February 28, 2025

The Resolution for Women- Week 5: Timing is Everything

“If you do your best but you expend much of it on the wrong things, you’ve not only wasted a lot of your energy and resources, you’ve also lost time and opportunities you may never recover….. being your best at what God wants you to be doing – that’s the thing to shoot for.” (page 94)

Being aware of what the season is that you are currently walking in is so important. My days and priorities will and should look a lot different as a mom of older teens and young adults than when I am retired and all my kids are grown. If I lived the retired lifestyle NOW sure I would be having a blast…. but my kids would not get the nurturing and guidance they so desperately need at this crucial time in their development. If I was retires and constantly in the “business” of my kids and grandkids, that would be just as inappropriate.

It is important that we carefully consider what we are currently “owning” and start giving back any situations or stuff that belong to other people in our lives that we have taken on for them. Do you know what I’m talking about?

There is a fine line between having compassion for others and wanting to serve and help them and carrying their burdens more than God ever intends us to. The more intimate your relationship with the Lord is, the more easily you will be able to discern if you are properly owning the right “stuff.”

As a mom of teens…. for my own sanity I HAD to become a master at this!!!! Here is my favorite example….

It is 8pm and your 9th grader (Tim) comes up to you right after you got on your comfy jammas and got settled in nicely to your favorite spot on the red sofa:

Tim: Um, mom…… I need you to go take me to get poster board.

Queen Mom: Ok, when do you need it by?

Tim: Well, my project is due tomorrow morning, so I need it tonight.

QM: When did you find out about this project?

T: Two weeks ago….

QM: Oh, ok. Did you forget about it?

T: Yeah.

QM: Well, I have two options for you.

1. I can pick up poster board for you tomorrow when i go to the store and you can turn in your project late for less credit. OR

2. It will take me a half hour to get dressed and go to Wal-Mart to get it for you. It would take you that long to make lunches for all the kids for tomorrow and vacuum the living room to help me. If you do that for me, I will go get your poster board when you are done.

…the decision is theirs and DO NOT go get the poster board until they have completed what you asked them to do for you. This shows them that your time is valuable and teaches them to create boundaries and think ahead. You did not own their issue.

How else does this happen to you in your life? OR…. are you the one who tries to have others own your stuff? Have you mastered this already and have your own wisdom to share?

It is okay to say NO!!!!!  What you will find is that the more you say NO to the things that God is not intending for you in this season, the more time you will have to say YES to fill spaces and gaps where HE uniquely designed you to be!



Let’s pray:

Lord, please show us today the areas in our life that we so desperately need YOUR discernment!!! Help free us of our selves and see each situation how You want us to see it and not take on more than You want us to take on… one season at a time! Help us to continue to be more comfortable and confident in our own shoes so that we will not be tempted to take on things that are not ours to carry or own. I thank you in advance for all you will do in our hearts, minds and spirits this week, Father, and may You get all the glory! In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen!!! <3

Your Assignment:

As you think about those things you want to do but can never seem to make time for, remember the biblical appeal that says, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1) How could this deliberate act of trust and perspective free you to invest yourself more joyfully in TODAY? Please share your answer with me below….

After you have completed this assignment here, go back to your Facebook Online Bible Study Group, and see what fun activity we have for you there!  You never now what we will come up with!!  If you do not belong to an Online Bible Study Group, and would like to, please email us at GirlfriendsCoffeeHour@gmail.com, and we will be happy to add you!

Be a blessing,

Megan 🙂

…Don’t forget about the Men’s Journey over here:


The Resolution for Women: Week 5 – Boxes

Today, in The Resolution for Women, we talk about boxes.  Not the kind of boxes you bring your groceries home in, or the kind you pack your belongings in, or even the kind that you ship something in.  We are going to talk about the many boxes that women have in their lives, while still trying to achieve perfect balance in their life.

Are you guilty of having too many boxes?  Before you can answer that, you have to know what that question means first.  What I am asking here is how many things you have going on in your life that is pulling you in this direction, and that direction, and making you feel like your life is so out of balance!!!

Let’s take a look at our lives for a minute…..  How many boxes do we women have in our lives?

1.  Box for the Lord

2. Box for husband

3. Box for children / children’s activities

4. Box for taking care of home

5. Box for work

6. Box for family / friends

7. Box for church / ministry

8. Box for Self

9. Box for bible study

10. Box for community outreach

That’s ten different boxes, and that’s even with doubling some of them up into one box!

