February 22, 2025

Same Power

psalmshymnsspiritualsongskjvI can see
Waters raging at my feet
I can feel
The breath of those surrounding me
I can hear
The sound of nations rising up
We will not be overtaken
We will not be overcome

I can walk
Down this dark and painful road
I can face
Every fear of the unknown
I can hear
All God’s children singing out
We will not be overtaken
We will not be overcome

The same power that rose Jesus from the grave
The same power that commands the dead to wake
Lives in us, lives in us
The same power that moves mountains when He speaks
The same power that can calm a raging sea
Lives in us, lives in us
He lives in us, lives in us

We have hope
That His promises are true
In His strength
There is nothing we can’t do
Yes, we know
There are greater things in store
We will not be overtaken
We will not be overcome

Greater is He that is living in me
He’s conquered our enemy
No power of darkness
No weapon prevails
We stand here in victory

 Jeremy Camp
written along with Jason Ingram

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But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you,
He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead
will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you.
Romans 8:11

When asked if I would rather have Jesus walking this earth (like in Biblical times) or have the Holy Spirit, I really have to think.  Then I am reminded that Jesus could not be everywhere in body but the Holy Spirit can be with all of us, everywhere, all over the world.  How amazing is that?!

Have you ever thought about what Jesus said when He left here to go to Heaven to be with God?  He said that He was leaving a gift that was far greater than He.  We—that means you and me—have the same power in us that made Jesus rise again from the grave.  We have the same power that rose Lazarus from the dead.  And we have the same power that healed the leaper, made the blind to see, and fed the 5000.  So what are we to do with this power today?

  • We are to go out into this hard world and shine His light to those who are struggling.
  • We are to ask the Holy Spirit to give us the words to share with that one person that needs Jesus and meets Him for the first time.
  • We are to let the Holy Spirit be our Comforter in times of sorrow and share our comfort with others.

Oh, friend, the Holy Spirit is real and full of love for you and me!  So today, let’s praise Him for this gift and let us allow Him to work in us so that we can be all that we were created to be.

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Let us pray: Dear God, thank You so much for the gift of the Holy Spirit . And for the power that comes from allowing Him to work through us and in us. How amazing is it that when we accept Jesus in our hearts that the Holy Spirit is given to us.  Free!  Help us to use His power for Your good.  We love You and we praise You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

You Will Be There


How precious to me are Your thoughts, God!
    How vast is the sum of them!
Were I to count them,
    they would outnumber the grains of sand—
    when I awake, I am still with You.
Psalms 139:17 and 18

*   ~   ♥   ~   ✞   ~   ♥   ~   * 

Jeremy Camp
I begin the day
With the faith that You fashion my ways
And I cannot escape
For Your hand it leads
Your right hand holds me

When I wake, you will be there
When the sun goes down in the night
You will be there

My life has been ordained
You have formed this very frame
And I am fearfully made
For I was made in that secret place

How precious are Your thoughts, all over me
They’re more than the sands of the sea

I Still Believe


Scattered words and empty thoughts
Seem to pour from my heart
I’ve never felt so torn before
Seems I don’t know where to start
But it’s now that I feel Your grace fall like rain
From every fingertip, washing away my pain

I still believe in Your faithfulness
I still believe in Your truth
I still believe in Your holy word
Even when I don’t see…I still believe

Though the questions still fog up my mind
With promises I still seem to bear
Even when answers slowly unwind
It’s my heart I see You prepare
But its now that I feel Your grace fall like rain
From every finger tip, washing away my pain

The only place I can go is into Your arms
Where I throw to You my feeble prayers
In brokenness I can see that this was Your will for me
Help me to know You are near

’Cause I still believe….

Singer / Songwriter: Jeremy Camp

* ~ ♥ ~ ✞ ~ ♥ ~ *

Jeremy Camp sings, “…‘cause even when I don’t see, I still believe.”  How about you?  It can be a struggle sometimes, agreed?  But our believing is not now, has never been, and never ever will be, based on what we can ‘see.’  Our believing is based on the One Whom we believe and on Him alone.

…for we walk by faith, not by sight
2 Corinthians 5:7

There is no doubt that our God wants us to believe Him with all of our heart and trust that everything He has promised will come to pass…amen?  He has given us, through His power and outlined in the Scriptures, ‘all things that pertain to life and godliness’ so that we can know Him and His promises.

