February 22, 2025

Love Letters from God ~ I am Yours and You are Mine


My story is made up of many love letters written from my heart to God’s heart, and from His to mine.  I open up to Him with a pen in my hand and a journal in my lap.  The Lord speaks to me through my writings and I am beyond excited to share with you bits and pieces of different letters I have from God.  I share parts of my story so that God’s love, power, grace, forgiveness, and His perfectness may be showcased.  As you read I pray the Lord grabs hold of your heart and fills you with hope!

Song of Songs 6:3

I am my lover’s and my lover is mine; he browses among the lilies

Dear Lord,

This year another Valentine’s Day will come and go and yet again I do not have a handsome man to be mine.  This will be the 24th year in a row I will not go to a fancy dinner, receive a box of chocolates, or get the chance to smell pretty flowers from a man who loves me.  Can I be honest with You, God…why?  I cry at the thought of feeling so alone.  What is it that is wrong with me that no man has ever wanted to be mine?  Am I not skinny enough, sweet enough, kind enough, social enough, anything enough?  Am I not all the right things at all the right times that a man sees as I’m driving in my car…working hard at work…staying fit at the gym…trying to find my way through the grocery store…worshiping YOU at church?  I sit here sometimes and just wonder what exactly it is that has kept me from being able to have a man call me his and for him to be mine too.  I remember that awful day that awful man told me I am his but he will never be mine.  Lord, I am scared I will never meet a man who will want to be mine.  Am I deserving of such a blessing?  Have I ruined my chances, what is it Lord, please help me.  All I know is I do not want to spend another day let alone another Valentine’s day feeling so alone.


Love Letters from God

Oh Precious Love of Mine,

I know that you know that you are not alone.  I am with you always holding you by your right hand.  Can you do Me a favor and please get rid of the lies that you are storing in your heart?  There is not one moment of any day that I am not with you actively seeking you to grow even closer to you.  I do not want you to feel alone; I want you to feel the love I have for you always.  It breaks My heart that you cry at the thought of not having anyone to be yours.  Am I not enough for you?  The truth is I am more than enough for you.  I know the desires of your heart; after all I am the One that has placed them there.  Trust Me that I have handpicked a man for you to be yours.  One who will want to pursue you with everything he has because he has learned from Me that is what you do when you love someone.  I love you and I am pursuing you daily, moment by moment even!  You have the luxury of being pursued and loved by Me every day of your life not just the single days.  These single days are here to spend loving time with Me.  Please take advantage of this Valentine’s Day.  I promise one day there will be a man who asks you to be his, but in that moment please never forget that I, too, am asking you to be Mine—this Valentine’s Day and every day in between for the rest of your life!

Yours always, God


The One my heart has been longing for,

It is true over and over again—You truly are the Lover of my soul!  You are what I have been longing for.  You are what takes away this awful lonely feeling I do not want to feel.  Why is it so easy for me to forget that You are my heart’s only true satisfaction?  Anyone can bring me chocolates and anyone can buy me flowers, but no one can give me the priceless gift that You have already given me!  Your sacrifice and love for me is more than enough to fulfill all of my heart’s desires.  I will never forget the day I read in the Song of Songs that You are mine and I am Yours!  Words that were once used to hurt me, You used to mend my broken heart.  Valentine’s Day is not a day for single women to feel anger or bitterness towards all of the happy couples out there.  This Valentine’s Day I will choose to pursue You and be thankful that You are pursuing me too!  This is the day I will choose to not whine about what I do not have but accept and be thankful for what I have in You!  My most disliked day of the year will surely be my most liked day of the year as I spend every waking moment with You!  With a Valentine’s Day like that, I pray for Valentine’s Day every day!

Yours always, Diane


Questions for Reflection:

  1.  What are you doing this Valentine’s Day?  Are you consumed with fear because you do not have a man on this day?  Are you going to choose to pursue the One pursuing you throughout this day and every day from now on?  Embrace the comfort knowing God is yours and you are His always!
  2. Spend time thanking God for all He HAS DONE and WILL DO for you!  As a lady in waiting, you can use this time to send a lot of thank you’s to God in Heaven for His PAST, PRESENT, and FUTURE blessings!


If you would like to send a private email to Diane in regards to this blog, please email her at:


Seeking His Face in Your Lonely Place

Today’s blog is a little bit different than my typical Saturday blogs.  I decided to take a week off from the Letters from God series to share with you something that the Lord showed me this week that truly changed not only my heart, but my perspective on some things too.  I am so excited to share with you what the Lord taught me.

Let’s pray together before I share: Heavenly Father, we come to You today asking You to join our hearts together with Yours.  Lord, help us to get rid of all the lies and yuckiness that tries to make its way into our hearts.  Please fill our hearts with Your never ending, never fading love and truth.  You truly are our heart’s Desire.  I pray that eyes are opened, hearts are changed and You are praised!  Only You are capable of such miracles.  Lord, I am giving all of the control over to You, guide my finger tips with Your words.  I pray You alone get all of the glory forever and ever, Amen.

