March 29, 2025

El Shaddai


El Shaddai, El Shaddai
El-Elyon na Adonai
Age to age You’re still the same
By the power of the Name
El Shaddai, El Shaddai
Erkamka na Adonai
We will praise and lift You high, El Shaddai

Through Your love and through the ram
You saved the son of Abraham
Through the power of Your hand
Turned the sea into dry land
To the outcast on her knees
You were the God who really sees
And by Your might
You set Your children free

Through the years You made it clear
That the time of Christ was near
Though the people failed to see
What Messiah ought to be
Though Your Word contained the plan
They just could not understand
Your most awesome work was done
Through the frailty of Your Son

Michael Card
written along with John Thompson

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We are most identified by characteristics and names that identify who we are.  For example, who I am—Coleen—can be described in many ways: wife, mom, tata (grandmother), daughter, sister, friend, worshipper, singer, baker, writer, pray-er, crafter, lover, listener, etc.  But The Great I AM has described Himself throughout the Scriptures with many names—Yahweh (YHWH), ELohim, Adonai, LORD, Jehovah, JAH, EL Shaddai….  I believe He has used these (and additional) names to graciously help us to understand more of His character.  The Great I AM makes Himself known to us through the words of His Word, as well as through His Creation, through His Spirit, through His Son our Lord Jesus Christ, through the words of the prophets—in oh so many ways!

One of my most favorite characteristics of I AM is that He IS God AlmightyEl Shaddai.  Hearing this name brings comfort and peace to my heart!  The fact and truth that Almighty God/El Shaddai loves me (and you, too!) and perfectly provides His care, provision, protection, supply of my (your!) needs is so thrilling to my soul!  The most common understanding of the title El Shaddai is “God Who is Almighty.”  There are 48 times in the Scriptures where God calls Himself by the name El Shaddai.  Let’s look at just a couple of these records.

When Abram was ninety-nine years old,
the Lord appeared to him and said,
I AM the Almighty God <El Shaddai>;
walk and live habitually before Me and be perfect.
Genesis 17:1

This is the very first record in the Scriptures where I AM identifies Himself in this way.  God Almighty/El Shaddai was about to reveal to Abram a part of the covenant He was making with him.  And this is where He promises the 99 year old Abram that he and his 90 year old wife, Sarai, would be having a son!!!  This is such a beautiful record!  (You can read the complete record here.)  Only El Shaddai could have made an eternal covenant such as this.  Only El Shaddai could have made a deadened womb to nurture life and bring forth a baby.  Only El Shaddai — God Almighty!

Another occurrence where the Great I AM is called by the title El Shaddai is in Psalm 91.  The psalmist declares,

Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty <El Shaddai>.
I will say of the Lord, “He is my Refuge and my Fortress,
my God, in whom I trust.”
Psalms 91: 1-2

Perhaps you, too, rejoice in your heart of hearts that El Shaddai, Who is the Great I AMloves and cares for you in the very same ways He has always cared for His people.  He is God and He does not change.

Would you share here in the comments below about this characteristic (or a different one) of the Great I AM that is important to you?  I would love to hear about it! 

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Almighty God,  El Shaddai, we praise You and thank You and love You with our whole hearts!   You always show Yourself mighty on behalf of Your children!  You are our Refuge and our Fortress—our God in Whom we trust!   May we always be cognizant of Who You are…the Great I AM.  May we be excited to read of and to remember Your awesome acts and works that are recorded in the Scriptures.  May they ever and always encourage us to never doubt You, El Shaddai—You never change!  ‘Erkamka na, Adonai!’  Praying in Your Son, Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Erkamka na, Adonai! ~ translated~ I love You, Lord!

He Will Always Provide


When Abraham took Isaac up on that mountain, I can only imagine the heartbreak he must have felt.  That only son of his…talking to his father like he did most every day. He probably talked about his day, asked some questions, maybe he even hummed on the way up. The one thing we KNOW he did ask was, “Where is the lamb for the offering?”  Abraham’s response: “God Himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.”

“When they reached the place God had told him about, Abraham built an altar there and arranged the wood on it. He bound his son Isaac and laid him on the altar, on top of wood. Then he reached out his hand and took the knife to slay his son. But the angel of the Lord called out to him from Heaven,”Abraham! Abraham!” “Here I am”, he replied. “Do not lay a hand on the boy,” he said. Now I know that you fear God because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son.” Abraham looked up and there in the thicket he saw a ram caught by its horns. He went over and took the ram and sacrificed it as a burnt offering instead of his son. So Abraham called the place The Lord Will Provide.”

