February 22, 2025

The Resolution for Women – Integrity

“Blessed are those whose way is blameless”

Psalm 119:1


This week in The Resolution for Women, we will discuss Integrity, and what that means in our own lives.  When I think of the word Integrity, it says to me

  • Am I the same person in public that I am in the privacy of my own home?
  • Is the life that I lead honoring God?
  • Am I compromising my own moral values for what society calls “Okay”?
  • Am I accepting evil in a justifiable way?

Most people look at integrity as a way of being perfect; no sin, etc.  That, we know, will never happen because man has a sinful nature.  The only human that ever walked this earth was Jesus himself.  But with the Holy Spirit living inside of us, we are able to live a life of integrity if we allow Him to guide us.

I am going to, once again, post a video here by Priscilla Shirer speaking about this chapter of her book.  At the beginning of this video, she briefly discusses the last chapter on Forgiveness, but it then moves in to this weeks lesson on Integrity.

After watching the video, I will post something that she shared that I thought was rather interesting…..here’s Priscilla….

(Girlfriends Coffee Hour does not in any way endorse the Crossroads Membership Pledge mentioned at the end of this video)


Did you catch what she said about the Rat Poison?

3% of the ingredients in rat poison is actually poison.  Just 3%!!  The other 97% is stuff that will actually taste good to the rat to attract it to the poison.

What 97% of the things in your own life is pulling you to the 3% of the poison (evil) ???

How many marriages focus on just the 3% of the “poison” in their marriage, only to end in divorce and never even think of the other 97%???

What 3% in your own life is keeping you from God’s fullness?

Ask yourself this question:  Is what I am doing behind closed doors bringing honor to God?

Or, Can I ask God to bless what I am doing or saying?

If the answer is no to either one of those last questions, maybe it’s time to talk to God about what is happening in your life. God does not want the activity in your life to bring you to dulled spiritual sensitivity.  He wants you to be filled to the fullest that You can have through Christ Jesus!

Besides, God already knows what goes on behind closed doors.  He already knows what you are watching on television, or looking at on the computer.  He already knows what is happening in your marriage, or at work.  He already knows the things you are involved in, or the things you are addicted to.

All He is doing now is waiting for you to bring it to Him, confess it, and ask for forgiveness, so you can walk in the Integrity , the fullness, that He has for you!  What are you waiting for?  He’s ready when you are…..


Let’s Pray:

Father, this week in this bible study, we talk about Integrity and what that means.  The resolution calls for us to no longer tolerate evil influences, even in the most justifiable form; either in our homes, or in ourselves.  It calls for us to embrace and encourage a life of purity.

Lord, if there are things in our lives today that prevent us from living this life of purity, we ask that You reveal it to us now.  Once they are revealed, Father, we will confess it out loud to You, so we can hear it with our own ears.  We then will seek You for forgiveness of those things in our lives.  In 1 John 1:9, Lord, Your word tells us that if we confess our sins, You are faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.  

We ask You today Lord to forgive us for the things in our life that are causing us to walk with an unclean heart, and outside of integrity.  We ask that You create in us a clean heart, as we strive to grow deeper in our walk with You, and more intimate in our relationship with You.

In Jesus’ Name, AMEN!


Your Assignment:

Answer below in the comment section what the word Integrity means to you.  Who do you know in your life that walks with the utmost integrity?  Tell us about that person.


After you complete this assignment, then go back to your Facebook Group and see what Megan has for us for our daily activity.  I’m sure it is going to be interesting!!  If you do not belong to one of our FB Groups, and you wish to be added, please send us an email to: GirlfriendsCoffeeHour@gmail.com, and we’ll be happy to add you!!

Tomorrow, Megan will be with us to discuss the next chapter of this section:  Structural Soundness

Have a GREAT Week Everyone! I look forward to reading your comments below!

The Resolution for Women Chapter 7 Weekly Review

Weekly Review


Jeremiah 31:34

“I will forgive their wrongdoing,

and their sin I will remember no more”



Here’s Christi with our Weekly Overview

AND our Burning Ceremony!!  Be sure to watch!!