It all started with the word “lonely.”  How many of you detest the feelings associated with that word?  Really think about it for a moment.  What are the first feelings that come to mind when you hear the word “lonely?”  Prior to four days ago, the first thing I feel when the word is brought to my attention is this sad, depressing, pathetic feeling of never having anyone and simply dreading the next time that word will become my reality.  The best way to describe loneliness in my life (prior to four days ago) is a black cloud right above my head darkening my heart every time I end up in a solitary place…alone.  This is not me being dramatic…this is me being honest with you.  I remember crying out to God with tears, big tears streaming down my face because the thought of being alone…again…was just too much for me to bear.  I quickly learned that I am never alone because God is always with me, and that truly brought so much comfort to my lonely places, but it did not cure my loneliness.  As much as I hate to admit it, sometimes even knowing the truth is not enough for me to feel it in my heart.  Is anyone with me on that?

I happen to know for a fact that I am not alone in this struggle, no pun intended.  It is a fact that every person struggles, at one point or another, with loneliness.  I am writing this today to show you hope in your lonely placesI am here to show you we all have the cure for loneliness already within us!  I believe God wants to share with you how to take your knowing His truth one step further—feeling His truth in your heart!

Four days ago I read Luke 5:15, 16 “Yet, the news about Him spread all the more, so that crowds of people came to hear Him and to be healed of their sicknesses.  But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.”  This verse has opened my eyes and changed my perspective on loneliness.

I believe with all of my heart that those two verses found in the Book of LIFE will open YOUR eyes and change YOUR perspective on loneliness TOO, if you let them!

When Jesus was walking around on the Earth in the flesh, being Jesus, He drew crowds of people to Him.  I imagine He did not have to worry about being alone; someone always desired to be near Him.  Jesus embraced those crowds and did amazing miracles and helped so many find healing and freedom through God’s perfect power.  We also see that Jesus chose lonely places to spend time with God in prayer!  WOW!!  Does this realization pull on your heartstrings???  It pulled on mine, big time.  Jesus DESIRED lonely places to spend time with God!!!  Here we see the pure form of the word lonely.  Lonely places are meant to be spent with God.  Loneliness is supposed to be a time for prayer with our Father in Heaven.  What is it that our hearts want when we are alone? Is it a crowd?  Surely God will be our crowd when we are alone!

LonlinessKnowing this, can you see so clearly now what we have let Satan do with this word.  We have given Him control over our loneliness.  It is so bad that sometimes you do not even have to be alone to feel this pain of loneliness through your soul.  Satan uses loneliness against us!  He will try so hard to keep us from spending time with God.  He will fill our hearts and thoughts with lies about the world loneliness and everything associated with it.  The last thing Satan wants us to be doing in our lonely places is to be spending that time with God.  Instead of praying in our lonely places we are simply sulking in our loneliness.  We become distracted in this time by lies.  Loneliness ends up pulling us further away from God when it was designed for just the opposite: to draw us closer.  How awesome would it be for God to look down on us from Heaven and see that in our loneliness we are no longer turned away from Him, but looking up at Him seeking His face!  How awesome would it be to give God control of our loneliness instead of Satan!

The way to feel God’s truth and not just know His truth in our hearts is to make the choice to feel.  If you know God’s truths and desire to feel the benefits, you must let those truths REIGN IN YOUR HEART WITH GOD! 

Thank You Jesus for opening our eyes.  Thank you for our lonely places!

Be Blessed, 



If you would like to send Diane a private email in regards to this blog post, please email her at: Diane@GirlfriendsCoffeeHour.com

Love Letters From God


My story is made up of many love letters written from my heart to God’s heart and from His to mine.  I open up to Him with a pen in my hand and a journal in my lap.  The Lord speaks to me through my writings and I am beyond excited to share with you bits and pieces of different letters I have from God.  I share parts of my story so that God’s love, power, grace, forgiveness, so His perfectness may be showcased.  As you read I pray the Lord grabs a hold of your heart and fills you with hope!


Do not let your hearts be troubled;

trust in God, trust in God alone.

John 14:1


Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for teaching me through afflictions I face in this life.  I know with every storm, drought, and sometimes tornado in my life there will always be an ending in which I am closer to You.  You teach me something through each storm.  When I am in the desert, I am learning.  When I am getting swirled around by this world’s vicious schemes, You are there holding me down; You will not let me get swept away in the tornado!  And for that Lord, I praise You.  There is one thing I struggle with sometimes, Trust.  That word scares me, BIG time.  I really want to trust You.  I do not know if I currently trust You.  How do I know?  Teach me Lord, during this waiting period in my life to trust You; please and thank You!