We women have a lot of responsibilities in our lives!  Many different boxes to take care of.  As you can see just from the boxes above that include just normal life, there is real good reason to see how a woman can get stressed sometimes, especially if she is focusing in so many different boxes that she isn’t able to give completely to the boxes that are important.

When we take on more than what God has called us to take on, our boxes begin to fall and crumble.  They don’t stay in their neat stack, the way God designed them to be.  When we don’t consider God’s priorities in our lives, we find ourselves having to move this box ahead of this one, and pushing that one behind another, and stressing because we really did need to do something with the original box, but now it needs to wait because you’ve fallen short in another box.  Can you see how this can happen??

God has called us to have order in our lives.  He has called us to set priorities and boundaries so that we can live a life that is balanced and not in chaos; feeling as if we are being pulled in so many different directions, that we don’t even know which direction we are supposed to go anymore.

So, how do we get our boxes neatly stacked and in order again?  You start by seeking God and what He wants as a priority in your life.  Then you start removing the boxes He says needs to go.  If that means you don’t do as many bible studies or serve in as many ministries as you once did, then so be it.  God knows what will bring balance into your life; and He knows which bible studies you need to be working on!

Sometimes it is so easy to get caught up in what everyone else is doing, that we find ourselves involved in so many bible studies, or Facebook groups, outside activities, community events, and so on, that we find other areas of our life is suffering because we are spending so much unnecessary time on these other activities that God didn’t want us in, in the first place!

Home life begins to suffer because we have so many different boxes that we are involved in.  Which is our main priority…home or ministry (also insert community events here)?  Your home is your first priority.  Your home is your ministry.  If your home is suffering because you are never home due to the number of ministries you are serving in, or other events you have volunteered for, you need to learn to start saying no.  God will find someone else to fill that position for that ministry or event, no doubt.  You do not have to do it all.  You are not Superwoman!  We like to think we are….but we are not!

Another thing to consider about being out of balance is that once we stretch ourselves into so many different boxes, we begin to get weaker.  Think of a rubber band.  Before the rubber band is stretched, it has a lot of strength and resistance.  But the more and more we stretch the rubber band, the less strength and resistance it has, and sooner or later it snaps!!

Spreading yourself too thin and into more and more of what God has not called you to do is like stretching your own rubber band.  The more boxes you put into your life, the further and further you are being stretched.  The further and further your rubber band is stretched, the less strength and resistance you have; the more health problems you begin to have; the more chaos you will see at home; and so on….and sooner or later, YOU WILL SNAP!!  Then what good are you to anyone, especially God??

Ladies, it’s time to take a serious look at our lives and the boxes we have lined up in front of us with our name on it.  It’s time to start seeking God and asking Him which box you can close and put it away neatly until He calls you to take that box out again.  It’s time to set some priorities.  It’s time to say no to some things, even if they look fun or popular!!  It’s time to step away from the things in our lives that is sucking the life out of us.  It’s time to start taking back your life, your family, your time with God, and time for yourself!!

Priscilla says on page 91, “Balance is not when the boxes are equally filled but when we are free to fill only those that are important for now, without feeling guilt over the ones that we’ve left for another time and place.  This is balance, little sister.  Remember it.”


Let’s pray: 

Father, we seek You today and ask Lord that You show us the boxes in our lives that need to be removed and stored away for another time in our life.  Father we ask that You give us wisdom as we review the areas in our lives that may be causing us to become out of balance, and give us direction on how to close these boxes.  Lord, help us to say no, when we need to say no.  Help us to not feel guilty, or that we are letting someone down if we don’t say yes.  Help us to achieve the kind of balance that YOU want in our lives; the kind that will bring us the peace that we so desire Lord.  Father, help us to put our priorities back into perspective, once again.  In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.

Your Assignment:

Share below which boxes you currently have in your life.  How many different boxes are you handling?  Then ask the Lord which box(es) He wants you to remove from your life, to help you find more balance.  In the comments section below, share which box(es) that is, and how you plan to put that box away for now.  How will you find balance in your life so that you are more able to serve Him.

After you have completed this assignment here, go back to your Facebook Online Bible Study Group, and see what fun activity we have for you there!  You never now what we will come up with!!  If you do not belong to a Online Bible Study Group, and would like to, please email us at GirlfriendsCoffeeHour@gmail.com, and we will be happy to add you!

Be Blessed,

The Resolution for Women: Week 5 – My Best

I can’t believe that we are already into Week 5!!  Wow, how the time has flown by during this study!  I truly hope you are enjoying this study as much as I am!  This book offers a wealth of information to help us grow physically and spiritually!

