March 4, 2025

Take Heed


As for God, His way is perfect:
The Lord’s Word is flawless;
He shields all who take refuge in Him.
Psalm 18:30 NIV

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Here we have David, in the midst of singing praises to God for delivering him from his enemies.  I believe David stated the most important reason for that victory—!

God’s way, as the following Scriptures state, is His very own method and style.  God’s way of doing something has no comparison.

LORD, there is no one like You!
For You are great, and Your name is full of power.
Jeremiah 10:6 NLT

Among the gods there is none like You, Lord;
no deeds can compare with Yours.
Psalm 86:8

He is the Rock, His works are perfect,
and all His ways are just.
A faithful God who does no wrong,
upright and just is He.
Deuteronomy 32:4

“My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the Lord.
“And My ways are far beyond anything you could imagine.
For just as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so My ways are higher than your ways
and My thoughts higher than your thoughts.
Isaiah 55:8-9

God’s Word is flawless, unbroken, unimpaired, and whole.  It is beneficial to us.  This is in sharp contrast to the lies of the enemy.

God is not man, that He should lie, or a son of man,
that He should change His mind.
Has He said, and will He not do it?
Or has He spoken, and will He not fulfill it?
Numbers 23:19

All Scripture is breathed out by God
and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction,
and for training in righteousness,
that the man of God may be competent,
equipped for every good work.
2 Timothy 3:16-17

God is our Shield.  Just as a king is trusted as the protector of his people, so we who put our faith in God are to trust Him as our Protector.

But You, Lord, are a Shield around me,
my glory, the One who lifts my head high.
Psalm 3:3

Lord Almighty, blessed is the one who trusts in You.
Psalm 84:12

But let all who take refuge in You be glad;
let them ever sing for joy.
Spread Your protection over them,
that those who love Your name may rejoice in You.
Psalm 5:11

Because God’s way is perfect, and His word is flawless, and He has promised to protect His children, we need to take heed.  Yes, like David, we have enemies—whether in the physical or in the spiritual—who try to “entangle us with cords of death” (Psalms 18:4-5).  But if we take heed of God and His Word, He will ”avenge us, and save us from our enemies” (Psalms 18:47-48).  When we are faithfully in God’s Word, then we will know God and experience His deliverance.

It is written, “‘Man shall not live by bread alone,
but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.”
Matthew 4:4

Joyful are people of integrity, who follow the instructions of the Lord.
Joyful are those who obey His laws and search for Him with all their hearts.
They do not compromise with evil, and they walk only in His paths.
You have charged us to keep Your commandments carefully.
Oh, that my actions would consistently reflect Your decrees!
Psalms 119:1-4

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Dear God, our Father and Protector, we come before You with humble and grateful hearts.  There is no way that is more perfect than Your Ways.  There is no word that is more flawless than Your Words.  We are Your children, and You desire nothing more than for us to trust You wholeheartedly so that You can be our Protector.  Help us by Your Holy Spirit to “take heed” of Your Word for us, so that we will know You better and follow You more closely.  We want to be joyful daughters of integrity “…who obey Your laws, and search for You with all our hearts.”  Thank You for Your Word and Your Holy Spirit, so that we can know You better.  In Jesus’ Precious Name, we pray, Amen.



There’s got to be more
Than going back and forth
From doing right to doing wrong
‘Cause we were taught that’s who we are
Come on get in line right behind me
You along with everybody
Thinking there’s worth in what you do

Then like a hero who takes the stage when
We’re on the edge of our seats saying it’s too late
Well let me introduce you to amazing grace

No matter the bumps
No matter the bruises
No matter the scars
Still the truth is
The Cross has made
The Cross has made you flawless
No matter the hurt
Or how deep the wound is
No matter the pain
Still the truth is
The Cross has made
The Cross has made you flawless

Could it possibly be
That we simply can’t believe
That this unconditional
Kind of love would be enough
To take a filthy wretch like this
And wrap him up in righteousness
But that’s exactly what He did

Take a breath smile and say
Right here right now I’m ok
Because the Cross was enough

Songwriters:  Solomon Olds, Ben Glover, Nathan Cochran, Mike Scheuchzer,
Barry Graul, Robby Shaffer, Bart Millard, David Arthur Garcia

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  • Having no defects or faults (
  • Without any blemishes or imperfections; perfect (Google)

You shall be blameless (complete, perfect) before the Lord your God
Deuteronomy 18:13 AMP

God appointed His Son with an oath,
and His Son has been made the perfect High Priest forever.
Hebrews 7:28b NLT

As I was reading Psalm 18:30, the word “flawless” jumped out at me:

As for God, His way is perfect:
The Lord’s Word is flawless;
He shields all who take refuge in Him.

