March 29, 2025

Do I Trust You, Lord


Sometimes my little heart can’t understand
What’s in Your will, what’s in Your plan
So many times I’m tempted to ask You why
But I can never forget it for long
Lord, what You do could not be wrong
So I believe You, even when I must cry

Do I trust You, Lord
Does the river flow
Do I trust You, Lord
Does the north wind blow
You can see my heart
You can read my mind
And You got to know
That I would rather die
Than to lose my faith
In the One I love
Do I trust You, Lord
Do I trust You

I know the answers, I’ve given them all
But suddenly now, I feel so small
Shaken down to the cavity in my soul
I know the doctrine and theology
But right now they don’t mean much to me
This time there’s only one thing I’ve got to know

I will trust You, Lord, when I don’t know why
I will trust You, Lord, ’til the day I die
I will trust You, Lord, when I’m blind with pain
You were God before, and You’ll never change
I will trust You
I will trust You
I will trust You, Lord
I will trust You

Singer / Songwriter ~ Twila Paris
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I just l.o.v.e the heart of this wonderful woman!  She sings out and proclaims that—even when shaken…worried…fearful…doubting—in her heart of hearts she TRUSTS in her Lord!  Have you been singing along with her?

“I will trust You, Lord, when I don’t know why.
I will trust You, Lord, ‘til the day I die.
I will trust You, Lord, when I’m blind with pain!
You were God before, and You’ll never change.
I will trust You….I will trust You…I will trust You, Lord!
I will trust You.”

Trust in the Lord…Who better to trust in?   But do I?  Do you?  Actually, yes, I think that we do!  We have experienced and been blessed by God’s goodness and grace and mercy over and over and over again.  We have seen His loving care cover the lives of our loved ones.  We know—because He has graciously proven Himself—that He is a faithful God Who always provides what is best for His children.

But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope:
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end;
They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
“The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.”
The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him.
It is good that one should wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.
Lamentations 3:21-26



1. Confidence; a reliance or resting of the mind on the integrity, veracity, justice, friendship or other sound principle of another person.
                           He that putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe.  Proverbs 29:25
2. He (or that) which is the ground of confidence.
           For Thou art my hope; O Lord God, thou art my trust from my youth. Psalm 71:5
(From Webster’s 1828 Unabridged Dictionary)

From these definitions we have an understanding that it is because of confidence that we trust. And we have confidence in someone or something because they have proved themselves worthy of relying on them.  When we think of these words in relation to our Father God…oh, my!  There is no doubt of His having proven Himself!  He is a Faithful God Who always brings His promises into fruition!

Trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind
and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.
In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him,
and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.
Be not wise in your own eyes; reverently fear and worship the Lord
and turn [entirely] away from evil.
Proverbs 3:5-7

This verse comes to mind and brings such peace to my heart! I do not have to always understand. I do not have to know what is going to happen.  But, I do need to follow Him. I need to trust Him with all my heart. That part is my job.  He will help me and He will get me through. It might not be easy (and truth be told, it isn’t always easy), but it will be okay.

The question is, ‘Do we lean on our own understanding or do we depend on God?’  The wise choice is obvious when we remember that God knows the end from the beginning. He provides for and sustains all that happens in between. Trusting Him, and continuing to choose to trust Him, is the wisest decision we can make—every day of our lives.

O taste and see that the Lord [our God] is good!
Blessed is the man who trusts and takes refuge in Him.
Psalm 34:8

Lord, I Need You


Lord I come, I confess
Bowing here I find my rest
Without You I fall apart
You’re the one that guides my heart

Lord, I need You, oh I need You
Every hour I need You
My one defense, my righteousness
Oh God, how I need You

Where sin runs deep, Your grace is more
Where grace is found is where You are
And where You are Lord I am free
Holiness is Christ in me
Yes where You are Lord I am free
Holiness is Christ in me

So teach my song to rise to You
When temptation comes my way
And when I cannot stand I’ll fall on You
Jesus You’re my hope and stay
And when I cannot stand I’ll fall on You
Jesus You’re my hope and stay