Love, me

Love Letters from God

Dear Precious Daughter of Mine,

Oh how I am smiling down on you to hear you praising Me through the many storms of your life.  If there is one thing I want you to know through any affliction you face in this life, it is that I am right beside you the entire time.  I never let go of your hand.  Praising Me in your storm is a wonderful sign of the trust that you have for Me; as your Protector, Savior, Healer, and most Powerful Being in your life.  It is not enough to say that you trust Me, you must act out the trust you desire to have for Me in your heart.  Trusting Me is learned through dependence on Me.  Trust comes when you wake up each morning, and empty out all of your desires, dreams, worries, stresses, sins, and burdens into Me.  It is best to trust everything in My hands.  Trust My hands that in return, I will give you My peace, comfort, love and blessings.  I promise you that when My timing is right I will give you everything you need as you need it according to My perfect will for you.  You will never not struggle with trust, because every day will bring something new that you will once again have to hand over to Me.  I wait patiently for you to surrender all to Me.  I desire to show you just how trustworthy I am.  Do not doubt your trust; just keep on surrendering and depending on Me every moment of every day of your entire life!

Love Always and Forever, Your Trustworthy Father

Trustworthy Father,

Thank You for helping me learn how to really trust in You alone!  I do not want to just say I trust You I want to act it out too.  I am glad that trust is not a one and done type of deal.  Trust is something that will be a continuous effort in my life.  Every day as I grow closer to You, I grow in trust as well.  Thank You Jesus that I can trust my heart and all of me, with You!  I am excited to see where this journey of trusting You leads me.

Love, Diane


Questions for Reflection:

  1.  TRUST a small five letter word that can be a BIG problem for us sometimes.  Think about what areas of your life you are not trusting with God.  Ask God to help you turn over these areas to Him alone!
  2. Meditate on Psalm 62:5-8


 Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from Him.

Truly He is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will not be shaken.

My salvation and my honor depend on God; He is my mighty rock, my refuge.

Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.

God is waiting patiently for you to pour out your heart to Him!

Copyright 2013 Diane Meyers


If you would like to send a private email to Diane in regards to this blog, please email her at:


Love Letters From God

My story is made up of many love letters written from my heart to God’s heart and from His to mine.  I open up to Him with a pen in my hand and a journal in my lap.  The Lord speaks to me through my writings and I am beyond excited to share with you bits and pieces of different letters I have from God.  I share parts of my story so that God’s love, power, grace, forgiveness, and perfectness may be showcased.  As you read I pray the Lord grabs a hold of your heart and fills you with hope!


The righteous cry out and the Lord hears them, He delivers them from all their troubles. 

Psalm 34:17 



One night, one very dark, painful, terrified night I cried out to the Lord….

Dear God,

I am crying out to You right now for lack of any better ideas.  I do not know if You will hear me.  You are probably so mad at me and You probably do not want to talk to me ever again.  I know that I have made a mess of everything.  I know I should not go back to my sinful ways but I cannot stop.  I do not want to go back to the things that cause so much hurt and pain in my life.  Is there anything that will not cause me pain?  Is there anyone who will ever love me?  If my sorry is worth anything at all, I am sorry.  If my love is worth anything at all, I love You.  I am desperate, I am at a loss.

These feelings bottled up inside are toxic, Lord: I am being used, I am being taken advantage of, I do not have a voice in these trials or an open door to walk away.  I am miserable.  I am in pain.  I am choosing wrong over right and do not know how to stop.  I am going back to someone who is trying to kill me.  Please Lord, just DO IT FOR ME, I CANNOT DO IT.

That night, the Lord did it, He did it all! (I cry every time I remember that night and remember these words He spoke directly to my heart…)

Love Letters from God

Precious Daughter of Mine,

I not only hear your cry, but I feel the pain behind each and every one of your tears.  I am here; never will I leave you, NEVER WILL I FORSAKE YOU.  You are weak, but I am strong.  I will do it all for you.  My love is worth it all and I love you, Diane.  My forgiveness covers your sins.  You are forgiven, Diane.

I never stopped loving you; I will never stop loving you.  I will take all of the weight of your burdens in My hands, where they belong.  You are mine, and I will not let anyone harm you.  I will give you EVERYTHING you need to fight temptations.  I will open your eyes to the door that has been here all along, waiting for you to walk through out of your past and into My abundant future for you.

I am holding your heart.  I have been waiting patiently for you to give up so I could step in and give you My all.  Please, promise to always accept My love in every situation you encounter in your life.