Genesis 22: 8-14

What if we named all that we have provision? Isn’t that really what it is? The food that is in your pantry…the clothes that you put on daily…the warm bed… the table where you share laughs—all provision from Him. And all He really asks of us is to walk with Him, to love Him, to trust Him, and to accept His only Son Whom He really did sacrifice for us.

Yes, it is the season of tinsel and lit trees with beautiful ornaments. It is filled with baking and wrapping and giving and togetherness, but it can be hard. Instead of visions of sugar plums, you have visions of not having enough. You may be feeling like you are the only one who God forgot this season. You just knew that this one would be better than the last one, it just had to be! You want to turn on the Christmas music and smell the apple cinnamon candles and feel the joy that you felt once before.

Well, my friend, hang on—because God does see you. He knows when you are sleeping and He knows when  you’re awake!  He knows when you’re sad and He knows, too, exactly what you need. He loves you so much that He wants to give you blessings upon blessings.  And the very first one of those blessings was Jesus.

His Son did climb with a cross on His back and because of that, you are going to be okay.  Can you put your trust in Him today?  Let all worry and stress fall away, and let His grace rain on you. He is everywhere, and His provision is everywhere and so is His love.  God can always find a ram!

“Now I know.  Now I know.  Since You did not spare Your only Son, how will You not also graciously give us—even me—all things You know I need?  (Romans 8:32)” *

*The Greatest Gift: Unwrapping the Full Love Story of Christmas;  by Ann Voskamp

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Do you know Him?  Do you know that He really did die for you?  If you need hope this season, Jesus is waiting to give you all you need.  If you do, then I encourage you to pray this prayer with me.

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Dear God, I know that I am a sinner. I need forgiveness. I believe that You loved me enough to send Jesus, Your Son, to die in my place. I accept You, Jesus, today as my Lord and Savior. Walk with me and be my Lord. In  Jesus’ name. Amen.

Walk in Obedience


They also do no iniquity: they walk in His ways.
Psalm 119: 3

Walking with God requires us to obey the Word of God.  Abraham was blessed because he obeyed the Word of God when He wanted Abraham to sacrifice Isaac.

And it came to pass after these things, that God did tempt Abraham, and said unto him,
Abraham: and he said, Behold, here I am.
And He said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest,
and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering
upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of.
Genesis 22:1-2

The Angel acknowledged Abraham’s act of obedience.

And the angel of the Lord called to Abraham a second time from heaven and said,
“By myself I have sworn, declares the Lord, because you have done this
and have not withheld your son, your only son,
I will surely bless you, and I will surely multiply your offspring
as the stars of heaven and as the sand that is on the seashore.
Verses 15-17

The second time Abraham was told where to go and he went there. Guess what? God blessed him with many things and he prospered.

Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly,
nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.
But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in His law doth he meditate day and night.
And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water,
that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither;
and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.
Psalms 1: 1-3

Believers take Abraham as their Father of Faith according to Romans 4:16.  You will realize that He did not come into being our Father of Faith just like that but he stood on the Word of God and loved to meditate on the Word of God and do as the God’s Word required.

Remember Psalm 119:105…

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

We can’t walk righteously and be blessed if we divert ourselves from His Word. Let us stand upon the Word of God and do as it is required of a Christian like you and me.

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Father, we thank You for the word that comes to us at the right time.  We pray for Your spirit to dwell in us all the time; for us to walk in Your ways and do as You want us to do.  We pray for forgiveness for the times we have done it our way and ended up messing up.  Forgive us all our iniquities.  May Your presence be with us always.  Give us a heart to make more time to meditate on your Word and do as you wish.  In Jesus’ name, we pray.  Amen.

Plan A


But the Lord’s plans stand firm forever; his intentions can never be shaken. What joy for the nation whose God is the Lord, whose people He has chosen as His inheritance. The Lord looks down from heaven and sees the whole human race. From His throne He observes all who live on the earth. He made their hearts, so He understands everything they do. The best-equipped army cannot save a king, nor is great strength enough to save a warrior. Don’t count on your warhorse to give you victory— for all its strength, it cannot save you. But the Lord watches over those who fear Him, those who rely on His unfailing love.