~ Sing this song with me as part of your prayer and worship today ~

Sung by Chris Tomlin and the Passion Band

Written by Matt Maher with Christy Nockels, Kristian Stanfill, Jesse Reeves, Daniel Carlson

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When I listen to this song of worship and praise, I fall more in love with God. I want to raise my hands to the sky and touch Him and thank Him for the grace that He so freely gives. Beginning in the first verse, we tell Him that without Him we fall apart, and our rest is found in Him. Oh so true, we can rest in Him, lay all our cares at His feet, for He is more than able and willing to take them. And then we confess: I need You, oh I need You, every hour I need You. Oh how we need Him. I cannot imagine a day without Him. Have you ever thought about how life would be? Maybe you’re a new Christian and you remember how it was. But it never has to be that way again!

Verse two talks about our freedom in Jesus. Think about this for a minute…can you name some ways this is true? I believe He sets us free from sin and darkness. We never have to be anything more than His. He sets us free from destruction and from the unhappiness that our lives were. He is our Hope and our Protector. When life gets too much, we can fall at His feet and He will carry us until we are ready to take another step.

Every minute, every hour He is there. Our need for Him never goes away. We have a “need love” for God and it’s hard sometimes to admit that we are not able to do it all, that we need Him always. So let’s worship Him today in song. Let’s express to Him how much we need Him and how He gives us such hope and rest and that we fall in love with Him over and over again.  And let’s thank Him.

* ~ ♥ ~ ✞ ~ ♥ ~ *

Dearest Lord, You are our hope and stay. We cannot stand without Your help. In You we find rest and in You we are whole. Lord, thank You for guiding our hearts and for being that soft place to land. You love us no matter what. Thank You for listening to our confessions and giving us grace for every moment that we are breathing. Thank You for Your forgiveness that is always there. And for the rest that You created for us, knowing we would need it. We love You and praise You. In Your Son’s name we pray, amen.

“I AM” Chapter 4 – Day 1: Jesus is the “I AM”


Memory Verse:



I am full of questions today.  Why is it important for people to know us?  What difference does it make if people REALLY know who we are?  Does it hurt us when people get the wrong impression of us?  If I needed someone to write my life story, what kind of person would I choose to do that for me?  How would I go about finding someone who could accurately portray Who I Am to other people?

If you are still following along with us after three weeks of learning who the Great I AM is through the Old Testament, then hold on to your seat, because Jesus is going to ramp up the study!  Jesus was like that, you know.  Wherever He found people, He would push them outside their comfort zone, challenge their beliefs and get them to really see themselves for who they really are.  Have you begun to look at yourself a little differently yet?

As we cross the Bridge from the Old Testament to the New Testament we walk across 400 silent, unholy, mixed-up years.  God is preparing the world stage for the coming Messiah.  The people were living life the way they wanted to, making gods of whatever they found valuable to them at the time.  The Bridge crosses a silent ocean of godlessness.  The picture of the Bridge in my mind sags in the middle.  The first part is downhill, bottoms out at a very low point and then there is an uphill climb to get off on the other side.

Look at our memory verse for the week.  It is John 15:11.  If you notice in your study guide, there is a typo in the “I AM’s” of Jesus.  It should read John 15:1 for that section.  As I began to prepare for the study, I had all these questions, so I took them to Jesus.  He turned that typo into our memory verse for the week and the answer to ALL my questions.  He will do that, you know.  There are no dumb questions when you seek Him with ALL your heart.  He will give us the answers we need so our JOY will be FULL.