Dear Lord,

There are no words this side of Heaven to thank You enough for what You have done in my life.  You have turned my painful tears into happy ones.  You have saved me from a life of sin and have prepared the most abundant life for me to live out with You by my side always!  You have waited for me to turn to You. You healed my broken heart.  You fixed my mess.  You did it all and I am forever thankful.  I wish there was a word I could use to express this feeling of complete adoration I have for You—but every time, I come up empty.

I promise to love You with my words, with my actions, with my WHOLE LIFE.  Thank You for giving me the most beautiful love story with You; one my soul has been longing for ever since I was born.  My heart will continue to long for You until that glorious day when You will finally give me the words I have been searching for, all for You!

With Love,

Your Free Daughter


Questions for Reflection:

  1.  Have you ever cried to God out of complete desperation?  Did you believe He would hear you?  Are you scared to for fear that He will not care or hear you?  The Lord is waiting patiently to speak the words you need directly to YOUR HEART; will you let Him?
  2. The Lord wants you to give up so He can give you what you need.  Is there an area in your life where you are in desperate need of God’s healing touch?  Pray to God, letting Him into this area.  See what happens when you live constantly surrendered to God.  (Do not get discouraged if you have to continuously surrender…sometimes I have to give the same thing over to God many, many, many times a day!)
  3. One of my favorite verses is Galations 5:1 “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free; stand firm then and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.”  Memorize this verse and remember that God offers you His freedom so you can live out the life He has perfectly planned for you.  It is your choice and I pray you choose His freedom always!

Love and Prayers, my dear Sisters,


© Diane Meyers

If you are interested in sending a private email to Diane in regards to this blog, please email her at: Diane@girlfriendscoffeehour.com.

GCH:decaf – Letting God Into Our Study

Hello there everyone!  

I know that we have been doing interviews and that is probably what you are expecting from me today.  I know you are probably wanting to get to know another friend that will be doing this study with you, but truth be told I was unable to interview someone this week.  I was nervous about what I was going to do, kind of feeling like a failure.  I was praying about it a lot and then God gave me an idea.  One thing I have learned in my life is that no matter what – God always comes through.  When I think there is no solution, the Lord opens my eyes to HIS solution!  Just when I was worried about my blog this week, God came through with the most perfect idea for a blog post for you.  I may not have a decaf friend to introduce to you this week, but I have another friend who I would like to share with you this week, Jesus!

I am wondering how many of you have done a Bible study before.  My first study was in 6th grade.  We did a study on Job at church.  I still remember things from that study.  One thing I really liked about the study was that we prayed before we discussed the study.  The leader would welcome God to our study that day.  Being eleven years old, I was kind of confused as to how God can be in our study with us.  I believed that God was there, but I could not see Him so if it were not for that prayer, I would have completely forgotten that God was really there with us doing the study with us.  He was the most important part of our study.

Let God In

God is the most important part of GCH: decaf.  God has placed each and every one of you here for a reason.  God desires to be apart of not only this study, but our lives too.  Without God, there is really no point in doing a Bible study.  As we start our new study, Not A Fan, let’s think about what God wants this study to be.  What do you think He wants you to learn?  What do you think He wants to you say?  There is something for each and every one of you that God has prepared for you in this study.

I have done this study years ago.  When I did this study, my take away moment was learning to picture myself following God everywhere I go.  This has made my relationship with God even closer.  It has helped me remember that even though I cannot see God, He is there, desiring to have me make Him the most important part of every aspect of my life.

I want to dedicate this blog to honoring God for bringing us together and giving us this opportunity to make new friends and grow closer to Him.  I want to invite God into every aspect of our group!  Giving God control of this study can only guarantee one thing: It will be better than anything we can picture or imagine!  Letting God into our study, we let Him transform this study into something HUGE, something better than we could ever do on our own!  I do not know about you, but I am really excited to grow closer to God with all of you.  Would you like to get to know God more and more?  I hope you see Him as your friend, comforter, and Savior.

For me, God is where my heart is.  God is the reason why I am here.  I love God so much.  I look to Him as my Father, and Protector.  He is the most important thing in my life.  Let’s share today who God is to us.  I thank God so much for being exactly what we need!  I thank Him for being a part of this group!  I thank Him for loving us!

Love and Prayers,



If you are interested in sending a private email to Diane, you may email her at:  Diane@girlfriendscoffeehour.com


GCH:decaf — Meet Miss Amber!


Has anyone started a countdown for the start of our new study, not a fan??  I love countdowns but always mess the days up somehow — so someone help me out here please  —  how many days till our next study begins??!!!

Anyway, this past week I have absolutely loved reading the blogs.  Getting to know you all is so much fun!  I am so glad that we have a whole month of these blogs!  More excited that we have an entire study coming up where we will have such amazing opportunities to not only get to know one another but get to know our God in Heaven even better!