Psalms 33:11-18

Since the beginning of mankind up until this very day, God’s human creations have questioned His ability, His promises, His motives, His love and His plans. Psalms 33:11-18 reminded me that no matter what our plans, hopes or dreams for the future (or present or past), God’s way is and will always be the way to go. Thankfully, and not so thankfully, we serve a God who gives us freewill and we try so hard to control things in our worlds that we have no power to control.

My mind wandered all the way back to the beginning in Genesis chapter 12. Abraham (then Abram) and wife Sarah (then Sarai) were childless. God came to Abraham and promised him, “I will make you into a great nation…” (Genesis 12:2). In chapter 16, we find Sarah giving her maidservant to her husband to start a family through and Abraham went along with this plan. Then, Hagar gave birth to Ishmael.

Both Abraham and Sarah got impatient. I’ve always thought that if God came and told me exactly what was going to happen, but didn’t give me the date that I’d be okay waiting. But, like Abraham and Sarah, I’ve found that to just not be true. Waiting on God’s timing is definitely a learned skill. And through Ishmael, Abraham and Sarah showed that they wanted to control things. Of course, this child caused tension within the household, even before the birth of Isaac. Why? Because this plan was a human plan, not a God-driven plan.

Okay, so I’ve pointed out that Abe and wife had their own plan. We all get our plans sometimes but their plan didn’t stop there. Not only did they concoct the plan and execute the plan, they tried to pass the plan off for God to accept. While God was telling Abraham about His plan, Abraham was telling God about his own plan.

And Abraham said to God, ‘If only Ishmael might live under your blessing!’
Genesis 17:18

Silly, don’t you think? But we do it. We make decisions without consulting God, then ask Him to bless our choices. This is backwards! And God corrected Abraham.

But my covenant I will establish with Isaac, whom Sarah will bear you by this time next year.
Verse 21

God even had to correct Sarah when she laughed at His plan (Genesis 18:12).

But the Lord ’s plans stand firm forever; His intentions can never be shaken.
Psalm 33:11

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Lord, help me to remember to come to You, first and foremost, before I make any decision. Let Your plan be my first plan and not plan B or C. Keep me focused on You and Your desires. Praying in Jesus’ name, amen.

God is Always There


A refuge is a shelter where you feel safe and protected. David, if anyone, knew firsthand what it was to trust God in all situations. David began trusting God as a young shepherd boy tending the family flock of sheep. God watched David grow in faith and strength, knowledge and love. As a child I always knew God existed around me. I would sing, I would pray, I would always marvel at His magnificent workmanship. He was there even before I knew who He was—watching over me and protecting me—creating a refuge to which I could go in faith and love.

Abraham had a faith from the moment God called him to follow Him. It must have amazed and been awe-inspiring for Abraham when God spoke to him.  Abraham chose to obey, leave his home with his wife and go to a land that God had chosen for him and blindly follow where God would lead. And Sarah must have trusted her husband to follow where Abraham led not knowing who God was. God always provided a refuge for Abraham and Sarah. God showed Abraham that no matter where they were…God was there to protect them. Even when Abraham did not seek God’s wisdom in different situations, God was still always there.

When my son, Brandon was young, I was able to recognize that I needed to cover him in prayer. Being divorced and both my ex and I remarried there were things that could happen of which I had no control over. I prayed against my fears and prayed for wisdom to know when to speak and when silence was best. I would speak to those at church who were familiar with our situation and who loved Brandon as much as I did. I learned from my neighbor what it was to cover him with prayer and ask the Holy Spirit to protect him when he was not home. I strove, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to create a refuge for Brandon when he came back from his dad’s. Praise God, Brandon still follows Him and is active in the church. I also thank God for putting those people in my life to help me become even stronger in my faith and trust.

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Father, thank You for always being there when I need You. Help me focus on Your Word and Your Will for my life. Give me wisdom and discernment to walk in Your ways. Forgive me when I fail. Never give up on me and my willingness to serve You. Thank You, in Jesus’ name, amen.

Esther – Chapter 9:6-16


Please join us for our next Online Bible Study!

“16-Day Love Challenge:

Matching our Words and Actions with

1 Corinthians 13:4-8″

by Cherie Zack and Rebecca LeCompte.

This study begins November 4th.

Be sure to go to our Registration page for more details, and to sign up today!!

The Registration page can be found by clicking on this LINK.

We hope you will join us!!

