February 2, 2025

Girls With Swords: Chapter 3 – “You Might Be A Hero” (pgs. 35-38)

This week’s reading schedule can be found by clicking this link.

“Your journey toward becoming a hero begins when you simply
grant God permission to have His way.” (Lisa Bevere, pg. 35)

It sounds like such a simple thing – Let Go, Let God. Release whatever your hopes and dreams are for the future so that God can fill your life with His plans which are far better than anything in our wildest dreams. So, why is the action part of it so difficult? Why is it so hard to let those things go?

At age 24, I was told I would never bear a biological child. Too stunned to form a coherent thought, the next eight years of my life went by in a haze of depression, anxiety, and panic attacks. I was lost, and there was no light at the end of the tunnel. My lifelong dream was to have a baby who looked like me with my husband who loved me. I had plans! I had dreams! I had hopes!

In an instant, all seemed lost.

I did not really know Jesus back then. I knew about Him, but we were not doing this life-thing together.  I was a nobody. But, He knew me, and He never stopped His pursuit of me. He knows my name. He loves me (and you) like an only child. He wanted me to come out of the pit I was in because He knew the plans He had for me.

So, He alone rescued me.

At that moment, I turned my burden of infertility over to Him. I decided not to carry it on my back anymore. I let God have His way with me.

Today, I have a 16-month old nephew who I could not love more if he were my own child. Instead of having hurt and pain, I am filled with love and pure joy.

God did that. He is taking my life and using it for His glory. He is taking my pain and turning it for good, to help other people who are in pain.

“You are not normal. You’re an anointed daughter of the Most High God,
the creator of heaven and earth and of all things seen and unseen.
This makes you a potential threat to the enemy.” (Lisa Bevere, pg. 35)

I tell you this story because Satan continues to attack me in this area of my life. There are times I am consumed with grief over not being able to have a biological child. Some days my heart is so heavy that I question God; I doubt Him. I wonder why I am made to suffer this burden.

“Never doubt you are part of the story of your day.” (Lisa Bevere, pg. 36)

Then He whispers to me…I am with you. I have plans for you. You are loved. I am part of God’s story! Satan’s job is to kill, to steal, and to destroy. He will continue to try to defeat me where he knows I am weak but, with God, I am strong. Satan does not want another woman to experience a full life in Christ so he will try to undermine my attempts to help other women.

Ladies, I share this with you because I need for you to know something very important. Right now, where you are, you are living part of God’s story. Satan will try to defeat you – that is his job – but you can be a hero of faith, just like Abraham. You probably will not know you are a hero, and that is okay. We can live for God without knowing the full measure of the whole story until we reach Heaven—and what a beautiful sight that will be!

There is one last thing I want to leave you with. All of this talk about being a hero and living a life surrendered to God sounds great, right? But, you might be someone who really struggles with this. I know I do. It is hard to let go of some things, but in order to receive what God has for us, our hands need to be open and not closed. We are heroes by living the life God has planned for us; walking alongside Him day by day; laying down our hopes and dreams for God’s dreams for us, and trusting in His ultimate plan for our lives. God sees you. He knows your name. He loves you.

‘We can be in our day what the heroes of faith were in their day –
but remember at the time they didn’t know they were heroes. – A.W. Tozer (pg. 36)

Let’s Pray:

Father God, Your story is perfect. Show us how to live fully surrendered to You every single day. Help us to let go of things that we need to release from our lives so that You can fill us with Your plans. Guide us in Your ways and in Your truth. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


With Love,


If you would like to join us for the “Girls with Swords” Online Bible/Book study, click HERE to be taken to our sign-up page.  Once you complete the enrollment process, we will email you further details.  We hope you will join us!

Crazy Love: Chapter 6 “When You’re In Love” – Help! I Don’t Love You (pp 103-109)

I’ve talked a lot in my blogposts about how we absolutely have to be WILLING to let God change us. So, when Chan started this section of the chapter talking about this very topic, I had to laugh. I think many of us make it much harder than it really is. Let Go, Let God. Right? Easy as pie.

<pause for laughter>

Oh, if only it were so simple. We are all running after something. It could be a dream God laid on our hearts. It could be our own selfish desires that are interfering with God’s divine plans for us. Either way, we are chasing after something. Do you want the race you are running to be worth it and bring glory to our Lord? Have you talked to God about your race lately to make sure you are following His Will and not running in another, safer direction? Do you even know the race that God wants you to run? We are only human. We want the easiest path; the less painful road; the one that will cause us the least amount of stress. It is just human nature.

But, my dear girlfriends . . . Jesus did not die so that we could live a complacent Christian life. He died so that we could live a full, rich life . . . walking alongside HIM! Jesus says that we will have trouble in this world. It is not a question of if, but when it will happen! When we take our eyes off of our Savior, our lives lose focus. Things get foggy. All of a sudden, the race gets a bit muddy and we have no idea which direction to turn. And sadly, this is when Satan can get a foothold into our lives and draw us even further away from where we should be.

“As we begin to focus more on Christ, loving Him and others becomes more natural. As long as we are pursuing Him, we are satisfied in Him. It is when we stop actively loving Him that we find ourselves restless and gravitating toward other means of fulfillment.”

(Francis Chan, pg 104)

BUT GOD IS ALWAYS RIGHT THERE! And He LOVES us SO very much!! We may stumble; we may even fall. But God is always there to help brush us off and get us back on the right track. When you lean into the Lord and put 100% of your focus on Him, He will make your path straight. That is a promise straight out of His Word.


So, put all of your focus on loving the Lord with every single molecule of your being. Let God move into every area your life. Ask Him what race you should be running and commit to taking a step of faith for His glory. Let every word that you speak, every keystroke that you make, let all you do glorify your Lord today.


Let’s Pray:

Father, letting You into our lives may not be easy. There are some areas that are just difficult and may even be strongholds for us. Lord, I ask that You tear down these walls. Show us a step of faith that we can take today to let You into an area of our lives that we have closed off to You. We want to run the race that You have set before us. We do not want to chase after something that is not pleasing to You. Help us to love You, Father God, with all of our hearts. Remove any obstacles or barriers that are interfering with our love relationship with You. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen!

Your Assignment:

What is something that you KNOW God is calling you to do, but you have been afraid to take that step of faith and actually DO it? Commit it to the Lord today and pray for strength and courage to take that step. God is right with you. He will NEVER leave you nor forsake you. Share with us so we can pray with you.

If you are interested in joining this amazing online Bible study for Crazy Love, click HERE to sign up. Once you are registered, you will receive an email with further details.

If you would like to email a private message to Jennifer in regards to this blog, please email her at Jennifer@GirlfriendsCoffeeHour.com

Winning Him Without Words: “It’s Safe to Relinquish Control”


Why do we desperately hold onto it? What are we afraid of? I will be the first to admit that I am a control freak. Since returning to Christ two years ago, God has repeatedly revealed my controlling tendencies and convicted me of them, especially in the realm of my marriage. It is not pretty. I am not sure how my husband lives with me, but I am thankful that the Lord is showing me a better way and that my husband has a measure of patience. When I took a good look in the mirror, I realized that I needed to focus on saving myself, not my husband.

So, I can relate to this whole chapter in a big way. But this section on control . . . I felt like Lynn was talking directly to me.

Even though God has been working on me, I do not have it all together. There is still that part of me that wonders… can I really, truly, 100%, no holds barred, relinquish this salvation-of-my-husband-thing to God? Some days I think I can. Other days I am not so sure. I will release it to God one day and the next day, I will take it back.

Why is it so hard?

As Lynn Donovan states on page 44:

  • I am the only believer my husband encounters on a regular basis
  • I am the one person who is actively praying for him
  • If I do not show my husband Jesus, who will?

And two of my own . . . the ones that lies in the deepest recesses of my heart. The ones that are hard to even type. What if I never get to see my husband come to faith? What if he does not get saved? If I do not become actively involved in my husband’s salvation, then who will?

Well, Lynn smacked me upside the head humbled me with her next statement:

All of this is true, yet you are underestimating the power of the Lord in your life.


Lord, I am so very sorry.

Why do I keep trying to BE God in my husband’s life? God is certainly capable of handling things just fine on His own, thankyouverymuch. I mean, He grabbed me without anyone bombarding me with open Bibles or Christian music. So, why am I trying to do it for someone else?

Lynn tells us that two things will happen when we finally let go of our foolish and unproductive efforts to save our men:

  1. We will discover new freedom – the pressure we feel to bring our spouse to Christ will lift. We can just enjoy our spouse for the man that he is.
  2. Our husbands’ will experience freedom – he will no longer need to feel uncomfortable or try to deflect our crazy attempts to bring him to faith. He can RELAX around us. Our faith will become LESS OF A THREAT in his eyes. It will free him to explore faith at his own pace, in his own time, at GOD’s leading.

Ladies, I am right there with you. I am scared. I can talk a good game and feel like I am living it sometimes, but other times I take it all back and try to do it on my own. It is hard to relinquish that control. But, God really does have this. He wants our husbands’ to know Him and to love Him even more than we do. Our God will never stop pursuing the lost and bringing them to Himself (read Luke 15:3-10). In fact, when we step in and try to take on God’s job, we just get in the way and make more work for God! Are you ready to put your husband’s salvation in God’s hands and truly let go and let God handle it?


Let’s Pray:

Father God, in the name of our mighty Savior, Jesus Christ, I ask you to give each woman in this study a courageous strength to release their husband’s salvation into your capable hands. We know that you love our husbands’ even more than we do, Lord, and you want a deep and abiding relationship with each of them. Help us to get out of Your way and to let You do the work in our husbands’ hearts and lives. Please reveal anything in our own lives that we are doing that is causing angst or stress to our husbands’ and marriages and help us to repent of it. In your name we pray, Amen.

Your Assignment:

Tell us why it is difficult to fully let go of your husband’s salvation and give it completely over to God.

Many blessings to you,



Join the Winning Him Without Words Bible Study!

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