  • Why is it important for people to know us?  We were placed on this earth for a purpose.  If we don’t share ourselves with others, we are missing our purpose.  Don’t miss your purpose for living.  Share your life with others.
  • What difference does it make if people REALLY know who we are?  If you do not show them who you really are, they will make up their own story.  Some of it may be true, but it cannot ALL be true.  Truth is important!  Let others into your life so there is no question where you stand on important matters.
  • Does it hurt when people get the wrong impression of us?  Absolutely!!!  There is nothing more painful than having someone tell a lie about us and have others believe it.  It hurts even worse than when the story is true.  We can grow through that pain, too.
  • If I needed someone to write my life story, what kind of person would I choose to do that for me?  I would want someone who was known to be truthful, honest, and fair.  Someone who had taken the time to get to know me and my heart.  Someone who would not back down when others had a different story to tell.
  • How would I go about finding someone who could accurately portray Who I Am to other people?  I would take the time to reveal myself to others so they could make up their own minds about me and let them write the story based on their own experiences with me.  Each story would be different and unique—just like the relationship between us.  By reading the stories of each writer, others would be able to get a fuller picture of who I really am.

Who did Jesus choose to reveal His character to?  He chose to share His life with strangers who HE turned into disciples.  He said, “Follow Me” and they did.  The disciples got to see the good, the bad, and the ugly of living life as Jesus.  Just like us, Jesus had best friends.  John was Jesus’ closest friend and gives us our first seven “I AM’s.”  If I truly want to know who Jesus is and what He is like, I want to talk to His best friends.

You are writing your life story RIGHT NOWWhat would those closest people to you be able to reveal about your character?  It matters, you know.  If you aren’t showing them the example you had hoped, there is time to make changes and reflect the Light inside you.  You can open the Door and offer Bread.  You can point people to the Way, the Truth and the Life.  Your story isn’t finished yet.  Finish it well!


Let’s Pray:

Dear Jesus,  Messiah, Lord of ALL,

We thank You for making Yourself known to us.  Thank You for loving us in our sinfulness enough to give Your life for ours.  Thank You for showing us what it means to develop friendships.  I pray for each person seeking You today.  I pray they find You right where they are.  We allow You into our hearts so that Your Spirit can change us from the inside out.  We want to reflect Your Truth, Your Light, and Your Way.  We can feel that JOY welling up now.  Help us to reach the overflowing mark.  We love You, Jesus!


“I AM” Chapter 2 – Day 1: The Great I AM in the Book of Ezekiel

Have you ever watched someone worship and wonder, “How do they do that?”  I have.  I think I have “worship envy.”  Maybe it was my upbringing in a conservative church environment, maybe I care too much what people think, maybe I have never totally surrendered myself to worship.  The reality probably lies somewhere in between.

As I read the Book of Ezekiel, I found myself in awe again of someone so sold out for God that he was willing to do whatever to get God’s message across.  Ezekiel was “All In.”

If God said lay in the street on your left side for 390 days and then on your right side for 40 days…Ezekiel did it (to teach a history lesson).  If God said shave your head and divide your hair into three piles to explain a prophecy…Ezekiel did it.  If God asked Ezekiel to NOT mourn the passing of his beloved wife as an example to the Jews…he managed to do it.

God said, “Teach” and Ezekiel had the responsibility to teach the captive Jews discipline to follow their God.  Discipline doesn’t always have a positive feel to it, so I looked it up for us.


1)       Training to insure proper behavior;

           the practice or methods of teaching and enforcing acceptable patterns of behavior.

2)      Training that corrects, molds or perfects the mental faculties or moral character.

The Israelites found themselves in captivity…again.  Sometimes we think God isn’t paying attention to our lives when times get hard.  I think it is just the opposite.  Those hard times are to drive us toward Him.  How do people survive without God?  We were created to need Him.  If we leave Him out then we deny a very important part of ourselves.

God sent Ezekiel to help the Jews adjust to their captivity.  He gave them hope to carry on and a way to return to a right relationship with God.  “God never forgets those who are faithful to Him” (pg 25).   He won’t forget you either.

Do YOU know Ezekiel’s God?  Ezekiel 16:62 says,

 “I will establish my covenant with you, and YOU shall know that I AM the LORD.”

God’s promise to establish His covenant was for anyone who would obey Him and follow His commands.  That’s what the name LORD means.