I am so excited to introduce you to Miss Amber.  This young lady is pretty amazing.  We did the last study together and through that study I have learned that she and I have/ had similar experiences in life.  It is nice because you know there is someone else out there that can relate with you and understand where you are coming from.  I appreciate Amber so much because through her opening up in our last study, I was able to realize this — The more you share with others the more you can relate!  I hope going into our next study as we learn more about each other and grow in our relationships, we are all able to open up, relate to, encourage, and love one another.

Now, here is some info on Amber…she is totally a lady after my very own heart (when we get to favorite clothing apparel you will see why!)  Amber is twenty years old and comes to us from Hendersonville TN.  Her favorite Christian band is Tenth Avenue North, which also happens to be my favorite band!  Her favorite singer is Mat Kearney.  Amber’s favorite movie of all time is Titanic.  That brings me back to days of laughing with my girlfriends repeating, I’ll never let go….I’ll never let go!  Honestly though that movie is one of my personal faves and just oh so sad.  When it comes to television it is Grey’s Anatomy all the way for Amber.

When it comes to fashion, I feel like we could share a closet…a very large walk-in closet filled with pink sparkly shoes (ummm…what size shoe do you wear Amber??).  In fact I bet Amber’s closet looks a lot like mine!  Her favorite style of clothing is sweaters.  As for shoes it’s her pink sparkle ones, and accessories is her birthstone necklace.

When Amber is with her friends her favorite thing to do together is play the battle of the sex’s game.  I have never played that game before but she assures us it is super fun!  Her favorite restaurant is Logan’s Roadhouse, never heard of it; they do not have that here in Pittsburgh!

This is by far my favorite question we are asking.  I am blown away by the responses to this question that we are getting from you all.  The question is: What is one thing that changed your life?  Amber’s answer: One thing that changed my life was getting the believer baptism, for the right reason. I felt like that was a moment where the time stood still and things finally seemed real to me, and I opened my heart, mind, and soul, to God and only God.

Ah!  My heart is smiling, is yours?  I am so so happy for that moment in Amber’s life.  The moment where believing in God and having a relationship with Him finally makes sense and you do not know how you have been doing it up to that point without Him; and you do not want to live one second of your future without Him!  I know God has HUGE things in store for Amber and I am excited to stand alongside of her.  Praying for her, encouraging her, and getting to know her more and more!

Much love to all of my decaf friends!

Love, Diane


If you are interested in joining us in our GCH:decaf Teen Girls Ministry, please email GCH_Decaf@girlfriendscoffeehour.com for more information.

We’ll be starting our next online Bible study soon! So be sure to keep checking back for sign-up details to be posted soon!

If you are interested in sending a private message to Diane in regards to this blog, please send it to:  Diane@girlfriendscoffeehour.com.


Love Letters from God by Diane Meyers

Today, we want to introduce you to a new blog by Diane Meyers.  Diane was a part of our Singles Ministry during the last bible study that we shared, and then decided she needed to focus on the Teens ministry instead; but her heart was still with the Singles.  She shared with me some of her personal journaling, and throughout that the idea of “Love Letters from God” developed.

Diane will share her letters once a month on the Singles blog.  I hope you enjoy her writing, and these awesome letters, as much as I have!  ~~ Christi Wilson, Founder of Girlfriends Coffee Hour


My story is made up of many love letters written from my heart to God’s heart and from His to mine.  I open up to Him with a pen in my hand and a journal in my lap.  The Lord speaks to me through my writings and I am beyond excited to share with you bits and pieces of different letters I have from God.  I share parts of my story so that God’s love, power, grace, forgiveness, and perfectness may be showcased.  As you read, I pray the Lord grabs a hold of your heart and fills you with hope!

Psalm 34:5 Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.


Dear Precious Daughter,

Did you know that you are beautiful?  No matter what you see when you look in the mirror, my beauty is there for you to hold onto.  Do you know what I see when I look down and see your face?  I see my princess, the one I have chosen to love and care for.  I care for you with the most perfect love you will ever experience.  Such love will bring joy to your face.  What is this shame you are hiding yourself in?  This was never intended for you to carry.  I desire so strongly to take the shame you hide your face in every day away from your hands.  I pray that you will see MY beauty that radiates through you from your heart.

When I think of you I think of our beautiful story we have together.  The times where you cannot see me are the times you refuse to get rid of this shame.  Do you know the beautiful story we have together?  I want you to embrace me.  The shame in your life is bringing us further apart.  It is your choice, you can choose shame or you can choose my embrace.  I pray you choose my embrace always.

Love Continually,


Love Letters from God

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you so much for bringing your beauty to every part of my life-even the most shameful parts.  It comforts my heart incredibly that where shame once was in my life it is no longer found.  All that is there is your beauty!  I cannot believe you love me enough to wait patiently every moment of every day for me to hand over to you all that is keeping me from your loving embrace.  I have learned true love waits.  I have learned true love brings beauty to every detail and rejoices in imperfections.  Those imperfections are true examples of your PERFECTNESS!  I find in my imperfections more and more of your perfect beauty!

