February 22, 2025

Why Would We Want to Honor God with our Body by How We Eat and Exercise?


Last week, in my blog, I encouraged you to think of the way you exercise and eat as an opportunity to honor God.  It can be motivating to do it unto Him and not out of our own desires and needs.  However, what if that is still not motivating enough?  How do we even get to the point of wanting to honor Him in all that we do, including how we eat and exercise?  If it is still a struggle, let me share with you what I have learned from my own experiences and why I now want to honor God with my body by how I eat and exercise.

God’s Love and Grace

My friend, when I think about where I would be without God’s love and grace in my life, I am overwhelmed with appreciation toward Him. He has set me free from the bondage of sin and shame and given me a life of joy and peace.  Let us not take for granted John 3:16 and remember that God sent His ONLY son to die for us. Ephesians 1:4 says He chose us to be ‘holy and blameless.’  In verse 6 he reminds us that He “freely” bestows on us His grace.  I am so blessed to walk in His amazing grace everyday that I want to honor Him in EVERYTHING I do.

By accepting and understanding the fullness of His love, grace, and forgiveness, you may discover you have a heart to give back to God.

My Confidence is in Him, Not Others 

Have you gone on crazy diets or tried to stay motivated to exercise because of what you, others around you, or someone from your past has said about the way you should look?  Ladies, we do not have to be imprisoned by the media, what others say, or the voices in our head.  Those pressures can lead to yo-yo dieting or extreme exercise which finally leads to quitting because of a lack of motivation.  How beautiful is it to hear God tell us that we are wonderfully made.

I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Wonderful are Your works, and my soul knows it very well.
Psalms 139:14

Once we can become confident in who we are in Christ, and believe what He says about us, our motivation is for Him and not for ourselves or others.

If you are struggling to stay motivated, I encourage you today to stop “trying” to eat healthy and exercise on your own.  Take some time and devote yourself to learning and accepting two things that can change your life.

  1. God’s love, grace, and forgiveness He freely gives you

  2. What God says and feels about you

When we understand these truths, God’s says in John 8:32 that the truth will set us free.  Through this freedom, our motivation can change to give back and

 Honor God with our Body by How We Eat and Exercise

In Good Health,


Do You Eat Healthy and Exercise as a Way to Honor God?

glory of GodHave you ever been frustrated because you cannot seem to stay motivated long enough to consistently exercise and eat healthy? Do you feel like you have the discipline for a short time, but then fall back into old habits and quit caring because it feels useless? Here is a question for you to ponder.

How might things be if you decided to eat healthy and exercise as a way to honor God?


As followers of Jesus Christ, there are things in our lives we have decided to give to Him such as finances, time, resources, marriage, children, work, etc.  Why then, as women, do we sometimes try and take on the battle of our health and fitness by our own strength, discipline, and power?


Can you relate to one of these scenarios?

  1. You know you should get up and get in at least 30 minutes of exercise, but you cannot seem to find the motivation or desire to do it.
  2. You have had a stressful day, you are tired and frustrated, and you think you have earned the right to overindulge with “comfort foods.”

How do you think you might handle the situation differently, if you paused and asked yourself, “What is the best way I could honor and bring glory to God with my body right now?”

1 Corinthians 10:31 says, “Whether you eat or drink, or whatever, you do, do all to the Glory of God.”

God wants us to worship Him with our body. Deciding not to overindulge, eat out of emotions, and taking time to care for our body through physical activity can bring Him honor.

Philippians 4:13 says, “I can do all things through HIM who strengthens me.”

God does not want or expect us to “try” harder on our own.  He will give us strength to face the big things and the small things.  Our health is just as important to Him as it is to us.  Why not ask Him for strength that is not of our own so that we can eat healthy and exercise as a way to honor Him?

If you are ready to make a change and find the right motivation, I would love to help you make healthy living a part of your life.  You can learn how to exercise and make the right food choices, in your busy world. Email me at crystal@yourfitnessdesigner.com to schedule a time for a for a free telephone consultation.

In Good Health,


A Snack Schedule to Help Keep You Healthy by Crystal Breaux, Wellness Coach/Fitness Designer

Have you ever rushed out the door in the morning with nothing more than a mug of coffee in hand? Then when hunger hits, you discover you are at the mercy of someone or something else for something to eat.  You may even decide to skip a snack which only slows down your metabolism and leaves you famished at your next meal with no control over what you eat.

One of the biggest pitfalls I see with women is not planning healthy snacks. Snacks can be the key in weight management by helping you:

  • Meet your daily nutrient requirements
  • Regulate your metabolism
  • Keep you from overeating at your next meal

I believe conquering this ONE behavior—creating a snack schedule—can lead to a lifetime of weight management and feeling at peace with food.  If the right snacks are not chosen, it can lead to feeling unsatisfied by eating empty, unnecessary calories.

Building My Snack Schedule

I like to build my snacks around nutrient dense foods (foods that have a lot of nutrients) but relatively few calories. At times, I may combine them with a smaller serving of something that is less nutritious.   For example, I love a handful of nuts, string cheese and end with a Hershey’s Kiss.

 cheese almond kiss


Sound crazy? The nuts and cheese are nutrient dense, and the Kiss fills my desire for chocolate. I am not tempted to over indulge because I am satisfied and have built my sweet “treat” into my daily requirement.

Another favorite is 1 tablespoon of peanut butter with a banana or apple.


 apple and peanut butter


Daily Motivation

My prayer each day is that I view what I eat and how I exercise the same way I do other areas in my life.  It is a way to honor God.

The Bible says in I Corinthians 10:31: So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.   

Of course, I am not perfect. There are plenty of times I eat things that were not the best choice; but I take it as an opportunity to give myself a little grace and learn how to do it differently the next time. Have you ever thought about how you eat as a way to bring honor to God? It may give you a new motivation for eating healthy that may include planning a snack schedule.