February 22, 2025

Continuous Praise


The Lord has established his throne in heaven, and his kingdom rules over all.
Praise the LORD, you his angels, you mighty ones who do his bidding, who obey his word.
Praise the LORD, all his heavenly hosts, you his servants who do his will.
Praise the LORD, all his works everywhere in his dominion.
Praise the LORD, O my soul.
Psalm 103:19-22

So, I need to make a run to the grocery store? (Have a wonderful time in the journey.) Close the car door, start the engine, turn the volume up on the radio, fasten seat belt, put car in reverse, and away I go.

The sounds of praise music and words flood my soul with joy as I praise my great God!

So, I need to wash clothes? (First things first though.) Go to the computer, find the Christian radio station, crank up the music, get the laundry basket, fill it with dirty clothes, and head to the washing machine down the hall.

The sounds of praise music and words flood my soul with joy as I praise my great God!

So, I have the honor of holding a precious baby while her mom is in small group during Bible study? (What a beautiful, tiny blessing of God is held in my arms!) Hold her close, step outside where she likes the warmth of the sunshine, and sing praise songs to her while she falls asleep.

The sounds of praise music and words flood my soul with joy as I praise my great God!

So, I just walked into the sanctuary at church? (This is a favorite time of the week.) I find a seat, the music begins, and we rise to our feet as we sing with the worship leader as words of praise flash on the screen and the instruments fill the room with beautiful sounds.

The sounds of praise music and words flood my soul with joy as I praise my great God!

Four different situations in my life presented as opportunities to praise God in my soul.  David called several different groups of beings to praise God toward the end of Psalm 103 as if he is building a gathering that continues to increase in number and intensity.  By the end of the chapter in verse 22, he calls on all of God’s works everywhere to praise God.

I am going to spend an eternity praising Jesus! I enjoy this life being “a dress rehearsal” for then.

On the days I can’t sing, I need to stop and search my heart to see what’s wrong.  It’s then that I really need to pray.  For praise should always be able to spill forth from my lips.  I have often found that the more I pray, the more I can praise.  The one who prays often will be able to praise often!

* * * * *

Dear Lord, let us praise You here, there, and everywhere.  Let it not be a designated moment in time, but instead a continuous state of our hearts turned toward You.  Each time we hear praise music or belt it out ourselves, let our hearts overflow with thankfulness that we can hear it, sing it, and praise You in this life and in the one to come!  In Jesus’ Name,



My Help and My Deliverer


Let all those that seek and require You rejoice and be glad in You;
let such as love Your salvation say continually, The Lord be magnified!
[As for me] I am poor and needy, yet the Lord takes thought and plans for me.
You are my Help and my Deliverer. O my God, do not tarry!
Psalms 40:16 and 17

OK, please raise your hands up, everyone who has cried out to God like this….  OK, now hands up—raised in praise—everyone who has cried out to God like this KNOWING that He is your Help…He is your Deliverer…and that He will not tarry.  Oh, how we love to praise Him for His goodness, His grace, His help; yes?

There are days when we are feeling so very poor and needy…days when it takes effort, sometimes great effort, to continue to confess the truth that the Lord DOES take thought and DOES have plans for us.  God knows this; He knows we struggle.  He encourages and revives us with His promises.

For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord,
thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil,
to give you hope in your final outcome.
Then you will call upon Me,
and you will come and pray to Me, and I will hear and heed you.
Then you will seek Me, inquire for, and require Me [as a vital necessity]
and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.
I will be found by you, says the Lord…
Jeremiah 29:11-14

These are such sustaining promises made to you and me by our Faithful, Trustworthy God.  Have you ever considered memorizing God’s promises?  What an incredible weapon to have at your disposal—the Word(s) of God that He is faithful to bring to pass!  Either of these groups of verses that we have considered today would be wonderful to have at the ready in your memory…for those times when you are feeling poor and needy.

And so I ask you…

Do you seek Him and require Him?  Then rejoice and be glad in Him!

Do you love His salvation waiting expectantly for His return?  Then say, ‘The Lord be magnified!’

