March 9, 2025

Girls with Swords: Chapter 10 – “Sword of Light – Discernment and Prayer” (pgs. 162-165)

Some weeks as I am sitting with my pink laptop, Bible, and Girls with Swords book, preparing the blog for you all, I wish I could just rewrite everything Lisa has written on the pages we are about to discuss.  Not because I do not want to write but because her words touch my heart so much, they challenge me, and they bring me closer to God.  So much of what she has written has led me to dig in to God’s Word more and more.  I pray that her words have done the same for you!  I am thankful for Lisa’s words.  Reading this section of the book, these are the words that stuck out the most to me; they are found on page 164:

  • Discernment and true intercession have the power to release restrained captives into their destiny.
  • Throughout His earthly walk, Jesus discerned the work of the evil one, then interceded by bringing light, truth, and healing into the darkened days of earth.
  • Discernment realizes when others are blind and then intercedes based on their ignorance rather than on their actions.  The Cross ended our separation from God, but His intercession didn’t stop there.  Jesus not only rose from the grave; he ascended into heaven:

Who shall bring any charge against God’s elect?  It is God who justifies.  Who is to condemn?  Christ Jesus is the one who died—more than that, who was raised—who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us. 

Romans 8:33-34

Once again, Lisa’s words remind me that I am a princess warrior (in training) for the King.  I am challenged to remember what God has done for me over again so I will never forget!  I believe the best part of witnessing God’s work in your life is learning in those moments how to let God work in the lives of others by interceding for them.  These are the lives of the restrained captives and ignorant warriors who are blind to God’s power in their own life.  When God is working in your life to form you into the princess He has designed you to be, it is not always under the best of circumstances.  Sometimes, God’s best work is in the darkest part of our walk with Him.  Through these moments, though, we have found God’s light that we may shine brightly for others who are living in darkness to see.


I have learned so much of how to share God’s help with others because I was once held captive, restrained by Satan’s slithering grasp.  I was once an ignorant princess who did not even know she possessed warrior potential.  I was so blinded by the darkness my life was quickly becoming.  Can anyone relate?  When I was living in the darkness of my past sins, mistakes, shame, and poison, I remember crying painful tears every single day.  These tears left stains on my heart… dark stains.  Every time I cried, I always wished someone would see me crying, and then just maybe that someone would pray for me.  I knew I desperately needed prayer, but I had no strength or words to pray for myself.

When I finally decided to start getting back into God’s Word, I came across this passage one day:

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness.
We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself
intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.
And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit,
because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will.
Romans 8:26-27

The first time I read this, yes, I CRIED!  This time the tears were not painful; instead they were filled with joy and thankfulness to God.  These new tears washed away the stains the painful ones had left on my heart.  After reading this passage, I realized that God saw every tear that fell from my eyes and, not only did He catch them in His hands, but He also prayed each one away.  In those teary moments, God’s spirit interceded for me.  He was the One I was wishing for all along to pray for me—I just didn’t know it at the time.  This realization moved me to tears; wouldn’t it do the same for you?  This passage remains true for each and every one of us.  Whether it is our tears that are falling into darkness or the tears of others, God’s Spirit is ready to intercede for us on behalf of the tears that stain our hearts.

The darkness we go through is never pitch black.  There is always God’s light nearby or far away depending on how fast you are wandering from His path for your life.  In our darkest moments, God is interceding for us with His truth, light, and healing.

Because of the dark we find God’s light.

Because we have found God’s light, we are able to help others find God’s light.

From our darkened moments, we learn how to intercede for others who are searching desperately for “their light at the end of the tunnel.”

As conquerors through Christ, we are here for a purpose to be God’s light THROUGH the tunnel for others to see.  When lost warriors and restrained captives find YOU on their dark path, will you be shining on God’s path and guiding them to Him?  Will you be the reflection of God’s Light—His Son?  Will you discern God’s truth that is needed and intercede for all of the lost?  God desires to set the captives free through YOU and ME, can you believe that?!  We know we can handle such a task because God’s Spirit is our aide at all times.

When I was traveling through my dark tunnel, I found God’s light in the midst of the darkness because of faithful followers of Christ who looked through the exterior of my hardened self, and discerned what my heart truly needed, a healthy dose of Jesus!  For that reason and so many others, I desire to be that same light to the whole lost world.  It is not time for judging the exterior shells of others we pass by on our path to Heaven; it is time to intercede for the lost, darkened hearts, waiting to be broken out of their shell by Jesus’ mighty power.  God, we give YOU all glory forever and ever!