Please hold onto my heart and let me sway in the direction you want me to walk in every moment of every day-there I will find no shame or burdens, just YOU.  I thank you that I do not need to feel shame; I can choose to feel your love.  That is a choice I pray I have the strength to make every day over and over again.


Your Shameless Daughter all because of YOU


Questions for Reflection

1.        Do you carry around shame from past experiences or bad choices in your life?

2.       Believe that you are not intended to carry around shame, worries, anxieties, or burdens.  God has died for you to live a life free of burdens in HIM.  1 Peter 5:7 Cast all of your anxieties on GOD for HE cares for you.  Memorize this verse and practice giving God all of your anxieties-even if you have to do it multiple times a day!

3.       Spend some time talking with God today.  What does He want to tell you?  I pray you hear his still small voice.

With Love,


copyright_diane meyers


acceptJesus_NewHey ALL! It feels so good to blog again for my sweet friends at GCH: decaf!! I have been going through withdrawal! I hope everyone has had a beautiful Christmas and I pray everyone has a safe and happy evening ringing in the new YEAR! I am so pumped to start the not a fan study! I am even more pumped to introduce to you one of our very own Online Bible Study participants and my new friend, Rachel! If you are wondering what not a fan is all about and if you are just as excited as I was to get to know Rachel a little more then read on dear readers…
“not a fan”…those words bring back some really great memories for me! I did the not a fan study with my small group a while back. It was brought into my life at just the right time-thank you Jesus. It makes me laugh because as we were doing this study and even after it was over you could constantly hear me say to just about everyone I encountered that this study changed my life! Some friends constantly teased me that I was being so dramatic. However, what those friends seemed to not realize is saying that this study changed my life was an understatement. You see, during this study, I learned to let God into this study with me. I let God change me! People can think what they want, dramatic or not, when God changes you there is this huge desire you get to let everyone know what it is God has done in your life, right?
There were so many burdens in my life that I was carrying on my cross when I did this study. I wanted so desperately to be free from these burdens, but they were so much a part of me I did not know how to break free. Then, I did it. I followed God into therapy. I gave Him EVERYTHING even the parts of me I had been holding onto for so long for fear that if I gave them up I wouldn’t be “me” anymore. The best thing happened, I put everything that belonged on His cross there and I finally became the “me” I was so scared of becoming…the “me” that God created me to be. That same day I vowed to take up my cross each day and follow Jesus just like it says in the Bible in Matthew 16:24 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross, and follow me.
This verse is mentioned a lot in the not a fan study. It is one of those verses that make you stop what you are doing and think to yourself, “am I a follower of Jesus? To be a follower we must turn from the things in our life that are keeping us from God, we must give up our entire life for God as He did for us on HIS cross that dreary day, and follow His desires and plans for our lives, follow His truth that is shared with us in His Living Word. Rachel explains this perfectly when I asked her what her thoughts were, so read on!
I can confidently tell you (without an ounce of convincing) that I am a follower of Jesus. Pre-study, I would not have been able to say that with confidence—can you see why I was so excited to share what God changed me to be through this study; one of his followers? Now, your turn, can you say with confidence and without an ounce of convincing that you surely are a follower of Jesus? Whatever your answer may be, I am excited to start this journey with you. A journey in which we give up our lives to receive God’s strength, healing, and freedom through what Jesus has done for us on HIS CROSS.
One of the girls going on this journey with us would be Miss. Rachel. I had so much fun talking back and forth with this amazing GOD GIRL earlier today. She inspires me. She is only 15 and ¾ (even though she told me 15 1/2) and she really gets God. She knows the importance of having a relationship with God and embraces that. I am so glad to have “met her” even though we have never really met! I had some very important questions to ask Miss. Rachel and it just so happens that through her answers I learned we have a lot in common (especially our frustration with prematurely hitting enter while sending a facebook message, they really need to change that)! Any time I meet a sister in Christ I can be guaranteed that we will have one thing in common: our love for Christ and that is just the best thing to have in common! Here is how our conversation went. Enjoy getting to know Rachel, she is one fascinating young lady! Thank you Jesus for bringing her to GCH: decaf!
ME: What city and state do you live in?
RACHEL: Murfreesboro, TN
ME: Who is your favorite Christian artist?
RACHEL: Flyleaf
ME: What is your favorite movie of all time?
RACHEL: Meet the Robinsons
ME: What is your favorite style of clothes, accessories, shoes, etc?
RACHEL: Sophisticated stuff medium length flowy dresses
ME: What is your favorite thing to do with friends?
RACHEL: Sleepovers and mainly just talking—-this is Diane speaking: oh ya, girl after my own heart!!
Ok this is the question that Rachel answered which made my heart smile HUGELY
ME: What is one thing that changed your life?
RACHEL: One thing… well I started going to World Outreach Church last May. At first I wasn’t excited, but I think it’s helped in my relationship with God, with me going there and stuff I hope that’s good!
Good?? Rachel, that is amazing!
Here are Rachel’s wise thoughts on what it means to be a follower of Jesus and what it means to be a fan of Jesus…We would love to hear what your thoughts are, share in the comment section below or in our group…can’t wait to hear from you!
A follower? Well we just talked about that last month at church. For me, I guess, a follower of Christ would be choosing to be like Him. Of course, perfection is out of the question but that doesn’t mean you can’t strive to make yourself better, with God’s help. A fan is “an enthusiastic admirer.” They aren’t willing to give EVERYTHING up for Him.
I do not think I could say it any more perfectly Rachel!! Thanks for sharing with us!! I had so much fun talking with Rachel. As we prepare our hearts for this study, I am excited to continue to get to know each and every one of you!

