March 15, 2025

Garlicky Green Beans and Pignoli

Who has memories of sitting with their gramma or favorite aunt and snapping green beans?  Such a simple, enjoyable way to accomplish a task that takes time AND have a great conversation.  Oh, and the end result? A big pile of fresh veggies just waiting to be prepared in the simplest of ways.  And truly it didn’t matter whether they were boiled or steamed or roasted (or microwaved…!), they were DELISH!!!  Just remember—only snap the stem end NOT the end with the little tail!  😉

The recipe I am sharing today uses a pile of green beans which have been steamed for just a few minutes. Click here  for a few ways to steam any veggies.  Meanwhile a simple sauce (yet VERY flavorful!) is prepared.  This sauce could also top any variety of fresh veggies…perhaps some broccoli or zucchini or carrots, even. And it all fits nicely within our healthy but oh-so-yummy POV, too! Enjoy!

2015-06-16 19.12.19

Garlicky Green Beans with Pignolis

1# fresh green beans, snapped and rinsed
2 tablespoons butter (or a combo of butter and olive oil)
2 (or more) tablespoons finely minced garlic (I used jarred)
2 ounces pignoli (pine nuts)
sea salt, freshly ground pepper (I used a lemon-pepper blend)
zest and juice of 1 small lemon (optional)


  • steam the prepped green beans in the manner of your choice
  • in a large skillet, melt the butter/olive oil over a medium-low heat
  • add the garlic and pignoli stirring constantly for 2-3 minutes making sure they do not burn; remove from heat
  • add the cooked, drained green beans and toss together along with a generous amount of salt & pepper (and the optional lemon, if using)

♥   ♥   ♥   ♥   ♥

God loves you!  ♥  (Don’t ever forget that!)


You Are My Refuge


The Lord also will be a refuge and a high tower for the oppressed,
a refuge and a stronghold in times of trouble
(high cost, destitution, and desperation).
And they who know Your name
[who have experience and acquaintance with Your mercy]
will lean on and confidently put their trust in You,
for You, Lord, have not forsaken those who seek (inquire of) You
[on the authority of God’s Word and the right of their necessity].
Psalms 9:9-10

You, oh Lord, are my refuge
You are holy and just
You are faithful and righteous
You, oh Lord, are my refuge
By Your mercy, You cover me

Under the shadow of Your wings
Lord, in Your presence I’ll remain
You are forevermore the same
You are my Refuge, my only Refuge

You, oh Lord, are my Refuge
In You I find rest
You’re my God and my Fortress
You, oh Lord are my Refuge
By Your mercy, You cover me

Under the shadow
Under the shadow
Under the shadow of Your wings
Under the shadow
Under the shadow
Under the shadow
By Your mercy You cover me

Cheryl Keaggy, singer/songwriter

This Week…Psalm 31:19


How great is Your goodness,
Which You have stored up for those who fear You,
Which You have wrought for those who take refuge in You,
Before the sons of men!
Psalm 31:19

*   ~   ♥   ~   ✞   ~  ♥   ~   *

This week, here on the Seeking Him devotional blog, we  have been reminded of our God’s GREAT goodness!   Our devotional writers have shared the Truth given us in this week’s passage through the devotionals they have written.  Here are a few of their thoughts….

In Fear of the Lord, Tina gave us two examples: the Israelites who did NOT have the fear of the Lord as opposed to the first-century Church who DID live in the fear of the Lord….

“The first-century Church (shown to us in the Book of Acts) practiced the fear of the Lord.

So the church throughout all Judea and Galilee and Samaria
had peace and was being built up.
And walking in the fear of the Lord
and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, it multiplied.
Acts 9:31

The early Church chose to focus on what was good in their lives and keep up their community by seeking daily to bless others and be God’s best.

We can walk in this way as well.  When we are coming into a state of turmoil, we can choose to walk in God’s goodness by following His Will in our lives.”

In God’s Goodness, Ann shared numerous Scriptures relating to the goodness of our God….

“Let me just show you a few verses in the Bible that show the goodness of God.

