February 22, 2025

Girls with Swords: Chapter 10 Weekly Review – “Sword of Light.”

Welcome to Campground USA

Log Cabins, Nature Trails, Canoes,

Paddle Boats, Bikes, Fishing

Yes, here we are at the campground listening to the birds chirping every morning, as well as sipping coffee, taking walks along the nature trail, and above all, learning so much about our Sword from Lisa Bevere.  No doubt each woman has their own special chapter that might have ministered to them the most.  For me, it was Chapter 10, our current chapter.  So, let’s head on down to the bonfire to see what my 4 girlfriends have to say about it.


“We can’t see the whole picture NOW (the earthbound temporal realm). Because there is more than what meets the eye, “we need the sword of light and discernment”  to see what our eyes are missing in the Big Picture.  (Lisa)

If we do not recognize the Light, the darkness will overtake us and the ones we love.  Paul’s letter to Timothy described the last days as:

People will—-

  • love only themselves and their money 
  • be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful 
  • consider nothing sacred 
  • be unloving and unforgiving
  • will slander others and have no self-control
  • be cruel and hate what is good 
  • betray their friends, be reckless, be puffed up with pride, and love pleasure rather than God
  •  act religious, but will reject the power that could make them godly (2 Timothy 3:1-5)

These are not issues brought about by circumstances of where you live, but about where your HEART is.  Just as Lisa said: 

  • The Word of God is the lamp that lights our paths while it judges our actions as surely as it discerns our hearts.  Without the light of God’s Word, we would all be running around in the dark, afraid of what we cannot see. 
  • Without the insight of God’s Word, it is easy to mistake an enemy for a friend and someone’s past for their future, because the shadow realm distorts our perspective.  But when the light is brought to a situation, you see what is actually before you.


Satan uses his schemes, plots, and tactics to divide us from God and each other.  Lisa presents three methods of countering Satan’s attacks.

1.  Love – – Biblical love teaches us what true love really is in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 and Mark 12:31. 

  • “Hate lives in the dark; love lives in the light.”  (Lisa)

2.  Power – – Satan attempts to make us think we are not worthy or good enough by using our past sins against us.  Remember:  “We are descendants of a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for His own possession”  (1 Peter 2:9). 

  • Our #1 assignment is to be an ambassador for Christ and to let His will be done in our lives.
  • “You are his prized possession, redeemed to proclaim all that He did when He called you out of a life of darkness to live forever in the glory of His light.  That’s the power of your testimony.”  (Lisa)

3.   Sound Mind – – Our thoughts can breed a multitude of negative thoughts.  “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.  Then you will know what God wants you to do, and you will know how good and pleasing and perfect His will really is”  (Romans 12:2).

  • “The Word of God has the power to renew your mind and change it from unsound to sound.” (Lisa)


We are a society that almost automatically labels those around us; we label ourselves just as much. Often times these labels focus on our negative characteristics, what we or others may see wrong on the outside, or on our brokenness. But there is more beyond those labels.

Lisa says:  “Discernment is about knowing what is really going on, so that heroic daughters can turn what others see as a disadvantage into an advantage. The discerning warrior will know how to turn evil around for good.”

God gifted us with discernment so that we could see the good and the bad, so that we could help encourage the good and help us see ourselves and those around us for what He created us to be. 

As the much loved scripture says: “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28).


The following words from Lisa are ones that stuck out the most to me:

  1. Discernment and true intercession have the power to release restrained captives into their destiny.
  2. Throughout His earthly walk, Jesus discerned the work of the Evil One, then interceded by bringing light, truth, and healing into the darkened days of earth.
  3. Discernment realizes when others are blind and then intercedes based on their ignorance rather than on their actions. The cross ended our separation from God, but his intercession didn’t stop there; Jesus not only rose from the grave; he ascended into heaven and is interceding for us.  (Romans. 8:33-34)

(Diane’s testimony sums up ‘Discernment and Prayer’ beautifully)

  • I was once held captive, restrained by Satan’s slithering grasp. I was so blinded by the darkness my life was quickly becoming. 
  •  I cried painful tears every single day.  Every time I cried, I wished someone would see me crying, and then maybe someone would pray for me; I had no strength or words to pray for myself.
  • Then I came across this passage:  In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness.  We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.  And He who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will.  (Romans 8:26-27)
  • I then realized that God saw every tear that fell from my eyes, not only did He catch them in His hands, but He also prayed each one away.  In those teary moments, God’s spirit interceded for me. He was the One I was wishing for all along to pray for me – -I just didn’t know it at the time.
  • Because of the dark we find God’s light.
  • Because we have found God’s light, we are able to help others find God’s light.



After Diane spoke, Praise and Worship began.  This is usually the time I reflect on what my friends have just spoken about.  As I said, this chapter really touched my heart.  To be honest, I have never considered myself an intercessor. Oh, I talk to God all day but, sometimes I have this vision of intercession as being on your knees hours at a time.  But, Lisa listed other ways we intercede:  speak up for another as an advocate, speak into a conflict that needs resolution, stand up for the downtrodden and silenced. 

Oh yes – -I am an intercessor!  I get great pleasure doing that!!  I walked back to the cabin in the moonlight and felt the presence of the Lord all around me. 