If you are interested in joining us in our GCH:decaf Teen Girls Ministry, please click the sign-up form button at the top of our webpage. Just follow the instructions on the form and hit submit. We’ll be happy to add you to one of our Online Bible Study Groups! Please email GCH_Decaf@girlfriendscoffeehour.com for more information.

A Daughter’s Worth: Week 12 / Day 1 – Give Honor to God


In order to give someone honor, don’t you think you have to know that person or at least know what they have done in order to receive honor?  God is more than just a “someone” He is the Creator of the world we live in.  Without God there would be nothing.  If there were ever a time to give honor, God should be at the top of the list, don’t ya think?

Do you know who God is personally? 

  • God created YOU for a purpose (Ephesians 2:10 For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.)
  • God loves YOU so much that He sent His only Son to die on a cross for our nasty sins that we continually commit (John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.)
  • God is our help in times of trouble.  He did not just create us to watch us suffer through this cruel world alone.  He promises to be with us and to hold our hands and hearts and to help us in every struggle we face in this world.  (Psalm 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.)

I honestly would love to just go on and on about how amazing God’s love for us is.  I would love to share with you every single thing that I possibly can to showcase God for who and what HE really is!  There are no words this side of Heaven to be able to do this for you though.  It is not enough to say He is good, He is amazing, and my words do not even come close to just how perfect God is.  So, I am turning to the Bible for help!  This scripture is one of my favorites; I can just close my eyes and picture God as my safe place, the Rock I run to when this world tries to bring me down.  Psalms 62:7-8 My salvation and my honor depend on God ; he is my mighty rock, my refuge. {8} Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.  Instead of me going on and on, why don’t you think of some ways to describe who God is to you!  Write them in your journal and thank Him for being who He is to us!

Let’s read Revelation 4:9-11

Whenever the living creatures (that’s us!) give glory, honor and thanks to him who sits on the throne and who lives for ever and ever (that’s God), the twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne, and worship him who lives for ever and ever.  They lay their crowns before the throne and say:






The first time I read that I cried.  Really think about this for a moment.  Every single time we thank God for our many blessings HE gives us, or give Him the glory for something amazing that happened in our lives, or honor His name in everything we do: 24 elders fall to their knees in worship to God!  How utterly amazing is that?  Close your eyes….picture this!  I don’t know about you, but I want this to happen all day long for God.  I never want there to be a time when those elders are not on their knees singing praises to God!

Let our hearts desires be the same as those elders in Heaven.  Let us strive to not go ONE moment without remembering our GOD in praises, worship, prayers of thanksgiving, and HONOR.  For when we do this we will be reminded that God is getting all of those praises in Heaven!

Let’s Pray:  Lord, I thank You so much that Your love and Your very being are indescribable.  I pray that we all are able to find out who You are personally for us.  I pray that each girl set their heart’s desire to give You honor and understand just why we are to give YOU honor.  Today and always Lord, I give You honor because You are my Savior.  You have blessed me and saved me from a life of misery and You have given me hope!  Much love to YOU!  I picture the praises in Heaven and they motivate me to keep on giving You all of my honor and glory that You so perfectly deserve!  I love You so much!  Amen.

Let’s all think of ways we can HONOR our KING in HEAVEN today and always,


If you do not know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, we invite you today to ask Him into your heart.  Please pray with us:

Lord Jesus, I come to You today and ask You to be my Lord and Savior.  I have learned who You are through this bible study Lord, and I want to know You personally.  So today, Lord, I confess the sins that I have in my heart, and I ask You to forgive me and cleanse me of all unrighteousness.  I ask You now to come into my life, as my personal Lord and Savior.  AMEN!

If you prayed this prayer today with us, would you send us an email?  We’d like to pray with you.  You can reach us at GCH_decaf@girlfriendscoffeehour.com.  