* * * * *

Oh, Lord, we totally and completely recognize our great need for You!  And we know, we absolutely know, that You are our Help and our Deliverer!  Thank You, Lord, for the comfort of these promises!  We rest in You!  Amen.

Experiencing God


Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise;
give thanks to Him and praise His name.
Psalm 100:4

Psalm 100 holds the key to intimacy with God. Using that key we can unlock a powerful encounter with Him, just as David was able to thousands of years ago.

The first thing to remember is that there are gates between heaven and earth. The Book of Revelation explains that each gate is made from a single pearl—the pearly gates.

The good news is that when we are saved by Jesus, God forgives our sins and adopts us as sons and daughters; He becomes our heavenly Father.  Do royal children have the right to enter the Kingdom?  Absolutely!

Remember the older brother in the story of the prodigal son? The one who stayed home and obeyed his father?  He complains that the father never even gave him a young goat but threw a great party for the wayward son.  ‘My son,’ the father said, ‘you are always with me, and everything I have is yours.’  All he had to do was ask.

Here’s how to do that:

Step 1: We cause the gates of heaven to open by thanking God for all He has done. Thank Him for lots of different things, or for one thing over and over.  If nothing particular comes to mind, just say “thank You, Lord,” over and over.  Musical people can sing songs of thanksgiving.  After an hour or two (or maybe simply a couple of minutes) we stop thinking about ourselves and our problems, and find ourselves focused on eternity. The  atmosphere changes. It’s time to move onto praise.

Step 2: It is time to come into His courts and enter the very presence of God. We do this by praising Him. Again, we can praise Him for many different things—Who He is, what He has done, what He is going to do, for example.  Or we can focus on one thing and praise Him for that over and over. If nothing comes to mind, simply declare “I praise You, Lord!”  Musical people can sing songs of praise.

Step 3: At some point we will sense a powerful intimacy with God. In this place it is easy to discern what is important to Him, and just how to pray. Often we experience insights and receive strategies about Kingdom plans. Sometimes He gives us things, and not just in the spirit.

Don’t be like the older son who served his father diligently but never knew how to receive anything back. We have a generous Father who loves to give gifts to His children.

Go and spend some time with Him in His courts now.

* * * * *

Dear Father,

We love to come before Your throne of grace…to thank You for how wonderful and awesome and incredible You are!  And to sing our praises from our grateful hearts!  May we never hesitate to seek You and ask our heavenly Father for the things that You have promised!  You are such a good, gracious, loving God!  In Jesus’ name, we pray and ask.

Praising Him In Spite of the Storms

This week, I have had the joy of being surrounded by women lifting their hearts and their praises to our Great God!  It has been so encouraging and inspiring!  There has been MUCH praise spoken and sung.

And in the midst of it…all throughout the week…I have been thinking of those who continue to praise our Awesome God throughout the storms of life.  My loved ones and friends who set their hearts towards our Faithful God recognizing His goodness and grace and mercy and lovingkindness.  In spite of losing loved ones who have died, struggles in marriages, increasing financial burdens, loss of jobs, sadness due to broken relationships, worry over children, concerns with serious health issues and a myriad of other hurts, anxieties, and pressures—they continue to acknowledge how wonderful God is!  I have heard them express their hearts praising their Father God using words that are so similar to what the Psalmist wrote,

Many, O Lord my God, are the wonderful works which You have done,
and Your thoughts toward us; no one can compare with You!
If I should declare and speak of them, they are too many to be numbered.
Psalms 40:5

During times of trial—perhaps even DESPITE the things we go through—our hearts and minds must be focused on the goodness of God.  He loves us unconditionally.  He is Faithful and True.  He never leaves nor forsakes us.  He keeps His promises. He never changes.


  • we treasure and hide His Word in our hearts so that we don’t sin
  • we remind ourselves of the TRUTH so that we cannot be deceived by lying thoughts
  • we take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ
  • we put on the whole armor that God has provided for us so that we can stand
  • and we speak and proclaim and shout and sing our praises!

Consider this psalm; perhaps you might read it aloud using it to express the words of your own heart!  May you be encouraged through these praises to always bring your own thoughts back to the One Who loves you so and to proclaim His faithfulness, His steadfast love, His trustworthiness, His truth.

