February 22, 2025

The Resolution for Women — Weekly Overview

Well, how was your first week with The Resolution for Women?  Were you able to make some changes in your life, or at least see some areas where changes are needed?  I know I did!  I saw a few things!

Our Memory Verse of the week:  

Yet true godliness with contentment is itself great wealth.

1 Timothy 6:6 (NIV)

Monday we talked about making “every bite count” and enjoying your life where you are right now!  Taking the time to smell the coffee, and enjoying what God has given you; scraping up every last crumb of that amazing dessert!  No matter what age you are, there is still time to start enjoying your life TODAY!  Resolve to make that change in your life; spend more quality time with your husband and children, and move on from there.

Tuesday we talked about the “secret” to contentment.  Do you remember what the secret is?  Choosing to recognize that God has already supplied us with everything we need in life, and choosing to be perfectly content with what He has already given us.  Only then will we be able to fully engage in life in a way that we never have before….living life to the fullest.

Wednesday we talked about His “overflowing blessings”.  Here we learned how to be more comfortable with giving, because we have learned that God’s got our back, no matter what!  To use the abundance that He has already given us to give to others, and not to worry about “what if I run short by giving what I have to someone else”.  This was truly an eye-opening chapter for me!!  How about you??

Thursday we talked about the “balancing point”.  Again, another eye-opening chapter, for me!  What is true contentment?  Priscilla describes in so many different ways in this chapter, but the one that I liked the best was this, “It’s a balance.  A holy equilibrium.  A genuine gratitude for what the day brings, all the while maintaining a controlled anticipation for tomorrow may offer.”  I LOVE that!!  Having gratitude for today, and a “controlled anticipation” for tomorrow!  Meaning, not allowing ourselves to get ahead of God and begin to worry about tomorrow!

I don’t know about you, but I have learned a lot in this section of the Resolution for Women!  Be sure to go back over this first section once more, before we head into next week.  Highlight areas in each chapter where you feel God is speaking to you about.  Then pray and ask Him to help you resolve to become increasingly satisfied in your life, as Paul was.  Ask Him to teach you to be content.  As Paul said, being content is a process that we need to learn.  It isn’t something that just happens overnight.  But it is something that can be learned!


Next week, our topic is “Purposefully Feminine — a resolution to champion biblical femininity”.   Another awesome chapter!
Have a Great weekend Ladies!  See you again on Sunday! 
Living Intentionally for Him,
Let’s pray:
Father, thank You so much for the lessons we have learned this week.  As Paul learned how to be content in all things, Lord, we ask that You help us learn to be content in all things, as well.  We understand that in our own power, it can’t be done completely, but through You, Lord, we can truly learn to be content!  We thank You Lord for what You are doing in our lives through this study.  We ask special blessings upon Priscilla Shirer, the author of this book, for the work she put into writing this amazing book!  We love You Lord, in Jesus’ Name, AMEN!
After reading today’s blog, please return to our Online Bible Study Group on Facebook for your daily activity!  ♥  You just never know what we have in store for you!
If you are not currently a part of our Online Bible Study group, and would like to be, please send an email to GirlfriendsCoffeeHour@gmail.com, and we’ll be glad to add you!
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  1. It's been an amazing week! So much wisdom – so much sharing – WOW, it's been an awesome kick off and looking forward to week 2! Thanks to all who put so much heart and soul into this group and every sister here!!!!

  2. What an awesome week it's been! Not only have I had changes but I've seem changes in my husband and our conversations about this book and this study have been minimal at best. God is SOOOOOO good! I can't wait for next week! That's a subject that I've been learning for years and have seen a huge difference in my life and marriage since putting it into practice.
    LOVING THIS STUDY!!!! Thanks for the recap and thanks to all 4 of you wonderful ladies for helping us to learn along the way!

  3. Everyday has just been so enlightening! Thank you so much for the prayers and support among our group here. True Blessings each and everyone of you!

  4. It really has been an amazing week! I'm thrilled to be able to share this journey with such awesome women!! 😉

  5. Beverly McCormick says

    I have Needed this study…and I am so thankful to Kim Clifton for inviting me several weeks ago….God has truly blessed me and yet changed me huge! I can barely wait to get into week 2….thanks to our leaders and the ladies of our group who share their time and their hearts….have a wonderful weekend with your families as you refresh and prepare your hearts and mind for what God has to show us next week!

  6. Well, I have got to tell you that this study is unbelievably timely for me. I do have to confess though, that I haven't been doing my assignments as I committed to. I have done my reading, and some of this is just absolutely blowing me away. Specifically "Every Bite Counts"! I can remember that even as a child, I couldn't wait to get "there" and then wonder how long it would be before i was over. This has been a life pattern for me. I can remember times in my life when I have been content, but it was always when the circumstances were good. There have been seasons in my life where my walk with the Lord has been much better than it's been over the last year. But ladies, let me tell you, once I committed to this study, the Lord has done some amazing things, and is drawing me in. I long to be in that place where I have been before, and then go beyond that. So with that being said, I am re-reading the chapters, taking notes and working on the assignments, so I can continue to blessed by Him, this study and YOU!!