Let’s Pray:

Lord, thank You for Your goodness.  Thank You for giving us your Holy Spirit to live inside of our hearts.  I pray that You help all of us princess warriors in training to be YOUR Light for others to see.  I ask Your Spirit to help us discern and intercede on behalf of the lost darkened world.  I pray that others see Your light shining bright through us.  Thank You for teaching us how to be Your useful light, even (and especially) if it was not under the best of circumstances.  We trust that our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.  Lord, until we are living in YOUR GLORY, let us bring You glory through living out Your will for our lives.  We pray all of these things in your Precious, Holy Name. Amen.

Girls With Swords: Chapter 4 – “The Battleground” (pgs 55-57)

Did you know that Jesus prayed a prayer that hasn’t been answered yet?  How can that be?  Has Jesus given up hope of His prayer being answered?  When the desires of our hearts are lined up with the will of God, our prayers will be answered.  I believe Jesus was in the center of God’s will for Him, therefore the prayers He prayed WILL BE ANSWERED according to his desires.

But…Jesus is still waiting…patiently… for one very important prayer to be answered.  In John 17:20-23 Jesus prays for you and me.  It says,

I do not ask for these (11 disciples) only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word(all of us NOW), that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me.  The glory that you have given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one, I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me.

Jesus prayed for you and me BEFORE He went to the cross, before He died for your sins and mine…  It was His heart’s desire to have us to be united as one body of believers, showing the world HIS glory, so that the world would know that God sent Jesus and that God loves all of US as much as He loves His own Son.  So, as long as we are still divided in our beliefs, religious activities and continue to hate other flavors of Christians, the enemy wins…Jesus has to keep waiting for his prayer to be answered.  “Christians” (Christ followers) are standing in the way of Jesus’ prayers.  That can’t be good.   So Jesus waits on us.

The eternal fate of this world is on OUR shoulders.  The world is our Battleground and the Word tells us it is ready to be harvested.  I guess that is a mixed metaphor…the field is white with harvest, the battle is waiting to be WON.  Jesus says to his disciples, this one from Matthew 9:37-38, “Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.  Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”  Jesus was showing his disciples the plans the Father has for each one of us.  Have you guessed what that plan is yet?

When sin entered the picture in the Garden of Eden there was one, singular NEED on this planet.  We were separated from God by SIN and God put a plan in place to restore us to a right relationship with HIM.  We were created for HIS GLORY, not our own.  We do not have NEED for bigger, or better, or shinier.  We have a NEED for a right relationship with God.  (Ummm…did you notice that Eden and Need have the same letters?  They are in the wrong order, much like our priorities…hmm)

In our reading Lisa says, “The current behavior of Christian cultures and communities has caused the inhabitants of the earth to question everything we stand for.  Are we acting as though God sent his Son to save the lost world, or do we behave in a way that says it is all about us?” (p.56)  Lisa challenges us to ACT like the answers to Jesus’ prayer.  What better privilege can there be than to be considered an answered prayer for Jesus????  Are YOU the answer to Jesus’ Prayer???  I want to be.  We are all gifts the Father gave to the Son.  Jesus asked God for us and God granted him his deepest desire.  Here are the same verses, but from the Message Bible:  “Father, I want those You gave me to be with me, right where I am, So they can see my glory, the splendor You gave me, Having loved me long before there ever was a world.”

So Jesus ‘  heart’s desire was for the world to be united as one body, for one purpose, for eternity, by His side.  How do we lay down the wrong thinking of tradition and religious behaviors and focus on the One who died for us?  How do we show a godless world what a right relationship with Christ looks like?  Since we found our mighty armor in the book of Ephesians, let’s look there for the purpose of our battle:

“In him we have redemption through his blood,

the forgiveness of our trespasses,

according to the riches of his grace,

which he lavished upon us,

in all wisdom and insight making known to us the mystery of his will,

according to his purposes,

which he set forth in Christ as a plan for the fullness of time,

to unite all things in him, things in heaven and things on earth.”  Eph. 1:7-10

Lisa asks us this question, “What might happen if we were one heart, one voice, one vision and purpose, one name, one kingdom, and one mandate to glorify Jesus?  WE WOULD ONCE AGAIN WALK IN A WAY THAT OUR WEARY EARTH WOULD GLIMPSE HEAVEN.” (p. 57)  I submit to you that we would become the answer to the prayer Jesus prayed at the Last Supper.  We would be the fulfillment of his desire for the people of the world to become one under the Lordship of Jesus…and…dare I say it, “World Peace”.  (Beauty pageant moment, sorry)


The Bible tells us in Matthew that “God blesses those who work for peace, for they will be called the children of God.”  I want to be Blessed.  I want to be His Child.  Would you come and be my Sister???  Together we can show the world God’s plan for redemption.  We can love one another no matter what Christian nametag we wear.  We are in this battle together.  The fields are white with harvest.