As we see in Ezekiel’s story, there is not one sedate and reverent way to worship God.  Neither is there always craziness associated with worship of the LORD.  Worship happens as we seek His face.  As we offer our lives to Him, He chooses how to express His love to us.  Give your life to the ONE TRUE GOD and be part of the Body of Christ.

If you search for the I AM, you will find Him…He wants to be found.

Let’s PRAY:

We come into Your presence to acknowledge that YOU are LORD.  You are Sovereign and You know what is best for us.  Thank You for loving us enough to reveal Your character to us.  Ezekiel has shown us that You can breathe new life into our dry, dead lives if we only have faith in YOU.  Change our hearts so that we can more fully submit to YOUR will and not ours.  We want to worship you in freedom.  Lord, teach us!  We love you, LORD.


Crazy Love: Chapter 6 “When You’re In Love” – Help! I Don’t Love You (pp 103-109)

I’ve talked a lot in my blogposts about how we absolutely have to be WILLING to let God change us. So, when Chan started this section of the chapter talking about this very topic, I had to laugh. I think many of us make it much harder than it really is. Let Go, Let God. Right? Easy as pie.

<pause for laughter>

Oh, if only it were so simple. We are all running after something. It could be a dream God laid on our hearts. It could be our own selfish desires that are interfering with God’s divine plans for us. Either way, we are chasing after something. Do you want the race you are running to be worth it and bring glory to our Lord? Have you talked to God about your race lately to make sure you are following His Will and not running in another, safer direction? Do you even know the race that God wants you to run? We are only human. We want the easiest path; the less painful road; the one that will cause us the least amount of stress. It is just human nature.

But, my dear girlfriends . . . Jesus did not die so that we could live a complacent Christian life. He died so that we could live a full, rich life . . . walking alongside HIM! Jesus says that we will have trouble in this world. It is not a question of if, but when it will happen! When we take our eyes off of our Savior, our lives lose focus. Things get foggy. All of a sudden, the race gets a bit muddy and we have no idea which direction to turn. And sadly, this is when Satan can get a foothold into our lives and draw us even further away from where we should be.

“As we begin to focus more on Christ, loving Him and others becomes more natural. As long as we are pursuing Him, we are satisfied in Him. It is when we stop actively loving Him that we find ourselves restless and gravitating toward other means of fulfillment.”

(Francis Chan, pg 104)

BUT GOD IS ALWAYS RIGHT THERE! And He LOVES us SO very much!! We may stumble; we may even fall. But God is always there to help brush us off and get us back on the right track. When you lean into the Lord and put 100% of your focus on Him, He will make your path straight. That is a promise straight out of His Word.


So, put all of your focus on loving the Lord with every single molecule of your being. Let God move into every area your life. Ask Him what race you should be running and commit to taking a step of faith for His glory. Let every word that you speak, every keystroke that you make, let all you do glorify your Lord today.


Let’s Pray:

Father, letting You into our lives may not be easy. There are some areas that are just difficult and may even be strongholds for us. Lord, I ask that You tear down these walls. Show us a step of faith that we can take today to let You into an area of our lives that we have closed off to You. We want to run the race that You have set before us. We do not want to chase after something that is not pleasing to You. Help us to love You, Father God, with all of our hearts. Remove any obstacles or barriers that are interfering with our love relationship with You. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen!

Your Assignment:

What is something that you KNOW God is calling you to do, but you have been afraid to take that step of faith and actually DO it? Commit it to the Lord today and pray for strength and courage to take that step. God is right with you. He will NEVER leave you nor forsake you. Share with us so we can pray with you.

If you are interested in joining this amazing online Bible study for Crazy Love, click HERE to sign up. Once you are registered, you will receive an email with further details.