Psalm 40
I waited patiently and expectantly for the Lord; and He inclined to me and heard my cry.
He drew me up out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, steadying my steps and establishing my goings.
And He has put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God. Many shall see and fear and put their trust and confident reliance in the Lord.
Blessed is the man who makes the Lord his refuge and trust, and turns not to the proud or to followers of false gods.
Many, O Lord my God, are the wonderful works which You have done, and Your thoughts toward us; no one can compare with You! If I should declare and speak of them, they are too many to be numbered.
Sacrifice and offering You do not desire, nor have You delight in them; You have given me the capacity to hear and obey; burnt offerings and sin offerings You do not require.
Then said I, Behold, I come; in the volume of the book it is written of me; I delight to do Your will, O my God; yes, Your law is within my heart.
I have proclaimed glad tidings of righteousness in the great assembly. Behold, I have not restrained my lips, as You know, O Lord.
I have not concealed Your righteousness within my heart; I have proclaimed Your faithfulness and Your salvation. I have not hid away Your steadfast love and Your truth from the great assembly.
Withhold not Your tender mercy from me, O Lord; let Your loving-kindness and Your truth continually preserve me!  For innumerable evils have compassed me about; my iniquities have taken such hold on me that I am not able to look up. They are more than the hairs of my head, and my heart has failed me and forsaken me.
Be pleased, O Lord, to deliver me; O Lord, make haste to help me!
Let them be put to shame and confounded together who seek and require my life to destroy it; let them be driven backward and brought to dishonor who wish me evil and delight in my hurt!
Let them be desolate by reason of their shame who say to me, Aha, aha!
Let all those that seek and require You rejoice and be glad in You; let such as love Your salvation say continually, The Lord be magnified!
As for me, I am poor and needy, yet the Lord takes thought and plans for me. You are my Help and my Deliverer. O my God, do not tarry!

Praying for each of you!  ♥ 

♥  coleen


If you would like to send a personal message to Coleen concerning this blog post, you may email her at: Coleen@girlfriendscoffeehour.com

Girls with Swords: Chapter 11- Open Thoughts of Chapter

I remember my grandmother telling me the favorite part of her day was when she was worshipping God.  When she told me that, I asked her if she sang to God every day.  I was confused because the only time I ever thought I worshipped God was when I would sing praises at church.  My grandmother knew exactly what I was thinking and, with a smile, she replied with words that spoke directly to my heart, “I sing to God every day, with my words, with my prayers, with my thoughts, and with my time I spend reading the Bible and being still in His presence.”  This is when I learned worship isn’t about the building you are in, the drums in the background, or the people around you.  Instead it is all about using every opportunity of worship throughout the day to escape to a place of love, grace, mercy, peace, and complete joy with our Heavenly Father.  Our favorite time of the day should easily be the time spent singing to God. 

After reading this chapter and the blogs that my amazing friends have prepared for us there are some things God has laid on my heart I feel compelled to share with you.

Revelation 4:9-10

Whenever the living creatures give glory, honor and thanks to him who sits on the throne and who lives for ever and ever, the twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on  the throne and worship him who lives for ever and ever. They lay their crowns before the throne and say:

“You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being.”

The first time I read this passage in the Bible, I could not help but cry out to God.  This passage helped solidify who God is in my life.  He is worthy of all of my praise, glory, and honor.  This passage challenges me to make sure that in everything I do, there are elders on their knees in Heaven worshipping our One and Only.

I love You, Lord,
and I lift my voice
to worship You;
oh, my soul rejoice!
take joy, my King
in what You hear…
may it be a sweet, sweet sound in Your ear!

I cannot even begin to describe to you how this song has helped me through some of the darkest hours of my life.  Now, I fall asleep singing this song many nights.  I am so thankful for music that God uses to help us through the dark.  As Lisa says on page 173 “Music invites your body to move, but remembering all that God has done for you will move you.”  (Move you out of the darkness!) What are some songs God has used in your life?