Let’s Pray:

Heavenly Father, I thank you for your perfect plan in Eden.  I thank you for desiring a relationship with us to show us our Need.  I thank you for providing the perfect plan of redemption so that we can be united with you for eternity.  Father, I pray for each woman on this journey with us to continue to be united in faith and love, and show that love to others so that you might be glorified.  We thank you for Peace.  Peace that can only be found in you.  Give us the strength and perseverance to harvest the fields, win the battles before us, and bring your peace to the world around us.  We love you, Father.  AMEN


Looking for my sisters,


(The Harvester)

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If you would like to join us for the “Girls with Swords” Online Bible/Book study, click HERE to be taken to our sign-up page.  Once you complete the enrollment process, we will email you further details.  We hope you will join us!

Prayer is the Final Piece

Finally, be strengthened by the Lord and by the strength of His might.
Put on the full armor of God so that you can stand against the tactics of the Devil.
For our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities,
against the world powers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens.
This is why you must take up the full armor of God, so that you may be able to resist
in the evil day, and having prepared everything, to take your stand.
Stand, therefore, with truth like a belt around your waist,
righteousness like armor on your chest,
and your feet sandaled with readiness for the gospel of peace.
In every situation take the shield of faith, and with it you will be able
to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.
Take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is God’s word.

Pray at all times in the Spirit with every prayer and request,
and stay alert in this with all perseverance and intercession for all the saints.

Ephesians 6:10-18

In our current study of Lisa Bevere’s book, Girls With Swords haven’t we SO loved looking at this encouraging section in the Scriptures?!?  We have considered the various pieces of the Armor of God.  We have been encouraged to put them on each morning as we prepare for our day. We have been reminded that they are TRUTH, RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE, FAITH, and SALVATION—a strong foundation on which to take our stand.  We have seen that, clothed with this Armor of God, we are equipped and enabled to stand, resisting all the tactics and wiles of the enemy.

Now, consider this…. We garb ourselves in this protective suit of Armor.  We take up the sword of the spirit.  And then we are told “pray.”  One would think that we are ready to go, right?  But truly prayer is the final piece, the item that links all the pieces together.  It reminds me of a football player…outfitted with all those pieces of his uniform (pads, helmet, etc.) that are designed to protect him…ready to head out of the locker room to battle his ‘enemy’—the other team.  And the coach says, ‘Take a knee.’

This final piece—prayer—is not the half-hearted whispering of a prayer.  But rather it is prayer spoken with passion, with faith, with ‘strong purpose and perseverance.’  It is prayer uttered with humble wholeheartedness to the One Who hears our prayers and answers.

So often when the Scriptures communicate to us on the matter of prayer, the words used are compelling.  As you read these next few verses see which words jump out at you.  (Clue: they are NOT the words marked in red!)

Philippians 4:6
Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God.

Colossians 4:2
Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving.

Romans 12:12
Rejoice and exult in hope; be steadfast and patient in suffering and tribulation; be constant in prayer.

Which words did you find grabbing your attention…were they words like, ‘steadfast’ and ‘constant’ and ‘everything’ and ‘watchful?’


So as you put on your Armor, my sisters, never forget that the last piece—the prayer piece—is not put ON but rather put IN—into your heart!  Prayer is a truly important part of the equipping of a Jesus girl who desires to be a hero…a warrior.

My prayer is that as you draw near to Your heavenly Father, seeking His guidance and direction, His help and protection, you would recognize how tenderly He looks on you…His daughter, His child, His warrior, His hero.  He loves you with an everlasting love, and He never EVER will leave you…You are His!

Praying for each of you!



If you would like to send a personal message to Coleen, you may email her at:, or leave a comment below.

Girls With Swords: Chapter 3 – “Heroes Seize Their Moments” (pgs 42-47)

I LOVE SUPERHEROES!!!!!  When I think about the ‘worldly’ image of superheroes it brings to mind the bold, muscular, powerful, intelligent, gifted persona we recognize as the hero.  But if we really look at the person behind the superhero name tag, we find a normal, unassuming, unlikely character.  Most of the comic books show us that these people were ‘victims’ of  a major event in their lives not of their choosing.  They don’t come from a long line of heroes.  They are unique.  They stand out.