It’s time to sign this Chapter’s Resolution:

My Forgiveness

I will forgive those who have wronged me

and reconcile with those I have wronged.


Your Signature

I’ll see you again on Sunday with next weeks lesson schedule!

Have a GREAT Weekend!!

The Resolution for Women: All Clear

Jeremiah 31: 34

I will forgive their wrongdoing and never again remember their sin.”


Don’t you wish  forgiveness was as easy as Priscilla describes in today’s chapter, using the “Delete” button?  I mean look at the Hatfield’s and McCoy’s!  Perhaps if only one of them had used the ‘Delete’ button years and years ago, the incredible family feud that has gone on for so many years, taking many lives, would have been long over – instead they have made history over a lifetime of unforgiveness.  In scripture it tells us the following ~

 “Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you”      Ephesians 4:32

Being around someone you don’t like and being kind is one thing; however,  forgiveness has to be the hardest pill for us to swallow.  “Excuse me Lord, you want me to forgive Her“?  [emphasis]  How many of us have asked that question over and over with various people in our lives.  It’s so much easier for us to just ignore people – stop associating with them – or chalking them off in our lives rather than doing as Jesus would and forgiving them.   It’s built into our flesh – it’s human – there is no “delete” button.

How many of you have someone in your life that you need to forgive?  How many have a dark cloud hanging over your head because this issue is not resolved? Doesn’t it truly keep cropping up? Perhaps you miss a family function because of this or you actually find yourself missing this person you’ve chosen not to forgive~ both situations very irritating, keeps the wound festering even long after the event.  Unfortunately, we cannot seem to hit that “delete button” to free them and to free us.

Well, it’s time to hit the “delete” button.  Scripture makes it clear.  Jesus has made it clear.  Do not let one more day go by without reaching way deep down inside of your heart to forgive to, lift the burden this carries on your life.  Not only will you feel better yourself mentally and physically, but you will be following the desires of God’s heart.  THIS is worth it all by itself!

So,  if forgiving others is tough, what about the need to forgive yourself?  Well, that’s a whole different story, huh!?

The following story is true and it breaks my heart to tell it; however, it’s a story that truly screams out forgiveness in every sense of the word so I need to share it.

I have a friend and  when he was away one day, his oldest son was riding his bike outside and fell; his mother ran out the door to rescue him.  Unfortunately, while mom was outside with her injured son, his 2-year-old brother went through an opened sliding glass door and into the pool drowning.  Horrifying, right?  RIGHT!  Can  you absolutely imagine the pain of this mother?  Do you think she has forgiven herself today?   The true answer is, I honestly do not know for sure.  Her mistake cost her son’s life ~ that is a level of forgiveness I cannot even imagine having in this situation.

And, what about this little guy’s father?  This baby boy was the apple of his eye, his heart – and now he was gone due to an accident caused by a simple mistake.  An open door.  And he wasn’t there to protect him.  He couldn’t save him. Outside of not being able to forgive himself, what about forgiveness for his wife?  The wife who left the door open that his baby went through The turmoil that must have (and likely still does) cause him agony. How does one dig that deep?

Here’s the GREAT part.  Here’s the part we need to get and understand…..Priscilla says, “No human forgiveness is strong enough, not even your own, to ever free you from the torturous remainder of your offense and the cloak of guilt in it lays on your shoulders”  – did you hear that  NO HUMAN FORGIVENESS IS ENOUGH .  There is only one way to lift that black cloud, to free yourself from the bondage and years of suffering and that is to accept the gift that Jesus Christ has given us – the gift of freedom – freedom from our sins.  He forgives US – we in turn need to forgive others.

Priscilla says it best when she says, ‘He felt the crown of thorns pressed onto His head.  He took the beating……..He hung on Golgotha’s tree.  That’s when you received all the forgiveness you’ll ever need.  When he cried, ‘It is finished!’.  It was done.”   – The ‘DELETE’ button pressed.  For us.  For each and every one of us.

Do not let another day go by without forgiving yourself or someone else.  Press your Delete button today. Jesus did.