And, of course, I immediately started singing this song.  We know God is flawless.  Scripture repeatedly reveals His perfection:

The law of the Lord is perfect (flawless), restoring and refreshing the soul;
Psalm 19:7 AMP

He is the Rock, His work is perfect;
Deuteronomy 32:4 NKJV

God—His way is perfect; the Word of the Lord is pure.
2 Samuel 22:31 HCSB

God is Light [He is holy, His message is truthful, He is perfect in righteousness],
and in Him there is no darkness at all [no sin, no wickedness, no imperfection].
1 John 1:5 AMP

I don’t know about y’all, but I have a really hard time thinking of myself as ‘flawless, unblemished, blameless’  (much less, perfect!).  I know my faults, my imperfections.  So does God.  But…

Could it possibly be
That we simply can’t believe
That this unconditional
Kind of love would be enough
To take a filthy wretch like this
And wrap him up in righteousness
But that’s exactly what He did

That is exactly what God did!  He sent His Son in our place.  The Lord is our High Priest who intercedes for us.  God views us through the righteousness of Christ.  We are blameless, complete, perfect before Him.  God’s perfection is THE source of our perfection.  We are His workmanship and His work is perfect and flawless. So, instead of beating ourselves up for our flaws and imperfections, let’s just

Take a breath, smile and say
Right here right now I’m ok
Because the Cross was (and still is) enough

The Cross has indeed made us flawless.



There’s got to be more
Than going back and forth
From doing right to doing wrong
‘Cause we were taught that’s who we are
Come on get in line right behind me
You along with everybody
Thinking there’s worth in what you do

Then like a hero who takes the stage when
We’re on the edge of our seats saying it’s too late
Well let me introduce you to amazing grace

No matter the bumps
No matter the bruises
No matter the scars
Still the truth is
The Cross has made
The Cross has made you flawless

No matter the hurt
Or how deep the wound is
No matter the pain
Still the truth is
The Cross has made
The Cross has made you flawless

Could it possibly be
That we simply can’t believe
That this unconditional
Kind of love would be enough
To take a filthy wretch like this
And wrap him up in righteousness
But that’s exactly what He did

Take a breath smile and say
Right here right now I’m ok
Because the Cross was enough

Songwriters:  Solomon Olds, Ben Glover, Nathan Cochran, Mike Scheuchzer, Barry Graul, Robby Shaffer, Bart Millard, David Arthur Garcia

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I want to do what is good, but I don’t.
I don’t want to do what is wrong, but I do it anyway.
Romans 7:19 NLT

Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done,
so none of us can boast about it.
Ephesians 2:9 NLT

This song touches me in so many ways.  I can so relate to the sentiment in these words:

There’s got to be more than going back and forth from doing right to doing wrong…

I really struggle with this!  But, when I do what is right, I have to be careful or pride will kick in and I’ll start thinking “There is worth in what you do.”  I have so many flaws; it seems like an impossible tightrope to walk.

The good news is we don’t have to walk that tightrope at all.

…A man is justified and made upright by faith
independent of and distinctly apart
from good deeds (works of the Law).
Romans 3:28 AMP

Our works are important as they bring honor and glory to God and reflect His Presence in our lives. But they are not what save us. We have no hope of saving ourselves through works.  We are saved by grace—God’s amazing grace.

But if it is by grace (His unmerited favor and graciousness),
it is no longer conditioned on works or anything men have done.
Otherwise, grace would no longer be grace [it would be meaningless].
Romans 11:6 AMP

The day we called His name, we were made flawless.  The bumps, the bruises, the scars we had picked up along the way…they are gone. Thanks to the Cross.

The Cross has made you flawless

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Father God, thank You for this beautiful reminder that You see us as flawless, in spite of the messes we have made.  Remind me I do not have to strive and work for salvation.  All You require is faith.  You have graciously provided our salvation through the Cross.  Thank You for providing me a way to be flawless in Your sight.  In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen – it is so!