When I was singing the above lyrics as I was preparing this blog for today, I thought of different lyrics.  Let my life be a sweet, sweet, sound in your ear.  I decided to type this into Google and this is what I found…

I am an instrument of the living God
My life a melody to His name
More than the songs I sing
Worship is everything
I live to glorify my King

Hear the song of my life
Let it be a sweet, sweet sound
Let it be a sweet, sweet sound
I raise this anthem high
Let it be a sweet, sweet sound
Let it be a sweet, sweet sound

Through all the mire and clay
You’re washing me with grace
You carry me, oh Lord, through it all
So I will testify even in the fire
I live to praise my Savior

Meditate on the lyrics of this song.  Is the song you sing every day the life you live for God?  I pray this song blesses your heart as much as it has mine.


Let’s Pray:

Heavenly Father,  I thank You for orchestrating the songs of our lives.  Help us to play back to You the music You created in our souls from the very beginning.  I pray we desire to bring You alone praise and glory and honor.  I thank You for the melody You are playing in our lives.  Help us to always let our lives be a sweet, sweet sound to Your ear!  AMEN!

Girls with Swords: Chapter 11 – “Sword of Song – Songs of Battle” (pgs 170-173)


When I read this section, I thought of this song. I thought of how this song touches my heart and empowers me each time I hear it. This song reminds me of how music works, it reminds me of those times when I was in the middle of a battle, in the middle of a test or trial and I would turn music on. Sometimes I would sing aloud, or sometimes I would sing silently to myself; either way the words of the song, and the sounds of the music would help to create a type of “joyful strength” (p. 171), as Lisa described it. Songs have the ability to “remind us of just how awesome the Most High is” (p. 171).  It is so easy to become caught up in life and to let His promises drift to the back of our mind. Music has a way of bringing us back.

Isaiah 54:1

“Sing, O barren,
You who have not borne!
Break forth into singing, and cry aloud,
You who have not labored with child!
For more are the children of the desolate
Than the children of the married woman,” says the Lord.

I think of praise and worship on Sundays, and the atmosphere that the songs usher in. The sanctuary full of people singing praises to God in unison, everyone lifting their voices in praise and thanks to our Heavenly Father. His power in the room can be felt. It pours into our hearts and minds, it covers us in God’s love. I think of driving in the car with the radio playing and a feeling of life and peace enveloping me. I think of my rambunctious children and the effect that music has on them!  I love hearing them singing Christian songs in the backseat as we go about our daily tasks; in their own way, they are singing through their own battles.

There are ‘go-to’ songs that I have when I need to feel closer to God; songs I listen to when I clean; songs I play for my children when they go to sleep. God has given us many tools in life, and the gift of song is one of them. There are times in our lives when we need to pick up our sword of song, we need to wield it, shout and sing. The song of battle needs to be one of our tools as a warrior of Christ, and, as a girl with a sword.

Let’s Pray:

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for Your gifts! Thank You for reminding us of Your love and Your strength through song. Thank You for the joy it creates, and the security it provides. Lord, please give us a holy boldness and remind us that we are living for none other than You.  In Jesus’ Name we pray, AMEN!

Girls with Swords: Chapter 11 – “Sword of Song” (pgs 167-168)

This chapter brought out my inner science nerd.  The thought of a sword as a tuning instrument made me think of vibrationsand vibrations make sound…and sound makes praise…and praise means WORSHIP.  And then I wondered what it must be like to see the Creation from God’s perspective.  We look at the heavens from earth and marvel at the silent beauty, but did you know the heavens make music?

If you want to find inspiration for great praise songs, turn to the book of Psalms.  Had you ever thought about your Sword containing songs of praise and worship to the Creator?  Check out Psalms 148 today, then I want you to spend a little time watching this amazing video of Louis Giglio (God’s science nerd Supreme)

The sensitive microphones attached to the massive telescopes have recorded the stars singing praises to their Creator.  The streams babble and the waves crash.  The animals communicate and so do the humans.  If the rocks can cry out in praise for the Father, why do we hold back?  Take a few moments to consider How Great is Our God!?!  He is Great and He is Worthy to be praised.