I have tweeted with the author of this book on a couple of occasions.  Priscilla has told me that she is praying for our group, and is very excited that we are using her book for our bible study!  I think it’s great that she has taken the time to reply to my tweets! 🙂

In this next section of The Resolution for Women, we will study “My Best”; which means we will cover areas such as achieving balance in our lives, time management, avoiding perfectionism, and taking care of ourselves physically.  Another week of awesome topics!!

So, with that said, do you have your seat belts fastened for another amazing ride to our next Resolution??  If not, you had better buckle up, because this is going to be another awesome journey!  Let’s give everything we have to this study this week, to bring glory of God!


Here is this week’s reading assignment:

(Week of July 30th – Aug 3rd)

30th:  Week’s Assignment / My Best / Boxes –  Christi

31st:  Timing Is Everything – Megan

Aug 1st:  Anything, Everything, and Whatever – Kelley

2nd:  It Only Works When I Breathe – TBD

3rd:   Week Overview – Christi


Let’s Pray:

Lord, we lift yet another amazing week of the Resolution study to You, and we ask that You help us to remove all distractions that would prohibit us from hearing from You this week. Help us to focus at least 10 minutes a day with You, Lord.  Help us to give this study what time it deserves, Lord, so we can learn what You are trying to teach us.  In Jesus’ Name, AMEN!! 

If you do not yet belong to our Online Bible Study Facebook Group, and would like to, please send us an email to GirlfriendsCoffeeHour@gmail.com and we will be happy to add you!!

Be Blessed & Be a Blessing to Someone Else Today!!  

The Resolution for Women: Week 4 Overview

Weekly Review


Don’t forget to head back over to your Facebook OBS Group and see what we have in store for you today!!  If you don’t yet belong to a Facebook OBS (Online Bible Study) Group, and would like to, please send us an email atGirlfriendsCoffeeHour@gmail.com, and we’ll be happy to add you!! 

The Resolution for Women: I’d Like a Word with You

Our Memory Verse

We’ve talked a lot about Quiet Time this week, and being faithful to that time with God.  We’ve talked about Divine Appointments and being Faithfully His.  We were asked in one of our blogs this week to define what faith and faithfulness means to us.  Were you able to really sit down and think that through?

What does being “Faithfully His” really mean to you?  I’d like to start by seeing what it means to God, first.

In order to find out what being faithful means to God, we have to start by looking at His Word.  His Word….the infallible Truth.  He has given us His Word to teach us; mold us; refresh us; revive us; save us; teach us obedience; to draw us closer to Him; to show us how much He loves us; and to transform us.

He is faithful in His Word.  His Word is truth.  His Word is alive and sharper than any two-edged sword.  His Word is active in our lives, every single day.  His Word is living, and never returns void.  His Word is unchanging.  He Word is eternal.  His word is an historical account of where we come from, and where we are going.  His Word is love.

His Word defines who we are in Christ.  It lifts us up, and encourages us.  It speaks intimately and personally to reveal His purpose for our life!

There is so much to be seen in God’s Word!  It is up to us, though, to be faithful in reading His Word every day.

It is up to us to open this beautiful book of LIFE, and allow God to speak to us; to pour out His amazing Spirit upon us.

It is up to us to be consistent and intentional about allowing God to speak to us through His Word … in our Quiet Time.

It is up to us to choose to shut down the outside noise of life, and to just sit quietly with Him, allowing His Word to permeate our souls and our minds; to allow Him to reach us deep down inside.  That is the only way we will hear the voice of the Shepherd.

It is up to us to CHOOSE to spend this time with Him; to be faithful to Him through this time each day.


What if God suddenly decided one day not to be faithful to us anymore?  What would our world look like?  What would our marriage be like?  What would our kids be like?  That, my friends, to me, is a scary thought!!  I thank God every day for His faithfulness to me; for always being there, no matter what the circumstances, or time of day; and for always providing for me.

I see many prayer requests every day.  I see us all reaching out to Him, asking prayer for this or that.  Are we faithful to really seek Him for those answers?  Or is it easier to just put the request out there, and ask others to do the work for us?  I don’t mean that in a hateful way, either.  What I mean to say here is this, is it easier for someone else to pray for you, instead of you spending that time with God one on one?

Are you as faithful to Him, as He is to you?  Are you available to Him, when He needs to speak to you?  To be honest, I haven’t always been that faithful to Him.  Even today, I can see areas of my life that I need to resolve to become even more faithful to Him.