Let’s Pray: 

Father God, how we thank You for Your Sword of Light.  May we become a discerning daughter, and ready to be a vessel to set free those who are being held captive by the enemy.  In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Girls with Swords: Chapter 10 – “Sword of Light – Discernment and Prayer” (pgs. 162-165)

Some weeks as I am sitting with my pink laptop, Bible, and Girls with Swords book, preparing the blog for you all, I wish I could just rewrite everything Lisa has written on the pages we are about to discuss.  Not because I do not want to write but because her words touch my heart so much, they challenge me, and they bring me closer to God.  So much of what she has written has led me to dig in to God’s Word more and more.  I pray that her words have done the same for you!  I am thankful for Lisa’s words.  Reading this section of the book, these are the words that stuck out the most to me; they are found on page 164:

  • Discernment and true intercession have the power to release restrained captives into their destiny.
  • Throughout His earthly walk, Jesus discerned the work of the evil one, then interceded by bringing light, truth, and healing into the darkened days of earth.
  • Discernment realizes when others are blind and then intercedes based on their ignorance rather than on their actions.  The Cross ended our separation from God, but His intercession didn’t stop there.  Jesus not only rose from the grave; he ascended into heaven:

Who shall bring any charge against God’s elect?  It is God who justifies.  Who is to condemn?  Christ Jesus is the one who died—more than that, who was raised—who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us. 

Romans 8:33-34

Once again, Lisa’s words remind me that I am a princess warrior (in training) for the King.  I am challenged to remember what God has done for me over again so I will never forget!  I believe the best part of witnessing God’s work in your life is learning in those moments how to let God work in the lives of others by interceding for them.  These are the lives of the restrained captives and ignorant warriors who are blind to God’s power in their own life.  When God is working in your life to form you into the princess He has designed you to be, it is not always under the best of circumstances.  Sometimes, God’s best work is in the darkest part of our walk with Him.  Through these moments, though, we have found God’s light that we may shine brightly for others who are living in darkness to see.


I have learned so much of how to share God’s help with others because I was once held captive, restrained by Satan’s slithering grasp.  I was once an ignorant princess who did not even know she possessed warrior potential.  I was so blinded by the darkness my life was quickly becoming.  Can anyone relate?  When I was living in the darkness of my past sins, mistakes, shame, and poison, I remember crying painful tears every single day.  These tears left stains on my heart… dark stains.  Every time I cried, I always wished someone would see me crying, and then just maybe that someone would pray for me.  I knew I desperately needed prayer, but I had no strength or words to pray for myself.

When I finally decided to start getting back into God’s Word, I came across this passage one day:

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness.
We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself
intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.
And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit,
because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will.
Romans 8:26-27

The first time I read this, yes, I CRIED!  This time the tears were not painful; instead they were filled with joy and thankfulness to God.  These new tears washed away the stains the painful ones had left on my heart.  After reading this passage, I realized that God saw every tear that fell from my eyes and, not only did He catch them in His hands, but He also prayed each one away.  In those teary moments, God’s spirit interceded for me.  He was the One I was wishing for all along to pray for me—I just didn’t know it at the time.  This realization moved me to tears; wouldn’t it do the same for you?  This passage remains true for each and every one of us.  Whether it is our tears that are falling into darkness or the tears of others, God’s Spirit is ready to intercede for us on behalf of the tears that stain our hearts.

The darkness we go through is never pitch black.  There is always God’s light nearby or far away depending on how fast you are wandering from His path for your life.  In our darkest moments, God is interceding for us with His truth, light, and healing.

Because of the dark we find God’s light.

Because we have found God’s light, we are able to help others find God’s light.

From our darkened moments, we learn how to intercede for others who are searching desperately for “their light at the end of the tunnel.”

As conquerors through Christ, we are here for a purpose to be God’s light THROUGH the tunnel for others to see.  When lost warriors and restrained captives find YOU on their dark path, will you be shining on God’s path and guiding them to Him?  Will you be the reflection of God’s Light—His Son?  Will you discern God’s truth that is needed and intercede for all of the lost?  God desires to set the captives free through YOU and ME, can you believe that?!  We know we can handle such a task because God’s Spirit is our aide at all times.

When I was traveling through my dark tunnel, I found God’s light in the midst of the darkness because of faithful followers of Christ who looked through the exterior of my hardened self, and discerned what my heart truly needed, a healthy dose of Jesus!  For that reason and so many others, I desire to be that same light to the whole lost world.  It is not time for judging the exterior shells of others we pass by on our path to Heaven; it is time to intercede for the lost, darkened hearts, waiting to be broken out of their shell by Jesus’ mighty power.  God, we give YOU all glory forever and ever!


Let’s Pray:

Lord, thank You for Your goodness.  Thank You for giving us your Holy Spirit to live inside of our hearts.  I pray that You help all of us princess warriors in training to be YOUR Light for others to see.  I ask Your Spirit to help us discern and intercede on behalf of the lost darkened world.  I pray that others see Your light shining bright through us.  Thank You for teaching us how to be Your useful light, even (and especially) if it was not under the best of circumstances.  We trust that our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.  Lord, until we are living in YOUR GLORY, let us bring You glory through living out Your will for our lives.  We pray all of these things in your Precious, Holy Name. Amen.

