January 22, 2025

The Resolution for Women: The Secret

Memory Verse for this week:

“Now godliness with contentment is great gain”

1 Timothy 6:6 (NIV)

I am speechless. Dear Priscilla…….. I, Megan Smidt, am SPEECHLESS!!!!!

I don’t even know what to write. There is no way I could add anything of importance to what Priscilla penned on the 6 pages that make up the section of Chapter One called “The Secret.” If you have not read it yet, I BEG YOU to stop reading my words, pull out your Resolution book, and read pages 17 to 22. Go now. I’ll wait…..

Ok so I just gave you pleanty of time to read this all for yourself. Now….. let’s chat.

I was a retail sales manager for over 10 years and I was good at it. It was my job to motivate people to sell things to other people wether they needed it or not. I’m not talking about a $30 handbag either…. the handbags I sold cost anywhere from $500 to $10,000. I decided I couldn;t do it any longer when my boss came to me a few weeks after 9/11 complaining about our sales numbers. She urged me to make my sales people “play up” feeling better about life and the state of our world by buying things to make them feel better. While we were living in the midst of complete uncertainty about EVERYTHING, I was supposed make my sales people prey on our customer’s insecurities, fear and doubt to get them to buy stuff to give them a false sense of security.

I couldn’t do it.

I was recruited to a higher paying retail job managing “secrets” of another kind involving lots of bras and panties. I didn’t work there for very long though, as I was more needed managing my newly acquired full-time household of 7.

Philippians 4:12-13

12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry,whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

Priscilla states: “When you’ve concluded that what you already have on hand is enough, that it’s adequate- that it’s been deemed by God as sufficient- then you’re EQUIPPED and EMPOWERED to participate fully in the tasks set before you during this season of life.”

Do you know that you can BANK on that? Really, deep down in your soul, do you TRUST that God is not only capable of providing for you but He wants to give you even more than you need to be able to EXCEL at His purposes?

This is Biblical, my friends, and I urge you to let this sink into your heart. Priscilla shares with us that “God has already given enough. He always does. And when you and I choose to recognize this and TRUST in His continued supply, we’ll be able to engage in life in a way we never have before. We’ll finally be living life to the fullest.”


Please, please, please DO NOT keep it to yourself!!!!! Really let this penetrate into every crevice of your heart and soul today. Spend time with this TRUTH and I urge you to spend a good amount of time in prayer with your Heavenly Father before beginning today’s homework.


When you are ready, begin your journey to contentment by making a list. Label one side “My Needs.”  Label the other side “God’s Provision.” Then match up your needs with the way God is currently meeting them. Place your list in a handy place for the times you are tempted to lean toward dissatisfaction.

Let’s pray:

Dear God, You don’t ask us to do anything in Your Word that isn’t possible through You and through having a deep, intimate walk with You. Thank you for this perfect provision, Lord, and I pray that TODAY is a new day for every woman who reads this blog who is struggling with trusting You with every aspect of her life. Speak boldly into her life today, Lord! Wake her up to your perfect provision so that she can FINALLY be all You have created her to be for YOU to get all the glory Lord! You want more for us than we could ever come up with on our own for your love is truly extravagant…. more amazing than anything we could try to replace it with of this world. Help us to only seek satisfaction through walking intimately with You within Your will, God, and help us to boldly share the  perfect provision found only through You with every life we encounter. We are believing for INCREDIBLE revelation today, Father, and I pray that none of us will EVER be the same again as our eyes are now open to YOU being the only satisfaction that could ever quench our thirst. We love you and we thank you. In Your Son’s matchless name we pray, amen <3

Question of the day:

What might God be trying to grow in your character or cement in your relationship with Him by keeping you separated from some of the things you want but don’t have yet?  Please share your thoughts about this in a comment below!

After reading today’s blog, please return to our Online Bible Study Group on Facebook for your daily activity!  ♥  You just never know what we have in store for you!

If you are not currently a part of our Online Bible Study group, and would like to be, please send an email to GirlfriendsCoffeeHour@gmail.com, and we’ll be glad to add you!

…AND don’t forget to also follow my husband Craig and I’s blogs as we are writing about this journey daily here:

Me: www.glorytoglorylifecoaching.wordpress.com

Craig: www.adversusmundi.wordpress.com

Many blessings, dear friends,

Megan 🙂

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About Megan Smidt

Megan Smidt – Co-Founder of Girlfriends Coffee Hour
Megan and her husband Craig live in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, along with their 5 children ranging in age from 21 years old to 14. Megan is a Certified Christian Life Coach specializing in Relationship Coaching and more specifically, Blended Family Relationships. She also works part-time as Personal Assistant to Christian Musician Yancy. She loves to travel and spend time with family and friends. She enjoys reading, music, movies, photography, paper crafting, sewing and roller skating.