Your Assignment:

  • Describe in your own words the differences and connections between forgiving yourself and receiving God’s forgiveness.
  • Choose one past action that you’ve held against yourself, and then prayerfully (INTENTIONALLY)  consider the Lord’s payment for this sin. Choose to receive it for yourself.
    Let’s Pray:
    Father God, thank you for the gift of forgiveness.  For dying on that cross for us and freeing us from all of our sins.  It is my prayer Father that whatever burdens we carry internally or those that we carry for others be removed as we remember that day on Calvary.  May we intentionally work in the name of forgiveness.  We ask these things in your humble name. We love you Father, Amen.

Now it’s time to go back to your Facebook Online Bible Study Group to see what your Daily Activity is!!  I’m guessing it’s going to be a fun one!!  If you are not currently in one our FB OBS Groups, and would like to be, please send an email to:  GirlfriendsCoffeeHour@gmail.com, and we’ll be glad to add you!!


Kelley <3<3

Read all about Craig’s Resolution for Men Journey here: www.adversusmundi.wordpress.com

The Resolution for Women: Internal Injuries

Jeremiah 31: 34

I will forgive their wrongdoing and never again remember their sin.”

In the few pages of this lesson, Priscilla challenges us to stop for a moment and take a look inside ourselves. As women, when we don’t WANT to deal with our hurts, frustrations, anger and bitterness, we tend to stay busy or focus our attention on everyone else. Priscilla begs us to STOP today…. right now…. and begin to look inside.

If you don’t feel like forgiveness is an issue for you right now, bless you! Hebrews 12:15 is your verse to stand on so that you can continue to see to it that “….no root of bitterness springs up causing trouble.”

You may be currently walking through a season where you are walking through each day with a happy face on like you don’t have a care in the world, but on the inside you are in turmoil and hardly living. Dear sister, if this describes you…. please know that THIS is not what God intends for your life! As much as you try to hide your pain, hurt and bitterness, it is slowly seeping out all over your body and will soon, when you least expect it, spew over into every part of your life.

On page 130 Priscilla writes:

“Instead of working so hard to keep the focus and spotlight on everyone else- both those who’ve hurt us as well as those who make us feel better and forget all about it- let’s be willing to drag out these grudges we’re holding and harboring, these heavy containers  of unforgiveness that never stop leaching poisons  into our system.”

Are you ready to be on your way to healing?

Are you ready to really LIVE?

Well…. then its time to get real and let God into these places where we have been so intentionally keeping Him out.

Priscilla also gives us some wonderful scripture to reference as we begin this journey:

Passages on forgiveness:

  • Mark 11:25-26- making reconciled relationships a regular part of our praying
  • Matthew 6:14-15- how our unforgiveness of others relates to God’s forgiveness of us.
  • Hebrews 12:14- the blessing that flows from pursuing peace with everyone.

Passages on bitterness:

  • Ephesians 4:31- the only good thing to do with it is to get rid of it.
  • Hebrews 12:15- what bitterness can so if it’s not pulled up by the roots
  • Proverbs 14:10- all we can ever expect from hanging on to it.



Your Assignment:

Prayer fully consider: Who, if anyone, are the people you harbor unforgiveness toward? How have you seen this affect your life?

Please share what the Lord shows you with us in a comment below….


Let’s Pray:

Lord, this journey is not easy and we recognize that we cannot do this without You and Your supernatural intervention. Thank you for this precious gift we are able to unlock through the redemptive work of Your Son. Be with each of us today, Father, as we dig deep within and prepare for surgery on our internal injuries to be healed once and for all to be able to be our very best for Your glory! Show us what YOU want us to see, Father. Help us become vulnerable to these areas of our life that we have been hiding in order to not be robbed of this healing you have for us any longer. We thank you in advance for what You will do., In Jesus’ name we pray, amen <3

Now it’s time to go back to your Facebook Online Bible Study Group to see what your Daily Activity is!!  I’m guessing it’s going to be a fun one!!  If you are not currently in one our FB OBS Groups, and would like to be, please send an email to:  GirlfriendsCoffeeHour@gmail.com, and we’ll be glad to add you!!