The king said to Queen Esther, “The Jews have killed and destroyed five hundred men and the ten sons of Haman in the citadel of Susa. What have they done in the rest of the king’s provinces? Now what is your petition? It will be given you. What is your request? It will also be granted.  If it pleases the king,” Esther answered, “give the Jews in Susa permission to carry out this day’s edit tomorrow also, and let Haman’s ten sons be hanged on gallows.”
Esther 9:12-13 NIV

In my Bible, the introduction to Chapter 9 is entitled “Triumph of the Jews.”  The enemies of the Jews thought they could take out their enemies, but the Jews were able to turn the tables on them! We also see that Haman’s ten sons were killed in verse 9 – so why the strange request from Esther?  Why hang ten dead men on the gallows?  Seems a bit—literally—like overkill. We’ve seen that all of Esther’s actions have been intentional so far, so what is the point of this request?  Darlene mentions that a public execution would put fear in the people (page 103).  It would do that, to be sure!   My Study Bible gives additional insight.

In Deuteronomy 21:22-23, God gives these directions through Moses: “If a man guilty of a capital offense is put to death and his body is hung on a tree, you must not leave his body on the tree overnight.  Be sure to bury him that same day, because anyone who is hung on a tree is under God’s curse.”  To the Jews, this is a reminder of God’s deliverance and fulfillment of a promise made to them long ago through Abraham, “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse…” (Genesis 12:3 NIV).

If you go to your Bible, you will notice that I didn’t include the remainder of verse 3 in Genesis.  It concludes “… and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” Wow, what an amazing promise!  Did you realize that the promise to Abraham became your blessing, too?  Through Abraham, God makes a mighty nation—the Jews—His chosen people.  Through Abraham, God sends Jesus to fulfill His plan and redeem us all.  Hallelujah!  One of the beautiful revelations of studying Esther is how Esther’s story is our story!  We are all Esther–beautiful, favored by the ultimate King (God), chosen, given a helper (the Holy Spirit), redeemed and saved from our enemy (Satan)!  But here is a key difference—and please give it the reverence it deserves—in our life story, the One hung on the gallows, the One hung on a tree – is Jesus…yes…Jesus.

In Galatians 3:13 -14 (NIV) Paul writes “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: ‘Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree.’ He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit.”   I read this and I am so humbled, so grateful, so joyful!  You see, Jesus became the sacrifice that saved me from death.  Jesus became the curse so that I can receive the blessing!  Because He triumphed over the cross, over curses, over death, He rendered Satan’s power ultimately useless over me!  Just like the Jews’ enemies in Persia, who thought they were going to destroy them, Satan has had the tables turned on him! WE ARE SAVED!!  WE ARE REDEEMED!!

Praise God today, sisters, because He has made the power of the Cross available to us who believe in Him!  Don’t live in fear of the enemy; live in the hope and confidence of those redeemed out of the hand of the devil.  Just like the Jews were overwhelmingly victorious – so will you be in your life.  Read the story of Esther again and apply this knowledge to your life – I am Esther and, just like God worked in her life, He works in mine! God bless you, sisters!  WE ARE REDEEMED!! Let the knowledge of that change your life!

Let’s Pray:

Holy God, thank You for the Book of Esther!  Thank You for Your words that give us wisdom, knowledge, hope and all of Your precious promises.  Help us to live today and every day with the knowledge that You love us very much and that You want us to live abundant lives of joy! Thank You that Your son became the curse, OUR curse, so that we can receive the blessing HE deserved. May we be eternally grateful and strive to live out our days in humble, grateful submission to You and fulfill the purposes You have for us!  Thank You for loving us!  Help us to love others the same way. In Your Son’s name we pray, Amen.

Esther – Chapter 5:6-8


Waiting.  I’m going to admit something that probably only my family and closest friends know – I’m not the most patient person.  In fact, I quit praying for patience, because God answered my prayers by putting me in positions that required me to be patient.  (You understand that is how it works, right?  If you pray for something like patience – you will not wake up with an unbelievable measure of patience – you will be placed in situations where your patience is going to be developed.  God is concerned with your character, not your convenience.)  God, however, is not fooled – He continues to place me in situations to develop my patience, because it is in my best interest.   If I appear patient, it’s because I work on it every day.

Is it hard for you to wait? More importantly – did you know that you will often have to wait for the Lord?  Did you also know waiting would test your strength and courage?