  1. It was a powerful eye opener for me to read the part abput how the Secret was passed down and how much it's changed and been distorted. I am praying that God would help me to operate in the true secret He has given to me and to guide my life according to that so that I am content to be right where He has me.

  2. He's trying to get me out of my comfort zone into the ministry He has for me. My excuses tend to be lack of time or ability. So He gave me Christi. 😉 And she put together an awesome group of ladies to study His word to grow more in Him for the benefit of the Kingdom, ourselves, our families, and the world. And the she listened when He told her I was supposed to help her in this venture. *GASP* How could she put that much trust in me?! I knew as soon as she asked that was what I was supposed to do, whether I was comfortable with it or not. I didn't let myself stew on it for long for fear I would talk myself put of doing His work. I was given confirmation through a prophet that I had made the right decision.
    In my head I know I can do all thing through Christ who strengthens me. And He will make sure I have enough time to do the work He has for me. But it's not comfortable. I am enjoying the journey. This particular study has made me slow down in everything so I can give my all to my family and God. I WANT the confidence to just jump in and do it. He's working on that through the encouragement and trust of others. You ladies are a huge blessing in ways that you don't even know!
    And that concludes this chapter in the novel. Lol

    • Tracy, you are more than able to be encourager and prayer partner, and to pass on wisdom that God has given you throughout your own marriage! What I love best about God is that He doesn't call the equipped….He equips the called! YOU are a blessing to this ministry! You are an awesome friend! And I love you to pieces!

    • robinjp7 says

      God continuously stretches us out of our comfort zones, sometimes gently, often times we feel yanked, but He promises to "never leave us nor forsake, nor leave us helpless or without support". Tracy you're a treasured part of our team, and a great blessing! <3

  3. I too am speechless! Your blog post left me thinking for sure. There are definitely things I WANT that God is just not handing to me – and I'm okay with that. I know that we can't WORK our way into heaven (and this is not about that), but I feel that God is nudging me to do the work necessary on earth to obtain my goals (my wants) -that I just cannot expect Him to hand me whatever I want because I pray for it and think I need it. I must be obedient and do my part as well – when the time is right – God's Time – it will come to pass if it's supposed to. If not, I truly don't need it……… His provisions truly are enough…..through him we are EMPOWERED and what more do we need than that? There is so much more floating around in my brain – but it's not coming out in a sensible way – so I'll stop here! Thank you for the marvelous blog and for your awesome words of wisdom.

    • Thank you for those words, Kelley! This is so true!!! I know it is all still floating around in my head as well! Have you Made your lists yet? That is really helping me sort through it all <3

  4. robinjp7 says

    Once I got past that YOU were speechless I could go on! Great post Megan! I'm marinating on it and will print it out….
    Procrasting is something that I've been delivered of, thank You Lord, now it's time for me to work on the things God has given me to do, while resolving to be content with where I'm at. Thank you for your words today!

  5. HMMMMM – I really have to think on this because I do not feel as if I am in a season of wanting something. I do know that God is working on me, my past to let go, to forgive and be content. Contentment is a BIG lesson I am working on right now. I actually find myself being resentful of people (in my own family) I find being content as I keep myself so busy and don't understand it. So it is by example that I am trying to grab hold and find that – learn from it.

    • One thing that I am learning too, Jenny, is that contentment isn't just about "things" in our lives. What you have mentioned here about family is a prime example that contentment includes every aspect of our lives! Will be praying that God walks you through to complete victory with your past! He doesn't want us walking in bondage to our past! HE carries the key to the lock on your chains! Allow Him to use it in your life! ((HUGS))

  6. Beverly McCormick says

    over the past 2 years God has been making changes in my life…and through studying today's lesson He again confirmed to me that I am who He made me to be and I don't need (more things) to prove that. God has been showing me a realization of need vs. want and I am so happy that He continues to grow this in me…..however, my husband and I are not on the same page with this….so it makes it difficult for me to say "yes" to something he wants when I know God has said "no". God has shown me that my total dependency in all areas of my life are to be placed with Him and not others or myself… So many things God has enlightened in my heart through these six pages today….some so personal I can't share….but God is carrying me through all and I LOVE how He is changing Me!

    • I pray that God continues to walk alongside you throughout the process Beverly! He promises to never leave us nor forsake us… Praying that this journey will be what helps you see victory in all areas of your life!

  7. carol costello says

    OUCH! Resolving to be content! Boy did that statement hit me hard! And not just with material things… Since I've come across online Bible studies, I have found so much joyfulness. My hubby loves the changes in me. I love feeling so full of joy and all glory belongs to Him. But others have made comments that have hurt…you see, I'm not afraid to tell others about how God is working in my life. But there are times when I take the comments too personally, then I'm not content, or doubt, what I've chosen (i.e. these studies). So today, I resolve to be content in my choice! I resolve to not listen to the lies!! And I'm so looking forward to what He has in store for me! Big Love!

