February 27, 2025

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year from Girlfriends Coffee Hour

Merry Christmas

All of us here at Girlfriends Coffee Hour want to wish you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

We will be taking this week off to celebrate the holidays with our loved ones.  We will be praying for you, and your loved ones.  May the good Lord bless your time together, and bring His amazing grace, peace, and agape love into your homes!

We’ll be back again next Sunday with more news about our upcoming 2013 studies!  

Until then, God bless you & your loved ones!!

Christi, Megan, and the GCH Leadership Team


A Daughter’s Worth: Our Final Day! PLUS, we have a BIG announcement! Don’t Miss It!!

Today as you and I look forward to Heaven with God, can you describe what thought or image comes to you? When I think of heaven I think of angels everywhere, singing with the ethereal voices of praises to God our Father. I think of mansions that we have built for ourselves and streets paved with gold and that we have no more sorrow or tears. I, like Ava, can most times cry at the drop of a hat. I think God likes that I have a heart for Him and his children.

When you arrive in heaven, are there women you would want to ask questions? My thoughts turned to Florence Nightingale, Joan of Arc, and Mary, the mother of Jesus. I would love to find out from Florence what sacrifices she had to make in a predominately male society to care for the sick and injured. For Joan of Arc, how God was there when she knew he was speaking to her and no one else accepted it. Then I would love to ask Mary what she thought about as Jesus grew older, and how her heart would swell with joy, knowing that God blessed her with His son.

Philippians 3:20-21 (ESV) says 20 But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, 21 who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself. To me that is so exciting! Jesus cares enough about you and me to give us the hope of Eternal Joy and a hope that he will one day come to take us home with him. When life seems to get tough, and it will, we have the peace of knowing that God sent his son Jesus to redeem us, to save us and to help us.  With the assistance of the Holy Spirit you and I can share and spread the good news of hope, love, peace, rest and joy we have since we have accepted Jesus in our heart and consistently pursue Him.

Do you know Jesus personally? 2 Peter 3:13 says In keeping with His promise we are looking forward to a new Heaven and a new earth, the of righteousness. The only way to get there is to ask Jesus into your heart, tell Him all of your sins, ask Him to forgive you and begin seeking Him by reading your Bible. Then, please let us know that you have made this decision to accept Christ as your Lord and Savior. And if you have decided to rededicate your life to Him, we would love to know that as well. We all have strayed a bit or a lot. But God is faithful and His GRACE is enough to accept us when we truly repent and turn away from our life of sin. He loves us so very much.

Let’s Pray:

Father, I love You and I thank You for this Bible Study. I want to seek You and do my best for You and Your kingdom. Reveal to me where I can further Your kingdom right where I am. Forgive me for when I have strayed from my walk with You and I ask that Your Holy Spirit never depart from me. I ask that the Holy Spirit be my guide and assist me to keep my feet on Your path. Thank You for sending Jesus Your son to die on that cross for my sins so I can become a Daughter of the Most High.  Amen!!!!

In His Love,



Now a word from the AMAZING GCH:decaf Founder, Megan Smidt!  (She has a BIG announcement below!!)


Worthy Daughters of the King,

WOW!!!!! We did it! The past 12 weeks have been one incredible journey and it has been an honor to take it with you! Congratulations on being a part of GCH:decaf’s very first online Bible study!!! I have learned so much with you along the way and I hope you all enjoyed this study as much as I did.

What was YOUR biggest take-away from the past 12 weeks? For me, it is that God does NOT call us to compromise in any area of our lives. As worthy daughters, He calls us to use our strong voices to stand firm for His Kingdom and He will always equip us with all we need, in every season, to fulfill His purposes on earth. How AWESOME is that!

The lessons of the past 12 weeks have laid the perfect foundation for the NEW study we will beginning in February! Are you ready to hear what it is!?!??! I have been SO very excited to announce this to YOU!!!

GCH:decaf will be starting our new online Bible study for Not a Fan: Teen Edition February 4, 2013! This will be a 6 week study and you will need the red book and companion journal for it. You can order your copy online or pick it up at your local Lifeway store. Ask for it for Christmas and read it in January to be ready to dig in February 4th!