His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness,
through the knowledge of Him who called us to His own glory and excellence,
by which He has granted to us His precious and very great promises,
so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire.
2 Peter 1:3 and 4

Our knowledge  of the Scriptures is constantly growing as we faithfully read and study them.  Based on all that we learn about our Great God, His Will, and His desires for His people, we can take a firm stand on His promises believing Him and knowing by faith that they will come to pass.

What are some of the things that we are to believe?

  • He hears our prayers
  • He heals our bodies
  • He comforts our hearts
  • He never leaves nor forsakes us
  • He watches over us
  • He guards us
  • He prepares a path for us to walk
  • He lovingly reproves and corrects us
  • And…His faithfulness, His truth, His Holy Word

I still believe in Your faithfulness

For the word of the Lord is right and true;
He is faithful in all He does.
Psalm 33:4

I still believe in Your truth

So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him,
“If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine;
and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.
John 8:31-32

I still believe in Your Holy Word

My son, attend to my words; consent and submit to My sayings.
Let them not depart from your sight; keep them in the center of your heart.
For they are life to those who find them, healing and health to all their flesh.
Proverbs 4:20-22

Even when I don’t see…I still believe!

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
Hebrews 11:1

As you (and I) make this our confession, we are trusting (as did Paul, our brother) the One who is Faithful and True.

He has saved us and called us to a holy life—
not because of anything we have done
but because of His own purpose and grace.
This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time,
but it has now been revealed through the appearing of our Savior,
Christ Jesus, who has destroyed death and has brought life
and immortality to light through the gospel.
And of this gospel I was appointed a herald and an apostle and a teacher.
That is why I am suffering as I am.
Yet this is no cause for shame,
because I know Whom I have believed,
and am convinced that He is able to guard
what I have entrusted to Him until that day.
2 Timothy 1:9-12

*  ~  ♥  ~ ✞ ~  ♥  ~  *

Friend, make this your own confession….  May I suggest that you write it down, place it in your Bible…write it on your bathroom mirror…write it on your palm…write it on your heart!   


I still believe in Your faithfulness
I still believe in Your truth
I still believe in Your Holy Word
Even when I don’t see…I still believe

He Knows

psalmshymnsspiritualsongskjvall the bitter weary ways
endless striving day by day
you barely have the strength to pray
in the valley low

how hard your fight has been
how deep the pain within
wounds that no one else has seen
hurts too much to show

all the doubt you’re standing in between
And all the weight that brings you to your knees

He knows, He knows
every hurt and every sting
He has walked the suffering
He knows, He knows
let your burdens come undone
lift your eyes up to the One
Who knows…He knows

we may faint and we may sink
feel the pain and near the brink
but the dark begins to shrink
when you find the one who knows

the chains of doubt that held you in between
one by one are starting to break free

every time that you feel forsaken
every time that you feel alone
He is near to the brokenhearted
every tear  He knows

Singer / Songwriter: Jeremy Camp (with Seth Mosely)

*  ~  ♥  ~  ✞  ~  ♥  ~  *

He does knowHe knows the last of our days and the beginning, and the number of hairs on our heads.  He knows how much pain you can actually bear and He knows when it will end.  You struggle with hard choices and exhausting circumstances…He knows and He wants to carry the struggles for you and He wants to help you make the right decisions. He knows….

He knows when you are walking in darkness and you desperately need His Light. All you have to do is ask. He knows what your deepest sin and secrets are.  He will never tell, but He wants to hear them from you. He will only give you grace, forgiveness, mercy, and all the love you will ever need. He knows when you feel alone and when you feel the world is unfair.  He is just and He fills every void you will ever feel.

He is pulling for you to win every battle. He is cheering you on as you reach the finish line of this life; and He has a place for you, with Him, forever, in eternity. He is singing over you daily and rejoicing over each victory in your life. He also sheds tears with you when you feel defeated.

He knows your heart (even when you don’t) and He loves you even when you don’t feel it.  He is never far away and He will never, ever leave you! He is always for you! So that hard thing that you are dealing with?  You know… the one you feel like you could never tell anyone? My friend, He knows and He is ready to step in and deliver you…just ask!