Girls with Swords: Chapter 10 – “Sword of Light – More Than Meets The Eye” (pgs. 159-162)

Growing up in church I have always heard the word discernment used, but I can honestly say that I have never looked at the term from this point of view. Discernment, to me, meant that a person had the ability to see past the first few layers of a person or a situation to see the truth behind the facade (if there was one). It was the ability to see the darkness hiding behind the light. Discernment had a slightly negative connotation behind it.

For some reason, some churches teach discernment as seeing the bad through the good, instead of how it should be, which is seeing the good through the bad. “Discernment is about knowing what is really going on, so that heroic daughters can turn what others see as a disadvantage into an advantage. The discerning warrior will know how to turn evil around for good” (pg. 159).

Let’s look back at a much loved scripture…


The good is there, it may be deep under the surface of the situation, but it is there. We are promised good in His Word, but that doesn’t mean that He will lay it in front of our eyes each time.  We will have to use wisdom, discernment, compassion and prayer to see it.

“Treat people as if they were what they ought to be, and help them to become what they are capable of being.” – John Wolfgang Von Goethe (pg. 160)

We are a society that almost automatically labels those around us; we label ourselves just as much. Often times these labels focus on our negative characteristics, they focus on what we or others may see wrong on the outside, or on our brokenness. We create labels that we can’t look past…labels that others can’t look past. But there is more beyond those labels.

We as warriors, girls with swords, Godly women, need to look past these labels; we need to see those around us and the situations around us through God’s eyes. I’m not sure why it is so easy for us (people in general) to see the bad in most situations; I do this also.  It’s easy to point out the bad instead of searching for the good. But God did not gift us with discernment to see just the bad things in people. He gifted us with discernment so that we could see the good and the bad in them.  So we could help encourage the good and help us see ourselves and those around us for what He created us to be.


Let’s Pray:

Dear Heavenly Father, with the world in the state that it is in, it can be difficult at times to see Your creation through Your eyes. We judge, and we label.  We do this to those around us and we do it to ourselves. Lord, I pray that You touch our hearts.  I pray that we see people and situations for what You created them to be. Remind us that our job is to lift-up and encourage. I pray that we walk with wisdom and discernment, that we walk in compassion, and in prayer.  In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Girls with Swords: Chapter 10 – “Sword of Light – Overcoming Satan’s Designs” (pgs. 156-159)

Who: Satan

What: His schemes, plots, tactics


Where: In your home, in your family, in your neighborhood, in your city, in your state, in our country, in the world. In essence: EVERYWHERE and ANYWHERE he can find a way in.

Why: To divide us from God and each other

How:  The isolation tactics of guilt, judgment, shame, and suspicion (pg. 156)

Reading through the above list may seem daunting and a bit scary to you. In one sense, I hope it is. I say that because if you do not understand the reality of Satan working in this world, you will not prepare yourself. You will not be ready for the battles that will eventually come your way, if they haven’t already. When these battles come, they are a prime opportunity for Satan to try to wiggle his way into your life. But if you know his tactics…if you know his schemes…if you know where he can target your weaknesses…you can better prepare yourself NOW.

Our author presents three methods of countering Satan’s attacks – love, power, and a sound mind.


“Hate lives in the dark; love lives in the light ” (pg. 157).

Biblical love is something that is impossible for us to achieve on our own. Thankfully, we have a Lord who is capable and wants to work through us to show that love to our broken world. He wants us to seek Him. He wants to teach us what true love really is. We get a glimpse of it in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7:

Love is patient; love is kind. Love does not envy; is not boastful; is not conceited; does not act improperly; is not selfish; is not provoked; does not keep a record of wrongs; finds no joy in unrighteousness, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things (HCSB)

Taking this one step further, we are not called to just love our spouse or family in this way.

And here is the second: ‘Love others as well as you love yourself.’ There is no other commandment that ranks with these (Mark 12:31 MSG)

The first commandment is to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. The second is to love others (some translations say “your neighbor”) as yourself. Humans, generally, are a pretty selfish bunch. We are pretty self-centered and pursue what pleases our own selves to the detriment of others. Jesus is saying in this passage that we are to love everyone around us (no exclusions) as much as we love ourselves.

When we walk in love, in the light, our perspective changes. We are no longer looking for the things someone did to wrong us or the ways in which someone should pay us back. When we walk in light, when we are “Jesus with skin on” to those around us, we defeat Satan’s schemes. He cannot do his dirty work through us when we love every person we come into contact with. The light snuffs out the darkness. Strongholds are broken, relationships are restored, trust is rebuilt, Satan flees, and the Lord rejoices!

But, I must restate again… we cannot do it on our own. We must seek God to learn how to live out this type of love. Study His Word and let Him show you how to love others as yourself. Ask Him for answers and He will give them.


“You are his prized possession, redeemed to proclaim all that he did when he called you out of a life of darkness to live forever in the glory of his light. That’s the power of your testimony” (pg. 158).

The second way we counter Satan’s attacks is by knowing our position with God. Satan tries to divide us from God. He attempts to make us think that we are not worthy or good enough. He uses our past sins against us however he can. But, ladies, we must remember that we are descendants of a ‘chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for His own possession’ (1 Peter 2:9). We were called out of darkness to proclaim the glorious riches that we know exist in Jesus Christ our Lord. The power of the Holy Spirit resides within each of us, as believers, to do His work here on earth. We must seek Him and allow that power to work in and through us to effect change in our world. Ultimately, our #1 assignment is to be an ambassador for Christ and to let His Will be done in our lives.