There’s got to be more
Than going back and forth
From doing right to doing wrong
‘Cause we were taught that’s who we are
Come on get in line right behind me
You along with everybody
Thinking there’s worth in what you do
Then like a hero who takes the stage when
We’re on the edge of our seats saying it’s too late
Well, let me introduce you to amazing grace

No matter the bumps
No matter the bruises
No matter the scars
Still the truth is
The Cross has made
The Cross has made you flawless
No matter the hurt
Or how deep the wound is
No matter the pain
Still the truth is
The Cross has made
The Cross has made you flawless

Could it possibly be
That we simply can’t believe
That this unconditional
Kind of love would be enough
To take a filthy wretch like this
And wrap him up in righteousness
But that’s exactly what He did

Take a breath smile and say
Right here right now I’m ok
Because the Cross was enough
And like a hero who takes the stage when
We’re on the edge of our seats saying its too late
Well, let me introduce you to grace, grace
God’s grace

No matter what they say
Or what you think you are
The day you called His name
He made you flawless
He made you flawless
No matter the bumps
No matter the bruises
No matter the scars
Still the truth is
The Cross has made
The Cross has made you flawless

Songwriters: Solomon Olds, Ben Glover, Nathan Cochran, Mike Scheuchzer, Barry Graul, Robby Shaffer, Bart Millard, David Arthur Garcia

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Not just grace, but amazing grace….  The word ‘grace’ has had many meanings tied to it.  It can mean something small or it can mean something large—depending on who you ask, and on what you read.  In my eyes grace is LARGE.  It is the only way we can make it through life.  It is the only way we can be more than the labels assigned to us, more than our past, more than our imperfections.  I always find it amazing that God loves me past who I am; well past who I see myself to be and definitely past who the world sees me to be.  He really sees us as flawless.

I was watching the video for this song and I imagined God’s grace in our life—removing the paint, removing the sin and the hurt and the pain.  I imagined Him seeing us as flawless.  He makes us flawless.  His love, shown through the Cross, wiped us clean.

“Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me…”. Without God’s grace I don’t know where I would be. I don’t know who I would be.  What I do know is that I don’t have to worry about that.

This reminder is written in my heart and mind (and in my planner and journal)…

The day you called His name
He made you flawless
He made you flawless
No matter the bumps
No matter the bruises
No matter the scars….

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Let’s pray:  “No matter the scars,” Lord.  You love us through who we are and despite who we are.  Thank You for seeing us exactly as You created us to be.  Thank You for making us flawless in Your eyes.  Please help us to remember on a daily basis that we are so much more than we can see at times.  In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.



There’s got to be more
Than going back and forth
From doing right to doing wrong
‘Cause we were taught that’s who we are
Come on get in line right behind me
You along with everybody
Thinking there’s worth in what you do

Then like a hero who takes the stage when
We’re on the edge of our seats saying it’s too late
Well let me introduce you to amazing grace

No matter the bumps
No matter the bruises
No matter the scars
Still the truth is
The Cross has made
The Cross has made you flawless
No matter the hurt
Or how deep the wound is
No matter the pain
Still the truth is
The Cross has made
The Cross has made you flawless

Could it possibly be
That we simply can’t believe
That this unconditional
Kind of love would be enough
To take a filthy wretch like this
And wrap him up in righteousness
But that’s exactly what He did

Take a breath smile and say
Right here right now I’m ok
Because the Cross was enough


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Aren’t you glad God’s love is unconditional?
Aren’t you glad you and I can experience pure love?
I know I am.

I am glad I do not have to earn it.  I am glad I do not have to do anything but love God and know He loves me.  When I was in my teens, I asked Jesus to be Lord of my life.  His love made my life tolerable.  His unconditional love helped me know I was cherished and, no matter what I was going through, there was a way for me to make it through.

I was able to forgive and to find forgiveness.  I was able to begin to deal with (and sometimes am still working on) feelings of abandonment and rejection.  We have someone that wants to remind us every moment of our faults and failings.  That is where we are instructed to take our thoughts captive and refuse those negative accusing thoughts and feelings.  We are to deny those and replace them with what God’s Word tells us.  We are to dwell on these positive things.

Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood,
but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world
and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Therefore put on the full armor of God,
so that when the day of evil comes,
you may be able to stand your ground,
and after you have done everything, to stand.
Ephesians 6:11-13 NIV

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Father, thank You for Your Word reminding us to guard our thoughts and know we are protected by You.  Help us to refocus on You when our thoughts wander towards negative or wrong thinking.  We love You and pray for Your mercy and grace while we struggle with keeping our thoughts pure.  In Jesus’ name, amen.



