February 22, 2025

The Resolution for Women: Faith vs. Faithfulness

Our Memory Verse


Welcome to another day of The Resolution for Women!  I’m very excited to talk to you today about Faith vs. Faithfulness! Are you ready?

I’m not sure about you guys, but I absolutely LOVED the visual we got as Priscilla described the mother Eagle!  Eagles are like royalty, very regal in stature – strong and powerful – fiercly protective – beautiful birds!  What an incredible picture to hold in our minds.  Then, today one of our ladies spoke of a song in which she envisioned each one of us together, with suitcases,  swinging them in the air and singing!  I can see that scene so clearly, even without closing my eyes.  We were sticking together, sisters in Christ – all with our matching suitcases!  Ladies, it doesn’t get much better than that!  Unfortunately these are just visions and although they are awesome, they don’t go any further than that.

To take this a step further, each week the leaders here anticipate the important words God is going to give them in order to write the daily blog for you.  We have complete faith He is going to bless us with the perfect words;  BUT to actually write the blog each week, to put ourselves out there, is definitely faithfulness.   As Priscilla teaches, ‘The concept of faithfulness is a physical outworking of actions” – It is when the “outward expressions of your beliefs are lived out over time”.  As we prepare to write our blogs each week, life happens. We may find ourselves distracted, not feeling 100%, or just plain spent.  Satan may raise his ugly head and do everything he can to prevent us from sharing these teachings with you.  To give you an example, it’s 1:16 am here and I went to publish my completed blog and the hotel’s wi-fi dropped.  My blog did not post and in fact, when I went back into it – it was at 540 words instead of the 1008 of the finished product.  However, this will not stop me!  I will pray and move forward in Faithfulness, living in obedience to Him. 

Faithfulness is born when the outward expression of your beliefs are lived out over time.

Jesus learned obedience through suffering (Hebrews 5:8).  Day in and day out he faced trials and tribulations, was ridiculed, and was eventually beaten and forced to carry the heavy, rugged cross.  However, he proved His faithfulness by surrendering His will,  by praying,  and by staying committed to His Father’s purpose (being the source of eternal salvation).  He resolved to be faithfully His (Fathers).   It is only when we live a life of faithfulness will we ‘fly on the wings of God’s spirit’. (Priscilla Shirer)

How many of you have made resolutions?  Perhaps you’re going to spend more time with God, less time on the computer, or maybe you’re going to give your husband extra attention.   I am working on many of these areas; however my own personal resolution is to get my temple in order so that I am at 150% capacity in order to do His work here in the United States as well as in Nicaragua. To be healthy and fit.  Sure I have faith that I can do this with Him; but more importantly I have faithfulness.  I have surrendered this to Him and I am doing what is necessary to see the fruits of my labor (through Him).  I am adjusting my life to my beliefs.  How are you doing with this?

Let’s Pray

Father God, thank you for teaching us Faithfulness, thank you for your word.  Thank you for your love and the love of this group, the love of each sister here.  Be with us Father,  give us strength to surrender to you – may we learn to adjust our lives to our beliefs so we too can have complete faithfulness as you did.  We love you, Honor you, and Praise you. Amen.


Your Assignment Today:

Would you describe yourself as a faithful person?  If so in what areas of your life?  Tell us about this in your life.

Share below in the comments section about Faithfulness in your life.  Please don’t be afraid to share.  Remember that your testimony or experience could be the one thing that touches someone else and helps them make changes in their life that reflect our Heavenly Father.  Once you’re done, go on over to your OBS Facebook Group to see what we have planned for you today!  You just never know what we will come up with next!!

If you are not a member of our OBS Facebook Group, and would like to be, please send us an email and we’ll be happy to place you!!   Our email address is:  GirlfriendsCoffeeHour@gmail.com

Love you Bunches and Lots of Hugs,

<3  Kelley

The Resolution for Women — Faithfully His

Our Memory Verse

Today, I have a special surprise for you!  I’m not going to be talking, or writing about today’s lesson….

I’m going to let Priscilla Shirer speak to you directly, about being Faithfully His!

Are you ready???!!!!  Here we go!


Please note that Girlfriends Coffee Hour is not endorsing the

Crossroads Memberships mentioned at the end of this video.