I got so fired up when I began reading this chapter, “You Might Be A Hero”.  It was a very powerful reminder of who God can use to do heroic things for Him while we are in this world.  Look at these points Lisa made:

  1. God makes heroes out of nobodies.
  2. Heroes are people of substance.
  3. Heroes have attitude.
  4. Heroes seize their moment.
  5. Heroes are part of a connected legacy.
  6. Heroes are superhuman.
  7. Heroes are brave.
  8. Heroes have something more to them.

I don’t know about you, but when I read Hebrews 11 and recount the heroes of the faith, the last thing I see is ‘nobodies.’  They must have been something special, right?  Surely they woke up one day and KNEW they were a hero.  Didn’t they?  It’s time to dig a little deeper for some truth.

“Each one of these people of faith died not yet having in hand what was promised, but still believing.  How did they do it?  They saw it way off in the distance, waved their greeting, and accepted the fact that they were transients in this world.”

 Hebrews 11:13  MSG

Each one of the people listed in the Hall of Faith died not even knowing the impact their life would have on the world.  All they knew was that they were chosen by God to go wherever He asked, do whatever He needed them to do, protect whomever He needed them to protect, feed whoever was hungry, build what He said build, stand when He said stand and FIGHT when God said fight.

These are our ancestors.  THESE are our ancestorsTHESE ARE OUR ANCESTORS.  They could see us in the future.  They waved to us a greeting and encouraged us to carry on.  They passed the torch on to us normal people of God to continue the fight.  Our ancestors knew they were only passing through this world.  They chose to follow God, do what He asked them to do, and left us a mighty legacy as an example.  As a result, they had an impact on the world that is still being felt many generations after their passing.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.”  Hebrews 12:1-2

(Our pastor spoke on this passage this weekend.  I love it when God does that for me.  I got a lesson before I needed to share it with you.)  It is our turn to be the hero that God rises up, in our time, to carry out His purposes.  We have encouragers surrounding us.  They have gone before us, they know how we feel, they are considered heroes, and are sitting in the presence of God RIGHT NOW.  I want to be cheered on by Moses, Abraham, Rahab, David, Mary, Nehemiah, Jeremiah…my grandparents.

Lisa says on page 46, “As the realization grows of how in him we are heroes and he is the hero within, it should overpower any fear we may have felt when we learned we were targets.  We need to throw our shoulders back and declare, “I am positioned for overwhelming triumph because I am ‘from God and have overcome them, for he who is in [me] is greater than he who is in the world’” (1 John 4:4).”


Did you see that?  “I am positioned for overwhelming TRIUMPH because I am ‘FROM GOD’, ‘HAVE OVERCOME THEM’, ‘HE WHO IS IN ME IS GREATER THAN he WHO IS IN THE WORLD’.

This mild-mannered Jesus girl may look ordinary on the outside, but I have a HERO living inside me that needs to save the world.  “It is exciting to look in the mirror and realize there is far more to you than anyone can actually see.  The realm of the unseen holds your secret hero identity.  Being a hero is an act of worship” (p. 47).  My act of worship is to do the will of the One who lives within me.  It is God’s will for every soul on this earth to be redeemed and restored.  It is our job as Jesus girls to spread the word and fight the battles to free God’s children from whatever entangles them.

We cannot lead people spiritually where we have not gone.  (That’s considered a push.)  As heroes, we have to be prepared for the battles by getting to know the Commander.  His Spirit within us guides us to do the will of the Father.  In our own strength, we cannot defeat the enemies we face.  The Bible tells us our enemies are not flesh and blood, but spiritual.  We will not be able to punch, claw, or even stand and take the enemies punishment in our own body without the aid of the Holy Spirit.

Superheroes Are Part of a Connected Legacy

Superheroes know where their strength comes from.  “Life in the Spirit means we no longer give way to the base actions and emotions that tether us to our own strength and striving.  Nor can we allow the enemy entrance through our actions” (p. 47).

Zechariah 4:6 tells us, “Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of hosts.”  Zechariah was a cool dude.  Do you think he really understood who his son was going to be?  Can a parent see into the future and know how their child will change the world?  I don’t think so, but man, John the Baptist was a cool friend of Jesus.  Zechariah raised that boy the way God said and his words are still being read today.  He is still a hero changing the world.  Zechariah had a part in John’s story, John had a part in Jesus’ story and Jesus is a part of OUR STORY.

Oops, sorry,  I chased a chicken and got distracted.  On page 43, Lisa adds a fencing fact.

In fencing, if you fall into playing your opponent’s game,

you are as good as doomed.