What about you?  Can you see areas of your life that you have chosen to let the world, or your circumstances, rob your time with Him?  Can you see areas of your own life where you haven’t been as faithful to Him, as you could be?  What can you do TODAY to change that??


In this chapter, Priscilla has shared five pages of scriptures with us.  She has suggested that we use these scriptures as affirmations over our lives, and the lives of our loved ones.  She has referenced not only the scripture, but the verse it comes from, as well.

I would encourage you to go through this list of scriptures and highlight the ones that speak to you; and then go to your bible, His Word, and find them there, and highlight them.  Date the scriptures in your bible, as the day that God spoke to you in His Word!  Speak these scriptures out loud, so you can audibly hear them with your own ears.  Faith comes by hearing the Word.  Speak these scriptures out over yourself and your loved ones each day during the quiet time that you are now going to choose to set aside for Him; and then just watch God’s word come alive!!! 

His Word will help renew your mind and your faith; and even your actions and attitudes toward Him will be changed!  Praise God!!


I will close today with our latest resolution:



I, __________________, will live as a woman answerable to God and faithfully committed to His Word.

Signed:  Christi Wilson


Will you join me in this resolution, as well?


Let’s Pray:

Father, we come before You today Lord, and ask for Your forgiveness for the times that we have not been as faithful to You as we could have been.  Forgive us Lord for the times that we have chosen worldly distractions over our time with You.  Forgive us for not being there when You needed us, Lord.  Father, we thank You for that forgiveness right now, and from this day forward we resolve to be more committed to Your Word, and more faithful to You.  In Jesus’ Name, the Name above All Names, Amen! 

Your Assignment:

Set aside some time today to spend with the Lord.  Ask His forgiveness for the times that you have chosen other things over Him.  Repent and receive His forgiveness, and then resolve to make better choices where He is concerned in your life.  Do whatever it takes to make time for Him, each and every day!

Don’t forget to head back over to your Facebook OBS Group and see what we have in store for you today!!  If you don’t yet belong to a Facebook OBS (Online Bible Study) Group, and would like to, please send us an email at GirlfriendsCoffeeHour@gmail.com, and we’ll be happy to add you!! 

Living Intentionally to Become More Faithful to My Lord and Savior,

The Resolution for Women: Faith vs. Faithfulness

Our Memory Verse


Welcome to another day of The Resolution for Women!  I’m very excited to talk to you today about Faith vs. Faithfulness! Are you ready?

I’m not sure about you guys, but I absolutely LOVED the visual we got as Priscilla described the mother Eagle!  Eagles are like royalty, very regal in stature – strong and powerful – fiercly protective – beautiful birds!  What an incredible picture to hold in our minds.  Then, today one of our ladies spoke of a song in which she envisioned each one of us together, with suitcases,  swinging them in the air and singing!  I can see that scene so clearly, even without closing my eyes.  We were sticking together, sisters in Christ – all with our matching suitcases!  Ladies, it doesn’t get much better than that!  Unfortunately these are just visions and although they are awesome, they don’t go any further than that.

To take this a step further, each week the leaders here anticipate the important words God is going to give them in order to write the daily blog for you.  We have complete faith He is going to bless us with the perfect words;  BUT to actually write the blog each week, to put ourselves out there, is definitely faithfulness.   As Priscilla teaches, ‘The concept of faithfulness is a physical outworking of actions” – It is when the “outward expressions of your beliefs are lived out over time”.  As we prepare to write our blogs each week, life happens. We may find ourselves distracted, not feeling 100%, or just plain spent.  Satan may raise his ugly head and do everything he can to prevent us from sharing these teachings with you.  To give you an example, it’s 1:16 am here and I went to publish my completed blog and the hotel’s wi-fi dropped.  My blog did not post and in fact, when I went back into it – it was at 540 words instead of the 1008 of the finished product.  However, this will not stop me!  I will pray and move forward in Faithfulness, living in obedience to Him. 

Faithfulness is born when the outward expression of your beliefs are lived out over time.