If you would like to email a private message to Jennifer in regards to this blog, please email her at

Crazy Love: Chapter 5 – “Serving Leftovers to a Holy God” (pp 95-98)

We all have a tendency to drift… away from God. It is just part of our sinful nature. Take the Israelites for example. They pleaded for God to rescue them over and over again. God heard them and He did rescue them; but then they grew restless and focused their eyes away from Him. They drifted. They looked only at the needs in front of them and not at the Promised Land to come. They even complained that they would have preferred to go back to slavery in Egypt rather than struggle through the desert period while getting to the coveted Promised Land! Can you imagine?! They witnessed numerous miracles with their own eyes, yet they still begged and asked for more.

(The Holy Spirit is screaming in my ear right now about the correlation between the Israelites and our present day lives.)

We do the same things that the Israelites did, don’t we? Our view is so limited that we can only see our present needs. It is so difficult for us to see beyond our difficulties sometimes, to know that this life is only temporary and we have our own “Promised Land” (Heaven) waiting for us. We just have to walk through these desert periods and fix our eyes on the Author and Perfector of our faith. And He promises we do not have to walk these desert times alone. He is with us through His Spirit. He will guide us and direct us. He will show us the path to take.


With that said, it is so important to stress what our author talks about in the concluding pages of our chapter. Our faith must be intentional. Without daily, focused effort we will slowly drift away from our Lord. He is the only One who can help us through every trial we face, every fear we encounter, and each obstacle in our path. Chan suggests that spiritual drift is not a conscious choice, but it is happening because nothing else is propelling people toward Christ. If we do not make our faith intentional; if it is not a priority above everything else in our lives, then we should not be surprised when we wake up one morning and wonder, “where is God?”

God never moves. He never changes. He is always there. It is us that move and change and shift.

Does God take priority over everything else in your life? Does any earthly thing matter as much as your relationship with the Lord?

These are some tough questions. Many things in this chapter are convicting my heart and igniting a passion in me to dig deeper. How about you? Write out your thoughts. Journal what the Lord is speaking to you about. Answer these questions as the Holy Spirit moves you. Take the time to truly explore yourself, your time commitments, and your relationship with the Lord. If you want something to change, how can you be proactive and change it? Remember, with GOD all things are possible. Pray and commit your changes to Him and let Him have all the glory!


Have a blessed day!



Let’s Pray:

Father, this book is opening up deep cuts and wounds that we have only covered with flimsy band aids. Help us to fully heal those wounds and to come to You in repentance for anything that we are discovering that is not pleasing to You. We all desire a full, rich, deep, abiding love relationship with You, Lord. Please reveal to each one of us the next step of faith we can take in pursuit of that relationship. We love You so much, Lord, and our heart’s desire is to please You always. Rid us of anything that is interfering with our time with You. Invigorate our quiet times with You. Renew a passion in us for Your Word and for living the full Christian life that Jesus speaks of in the Gospels. It is in HIS Holy, Precious, Matchless Name that we pray, AMEN!

Your Assignment:

What earthly things are currently taking precedence over God in your life?


If you are interested in joining this amazing online Bible study for Crazy Love, click HERE to sign up. Once you are registered, you will receive an email with further details.

If you would like to email a private message to Jennifer in regards to this blog, please email her at

Crazy Love – Chapter 4 “Profile of the Lukewarm” pgs. 77-81

Over the last two days, Martha and Donna have taken us through the profiles of a Lukewarm Christian. I’m going to finish up the last three mentioned in the chapter and then end the post with some closing thoughts.

“Lukewarm people feel secure because they attend church, made a profession of faith at age twelve, were baptized, come from a Christian family, vote Republican, or live in America.”

I often come back to the Book of Acts when I think of the label of “Christian.” Jesus’ disciples were first called Christians in Antioch (Acts 11:26). They did not name themselves. Scripture tells us they were called Christians or “Christ-ones.”  Something they were doing made them stand out. We see a glimpse of this in Acts 2:42-47:

All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals, and to prayer…And all the believers met together in one place and shared everything they had. They sold their property and possessions and shared the money with those in need. They worshiped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord’s Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity–all the while praising God and enjoying the goodwill of all the people.”

