February 26, 2025



On a Sunday evening I’m looking back over all the years
And where I’ve been looking at a photograph
Remembering You were right there and You have been ever since
With very page that turns, I see Your faithfulness

The mountain where I climbed
The valley where I fell, You were there all along
You brought the pieces together, made me this storyteller
Now I know it is well, it is well, that’s the story I’ll tell

There were some nights I felt like they would last forever
But You kept me breathing, You were with me right then
And all that You have done for me, I could never hold it in
So, here’s to me telling this story over and over again

You hold the broken
You hear my every cry, every cry
My eyes are open, I know that it is well, it is well

 Morgan Harper Nichols
written along with Paul Mabury

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As a counselor, one fact I try to stress to all of my bereavement clients is that each of us have a story.  I encourage them to share it with me, with others…to write it down so it can be remembered. This does happen at times, but the usual response I receive is one of resistance.

As we are walking through life we don’t always see the significance of our own story.  Most times we feel we don’t even have one.  We minimize our lives and situations, with the word ‘just‘—I’m just a mom. I’m just a wife. I’m just one person. Whatever our “just” is, we cling to it; for whatever reason, we are unable to see the power behind our story.

God wrote a story for each one of us.  He penned every detail.  Every situation and every event was written by His hand.  Our story was not written for our benefit only, but to be used as a testimony for others.  Our stories are beautiful and inspirational.  They are our stories.  God made us the storyteller but (as the words of the song says), He was there when we climbed and when we fell, He knew what would be on our pages.  Yet He still made us the storyteller.

I hope this song inspires you to embrace your story and to tell it.  May it help you to understand that what we have experienced in life has a purpose, and to understand that He has a plan.

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Let’s Pray:

Lord, thank You for the beauty behind our story.  Please help us to see this beauty and to embrace it as our testimony.  You wrote our story and You made us the storyteller.  Please allow our story to bless others…allow it to bless ourselves. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Esther – Chapter 7:5-8

Haman’s story is coming full circle here, in verses 5-8 of chapter 7 in Esther.  We’ve talked about Haman quite a bit, haven’t we?  In chapter 6, we discussed that, while we rejoice in knowing that God will avenge any evil done to us, we should try to look at all people (even Haman) as God sees them.  But in chapter 3 we see that just like Haman was a deadly adversary to Mordecai, the Jews, and Esther, so the devil is our adversary.  We saw that Haman was the accuser, just like Satan.  And in verses 5-8 of chapter 7, I am again reminded of the similarities between the two (Haman and Satan), and how, like Haman, Satan is going down! Let’s revisit a scripture I introduced from chapter 3’s discussion:


Darlene reminds us of an excellent point – one we should not forget – “Because of redemption through Jesus Christ, we are overcomers in this life” (page80).   OVERCOMERS!!  Hallelujah!  Did you see a similar word mentioned in the verses above?  Look again.  “They (the brothers, but sisters are included!) overcame him (Satan) by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony….”

Did you know that through Jesus you have the power to overcome Satan in your life?   You do!  When you belong to Christ, the Holy Spirit resides in you (Acts 2:38).  In other words, you are covered by the blood of the Lamb. But what else was used to overcome Satan?  The word of their testimony.  That’s your part.  Share your testimony.   This is where some of us get a little discouraged or confused, like we don’t have a powerful testimony to share.  WRONG!  I don’t even know you, but I know your testimony is powerful.  Your testimony is your story…your life.  How God has changed you/shaped you/intervened on your behalf.  This is how you “defeat” Satan:  You know those reminders that he throws in your face of your past failures? You look him right in the eye and say, “That’s right, I did those things. But that’s who I WAS. Jesus washed all that garbage away and has forgiven me!  I am clean!  And now I’m going to tell others how God can turn their lives around, too.”  I’ve seen this quote many times and I love it – ‘your mess becomes your message; your test becomes your testimony’!  Can I say “Hallelujah!” again??  Hallelujah!

Let’s get real.  Will we experience trials?  Yes.  Difficulties and obstacles?   Absolutely.  Will that burden look too heavy to bear?  Quite possibly.  But you are not alone…Almighty God is on your side.  He is greater!  John is addressing a church about spiritual warfare, false prophets, and the spirit of the antichrist when he reminds them in 1 John 4:4, “You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.”  Do you see that, sisters?  The one who is in YOU is greater than the one who is in the world.  Through the blood of Jesus, Satan has no claim on you, no hold on you, and no power over you!   You are NOT hopeless!  You are NOT powerless!  You ARE a daughter of the King!  YOU ARE AN OVERCOMER!!