Jesus learned obedience through suffering (Hebrews 5:8).  Day in and day out he faced trials and tribulations, was ridiculed, and was eventually beaten and forced to carry the heavy, rugged cross.  However, he proved His faithfulness by surrendering His will,  by praying,  and by staying committed to His Father’s purpose (being the source of eternal salvation).  He resolved to be faithfully His (Fathers).   It is only when we live a life of faithfulness will we ‘fly on the wings of God’s spirit’. (Priscilla Shirer)

How many of you have made resolutions?  Perhaps you’re going to spend more time with God, less time on the computer, or maybe you’re going to give your husband extra attention.   I am working on many of these areas; however my own personal resolution is to get my temple in order so that I am at 150% capacity in order to do His work here in the United States as well as in Nicaragua. To be healthy and fit.  Sure I have faith that I can do this with Him; but more importantly I have faithfulness.  I have surrendered this to Him and I am doing what is necessary to see the fruits of my labor (through Him).  I am adjusting my life to my beliefs.  How are you doing with this?

Let’s Pray

Father God, thank you for teaching us Faithfulness, thank you for your word.  Thank you for your love and the love of this group, the love of each sister here.  Be with us Father,  give us strength to surrender to you – may we learn to adjust our lives to our beliefs so we too can have complete faithfulness as you did.  We love you, Honor you, and Praise you. Amen.


Your Assignment Today:

Would you describe yourself as a faithful person?  If so in what areas of your life?  Tell us about this in your life.

Share below in the comments section about Faithfulness in your life.  Please don’t be afraid to share.  Remember that your testimony or experience could be the one thing that touches someone else and helps them make changes in their life that reflect our Heavenly Father.  Once you’re done, go on over to your OBS Facebook Group to see what we have planned for you today!  You just never know what we will come up with next!!

If you are not a member of our OBS Facebook Group, and would like to be, please send us an email and we’ll be happy to place you!!   Our email address is:  GirlfriendsCoffeeHour@gmail.com

Love you Bunches and Lots of Hugs,

<3  Kelley

The Resolution for Women: Divine Appointments

Our Memory Verse

Priscilla so eloquently points out to us in this lesson that in Resolving to be faithfully His, we are….

  • Women who lean into His voice- listening, heeding, conforming our will to His.
  • Women who uphold the laurels of Scripture in the face of contrary opinion.
  • Women who do not ultimately answer to earthly authorities but to the One who created us, and called us to Himself.
  • Women who live with heaven’s purpose in view and heaven;s whisper in our soul.
  • In the world, but we are not of the world- not controlled by it, consumed by it, compelled by it
  • Heaven called, pursuing His purposes and driven by the passions He has placed within our hearts.

THIS is what makes us uniquely His! No matter what our sin-filled world throws at us, we will stand strong, ever faithful, to HIM and the laurels of His Word!

James 1:3 (ESV)

for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.

Amen!!!! We KNOW that we will be tested and we KNOW that we will not always be our best and do our best to pass the test…. but THANK GOD He loves us anyway! Each and every single one of us as daughters of the Most-high King have a heavenly calling God has uniquely and divinely designed us to fill.

We will not be perfect, but we MUST be purposeful!

We will not live without blemish, but we are marked with God’s PRESENCE!

We must not be swayed by the whims and fleeting passions of this world, but be fiercely focused on Heaven’s call!

“The faithful are those who resolve to despise the pathways of earthly success

in exchange for the divine mission

given specifically and uniquely by the Father.”

So, it is time that we all ask ourselves the BIG QUESTIONS:

  • What do you sense Heaven is calling you to do and be?
  • What do you believe to be God’s overarching purpose for creating you and then setting you down in THIS generation at THIS particular point in history?
  • Are you seeking to discover it as you wake up in the morning listening for the hush of Heaven?

Do you know that THE BEST WAY to begin is by being faithful to what God has set before you RIGHT NOW? That is the truth! In this very season, you are being called to be uniquely YOU for HIS purpose. Please, dear one, don’t miss it!!! Don’t rush ahead and don’t lag behind! He needs so intentionally PRESENT in your current situation and circumstance for a divine reason. You might not like it, but really, it is not about YOU! You are here for a higher purpose and He will equip you with all you need for His purpose to be fulfilled. Live BOLDLY for HIM in this season! He CHOSE YOU!!!

No rain-checks allowed, dear friends! No re-scheduling and no cancelling. This divine Appointment is meant for YOU and YOU ALONE. Don’t miss it. Don’t be late. Just show up and let Him lead!

Let’s Pray

Dear Lord, we come to you today with bold abandon! Father, we ask that you make our divine appointments crystal clear to us in our current seasons so that we can fulfill the unique purpose You have for us in this time and place. We don’t want to miss a thing, Lord! Help strengthen us supernaturally to keep us committed to what You are calling us to do and not be distracted by our fallen world. Lord, help us each day to stand in the gap for our sisters where needed to ensure that your purposes be fulfilled. We love you, Lord, and we thank you in advance for all you will do in our hearts, minds, souls and spirits! In Your son’s matchless name we pray, amen <3


Your Assignment Today:

What is calling you to do and be in your current season? What is standing in your way of fulfilling this purpose in this season?