Let’s Pray

Father, as we begin this new lesson this week, let us prepare our days so we are able to clear our schedules, and our minds, Lord, to better hear Your voice.  Let us lay aside all things that concern us this day, so we are able to sit at Your feet and learn from You, so we can become even more Faithfully Yours, Lord!  In Jesus’ Name, AMEN!!  


Your Assignment Today:  

Take at least 30 minutes today to clear your mind, and your schedule, so you are better prepared this week to hear from God.  Share below in the comments section, what you will do this week to make this happen, each day.  Then go on over to your OBS Facebook Group to see what we have planned for you today!  You just never know what we will come up with next!!  

If you are not a member of our OBS Facebook Group, and would like to be, please send us an email and we’ll be happy to place you!!   Our email address is:  GirlfriendsCoffeeHour@gmail.com

Living Intentionally Each Day to Become More Faithfully His,

The Resolution for Women: The Affirmation Crusade

Memory Verse:

You did not choose Me, but I chose you.

I appointed you that you should go out and produce fruit.

John 15:16


A crusade can be defined as a vigorous concerted movement for a cause or against an abuse.”

Yes, precious girlfriends, I agree with Priscilla….. what we need is indeed an AFFIRMATION CRUSADE!!!

My primary Love Language just so happens to be “Words of Affirmation.” Not only do I love to hear them…. but I am very generous in giving them out! Today’s lesson made me stop for a minute and think about why I might be so intentional about this and if I am only this way with certain people, or am I free with my affirming words to all I come in contact with.

I really think that I am so intentional about this because of the negative words I was bombarded with growing up. Of course, not everyone in my life did that, but 2 very close people to me did….. and it hurt. It made it hard for me to speak those words over myself for many years, but through understanding the truth of God’s love for me, I have been able to break that cycle.

It is important to be your friends’ biggest cheerleader! You might just be the only woman in their life who affirms them and that alone can completely change their perspective on their day.

I know I am hardest on my family and I am working very hard to change that. I expect a lot from them… more than I should. I do affirm them and cheer them on, but I also can be very critical. I am really going to intentionally do my best to squelch my critical spirit and focus more on building them up!

SO…. we have the “why”… so we need to know the HOW!”

How can you be intentional about affirming other women in your life? I’ve compiled a list here and I would love it if you could add to it in the comments section of the blog today! Let’s think outside the box and see what we can come up with together! Maybe a friend surprised you with some awesome words in a unique way that spoke directly to your heart. How did she do it?


You could……..

Write a letter….. you know, snail mail! How awesome is it to get something besides a bill in your mail box?!? Decorate the envelope in a fun way too! You can even address it “To the beautiful Mrs. Megan Smidt!!!” 😀 (…just a suggestion…)

For my daughter’s 14th birthday, we had a slumber party and all of her girlfriends wrote annonymous “love letters” that were full of affirming words and we left them all over our town. We put them on grocery store shelves, the pick up counter at Starbucks, in random mail boxes, and even in the pews at church. The girls had so much fun spreading this joy and Vicky has told me that her friends have continued to leave these letters around town even after they went home! We need to be modeling this behavior not only for our friends but also our children!

Sing them a song on their voice mail. It could be something like “That’s what friends are for” or “Beautiful, beautiful”

You could greet them in a fun way the next time you see them. Instead of greeting them with a simple “hello, ” How about giving them a huge hug and compliment them on something they are wearing or their hair. You could even address them as your “gorgeous friend” or your “most incredible sister.”

Make them a banner the next time you know they are coming to your house! Make it big and bright for all the passers-by to see! Hang it across your garage or over the front door so they can’t miss it!

Send them random txt messages every once in a while just letting them know how much you love that they are in your life!

Send their husband or kids a letter telling them how much it means to YOU that they let you have time together. Tell them how much your friend means to YOU!

What can YOU come up with???? What will you do this week to INTENTIONALLY affirm your closest sisters in Christ?

Priscilla points out to us that “…this resolution not only affects you. It will also enhance the women around you as they experience the affirmation that BUBBLES up from the security you’re living in. This should be our MANDATE, our CAMPAIGN. A MOVEMENT of women linked by our resolution and devoted to seeing it manifested in the lives of the women around us.”

