February 22, 2025

Discipling Our Children at Home

Over the last several months, the teaching team at our church has been speaking about discipleship. They have taught us what a disciple is, which is basically a student; what it looks like to disciple others, which is to bring friends and family along with us on our journey with Jesus; how time, talent, and treasure are all a part of being a disciple (giving); and so much more! If you are interested in hearing the messages in this series, please listen here.

Discipling Our Children at Home www.GirlfriendsCoffeeHour.com #goandmake #homeschool #discipleship

As we began this series, and moved forward each week, I wondered whether I was discipling anyone. I am a disciple myself, a follower of Christ, and I am striving to lean in and follow Him even more carefully as the weeks and months go on. I do write for a few blogs as a contributor and on my own blog, and those could be considered a way of discipling. I pray that what I write encourages someone along their faith-walk at some point. But I kept asking myself, who am I discipling? How can I disciple someone?

Then it dawned on me.

Those I am discipling every day are my children.

You may think that is an odd realization since, as a mom in her 8th year of homeschooling, I am with my children all day, every day. Still, it took me a while. I guess I was looking outward, towards a church ministry area or leading a bible study in my neighborhood, as many of my friends and acquaintances are doing. However, in this season of my life, while I am busy homeschooling and raising my five children from ages 3 to 16, I have limited opportunities to disciple those outside of my own home. But what a ripe-for-the-harvest ‘field’ I have right here before me! Once I realized this, I was even able to encourage another friend who was asking the same questions that I had been asking.

Homeschooling. This is our ‘discipleship program’! What a blessing it is to be able to be home, to learn together, to stop academics as needed to teach biblical principles and to correct behavior, to discipline, and to disciple, as we walk the homeschooling journey together with our children.

I want to encourage you, homeschool mama, as you move through each day and especially in this holiday season—do not compare yourselves to others. God has given you very specific duties to carry out with your own children! Perhaps you can fit in some volunteer hours at church or in a shelter in your area, or in some other setting where you are able to disciple others. Maybe you were able to participate in the Christmas cookie exchange, hang hundreds of tiny lights on the exterior of your home, and bake holiday breads for 10 days straight in preparation for the local holiday bake sale.

If you cannot and did not, please do not despair.

God has you in this season right now to pour into your children. On the days when it seems too difficult, and you feel like you have nothing left, lean further into Him. He will give you the strength, the wisdom, His words to pour into and speak over your children, and to lead them just a bit closer to Him each day!

Do you have any suggestions for discipling our children? I would love to hear them, so please leave a comment below!

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About Wendy Woerner

Wendy Woerner - Blog Contributor - At Home w/ GCH
Wendy Woerner, married to her high school sweetheart for almost 18 years, is beginning her 8th year of homeschooling. You will find her blogging about her life at Following in His Footsteps and writing about feeding her family at Southern Test Kitchen. Wendy is also an allergy-friendly recipes contributor over at Managing Your Blessings, as well as a contributor for Holy Spirit-Led Homeschooling. When not working, Wendy loves spending time with her family, getting creative in the kitchen, reading about all forms of homeschooling, and encouraging other moms that they can be successful with homeschooling, too!
You can follow her personal blog at www.FollowingInHisFootsteps.wordpress.com.