Chan says that “We are not safe just because we wear the label Christian.” Indeed. We must continue to strive toward the Acts 2 model of what a “Christian” is. Our lives should demonstrate that we are followers of Christ rather than any vocal expression of naming ourselves a “Christian.”

“Lukewarm people do not live by faith; their lives are structured; so they never have to.”

Did this one hit you where it hurts? I know it did for me. I have control-freak tendencies. I like to plan for things and do not like it when things do not go according to MY plan. Boy, did the Holy Spirit do some convicting when I read this section! Living by faith is TRUSTING God even when you do not know what is going to happen. I did not expect my infertility diagnosis and it took me a very long eight years to realize that God was not punishing me; rather He loves me and has a plan and a purpose for my life. I just had to put my TRUST in His ultimate plan. I had to have FAITH. It is a continual, daily process of laying down my need to control and letting God do His work. He cannot work if we do not let Him.

“Lukewarm people probably drink and swear less than average, but besides that, they really aren’t very different from your typical unbeliever.”

Have you ever worn a mask to hide your true self from others? Have you ever tried to hide your true self from the One who knows you the best–your Mighty Savior? As much as we try to pretty ourselves up on the outside, God wants what is on the inside. He wants to change us from the inside out; He wants our hearts. Will you let Him in to help cleanse and rid you of anything that is holding you back from a full, rich relationship with Jesus Christ?


Now that we have investigated the profiles of a lukewarm person, Chan points us to 2 Corinthians 13:5: “Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves.” This is not an easy task. I know it is hard. You may be feeling anger or hurt or conviction. Accept the feeling and let it inspire you to action. Whatever feeling comes over you regarding any of the profiles mentioned, journal through your reaction–why did it make you feel that way? Pray through it. Let God into those hurtful places. Remember, He cannot do His best work if we do not let Him in.


All or Nothing_Crazy Love

As Chan notes, we are all growing. Not one of us is perfect except Christ alone. But, it is important to remember what Christ has called us to do as His believers; as those who claim His name. We should not be content with our “just good enough” status to get into Heaven. Read through the Gospels. Let Jesus’ words soak into your being. His commands are not easy, but they should inspire us to act in accordance with the faith we believe in with our whole hearts.


Let’s Pray:

Lord God, we do not want to be lukewarm in our faith. Reveal to us how we can better ourselves to serve You in the Kingdom. Strengthen us and give us courage to face the tough questions and work through them. With You, all things are possible. We want to be on fire for You, Lord. Renew a passion in each of us for Your Word and our faith, Lord. Help us to grow daily and not to become stagnant believers. We love you, Lord. Amen.

Your Assignment:

Of all the lukewarm profiles we discussed, which one spoke to/convicted you the most? What is one action step you can take today to move forward in that area?

If you are interested in joining this amazing online Bible study for Crazy Love, click HERE to sign up. Once you are registered, you will receive an email with further details.

If you would like to email a private message to Jennifer in regards to this blog, please email her at

Crazy Love: Chapter 3 – A Strange Inheritance – Do I Have A Choice?

“The irony is that while God doesn’t need us but still wants us, we desperately need God but don’t really want Him most of the time.”   — Francis Chan, pg. 61

Do you know, really truly know, that God loves you? As Francis says on page 61, God does not have to love us. He is complete and perfect just as He is. Yet, He wants us. We are His treasure; His possession; His inheritance. How incredibly humbling! The God of the Universe loves you and me personally. He desires to walk through this life with us, so we do not have to do it alone. It is utterly mind-boggling to think about.

Yet…we must choose to let God into our heart and into our lives. He is not pushy. He will not force His way in. He loves you, but He will not force you to love Him back.

When I fully realized and accepted Christ into my heart over two years ago, I wrestled with this idea of choice. I remember having a conversation with a friend about it. It went something like this:

Me: If God loves us so much and He desires a relationship with every one of us, why doesn’t He just make us love Him?

Friend: Then it wouldn’t be true love, would it?