But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
Matthew 10:30

Even as the Father knows Me and I know the Father;
and I lay down My life for the sheep.
John 10:15

The secret things belong to the LORD our God,
but the things revealed belong to us and to our sons forever,
that we may observe all the words of this law.
Deuteronomy 29:29

It is He who reveals the profound and hidden things;
He knows what is in the darkness,
And the light dwells with Him.
Daniel 2:22

Let us pray:
Dear God, oh how amazing You are. You created each one of us in Your image and You know the intimate details of our lives. How comforting to know that we are never alone. Your hand is always there to hold, and You are willing to walk with us every day, never stopping. Thank You for loving us, for cheering for us, and for guiding us through this sometimes hard world. Because of You, we are always loved and we have a full abundant life. And when we don’t know, You do. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

Move In Me (Redux)


Redux means to revisit, bring back, re-release.  This last week of 2014, we—the bloggers here at Girlfriends Coffee Hour—are each ‘revisiting’ a blog we wrote earlier this year.  We would love to share with you just a bit about how very good God has been to us!  He has given us all so much grace and mercy, blessings and provision, protection and guidance!  He has led us and taught us through His Holy Spirit so many incredible things!  He has molded, and chastised, and encouraged us to be daughters with humble hearts who are dependent upon Him.  And He has helped us to be strong, committed, and faithful women who love Him and desire to bring Him much honor and glory and majesty.  We pray that our words would encourage you also…and draw You deeper into relationship with the One Who loves you so!  Please listen to the words of my friend, Kim….

This week at GCH the bloggers were asked to go back and give thoughts, insight, and growth from a previously written blog. As I was pondering which songblog to revisit…this one kept popping in my head. I wrote this blog almost a year ago; it is amazing to go back and see where you have come from and what trials have come your way and where you have grown! Growth in all things is the goal.

I have grown HUGELY since I wrote this blog and, oh boy, as I reflect on 2014 I have had MANY opportunities to practice not being moved no matter what comes my way. God wants us to be solid in our faith—not to be tossed to and fro like the sea when difficult times come. I have encountered some BIG trials this past year and many of which I was not prepared for. It was as if the rug had been pulled out from underneath me…I never saw them coming. However this I have learned and this I know: my God has been faithful in each and everyone of them! And the best part is that, after the dust cleared, I am still standing and I have been strengthened in the process. Strength comes from the journey….

What shall we then say to these things?
If God be for us, who can be against us?
Romans 8:31

God’s timing is always perfect!  To be able to go back to this blog now and have the reminder of how God wants us to be—”steadfast, constant and consistent, keeping on in the faith walk, not wavering to the left or to the right, keeping on the love line“—is exactly what I needed to remember!  (Maybe you do, too….)

Father, thank You for our growth opportunities.  May we do them well as we focus on you.  In Jesus’ name. AMEN.

The man I buried had a heart of stone
Left him there in the bright light, out on a dirty road
The day You saved me from shadow and shame
Old things gone, got a new song, got a new name

Burnin’ like the wildfire, kickin’ up flames
A brand new band in the wasteland singing about Grace
Gonna jump the fences ’til the world is free
But I won’t make a move ’til You move in me

I’m knocking on doors, You’re keeping the keys
Maybe they’ll open, maybe they’re not for me
I’m setting the sails, You ready the seas
But I won’t make a move ’til You move in me

Gonna sing a little louder, gonna rattle these chains
Locked up tight ’round midnight, won’t stay that way
Gonna bless this dirt floor, gonna kiss these walls
Singing Your praise ’til the earth shakes and watching them fall

~ performed by: Jeremy Camp;  written by: Nichole Nordeman/Bernie Herms ~

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Old thing’s gone, got a new song, got a new name. The day you saved me from shadow and shame….” It’s my story.  Is it your story too?   I love this song…it speaks to me in many ways.

But this morning the Lord has given me a new perspective. “I don’t want to make a move until you move in me….”  How many times I have been impatient with things and have taken control of my circumstances and tried to work them out myself. Instead of waiting for God’s leading and direction in making a move.  How many times have I taken control only to exhaust myself and end up in the same place that I started.  When I have made a choice to do this and ended up at the foot of the Cross weary, worn, and completely depleted.

God gave me a visual of Jesus standing there, waiting, as I run myself ragged trying to fix things instead of resting and trusting in Him.  Then as I fall to His feet, exhausted and defeated, He gently extends His hand and helps me up and says, “Are you ready to trust Me and let Me handle things???”

We want a quick fix, don’t we?  We want answers now.  But it is all in God’s timing and not ours!   Steadfast, constant and consistent, keeping on in the faith walk, not wavering to the left or to the right, keeping on the love line.