Lisa begins this chapter with the introduction of a truly amazing sword.  I had seen flaming bladed swords on cartoons and movies, but never even considered they were a real thing.  To learn that they were used in battle and were an asset to the one wielding the sword was truly amazing.  My mind immediately went to the Garden of Eden and the angel with the flaming sword guarding the eastern gate to prevent Adam and Eve (and sin) from re-entering.  As I studied, I found that most references to this kind of sword are inspired from the Bible accounts.

This sword causes vibrations which loosen the opponents grip and cause them to lose footing.  The vibrations give the sword-bearer the upper hand.  The same thing happens when the created ones praise the Creator.  The power is in the praise.  Lisa says, “as we singespecially when we sing the Wordthe airwaves begin to vibrate with sound, and the grip of the enemy slips as the friction between light and darkness increases” (p. 168).  When we sing praises to God, the Father, the Creator, we join our vibrations with other humans, animals, and His creation to return thanks and worship to One Worthy to be praised.

The other thought that has plagued my mind today is this:  If I get my feelings hurt when one of my kids withholds “thank you’s” and “I love you’s”, then how much more must God be hurt by our selfishness?  The Psalms are full of examples of showing gratitude to the Father for everything that happens in our lives—good and bad.  I don’t want to be an ungrateful child.  I want to show my love and adoration unconditional. If you need guidance or a place to start, begin in Psalms and let your heart worship with the psalmist.

Today, let’s consider our favorite “ways to praise” or our favorite praise music and share it with someone.  How Great Is Our God is one of my favorites from Chris Tomlin and Louis Giglio.

Share a link or verse or words from your favorite Praise and Worship music.

To God be the Glory!


Let Us Praise:

Psalms 148:13-14
Let them praise the name of the Lord, for his name alone is exalted; his splendor is above the earth and the heavens.  And he has raised up for his people a horn, the praise of all his faithful servants, of Israel, the people close to his heart. Praise the Lord!

Father, we want to be people close to Your heart.  Forgive us when we forget to say ‘Thank You’ and ‘We Love You.’  Thank You for the glimpse into what You must hear on Your side of heaven.  My heart is forever changed.  Love You, Abba   AMEN

Seeking Him – Sing Your Praise


This week in our current series, Seeking Him, we will focus on recognizing how vital it is to include singing our praises to God as part of our quiet time.

Each Saturday we have been looking in-depth at a few of the most important aspects of having a dedicated, purposeful quiet time.  At the beginning of this series I had the privilege of sharing with you a few thoughts from some friends about their own quiet time.  Gathering from their experiences, there seem to be a few basics which include:

Bible reading
Praise Songs
Seeking the Lord

If you are like me, you have found that singing and praising through song is so uplifting, don’t you think?  Almighty God is the point…He is the focus…keeping my mind and heart set toward Him is my aim.  He is the reason why I sing praises to Him!

Psalms 147:1, 7

Praise the Lord! For it is good to sing praises to our God,
for He is gracious and lovely; praise is becoming and appropriate.
Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving;
sing praises with the harp or the lyre to our God!

There are more reasons to praise our God than we have words enough to do so! Here are just a few of His attributes:

  • He is full of glory (Psalm 138:5)
  • He is great (Psalm 145:3)
  • He is wise and powerful (Daniel 2:20)
  • He is good (Psalm 107:8)
  • He is merciful (Psalm 89:1)
  • He is faithful (Deuteronomy 7:9)

And just some of His wonderful works:

  • He is the One who saves us (Psalm 18:46)
  • He keeps His promises (1 Kings 8:56)
  • He pardons sin (Psalm 103:1-3)
  • He gives us our daily food (Psalm 136:25)

There is a day coming when all will praise God by bowing to Jesus the King!

Philippians 2:10-11

That in (at) the name of Jesus every knee should (must) bow,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,

And every tongue [frankly and openly] confess and acknowledge
that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Almighty God is oh-so-worthy to be praised!  Psalm 107 would be a great place to be encouraged with reminders of what God has done for His children!  Throughout this particular psalm is listed proof after proof of God’s goodness.

