February 22, 2025

Is There Something You Need to Let Go to Have a Life of Balance Physically, Mentally and Spiritually?

let it goDo you eat healthy and exercise, yet struggle with consistency?  Do you struggle to overcome anxiety from the stresses in your life?  If so, have you thought that it may not be the external circumstances such as time, schedules, business, or other people, but your thoughts and emotions about the situation?

To have a consistent exercise and healthy eating program as well as not allow stress to overrule your life, I encourage you to stop for a moment and tackle what could be the root:

Is there something you need to LET GO
in order to have a life of balance
physically, mentally and spiritually?

Your Exercise

“I used to exercise every day, now I can’t seem to find the time or energy!”   Sound familiar?  Think back to what may have been different when you did exercise regularly.  Now, how are things different today?  You may be trying to follow an exercise program that is no longer conducive to your lifestyle.  Is it time to LET IT GO and develop a routine that works for you now?  I recently had a client say she now has a program that “fits her lifestyle.”  Yea!  By letting go of certain expectations, she is now exercising consistently.

God’s word says in Isaiah 43:18Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.  See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?

Look ahead and plan a new program that is fresh and works for you now.

Your Food

Do you ever say, “I know what I should do, but I just can’t seem to do it.”  Could it be there is an underlying emotion that you have ignored that is the root cause for what triggers you to make unhealthy eating decisions?  For example, is it time to for you to LET GO of

  • The need to gain approval of others which leads to insecurity
  • What others have said to or about you in your past which is hidden through food
  • The fear of imperfection or gaining weight which leads to not eating at all

How comforting and encouraging to remember that God, our Creator,  says in Psalm 139:14 that we are “wonderfully made.”  When we focus on what HE says about us, it can bring comfort, peace, and confidence that meets our deepest need.  We, as women, must come to the place where we not only know, but BELIEVE, what God says about each of us.

Your Mental Well-being

I remember when I came to the point where I realized the root cause of most of my stress was my own way of thinking.  To manage my stress, I exercised and ate healthy, but why did I let things get to me sometime?  Root cause…trying to control every situation in my life.  I had to LET GO of some things.  So that you can have a life of complete well being and manage your stressful situations, is it time for you to LET GO of

  • The way you think things should be done
  • The way you think the schedule should be
  • Expectations of yourself or others

As David says in Psalm 31:14-15, we are to give our everything including our time to God and trust Him with it.  But I trust you, O Lord, I Say, you are my God.  My times are in your hands.

In one of my favorite books, Let It Go by Karen Ehman, the first chapter (entitled “God Called and He Wants His Job Back”) really hit me where I needed it.  She reminds us it is not our job to manipulate or micro-manage the circumstances around us.  We are to change our attitude and trust God for with our time, circumstances, and those who are closest to us.

My kids love the movie Frozen and are constantly singing the song “Let it Go.”  I have to say, it is a great upbeat lyric—they seem to sing it right when I need to hear it.  Check it out.  It may be refreshing and give you a little tune you can’t get out of your head as a reminder, just like me.   <Sorry!>

For today, think about the possibilities of what it could be like if you left the past, focused on what God says about you, and gave up trying to control every situation in your life.

What can you LET GO to have a life of balance physically, mentally and spiritually?

In Good Health,


Eat Healthy……On a Budget


Do you ever feel eating healthy will cost you too much money and time?  Do you get frustrated and feel it is not worth it?  There is hope and I can relate.

Eating healthy is very important to me, but so is being wise with the money and resources that have been given to me.  It takes a little time and effort, initially, to eat healthy on a budget, but the rewards are great by saving time and money.

With a little thought and practice, you can do it by implementing just a few tricks to get started.  Here are a few of my strategies.

1. Focus on Produce First                                                                                         

As you put together your budget, allocate your money in the produce first to ensure you get the most nutritious items.  Not only will it ensure that you are getting your fruits and vegetables, but will eliminate processed and package foods, because you simply do not have enough cash.

2. Look for Sales and Seasonal Foods

Look through your weekly sale papers to find what items are on sale at your favorite grocery store and plan your meals around those items.  For your fruits and vegetables, choose those that are in season as they are cheaper and will provide a variety of color to your diet.