Sound Mind

“The Word of God has the power to renew your mind and change it from unsound to sound” (pg. 158).

One of the ways Satan attacks us is through our mind. Our thoughts can wreak havoc, breeding a multitude of negative thoughts before we even know what happened! Lately, I have felt so distressed with the events of our world. I was bogged down in the misery, tragedy, and ugliness of the events that surrounded me. Day after day, I would read another news story about a tragic event in the world and my thoughts would spiral. Thankfully, my Lord (and some good friends!) helped me through this time. It does not take long; Satan will use any trick in his arsenal to try to get you. He will target you however he can.

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will know what God wants you to do, and you will know how good and pleasing and perfect his will really is. Romans 12:2 NLT, emphasis added

This is my life verse. God brings it to my attention quite often. I constantly need to remind myself that I need to change my mindset. I need to counter Satan’s attacks by centering my thoughts on God and His Truth. When our minds are filled with God’s Word, we can immediately wield it against Satan’s attacks.

Love, Power, and a Sound Mind. It all comes back to God’s Word. Satan wants to divide us from God. We must stand firm and wield our weapon of truth and light in the midst of these attacks.


Let’s Pray: Father, Your Word is Holy and True. We know that Satan wants to defeat us. He wants to destroy our relationship with you. Thankfully, Lord, we know that the ultimate victory is already won. Strengthen us in our daily walk, Lord. Help us live out a bold faith. Give us courage and strength to face the attacks when they happen and to turn immediately to You for wisdom and discernment. We thank You that we can come to You at any time, with any need, and we know that You will hear it and answer it in Your perfect timing. Thank you, Father. We love You and praise Your Holy Name. Amen.

Girls With Swords: Chapter 10 – “Sword of Light” (pgs 153-156)

Have you ever turned the wrong way on a One Way street?  I have.  It was unintentional, scary, and very dangerous.  However, I have turned the wrong way on a one way street on purpose, too, as a means to an end.  I took a shortcut to get me to where I needed to be or turned in the direction I wanted to go.  Was I wrong when I was going the wrong way?  Yes!  Whether I found myself on the wrong road intentionally or unintentionally…I was still going the wrong way.

If you have ever done this at night, you are very familiar with the sea of headlights coming at your lone car in the opposite direction.  What a panicky feeling.  No bueno.  It is very possible that you are on the right road and EVERYONE else is going the wrong way, but not likely.  The laws and rules of the road are there for a purpose—safety.

In this world, there are two ways to look at this illustration.   If you are a Christ-follower, you should be headed the same direction as other followers—after Christ.  We will all move in the same direction as we follow the Leader.  If you find yourself going the opposite direction of other believers, you are probably headed in the wrong direction.  Ask for help; we are all in this together.

The other way to look at this is, as a Christ-follower, we will be going against the traffic and in an opposite direction from the world.  If we find ourselves acting and saying things that make us indistinguishable from the ones around us, then our headlights are blending in to the mass of other headlights.  That one car on the road going in the opposite direction is attempting to shine the Light for others to see and your headlight is one of the obstacles needing to be avoided or removed on the road to Jesus.

Lisa uses the light illustration to say this, “This means that now we can’t see the whole picture.  Yet there has never been a more desperate need for us to perceive or discern what we do see accurately” (p. 153).  Because there is more than what meets the eye, “we need the sword of light and discernment” to see what our eyes are missing in the Big Picture.

I have to share with all of you….  This book study has illuminated every topic we have studied together in my family.  As we learned about the reason for swords, there was an application in my family.  As we learned about being a hero, there was the opportunity to be a hero in my family.  As we recognized the battleground, my family became a battleground.  Part Two addressed ‘Becoming a Warrior’ and ‘Forging a Sword’ and I became renewed to defend my family, protect them from the enemy, and guide them to the right path.  This section, ‘Armed,’ truly has been an application of what we are learning.  I am noticing the brambles, vines and serpents.   I find that I am getting weary in one way and empowered in another.  The struggle saddens me for the ones on the wrong road, but overjoyed that God loves them enough to turn them around and point them in the right direction.

Do not give up!  If we do not recognize the Light, the darkness will overtake us and the ones we love.  Paul’s letter to Timothy spoke volumes to me this week:

You should know this, Timothy, that in the last days there will be very difficult times.  For people will love only themselves and their money.  They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful.  They will consider nothing sacred.  They will be unloving and unforgiving; they will slander others and have no self-control.  They will be cruel and hate what is good.  They will betray their friends, be reckless, be puffed up with pride, and love pleasure rather than God.  They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly.  Stay away from people like that!  2 Timothy 3:1-5, NLT

Young Timothy needed to know that there would be difficult times, people would only love themselves and their money,  they will be boastful and proud, disrespectful to God, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, foul-mouthed and cruel.  Why did Paul pass this knowledge on to Timothy?  Why not let Timothy find this out on his own?  Paul cared for Timothy.  Paul cared for the common purpose they both shared.  Paul and Timothy were on the road to following Jesus and the shared knowledge gave Timothy a light to keep him on the right road.  Timothy didn’t have to blaze a new road, he just had to maneuver the road he was already on.

Timothy needed to recognize the serpents, briars, and stubborn roots that could trip him up along the way.  Did you notice the main issues with the people Timothy would encounter while he ministered?  Selfishness, boastfulness and pride, disobedience to God and their parents…and UNGRATEFUL?  These are not issues brought about by circumstances of where you live, but about where your HEART is.  People have a heart problem and only the Good Physician can heal them.