Listen to this: “We are to consider it wholly joyful when we encounter trials (temptations to get off faith), because the trial OF OUR FAITH (it’s our faith being tried not us) produces patience, constant consistency, resolute steadfastness.  As we let patience have its work (we yield to constant consistency, not looking to the left or to the right), so that we may be perfect (complete) lacking nothing.” Isn’t that a wonderful viewpoint on James 1:2-4.  Love that!

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Oh, Father, forgive me for when I have made the choice to move instead of trusting You to move in me. May I make the choice today to not make a move until I know that I know You are moving in me. Father, won’t You move in me…. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.

I Still Believe


scattered words and empty thoughts
seem to pour from my heart
I’ve never felt so torn before
seems I don’t know where to start
but it’s now that I feel Your grace fall like rain
from every fingertip, washing away my pain

I still believe in Your faithfulness
I still believe in Your truth
I still believe in Your holy word
even when I don’t see…I still believe

though the questions still fog up my mind
with promises I still seem to bear
even when answers slowly unwind
it’s my heart I see You prepare
but its now that I feel Your grace fall like rain
from every finger tip, washing away my pain

the only place I can go is into Your arms
where I throw to You my feeble prayers
in brokenness I can see that this was Your will for me
help me to know You are near

’cause I still believe….

~ Sing this song with me as part of your prayer and worship today ~

Singer / Songwriter: Jeremy Camp

* ~ ♥ ~ ✞ ~ ♥ ~ *

Jeremy Camp sings, “…‘cause even when I don’t see, I still believe.”  How about you?  It can be a struggle sometimes, agreed?  But our believing is not now, has never been, and not ever will be, based on what we can ‘see.’  Our believing is based on the One Whom we believe—the Great I AM—and on Him alone.

…for we walk by faith, not by sight
2 Corinthians 5:7

There is no doubt that our God wants us to believe Him with all of our heart and trust that everything He has promised will come to pass…amen?  He has given us, through His power and outlined in the Scriptures, ‘all things that pertain to life and godliness’ so that we can know Him and His promises.

His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us to His own glory and excellence, by which He has granted to us His precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire.
2 Peter 1:3 and 4

Our knowledge  of the Scriptures is constantly growing as we faithfully read and study them.  Based on all that we learn about our Great God, His Will, and His desires for His people, we can take a firm stand on His promises believing Him and knowing by faith that they will come to pass.

What are some of the things that we are to believe?

  • He hears our prayers
  • He heals our bodies
  • He comforts our hearts
  • He never leaves nor forsakes us
  • He watches over us
  • He guards us
  • He prepares a path for us to walk
  • He lovingly reproves and corrects us
  • And…His faithfulness, His truth, His Holy Word

I still believe in Your faithfulness

For the word of the Lord is right and true;
He is faithful in all He does.
Psalm 33:4

I still believe in Your truth

So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him,
“If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine;
and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.
John 8:31-32

I still believe in Your Holy Word

My son, attend to my words; consent and submit to My sayings.
Let them not depart from your sight; keep them in the center of your heart.
For they are life to those who find them, healing and health to all their flesh.
Proverbs 4:20-22

“…Even when I don’t see, I still believe!”

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
Hebrews 11:1

As you (and I) make this our confession, we are trusting (as did Paul, our brother) the One who is Faithful and True.

He has saved us and called us to a holy life—
not because of anything we have done
but because of His own purpose and grace.
This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time,
but it has now been revealed through the appearing of our Savior,
Christ Jesus, who has destroyed death and has brought life
and immortality to light through the gospel.
And of this gospel I was appointed a herald and an apostle and a teacher.
That is why I am suffering as I am.
Yet this is no cause for shame,
because I know Whom I have believed,
and am convinced that He is able to guard
what I have entrusted to Him until that day.
2 Timothy 1:9-12

Friend, make this your own confession….  May I suggest that you write it down, place it in your Bible…write it on your dresser mirror…write it on your palm…write it on your heart!    