We cannot act the way the world does and expect them to see Jesus.  “We cannot allow the enemy entrance through our actions.”  Our sWord says,  “For while there is jealousy and strife among you, are you not of the flesh and behaving only in a human way?” (1 Corinthians 3:3).  As long as we allow ourselves to be controlled by our actions and emotions, God cannot use us to do superhuman things for Him.  We have to choose to walk with God, by His power, and through His Spirit.

So, to be a superhero we have to plug into our Power Source.  Because God is our Power Source, we are accountable to Him for our actions.  He will guide us to the battle.  He will protect us through the fight.  We will emerge victorious, being cheered on by that great cloud of witnesses who have gone before us.


Let’s be Heroes,



Let’s Pray:

Heavenly Father, we come to You with a humble heart today.  We fully acknowledge that it is by Your power that we are fighting our battles and by Your power we will emerge victorious.  Lead us to the field, equip us for every good work and lift our arms as we stand for You.  We love You and praise Your Holy Name.   Amen. 

Girls With Swords: Chapter 2 – “The God Sword” (pgs 19-24)

If someone handed you a sword today would you know how to use it?  Would you know how to hold it properly?  Wield it safely and effectively?  Defend yourself against an enemy?  Protect your family from harm?  Why do we need a sword anyway?

We have been handed a sword—a God Sword.  Ephesians 6 addresses the Armor of God that we are to put on daily to protect ourselves from spiritual attack.  Verse 17 says this, “Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”  We had a pretty cute discussion about spiritual “helmet hair” last week in one of the Facebook groups, but this sword of the Spirit is a different matter.  The Sword of the Spirit is the Word of God—my Bible.  How many of us have a Bible in our home, on our night stand or bookshelf, or in our car and we rarely use it?  Do we really know what is inside it?  Do we know the One the Book reveals to us?  We are missing out on the power of God in our lives because we do not learn how to use our weapon.

If a warrior was sent into battle the same day he was given his sword, chances are good the warrior would not come back alive.  That same warrior needs training and experience to be able to handle his sword effectively.  Owning a sword does not make him an effective warrior, using the sword does.  Lisa says she had a revelation that “many of God’s daughters in this generation are unarmed…ill equipped and unprepared.  It…means they are at risk and incredibly vulnerable to deception” (p. 19).

The Bible warns us against the double-edged sword of false teachers/prophets and deception.

“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world”  (1 John 4:1).  The only way to know the truth, to be able to test the spirits, is to know God.  You have to know His character, see if what the teachers (or people in general) are saying is consistent with what you know about God.  Are the teachers teaching the “whole” gospel?  There are many factions of believers in the world who are holding to small pieces of the God sword.  Each piece, used individually, is ineffective to defend and protect us from the evil one.

What good is a blade with no point, or a handle without a guard?  The sword bearer will be injured and perhaps killed if not properly equipped.  A broken sword is useless to the warrior, BUT useful to the enemy.  As Christ-followers we need to be properly equipped with the whole Bible, not just the pieces we like and disregard the rest.  Let’s figure out how to unite our fellow believers so that we are using the whole counsel of God against our enemies.

WordOfGodAliveLisa says, “All that we require to reassemble these weapons of battle in this season can be found in God’s Word.  Every piece large and small is already awaiting our unified, living declaration.  If it takes a furnace of hardship to bring us to a place of unified prayer so that what was separated can be seamlessly joined together, so be it” (p. 23).  It is time for the Mighty Warrior Princesses to study, pray and declare the Bible is TRUTH as a whole and learn to use it to influence others.  “The Word of God is ALIVE, POWERFUL, PERFECT, and PURE” (p. 23).

There was one more very profound truth on page 23.  “Satan is not afraid of a disjointed church that wields pieces or fragments of God’s mighty Word, but he will tremble in terror at the church that rises up with the sword of his Word re-forged and expressed through our lives.”  We have to know more than our favorite verses.  That piece may get us through sometimes, but we need to know ALL the Word to help us through a LIFETIME.

The world will truly see REVIVAL when the church unites to use our strengths to work together instead of tear each other apart.  Let’s learn to use our swords.  It’s time to TRAIN.  We have to get strong in the Lord and be of good courage.  Oh, and one more thing, “swords are used on enemies, not friends.”  Let’s band together, sharpen each other as we practice using our God Sword and fight the enemy!

Lift your WHOLE sword high,



Let’s Pray:

Heavenly Father, we thank You for the sisters You have given us to sharpen us.  Thank You that we can speak truth from You into each other’s lives.  Lead us to a deeper understanding of Your Word and help us to hide it deep within our being.  Enable us to use the truth to defend and protect us from the deceiver and false teachers.  Guide and protect us as we band together and learn to wield the whole counsel in the Bible and not just our favorite parts.  Your Word is Holy and complete.  We do not want to be found guilty of diminishing its value in our lives.  Thank You, Father for the opportunity to be in this place, in this time, to stand for You.  Help us as we learn new skills to apply to our lives.  AMEN.