Just like Timothy, we need to be aware of what can trip us up.  We have to be on our guard and give careful attention to God’s Word to be able to recognize dangerous areas.  We need to have a healthy respect for these dangers, but know that God is in control and has made a way for us to successfully navigate this road of life.  The Word of God is the lamp that lights our paths while it judges our actions as surely as it discerns our hearts.  Without the light of God’s Word, we would all be running around in the dark, afraid of what we cannot see” (p. 155).

Lisa says something else that was very prevalent in my home this week, “Without the insight of God’s Word, it is easy to mistake an enemy for a friend and someone’s past for their future, because the shadow realm distorts our perspective.  But when the light is brought to a situation, you see what is actually before you” (p. 155).

Friends, practice looking into the Light.  Let the Word become instinctive in your life.  I pray that your discernment sensors are sensitive and accurate.  When your spirit tells you something is a danger, take note.  It’s important.  Teach those around you how to recognize the hurtful areas so they can lift their sword and learn to use it.  Let’s all learn to be “In the Light”:

Let’s Pray:

Father God, we thank You for loving us when we are going the wrong way…either by accident or intent.  Give us a heart that yearns to see your Light, follow Your Light and share your Light.  Go with us as we learn to apply the truths we are learning in our book study.  Forgive us when we fail.  Thank You for the sisters you have placed on this road to travel with.  I pray that we can all keep each other headed in the right direction as we learn to follow the Light.  We love You, Lord.  AMEN

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If you would like to join us for the “Girls with Swords” Online Bible/Book study, click HERE to be taken to our sign-up page.  Once you complete the enrollment process, we will email you further details.  We hope you will join us!

Girls with Swords: Chapter 9 Weekly Review – “Sword of the Harvest”

Welcome to Campground USA

Log Cabins, Nature Trails, Canoes,

Paddle Boats, Bikes, Fishing

Picture this scene:  You are sitting around the pool at the campground, soaking up some warm sunshine with other women from our group studying Girls With Swords.  Ah, how relaxing! 

I was sitting there with you.  As the sun beamed down upon my face, tears of conviction rolled down my cheeks.  You see, I was reading over the handout sheet Teresa, Jennifer, Tonya, and Diane gave us for Chapter 8 in regards to WORDS—words that I had spoken unkindly to others, words others had used to persecute me, and words that I had omitted speaking as a witness for Jesus.  It was a time of judging myself, and asking forgiveness of the times I had grieved the heart of God.  It was also a time of blessing others who had persecuted me.

Though I didn’t realize it at the time, God was untangling me from some of the weeds I had allowed to grow in my heart that had gotten me off the path of holiness that we would be discussing further in Chapter 9.   Oh yes, those tears actually felt good.  Not only did they seem to serve as a cleansing stream, but cleared a path to go forward.

Before I knew it, it was time to head on down to the campfire to hear what my friends had to say about Sword of Harvest.  Come, go with me.


Lisa points to the fact that there is only one native North American, all-purpose sword—the machete.  It is made to be used for hard work…clearing a path to walk on, insuring safety, as a tool for many purposes, and even food preparation.

Our sWord is much like a machete—it clears our path and ensures our safety.  For example:

  • Deuteronomy 5:33   Stay on the path that the Lord your God has commanded you to follow.  THEN you will live long and prosper in the land you are to enter and occupy.
  • Psalms 1:6   The Lord watches over the path of the godly, the path of the wicked leads to destruction.
  • 2 Samuel 22:29   God, your light floods my path; God drives out the darkness.
  • Proverbs 3:6  In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.
  • 1 Kings 2:3  Do what God tells you.  Walk in the paths He shows you. 

At some point in your life, you will find yourself with a choice.  Which path will you take…the one that ascends to light and life, or the one that descends to darkness and death?  There is no middle way.

I urge you to get to know the Leader and follow His path. Let Him carry the machete and clear your path.  He has a plan that is best for you.  



According to Jeremiah, God’s people have wandered off the path of holiness (Jeremiah 18:15).

Lisa tells us how to get back on the path:

  •  Just as a machete clears paths in the wild, the sword of God’s Word has the power to sever what entangles us.  
  • Through the power of His Word, He makes a way where there seems to be no way.
  •  Sometimes you need to make a radical environmental change – turn off your television, get off the Internet, and hang up the phone. When all these voices are silenced, you have a chance to quiet yourself as well. This isn’t an invitation to meditate on a deeper revelation of YOU but to experience a deeper revelation of HIM.
  • To avoid a hostile re-invasion from the enemy, you mustfirmly establish a new lifestyle and environment 

What changes do you need to make today in order to return to the ancient pathto be a trailblazer like Jesus?  God does not really want us to be comfortable. He wants us on a mission, to reach the lost and hopeless, to be trailblazers for His Kingdom.



Lisa examined the relationship between Jesus and John the Baptist.  (John was the herald and Jesus was the heralded.)

Herald means:  an official crier or messenger, one that precedes or foreshadows, one that conveys news or proclaims, one who actively promotes or advocates—messenger, crier, foreshadows, proclaims, conveys news, promotes, advocates.