Megan 🙂

Read all about Craig’s Resolution for Men Journey here: www.adversusmundi.wordpress.com

Resolution for Women — Chapter 6 Overview

Weekly Review

Our Memory verse this week was Luke 6:45

“out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks”.

This has been an eye-opening chapter for me.  I realized this week just how much I talk, and just how little I listen!  I also learned just how much I talk “over” people…in other words, how much I interrupt others!  As much as I do not like others doing that to me, I realized I do that to others, too!  This is certainly something I need to work on!!

So, what did you think of this weeks chapter?  What were your ah-ha moments?

Where did the Lord gently nudge you and say “We need to work on this?”

I think I highlighted the whole chapter.  I think I needed to highlight the whole chapter!  I know I have so much more to learn in this area, and it will truly be a chapter that I re-read over and over again!

So, let’s take a look back and see what the Lord was showing all of us this week:

Monday:  Priscilla shared her words with us on the art of listening and edifying others, and the importance of both.  She talked about the importance of “learning” how to listen to others.  The art of really intentionally putting aside any our own thoughts, the distractions, and whatever else may prevent us from intentionally listen to another.  Intentionally listening to others shows them they are important to us; they are valued; they are worthy of our time.  It builds them up and encourages them.  It feeds their self-worth.  The art of listening is a discipline that we all need to work on.  Listening is the most valuable gift we can give anyone.

Wisdom has two parts:

One part is learning what to say.

The second part is learning when to say it.

Tuesday:  Megan talked to us about the gift of intentionally listening to others.  The chapter also shows us how the gift of intentionally listening can lead into other gifts — the gifts of self-worth, significance, personal satisfaction.  The kind of gifts that we all want to be known for.  We learned how to bless others by really leaning into what they are saying, and forgetting about anything and everything else around us and giving our “all” to that person at that very moment.  It is truly our gift to them, and a blessing!

The Gift of Listening

is the most valuable gift you can give someone.

Wednesday:  Kelley shared with us about the habit of talking too much and how that can get us into trouble.  Proverbs 10:19 says “Too much talk leads to sin.  Be sensible and keep your mouth shut.”  Pretty much puts it all in to one nutshell, huh??  The art of listening enables us to think before we speak.  Weighing out our words before they are spoken.  Waiting for the right time to say the right thing.  Not sitting while someone is talking and contemplating what you will say next.  Or not allowing the other person to express their own opinion, and thinking our opinion is the only one that counts!  

 Listen.  Learn.  Contemplate.  Consider.

Weighing our words.  Waiting.

The Blessing of Silence!

Thursday:  Beverly shared with us the importance of the power of our tongue and guarding our hearts.  Our heart is our inner being (the foundation)….the place where our thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs are kept.  A reservoir for every thought, attitude, belief we’ve either placed there, or allowed to hang out there!

What are we allowing to hang out in our hearts????  Our heart is the essence of who we truly are, or who we are becoming.  Out of the abundance of our heart, our words flow.  Are we quick to offer an opinion?  Are we constantly critical or demeaning to others?  Do we frequently argue with others?  Do we gossip?  Do our words often speak of negativity, doubt, and skepticism?   These are all conditions of the heart.  The foundation of our being.    So we have to ask ourselves what we are putting inside?  What treasures are we storing in our hearts?  Insecurity?  Anger?  Judgmental attitude?  Low in faith and belief?  No peace?

The author of the this book, Priscilla Shirer suggests that if we don’t know the answer to these questions, we need to just listen to ourselves for a couple of days.  Listen to our topics of conversations.  Then ask the Lord to forgive you for the words you have spoken, and to help you guard your hearts, making sure that you do not allow your heart to become filled with anything that will hinder you from being conformed into the likeness of Christ.  Stay in the word.  The more you stay in the word and in His truth, the more your words will then be filled with wisdom, kindness, and humility!

A woman whose heart is full of gratitude and humility, who is certain of God’s favor on her, and who genuinely prizes the worth of those around her will release a steady stream of graciousness that will refresh others through her conversation.  Others will desire her company.  She will invite the opportunity to listen to others.  She will humbly offer wisdom that comes from a treasure box filled with a wealth of good things!