We often have a “microwave mentality.”  We want our food…and we want it now.  I don’t want to wait an hour for a baked potato – I want it in 5 minutes. My popcorn package says 2:30, but at 2:10 the bag is out of there – I’m ready to eat!  How often are we like that with God? ” God – give me patience – and give it to me right now!”  We want to see evidence of God working in our lives immediately. We want proof our prayers are answered today.  But if we believe Romans 8:28, “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose” then we must believe that in God’s timing we will see the proof that He is working in our lives.

In Esther 5:6-8 we see the setup that will be evidenced in the coming verses and chapters.  Esther has a plan to present her request before the King, but postpones her request until the banquet the next day.  We will see how the delay in her request is then timed perfectly with God’s plan for honoring Mordecai and saving the Jews.  If you look through the Bible you will see many more examples of God’s timing.  Think about Abraham: God called him to leave his country and follow him. He told Abraham that He would make him a father of many nations.  Do you know how long Abraham had to wait for God to fulfill that promise and send him Isaac?  Over 40 years!   What about David?  He was anointed King of Israel as a boy, yet he had to wait over 30 years to be crowned King – and many of those years were filled with despair and fear for his life from the reigning King of Israel!

Ladies, if you will allow me, I want to share something personal with you.  About two years ago I went through a fairly challenging year spiritually.  You see, I have felt the call of God very strongly on my life for several years, but I couldn’t quite figure out what He wanted of me. I began the year by again surrendering everything to God, and said that He could use me any way He wanted.  I prayed.  I fasted.  I studied the Scripture.  And I felt…nothing.  No urging.  No assignment.  There were things that I felt He laid on my heart to study, however, and so I did.  I poured myself into the Scriptures daily.  I was faithful to what He put in my path.

As the year progressed, I became discouraged – did God not want anything from me?   Was I not strong enough?  Did I not know enough?  Was I always going to be mediocre?  I felt as if I was in God’s classroom and He was calling for helpers – and no matter how often I raised my hand He picked someone else.  I felt this way for an entire year.  But then, one day, two women came into my small group who had serious issues: addictions, chaos in the home, doubt as to their worth in God’s eyes (one had in the past been suicidal).  And, through the Holy Spirit, I knew how to speak to them.  (They are still active friends in my life, by the way, and God is working MIGHTILY in their lives – praise God!)  I was amazed at how I responded!  And on my way home from church, God revealed Himself to me so strongly it felt like a punch in the chest – THIS is what He prepared me for.  I am an encourager – this is my primary gifting.  This is why He spent a year preparing me (and continues to prepare me) – “to know the word that sustains the weary” (Isaiah 50:4, NIV).  I learned about spiritual warfare and strengthened my prayer life so that I would be an intercessor, a watchman on the wall.   God sends me broken people – and it’s my job (and privilege) to care for them.

What is God preparing YOU for?  Will you reject this time of waiting because you need immediate proof?  Or will you ask God to strengthen you, to teach you, to grow you, to prepare you while you are waiting for His promises in your life to be fulfilled?


Let’s pray:

Lord, how great are Your promises, how great is Your patience!  Your timing is perfect and Your will is amazing.  Teach me, Lord, to wait for you!  Help me to see the waiting time as productive time.  Help me to see Your hand in my life.  Help me to be faithful to the small things You place before me, as You are faithful to even the smallest detail in my life.  Thank You, Lord, for Your incredible love for me, and thank You for allowing me to be used in Your service and for Your glory!  In the name of Your Son we pray.


God’s Guidance


May God be gracious to us and bless us; look on us with favor.  Selah
So that Your way may be known on earth, Your salvation among all nations.
Psalms 67:1-2

This psalm speaks of God’s plan for His people when he first called Abraham.  God choose this man so that through his descendants, God might become known to the nations of the world.  He intended that Israel’s reception and enjoyment of His grace and blessing would cause the pagan nations to take notice, so that they might praise Him and accept His ways of truth and righteousness.

Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country,
and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee:
And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great;
and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee,
and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
Genesis  12:1-3

The declaration all throughout the Scriptures is that God cares about each of us and wants to direct our lives.  How infinitely superior His plan must be in every detail with all the wisdom and knowledge He possesses—past, present, and future—and with all the power at His disposal as the sovereign God of the universe.  The greatest evidence of God’s desire to guide our lives is found in the truth of the Scriptures.  He has given us the Bible that we might know His will and purpose in all areas of life.  This means knowing God and the life He has for us to live.  Our responsibility, by God’s own direction, is to entrust our way to Him for His direction and leading.