WHen we are living OUR lives secure and complete in the authentically unique way that God created us, our salt and light is contagious! Give away your compliments freely to yourself and all those you love and see your love spread to all those around you! Let’s be infectiously bold in our own unique ways for our Lord and Savior! He commands it <3


I will accept and celebrate my uniqueness,

and will esteem and encourage the distinctions I admire in others.

Signed x       Megan “Lucy” Smidt               


Let’s Pray: 

Dear Lord, we praise You for all of the unique qualities you have blessed us with! You have made each of us so unique for Your purposes to be fulfilled when we are true to who you created us to be. That is so awesome! Give us Your revelation into anything we are not seeing that might be keeping us from Your very best of us in this area. Help us take off our masks and be excited to show the world the beautiful and sometimes rough women you have so specifically made each of us to be. We love you, Lord, and we thank Your for Your perfect ways! In Your Son’s name we pray, amen <3


Today’s blog assignment: 

Explore for a little bit why you are or are not affirming in your words to your girlfriends. Also… think about if there are any women in your sphere who you are not comfortable affirming…. why do you think that is? Then….. resolve to commend all of the women in your life for their unique value and worth to you this week! Read the resolution out loud and sign your name below it in your book.

If you are not a member of our OBS Facebook Group, and would like to be, please send us an email and we’ll be happy to place you!!   Our email address is:  GirlfriendsCoffeeHour@gmail.com

my blog: www.glorytoglorylifecoaching.wordpress.com

My Craig’s blog about the Men’s Resolution journey: www.adversusmundi.wordpress.com

Many blessings,

Megan 🙂

The Resolution for Women ~ It’s Good to be a Girl

Memory Verse:

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.

Proverbs 31:30

Wow, I had to read our chapter over and over today before actually finding the words to blog for you!   – Do I say this every week in my blog?  I think so [grin]  because it seems every week it takes several times before I ‘get it’ and truly understand what it is that God is instructing me to pass on to you!  

Now without further ado, along with reading the words Priscilla wrote, I googled ‘the great women of the bible’.   I googled the women I didn’t know well, googled those I did, and really tried to get to know these women so I could share just the right message.   Then it became apparent, a light bulb went off ~ He truly wants me to teach you  that it’s more than okay to be a girl ~ it’s an honor and privilege to be a girl!  The heck with society – as women, we have a purpose!    

~we are fearfully and wonderfully made – Our God makes no junk! (Psalm 139.14)

Unfortunately being raised Catholic, mass, confession, and communion were all led by priests.  Attending the Baptist church, I soon learned that there were certain situations where women could not teach or lead men.  There is and has always been an awful lot of emphasis on what women could not docould not say, or could not be, instead of  what WE CAN DO (based on the God-given talents we received and His intent for our lives).   This is intent, by the way, that He blessed us with at creation ~ it’s not something He decided years later to develop or invoke ~  it’s part of the BIG picture, His BIG plans for us – the ones he put into place many, many years ago as he was picking out the color of our eyes and the number of freckles on our noses! 

We are  NECESSARY –  Did you realize the statistics in church these days?  Sadly, there are more women than men in attendance.   On Father’s Day in the church I attended, there were  1/3rd the number of men to women.   Although men are to be the leaders in the homes and in the families, many families are unequally yoked and it is necessary for the women of the house to ‘train up their children’ in the ways of the Lord.  We were given the characteristics of a ‘feminine heart’ full of wisdom, along with the gift of soft touch ~ things as wives and mothers we will use to keep Christ in our homes.  We have been prepared ahead of time for what the days may bring.

We are IMPORTANT and WORTHYWhen Jesus met the woman of Samaria at the well he treated her with mercy and love.  He held conversation with her that showed he truly cared, that she mattered.  He asked her opinions and valued her responses.  Jesus treated her like a somebody, he treated her with importance and worth.  He set the stage for the women of today – we too are valued.  We are worthy of the Messiah’s ‘living water’.  – Let me say that again,  “WE ARE WORTHY OF THE MESSIAH’S LIVING WATER”

Are you there yet?  Are you believing how great it is to be a ‘girl’?    We have been given gifts in abundance!  Our cups runneth over with amazing goodies to be used as we work with little children or the elderly ~ as we travel to other countries to share our hearts ~we lack nothing and have been blessed with all ~

Along with Priscilla in her book The Resolution of Women, there is another author who does an amazing job showing us we are loved by our Heavenly Father ~ through LOVE LETTERS to us from Him,   Sheri Rose Shepherd teaches us where we stand in the eyes of our Abba Father.  Here are a few of her quotes.  I know they will touch you as they have touched me. 