It’s not all about watching your mouth….

It’s about watching your heart!

Are you ready to sign this weeks resolution?  Before you do, picture the people in your life who most need to receive this gift from you.  Consider what changes you can make to become a person who is “quick to listen and slow to speak.”  Be willing to make some of these practical and necessary adjustments so this resolution doesn’t just “sit on a shelf” in your life and become reality.  THEN, when you’re ready, prayerfully read the statement below and sign your name.

Resolution #6

My Blessing

I will be a woman who is quick to listen and slow to speak.

I will care about the concerns of others and esteem them more highly than myself.

Signed: ____________________


Next week, Priscilla walks us through the art of forgiveness into a resolution to release others from the prison of our hurt and anger.  I can’t wait! Another AWESOME WEEK ahead of us!!!



Be Blessed & Be a Blessing to Someone Else Today!

Resolution for Women: Shhhhh

Our Memory Verse

  Luke 6:45

“Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks”

WOW Ladies!  How many of you can relate to the picture above?   Be honest, be really really honest……Well?  No, you have to be really honest!  Can you?   Okay, I’ll admit – I can.   But…..if you don’t agree, can you at least agree that talking is one of the things women do best – We TALK. We love to talk!    We talk about everything and talk some more.   Many times we talk before we think.  We talk when we should just be quiet – when we should pray.  We like to talk.  It’s in our blood!

Have you been in situations where you have been listening to people talk and they are excited about being the first to tell someone something?  They absolutely love being the person to share news or happenings – they enjoy being in the position of getting noticed for what they are telling and talking about – even if its negative.   This is certainly not wisdom and can be rather embarrassing for her and those around her.

“Wisdom – knowing what to say and not saying it” – This is the definition Priscilla shares with us in our book. How many times have we been in situations where we said things when we should have just kept our mouth shut. Let’s face it ladies, for the majority of us, this happens quite often, or DID, before we met Jesus and began to learn wisdom.

With me, when I started building a relationship with Jesus Christ and started studying The Word, I too realized that I talk way too much (hold your laugh) and unfortunately not all of it would bring glory to our Father.  My husband was forever telling me I needed to ‘hush’;  I was talking too much, telling too much, and it would be better for all if I just stopped talking. Truth be told, he was right many times – Yes, I hate to admit it, but the Hubby was right.

I love the way Priscilla writes about this subject.  The following, shared by Priscilla in our chapter, really struck me personally.  When you read these statements what were your thoughts?

  • Silence is our friend. Silence is our strength.   –   I love this!  It’s amazing what we can do with silence now that we have a  relationship with Jesus.   Silence IS our friend and IS our strength!  All we have to do is utilize it, all to glorify Him.
  • A woman who is quick to listen is one who gathers up all the information before releasing her reaction.   WOW – YES!   This is my goal!  How about you!?
  • When she speaks, her advice and assessments are sensible and sober. Prudent and purposeful.  – these sisters represent WISDOM – Wisdom is a blessing!

In God’s Word, sweet sisters, it is made clear.    We need to stop and listen to the direction of our Father before acting or discussing a situation.  We need to remember that words DO have power – and not all power will glorify our Lord and Savior. We need to pray more and talk less.  We need to remember that we are children of the King.  We need to reach out and take hold of the wisdom we know comes from our Heavenly Father ~ and actively display this Wisdom in every situation.  We need to grow in the quiet.   I challenge you to read the following scriptures and become convicted by the words written especially for us.

‘…..the tongue of the righteous is pure silver’  Proverbs 10:20

‘The tongue has the power of life and death’  Proverbs 18:21

‘Be still and know that I am God’     Psalms 46:10

Remember, Silence is our Friend.  Silence is our Strength


Your Assignment:

  • What would immediately change for the better in your life if you began exercising the spiritual restraint of silence?
  • Try it for just a day or two.  Deliberately keep from saying something that’s better left unsaid.  Allow the bait of another’s unkind or inappropriate remark to land without hooking a response from you.  Record what you observe about yourself and the change in the dynamics around you.