3. Substitute Packaged Items for Ones that Can be Prepared at Home

Do you buy healthy frozen waffles or pancakes?  Why not make homemade and double your recipe on the weekend to freeze extra for the week?  Do you grab a protein bar to go on busy mornings? I have found my homemade protein bars that I shared last week are more delicious, nutritious, and cheaper to make than any I could buy at the store.

Today be a “Well Woman!”  Eat and live healthy as a way to bring honor to God with your body and resources.  Don’t give up.  You can eat healthy on a budget.

In Good Health,


Homemade Protein Bars


This month, I am focusing on sharing some of my favorite easy healthy recipes and options as with my mashed cauliflower recipe last week.  Protein bars are a quick option for women on the go.   However, trying to determine which one is the best option can be confusing.  We need something that is high in protein, low in sugar with a healthy amount of calories and taste good.  If you have found a particular bar that you purchase often, you may have noticed that it can get a little pricey.  After evaluating how much I spend on protein bars, I realize there has to be a way for me to make my own homemade protein bars.  I tried several different recipes and finally discovered my own combination that is high in protein, low in sugar and taste good.

photo (3)

Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Chewy Protein Bars

  • 2 cups quick oats
  • 5 scoops of Whey Chocolate Peanut Butter powder
  • 5 tablespoons peanut butter
  • 1/2 cup raw almonds
  • 1/2 cup Skim milk
  • 3 tablespoons dark chocolate chips

Choose your favorite oats, peanut butter, and chocolate chips.  For those who are new to Whey vanilla protein powder, you can find it at most large grocery stores.

In a large bowl, combine oats and protein powder. Add peanut butter and stir till peanut butter is coated. Slowly add 1/2 cup skim milk, stirring throughout (add just enough liquid to the mix so that it forms a batter-like consistency). Grind almonds in food processor or blender to your liking. Add almonds and chocolate chips and stir into mixture.

Line an 8×8 pan with wax paper, add mixture to pan. Cover mixture with another layer of wax paper and press down till the mixture is pressed flat. Refrigerate 4 hrs, then cut into bars. Store bars in container kept in refrigerator or freezer.  (I have found they stay together better in freezer and thaw enough to eat within a minute.)

Cut into 9 pieces.

Nutritional info per bar

Calories: 258

Protein: 20gms

Sugar: 5gms

Breakfast can be hard to figure out when in a rush. If you don’t prepare or think it through, you can end up skipping an important meal which can lead to an unhealthy decision on the way to work or overeating at lunch. Take a few minutes on the weekend to put these together so you are prepared for those crazy mornings when you do not have time for breakfast. When feeling rushed, grab one of your homemade protein bars and a banana and you are ready to go.

In Good Health,


I Got Them to Eat My Mashed Cauliflower Recipe


Recently, I attended a dinner party with my husband that served what I thought was mashed potatoes (which has never been my favorite).  Much to my surprise it was not potatoes, but mashed cauliflower—and I loved it.  Prior to that, I had found several recipes for this dish, but was not brave enough to serve to my family, who love mashed potatoes but are not thrilled to try new vegetables.  However, since my husband loved them as well, I thought I would combine a few recipes and add my own twist. Could I get my family to eat my mashed cauliflower recipe in the name of mashed potatoes? (not a lie, just not telling the truth).

As my daughter sat down at the table with excitement, as she always does at the sight of mashed potatoes, I waited with anticipation for the first bite.  Her words, “Mom, you did something different and they are really good.”  Yes!  But too early in the game to tell her the truth.

Here is the recipe that my 9 year old daughter and husband loved.

Ingredients: (4 servings)

  • 1 head of Cauliflower
  • 3 Tablespoons of skim milk
  • 1 Tablespoons of I can’t Believe It’s Not Butter
  • 2 Tablespoons of light cream cheese
  • 1 Tablespoon of garlic
  • 1/2 cup of shredded cheese
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • Boil your cauliflower until tender about 15 minutes


  • Add all ingredients and blend or mash to your desired consistency.  I have done them in a blender as well as mashed by hand and both were well received.