I have a very smart friend. As much as God loves every single one of us and wants to be in a relationship with us, He will not force Himself on anyone. He gives us a choice. He doesn’t want a sliver of us; He wants all of us. He doesn’t want our good deeds, our rituals, or our faith without truly loving Him with our whole heart.

That’s not an easy thing to grasp. It took me a long time to truly understand it. I don’t have to be perfect before God. Through faith in Christ, my sin is washed away and I am free. I stand perfectly whole before my Father in Heaven.

So, we do have a choice: walk the narrow path of life with the Lord or walk the wide and broad path on our own (which the Bible tells us leads to destruction – see Matthew 7:13). It is the biggest decision we will ever make in our lives. It is a decision with life and death consequences.

Have you made that decision in your heart? If you are feeling prompted to today, take the time to pray now to accept Jesus into your heart and into your life—God has an amazing, enormous love for you (Romans 5:8).  <3

“Lord, I know I have sinned, but today I am choosing life over death. I am choosing You, Jesus. Please come into my heart and fill my life with your love and grace. Guide and direct my steps each day as I grow in my new faith. It is in Your holy Name I pray, Amen!”

If you prayed that for the first time, will you send me an e-mail to tell me about it? I’d love to celebrate with you!

Let’s Pray:

Father God, we just thank You for loving us, even though we do not deserve it. Thank You for Your grace. Just, thank You. For all of our new sisters in Christ who prayed to accept Christ today, we ask that You guide them in their new faith, instructing them in Your truth. Place Godly mentors in their path to help them, too, Lord. We just thank You, Lord, that You love us so much. In Jesus’ matchless Name, Amen!

Your Assignment:

What does it mean to you to know that you are God’s inheritance (Ephesians 1:18); His possession (1 Peter 2:9); His treasure (Deuteronomy 7:6)?

If you are interested in joining this amazing online Bible study for Crazy Love, click HERE to sign up.

Once you are registered, you will receive an email with further details.

If you would like to email a private message to Jennifer in regards to this blog, please email her at:


Crazy Love: Week 2 / Chapter 2 – “You Might Not Finish This Chapter” (Brooke’s Story)

“You see, I’ll be one of those people who live to be history makers at a young age.”

— Brooke Bronkowski —


I will be honest with you. When I read through this section of the chapter, at first I felt a sense of hopelessness. How does someone so young inspire so many? How does someone so young preach the gospel to her peers, hand out Bibles, and share the love of Christ without fear? And, how does someone so young, who could have done so much more, die at such a young age?

At her funeral service, at least 200 students came forward and accepted Christ. 200 students. God used the life of a willing servant, who happened to be just 14 years old, to transform hundreds of lives while she was alive as well as through her passing.

What am I doing to have an impact? What could I ever do that would have that great of an impact? If I take a good, long, hard look in the mirror, can I truly say that I am a willing servant?

(Stay with me here. . . I know we are digging through a lot of deep stuff in this study!)

God has divinely placed each and every one of us where He wants us to be. You are uniquely female for a reason. You are in your family unit, married to a certain person (or single), raising particular children, all for a purpose. You are in your job not by chance, but because God willed you to be there. If we believe that the Lord is ruler of all; that He orchestrates all things and directs our every step, then we know the following to be true—our daily interactions with store clerks, salespeople, neighbors, and family are placed in our path for a reason. Not one thing is by chance. Every moment of our lives comes from above.

I am sure that each of us has experienced a divine appointment with someone in this world. It could have been a stranger (did someone pay your toll? hold the door? smile at you for no reason?) or someone who we know well (a spiritual mentor, a family member, or friend). God places people in our lives at certain times to serve a need that we have. He shows His love and faithfulness to us in this way.

On the flip-side…have you ever thought about God divinely using you in someone else’s life to help them meet a need that the Lord knows that they have? It could be as simple as a friendly smile or holding a door. It could be more-–buying coffee or lunch for the person in the drive-thru behind you or starting a conversation. Are you actively looking for these moments? Do you go through your day seeking God and waiting for Him to speak to your heart?