Let’s Pray:

Dear Lord,

Father God thank you for the blessing of silence.  Change our hearts so that we may use this silence to prepare our words and actions in such ways to bring glory to you in all we do.  In addition, may we remember the power of words and the damage it can cause, as well as the praises it may bring.  Thank you for these blessings.  Thank you for each sister here. We love you Father and We ask these things in your precious and Holy name.  Amen.


Now it’s time to go back to your Facebook Online Bible Study Group to see what your Daily Activity is!!  I’m guessing it’s going to be a fun one!!  If you are not currently in one our FB OBS Groups, and would like to be, please send an email to:  GirlfriendsCoffeeHour@gmail.com, and we’ll be glad to add you!!


Kelley <3<3

Read all about Craig’s Resolution for Men Journey here: www.adversusmundi.wordpress.com

Resolution for Women: The Gift

Our Memory Verse

Luke 6:45

“Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks”

My sweet sisters in Christ…..

We are going to do things a little differently today here at Girlfriends Coffee Hour. As I was praying over writing this blog post, God put it on my heart to give you a gift. I hope you don’t mind and I certainly pray that it is a blessing to every single one of you.

First, I need you to ready today’s lesson in our book if you have not done so already. You can find it on pages 112-115 of our books.

Then, I need you to come right back here and read the rest of this post.

Priscilla tells us today that really actively listening to someone is the greatest gift we can give them…… as it is also a blessing God bestows on each of us. I need you to understand that by really listening to someone else…. you are also the benefactor of one incredible gift that should not be pushed aside or re-gifted. If someone ever trusts you so much that they share their heart with you, please understand that you have been given a priceless gift that you should treasure. I need you to BE THIS to someone today.

This is your gift. Each of you are going to write our blog post today. After you complete today’s assignment, I need you to come back here and tell all of us what it was like to give and receive this beautiful gift of listening and being trusted with someone’s heart. We don’t want to know the details of the conversation….. we just want you to share your heart with us about what it was like. Please say you’ll do it!


Your Assignment:

Today’s assignment will not cost you one precious penny…. but it is priceless!!! As Priscilla shares with us on page 115: “…listening is one of the most significant ways He blesses us. Therefore, quite predictably, it’s one of the key ways that we can bless others. ”

Please, dear sisters, choose to listen today….. REALLY listen! Who has been fighting for your attention? Please do not put them off for one more day…. give them all you have today and you might just be surprised by what you hear! FIGHT the urge to put your two cents in!!! Keep your conversation priceless by keeping your examples, criticisms, laughs and insults to yourself.

Report back to us here about who you shared this time with today and how God showed up! I triple-dog-dare you to do it…. and I can’t wait to listen in on how it goes <3


Let’s Pray:

Dear Lord,

I’d like to thank you in advance for meeting each and every woman reading this right where they are today in spending time with another of your precious souls. Give them your discernment, Father, of when to speak affirming, encouraging words and when to be silent. Have this time be all about the other person, Father, and I pray you give each and every woman the time back that they spend investing in Your Kingdom today. We love you, Lord, and we thank you for this lesson. May our actions spill over into every life we interact with and may we also be heard… really heard,…. by those we yearn to connect with the most. In Your Son’s name I pray, amen <3


Now it’s time to go back to your Facebook Online Bible Study Group to see what your Daily Activity is!!  I’m guessing it’s going to be a fun one!!  If you are not currently in one our FB OBS Groups, and would like to be, please send an email to:  GirlfriendsCoffeeHour@gmail.com, and we’ll be glad to add you!!


Megan 🙂

Read all about Craig’s Resolution for Men Journey here: www.adversusmundi.wordpress.com

Resolution for Women — My Blessing

Once again, I am going to share a video from Priscilla Shirer speaking about in the sixth chapter of her book ‘The Resolution for Women’.  In this chapter, Priscilla discusses the “art of listening” verses talking too much; as well as the power of our tongue — whether it is faithless or faith-filled.

