with your child one of encouragement.  Please comment and let us know how we can pray for you in your walk, attempting to be more like David with Solomon.  or God with us.

[My note:  It is very difficult for me personally, psychologically, to see the roses over the thorns many times with my children.  This prohibits me from giving them the encouragement that I need to.  Especially with my son, who is covered in thorns.  This lesson has challenged me.  I will be praying for each of you in your own lives and request you cover my family in yours. Thank you for this.]__________________

Don’t forget, on October 1st, we will begin our brand new Online Bible Study, right here, entitled “Winning Him Without Words” by Lynn Donovan and Dineen Miller.  If you are in an unequally spiritual marriage, you won’t want to miss this study!!  It is AMAZING! (as a personal note, I have read this book – I have communicated with these authors over the past year and they are amazing.  Their personal stories changed my life.  Their words confirmed what my own pastor said when he counseled me in my own marriage.  I pray that you will join us for this study as well!)

To sign up for this study, please send an email to:  Womens@GirlfriendsCoffeeHour.com and we will send you all the details you need to get started!

Don’t forget to stop by Craig’s blog to see what the guys are up to with The Resolution for Men.


Be sure to jump on over to our Facebook Group for the daily activity!! If you do not yet belong to this group, and would like to, send us an email at GirlfriendsCoffeeHour@gmail.com with FB GROUP in the subject line, and we’ll be glad to add you!

 With the greatest love ever and many hugs,

<3 Kelley

Diane’s Journey to GCH: decaf


GCH: decaf blogger Diane Meyers

Have you ever had a desire that God has put on your heart that is so strong that you honestly feel like you are going to just die if you do not do something about that very desire?  That may seem a little extreme, but for the last year or so I have been feeling that do-or-die feeling!

At this time the Lord had saved me, healed me, and completely restored me from an abusive relationship that I was miserably trapped in for three years.   I was so beyond thankful to the Lord for the miracle He has done in my life (still am!) that I now wanted to help every single person I came into contact with find Jesus’ love for themselves.  I figured out what I thought was the best way to go about doing this.  I worked myself to complete exhaustion.  I remember hearing someone say that we cannot just do things and expect God to bless us… we have to go where God is ever so quietly calling us to go.  When I heard that, it was like God himself was speaking to my heart.  This is exactly what I was doing.  All along what I really wanted was to come along side beautiful young women and encourage them and help them grow in a relationship with Christ.  I wanted to be there for girls just like so many women were there for me when I needed them.  I wanted to tell them that ultimately we have Jesus always and forever, he is the one that dries all our tears, holds us when we just need a hug, protects us from complete brokenness, saves us when we need a Savior, and loves us no matter what we have done, and no matter what we can ever do-his love is never-ending, never-fading, and the beauty that shines through us each and every day!

I never thought this opportunity would come.  I never thought I would ever be worthy or deserving of doing what I wanted to do…life just doesn’t happen like that, is what I believed.  What a lie from satan!  God was giving me these desires… that is one thing I am sure of.  God does not just give us the desires to watch them wash away.  He has been preparing our hearts for HIS desires since before we were ever a heartbeat in our mother’s womb.  Here I was trying to attempt to make sure I got just what I wanted, just to realize God already had it all along at GCH: decaf!

I knew the moment I saw the first little blurb about GCH: decaf (a ministry all about encouraging beautiful young women, helping them grow in their relationship with Christ, coming along side of them to be an example of Jesus’ love, mercy and grace, witnessing young women on fire for Jesus coming together and simply flourishing in the presence of Jesus Christ, being a support system) ok this is where I am supposed to be!  This is what the Lord has been preparing for me!  GCH: decaf is what I was so patiently (ok, maybe impatiently…) waiting for all along!

Maybe you are reading this and thinking of your daughter……

Do you desire for her to have a safe place where she can grow in her walk with Christ, a place for her to build lasting friendships with sisters in Christ!? 

That is what WE desire for her! 

Maybe your daughter is reading this, and in that case.. I am so excited she is!  I remember being a teenager, I remember how tough it was, I remember desiring to have relationships with Christians who had the same morals and standards that I had adopted from God.  I remember the hurts that went along with lots of things that happened to me from the time I was 14-19.  I remember wanting to grow in my relationship with God…. but I was not sure how to do that.  Our first study will be talking about these specific issues along with so many more!

It is my prayer that you join a small group here at GCH: decaf so that you may be connected with young girls who are going through life just like you are.  It is my prayer that you join our small groups to hear encouragement and enjoy a safe place to share your heart with others!  Maybe you’re like me and all you need to read is a little blurb about GCH: decaf to know that this is where the Lord wants YOU to be too! 

My name is Diane Meyers, and I am where I want to be, in the Lord’s will for me at GCH: decaf!  I am here to encourage young women.  I am here to use the gifts the Lord has blessed me with to share HIM with the world!  I am so beyond excited and thankful to be here, with you!

Please check out many blurbs about GCH: decaf here: https://www.facebook.com/GCHdecaf.  Be sure to email Megan (who just so happened to follow the Lord’s will to put together GCH: decaf) if you would like to join a small group or if you have any questions: Teens@girlfriendscoffeehour.com .  Our first study will start October 1!  We will be studying A Daughter’s Worth by Ava Sturgeon.