• Psalm 25:8  Good and upright is the Lord therefore He instructs sinners in His ways.
• Psalm 33:5   The Lord loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of His unfailing love.
• Psalm 34:8   Taste and see that the Lord is good, blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him.
• Psalm 119:68   You are good and what You do is good, teach me your decrees.
• Psalm 145:7  They will celebrate your abundant goodness and joyfully sing of Your righteousness.
• Matthew 19:17  “Why do you ask Me about what is good?” Jesus replied. “There is only One who is good. If you want to enter into life, keep the commandments.”

The above Scriptures speak to us in many ways, showing us the ways of the goodness of the Lord.  It is by His grace and His lovingkindness to put in store all this goodness just for us.  The beneficiaries of His goodness are you and I—as long as we do His will and walk in His statutes.  God’s goodness is immeasurable. The grace of God takes us to that level where we are able to receive this goodness.”

And in Using Blessings to Share God, Ahmee encouraged us to be sure to point others to the goodness of our God….

Psalm 31:19 says “…blessing them before the watching world…”.  I like that!  God blesses us before the eyes of the watching world.  He is using us to draw attention to Himself so that others will be saved.  God reaches and searches and hunts down. Truly, I cannot see how any one person might be able to say that they did not know of the Almighty God.  In this world of evil He has done so much.  So, let the world watch!  Let them watch and let them see!  But don’t forget to point them upward.  Use your blessings as the opportunity to point someone to God.

You Are Such a Good God


How abundant are the good things
that You have stored up for those who fear You,
that You bestow in the sight of all,
on those who take refuge in You.

Psalm 31:19

 *   ~   ♥   ~   ✞   ~  ♥   ~   *

Oh, Lord, we are so grateful for Your abundant goodness!  You have purposed and planned to take care of us—and we are so thankful.  You make it so easy to boast of our great God and to share with those around us of Your grace and goodness.  Today may we live our lives in such a way that we are not a hindrance and do not detract from the glory that belongs to You.  May our friends and family…our enemies even…be drawn to You as they cannot help but acknowledge Your blessings, Your goodness, Your benevolence as they see how graciously You care for us.  We love You…we praise You…we glorify You!  And we pray, thanking You for these things, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Psalm 100


Enter in through the gates
Enter in here with praise
Come before Him, come bring your song
We are His people, He is our God

For the Lord is good, and His love endures
His love endures
For the Lord is good, and His love endures
His love endures
Forevermore His faithfulness, it has no end
For the Lord is good, and His love endures
His love endures

Enter in to His courts
Enter in with grateful hearts
Come before Him, come bring your song
We are His people, He is our God

Raise your voice, shout for joy all the earth
We sing a new song now
We sing a new song now

It’s Your love
His love endures
His love endures

Forevermore His faithfulness, it has no end
For the Lord is good, and His love endures
His love endures

 Chris Tomlin
written along with Jason Ingram

*  ~  ♥  ~  ✞  ~  ♥  ~  *

As the last notes of this anthem play, my heart resounds the joyous statement of this song: His love endures!  (How about you?)

Are we not so very thankful that His love endures?  Without the enduring, faithful, steadfast, unconditional love of our God…where would we be?

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son,
that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16

His love which endures forever has made a way for us to have ‘forever’—eternal life—with Him!

And y’know what?  It has absolutely nothing to do with anything we have done or ever could do!  We have trust and confidence in our God because He always brings His Word to pass!  He is the only One Who does not change.  And so, yes, His love endures forever!

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above,
coming down from the Father of lights
with Whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.
James 1:17

God is not man, that He should lie,
or a son of man, that He should change his mind.
Has he said, and will He not do it?
Or has He spoken, and will He not fulfill it?
Numbers 23:19

For I the Lord do not change….
Malachi 3:6

  • Whenever you might be tempted to despair, consider this thought: His love endures forever.
  • When you want to give up, remind yourself: His love endures forever.
  • When you think you have had all you can possibly take…lift your head, and shout to the heavens: His love endures forever!

Say it to yourself.  Repeat it.  Sing it.  Memorize it.  Write it down on a sticky note and place it where you—and your loved ones!—will see it (on the bathroom mirror, on the dashboard of your vehicle, on the refrigerator, in a lunchbox): His love endures forever.  Encourage your husband: His loves endures forever.  Teach your children: His love endures forever.  Remind your sweet friends: His love endures forever.