Quoting Lisa: 

  •  ” In times of harvest, paths must be cleared and maintained so the harvesters can get to the fields”
  •  “John was a forerunner who understood his season and purpose; like him, we should herald the One to come.”

We have been assigned many titles—woman, wife, mother, daughter, friend, employee, girls with swords, warriors—and now we are also heralds. 

Are we clearing the paths or are we adding more barriers for those trying to reach Him?



Genesis 3:15 says:  Satan will strike His heels (referring to Jesus), but He (Jesus) will crush Satan’s head. 

When we are on God’s path for us, we will encounter Satan, the snake, in many forms. The snake wants us on his path. He will pull out all of his tricks to discourage us on our path for God.

Lisa said:  “Even if the snake is not positioned to strike, it must be removed. Snakes are a threat, but not to God. When we are living our life for Christ, snakes lose their threat to us.”

We have all power and all authority of God behind us, ready to take on that snake! Philippians 3:21 The Lord Jesus Christ, who by the power that enables Him to bring everything under His control will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like His glorious body.

We have God’s mighty power behind us, the work has already been done, Satan is already dead, we must continue on God’s path and be prepared princess warriors with the machete of God’s word in our hands and on our tongues at all times!


After Diane spoke, I sat quietly while Praise and Worship began.  I was letting all the words that each lady had spoken sink in. But, tonight God was driving home to me something Diane said about the snake slithering around trying to have us.

It brought me back to a time a few years ago when I was unloading several bags of groceries out of the trunk of my car onto the driveway.  I was going through a hard situation at the time, and I was singing to the top of my voice as I unloaded the groceries:  “The Lord is my light and my salvation.  In whom shall I fear, in whom shall I fear.”

About the third bag I picked up to carry into the house, a tiny lizard jumped out of the bag.  I threw the bag up in the air.  When it met the ground, jars of mayonnaise, pickles, and grape jelly, splattered all over my driveway. 

The Lord spoke ever so gently to me:  “Satan is no more than that tiny little lizard, but yet you allowed it to scare the living daylights out of you.” 

As I recalled that memory, suddenly I began to laugh and laugh and laugh.  My laughter caught on with the other ladies, and suddenly Holy Laughter began to spread all around that bonfire. 

I believe we all were set free and our eyes were opened to see the fields that surround our lives that are white and ready for harvest.


Let’s Pray: 

Father God, how I thank You for Your Word.  It is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.  As Lisa said:  I want to use Your Word to create environments that encourage others to flourish.  In Jesus’ name I pray.  Amen.  

Girls with Swords: Chapter 9 – “Kill or Defend” (pgs 150-151)

I wanted to point out to you ladies that in the introduction to this chapter, Lisa explains that the machete is a formidable weapon for self-defense, capable of fending off assailants and wild animals and killing venomous snakes (pg 140).

This reminded me of something a friend told me last night.  I was explaining how sometimes I feel like I am in a tug of war with Satan.  I feel him wanting to wrap his slithering body around my arm and try with all of his might to pull me on his side, but God is not pulling my other arm, He is holding me securely in His mighty arms.

Her response was this: Satan is first mentioned as a snake in the Scriptures.  Did you know that when a snake gets its head cut off, it can still live.  They do not know that they are slithering around without a head.  Satan is walking around with his head cut off, he just doesn’t know it yet.  Genesis 3:15 says Satan will strike HIS (referring to Jesus) heels BUT HE (Jesus) WILL CRUSH HIS HEAD.  Satan is still trying to have you because he doesn’t know that he is dead, but he is.

YES!  He sure is dead.  There is something more powerful than the machete; the stained cross where our Precious Lamb was slain for you and me.  That same cross sliced the head of Satan the day He rose from the dead.  Jesus has overcome Satan’s many attempts to strike His heel, with His stained cross and empty tomb.  Jesus has freely given us this same victory over Satan’s many attempts to pull us on his path!

Satan is slithering around headless, he is dead, and he just doesn’t know it yet.  When he tries to wrap around your arm, that is when we, princess-warriors-in-training, MUST slay his grasp with the machete of God’s word.

When we are on God’s path for us, we will encounter the snake in many forms.  The snake wants us on his path.  He will pull out all of his tricks to discourage us on our path for God.  Lisa tells us on page 150 that even if the snake is not positioned to strike, it must be removed.  Snakes are a threat, but not to God.  When we are living our life for Christ, snakes lose their threat to us.  Especially when you know the snake doesn’t have a head!

We have all power and all authority of God behind us, ready to take on that headless snake!  Philippians 3:21  “The Lord Jesus Christ, who by the power that enables Him to bring everything under His control will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like His glorious body.”  The same God who raises our bodies to be with Him in Heaven one glorious day, is the same God who has beheaded Satan’s body.  We have God’s mighty power behind us, the work has already been done, Satan is already dead.  We must continue on God’s path and be prepared princess warriors with the machete of God’s word in our hands and on our tongues at all times!



Let’s pray Lisa’s prayer together:

Dear Heavenly Father,  direct my paths by the light of your Word, and instruct me in ways to leave a clearly marked trail behind for others.  I want to use your Word to create environments that encourage others to flourish.  I choose to guard my heart so as not to mistake co-laborers for competitors.  Open my eyes to see the fields surrounding my life that are white and ready for harvest.  In Jesus’s name, Amen.