I still believe in Your faithfulness
I still believe in Your truth
I still believe in Your Holy Word
Even when I don’t see, I still believe

Give Me Jesus

In the morning, when I rise
In the morning, when I rise
In the morning, when I rise
Give me Jesus

Give me Jesus
Give me Jesus
Give me Jesus
You can have all this world
Just give me Jesus

When I am alone
When I am alone
When I am alone
Give me Jesus

When I come to die
When I come to die
When I come to die
Give me Jesus

Give me Jesus
Give me Jesus
Give me Jesus
You can have all this world
You can have all this world
You can have all this world
Just give me Jesus

~  Sing this song with me as our prayer and worship today.  ~

~ Traditional African Spiritual  ~ Arranged and Sung by Jeremy Camp ~

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Jesus is the only One that can fill in all of those empty places.  If you have Jesus…that is all you need.  Jesus is the Living Water.  Let’s go to one of my favorite places in the Scriptures—where Jesus talks to the Samaritan woman….

Soon a Samaritan woman came to draw water, and Jesus said to her, “Please give me a drink.”  He was alone at the time because His disciples had gone into the village to buy some food.  The woman was surprised, for Jews refused to have anything to do with Samaritans.  She said to Jesus, “You are a Jew, and I am a Samaritan woman. Why are you asking me for a drink?”  Jesus replied, “If you only knew the gift God has for you and who you are speaking to, you would ask Me, and I would give you living water.”  “But sir, you don’t have a rope or a bucket,” she said, “and this well is very deep.  Where would you get this living water?  And besides, do you think you’re greater than our ancestor Jacob, who gave us this well?  How can you offer better water than he and his sons and his animals enjoyed?”  Jesus replied, “Anyone who drinks this water will soon become thirsty again.  But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again.  It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.” “Please, sir,” the woman said, “give me this water!  Then I’ll never be thirsty again, and I won’t have to come here to get water.”  “Go and get your husband,” Jesus told her.  “I don’t have a husband,” the woman replied.  Jesus said, “You’re right!  You don’t have a husband—for you have had five husbands, and you aren’t even married to the man you’re living with now.  You certainly spoke the truth!”  “Sir,” the woman said, “you must be a prophet.  So tell me, why is it that you Jews insist that Jerusalem is the only place of worship, while we Samaritans claim it is here at Mount Gerizim, where our ancestors worshiped?”  Jesus replied, “Believe me, dear woman, the time is coming when it will no longer matter whether you worship the Father on this mountain or in Jerusalem.  You Samaritans know very little about the One you worship, while we Jews know all about Him, for salvation comes through the Jews.  But the time is coming—indeed it’s here now—when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth.  The Father is looking for those who will worship Him that way.  For God is Spirit, so those who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth.”  The woman said, “I know the Messiah is coming—the one who is called Christ.  When He comes, He will explain everything to us.”  Then Jesus told her, “I AM the Messiah!”

John 4:7-26 ESV

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God is the only One who can fill every empty space; every desire and dream that make up who I am can only be filled by my Savior.

I want to be that woman who is completely satisfied in Christ even if my biggest dreams fall to the wayside. I want to let Jesus fill every inch of my soul and heal the broken pieces that reside there.  I want Him to be enough because I know He is.  So I come to Him with hands lifted up asking for help.  Here I am, Lord, please fill the empty places and heal the broken pieces. In Jesus name…AMEN!!!  – Brooke Smith  (shared from the Dayspring  (In)courage blog )



Seated above, enthroned in the Father’s love
Destined to die, poured out for all mankind
God’s only Son, perfect and spotless One

He never sinned but suffered as if He did
All authority, every victory, is Yours
All authority, every victory, is Yours

Savior, worthy of honor and glory, worthy of all our praise, You overcame
Jesus, awesome in power forever, awesome and great is Your name, You overcame

Power in hand speaking the Father’s plan
You’re sending us out, light in this broken land
All authority, every victory, is Yours

We will overcome by the blood of the Lamb
And the word of our testimony
Everyone overcome

~  Sing this song with me as our prayer and worship today.  ~

Words and Music by Jon Egan / Performed by Jeremy Camp 

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This song is so powerful and speaks to me in so MANY ways!!!  Let’s take a moment to praise Him, shall we??

Savior, worthy of honor and glory, worthy of ALL our praise!!!  You overcame!  Jesus, awesome in power, forever, awesome and great is Your name!!!


We walk in VICTORY because of Jesus!  We can hold our head up high in ALL of our circumstances because with Jesus we can be victorious in each and every situation we face and we can do it well.  Let’s see what it means to walk victoriously in our day to day life….

Romans 8:28 tells us:
No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.

Notice that it doesn’t say in some things.  It says in ALL things!!!  We ARE overcomers.  We were never meant to walk defeated in life.  We are to walk from victory to victory and strength to strength remembering who God says we are. We were never meant to be weak-willed women…but MIGHTY for the Kingdom.