Proverbs 14:12 tells us there is a way which seems right to a person, but its end is the way of death.  Jeremiah also clearly states the problem of man’s inability to direct his life.  In Jeremiah 10:23 the prophet said, “Lord, we know that people do not control their own destiny. It is not in their power to determine what will happen to them.”  Because of man’s finite wisdom and ability, his limited understanding of the facts coupled with his sinfulness, man simply cannot direct his own steps. What seems right to him results in the way of destruction and death.  As man’s thoughts are not God’s thoughts, so his ways must likewise fall short of God’s perfect and all-wise plan.

We as believers should pray that God will bless us and our families with His presence, love, grace, guidance, salvation, healing power, and fullness of the Spirit in order that the lost might seek Christ’s truth and salvation through us.  The blessing is described in the New Testament as “the promised Holy Spirit” (Galatians 3:14).  Through this spirit living in us, the proclamation to the nations will achieve its desired results.

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Father, we thank You for the love, grace guidance, and wisdom You show us.  May we continually walk in Your truth for You to guide us in Your infinite wisdom. In Jesus’ name we have prayed. AMEN!

“I AM” Chapter 1 – Day 5 The Great I AM’s Character

Who I am—Coleen—can be described by many names: wife, mom, gramma, daughter, sister, friend, worshipper, singer, baker, writer, pray-er, crafter, lover, listener, etc.  The Great I AM has described Himself throughout the Scriptures with many names—Yahweh (YHWH), ELohim, Adonai, LORD, Jehovah, JAH, EL Shaddai….  I believe He has used these (and additional) names to graciously help us to understand more of His character.  The Great I AM makes Himself known to us through the words of His Word, as well as through His Creation, through His Spirit, through His Son our Lord Jesus Christ, through the words of the prophets—in oh so many ways!

One of my most favorite characteristics of I AM is that He IS God AlmightyEl Shaddai.  Hearing this name brings comfort and peace to my heart!  The fact and truth that Almighty God/El Shaddai loves me (and you, too!) and perfectly provides His care, provision, protection, supply of my (your!) needs is so thrilling my soul!  The most common understanding of the title El Shaddai is “God Who is Almighty.”  There are 48 times in the Scriptures where God calls Himself by the name El Shaddai.  Let’s look at just a couple of these records.

When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to him and said, I AM the Almighty God <El Shaddai>; walk and live habitually before Me and be perfect.

Genesis 17:1

This is the very first record in the Scriptures where I AM identifies Himself in this way.  God Almighty/El Shaddai was about to reveal to Abram a part of the covenant He was making with him.  And this is where He promises the 99 year old Abram that he and his 90 year old wife, Sarai, would be having a son!!!  This is such a beautiful record!  (You can read the complete record here.)  Only El Shaddai could have made such an eternal covenant.  Only El Shaddai could have made a deadened womb to nurture life and bring forth a baby.  Only El Shaddai…God Almighty!

Another example where the Great I AM is called by the title El Shaddai is in Psalm 91.  The psalmist declares,

Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty <El Shaddai>.
I will say of the Lord, “He is my Refuge and my Fortress,
my God, in whom I trust.”
Psalm 91: 1-2

Perhaps you, too, rejoice in your heart of hearts that El Shaddai, Who is the Great I AMloves and cares for you in the very same ways He has always cared for His people.  He is God and does not change. 

Would you share here in the comments about this or a different characteristic of the Great I AM that is important to you?  I would love to hear about it! 

El Shaddai, El Shaddai, El-Elyon na Adonai,
Age to age You’re still the same, by the power of the Name.
El Shaddai, El Shaddai, Erkamka na Adonai,
I will praise you ’till I die, El Shaddai.

Erkamka na, Adonai! …translated… I love You, Lord!


Praying for each of you!


Let’s Pray:

Almighty God,  our El Shaddai, we praise You and thank You and love You with our whole hearts!   You always show Yourself mighty on behalf of Your children!  You are our Refuge and our Fortress—our God in Whom we trust!   May we always be cognizant of Who You are…the Great I AM.  May we be excited to read of and to remember Your awesome acts and works that are recorded in the Scriptures.  May they encourage us to never doubt You, El Shaddai,  and the fact that You never change!  ‘Erkamka na, Adonai!’  Praying in Your Son, Jesus’ name. 