  • Sprinkle with cheese and bake 10-15 minutes at 350 degrees to melt cheese; serve hot.


 This easy and quick side dish at only130 calories, 11grams of carbs and 6grams of protein, is not only tasty, but a great way to sneak in a serving of vegetables to your diet and home.

I did come clean with my daughter a few days later when she explained to me how much she did not like vegetables.  I could not resist but to inform her that she does like cauliflower. With the confused look on her face, I reminded her of the tasty mashed potatoes and let her in on the secret.  It was a proud moment for me to know I got her to eat my mashed cauliflower recipe.

In Good Health


The Woman Who Has it All – Perfect Career/Perfect Family

It’s easy in today’s world to get caught up in the dream of having a successful career and being the perfect wife and mothe….all at the same time.  Have you ever thought, just for a minute, that you want to be the woman who has it all—perfect career and a perfect family?


Whether you work full time, part time, or volunteer, perfection may be an ambition. As a business owner, it was easy for me to have the mindset that I must get it all done ASAP.  I can’t make a mistake and my business should grow at a rapid pace to be successful.  However, I had to realize that every setback or failure gives me an opportunity to learn and do it differently.  I must remember that, if I strived to have a perfect career and give 120% all of the time, there would be something else in my life that would suffer, like my family or health.

Wife and Mother

We can beat ourselves up thinking we need to be the perfect mother and wife. We want to do all and be all, but let’s get honest with who we are and what we can do.  Is it possible to cook a three course meal every night, volunteer for numerous projects and have kids involved in every activity and coming home with straight A’s?  Instead of trying to be perfect in every area, why not focus on making progress in the important things with our family. If you have followed me for a while, you have probably heard me mention one of my favorite books, Crazy Love.  Author Francis Chan quotes Tim Kizziar, “Our greatest fear as individuals should not be of failure, but of succeeding at things in life that don’t really matter.”

What Really Matters

Have you ever been so concerned with getting things perfect in your career, your home, or in your children that it takes you away from enjoying what really matters?  At the end of the day, year, or lifetime, what matters?

  • Extra hours spent catching up on email?
  • Impressing people that have no value to who are as a person?
  • Having a meticulous house?
  • Having perfectly dressed children who are shuffled from one activity to the next?


  • Taking your time to grow in a career, as you seek God’s guidance for His purpose in your life?
  • Allowing setbacks to improve your character and perseverance?
  • A simple dinner at the table with family with quality conversation?
  • Saying no to certain things in your career, activities, and responsibilities so that you have time with family JUST TO PLAY?

Over the past month here at Girlfriends Coffee Hour, and in the January issue of Created Woman, a faith and fashion magazine, I have shared how it can be easy to get caught up in the race of trying to be perfect with your health and fitness, spiritual walk, and career and family.  As I coach women to achieve life balance, physically and spiritually, the first step we take is to stop and evaluate if time is spent each day on what is a top priority.

I encourage you to pause and ask the Lord to show you any area of your life where you need to let go of the desire to be perfect. Ask Him to show you where you need balance instead of attempting to be the woman who has it all. You can achieve a life of complete wellness—physically, mentally, and spiritually.

In Good Health,


God’s Grace Covers Imperfections


I don’t think there is any area of life where women, who want to live “right,” strive for perfection more than in their moral and spiritual life. Working to follow God’s commandments, trying to do more, and comparing our spiritual maturity or gifts can be an internal battle—if we allow it. Can I let you in on a secret I had to discover for myself?  Moral and spiritual perfection is impossible! Yet we try to “be good” through our own strength and will instead of allowing God’s grace to cover imperfections.

What a glorious day when we acknowledge that we are sinners, but have God’s redeeming love, acceptance, and forgiveness.  Do you allow God’s grace to cover your imperfections and relish in His love and mercy?  I have discovered that when He is my focus, I desire to follow His commandments, love, serve, and avoid comparing myself to others.

Deciding to be obedient to God out of love and devotion, can release you from the struggle of trying to be perfect within your own strength. The focus has to be turned from self and toward the heart of Jesus.

For me, when I focus on the following Scriptures, I realize that spiritual perfection is not God’s plan for me and I won’t always get it right.