The differences we make in this life do not have to be extravagant. We are all wired differently to serve a specific purpose for our Lord. Just because you do not hand out Bibles or share the gospel with everyone you meet does not mean you are not of worth or of value to God. We are difference-makers by actively seeking our Lord, listening to what He says, and looking for opportunities to do His Will in this earthly world. God wants a willing servant. When He has your heart, He will direct your steps. And all of our steps are different.

So, although at first I felt a sense of hopelessness and condemnation reading the author’s words in this section, because that is what Satan wanted me to feel…now I know that God is using me in the way He knows He can. He used Brooke in the way He knew would work in HER life, based on her divinely created personality and attributes. And He will use YOU, too…as long as you listen and let Him. Brooke’s story is amazing…but so is yours.  Amen?


Father, as we reflect on the life of young Brooke, let us not lose heart for what we are not doing; yet, let us look forward to what we can still do while we are here. Help us to lay the past down and to forgive ourselves for any missed opportunities. Continue to work in and through us as we go about our daily lives, showing us who we can serve and how we can serve them. Let us become willing servants for You, oh Lord. In Jesus name, we pray–Amen!


Leave a comment and answer this question: How can we live differently knowing that the next interaction we have with someone, even a stranger, is one that is divinely orchestrated by the Lord?


Would you like to read a bit more about Brooke? I found a link to this news article discussing her accident where her friends talked about her deep faith. An incredible young girl.

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Crazy Love – Week 1/ Chapter 1: “Stop Praying” Weekly Review


Can you believe the first week of the incredible study is coming to a close? I am in shock! What an awesome week! Not only have the blogs been amazing, but I have enjoyed reading all of your comments and insight so much! God is so good! Please join me as I take a brief look back on week one…

Monday you and I were urged to stop praying and start exploring how we are coming to God in our quiet time. Mr. Chan asked us to take some time to dig deep and really take a look at our posture as we come into the presence of Our Lord and Savior.

Martha took a deeper look at God’s vast creation with all of us on Tuesday and she also had us think back about our relationship with our earthly father. We were asked to meditate on God’s greatness and wonder.

Donna took us on quite a journey on Wednesday as we explored the many attributes of God. We were asked to take a look at what holds us back from acknowledging God for who He is.

On Thursday, Jennifer worked through with us how so many aspects of God are bigger than anything we can even comprehend. We read about Isaiah and John and we were urged to again to be quiet and still before our Creator as we focus on His greatness in awe.

Francis Chan has a video for you as we complete chapter 1. I would love for you to watch it now….

In this video, Mr. Chan talks about asking God to create something new for you… not to repeat great quiet times you have had with Him in the past but a NEW awesome time with Him and in His presence! A new fire… a new passion! Let’s take a hard, real look at our prayer life where it maybe has become routine and breathe new life into it TODAY!

Let’s Pray….

Lord, thank You for all of the wonderful insight given to us this week about our prayer time with You. Thank You for so faithfully meeting us right where we are, and Father we thank You for breathing new life into our souls today! Help us to be contagious, spreading your light to all the lives we interact with today and may our passion for You be evident to every life we touch. We love You in a crazy way, Father, and we ask You to keep stoking this fire that is growing within. We crave to be forever changed by You and Your Word. In Your Son’s matchless name we pray, Amen <3

Your Assignment:

Remember yesterday when Jennifer asked you to really think about what the first words out of your mouth would be when you are in the presence of God…. if you literally saw Him right in front of you?  You KNOW it is TIME to fall CRAZY in love with God, ladies……. How will you NOW incorporate THIS new posture and language into your prayer time with God? Leave me some comments below all about it!


Megan 🙂


If you are interested in joining this amazing online Bible study for Crazy Love, click HERE to sign up. Once you are registered, you will receive an email with further details.

If you would like to email a private message to Megan in regards to this blog, please email her at: