February 22, 2025

2014 – Be Mindful of Distractions


This year has been for me a year of understanding what lack of focus and distractions can do in your life.  Friends, family, laziness, entertainment, illness, work, emotions, and doubt (to name a few) are all things that can be distractions!  The thing about a distraction—it only has power once it has your focus.

However, I have learned that there are things we can do to help prevent ourselves from being trapped by distractions.  Colossians 3:1-2 gives the best advice in regards to distraction.

Since you have been raised to new life with Christ,
set your sights on the realities of heaven,
where Christ sits in the place of honor at God’s right hand.
Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth.

Simply put, the best cure for distraction is to stay focused on God.  Sounds simple enough, right?!?  If only….

Another way to make sure we don’t flirt with distraction is to make sure that we are doing the things that we already know we are supposed to be doing.  Here’s an example:

In the spring of the year, when kings normally go out to war,
David sent Joab and the Israelite army to fight the Ammonites.
They destroyed the Ammonite army and laid siege to the city of Rabbah.
However, David stayed behind in Jerusalem.
Late one afternoon, after his midday rest,
David got out of bed and was walking on the roof of the palace.
As he looked out over the city, he noticed a woman of unusual beauty taking a bath.
2 Samuel 11:1-2

This passage is the opening to the familiar story of David and Bathsheba.  One thing that I have always noticed in this record is that David wasn’t even supposed to be home during this time.  David, being the king, should have gone to war (verse 1), but instead he sent Joab and the army…kingless.  And with single choice, one of David’s most infamous sins was committed.

We are humans.  We will sin.  If the possibly existed for us to not sin, then the sacrifice of Jesus would not have been necessary.  And we will get distracted…whether it be by something someone said or did, or by things we intend to be good.  Distraction is something that pulls you away from the path of God and the purpose He has called you to.  Be mindful of all that you choose to endeavor in because some things may just be a distraction.

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Lord, in the year to come, help us to remain focused on You, and to not waste valuable energy on things that You would not have us to do.  Let us purposefully engage in each activity and choice we make, with guidance from You showing us what is and what is not worth the limited amount of time we have here on Earth.  Amen.

Lady in Waiting: Emotional, Relational, Spiritual

I honestly don’t know how to get started here. I didn’t even need to see the sections I was writing on this week before thoughts began to pour into my head, all I needed to see was the word “purity”. And it made me freeze. How can I write to women about purity when I see my past as tainted, when my purity is a thing of the past. Then I got quiet and prayed. This isn’t the first time I have had to use my past to speak to others, and yes I am no longer pure in regards to my physical state, but God has forgiven me and washed me whiter than snow. This is how I can talk about this topic. It doesn’t make it easier by any means!  The consequences of my actions are still something I deal with, but I can stop myself and pray, knowing I am forgiven, and that the lessons learned will help someone else.

I became pregnant with my daughter at 17 and had her when I was 18. I wasn’t married. I have dealt with the emotional, relational and spiritual consequence these sections speak about, I think a lot of us have.

God gave us a gift when he tied our emotions to our physical state.  It enables us to love hard.  It drives us to give our all to the one we’re with. But that gift only works the way it is designed to work when we are with the one God has chosen for us, and under the bond of marriage. It is stated more than once in this section that God wants to protect us; protect us from a broken heart, protect us from condemnation, protect us from fear, from resentment. It also lists doubt, depression, bitterness and mistrust. I remember feeling all of these after purity was no longer one of the characteristics I possessed. He wants to protect our hearts and minds from these negative emotions that sexual promiscuity will bring.

This section further defends the thought that women are complex creations. Yes ladies we are complex, we have many layers, we are hard to understand, and at times we can be complicated. This is not a bad thing. It is part of Gods security system for us. But have you ever set off an alarm by using the incorrect code and haven’t been able to turn it off? That’s what premarital sex does to us. It sets off an alarm that only God can turn off.  But instead of a screaming noise, our emotions, relationships, and spirituality are screaming.  Our internal alarm systems need the right code.

 The code of Psalm 51:10

Create in me a clean heart, O God,
And renew a steadfast spirit within me.

 The code of Colossians 3:1-2

If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above,

where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God.

Whether it is one night, or a long term relationship, premarital sex negatively effects three of the most important aspects of a woman’s life. Emotional. Relational. Spiritual. We are God’s ladies in waiting. When situations present themselves that deal with the topic of purity, take a conscious step back and think of the impact it will have on these three areas.

With Love,

Tonya Ellison


Lets Pray:

Thank you Lord for the security system you have placed within each and every one of us. Thank you for your forgiveness and redemption. Lord please touch our hearts when we are facing different situations and bring to mind how much you value our emotions, relationships and spirituality. Thank you for protecting us.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen

Your assignment:

I listed some codes I use when I’m faced with certain situations or when Satan tries to remind me of my past.  What are some scriptures you turn to when purity is concerned?


For the “Lady in Waiting” Online Bible Study, you will need the book, your Bible, pen or pencil, a highlighter and a quiet place. You can order the book right through our website by clicking the “sign-up here” button at the top of our webpage; which is also where you can sign up to participate in this awesome bible study!