A Lady In Waiting: A Reflection

Here is a little fun fact about me…up until two years ago I have NEVER finished reading a book.  Sometimes I would only get two chapters in, other times I got to almost the end but never made it to the last page of the book.  The first book I have ever finished reading completely was A Lady In Waiting! I remember thinking to myself this must have been a really good book because I actually read the entire thing!  That thought was confirmed when I decided to read it a second time with all of you ladies!  One thing that foolishly kept me reading, the first time around, was thinking if I made it to the last page once I flipped it over I would be guaranteed a husband.  In a way that was such a false thought, but in another way I found out what this book did guarantee for me and it proved to be way better than a husband!

For a girl who really struggled with everything that goes along with men, this book was just what I needed-a Godsend if you will.  When I read the title alone I knew I needed it.  I felt God saying to me, buy this book now!  So I did, and from that moment on I went on a journey with God.  One in which He showed me that my love story is not about just any man I may meet one day, it is about ME and GOD.

The first night I started reading the book I could not stop reading.  I highlighted so many words and sentences, I took notes feverishly; you would have thought someone would be quizzing me the next day on what I was reading.  I honestly could not get enough of GOD’S truth that I was reading on each page.  God used this book to draw me closer to Him.  It was through this book that I learned being single is not about me finding my husband, it is about me finding my God.  After the first night I started reading I decided to really find out all I possibly could about who God was to me.

When I first read this book, I was just fine waiting on my husband.  In fact, I still had such a sour taste in my mouth about all men; I was perfectly fine waiting forever.  The second time around that was not the case.  Two years later I found myself completely healed from past hurts with men (thank you Jesus).  Honestly, my heart was ready for a relationship and simply got tired of waiting.  This book has helped me learn what I am supposed to be doing while I wait.  Patience is not all about waiting; it is about our attitude as we wait.  Are we sulking in self-pity because we are alone or are we enjoying and making the most of the time we have alone with God?  This book is filled with the joys of singleness-having time with God.  I have found that when serving God that is when I am closest to Him.  I have decided to serve Him every chance I get and not missing out on those chances because of feeling like I am missing out on my husband.

A Lady In Waiting is overflowing with Godly advice on waiting for a relationship, being in a relationship, and the man you will be in that relationship with.  That is the main reason why I sort of kind of believed that I would finally have a ring on my finger after reading.  The fact of the matter is this book is not our life story.  It does not even come close.  God has written a perfectly thought out and breath-taking story for each and every one of us!  He knows our hearts, thoughts, souls, and desires.  He knows what is best for us and wants us to feel His love every moment of every day.  Singleness may be just a season for some and it may be a lifetime here on Earth for some; but thankfully a relationship with God is not just a season and it lasts longer than a lifetime here on Earth.  Our relationship with God takes us into eternity to be with our Bridegroom in Heaven forever and always!  That is where our joy is found, in a right relationship with God.

Being single does not accurately define us ladies in waiting.  In fact we are not single at all we are in a relationship with God.  With that truth shining so bright I am almost embarrassed of what a worldly demand I had when I first sat down to read this book-to have a ring on my finger afterwards.  What a unfulfilling desire to work towards.  The second time I read A Lady In Waiting with all of you I think I finally got “it”.  This book was not created to guarantee a ring on our finger after completion of the last word on the last page of the book.  Quite the contrary, this book was created to guarantee a stronger, closer, more personal relationship with our God!  It is not about the accessory of a shiny ring, it is about the accessory of the love of JesusRings will not last forever but HIS love will! 

I pray that after completion of this book, you accept and show off the most beautiful part of your story, JESUS’ LOVE.  I pray this book has guaranteed the same for you as it has for me, a closer more personal relationship with the complete love of your soul: Jesus Christ!

Let’s Pray: 

Lord, thank you for the study of A Lady In Waiting that you have brought into each of our lives.  I pray that each woman in this study leaves this study with a closer, stronger relationship with you.  I thank you for your many blessings you pour out on us daily.  Help us to remember the beautiful accessory you are in our lives each and every day.  Thank you for the story you have created for us and we trust you to write every page just the way you want!  We love you so incredibly much, Amen.

Your Assignment: 

Spend time reflecting on this study.  Has this study brought you closer to God?  Do you find fulfillment in the accessory of Jesus’ love or are you still waiting for that ring?  Let us know how we can be praying for you!

Our Next Single Women’s Online Bible Study

“Captivating: Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman’s Soul”

by John & Stasi Eldredge

Begins January 6, 2013

Captivating: Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman's Soul

Captivating: Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman’s Soul

To sign up for this Online Bible Study, click HERE and follow the instructions. You will also be given a link to where you can purchase this bible study. We’re looking forward to studying “Captivating” with you!!