  • No matter the troubles that come your way…His love endures forever.
  • No matter how you feel about those troubles…His love endures forever.
  • No matter whether we choose to believe it (or not)…His love endures forever.
  • No matter what…His love endures forever.

Believers throughout the centuries have sung these words; may we echo their praises.

“Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good;
His love endures forever.”

David, the Levites, and the Israelites  (1 Chronicles 16:34, 41)
Solomon, the musicians, and the singers  (2 Chronicles 5:13; 7:3; 20:21)
The Levites and the re-builders of the Temple  (Ezra 3:11)
David and the other psalmists (Psalm 100:5; 106:1; 107:1; 118:1, 6, 29; 136 <twenty-six times!>)
Jeremiah and the children of Israel  (Jeremiah 33:11)

May I encourage you to think back on the many, many, many ways you have experienced God’s enduring love and ‘Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever.’

And remember…no matter what:
He loves you today, tomorrow, and always.
His love endures forever!

Holy, Holy, Holy


Holy, holy, holy
Holy, holy, holy
Holy is the Lord God Almighty
Worthy to receive glory
Worthy to receive honor
Worthy to receive all our praise today

Praise Him
Praise Him and lift Him up
Praise Him
Exalt His name forever 

 Alvin Slaughter (along with the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir)
written by Joe Wood, John Dykes, Reginald Heber

 *   ~   ♥   ~   ✞   ~  ♥   ~   *

One day we will perfectly, completely, totally, truly exalt and praise and honor and glorify the Great I Am forever and ever…for all eternity!  Oh, isn’t it going to be so AWEsome?!!!?  Then we will be just like the heavenly host who now are around God’s throne.

…and day and night they never stop saying, HOLY, HOLY, HOLY
is the Lord God Almighty, Who was and Who is and Who is to come.
And whenever the living creatures offer glory and honor and thanksgiving to Him
Who sits on the throne, Who lives forever and ever,
The twenty-four elders fall prostrate before Him Who is sitting on the throne,
and they worship Him Who lives forever and ever;
and they throw down their crowns before the throne, crying out,
Worthy are You, our Lord and God,
to receive the glory and the honor and dominion,
for You created all things;
by Your will they were [brought into being] and were created.
Revelation 4:8-11

But even now we can exalt and praise and honor and glorify Him!!!  We have our Lord’s example…even He did not seek to bring glory to Himself!  Jesus lived His life on this earth to bring glory to His Father.

Jesus replied, “If I glorify myself, my glory means nothing.
My Father, whom you claim as your God, is the one who glorifies Me.
John 8:54

Jesus also taught His followers that they, too, could glorify God.

You are the salt of the earth.
But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again?  It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.
You are the light of the world.
A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.
Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl.
Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.
In the same way, let your light shine before others,
that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
Matthew 5:14-16

Just like you, I so yearn for my walk in this world to bring attention—to bring glory—to the Great I AM!  My prayer every day is that others will see Jesus in me, and that anything good or righteous I might do will glorify the God that I love.  As His child, everywhere I go He is with me.  But not always do my actions {or my words} prove that I am a child of God.

God will be glorified through our lives in the big, and the small, things as we live and breathe with His character within us.  By His grace we have been enabled to love with His love…to show mercy as He shows mercy…to forgive…to give grace.

These are things that bring Him honor and glorify Him:

  • when a wife chooses to speak words that respect her husband
  • when we sit with our children and grandchildren reading to them out of their little Bible story books teaching them about their heavenly Father
  • when we go on a missions trip to a far-away country (or a nearby town!) and share the Truth of the Gospel of Jesus with young women who have lived with no hope
  • when we take a meal to neighbors who have just added a new baby to their family
  • when we take part in our church’s community-wide VBS program and minister to a little girl who has never heard about Jesus until this week
  • when we are in a long line at the grocery store and ask the mom with a cart overflowing with food AND 3 children to get in line ahead of us
  • when we go sit on the porch to chat (and listen) with an elderly neighbor whose family rarely comes to visit

And so I ask…
today will Almighty God, the Great I AM,
be glorified with you or without you? (And me, too….)

Let’s practice what we will be doing forever…and ever…and ever!