    • Yea for resolution!!!!! You're absolutely right when you call those hurtful things lies. If you are growing closer to God, the devil wants to steal that from you. Kick him in the face and laugh with the joy of the Lord! 🙂

  8. merol mattier says

    Like you Megan I am speechless. I have been marinating on 1Corinthians 9:8 all day not quite sure why. I don't doubt that God is able maybe it is the in every way always having everything I need to excel in every good work. I don't feel that way sometimes, but Im trusting His word dispite my feelings and Im encouraged to know that He is doing this even if I dont feel like it. Thank you Lord. The homework I am still pondering. It is a tough question 🙁

    • I understand, Merol. Have you Been able to make the 2 lists? That helped me greatly with sorting through my thoughts to Be aBle to tackle the question <3

  9. Wow! How this first chapter really spoke to my heart! I am sooo blessed by the Lords timing, of how He led me to this study! And to think I clicked on the link, simply because I liked the lil picture with the coffee cup about girlfriends! 🙂 As I began reading, my mind took me to the story related in The Secret of the Vine, as the author told the story of the vine dresser, how after a storm, he gently picks up the vine, out of the mud, and tenderly washes off the mud from the leaves, props the vines back up with sticks to let air circulate, so it can get the sunshine it needs , and to allow full access for tending! The vine dresser lovingly cultivates each branch so that it will bear as much fruit as possible! I began to cry as I read this, because once again, I knew He was doing this for me! This is a season in my life, that I KNOW I have been given every single thing I need, I am truly blessed beyond measure…so why on earth would I ever feel discontented?! God still desires to use me, and I mustn't be like the 2 year old, who doesn't want to share his toys…I know God is asking me to share my time, and gifts, as well as the wealth of lessons I've learned as a wife of 29 years and mother of 5 children! I am so thankful the Lord has brought this study into my life!

    • Bless you, Tawnya!!! I am so happy you found us and we can walk this journey side By side with the Lord. I ahve 5 kids as well…. not so easy But SOOOOOOOO worth it! <3 Stay oBedient to His call and He will always prepare you for everything he Brings your way!

  10. I think God may be trying to foster my total dependency on Him. I need to be able to trust Him fully and have faith that He has a path for me – and belief that I will be able to succeed on this path once it is shown to me. I think God might want me to remember that I am a woman of integrity and that I have more strength than I know. I do praise Him for all that I have, but I will start praising Him also for having all that I need.

  11. janet jackson says

    I would like nothing more than to return to work and help support my family. But God is consistently saying "not yet" as He continues leading me into Bible studies that challenge and strenghten me. My season of unemployment has allowed me time to volunteer at the local pregnancy center and help others around me that I otherwise would have no time and energy for. He is also proving Himself faithful by supplying $ to pay bills when we had NO idea how it would be paid. I believe I am being called to depend on Him for ALL things!

  12. I personally do not know how to answer that question. No matter how long I think on it the answer doesn't come. I'm not being negative that's just how I operate at times. As far as making the list that was suggested not sure how to do that either. I'm not comprehending and please don't try to explain it because I will just get that much more frustrated with myself. So please try to understand where I'm coming from.

    • Dear one, its ok 🙂 we all operate that way…. revelation will come at the perfect time. Know that God meets you right where you are. This is a building block and as long as you are seeking Him, His guidance and His promises, it will all come together. Please don't be discouraged. Know that we are all going to struggle at times and that is okay. We are all here to help and encourage each other to be our best for His glory 🙂

  13. Megan thank you I did the two lists and it helped.

    • I'm glad it helped Merol 🙂 It wasn't easy for me to make my lists. In fact, it took me all day and I'm not sure if I am even done. This is one amazing ride we just began and i'm eager to see where we go next 🙂

  14. I am excited to see how doing this study online with others will be. God has moved me 900 miles from my hometown 2 years ago. I had come out of a controlling lifestyle to the grace of God. He healed me from cancer and has given me reconciliation with my family. He is now moving me into another time of simplifying life, this chapter on secrets was perfect. he is taking me into a season of knowing He will provide all we need if we follow His lead. I have found it is only my belief in what I need that makes it seem I lack. Thank you for opening this up for everyone.

  15. Gwen Smith says

    I have learned over the years that I sometimes mix my wants in with my needs. He never promised to supply all my wants,but my needs He suppies and I am so amazed that I can depend on this promise. I don't live in a huge house, but I live in ahome which shelters me, I breath in His air , Iam feed by His Hand, Iam loved by His Grace,and the list goes on. I am learning everyday to be content with what God has blessed me with.

    • Gwen…. you are so right and it is struggle we all face living in this fallen world. Being so hyper-aware of His presence makes all the difference as well as being so thankful for his constant provision <3