Share below in the comments section, what you will do this week to clear the way for God’s purpose within you to be fulfilled.  Then go on over to your OBS Facebook Group to see what we have planned for you today!  You just never know what we will come up with next!!

If you are not a member of our OBS Facebook Group, and would like to be, please send us an email and we’ll be happy to place you!!   Our email address is:  GirlfriendsCoffeeHour@gmail.com

Ladies, I believe in you and know I am praying for you every step of the way as we resolve to be different, changed and so Faithfully His! He deserves our very best and may He get all the glory!

Many blessings,

Megan 🙂

Keep up with my journey on my blog here:


…and my husband Craig as he is on the Resolution for Men journey:


The Resolution for Women — Faithfully His

Our Memory Verse

Today, I have a special surprise for you!  I’m not going to be talking, or writing about today’s lesson….

I’m going to let Priscilla Shirer speak to you directly, about being Faithfully His!

Are you ready???!!!!  Here we go!


Please note that Girlfriends Coffee Hour is not endorsing the

Crossroads Memberships mentioned at the end of this video.


Let’s Pray

Father, as we begin this new lesson this week, let us prepare our days so we are able to clear our schedules, and our minds, Lord, to better hear Your voice.  Let us lay aside all things that concern us this day, so we are able to sit at Your feet and learn from You, so we can become even more Faithfully Yours, Lord!  In Jesus’ Name, AMEN!!  


Your Assignment Today:  

Take at least 30 minutes today to clear your mind, and your schedule, so you are better prepared this week to hear from God.  Share below in the comments section, what you will do this week to make this happen, each day.  Then go on over to your OBS Facebook Group to see what we have planned for you today!  You just never know what we will come up with next!!  

If you are not a member of our OBS Facebook Group, and would like to be, please send us an email and we’ll be happy to place you!!   Our email address is:  GirlfriendsCoffeeHour@gmail.com

Living Intentionally Each Day to Become More Faithfully His,

The Resolution for Women — Week 4 — Faithfully His

Our Memory Verse



So far, we’ve learned to be Surprisingly Satisfied, Purposefully Feminine, and Authentically You!  Now, this week, we are going to learn how to be Faithfully His, even more devoted to Christ, and even more defined by His Word!

I am so excited for this section of The Resolution for Women!  This week is going to be an amazing journey in learning how to be even more faithful to the Lord.  We are going to see some amazing TRUTH this week!  I hope you are ready!

PLEASE set aside some time this week just for this section!  I can’t say that strong enough!!  I promise you, you will not be disappointed!!  God is going to meet you right where you are this week!  Please, please, please, be still, and ready to hear His voice speak to You through this amazing section of this book!


Your Reading Assignment for the week of July 23-27th:


23rd: Faithfully His – Christi

24th:  Divine Appointment – Megan

25th:  Faith vs. Faithfulness – Kelley

26th:  I’d Like a Word with You – Robin

27th:  Week Overview – Christi


Let’s Pray:

Oh Lord, we come to You this week and we ask that You prepare our hearts for this weeks lessons!  Open our ears Lord, so we will be able to hear Your voice this week.  Lord, may we put aside all other things, annoyances, troubles, distractions, this week, so we are able to set aside that special quality time just for You.  Please help us schedule that time with You every day this week, and make this time a strong priority on our list of things to do.  May we seek You earnestly this week, and find the purpose that You have for our lives.  

I pray for Revelation Knowledge to fall upon each reader of this section of The Resolution for Women, and through our blog this week Lord.  Father, may each woman who seeks You this week, find You through this study. May each voice that cries out to You, be heard.  May each prayer lifted up to You, be answered, in Your perfect way, and in Your perfect timing!

In Jesus’ Name, I pray….AMEN!!!


Your assignment today:  



Be a Blessing to Someone Else!! 


See You Tomorrow….right here, on Girlfriends Coffee Hour!


Living Intentionally to Know Him Better with Each Passing Day,




If you are not a member of our OBS Facebook Group, and would like to be, please send us an email and we’ll be happy to place you!!   Our email address is:  GirlfriendsCoffeeHour@gmail.com

The Resolution for Women — Week 3 Overview

Weekly Review


Memory Verse:

You did not choose Me, but I chose you.

I appointed you that you should go out and produce fruit.

John 15:16



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