She discusses the art of edifying others, and building them up.  Encouraging one another is truly a gift from the Lord!  We live in a tough world!  We are slammed with negativity every day in our lives, at work, at school, from the media, and sometimes even at home.  The gift of edification is about being able to encourage others, lift them up with your words or prayers, and helping them feel better about their situation, and about themselves!

Luke 6:45 says, “Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks”.  Let’s learn how to fill our heart with the right things that will help our mouth overflow with the proper words, to be spoken at the right time.

And now a word from Priscilla Shirer:  


Your Assignment: 

Comment below how you will effectively use the art of listening to a loved one today.


Let’s Pray:

Father, Your word tells us that out of the abundance of our hearts, our mouths speak.  Your word also tells us that Life & Death come from our tongue.  Lord, we ask for this next week that You will give us revelation knowledge on how powerful our words are; and how we can tame our tongue.  We know it is not possible to tame another man’s tongue, Lord, but it is possible to tame our own tongue.  We ask that You will reveal areas in our hearts where work needs to be done, so the abundance that flows out of our mouths, will be pleasing unto You, Lord; and will bring life to others around us.  We ask You to forgive us Lord for the times we have fallen short with our words, and when we have not chosen to really “listen” to someone who needs our full attention.  Holy Spirit, we ask You to nudge us this week during those times that those around us need our FULL attention, in Jesus’ Name, AMEN!!


Now it’s time to go back to your Facebook Online Bible Study Group to see what your Daily Activity is!!  I’m guessing it’s going to be a fun one!!  If you are not currently in one our FB OBS Groups, and would like to be, please send an email to:  GirlfriendsCoffeeHour@gmail.com, and we’ll be glad to add you!!

That’s it for today.  I hope you have an AWESOME Week!!  Remember, THIS IS THE DAY THE LORD HAS MADE!!  Let’s CHOOSE to REJOICE & BE GLAD IN IT!!!

Living Intentionally Every Day to Learn How to Bless Others with My Ears & Mouth, 

The Resolution for Women: Week 5 Overview

Weekly Overview

I don’t know about all of you….. but this lesson about being our best for God has really been challenging AND freeing at the same time for me. Let’s take a look back and see what all we learned this week.

MONDAY: It was all about BOXES! You know…. all the millions of things that we have pulling and tugging at us for our attention and resources every day while we are working so hard to achieve perfect balance in our life. God certainly intends for us to live full lives, but not to be stretched so thin that we burn out and are miserable. God calls us to have order in our lives and to line up our priorities with His will. Priscilla asked us to list our “boxes” and to be real about which ones might not need to be filled in this season.

TUESDAY: This day we learned about how important timing is in being able to be our best. God intends different priorities for us in different seasons we are in and we must not mix them up. This day was about boundaries and freeing ourselves of any obligations we currently have that are not meant for us in our current season. We were to pray for discernment and begin to take action to be able to live joyfully in our current season doing all of the things that God uniquely designed us to do.

WEDNESDAY: Oh Wednesday…. it was about anything, everything and whatever! You know what this means right? It’s all about how we can’t do anything well when we choose to do everything, so we decide to just do whatever. We were to list out our “whatever” places and pray over which ones God needs us to shift to the background during our current season. We are to do all of our whatever’s with everything that we have because THAT is part of God’s divine design!

THURSDAY: Priscilla gave us some breathing lessons worth noting. She urges us to intentionally make time in our daily lives to fill our oxygen tank so that we can breathe. That can look differently for everyone, but whatever you do to “re-fuel,” do it often! All of our loved ones need us to be our best and God does not intend any of us to grow weary in doing good. I hope you gave yourself a break…. because I did and it felt so good! Be sure so make this a habit!

….and in all this lies our fifth Resolution!


I will seek to devote the best of myself, my time, and my talents

to the primary roles the Lord has entrusted to me in this phase of my life.

Signed X___________________________________________

Please leave a comment below about one “ah-ha” moment for you this week! We want to know how this lesson spoke to your heart!