Favorite Quotes by Sheri Rose Shepherd

  • Although I am God, my arms are not too big to hold you, My beloved daughter.
  • Don’t let anyone define you but Me, your Daddy in Heaven.
  • The beauty I had in mind when I created you is a reflection of Me.  (WOW!  yes, created in His image)
  • You are royalty even when you don’t feel like a princess.  (always important to Him!)
  • Inside you is a supernatural surprise a gift that is waiting to be unwrapped…by you.  (continued blessings!)

Regardless of the situation, regardless of the time and place – we are WOMAN, hear us ROAR!  No, Seriously, I say this time and time again to those with no self-esteem, to those who feel less than adequate – to those that are unhappy with their physical appearance and allow that to carry over into their hearts and abilities – GOD MAKES NO JUNK!    

We were each individually, especially made to fulfill God’s plans for our lives.  We are not PERFECT, but being made by the KING we are precisely and exactly what we are supposed to be – each flaw intended!   We are beautiful, worthy, necessary, gifted and blessed beyond words!  


Abba Father,  Thank you for the blessing of being women who were created specifically to fulfill your plans and purposes; who were designed wonderfully with beautiful hearts, tender touches, and amazing gifts.  Who are worthy Father of your ‘Living Water’ and understand your intentions in creating us.  Be with us as we utilize these many tools, that lives are touched and that everything we do brings glory to you.  May we always embrace your/our purpose.  In your precious and Most Holy Name we Pray,  Amen.


Choose one of the many roles you currently play in your life and record for each one how you are…….. Good for it, necessary to it, an important component of it, worthy to be a part of it, and  trustworthy to fulfill your role in it.   Comment on the blog and let us know what this role is for you and ‘how you are’ with it.

Remember, You are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made – God doesn’t make Junk! and don’t forget to go back over to our Facebook group and see what fun Megan has going on for you over there today!

<3   Kelley




The Resolution for Women: Pretty In Print

And the winner of yesterday’s giveaway is…….

Donna Slaten!!!!!

Congratulations on being the winner of the gorgeous T-shirt!!! Donna, please email us @ GirlfriendsCoffeeHour@gmail.com ASAP with your address & size (small to X-large) and it will be mailed to you within the next two weeks! WAY TO GO!!!!!

…and now for Pretty In Print!!!!!!

Memory Verse:

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.

Proverbs 31:30

What Kind of Woman are you going to be?

One of my she-ros is Poet Laureate Maya Angelou. I would love to sit and have a nice cup of tea with her…. wouldn’t you? I honestly think that I have read everything that she has ever published and I have read it all more than once. She is 100% woman and I admire so much about her. Have you ever read her poem “Phenomenal Woman”? If you haven’t, now is your chance….

Phenomenal Woman

by Maya Angelou

Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.

I’m not cute or built to suit a fashion model’s size

But when I start to tell them, They think I’m telling lies.

I say, It’s in the reach of my arms The span of my hips,

The stride of my step, The curl of my lips.

I’m a woman Phenomenally.

Phenomenal woman, That’s me.
I walk into a room Just as cool as you please,

And to a man, The fellows stand or Fall down on their knees.

Then they swarm around me, A hive of honey bees.

I say, It’s the fire in my eyes, And the flash of my teeth,

The swing in my waist, And the joy in my feet. I’m a woman Phenomenally.

Phenomenal woman, That’s me.
Men themselves have wondered What they see in me.

They try so much But they can’t touch My inner mystery.

When I try to show them They say they still can’t see.

I say, It’s in the arch of my back, The sun of my smile,

The ride of my breasts, The grace of my style.

I’m a woman
Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, That’s me.
Now you understand Just why my head’s not bowed.

I don’t shout or jump about Or have to talk real loud.

When you see me passing It ought to make you proud.

I say, It’s in the click of my heels, The bend of my hair, the palm of my hand,

The need of my care, ‘Cause I’m a woman Phenomenally.