  • Ephesians 1:4
    For He chose us in Him before the creation of the world
    to be holy and blameless in his sight.

Guess what? God knew we were not going to be perfect, yet He still loved and accepted us and said He would not hold blame.  Isn’t that amazing?

  • John 14:15
    Jesus says, “If you love me, you will obey what I command.”

Instead of trying to be “good or perfect,” focus on Ephesians 1 and how much God loves you. You can’t help then, but to want to love Him more and more because of what He has given. When our love for Him becomes the focus, we change. We no longer look at a set of rules to follow or care about how perfect we look. We follow His heart and commandments out of love for Him.

  • Philippians 1:6 (My life verse)
    Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you
    will carry it on to completion until the day of Jesus Christ.

God knew we were not going to be perfect. He created each of us for a special purpose, different from anyone else.  Our life and spiritual walk is a journey, not intended to be perfected until the day we see Him. His desire is that we grow in His love and seek Him more each day.

Today, stop trying to get it all right; stop trying to be perfect or like someone else. Fall in love with Jesus and seek Him more. Give up trying to be “good” within your own strength and allow God’s grace to cover your imperfections.

A Perfect Diet and Exercise Program

weightsLast week, I shared how WE, (me included) as women, can feel we have to be perfect to be “good” enough.   Then when perfection is not acccomplished, feelings of failure, guilt, and insecurity can happen.  One of the areas that can be a struggle is the desire to be Healthy and Fit.  There is the mindset that if you are going to be healthy and fit, you must have a perfect diet and exercise program all of the time.

I have seen and worked with many women to create a fitness and food design who feel they must look, exercise, and eat perfectly 100% of the time.  Then when they feel they “slip up”—they quickly give up. It is an ‘all or nothing’ attitude but it is important to remember three things:

  • Failure teaches how to train, prepare, or eat differently the next time.  Have you ever said, “I blew it, so what is the use?” Instead of giving up, stop and assess how you might do things differently the next time. That would be progress. Learning how to manage food is a process.
  • If you feel the need to ALWAYS do it perfectly, you may miss out on a memory. Being so consumed with diet and exercise may keep you from enjoying those special times for an occasional ice cream with a child. Skipping YOUR workout to go for a light walk with a girlfriend may be more important that day for you emotional well-being than your physical well-being.

zach and icecream

  • It does not have to be perfect to be healthy.  Have you ever said, “I only have 20 minutes today and can’t go to the gym, why bother with exercise?”  What could you do in 20 minutes? Some of my best workouts have been in my living room when short on time.

ball and weights

What about feeling like you can’t cook everything fresh or “organic” so you opt to eat out?  Do you really believe it would be better to eat out than make a semi-homemade meal at home?  And who said EVERYTHING had to ALWAYS be FRESH and organic?

Quitting when you think you have not lost enough weight, or your workouts and diet are less than perfect is failure. Picking yourself back after a “slip up,” learning from it, and staying consistent will give you results. It is about BALANCE.  Striving to have a perfect diet and exercise program all of the time only leads to frustration.

In Good Health,



Christmas Strawberry Spinach Salad

It is no secret what I will bring when asked to provide a salad for any social gathering.  It is a party favorite, delicious AND a nice change from your standard salad.  It has actually been a staple for me this holiday season and provides a little color and healthy option to fill your plate and leave room for a few treats. Not only is it a great option for dinner parties, but this Strawberry Spinach Salad is my favorite for weekday lunches with leftover grilled chicken.

There are no specific measurements—just throw in the amount of your favorites depending on the  number of servings you have planned.

  • Bunch of Mixed greens or Spinach
  • Sliced Strawberries
  • Grapes
  • Avocados
  • Dried cranberries
  • Sliced almonds or pecans
  • Lite Raspberry Vinaigrette Dressing

Mix all together and top with cheese such as mozzarella or feta (optional).

straberry salad

If you want to use for a quick lunches, prepare all ingredients ahead of time without the nuts  and add a couple of tablespoons of them right before eating.  The Raspberry Vinaigrette is not only delicious, but does not need to stay refrigerated so it is easy to pack and carry with you for a lunch to go.

salad dressing

To avoid extra pounds this Christmas, bring this as your healthy option to any gathering.  Fill your plate with this delicious, low-calorie salad to save a little room for those not-so-healthy options that you might choose to indulge in. Allow the salad to be your filler and enjoy smaller portions of your favorite holiday treats.  But I have to warn you, this Strawberry Spinach Salad may just become your favorite!