Not a Fan - Teen Edition

Not a Fan – Teen Edition

Not a Fan - Journal

Not a Fan – Journal

Mama T, our other leaders and I want you to recruit your friends to do this study along with us! There will be a contest coming in January for friend referrals when we start sign-ups for this new study…. Be on the look-out for that!

We have one more announcement going into the new year. We will be breaking up GCH:decaf into two age groups…. “Venti” will be our group for young college-aged women ages 18-24, and our “Grande” group will be for our friends who are ages 12-18!

Sign up for this awesome study will start soon!  So stay tuned!!

Thank you for all you do to help make GCH:decaf such a fun and safe place to hang with your friends all over the world and grow in your walk with Jesus! God has big plans for you in 2013 and it is an honor to walk this season with you.

Make today and every day AMAZING,


A Daughter’s Worth Week 9: Finding God at School

Happy week 9 thoughts from Megan…

Without a doubt…. school “looks” different for every single girl in our Bible study. Some are homeschooled, some are in public school…. while some have already started college and others are taking a break after high school and are living the school of life! One thing is for certain…… no matter what school you attend, even if it is at home, if you seek your Heavenly Father through the difficulties you face, you WILL find His wisdom!

This week, we will be covering just about everything! Take a look…..

Monday: Academic Expectations are High

Tuesday: Extracurricular Activities are Stressful

Wednesday: Teacher relationships are Challenging

Thursday: Peer Relationships are Difficult

Friday: God’s Presence is Unmistakable

….and Saturday Coleen will bring us week 10 of her series Lord, Teach Us to Pray!

Which lesson looks like it might be challenging for you? Is there a certain lesson you can’t wait to read? I am thrilled to be on this journey with you, dear heart, and know that we are walking this road together this week as my Vicky’s school is our home!

Here are a few words from Morgan as we begin week 9 ….

Hey girls! I hope everybody is having a great week! This week we’re talking about school, which I know can be tough and be so time-consuming but this week we will find out how we can always make time for God, and how He can help us get through the tests and the quizzes! This week we talk all about how we have so many things we do at school, how we even have stuff after school, and it is all so demanding. We always want to make sure and check and see what we are doing when we could be reading our Bible or praying. We always should strive for a closer relationship with God, and as the holiday season comes up I know that it will get harder to keep our focus….. but we always need to have Jesus first, others second, You last.

It spells out JOY. 🙂

Hope you have a super great week! -Morgan

Let’s Pray:

Lord, you know each of our individual school situations and the challenges they represent for up. Please give us Your wisdom this week as we seek to grow closer to you. Help us discern how to best serve you and hear from you throughout our busy weeks. We know that we fins ourselves in every situation and circumstance for a reason and we pray we can be salt and light through it all… with Your help! We love you and thank you for this provision, Lord! Amen <3


For the A Daughter’s Worth Bible Study, you will need the book, your Bible, pen or pencil, a highlighter and a quiet place. You can order the book right through our website from clicking the sign-up form button at the top of our webpage.

If you are interested in joining us in our GCH:decaf Teen Girls Ministry, please click the sign-up form button at the top of our webpage. Just follow the instructions on the form and hit submit. We’ll be happy to add you to one of our Online Bible Study Groups! Our new study is A Daughter’s Worth! Please email megan@girlfriendscoffeehour.com for more information

A Daughter’s Worth Week 8: Dating With Discretion

 Proverbs 2:11-12

Discretion will protect you, and understanding will guard you. Wisdom will save you…

A few words from Megan…

My dear friends….. PLEASE, please, please listen carefully to the lessons from this week in our book A Daughter’s Worth. This week is all about exploring the rewards and responsibilities of letting God be your matchmaker….. and accepting God’s plan for your life!

I know there is so much pressure in your day-to-day lives from friends and the media telling you that you MUST have a boyfriend. I can understand you WANTING one… I wanted one too, when I was your age. I wanted one so badly (because all of my friends had them and I felt left out…) that I didn’t make the best choices in dating. As an adult, I am still dealing with the insecurities that came from those relationships, too. I was too impatient and was not willing to hold out for what GOD had for me, and I pray that through studying God’s Word this week, you will be EMPOWERED by all of the things you CAN DO through God’s supernatural strength in dating.