I want to share with you one of my favorite women in the Bible—Deborah.  I love how courageous she was and how mightily God used this woman.  She was definitely not a weak-willed woman.  She inspires me.  Here is what a  Chabad.org,  says about her.  I love the visual picture this commentary paints of her.

“Deborah lived in the Mountains of Ephraim, between Ramah and Beth-El. In the midst of the sin and idolatry, Deborah remained true to God. She was wise and God-fearing, and the people flocked to her for advice and help. Deborah held court beneath a palm tree, in the open air. There, where everyone could hear her, she warned the Jewish people and urged them to leave their evil ways and return to God. The entire Jewish nation respected this great prophetess.
Deborah was the wife of a man whose name was Lapidoth, which means “torches.” It tell us, that at the advice of his wife he furnished large wicks and oil for the lights of the sanctuary of Shiloh, which burned like torches. This was the effect of this holy woman on everyone around her: spreading the light of Torah. Similarly (it explains) that she sat under a palm tree to show to the world that the Jewish people was all united and turning their eyes again to God, like the leaves of the palm turn upward together, towards heaven.”

Deborah was in tune with God and knew what her part for the Kingdom was and she did it well and God used her mightily. We ALL have different gifts that God has given us for our role in the Kingdom. It is important to be in tune with God so we know what our role is. A woman with a teachable spirit and a willing heart can be used mightily by God.

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Heavenly Father, I pray that we would remember who we were meant to be and who You say we are.  I pray that each woman would be in tune with You and as they seek You they will find out their role and purpose in Your Kingdom.  I thank You that You have overcome and, because of that, so have we.  To You be the Glory, Father, in Jesus name!!!  Amen.

Move In Me


The man I buried had a heart of stone
Left him there in the bright light, out on a dirty road
The day You saved me from shadow and shame
Old things gone, got a new song, got a new name
Burnin’ like the wildfire, kickin’ up flames
A brand new band in the wasteland singing about Grace
Gonna jump the fences ’til the world is free
But I won’t make a move ’til You move in me

I’m knocking on doors, You’re keeping the keys
Maybe they’ll open, maybe they’re not for me
I’m setting the sails, You ready the seas
But I won’t make a move ’til You move in me

Gonna sing a little louder, gonna rattle these chains
Locked up tight ’round midnight, won’t stay that way
Gonna bless this dirt floor, gonna kiss these walls
Singing Your praise ’til the earth shakes and watching them fall

I’m knocking on doors, You’re keeping the keys
Maybe they’ll open, maybe they’re not for me
I’m setting my sails, You ready the seas
But I won’t make a move ’til You move in me
No, I won’t make a move ’til You move in me…move in me
~ performed by: Jeremy Camp;  written by: Nichole Nordeman/Bernie Herms ~


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Old thing’s gone, got a new song, got a new name. The day you saved me from shadow and shame….” It’s my story. Is it your story too? I love this song…it speaks to me in many ways.

But this morning the Lord has given me a new perspective. “I don’t want to make a move until you move in me….”  How many times I have been impatient with things and have taken control of my circumstances and tried to work them out myself. Instead of waiting for God’s leading and direction in making a move. How many times have I taken control only to exhaust myself and end up in the same place that I started. When I have made a choice to do this and ended up at the foot of the Cross weary, worn, and completely depleted.

God gave me a visual of Jesus standing there, waiting, as I run myself ragged trying to fix things instead of resting and trusting in Him. Then as I fall to His feet, exhausted and defeated, He gently extends his hand and helps me up and says, “Are you ready to trust Me and let Me handle things???”

We want a quick fix, don’t we? We want answers now. But it is all in God’s timing and not ours! Steadfastness, consistency, keeping on in the faith walk, not wavering to the left or to the right, keeping right on the love line.

Listen to this: “We are to consider it wholly joyful when we encounter trials (temptations to get off faith), because the trial OF OUR FAITH (it’s our faith being tried not us) produces patience, constant consistency, resolute steadfastness.  As we let patience have its work (we yield to constant consistency, not looking to the left or to the right), so that we may be perfect (complete) lacking nothing.” Isn’t that a wonderful viewpoint on James 1:2-4.  Love that!

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Oh, Father, forgive me for when I have made the choice to move instead of trusting You to move in me. May I make the choice today to not make a move until I know that I know You are moving in me. Father, won’t You move in me…. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.