Girls with Swords: Chapter 9 “Manage Harvests” (pgs 147-150)

I have been to three churches in my adult life and have been able to see the different cultures in these churches. One of the things that I have noticed is the fact that some individuals in the church are more concerned with their image and looking better than others than they are with spreading the Word. I think that being competitive is part of our nature; it can be fun. I know that I enjoy a friendly competition with family and friends; but, “Competition has its place in the Olympics but not in the house of God” (pg. 148).

I enjoyed how Lisa examined the relationship between Jesus and John the Baptist.  I liked how the powers that be (religious leaders) were unable to create a rivalry between the two.  I like how John was “a forerunner who understood his season and purpose…Like him, we should herald the One to come” (pg. 149).

Life is full of competition and it is full of trying to be the best. But there are areas of life when competition is not warranted and, in this case, it can do harm. When we are going head-to-head with our fellow Christian, what message are we sending?

I’ve heard the term herald before, and I knew that it was an individual who acted as an olden day announcer; but I wanted to look the word up in order to better understand the responsibilities.


1: an official crier or messenger

2: one that precedes or foreshadows

3: one that conveys news or proclaims

4: one who actively promotes or advocates





Conveys News



Are we clearing the paths, or, are we adding more barriers for those trying to reach Him?  “In times of harvest, paths must be cleared and maintained so the harvesters can get to the fields” (pg. 147).


We have been assigned many titles—woman, wife, mother, daughter, friend, employee, girls with swords, warriors, and now we are also heralds. We now need to walk our paths, sword in hand, clearing paths.

In times of harvest, paths must be cleared and maintained so the harvesters can get to the fields (pg. 147)


Let’s Pray:

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the path You have placed us on. Lord, with so many responsibilities and titles we often try to outdo one another. Please forgive us for this and remind us that we are all assigned to be Your heralds.  We are assigned to proclaim Your glory, working together to clear paths and lead others to You. Thank You Lord for Your assignments in our lives.  In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen.


Girls with Swords: Chapter 9 – “New and Ancient Paths” / “Change Environments” (pgs 142-147)

New and Ancient Paths

But my people have left me to worship the Big Lie. They’ve gotten off the track, the old, well-worn trail, And now bushwhack through underbrush in a tangle of roots and vines. (Jeremiah 18:15 MSG)

Ouch! I don’t know about you, but this picture of being tangled up in roots and vines and trying to plow through on my own does not sound very pleasant. But such is what happens when we leave the path and seek our own interests and desires instead of God’s. This isn’t anything new. We as humans have been doing it for centuries. But, let me ask you this…isn’t it time that we get back on the well-worn trail, the path that leads to holiness and righteousness? The path that leads to LIFE? Isn’t it time to make a new way, to let God lead us down difficult paths even if we do not understand them because we KNOW that HE does?

Are you stuck? Do you not know where your path is? Do you have trouble seeing how you can get over the mountain that faces you?  Sister, God always provides the answer to our entanglements.  “Just as a machete clears paths in the wild, the sword of God’s Word has the power to sever what entangles us” (pg. 142, emphasis mine).  Take it to the bank.  It is a promise. You might be facing a mountain right now. It may be something of your own doing or it may be something God has allowed in your life for a divine purpose.  Whatever the reason, you must know that the Word of God will light your path every step of the way. Your path may seem confusing and senseless to you but it makes complete sense to God because He sees the whole picture. He knows it all because He is sovereign. With God, we have the chance to walk in a new and living way.

By His death, Jesus opened a new and life-giving way through the curtain into the Most Holy Place. (Hebrews 10:20)

If you want to know what to do next, go to His Word.  Pray.  Talk with Him.  LISTEN.  WAIT.  He will speak to you but you must give Him the opportunity!  “Through the power of His Word, He makes a way where there seemed to be no way.” (pg. 145)

Change Environments

I am going to quote an entire paragraph from this section because it really spoke to me and I think it is so very important!

Sometimes you need to make a radical environmental change – turn off your television, get off the Internet, and hang up the phone. When all these voices are silenced, you have a chance to quiet yourself as well. However, this isn’t an invitation to meditate on a deeper revelation of YOU but to experience a deeper revelation of HIM.

When Jesus came in and cleared the decks of your life, the enemy did not disappear; he just moved aside. He was not gone; he was simply out of sight, watching for an opportunity to reestablish himself. To avoid a hostile reinvasion, you must firmly establish a new lifestyle and environment (pg. 146, emphasis mine).

Wow, right? In order to forge our way and return to the ancient path, it might be necessary to make a radical change to our current life. Remember, we are called to be IN the world but not OF the world (1 John 2:15-17). What changes do you need to make today in order to return to the ancient path…to be a trailblazer like Jesus? This section was very convicting for me and I know I need to spend some time in prayer to see what my Lord would have me do. It is very difficult to change our environment, especially when we are comfortable. But God does not really want us to be comfortable. He wants us on a mission, to reach the lost and hopeless, to be trailblazers for His Kingdom.

What does it mean to you to be a trailblazer?


Let’s Pray:

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Holy Word. Thank You for teaching us and convicting us, guiding us and leading us. Continue to show us the way we should go, to be trailblazers for Your Kingdom. Help us to make environmental changes where You want us to, even if those changes are difficult, Lord. Give us strength and courage to push through our entanglements, leaning on You every step of the way. You alone know all and are Sovereign. We can trust in You. Thank You, Father, for Your love. We love You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!