Psalms 107:8, 15, 21, 31

Oh, that men would praise [and confess to] the Lord for His goodness
and loving-kindness and His wonderful works to the children of men!

The Book of Psalms has been called the ‘Praise Book’ of the Bible.  In it are literally hundreds of examples of praises and reasons why praise is oh-so-very important.  Did you know that every single one of the 150 psalms included in the Book of Psalms is an actual song?  Steve Pearson, a wonderful singer and songwriter, has written and recorded many songs using the words of the Psalms and his own inspired musical accompaniment.  Here is a link to his website   http://www.psalmistry.com/ Check it out! 

As I read the Scriptures, one thing is clear: singing our praises is a good thing!

Join Miss Amy Grant as she sings Sing Your Praise to the Lord!

 Psalm 92:1

It is good to praise the LORD and make music to your name, O Most High…

Psalm 138:1-5

I will confess and praise You [O God] with my whole heart;
before the gods will I sing praises to You.
I will worship toward Your holy temple and praise Your name
for Your loving-kindness and for Your truth and faithfulness;
for You have exalted above all else Your name and Your word
and You have magnified Your word above all Your name!
In the day when I called, You answered me;
and You strengthened me with strength
(might and inflexibility to temptation) in my inner self.
All the kings of the land shall give You credit and praise You, O Lord,
for they have heard of the promises of Your mouth [which were fulfilled].
Yes, they shall sing of the ways of the Lord
and joyfully celebrate His mighty acts, for great is the glory of the Lord.

Keep seeking Him and enjoy your quiet time with your Lord!  As you seek Him, He will be found…He promises!

Jeremiah 29:12,13
Then you will call upon Me, and you will come and pray to Me,
and I will hear and heed you.
Then you will seek Me, inquire for, and require Me [as a vital necessity]
and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.

Praying for each of you!  I know that the Lord will answer your heart’s cry as you are seeking Him with all your heart!

♥ coleen


If you would like to send a personal message to Coleen concerning this series, you may email her at:  Coleen@girlfriendscoffeehour.com

Seeking Him: Praise in the Storms

Do you ever wake up and instead of saying a happy ‘G’morning, Lord!’ to your Heavenly Father out of your thoughts comes ‘Oh, please, Lord…<big sigh!>…I SO need you!”  That was me this morning.  I went over to the window, looking out into the darkness surrounding our neighborhood (it is only 5:10 a.m.), I purposed to sing my need–-confess my GREAT need—for my Father. I had settled my body down last night, but my mind was tossing and turning all night long.  And so I did what the Psalmist did when he was troubled and despondent…I sang.

David spoke to the Lord the words of this song on the day when the Lord delivered him from the hands of all his enemies and from the hand of Saul.   He said: The Lord is my Rock and my Fortress and my Deliverer;   My God, my Rock, in Him will I take refuge; my Shield and the Horn of my salvation; my Stronghold and my Refuge, my Savior—You save me from violence.   I call on the Lord, Who is worthy to be praised, and I am saved from my enemies.   In my distress I called upon the Lord; I cried to my God, and He heard my voice from His
temple; my cry came into His ears.  

2 Samuel 22:1-7


This week in our current series, Seeking Him, we are going to focus on recognizing how essential it is to praise our God even in the midst of trials and troubles and heartaches.  Yet one more reason to purpose to have your quiet time—to bring our hearts before Almighty God first thing in the morning.  Taking the time…making the time… to be still and to seek your heavenly Father is vitally important to the state of your heart throughout the day. 

Just like my early morning today (and let me tell you, the attacks did not stop! oh, no…they did not!) and the balance of the day, we ALL experience trials and temptations.  But we can experience a preparation for those times when we purpose to be in our Father’s presence at the beginning of each day.  Listen to this song by Mrs. Sara Groves, encouraging us! 