There’s got to be more
Than going back and forth
From doing right to doing wrong
‘Cause we were taught that’s who we are
Come on get in line right behind me
You along with everybody
Thinking there’s worth in what you do

Then like a hero who takes the stage when
We’re on the edge of our seats saying it’s too late
Well let me introduce you to amazing grace

No matter the bumps
No matter the bruises
No matter the scars
Still the truth is
The Cross has made
The Cross has made you flawless
No matter the hurt
Or how deep the wound is
No matter the pain
Still the truth is
The Cross has made
The Cross has made you flawless

Could it possibly be
That we simply can’t believe
That this unconditional
Kind of love would be enough
To take a filthy wretch like this
And wrap him up in righteousness
But that’s exactly what He did

Take a breath smile and say
Right here right now I’m ok
Because the Cross was enough


*   ~   ♥   ~   ✞   ~  ♥   ~   *

I want to do what is good, but I don’t.
I don’t want to do what is wrong, but I do it anyway.
Romans 7:19 NLT

Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done,
so none of us can boast about it.
Ephesians 2:9 NLT

This song touches me in so many ways.  I can so relate to the sentiment in these words:

There’s got to be more than going back and forth from doing right to doing wrong

I really struggle with this!  But, when I do what is right, I have to be careful or pride will kick in and I’ll start thinking “There is worth in what you do.” I have so many flaws, it seems like an impossible tightrope to walk.

The good news is we don’t have to walk it at all.

…A man is justified and made upright by faith
independent of and distinctly apart
from good deeds (works of the Law).
Romans 3:28 AMP

Our works are important as they bring honor and glory to God and reflect His Presence in our lives. But they are not what save us. We have no hope of saving ourselves through works.  We are saved by grace—God’s amazing grace.

But if it is by grace (His unmerited favor and graciousness),
it is no longer conditioned on works or anything men have done.
Otherwise, grace would no longer be grace [it would be meaningless].
Romans 11:6 AMP

The day we called His name, we were made flawless.  The bumps, the bruises, the scars we have picked up along the way…they are gone. Thanks to the Cross.

The Cross has made you flawless“.

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Father God, thank You for this beautiful reminder that You see us as flawless, in spite of the messes we have made.  Remind me I do not have to strive and work for salvation.  All You require is faith.  Your graciously provided our salvation through the Cross.  Thank You for providing me a way to be flawless in Your sight.  In Your name I pray, Amen – it is so!



There’s got to be more
Than going back and forth
From doing right to doing wrong
‘Cause we were taught that’s who we are
Come on get in line right behind me
You along with everybody
Thinking there’s worth in what you do

Then like a hero who takes the stage when
We’re on the edge of our seats saying it’s too late
Well let me introduce you to amazing grace

No matter the bumps
No matter the bruises
No matter the scars
Still the truth is
The Cross has made
The Cross has made you flawless
No matter the hurt
Or how deep the wound is
No matter the pain
Still the truth is
The Cross has made
The Cross has made you flawless

Could it possibly be
That we simply can’t believe
That this unconditional
Kind of love would be enough
To take a filthy wretch like this
And wrap him up in righteousness
But that’s exactly what He did

Take a breath smile and say
Right here right now I’m ok
Because the Cross was enough


*   ~   ♥   ~   ✞   ~  ♥   ~   *

Is it too hard for you to accept that Your worst sin has been forgiven? I know that feeling.  If we are honest we have all struggled with that.
Why can’t we just accept that the Cross is enough to cleanse us white as snow?

I love the lyrics to this song.  It could actually be a prayer that we repeat day after day reminding us of just how flawless Jesus has made us.

Just when you think you’ve done it all, God sends His grace to erase it all and give you a fresh start.  You get a clean slate every single day to write a new story on.  And when you let the Holy Spirit work in you, the story can be so incredible and joyful and full of His peace.

So that thing you’re holding onto…the one thing that you can’t forgive yourself for…the mistakes you made and still dwell on—it’s time to let Him have it because He already erased it.  His Son washed you white as snow!  I pray today that you claim it.  And praise God that He made you new!!!!

Let us pray: Dear God,  You make us flawless!  You sent Your Son to die so that we would be forgiven for everything and anything that we will ever do.  You love us that much.  Thank You, Lord!  Help us today to let go of all of the baggage and start over in You!  In Jesus’ name, amen.