In Good Health,


Stay in Control and Conquer Anxiety

You have been doing well by eating healthy and exercising.  You feel good about yourself because you are in control and know what to eat and then……. THE PARTY! Now what do you do?  The feelings of control have now been replaced with fear and a sense of powerlessness.  You wonder if you will have the will have the will power to stay in control overcome this anxiety.

To make things worse, it’s not just one party, but its party after party. The holidays are not just two days, but six weeks of continual celebrations that, of course, bring lots of treats and goodies to eat. There is the office and family party for you and your spouse, the church function and festivities for each child.  Then at the last minute, a group of girlfriends decide you need to go out after work for a gift exchange. To feel confident, determine your party eating  strategy.

Knowing how to handle these situations can be crucial in maintaining your weight and avoiding the average weight gain of five pounds during the holiday season.  There are so many tips and strategies to avoid the holiday weight gain, but I have found two that may be the most helpful. To stay in control and not let the stress of all the food get the best of you, I have two simple strategies.

1. Use a Small Plate     

The number one rule, in my book, when attending a party with a buffet is to pick a small plate. A smaller plate means less food. Choose the dessert plate to use for your main course and only fill it once.

2. Fill Your Plate Wisely   

Second to fill that plate wisely, choose only the things that are important to you. There are certain desserts and dishes that are my favorites and only get during Christmas or special occasions.  I am not going to waste my calories and take up room on that small plate with items that are available to me at any time. 

Right now you are busy planning all of your holiday gifts and festivities; make a plan that will enable you to have control of your eating.  Don’t worry. You can be just as successful maintaining your weight as you are with everything else in your life.  You can stay in control and conquer anxiety.

 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication

 with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

Philippians 4:6

In Good Health, family 2012


Avoid Holiday Weight Gain With Some Family Fun

For me, Christmas came quickly this year and too close to Thanksgiving. You may be like me and feel like we are now in fast motion to get everything done. I find myself with the need to slow down and stay focused on what is important. If not, the hustle and bustle of baking, shopping, and organizing holiday events will bring stress for any busy woman, which can lead to emotional eating, extra calories and feeling as though there is no time for exercise.  It can be especially difficult to keep an exercise routine or maintain a healthy diet when the kids get out of school or when hosting out-of-town guests. Allowing the stress and a lack of time to control what you eat and when you exercise can quickly bring on those holiday pounds. Instead of focusing on all of the interruptions, you can avoid the holiday weight gain with some family fun.  Try incorporating them into your exercise and holiday “to do’s.’


I don’t know about you, but I am definitely tempted to snack more if I am baking alone.  However, if someone is watching such as my kids or houseguests, I am more likely to quickly put the bowls in the sink without even a taste. It may feel like more work, but have some fun with the family and save your holiday baking to do together.



If you have been on a regular exercise schedule and find there’s just no way to get in a workout during the holidays, get creative and find ways to move for you and the family.

  • Forget about looking cute when out shopping. Wear you tennis shoes and walk as much as possible. See who can walk the fastest with a few extra laps at the mall. Take the stairs when possible and park in the back of the parking lot.
  • Just sitting around watching TV or playing video games can bring on a little chaotic stress which leads to more eating. Bundle up and get everyone outside with a game of football, tag, or hide and seek. Decide to take a family walk or volunteer to walk the dog.
  • If the weather is an obstacle, take a 15 minute break and get the kids together for a quick workout.  Do push ups, squats, lunges, and crunches as a family.  Make a competitive game out of it, which is always a crowd pleaser

outdoor run

This holiday season, don’t look at your to-do’s, out-of-town guests, and no school for your kids as an interruption. Throw out your normal routine and have some family fun that can help you avoid the holiday weight gain.  Get them involved in all of your baking and get them out moving with you.

turkey trot 2013

turkey trot 2013 2In Good Health,