This week, we will explore how….

  • You CAN choose the right guy to date
  • You CAN insist that boys treat you well
  • You CAN go too far
  • You CAN handle a difficult break-up
  • You CAN enjoy being single

…And on Saturday, we will continue with Coleen’s series: Lord Teach Us To Pray: Part 9

A few words from Morgan…..

Hey girls… hope you are having a good week! This week is all about boys and relationships, which I have never done! I’ve never had a boyfriend but I have learned that God has such an AMAZING guy out there for you and that at the right time, He will reveal him and show you who you are supposed to be with. This week we will also talk about how you shouldn’t settle for less! You are a princess in Christ and you should find a man of God that will treat you like that and nothing less, and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don’t ever lower your standards or not insist that you are treated right. So, I just want to do a prayer for this week that is along the lines of what I pray constantly. It has helped me just be content with being single.

 Let’s Pray:

Dear God, thank you for the man of God that You have planned out for me and that You have found for me, God I just pray that You will give him strength to wait out for me, and if not, I will always love the same. God, give him comfort, and God please give me comfort. I pray that you will help me not settle for less, and wait it out for the right guy that You have for me. Thank you so much, I love you. In Jesus Name, Amen.

It’s just a simple little prayer, and even shorter at times, that I pray for my husband because I already know that I will love him so much. God has a plan, girls!


For the A Daughter’s Worth Bible Study, you will need the book, your Bible, pen or pencil, a highlighter and a quiet place. You can order the book right through our website from clicking the sign-up form button at the top of our webpage.

If you are interested in joining us in our GCH:decaf Teen Girls Ministry, please click the sign-up form button at the top of our webpage. Just follow the instructions on the form and hit submit. We’ll be happy to add you to one of our Online Bible Study Groups! Our new study is A Daughter’s Worth! Please email megan@girlfriendscoffeehour.com for more information

A Daughter’s Worth Week 6: Choosing Good Friends


A few words from Megan and Morgan…..

Hey friends…. it’s Megan!

We have made it to week 6, which means that we are half way through this study. I hope it has blessed your heart and soul as it has mine. This week is about CHOOSING GOOD FRIENDS and this is what we will be talking about each day:

Monday: A Good Friend Is Hard To Find

Tuesday: A Good Friend Shares Her Faith

Wednesday: A Good Friend Supports You

Thursday: A Good Friend Forgives and Forgets

Friday: A Good friend Holds You Accountable

Saturday: Lord Teach Us To Pray: Part 7

It is so important to be careful in choosing your friends and I can’t wait to walk out the lessons of this week with you. I am excited to see what God will show us through His Word and our study book.

And now….. hear from my GOOD FRIEND Morgan 🙂

Hey girls! Hope you are doing well! I am loving this study so much… it’s a really big eye opener. So, this week we’re talking about our friends  and having a good friend. I have quite a few good friends that I can talk to and I’m blessed with. I hope you are too… but if not, don’t worry. God will bring one your way. Just continue to pray, and  if you do already have  great friends, that’s awesome. God says that we need God-worshippers to fellowship with each other because it’s good for the heart.

It’s true, so I hope that this week God will open your eyes to what you need  to look for in a friend. God is so loving and knows exactly what we need in a friend and gives it to us without any doubt, which is totally amazing!

I wrote a prayer out for this week!

Dear God, Thank you  so much for sending me loving friends that I can trust and go and just talk to, I thank you  so much because they are such a big blessing in my life. God, thank you also for being such a great Father for me, and always looking out for me and making sure that my needs are met. You are so Mighty and Worthy of my Praise. I love you so much, In Jesus Name, Amen.


For the A Daughter’s Worth Bible Study, you will need the book, your Bible, pen or pencil, a highlighter and a quiet place. You can order the book right through our website from clicking the sign-up form button at the top of our webpage.

If you are interested in joining us in our GCH:decaf Teen Girls Ministry, please click the sign-up form button at the top of our webpage. Just follow the instructions on the form and hit submit. We’ll be happy to add you to one of our Online Bible Study Groups! Our new study is A Daughter’s Worth! Please email megan@girlfriendscoffeehour.com for more information