Captivating: Chapter 12 Weekly Review – End of Study

Girlfriends, what an awesome journey we have been on for the last couple of weeks. I pray that you are more than convinced of your awesomeness!  You truly are Captivating.

On Monday, Jackie told us that we have an irreplaceable role to play in this world. God is waiting for us to accept that role so that He can use us for His glory. You and I have the power to influence our world for God.

Tuesday with Tonya we learned that what God asks us to do can seem more than what we thought possible. Being what God requires us to be can seem overwhelming at times. But, by saying ‘yes’ to God, and by going where God is asking us to go, and doing what God asks us to do, we are also acknowledging that we have faith in His covering—faith that He will take care of everything else.

Carissa shared some awesome truths with us on Wednesday. She said that we might not be where we are ‘called’ to be right now, because God is preparing us for His plans that are to come. We can’t see the big picture, but God can. He has you right where you are for His reasoning.

On Thursday, Michelle encouraged us to not be afraid of who we are, who we were created to be. It is time to stop hiding. Let us all step out in faith. Let us be real and present in the moment.

Girlfriends, I want to encourage you to be strong in the Lord. Yes, things come our way that paralyze us, and it feels like we will never recover, never be able to get up and walk again, but I want to remind you of the cross. When you are blinded by fear, think of what happened at the cross. God is in control!

I love you and hope that you will join us in our Women’s study that started on Monday, Girls With Swords. I feel armed and dangerous!

Let’s Pray:
Father, thank You for each lady that participated in this study. Thank You that You have great and wonderful plans for their lives. I pray that they will always know that they are Your children and that You love them unconditionally, Amen.

Be blessed!


Jesus, Our Lord, Loved To the End

The Lord God Almighty, our Heavenly Father, had it in His heart to provide a Savior for all mankind.  A Redeemer who would save us from eternal damnation and would be THE Way to eternal life and grace for all time.  God purposed throughout mankind’s history to bring His plan into existence.  Nothing ever thwarted or deterred our God from bringing His perfect plan—a plan of love and grace—into fruition. And His Son, our Lord, willingly sacrificed Himself to execute His Father’s plan.

From early in His earthly ministry, Jesus told His disciples about this.

…but there is One Who has come down from heaven—the Son of Man
And just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert [on a pole],
so must [so it is necessary that] the Son of Man be lifted up [on the cross],
In order that everyone who believes in Him [who cleaves to Him, trusts Him, and relies on Him]
may not perish, but have eternal life and [actually] live forever!
For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world
that He [even] gave up His only begotten Son,
so that whoever believes in (trusts in, clings to, relies on) Him
shall not perish (come to destruction, be lost) but have eternal (everlasting) life.
For God did not send the Son into the world
in order to judge (to reject, to condemn, to pass sentence on) the world,
but that the world might find salvation and be made safe and sound through Him.
John 3:13-17

God’s Son came to the earth and lived His life on this earth single-mindedly to do His Father’s Will.  God’s plan was one of Love, and Jesus’ life was all about Love—Love to the end.

[Now] before the Passover Festival began, Jesus knew (was fully aware)
that His hour had come to depart from this world and return to the Father.
Having loved those who were His own in the world, He loved them to the end.
John 13:1

Jesus purposed to share a final last meal and communicated many important things with those closest to Him.  The Gospel of John records just some of Jesus’ words to them (and to us) that He spoke during this Last Supper just prior to His betrayal, His persecution, and His death.  He spoke to them (recorded in chapter 13) about loving one another in the same way that He had shown His love to them (verses 2-19), and demonstrated it through the lowly task of washing their feet…He clearly pointed out exactly who His betrayer was (verses 20-31)…He again commanded them to love one another (verse 34).

In chapter 14, Jesus shares with them about the Comforter—the holy spirit—Who He was sending to take His place.

In chapter 15, Jesus shows the importance of dwelling with Him and abiding in Him.  He talked with them in so much detail about His and the Father’s love…and how our love toward Them is proven by our obedience.

In chapter 16, Jesus is deeply concerned that they will be prepared for His leaving.  He communicates, with encouragement as well as admonition, as He tells them again about the Comforter.

And in chapter 17, Jesus prays for them.  We ‘hear’ as He speaks with the Father of His great concern and love that He had for them.  How beautifully and compassionately He asks the Father to care for them.  He truly loved them to the end.