Phenomenal woman, That’s me.

 I believe THAT is the kind of woman God calls me to be. Phenomenal!!!! I can’t imagine Him expecting anything less from me, actually. As I devour His Word and let it breath into every aspect of my heart, soul, and being…. how can I be anything less than phenomenal for my God? He created me for it… specifically ME!!! I am the only woman on this earth who can do what He created me to do. If I don’t live each day to be intentional about my phenomenal femininity….. who will? He has created me to be ME….. every single circumstance and situation I have been in through my whole life has molded me into the perfect creature God has meant for me to be…. phenomenally for His glory!
Yes, I have seen how feminist ideals affect women in the way they dress, act and make decisions. I lived it for many years of my life. Those things have made me who I am now…. for better and for worse. They have helped me to appreciate all the more why I am here and look the way I look, act the way I act and make decisions the way I do for God to get all the glory! It wasn’t always for Him….. He knows that and He loves me anyway… purple hair and all!
How do I see young women turning away from biblical womanhood? I see them not being taught HOW to live with BOLD courage to embrace the incredible femininity that God means for all of us as Christian women. They are bombarded all day long everywhere they turn look and be how the world wants them to look and be…. and that anything else is NOT desirable or phenomenal and will not get them happiness, the job they want, success or a mate. As phenomenally feminine Christian women, it is OUR job to speak these biblical truths into their lives and into their influence. We cannot sit back and stay silent while we let the world influence our girls.
Personally, I do not feel stifled by any biblical principles of womanhood. I feel gloriously FREED by them! I am important, valued and treasured in the eyes of God. The world has never felt that way about me. The world will always tell me that i am not good enough, pretty enough, tall enough, short enough, thin enough or fat enough, dumb enough or smart enough. To God, I am perfect and wonderfully made. Period. He gives me guidelines in His Word to SET ME FREE, not to stifle me or make me feel repressed.
I don’t fit a mold… THANK GOD!!! I don’t look or act the way our world expects a God-loving, 36-year-old non-biological mother of 5 kids ages 14-20 should look or act. THANK GOD!!! I am phenomenal to my God and that is all that matters. My husband and my kids happen to love me just the way I am, so that is a nice bonus, too. I never fit into any mold growing up and I am so happy to say that as I have “matured” I have become more comfortable in my earth suit than ever and I can’t imagine being any other way.
God created you to be unique and to fill your shoes, and dress, the only way that YOU possibly can. Embrace it, dear sister, and know that you are PHENOMENAL just the way you are! Embrace your curves, embrace your femininity, embrace every way that you are uniquely YOU and live BOLDLY how GOD created you to be….. with biblical femininity and grace by just being YOU <3
Lord, I pray that You sing the sweetest love songs over each of Your precious daughters today. Show her how she specifically can live for YOU in her own uniquely phenomenal biblically feminine way. Help her to feel amazing in her earth suit and may You get all the glory, Lord, for the amazing way she stands for YOU in this fallen world. Renew her spirit today and help her see herself as you see her, Lord….. beautifully feminine in every way! Speak into her tender spirit about any priorities she might need to realign with Your Word on this issue, Father, and help guide her to be all that You have created her to be. In Your Son’s name we pray, amen <3


Your assignment today… comment on this blog post about how YOU specifically can encourage women in your direct sphere of influence to turn towards biblical womanhood.

Be blessed and be a blessing….. and don’t forget to go back over to our Facebook group and see what fun we have for you over there today! 🙂

<3 Megan 🙂

my blog: www.glorytoglorylifecoaching.wordpress.com

Craig’s blog: www.adversusmundi.wordpress.com

The Resolution Begins!

The Resolution for Women

Week of: July 2 – 6, 2012



Hello Everyone!

It’s finally here!  I’ve been anticipating this study for quite some time now, and I am so happy to finally begin this new journey with all of you!

When I first saw the movie “Courageous”, which is where this book stems from, my first thought after hearing the “Men of honor, where are you” speech at the end of the movie, was “What about the WOMEN?!?   Where are the Women of Honor?  Women need to step up to the plate, too!!”  That’s where this book comes into play….  I hope you are ready because this is going to be one amazing journey!