First Song That I Sing

In the morning when I rise • Help me to prioritize • All the thoughts that fill my day • Before my schedule • Tells me that my day is full • Before I’m off and on my way •

I want to praise You • I need to praise You • Let the first song that I sing • Be praises to my God and King •

Before the curtains part • Before my day is starting • Before I make up the bed • Before the snooze alarm • Reminds me that it’s morning • Before the dreams have left my head •

I want to praise You • I need to praise You • Let the first song that I sing • Be praises to my God and King •

Before my feet hit the floor • I’ll praise You, Lord, I’ll praise you Lord • Before I fill my cup • I’ll lift you up, I’ll lift you up • Before I start my day • I’ll sing your praise, I’ll sing your praise • Before I start my car • Before I get too far •


Oh, the joy that wells up in our hearts as we continue to praise our God!  Yet another reason for our morning quiet time, my friends!  Consider this,  

Through Him [Jesus], therefore,
let us constantly and at all times
offer up to God a sacrifice of praise,
which is the fruit of lips that thankfully
acknowledge and confess and glorify His name.

Hebrews 13:15

Sometimes giving our praises to God requires us sacrificing our own desires and purposing in our hearts to voice our thankfulness, even when we don’t feel very thankful.  “Thank [God] in everything [no matter what the circumstances may be, be thankful and give thanks], for this is the will of God for you [who are] in Christ Jesus…” (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

To the end that my tongue and my heart and everything glorious within me
may sing praise to You and not be silent.
O Lord my God, I will give thanks to You forever.
Psalm 30:12

Keep Seeking Him and enjoy your quiet time with your Lord!  Even in the midst of it all, sing your praises and thanksgiving!  God will be honored and magnified! 

Praying for each of you ♥   I know that the Lord will answer your heart’s cry as you are Seeking Him with all your heart!

♥ coleen 

If you would like to send a personal message to Coleen concerning this series, you may email her at:  Coleen@girlfriendscoffeehour.com

God and Life Balance… with Megan Smidt

phil 413


You all know I have 5 kids, right?

My oldest is 21 and my youngest (sweet Vicky) is 14…. and the one thing they have all struggled with is balancing their life with their relationship with God.

Yesterday, my dear friend Coleen Hayden shared with you a glimpse into what it looks like to seek the Lord as she will be blogging about this for you the next 4 weeks. I hope you had a chance to read it! If not, you can see her post here.

I will be doing a very similar thing over the next 4 weeks, but I will be discussing with you what it really and truly looks like to be able to balance having a wonderfully intimate relationship with God and also still have time for all of your important activities.

Being a teen, you are BUSY… I know! If you’re like my teens, you might have a few things on your plate like…..

  • church
  • family (maybe even in 2 houses…)
  • school
  • a job
  • sports
  • work
  • serving
  • hobbies
  • friends
  • boyfriend
  • ____________________


SO……. How DO you balance your relationship with God and other things in your life????

Well, you MUST be spending time with the Lord every single day! I am talking real, quality, in-the-Word time with God. Hopefully, you have a parent or other family member at home who has modeled this for you. If not, it’s okay….. Coleen will be going over this with you on her blog for the next 4 Saturdays. You can also be talking about this in our secret Facebook GCH:decaf fellowship group!!!

What else do you need to get and maintain this balance? Here are a few things we will be discussing over the next 4 weeks….

  • Take God with you throughout your day
  • Give your schedule to God
  • Accountability
  • Values vs. priorities

I do hope that you will take this journey with me over the next 4 weeks! I would love for you to be able to not only protect your time with God but also be able to feel confident about all of the other aspects of your life that are important to you. If you can learn this now, you will be amazed at how much easier life will be as more and more responsibilities get put on you as you continue to get older. This will be instrumental in helping you to not just be a FAN of Jesus…. but be one AMAZING FOLLOWER!!!!

Let’s Pray…

Dear Lord, thank You for giving each of us such big hearts for You. Help us as we begin to intentionally make time to deepen our relationship with You every day. Give us all that time back in our day for Your glory, Lord. Help us balance all of the demands of our time and begin helping us to discern what activities or demands on our time might not be what You have for us in this season. We love You and thank You for this, God! Amen.

Blessings to you all,

Megan 🙂


If you are interested in more information about GCH:decaf, email us at: GCH_Decaf@girlfriendscoffeehour.com.

If you would like to send a personal message to Megan, you may email her at: Megan@girlfriendscoffeehour.com