Next week, our topic is
My Blessing— a resolution to esteem others with my time, concerns, and full attention.”
 Oooooooh…. this is going to be good!!!
Have a Great weekend Ladies!  See you again on Sunday with our assignments for next week!!
Please keep in mind that if you have fallen behind in your reading, the weekend is a great time to get all caught up!

The Resolution for Women- Week 5: It Only Works When I Breathe

The past two-three weeks at work have been crazy!  I was assigned 3 projects to work on all at the same time, all with deadlines of yesterday.  I also had my Online Bible Study groups , my family, grandchildren to spend the night, was planning for a mission trip to Nicaragua, and was attempting to keep up with all the day-to-day tasks.  By the way, the list goes on!   I desperately needed oxygen.   Unfortunately for me it was not dropping out of the sky ready to be used!   In addition to this, the ‘boxes’ that we talked about the other day that could be rearranged or moved around were not the ones that were labeled W O R K, they were the things I enjoyed – the things that brought me peace.  Lovely, huh!?    Have any of you ladies had this problem?   –as I chuckle!   Of course you have.   To bed late, up way too early, running kids here, running kids there, working, doing laundry – running yourself ragged – trying to do it all…..needing a LARGE oxygen tank!   Suffocating from attempting the impossible. Do any of us think about how destructive this behavior is to our bodies? Nope, we totally believe we can do it all!  In our book Priscilla explains what this type of behavior provides us ,

“by running yourself ragged, trying to do everything morning till night, you’re in essence trying to be God. Overwork is a form of unbelief.  You’re saying through your actions that you don’t believe He can take care of everything, meaning you’re on the hook for it” (page 109)

Ladies, it’s time to stop and smell the roses, time to find your oxygen tank whatever, wherever that may be.  There is no possible way that you can help anyone else – not your children, your husband or anyone  else when you are out of ‘gas’.  I will be honest, even during those very difficult weeks at work recently, I made time for the one thing that totally relieves me of stress – even if only for a few minutes – my MuayThai class.  For 1 solid hour 3 times a week no matter what goes on, I go and hit pads, kick bags – relieving every ounce of frustration and finding my’oxygen’.    I would leave work so tired, seriously feeling like I could go straight home and go to bed, then I would change into my gym clothes and head to the gym.  By the time I left, the good endorphins in my body were rolling, my energy level was up, and thankfully I had found my oxygen tank – right in the nick of time!

So let’s think about this ladies.  What is something that you can do each day to re-energize?  Perhaps it’s your quiet time with God, or maybe your on-line bible study time.  Perhaps it’s an amazing tough workout at the gym or a much-needed date with your hubby.  Whatever it is, it is necessary to reach out and grab it, to find that oxygen tank and use it!  For me it’s an hour in the gym, for you this time may mean 10 minutes with Jesus.  Whether it’s a quick outdoor walk or getting an hour-long massage – it is absolutely imperative that you take this time to replenish your soul, to fill your lungs with fresh air, to suck up the molecules necessary to rebuild the cells throughout your body – Only then can you be the person you need to be for yourself and for those that are depending on you.

And let’s not forget to seek guidance from the Lord as we handle the many things we do.  We need to work with Him and let Him show us the tasks and priorities we need to be addressing, not all of them belong to us  – although we think they do!

Assignment for Today

When will I put on my oxygen mask so I can ….  bre-e-e-eathe?  What does my oxygen mask look like?   I would like for each and every sister here to commit to some time each day to breathe and replenish their body.  Share with us what that will be for you.


Dear God, Guide and direct us each day as we go through our daily tasks.  Help us to reach for our oxgen in whatever form works for us, Provide us with the understanding Father that you are the only one in control, you are the only one capable of handling all of the tasks laid out for our lives.  Father, we love you and thank you.  We worship  you and praise you.  It is in your name we pray.  Amen.


After you have completed this assignment here, go back to your Facebook Online Bible Study Group, and see what fun activity we have for you there!  You never now what we will come up with!!  If you do not belong to an Online Bible Study Group, and would like to, please email us at GirlfriendsCoffeeHour@gmail.com, and we will be happy to add you!


<3 Kelley

…Don’t forget about the Men’s Journey over here:
