February 22, 2025

Rise Again

Many of you have gone on Spring Break or are anticipating taking a vacation this summer. It is a time to refresh spirit, soul, and body. Over the next couple of weeks, our faithful bloggers will be taking a ‘spring break’ from writing so that they can come back to us refreshed and freshly anointed.
However, Girlfriends’ Coffee Hour website won’t ‘go black’! We will be revisiting some of our favorite blogs and daily devotions which have blessed us in the past. We pray that each of you, our faithful friends and readers, will continue to start your day meditating on the devotionals and songblogs, and be encouraged and blessed.

Let’s give each of our bloggers a big round of applause,
a hug, and the rest they so deserve. God bless you, ladies!


Go ahead, drive the nails in My hands
Laugh at me where you stand
Go ahead, and say it isn’t Me
The day will come when you will see

‘Cause I’ll rise again
Ain’t no power on earth can tie me down
Yes, I’ll rise again
Death can’t keep Me in the ground

Go ahead, mock My name
My love for you is still the same
Go ahead, and bury Me
But very soon, I will be free

Go ahead and say I’m dead and gone
But you will see that you were wrong
Go ahead, try to hide the Son
But all will see that I’m the One!

‘Cause I’ll come again!
Ain’t no power on earth can keep Me back!
Yes, I’ll come again
Come to take My people back

Dallas Holm

*   ~   ♥   ~   ✞   ~  ♥   ~   *

Last week a couple of  friends and myself felt like the enemy was taking target practice at our marriages.  It wasn’t the first time…and I am quite certain it won’t be the last.  A recent sermon I heard, entitled Called to Be Free, came to mind and I thought about being free from satan’s attacks.  I know we won’t be completely free until we reach Heaven but Jesus has set us free from the chains of this world.  That includes satan and anything he tries to ensnare us in.  The enemy only has what power we give him.

Luke 10:19 (HCSB) puts it this way:

Look, I have given you the authority to trample on snakes and scorpions
and over all the power of the enemy; nothing will ever harm you.

We have all authority over the power of the enemy.  But sometimes we forget to use that power. And even when we do, sometimes we still get knocked for a loop.  It is difficult to keep getting back up when you get knocked down repeatedly.  I read a Scripture that totally changed my whole perspective on this.  Take a look at 2 Corinthians 4:10-11 (AMP):

Always carrying about in the body the liability and exposure
to the same putting to death that the Lord Jesus suffered,
so that the [resurrection] life of Jesus also may be shown forth by and in our bodies.
For we who live are constantly [experiencing] being handed over to death
for Jesus’ sake, that the [resurrection] life of Jesus
also may be evidenced through our flesh which is liable to death.

I read this and had a “light bulb” moment.  Because we are believers and followers of Christ, we carry Jesus’ death and Resurrection within us!  The attacks we incur, the battles we fight are where we share in the death of Jesus.  If satan knocks me down, he may have won that battle but Jesus has already won the war.  Every time we rise up from defeat—whether it is perceived or real—we share in the Resurrection and ultimate victory of Jesus.  We can rise again because Jesus has already done it and we carry Him within ourselves.

As I was mediating on all of this, the song “Rise Again” came to mind.  But I was hearing it and singing it in a whole new light.  Since I have a personal relationship with Christ, it doesn’t matter if people laugh at me or mock me. It doesn’t matter if I get knocked down or thrown for a loop. “I will be free….” “…no power on earth can tie me down.”

For me, this revelation was earth-shattering and life-changing.  The storms will be easier to bear, and the attacks easier to survive because I know Jesus has already been there.  He has paved my way in victory and His victory is manifested in me.  Hallelujah!!!!

He’s Alive!


The gates and doors were barred
And all the windows fastened down
I spent the night in sleeplessness
And rose at every sound
Half in hopeless sorrow
And half in fear the day
Would find the soldiers breakin’ through
To drag us all away

And just before the sunrise
I heard something at the wall
The gate began to rattle
And a voice began to call
I hurried to the window
Looked down into the street
Expecting swords and torches
And the sound of soldiers’ fee

But there was no one there but Mary
So I went down to let her in
John stood there beside me
As she told us where she’d been
She said they might have moved Him in the night
And none of us knows where
The stone’s been rolled away
And now His body isn’t there

We both ran toward the garden
Then John ran on ahead
We found the stone and empty tomb
Just the way that Mary said
But the winding sheet they wrapped Him in
Was just an empty shell
And how or where they’d taken Him
Was more than I could tell

Oh something strange had happened there
Just what I did not know
John believed a miracle
But I just turned to go
Circumstance and speculation
Couldn’t lift me very high
‘Cause I’d seen them crucify Him
Then I saw Him die

Back inside the house again
The guilt and anguish came
Everything I’d promised Him
Just added to my shame
When At last it came to choices
I denied I knew His name
And even if He was alive
It wouldn’t be the same

But suddenly the air was filled
With a strange and sweet perfume
Light that came from everywhere
Drove the shadows from the room
And Jesus stood before me
With His arms held open wide
And I fell down on my knees
And I just clung to Him and cried

Then He raised me to my feet
And as I looked into His eyes
The love was shining out from Him
Like sunlight from the skies
Guilt in my confusion
Disappeared in sweet release
And every fear I’d ever had
Just melted into peace

He’s alive, He’s alive
He’s alive and I’m forgiven
Heaven’s gates are open wide
He’s alive, He’s alive

Written and sung by Don Francisco

  *   ~   ♥   ~   ✞   ~  ♥   ~   *

I cannot think of a better song to represent suffering for your actions and attitudes.  The guilt and shame we carry for an act for which our head knew we should not do, but our fear and emotions reacted first.

Peter is such an excellent example of this and how much Jesus loves us. We may not walk physically with Jesus as Peter did, but He is right there, waiting on us to call upon Him as we would a trusted friend.  Jesus, of all people, knew what Peter was going to do but He also knew what Peter was capable of once he was forgiven and released from his sin.  Sisters, that is what God wants for us! He wants us to be released from our guilt and shame…to turn away from our sin…to rely on God’s love, grace, and mercy.

Another great example of Jesus’ forgiveness and love is the woman who was caught in adultery (Luke chapter 7) and brought before Jesus to be condemned.  I cannot imagine how she felt, appearing before all of the people, with her sin being proclaimed in the open, in front of the temple. As the men were trying to trick Jesus, He cleverly reminded them to not be so hasty in their attempt to throw stones.

Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven—
as her great love has shown.
But whoever has been forgiven little loves little.
Luke 7:47 NIV

God loves His people, Jews and Gentiles alike. He does not want to condemn us…our sins, yes…but not us.  Jesus commanded husbands to love their wives as He loves.  Unconditionally, without reservation, without restraint.

Today, seek out areas where you can love more and better and  unconditionally.  Today, ask for the Holy Spirit to show you where you are forgiven and let the ‘strange,  sweet perfume’ surround your senses (as this song describes Peter’s experience). Wow!

  *   ~   ♥   ~   ✞   ~  ♥   ~   *

Father, we love You! Thank You for the reminder from Don Francisco of Your unconditional love. I want a most intimate relationship with You.  Help me shrug off all of the years of guilt and shame.  Help me surrender them all to You so You can build a brand-new me that honors and glorifies You in everything I do.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Rise Again


Go ahead, drive the nails in My hands
Laugh at me where you stand
Go ahead, and say it isn’t Me
The day will come when you will see

‘Cause I’ll rise again
Ain’t no power on earth can tie me down
Yes, I’ll rise again
Death can’t keep Me in the ground

Go ahead, mock My name
My love for you is still the same
Go ahead, and bury Me
But very soon, I will be free

‘Cause I’ll rise again
Ain’t no power on earth can tie Me down
Yes, I’ll rise again
Death can’t keep Me in the ground

Go ahead and say I’m dead and gone
But you will see that you were wrong
Go ahead, try to hide the Son
But all will see that I’m the One!

‘Cause I’ll come again!
Ain’t no power on earth can keep Me back!
Yes, I’ll come again
Come to take My people back

Singer/Songwriter: Dallas Holm

*   ~   ♥   ~   ✞   ~  ♥   ~   *

Last week a couple of  friends and myself felt like the enemy was taking target practice at our marriages.  It wasn’t the first time…and I am quite certain it won’t be the last.  A recent sermon I heard, entitled Called to Be Free, came to mind and I thought about being free from satan’s attacks.  I know we won’t be completely free until we reach Heaven but Jesus has set us free from the chains of this world.  That includes satan and anything he tries to ensnare us in.  The enemy only has what power we give him.

Luke 10:19 (HCSB) puts it this way:

Look, I have given you the authority to trample on snakes and scorpions
and over all the power of the enemy; nothing will ever harm you.

We have all authority over the power of the enemy.  Sometimes we forget to use that power.  Even when we do, sometimes we still get knocked for a loop.  It is difficult to keep getting back up when you get knocked down repeatedly.  I read a Scripture that totally changed my whole perspective on this.  Take a look at 2 Corinthians 4:10-11 (AMP):

Always carrying about in the body the liability and exposure
to the same putting to death that the Lord Jesus suffered,
so that the [resurrection] life of Jesus also may be shown forth by and in our bodies.
For we who live are constantly [experiencing] being handed over to death
for Jesus’ sake, that the [resurrection] life of Jesus
also may be evidenced through our flesh which is liable to death.

I read this and had a “light bulb” moment.  Because we are believers and followers of Christ, we carry Jesus’ death and Resurrection within us!  The attacks we incur, the battles we fight are where we share in the death of Jesus.  If satan knocks me down, he may have won that battle but Jesus has already won the war.  Every time we rise up from defeat—whether it is perceived or real—we share in the Resurrection and ultimate victory of Jesus.  We can rise again because Jesus has already done it and we carry Him within ourselves.

As I was mediating on all of this, the song “Rise Again” came to mind.  But I was hearing it and singing it in a whole new light.  Since I have a personal relationship with Christ, it doesn’t matter if people laugh at me or mock me. It doesn’t matter if I get knocked down or thrown for a loop. “I will be free….” “…No power on earth can tie me down.”

For me, this revelation was earth-shattering and life-changing.  The storms will be easier to bear, and the attacks easier to survive because I know Jesus has already been there.  He has paved my way in victory and His victory is manifested in me.  Hallelujah!!!!

Girls with Swords: Chapter 5 – “Scapegoat” (pgs 76-78)

Every single word that Lisa has written on these two pages of the book have touched my heart in one way or another.  There is so much “good stuff” in this section of the book.  I have enjoyed the whole book so far, and I have really loved this chapter.  This chapter has caused me to look at the Cross in a whole new way.  The Cross as a sword is something I never visualized before.  This idea was all new to me, and it brought something to mind.

We all have a journey to the Cross.  Everyone’s journey is different.  Maybe we can all relate with the scapegoat in different areas as we journey to the Cross.

  • Guilt: How many times have you blamed yourself for an event in your life in which you carry around an immense amount of guilt from?
  • Lonely nights: How many nights have you fallen asleep next to your husband, or at home with your family, yet the loneliness that you feel inside is strong enough to cause you to think you are alone in this world with no one to love you…care for you…or be there for you? 
  • Oppression: How many times have you felt a heavy burden on your heart, one that crushes you to your core causing you to panic and shake the calm life you once lived? 
  • Rejection: How many times did you just want to fit in with your friends, family, co-workers; just to find out that no one wanted to be around you, and when you tried to surprise them you overheard the cruel words they spoke of you that cut deeper than any knife ever made?  The list goes on and on.  There are so many words that are used to describe the scapegoat we once believed we were.

Let’s consider Jesus’ journey not to the Cross, but with the Cross.  Jesus knows the pain and the hurt behind each and every word used to describe what a scapegoat represented.  Jesus went through more suffering than our human bodies can ever imagine.  Yet your depression, your loneliness, your hurt, your pain, your guilt, your betrayal, your shame, your (insert others here) were all taken with Jesus on the Cross.  Could you imagine the weight on His shoulders as He fell up Calvary’s hill?  The astonishing part is that Jesus’ innocent shoulders were not the ones meant to carry all of these things.  We deserve all of it, yet Jesus loved us so much that He took what was meant for our cross and sacrificed Himself so that we can be saved and free in Him!

As Jesus approached the spot where He was to be sacrificed, I can only picture Him taking the Cross with the weight of it all and sticking it into the ground.  Then I imagine the Cross as a sword and I know that when that sharp point hit the ground, our world was shaken.  Not for the worse, but for the better.  Jesus IS the ultimate sacrifice.  As I write those words, “Jesus is the ultimate sacrifice,” I begin to tear up because I stand in awe of Jesus and His love for me that He died and rose again, defeating all that was on the Cross, FOR ME, that I may live eternally with Him.  Lisa is right: the Cross is a sword of love.

It is time, ladies, to follow Jesus’ footsteps to the Cross.  For when we arrive, we will meet Jesus waiting to hand us His sword.  As He gives us His power, we must be able to echo His words in our hearts, “Forgive them; for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34).  We must forgive ourselves, too.  We must leave all the burdens we carried to the Cross in His hands where they belong.  We must pick up His sword and follow JESUS TO HEAVEN!

Make time to meditate on this Scripture today:



Let’s Pray: 

Heavenly Father, how can we find the words to thank You for what You alone have done for us?  Thank You for loving us so much that You sent Your only Son to die for us.  Lord, some of the ladies in this study may have already traveled to the Cross and found Your healing and have picked up Your sword.  I pray for these ladies, that You empower them to use Your sword and stand firm in You against Satan as You guide them to Heaven.  Lord, maybe there are some ladies who are in the middle of their journey or have not started yet.  Lord, I pray for these ladies that You show them Your paths to the cross, that You give them Your strength to reach the point where they find You and give You all of the burdens that lay so heavy on their hearts.  I thank You for the power of the Cross.  I thank You for guiding us every day to You.  We love You, Lord, so much!  Amen.