January 22, 2025

Come To The Water

psalmshymnsspiritualsongskjvCome to the water all who are thirsty
Come and drink
Come to the table all who are hungry
Come and feast

Those who are weary, those who are needy
Come receive
Come to the river,come to the river
Taste and see

Oh, oh my soul thirst for you
You alone

I will taste and see that you are good
Good to me

Tony Brown, Pat Barrett, Nate Moore, Dave Dalton

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This song played over and over in my thoughts this week because I was extremely thirsty.  Sometimes as women, we pour into so many and do so much for others, that we forget that we, too, need refreshment from Jesus. Isaiah 55:1 says; “Come, everyone who is thirsty, come to the waters; and you without money, come, buy, and eat!  Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost!”  He’s calling us all!

In the story of Mary and Martha, as we know, one is busy running around doing and the other is sitting at Jesus’ feet, just soaking it all in. At the end of the gathering, who is the one that is most filled?  I don’t mean physical food and water, my friend, I mean spiritual, long lasting and filling.  This is what He desires for us.  This world can really deplete and literally take all that we have.   The only way to survive, no..rather, thrive is with Jesus.

Are you wondering how?  His Word is living water.  It is so full of substance that will fill and will last.  This is how we can sit at Jesus’ feet today—by turning off the TV, muting the cell phone, taking a break from social media, and just listening to Him.  Some of us are really active in our churches.  We may even lead full-time ministries and that is awesome!  But if we, as leaders, are not in tune with Him, we will have nothing worth anything to give.

Listen closely to the words of this song…close your eyes and meditate on them.  Pray and ask God to show you the areas in your life that need watering.  Ask Him to reveal the dry areas that can only be quenched by the Spirit of God.  Then sit at His feet and soak Him in.  And, if you don’t know Him or if you have moved away from Him, I ask that you pray this prayer with me:

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Dear God, I know I am a sinner.  I need forgiveness that only You can give.  I am tired of doing the same things over and over.  I believe that Jesus is Your Son and that He is the Savior of the world.  He died for me!  I ask that Jesus come into my heart to live.  Help me to grow to know You and to let You change me. Thank You for this new life.  In Jesus’ name, amen.

Come To The River


I’m torn between myself and Your Truth
These cursed memories, forever seeping through
My thirst for myself left me wanting more
‘Til I found myself facedown on Your shore

You say, Come to the river
Oh, and lay yourself down and let your heart be found
You say, Come to the river
Drink from the cup I pour and thirst no more

My restless heart led me astray
To my selfish pride I became my own slave
But You placed a thirst in me with no drink in sight
‘Cause I could not see ‘til I saw through Your eyes

Songwriters: Allen Salmon, Rhett Walker Canipe / Performed by Rhett Walker Band

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Have you ever been caught in this place?  “Torn between yourself and His Truth”?  I know I have….

This song has such powerful Truth in it.  A restless heart can lead you astray and to selfish pride you will become your own slave.  WOW!!!  Powerful words to consider….  Let’s see what God says about pride.

The pride of your heart has deceived you,
you who live in the clefts of the rocks and make your home on the heights,
you who say to yourself, ‘Who can bring me down to the ground?’
Obadiah 1:3

A prideful heart leads to a restless heart where you can be lost to yourself.  When my heart is restless I must come to the river and drink from the cup of living water where I will thirst no more.

I love how this excerpt from this woman’s website describes God’s love penetrating a restless heart.  She writes:

“That’s the Trust He’s asking of me, to let His love, as deep and endless as the ocean, to hold me up, to let the wellspring of His heart meet my deepest needs.”


This is the very trust that God is asking of you and of me, too.  That the “wellspring of God’s heart will meet my deepest need.”  Once we know and embrace the love of the Father towards us we can then be satisfied in our deepest needs and we will thirst no more.

But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again.
It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.
John 4:14 NLT

God is calling us to come and drink from the endless river where we will thirst no more and let Him fill us up.  So many times in life we try and fill up those empty places with other things that will never satisfy us.  They aren’t meant to…only God can fill the empty places of the heart until we are completely satisfied.  Will you let Him?  The choice is ours.  He is waiting with open arms for us to take the first step. So He can tell His daughters how precious and valuable we are to Him.