And, wondrously, He even spoke of us:

Neither for these alone do I pray [it is not for their sake only that I make this request],
but also for all those who will ever come to believe in (trust in, cling to, rely on) Me
through their word and teaching,   That they all may be one, [just] as You, Father, are in Me and I in You,
that they also may be one in Us, so that the world may believe and be convinced
that You have sent Me. (verses 20 and 21)

Our Lord, Who knew exactly what was transpiring and how His betrayal was imminent prayed these final words for them:

I in them and You in Me,
in order that they may become one and perfectly united,
that the world may know and [definitely] recognize
that You sent Me and that You have loved them
[even] as You have loved Me.
Father, I desire that they also
whom You have entrusted to Me [as Your gift to Me]
may be with Me where I am, so that they may see My glory,
which You have given Me [Your love gift to Me];
for You loved Me before the foundation of the world.
O just and righteous Father, although the world has not known You
and has failed to recognize You and has never acknowledged You,
I have known You [continually];
and these men understand and know that You have sent Me.
I have made Your Name known to them
and revealed Your character and Your very Self,
and I will continue to make [You] known,
that the love which You have bestowed upon Me
may be in them [felt in their hearts]
and that I [Myself] may be in them.
(verses 23-26)

Perhaps this coming week as we are contemplating and considering just what it took for God to fulfill our redemption through our Lord’s suffering and death, you could read the Gospel of John, chapters 13 through 17.  Nowhere else in the Scriptures, is so much communicated to help us know beyond a shadow of a doubt of our Father’s and our Lord’s unconditional love for us.  Our Lord’s entire life was all about love…and He truly and completely and perfectly loved us to the end.

Praying for each of you!  May we each recognize the love of our Lord, and all that Jesus accomplished for us, and sing our praises to Him!

♥  coleen

Thank You Jesus, I love You

Dear Lord,

How is it possible to find the right words to say for what You have done for me? How do I begin to express the feelings I have towards You? How do I begin to tell You what You mean to me?

Open my eyes, Lord, to find the answers I am so desperately in need of!

It is hard to find the words to say when I am telling them to Someone who already knows what words I will choose before I even think of them.

I could do search my heart all day long for the most meaningful words I can think of and all I am left with is Thank You, Jesus, I love You!

How is thank You enough? Are there any words that have more of an effect than thank You does? How can I love You, Jesus be enough for all You have done and continue to do for me? But yet, I find myself saying…

You created me just how You wanted me to be—special—for Your perfect purpose. Thank You, Jesus, I love You!

You loved me more than anything else, You chose me and continue to choose me! Thank You, Jesus, I love You.

You left Heaven for me. You traded a Heavenly delight for this sinful world. Thank You, Jesus, I love You!

You lived a way in which You suffered through all of my sufferings, You felt all of my pain, You were tempted in every way possible. However, You did not lose faith, You did not lose heart, and You remained perfect still. You know where I am, because You have been there too. Thank You, Jesus, I love You!

You died on a cross, taking my penalty for my sin. You conquered the grave so that I may live a free life WITH YOU! Thank You, Jesus, I love You.

You forgive me for all of my yuckiness. You have transformed my life. You have healed my broken heart. You have protected me from a dangerous someone who tried to destroy my life. You loved me even when I seemed unlovable. You gave my heart and life a new song, full of Your praises. You comfort me, You make yourself known to me, You give me a peace that is unexplainable. And these are just the beginning. I could go on and on, forever and ever, about Your faithfulness, goodness, joy, beauty, perfectness, and love in my life. Do you believe that the only words I can find in response to this are, Thank You, Jesus, I love You?

I know it to be true that there will never be any words this side of Heaven to be able to even come close to having a worthy response for all Jesus has done for me.

I know God loves my words of praises and thankfulness. I know God’s heart smiles when He hears the sweet sound of my words of adoration towards Him. But my actions…does He react the same to my actions?

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in,  I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.  Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’  The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”  Matthew 25: 35-40

Lord, I was the least of these and You helped me.

After reading this how can I not turn my Thank You Jesus, I love You into ACTION? Acting out those words I say to God every day, is how I can find a way to make those words all I truly believe in my heart they are meant to mean to God’s heart. My actions are from my heart to His they are for HIM alone. When I see the least of these I see myself so much in their faces. I know their pain…I was there once. God has said the same about me. He fed me, He gave me something to drink, He invited me into HIS home, He clothed me, He never stopped visiting me in my pool of disobedience.

Once again, You have opened my eyes to see the answers You have for me. When I cannot find the words to say, all I can do is act. I open my eyes to the least of these, and serve them, relate to them. I use my past disobedience as a way to help them. You thank Jesus through your actions. You love Him through your actions. My serving heart is the “right words I have been trying to find to say to God.”

As for me, my motto will surely be, Let the words of my heart overflow unto the least of these!

Thank you, Jesus, I love You!

© Diane Meyers

Questions for Reflection:

  1. What do you thank and love Jesus for.  List them out.  Revisit this list frequently, each time thanking God that you are able to have such a list!
  2. Would you like to share my motto with me?  Let’s all join together, lifting each other up in prayer as we let our words be used in the lives of the least of these all around us!
  3. Have you ever just been in complete awe of God’s goodness, faithfulness, love, grace, (I could go on and on)…?  Seriously do this:  Have a worship concert in your car, shower, bedroom, ANYWHERE, for God alone.  Don’t worry who will hear you singing, just let your words be a sweet, sweet sound in the Lord’s ear!

Captivating: Chapter 11 – Warrior Princess Weekly Review

Girlfriends, after reading this week’s chapter, I cannot wait for our next study to start. I just know that God is preparing us for great, awesome things, and I am certain that we will come out victorious when we follow His plans for our lives. I want to encourage you to sign up for our next study if you have not done so yet.  Go to our sign page located HERE to enroll today!!

On Monday, Jackie’s prayer for us was that we will be prepared to fight our daily battles knowing that we are more than conquerors. Christ won the battle on the cross for us, and we need not fear for THE  BATTLE BELONGS TO THE LORD. Face each day like a true Warrior Princess. Not only are you beautiful, but you are also wise, cunning, strong, courageous, and victorious.

On Tuesday, Tonya shared with us that emotional attacks in life are very real. These attacks are not limited to our minds, or our hearts, but are aimed at our bodies as well. Satan is out to hurt us, and he will do so at any cost. Although Satan has his ways to try to get us defeated, God’s ways are stronger, more powerful, and made specifically to protect us.

On Wednesday, Carissa wanted to know from us whether we believe that each one of us are warriors in Christ. We have God’s strength to sustain us when we feel we can’t take another step, another breath, another disappointment, another insult, another negative feeling. Talk to God, share with Him, rest in His presence and in His control over things that may seem uncontrollable. Nothing is too much to handle for our God.

On Thursday, Michelle reminded us to remember that we are warriors. Each day we must put on the armor of God to battle the demons that Satan sends our way. No one is immune to it, but the more we prepare ourselves for battle, the better our chances are to conquer the enemy each and every day. Stay strong, be prepared, and depend on God!

Girls, God wants us to succeed! Let’s be strong and equip ourselves with the full armor of God at all times.

Let’s Pray:

Father, thank You for equipping us so that we can be more than conquerors at all times and so that You can get the glory. We love You and need You, Amen.




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Captivating: Chapter 9 Weekly Review – “Arousing Adam”

Wow, wow, wow!!!  Has this been an awesome chapter or what? Every week we learn so much from the Eldredge’s!

On Monday, Jackie wrote that although we love the men in our lives with all we have, we cannot answer the question that boggles their minds. This validation of a man’s soul only comes from knowing who he is in Christ. In the same way, a man cannot fill the void that is inside our hearts no matter how much he declares his love for us. Only God Can!

On Tuesday, Tonya confirmed once again that the strength of God is what makes us BEAUTIFUL. The hand of God in our lives is what prepares us for life, it’s what teaches us how to be beautiful, it’s what teaches us how to be good women. God completes us, not men. God needs to be our Number One man, always!

On Wednesday, Carissa asked if we identify with the Emasculating, Desolate or Arousing Woman. What we do need to remember as a woman, is that the men in our lives need us to be their “ezer,” their support, and their strength.  Which woman did you identify with?

On Thursday, Michelle told us that we deserve to be valued, and not every man deserves all of us. We must guard our treasures—physical, emotional, and spiritual—to share with the man that only the Lord provides.

Reading this chapter made me long to be the Arousing Woman. I want to be the woman my husband hates to leave in the morning and can’t wait to return to in the evening. Yes, things happened in our lives that made us feel insecure, hurt, and ugly but, by the grace of God, all that can change. Let us put God first, let Him be our Number One Man, and our relationship with the man in our lives will be what God intended it to be.

Let’s Pray:

Father, thank You for another chance to learn about being Captivating. I pray that we will put You first in our lives, that we will work on our relationship with You first. Amen.



Our next online Bible study begins March 24th!

Click on the picture to sign up TODAY!!