Shrimp and Broccoli

Probably most of us have a favorite Chinese takeout dish…yes?  For me, when done well, it is Shrimp and Broccoli.  Not too spicy but garlic-y…with tender shrimp and broccoli with a bit of crunch (that’s my style).  But often I find a dish like this is just as easy to prepare at home. AND less expensive.

This fits so well into our healthy but oh-so-yummy POV!  It is full of fresh veggies, the shrimp is high protein, and the whole dish has around 300-350 calories!  Here’s the recipe we enjoy…and I would love to hear about your favorite takeout!

2015-07-13 19.37.35

Shrimp and Broccoli


1/4 cup chicken broth
1 tablespoon rice vinegar
2 tablespoons low-sodium soy sauce
2 teaspoons cornstarch
1 teaspoon sesame oil
1/3 cup chicken or vegetable broth
1/8 (or more) teaspoon crushed red pepper, optional
1 pound large shrimp, peeled and cleaned
1 teaspoon lemon-pepper seasoning
1 large head broccoli crowns, cut into florets
1-2 tablespoons coconut oil, divided
1 medium sweet onion, cut into wedges
big handful fresh sugar snaps or snow pea pods, optional
handful of baby carrots, optional
1 tablespoon minced  ginger (I use jarred)
toppings: 1/2 teaspoon sesame seeds, 1/4 cup sliced green onions
  • in a small bowl, whisk together the rice vinegar, soy sauce, honey, cornstarch, sesame oil, and broth; set aside
  • season the shrimp with 1 teaspoon lemon-pepper seasoning; set aside
  • prep all veggies: cut onion into small wedges, carrots in half length-wise, pea pods in half if necessary
  • steam broccoli for 5 minutes; remove from steamer and set aside
  • heat 1/2  tablespoon of coconut oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat
  • add the shrimp and cook, turning once, ’til just pink and slightly browned (4 minutes  or so); remove from pan, set aside
  • add another tablespoon of coconut oil to the pan, along with the carrots and onion; stir fry for 5 minutes or so allowing to brown just a bit
  • toss in the sugar snaps and garlic, and stir gently for 1-2 minutes
  • toss in the steamed broccoli
  • give a quick stir to the sauce mixture and pour into the pan; stir thoroughly but gently to coat all the veggies
  • add in the cooked shrimp while continuing to stir ’til the sauce is thickened (another minute or so)
  • remove from heat; scatter the optional toppings across the entire dish
  • serve with cooked quinoa or rice

    ♥   ♥   ♥   ♥   ♥

    God loves you!  ♥  (Don’t ever forget that!)

    ♥  coleen

You Have Been So Good


How great is Your goodness,
Which You have stored up for those who fear You,
Which You have wrought for those who take refuge in You,
Before the sons of men!
Psalm 31:19

You have been so good
You have been so good to me
In my faithless hour
You’ve been my Strength
You are my Tower
From the enemy
You have been so good
So good to me

Your hand is always faithful
Your mercy never ends
And when I feel unable
Your grace is there again

You chose me in my weakness
And all my sins forgave
I’ve nothing to repay You
So all that I can say

Lenny LeBlanc

This Week…Psalms 25:6-7


Remember, O Lord, Your compassion and unfailing love,
which You have shown from long ages past.
Do not remember the rebellious sins of my youth.
Remember me in the light of Your unfailing love,
for You are merciful, O Lord.
Psalms 25:6-7

In Forgiveness for All, Ahmee  reminded us of how great God’s forgiveness is…

Have you ever forgiven someone and then find yourself still thinking about it?  That’s when you have to remind yourself that you forgave them.  Human forgiveness is flawed.  We remember what was done to us.  Given some people can just let stuff go, but most people still remember.  God’s forgiveness is different.  God does not remember our past sins.  God’s Word says plenty about His forgiveness.