Today, what “Haman” in your life is threatening you?  What trial are you going through?  What in your life has set itself against you—the daughter of the King?  TODAY, resolve to throw those things at the foot of the Cross and ask God to fight for you!  TODAY, change your mindset and claim the victory!  God will deliver you – say it out loud – I AM AN OVERCOMER!!!

Let’s Pray:

Holy God, THANK YOU for the POWER of the blood of Your Son, Jesus, that was shed on my behalf!  Thank You for my salvation.  Thank You that I don’t have to be threatened by my past mistakes, but that You can use my life as an example of Your abundant love and saving grace! Today, Lord, I throw at Your feet everything that is burdening me and ask You to intervene on my behalf.  Help me, Lord, to see Your deliverance in my life.  Give me a revelation of You that gives me the confidence, boldness and joy to claim victory in my life and overcome all obstacles! Give me the courage to share my story with others who need to know the unrelenting, merciful love and grace that is ours in Christ Jesus!  In the power of Your Son’s name we pray.


A Daughter’s Worth: Week 10 / Day 5 – Reach Non-Believers Around You

Prepare your hearts

As we come to the end of 10 weeks, we have been discussing how to tell your story to others, how to keep your life clean, continue to grow, and how to influence your younger ‘sisters’. That is a lot for some to do. Don’t feel overwhelmed though, you have a great resource to help you through all of this, God and His word, the Holy Bible, and your friends. Now it is time to discuss how to reach the non-believers.

Was there someone in your church or family that you looked up to? Did she talk to you every week, or maybe everyday at school? Is there someone who looks up to you? Ava gave us a check list as an indicator as for living our lives. Here is just a couple: Do you pray for unbelievers to see God, do you invite them to church? The list she gave was not all-inclusive but a good way to gauge where you are in your walk.

When we read about Paul’s situation in Acts 26: 15 And I said, ‘Who are you, Lord?’ And the Lord said, ‘I am Jesus whom you are persecuting. 16 But rise and stand upon your feet, for I have appeared to you for this purpose, to appoint you as a servant and witness to the things in which you have seen me and to those in which I will appear to you, 17 delivering you from your people and from the Gentiles—to whom I am sending you 18 to open their eyes, so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.(ESV)  This is a high road for anyone to follow, let alone Paul.

You see, Paul was a Pharisee, a man who was chosen to STUDY the Jewish laws and customs. A Rabbi never chose anyone to mentor unless that young man had potential. Paul was ready and willing to prove his love for the Jewish people no matter who he hurt in the process. While on the road to Damascus, Paul had a divine meeting with Jesus in a very unique way. Paul was blinded by a bright light. He could not see, but he could hear. Those with him probably did not hear what was being said to Paul, but could hear Paul Jesus speaking. Paul was told, as it is said above, to preach the good news of salvation to the Gentiles, that they may receive forgiveness of sins.

We should never assume someone is saved just because they go to church. Just because we sit in a church every Sunday, this does not mean we are saved. We are saved by asking Jesus into our hearts, professing Him as Lord of our life and following Him. In order for us to witness fully to our friends we need to do 4 things:

1) read God’s word daily and pray. Ask God for those moments when we need to share our story with someone. Maybe write out a short version pf your testimony and then write out one for when you have more time to sit and explain why it is important to have that relationship with God.

2) Pray about specific non-believers that you know and ask the Holy Spirit to be with you when you are sharing.

3) Speak from your heart and share what God lays on your heart to share.

4) Know that the Holy Spirit is there with you, praying you through and giving you the confidence to share.

We need to prepare our hearts in order to share effectively with others. Ask God to reveal places where forgiveness is required and ask how to receive or give forgiveness. Do you need to rededicate your life to God? Then do it, you will reap such huge benefits. Now Ava asks that you think of 3 people whom you will pray for regularly for the right opportunity to share what God has done for you and how living in His perfect will has made a huge difference in your life.


Let’s pray:
Father, we come before You asking that Your Holy Spirit reveal in us places where forgiveness needs to be given in order for us to share Your love, grace, and mercy with others. Lord use me as Your mouth piece even when it is scary. Help me to slow down and listen to Your prompting and help me see God opportunities as they appear. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen!


For the A Daughter’s Worth Online Bible Study, you will need the book, your Bible, pen or pencil, a highlighter and a quiet place. You can order the book right through our website from clicking the sign-up form button at the top of our webpage.

If you are interested in joining us in our GCH:decaf Teen Girls Ministry, please click the sign-up form button at the top of our webpage. Just follow the instructions on the form and hit submit. We’ll be happy to add you to one of our Online Bible Study Groups! Please email GCH_Decaf@girlfriendscoffeehour.com for more information.