Diane Meyers will be blogging for you right here on the GCH: decaf blog every Monday! She is loving, caring, genuine, and perfectly imperfect.  At almost 24 years of age, she lives in Pittsburgh, PA surrounded by a ton of family and loved ones God has given her to share life with.  To the world, Diane may be single, but to her she has the best date of all… Jesus!  Diane has been touched by so many angels in her life, and desires to be that angel in someone else’s life.  God has given her a huge passion for writing.  Her writings are 100% God inspired and come directly from her heart.   

Diane is very involved with the children’s ministry at her church, and is also a spiritual coach for a ministry aimed toward the youth.  She desires for every single person to know that they do not have to be perfect; they just need to accept the perfect love of their perfect Savior in Heaven.  She knows first-hand how God turns our imperfections into His perfections with His love.  She sees HIS beauty in all of those imperfections. We are honored that God brought her to us as part of the GCH: decaf  Leadership Team!

You can follow Diane’s personal blog here: www.coveredinpink.wordpress.com

Resolution for Women- The Soul Shaper

1 John 3:18

“We must not love with word or speech, but with truth and action.”


In today’s lesson, Priscilla talks about 3 roles a mother must take on if they are going to love their children well….

The Soul Shaper

The Intentional Encourager

The Discipline Dealer

Mama and dear friend…. I need you to understand right now that YOU are a soul shaper for your children.

It is so vitally important that we pray for our children. These prayers need to start forming in our spirit before we even have them and they must continue to grace our hearts and lips even after they leave our nest and have their own homes and children.

A Soul shaper must….

  • beware that her prayers for her child are significant
  • understand that once her child has received salvation, she is God’s primary tool to work alongside the Holy Spirit to see that the transforming process occurs effectively in her child’s soul.
  • know that she cannot accomplish this without involving her church and relatives to assist in the effort.
  • know along with her spouse that the main responsibility of this soul shaping is theirs.
  • not allow anyone else to take her or her spouse’s place as the primary influencers in the child’s life
  • help the child to become sensitive to God’s conviction
  • teach the child how to recognize God’s way of directing them through their conscience
  • continue to walk this out along with the Holy Spirit as the child grows and matures.
  • continue to seek the Lord for guidance for how she can be used to guide her children in their adult lives.

Dear friends, I hope with all my heart that you see what an intentionally BOLD role you play as your child’s soul shaper! You cannot be lazy about it or turn a blind eye. You must intentionally, every single day make this deliberate choice to invite the Holy Spirit to help you in your actions and speech in order to mold your child’s soul. What an honor and privilege!!!

Please…. if you haven’t already been walking out this bold task, start today. Don’t look back but look straight ahead at what the Lord is asking of you on behalf of His children that He has entrusted you with on this earth. HE deserves no less and neither do they. You will not be perfect… I hope you know that and are okay with that. Being human, we are flawed…. but what is so important is that you believe with your whole heart that your parenting is KINGDOM BUSINESS!!!!

You also must come at this call from a proactive stance and not one of defense. Don’t wait until your child is in trouble to cover them in scripture… we must each live each day being creative and consistent in how we clothe our children in the Word of God. What does this look like?

  • diligently and deliberately read the Bible to your kids
  • post scripture throughout the house
  • play worship music
  • be in fellowship with other believers
  • write scripture on the napkin in their lunch for school
  • send them scriptures in txt messages and emails
  • do devotional together as a family
  • ___________________________. (you fill in the blank)

we all know that if WE as women and mothers love the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, that we can only then be able to fill this role to its potential and be our best for our children. If you are not regularly in the Word and being fed spiritually…. make it happen today. If you’re not going to church regularly, start this weekend. Your children, wether unborn, non-biological or adult NEED you to! As Priscilla so eloquently puts it….

“A transformed child start with a transformed mom”


Let’s Pray:

Lord, we ask that you give us bold revelation into this area of our lives today. We don’t want to be the same, Father…. we yearn to be THIS deliberate for our children, who are your’s first. Renew our hearts, minds and spirits to be able to give each of them all we have everyday to work alongside the Holy Spirit in shaping their souls. Thank you for this provision, Lord, and we thank you in advance for all you will do. Amen <3

Your Assignment:

Please leave a comment below telling us how you can creatively live your Christian life openly before your children… in REAL LIFE…. be realistic here, friends and tell us what you are already doing or what you are going to do. If you don;t have children of your own, tell us how you can do this with other children in your life. If your kids are grown, how can you begin to think outside the box to do this? If your children are very young, how can you creatively do this now?


Don’t forget, on October 1st, we will begin our brand new Online Bible Study, right here, entitled “Winning Him Without Words” by Lynn Donovan and Dineen Miller.  If you are in an unequally spiritual marriage, you won’t want to miss this study!!  It is AMAZING!

To sign up for this study, please send an email to:  Womens@GirlfriendsCoffeeHour.com and we will send you all the details you need to get started!

Don’t forget to stop by Craig’s blog to see what the guys are up to with The Resolution for Men.


Be sure to jump on over to our Facebook Group for the daily activity!! If you do not yet belong to this group, and would like to, send us an email at GirlfriendsCoffeeHour@gmail.com with FB GROUP in the subject line, and we’ll be glad to add you!

 Be a Blessing today and everyday,

Megan 🙂