Then He adds, “Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more.”
Hebrews 10:17

As far as the east is from the west,
so far has He removed our transgressions from us.
Psalm 103:12

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just
and will forgive us our sins
and purify us from all unrighteousness.
1 John 1:9

In God’s Mercy and Goodness, Tina  wrote about David, and his example of a repentful heart…

You have to love how transparent David is in his prayers to God..David made a habit of pouring out his heart and soul before His Almighty Father.  David was human and he made mistakes just as we do. The only thing is he had a repentful heart; and, most of the time, we are busy and forget to confess our sin.  Then it all turns to regrets, and kind of piles up into such a huge mess that we even forget where the top or bottom is.  Daily…hourly…by the minute we should bring our issues, our thoughts,  our prayers to the throne of God.  Often we need to leave them there, leave them at the foot of the Cross because He is better able to handle each of our needs, wants, and desires.

In Divine Remembrance, Ann gave us some additional examples of men calling on God to remember them…


Remember me, O my God, concerning this,
and wipe not out my good deeds that I have done
for the house of my God, and for the offices thereof.
Nehemiah 13:14


Remember me, O Lord, with the favor Thou beareth unto Thy people,
O visit me with Thy salvation.
Psalm 106:4


 Lord, Thou knowest: remember me, and visit me,
and revenge me of my persecutors;
take me not away in Thy longsuffering:
know that for Thy sake I have suffered rebuke.
Jeremiah 15:15

The criminal who hung alongside Jesus

And he said unto Jesus, “Lord, remember me
when Thou comest into Thy kingdom.”
Luke 23:42

Thank You (for the things I have never thanked You for)


Thank You for the things
That I never thanked You for

You’ve given everything I need
And still I asked for more

It’s not that I’m ungrateful
I’m just forgetful, Lord

So I thank You for the things
That I’ve never thanked You for

There are so many blessings that You have given me
Things I take for granted everyday
The beauty of creation and the promise of my salvation
Lord, help me to remember when I pray

Now when my way grows weary
And rest is hard to find

And sometimes I can’t see
My way through

And when it seems that I am blinded
That’s when I need to be reminded

That the strength I thought was mine
…It came from You

~  The Isaacs  ~

*   ~   ♥   ~   ✞   ~  ♥   ~   *

The simple words of this bluegrass ballad are, sadly, so true: we do forget to give God thanks and we do take for granted oh-so-very-many things that God has done for us.  I am ashamed that I can sing the line ‘You’ve given everything I need…and still I asked for more’ right along with the Isaacs Family.  Oh, it’s not that I am not thankful—I am SO thankful!  Or that I don’t voice my thanks and praise to my heavenly Father.  And I am SURE you do, too!  But truly our mouths should be filled with thanks and not petitions.

Here is just one short passage full of incredible blessings (I’ve counted more than ten things to praise and thank Him for):

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to obtain an inheritance which is imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, who are protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials, so that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ;

1 Peter 1: 3-7

And another:

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him. In love He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will, to the praise of the glory of His grace, which He freely bestowed on us in the Beloved. In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace which He lavished on us. In all wisdom and insight He made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His kind intention which He purposed in Him with a view to an administration suitable to the fullness of the times, that is, the summing up of all things in Christ, things in the heavens and things on the earth. In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to His purpose who works all things after the counsel of His will, to the end that we who were the first to hope in Christ would be to the praise of His glory.

Ephesians 1:3-12

Thank You for the things that I’ve never thanked You for!”  Have we intentionally thanked God for being ‘blessed…with every spiritual blessing…in Christ’? Or purposefully thanked Him for being ‘predestined according to His purpose…to the end that we…would be to the praise of His glory’?  Or thanked Him from the depth of our hearts for the truth that ‘He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world that we would be holy and blameless before Him’?

Our giving of thanks to God should fill our days!  When we get up, we have much to be thankful for (breath, life, new day, new mercies…).  As we go throughout the day, we have much to be thankful for (protection, guidance, forgiveness, peace, comfort…).  As we lay our heads down at night, we have much to be thankful for (provision, joy, trials gotten through, loved ones…).  And even as the Psalmist wrote,

At midnight I will rise to give thanks to You because of Your righteous ordinances.
Psalm 119:62

So let’s not be forgetful but thankful.  Truly, we should

Rejoice always; pray without ceasing;
in everything give thanks;
for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Every day, throughout each day, speak and sing out your thankfulness to your heavenly Father!

To the end that my tongue and my heart
and everything glorious within me
may sing praise to You and not be silent.
O Lord my God, I will give thanks to You forever.
Psalm 30:12