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Heavenly Father, may my restless heart never lead me astray to where I become my own slave.  May I choose to drink of the Living Water where I will thirst no more.  In Jesus’ name!!  Amen!!

Rain Down


Looks like tonight, the sky is heavy
Feels like the winds are gonna change
Beneath my feet, the earth is ready
I know its time for Heaven’s rain
It’s gonna rain

‘Cause it’s Living Water we desire
To flood our hearts with holy fire

Rain down all around the world we’re singing
Rain down, can you here the earth is singing
Rain down, my heart is dry but still I’m singing
Rain down, rain it down on me

Back to the start, my heart is heavy
Feels like it’s time, to dream again
I see the clouds, and yes I’m ready
To dance upon this barren land
Hope in my hands

Do not shut, do not shut, do not shut the heavens
But open up, open up, open up our hearts

Give me strength to cross this water
Keep my heart upon Your altar
Give me strength to cross this water
Keep my feet don’t let me falter


Written by Martin Smith, Stuart Garrard / Delirious

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Living Water is the only water that satisfies… Father, “flood our hearts with holy fire!!!”

In order for the offspring of water to exist, everything starts in the rain..and Who gives the rain?  Where does it comes from?  It comes from God.

Then I will give you rain in its season, (…)
Leviticus 26:4

If I want to have the Living Water and become a fountain, I need to seek those waters from above, through my seeking of the Holy Spirit, through my surrender, my sincerity and daily sacrifice in order to obey God’s Word.  The Living Water will accumulate in us, forming our character and shaping us into God’s children, until the moment that God’s Presence also overflows and we become a fountain.  We will have for us and to give others.
excerpt from Elijah Blogfire

My prayer is to be filled with the Living Water that I may not be a reservoir that keeps it stored up for myself, rather, a river so as I am filled to overflowing it may flow freely to those around me…

Shower, O heavens, from above, and let the clouds rain down righteousness;
let the earth open, that salvation and righteousness may bear fruit;
let the earth cause them both to sprout; I the LORD have created it.
Isaiah 45:8 ESV

On the ‘Got Questions?’ website, we read this about the Holy Spirit:
“Fire is a wonderful picture of the work of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit is like a fire in at least three ways: He brings God’s presence, God’s passion, and God’s purity. The Holy Spirit is the presence of God as He indwells the heart of the believer …” (Click here to read the entire article!)

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Heavenly Father, “give me strength to cross this water…keep my heart upon Your altar…keep my feet, don’t let me falter” and “flood my heart with your Holy Fire” in Jesus name AMEN!!!

What More Could You Need?


Let them praise the Lord for His great love
and for the wonderful things He has done for them.
For He satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.
Psalms 107:8-9

A car?  A house?  An awesome job?  A family?  Romantic husband?  Perfect health?  No debt?  Desires…aren’t they fun things!  Desires can be limitless. Nothing can stop me from desiring to go to the moon or to be a millionaire! (Well…aside from the negative chatter in my head and those people around me who would tell me that you could not…but that’s a totally different topic.)

Desire isn’t all bad; it’s when desire is left unchecked that we can run into problems.  Before any desire, Christ should always reign.  Christ needs to be Number One for everything else to make sense.  As well, we need to be very careful not to mix up wants with needs and to remember that Christ can provide us with all we need.

It’s important to make sure we are trusting God for our needs and not just things. We must focus on the Giver not the given.

Let them praise the Lord for His great love
and for the wonderful things He has done for them.
For He satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.
Psalms 107:8-9

Immediately, when I read these verses I thought of the woman at the well (John chapter 4).  Jesus told her He was the Living Water.  Then, I remembered that Jesus also referred to Himself as the Bread of Life, in John 6:35.  Those are some pretty large claims to make.  Jesus wasn’t saying, “I’m all that and a bag of chips!” He was saying, “I’m a never-ending five course meal.”  But! Look what He did!  He went to Calvary for us.  I think it’s safe to say He can make those claims.

So, what do you need Christ for today?  Let Him satisfy you.

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Thank you, Lord, for being all that I need.  And for being able to satisfy any, every, and all my needs.  You are wonderful and worthy of all my praise!  Amen.