March 6, 2025

The Cross Is My Confession


The Cross is my confession
Approach my soul, the Mercy Seat
Where Jesus answers prayer
For none can perish there
Your promise is my only plea
You gather broken souls
Oh, Healer, draw me close
Bowed down beneath a weight of sin
By war without and fears within

Oh, the Cross
Oh, the Cross
The Cross is my confession
Your Cross, Jesus

You are my Shield
And now In Christ
I’ll face my every foe
And tell them they have died
Oh, wondrous Love
Eternal Life
As we all plead Your name
All sinners such as I
By grace received my soul be still
Your work in me both power and will

Oh, the Cross
Oh, the Cross
The Cross is my confession
Oh…Your Cross

For I believe in God the Father
And in His Son there is no other
His very life living inside

This I confess my righteousness
His very life living inside
Jesus, Your Cross
Your Cross

~  Sing this song with me as our prayer and worship today.  ~

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Are you a prayer warrior?  Do you know that prayer paves the way for the answers that you so desire?  Look back to the times of Moses…he and Caleb and Joshua learned that giants are best slain by a conversation with God before the battle.  They asked and they praised Him and they listened to His voice.  He answered their prayers!  What are the giants that they faced?  Probably similar to the ones we face today.  Difficulty, discouragement, and detours sometimes caused by our own lack of confidence or our own pride.  Or the biggest one—fear.

Prayer is more than just believing in God.  It’s believing that He is hearing you and He is answering you, whether you actually see it or not. We approach His Throne, or Mercy Seat, sometimes on our knees and other times just exactly where we are.  Sometimes we are confessing our sins, asking His mercy and grace to give us peace.  Other times we are in need of something…like a new job, financial freedom, healing from a disease, or whatever we need at the time.  He promises to always listen.  He hears every prayer.  And He takes away our fears and replaces it with courage in Him.

He is our Shield.  We are always protected under His mighty arms.  We can face anything this world has to throw at us as long as we arm ourselves with His Word— our Shield and Sword.  He wants the best for you, His child.  No matter what we have gotten ourselves into, no matter how low we have gone, or how far we have moved away from Him, we can never go so far that He can’t reach us.  He is our Beloved, our Eternal Love.  He gave His son in our place, so we can live forever.

At the Cross, we can go and find rest. We can find forgiveness for our sins and we can leave our brokenness at the foot of the Cross and walk away free.  Do you want that freedom?  Do you know how to have it?  Just ask Him.  Tell Him you need Him and He will meet you right where you are.  He loves you and is waiting….

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Let us pray:  Dearest Lord, we praise You for Who You are.  We thank You for letting us come before You and praise Your name.  You are the Authority over all.  You are patient, kind, and loving.  You give grace and mercy, You fill us with peace and joy.  Thank You for being our Shield, our Deliverer.  You answer our prayers, and we trust You.  For sending Your Son, we are ever grateful.  We believe in You, we believe in Your Son, we believe in the Cross. We will try to live out our confessions and be a witness to all around us.  Thank You for prayer…for listening…for saving us from ourselves.  It’s in Jesus’ name we pray, amen.