Click HERE to read the first chapter, if you do not yet have the book!You will see a button on the right side of the page that says “Free first chapter FREE”.  Click on that button, and it will take you to the first chapter! 

Let’s begin with the definition of the word “Resolution”.  What does that word mean to you personally?  For me, I have to be honest and say that it usually meant failure!  It meant that I would set the Resolutions for the New Year with much anticipation, only to find two weeks into the New Year, I had fizzled out!

Was it the resolution that had fizzled out?  Or was it me that had fizzled out?  The answer, of course, is that I had fizzled out!  I had given up on what was once a desire that I had for the New Year; a new achievement that I wanted to accomplish.

I believe the first part of this book, “The Resolution Revolution” finally helped me understand why my personal resolutions were never accomplished….because they were not God’s resolutions for my lifeI was trying to accomplish resolutions that I had set for myself, without seeking God and what His resolutions for my life would be!

In this new Resolution journey, we are going to discover that we are already women of resolutions.  We make resolutions every single day of our life!  A resolution is simply a change in attitude towards a specific goal you want to achieve.  It’s about becoming “intentional” about what you want to achieve.  You will hear that word “Intentional” quite a bit in this study.  I’ve heard it more in the last 6 weeks, than I’ve ever heard it before!  But, I’ve come to make this word a part of my every day vocabulary now, because I truly see just how important this word and the act of being “intentional” really is!  I hope you will add it to your vocabulary, as well.

As we travel along this Resolution, you will begin to see that this book is not just for pleasure reading!  Some of it may even make you want to quit!  You will have to ask yourself over and over again, “Why Am I Doing This?”  As Priscilla states in this chapter, the “why” is because first of all, the resolutions that we are going to learn about in this study is a “Resolution With God”, founded wholly on principles that God Himself has established; girded with the power of the Holy Spirit; encouraging, comforting, equipping you, and empowering you with the strength you will need to carry these resolutions out.  Thank God we have the Holy Spirit to help us, huh??  I know there would be no way that I could carry these resolutions out in my own power!  I’ve already proven that…over and over again!!

The second reason for why you are doing this is because not only will it change your life, but it will change the life of those around you, the ones you love!  Your husband….Your children….Friends….Family…Co-Workers….Business Partners, and on and on…will be impacted by what you learn and apply from this study!

I want to encourage you to go into this asking God what He wants for YOU out of this study.  Please, do not go into this study asking God how this will change your husband, or your kids, or family, and so on!!  It is not about what God is going to do in them!  It is about what He is going to do in YOU!  In YOUR relationship with Him!  It’s about what happens in YOUR heart!  I know that if you stick with this, and have the attitude every day to intentionally seek His will for you during this journey, you are going to see amazing changes in your heart, in your home, and in your life!


Here is this week’s suggested assignment:

Memory Verse:  1 Timothy 6:6 (NLT)

“True godliness with contentment is itself great wealth”

Monday, July 2nd:  Read the Resolutions that you will be learning about in this book, on page 6.  Read the Resolution Revolution chapter, and Chapter 1: Every Bite Counts.  Be sure to visit our blog today for a commentary by Christi Wilson.

Tuesday, July 3rd:  Read “The Secret” and then visit our blog to read Megan Smidt’s commentary on this chapter.   Don’t forget about our Conference Call tonight, with our Guest Speaker, Robin Packer!!  The call is at 8pm CST!  Call-in details will be shared in your Facebook Discussion Group.

Wednesday, July 4th:  Happy 4th of July!!  I know it’s a holiday, but you still have an assignment!  It won’t take you but just a few moments to read the chapter “Overflowing Blessing” and then visit our blog to read Kelley Murphy’s commentary on this chapter.

Thursday, July 5th:  Read “The Balancing Point” and then visit our blog to read Robin Packer’s commentary on this blog.

Friday, July 6th:  Come back here to our blog for a weekly overview and commentary by Christi Wilson.

Each day you will want to return to your Facebook Discussion Group and discuss the question or topic that will be posted for that day.  Our blog is where you will get your assignment, and comment if you wish to do so.  The Facebook Group is where you will discuss that day’s chapter!  If you have any questions at all, don’t hesitate to ask them here, or in your Facebook Group!

Have a GREAT Day Everyone!! 

In His Love,