Girls with Swords: Chapter 9 – “Sword of Harvest” (pgs 139-141)


Lisa opens this chapter with the fact that there is only one native, North American, all-purpose sword.  The machete is widely used for very practical purposes.  It isn’t pretty, or delicate.  It is made to be used for hard work, for clearing a path to walk on, to insure safety, as a tool for many purposes, and even food preparation.

With this sword in mind, it made me think of our sWord.  It isn’t pretty or delicate.  It takes hard work to apply the truth inside to our lives.  It will put us on a clear path, insure our safety and serves many purposes.  Did you know there are even food preparation instructions in our sWord?

As I began preparing for this lesson, I began thinking about my childhood, growing up in the country in East Tennessee.  We lived on a gravel/dirt road.  We lived on a hill in the middle of other bigger hills and the woods were our playground.  The flatland was farmed for vegetables or hay.  We looked for paths to guide us through the woods, up safe places in the banks to get home (shortcuts), to see where other people had walked before us.  We found all kinds of treasure along the way.

Some of the paths we cleared ourselves, mostly we followed the path other people had mashed down before us.  The path led to an adventure others had walked before us.  Sometimes we encountered snakes and critters, but always plants and berries and flowers…and bugs.  These paths were meant to be walked on and enjoyed.

If we did not walk those paths often, they became overgrown and we would have to clear them again.  We would have to break the intrusive branches and beat down the growth blocking our path.  Sometimes trees fell across our path and we would have to get very creative to clear it, or jump over.  That tree became a signpost at that point.  Even the fallen trees can be used as something good in the woods.

The paths in the hay fields led me to another thought.  These paths often had tractors or trucks on them to help haul the baled hay out of the field.  We walked on the path, the machines drove on our paths.  These paths ended up with deep ruts in them.  Ruts will cause you to stumble and fall.  They will keep you in the groove of the tire track much longer than you would like to be.  It is much harder to get out of a rut than walk a smooth path or even forge your own new path.

If we ever went on these deeply rutted paths, we were there for a specific purpose.  We were headed out for work and we planned appropriately.  We put on sturdy shoes, wore long sleeves and pants, took water jugs and food,  gloves for our hands, hats for our heads and knew we were about to encounter some hard work.  We were there to harvest the hay.    We had to take care of ourselves and make good choices or we would end up scratched up, hurt, and dehydrated.

Much like these work days from my youth, I have to prepare for special days when I know I am going to have to negotiate the “ruts” in my life.  There are especially hard “work days” when it is time to cultivate, plant, tend, or harvest areas of my life.  If I truly want a harvest, I have to do the hard work first.  Lazy bones do not lead to a bountiful harvest.

This week in our reading, we are going to address finding our paths, staying on our paths, re-opening old, neglected paths, changing our environments, and managing a harvest.  There will even be talk about identifying and managing the dangers that pop up in our lives.  The Word of God addresses these very things for us.  If we choose God’s path for our lives, He will lead us to a journey of adventure like no other.

I can’t start the week off without Scripture, so here are a few of the “path” references I found:

Deuteronomy 5:33            Stay on the path … (Then a promise from God)

Psalms 1:6                          The Lord watches over the path of the godly, the path of the wicked leads to destruction.

2 Samuel 22:29                 God, your light floods my path, God drives out the darkness

Proverbs 3:6                        In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths

1 Kings 2:1-4 MSG            Do what God tells you.  Walk in the paths He shows you. 

There are many other instances in the Bible where the writers talk of their path and God’s path.  Please take some time to look them up and really think about them.  God provided a dry path for the Israelite’s to cross an active river, Job talked about his path a LOT, the Psalms are full of guidance about being on the right path (especially Psalm 32).

Lisa tells us, “According to Psalms and Proverbs, there are ultimately only two paths in this course of life:  one that ascends to light and life, and another that descends to darkness and death.  There is no middle way.  The choice seems obvious…choose God’s way to light and life.  But there are seasons in life when we need some extra light in order to choose the right path” (page 142).

At some point in your life, you will find yourself with a choice.  Which path will you take?  I urge you to get to know the Leader, follow His path, and enjoy the journey.  Everything you experience may not be easy, but when you reach your destination, you will be amazed at what the Father has brought you through.  Some of us were on the right path and wandered off into the rough.  Don’t give up!  Find your way back to the path God laid out for you and continue walking.  Maybe you were never on a godly path.  Stop now and ask God to put you on His path, and direct you in the direction He wants you to go.

At this stage in my life, I am appreciating additional light when I need to read small print.  God’s Word says He will shine a light for us to see.   Jesus said,I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life John 8:12.  Jesus is the best Leader you will ever follow.  Let Him carry the machete and clear your path.  He has a plan that is best for you.  Ask Jesus to prove Himself.  He wants to LOVE you.


Let’s Pray:

Father God,  You know the plans You have for us.  You know the path for me.  I am submitting my will to Yours.  Place my feet on that path and teach me to walk in Your ways.  As I learn to live for You, may my light shine brightly for all to see and lead them to You, Lord.  Thank You for the Light of the World.  We no longer have to walk in darkness.  You promised us the Light that leads to LIFE.  Thank You for the women walking this path with me.  Let me ever be an encourager to a friend, a stranger, or a fellow human who needs help up out of the rut.  We are following the LEADER.  AMEN.

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