February 22, 2025

One Way to Stick to an Exercise Program #10 – Make it a Part of Your Lifestyle

Are you tired of feeling guilty on Monday for your weekend?  Do you ever feel you should give up because you have not exercised in a week?   Then it is time to change the way you think and make exercise a part of your lifestyle.

To stick to an exercise program, we have to think of exercise as a part of our life.  That is why I am always skeptical when I hear about crazy workout programs or unrealistic times/places women attempt to exercise.  If it does not fit into your lifestyle, it simply will not work.

Let me share my personal example.  Before children, I worked out 6 days a week 1-1.5 hours a day.  However, there is no way with two children, a job, after school activities, volunteer work, and my desire to be a good wife that I am able to do that today.  If I thought I had to do that, I would definitely give up and quit. But because exercise is a part of who I am, I had to change my expectations and develop a program that works for me and my schedule.  I am able to stick to it because it is a part of my lifestyle and I make it fit for me.

I have such a passion for working with women to create a personal exercise and eating program that work with their lifestyle because I see so many give up when they feel hopeless.  It can work no matter how busy life gets.  There just has to be a change in thinking.

Number 10  in our top ten ways to stick to an exercise program:

Make it a part of your lifestyle

In Good Health,


One Way to Stick to an Exercise Program #9 – Look at All of the Benefits

Has this ever happened to you?  After exercising consistently for a solid week, you step on the scale to discover there is no change in your weight. Or, you have lost your motivation because your weight is no longer an issue for you.  It is now easy to give up and quit.  It could be because you have been focusing on weight loss as the only benefit of exercise.  One way to stick to an exercise program is to look at all of the benefits you gain from exercise.

How to Stay Motivated

Attaining a certain weight, look, or size is only one benefit of exercise. To stay focused and motivated to stick to an exercise program, take some time to think and meditate on all of the things you will gain.  Here are just a few:

  • More energy for yourself, family, peers and co-workers
  • Higher self esteem and confidence in who you are as a woman
  • Less anxiety and stress
  • Decreased risk of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, stroke, osteoporosis, and diabetes
  • Lower cholesterol
  • The ability to be a role model of health and fitness to those around you
  • Better sleep

What is Your Motivation?

Focusing on one benefit of exercise as the only motivation to continue can lead to giving up when it is not accomplished.  For example, you may not be motivated anymore to fit into a certain pair of jeans, but you are motivated to increase your energy level and decrease your stress. Last week, I talked about journaling after you exercise and suggested that you list several things you felt after your workout. When you are unmotivated, you can look back at your journal and remember all of the benefits.

Your motivation may change at different times in your life.  I must confess there was a time many years ago I was motivated to exercise only for the jeans.  Today, my motivation is to be healthy and strong for my family, REDUCE MY STRESS, and honor God.  If your motivation has not become clear to you, take a little time to determine what it is, but don’t give up.   Hold on to these scriptures:

Galatians 6:9:  And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.

1 Corinthians 9:24Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it.

Take a few minutes to write down all of the benefits that motivate you to persevere.  When you have YOUR motivation, you will find you have one way you can stick to an exercise program.

In Good Health,


Ten Ways to Stick to an Exercise Program – #6 Get Results in Your Program


Like most people, myself included, you probably want to quit when you do not get results from exercise.  I have heard women say, “I go to the gym every day” or “I have been trying really hard and nothing is working.”  If you have felt this way, it could be because you are not following a program that is right for you. Everyone has different goals, schedules, and fitness levels; and cannot follow the same plan.  To avoid frustration before you get started, develop an exercise program that gets results.  It will help you stay focused and able to stick with it longer.

Take a few minutes when writing out your workout schedule and determine the following:

  • Type: What do you want to achieve? Is it weight loss, strength, or flexibility? It is important to choose the right type of exercise (walking, jogging, yoga, strength training, etc.) to meet YOUR goals. Don’t forget the type should also be something that you enjoy.
  • Intensity:  This refers to how hard you are working. Are you working at your target heart rate, burning enough calories during your cardio exercise or lifting the right amount of weight to see changes in your muscle tone?
  • Duration: Once you determine your intensity, next set the appropriate length of time for your workout such as 20, 30, or 45 minutes. .
  • Frequency: Decide how many days a week you can commit to.  If you are just starting, don’t set yourself up for failure by trying to do 5-7 days a week. Start with 1-2, gradually working your way up to 3-5.

I have seen so many women become frustrated when they do not see any benefits from their work.  If you have felt that way, it could be that you are not following the right program.  A few small changes in your type, intensity, duration, and frequency may be all you need to see results.

If you are not getting the results you want or unsure of how to get started, it may be helpful to consult with a professional.  I would love to help you. Learn more at http://www.yourfitnessdesigner.com/Services.html  and email me to set up a time for a consultation.  Avoid feeling like you are roaming around aimlessly wondering what you should be doing.  Start with the exercise plan that will get results in your program.

In Good Health,


Ten Ways to Stick to an Exercise Program #5 – Make it a Priority

Last week, I suggested scheduling your workout and putting it on the calendar as one of the ways to stick to an exercise program. But let’s be honest, exercise may not always be an appointment that is important enough to keep.  Before you can actually stick to your program, it has to become a priority.

As we move halfway through our top list, this is where the rubber meets the road. Have you ever said, “Exercise is important to me, but I just can’t find the time.”   The truth is where you spend your time demonstrates what is important to you.  If you want to really know what is important to you, look at where and how you spend your time each day.

Does My Time Equal My Priorities?

There are times in my life when things get so hectic, I have to stop and evaluate if I am putting my time toward what I say is a priority to me.

Am I being truthful if I say God is important to me, yet do not take time each day to spend quiet time with Him?  Can I say my husband is a priority, yet, our only spoken words each day are good morning and good night?  What if I never spent quality time with my children just to play and talk?  What would they benefit from me as a mother? And can I honestly say, my health is important, yet never take at least 30 minutes for myself to get in a little exercise.

Determine Your Priorities?

Here is a little challenge that takes courage.  Spend a few minutes and make a list of the top five most important things to you.  Now make another list of how you spend your time from the moment you wake up until you go to bed.  Don’t forget things like checking email and Facebook, watching the news and favorite TV show, or talking on the phone.  All of which can be beneficial, educational and/or helpful, but do they support your priorities and are you using your time wisely?

The Bible gives us guidance on how to use our time in Ephesians 5:15-16: Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise,  making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.”

If you are ready to make yourself a priority, be wise with your time and eliminate or alter those things that are unnecessary at this time in your life.  You may discover you have an extra 20-30 minutes to design a program that you can stick with and actually fits your lifestyle.


Number 5 on our list of ways to stick to an exercise program:


Is it for you?

In Good Health,
