May 3, 2024

Girls With Swords: Chapter 4 – “The Battleground” (pgs 55-57)

Did you know that Jesus prayed a prayer that hasn’t been answered yet?  How can that be?  Has Jesus given up hope of His prayer being answered?  When the desires of our hearts are lined up with the will of God, our prayers will be answered.  I believe Jesus was in the center of God’s will for Him, therefore the prayers He prayed WILL BE ANSWERED according to his desires.

But…Jesus is still waiting…patiently… for one very important prayer to be answered.  In John 17:20-23 Jesus prays for you and me.  It says,

I do not ask for these (11 disciples) only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word(all of us NOW), that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me.  The glory that you have given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one, I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me.

Jesus prayed for you and me BEFORE He went to the cross, before He died for your sins and mine…  It was His heart’s desire to have us to be united as one body of believers, showing the world HIS glory, so that the world would know that God sent Jesus and that God loves all of US as much as He loves His own Son.  So, as long as we are still divided in our beliefs, religious activities and continue to hate other flavors of Christians, the enemy wins…Jesus has to keep waiting for his prayer to be answered.  “Christians” (Christ followers) are standing in the way of Jesus’ prayers.  That can’t be good.   So Jesus waits on us.

The eternal fate of this world is on OUR shoulders.  The world is our Battleground and the Word tells us it is ready to be harvested.  I guess that is a mixed metaphor…the field is white with harvest, the battle is waiting to be WON.  Jesus says to his disciples, this one from Matthew 9:37-38, “Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.  Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”  Jesus was showing his disciples the plans the Father has for each one of us.  Have you guessed what that plan is yet?

When sin entered the picture in the Garden of Eden there was one, singular NEED on this planet.  We were separated from God by SIN and God put a plan in place to restore us to a right relationship with HIM.  We were created for HIS GLORY, not our own.  We do not have NEED for bigger, or better, or shinier.  We have a NEED for a right relationship with God.  (Ummm…did you notice that Eden and Need have the same letters?  They are in the wrong order, much like our priorities…hmm)

In our reading Lisa says, “The current behavior of Christian cultures and communities has caused the inhabitants of the earth to question everything we stand for.  Are we acting as though God sent his Son to save the lost world, or do we behave in a way that says it is all about us?” (p.56)  Lisa challenges us to ACT like the answers to Jesus’ prayer.  What better privilege can there be than to be considered an answered prayer for Jesus????  Are YOU the answer to Jesus’ Prayer???  I want to be.  We are all gifts the Father gave to the Son.  Jesus asked God for us and God granted him his deepest desire.  Here are the same verses, but from the Message Bible:  “Father, I want those You gave me to be with me, right where I am, So they can see my glory, the splendor You gave me, Having loved me long before there ever was a world.”

So Jesus ‘  heart’s desire was for the world to be united as one body, for one purpose, for eternity, by His side.  How do we lay down the wrong thinking of tradition and religious behaviors and focus on the One who died for us?  How do we show a godless world what a right relationship with Christ looks like?  Since we found our mighty armor in the book of Ephesians, let’s look there for the purpose of our battle:

“In him we have redemption through his blood,

the forgiveness of our trespasses,

according to the riches of his grace,

which he lavished upon us,

in all wisdom and insight making known to us the mystery of his will,

according to his purposes,

which he set forth in Christ as a plan for the fullness of time,

to unite all things in him, things in heaven and things on earth.”  Eph. 1:7-10

Lisa asks us this question, “What might happen if we were one heart, one voice, one vision and purpose, one name, one kingdom, and one mandate to glorify Jesus?  WE WOULD ONCE AGAIN WALK IN A WAY THAT OUR WEARY EARTH WOULD GLIMPSE HEAVEN.” (p. 57)  I submit to you that we would become the answer to the prayer Jesus prayed at the Last Supper.  We would be the fulfillment of his desire for the people of the world to become one under the Lordship of Jesus…and…dare I say it, “World Peace”.  (Beauty pageant moment, sorry)


The Bible tells us in Matthew that “God blesses those who work for peace, for they will be called the children of God.”  I want to be Blessed.  I want to be His Child.  Would you come and be my Sister???  Together we can show the world God’s plan for redemption.  We can love one another no matter what Christian nametag we wear.  We are in this battle together.  The fields are white with harvest.


Let’s Pray:

Heavenly Father, I thank you for your perfect plan in Eden.  I thank you for desiring a relationship with us to show us our Need.  I thank you for providing the perfect plan of redemption so that we can be united with you for eternity.  Father, I pray for each woman on this journey with us to continue to be united in faith and love, and show that love to others so that you might be glorified.  We thank you for Peace.  Peace that can only be found in you.  Give us the strength and perseverance to harvest the fields, win the battles before us, and bring your peace to the world around us.  We love you, Father.  AMEN


Looking for my sisters,


(The Harvester)

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If you would like to join us for the “Girls with Swords” Online Bible/Book study, click HERE to be taken to our sign-up page.  Once you complete the enrollment process, we will email you further details.  We hope you will join us!

Girls With Swords: Chapter 3 “Heroes Are Superhuman” – “Heroes Are Brave” (pgs 47-48)

What does it take for me to feel like a hero, for us as women to feel like heroes?  Is it our ability to multi-task throughout our day?  Our ability to utilize the sixth sense that women are said to possess?  No. It’s not even the yummy caffeinated aroma wafting in from my kitchen that, in my opinion, allows me to accomplish tasks like a superhuman—“instant human, just add coffee,” or in this case, instant superhuman.

No, it’s none of these.



I know that there is one thing that keeps me going; one Person that I depend on for the strength to operate on a daily basis; one Person that gives me, gives us, the superhuman ability to be heroines and  to wield our swords against the devil’s attacks.


“Superheros are able to help the endangered and frightened because they understand that they answer to a higher power.”

Alone, I know that I cannot hold my own sword.  Alone, I know that I cannot be the mother I need to be, the woman I need to be.  Alone, I know that I can’t lift up other women. Alone, I know that I cannot be brave for the 5 extra minutes it will take me to become that hero.  Alone, I know that I cannot fight the battles and fight against the attacks that are thrown against me every day.

Yes, we are heroines!  Yes, we are brave!  Yes, we wield swords!  And, yes, we are a threat to the enemy’s plans.  But it is vital that I remember, that we remember, that we are not who we are of our own accord, “but by my spirit says the Lord.”  He is the power that sustains us in our battle. He is the One that makes us heroes. Brave heroes.

Brave is never a word I would use to describe myself.  To be honest I tend to allow fear and anxiety to stop me from acting at times. As usual, I try to pull one or two lines from the text that really speak to my heart. Today it was this line:

Life is filled with terrifying moments, and we cannot stop the onslaught of fear anymore than we can hold back the wind… Allow fear to drive you toward God.”

We are called to be heroes in our day.  We are called to wield swords.  We are called to be superhuman, and we are called to be brave. This can be, and is at times, terrifying. But we need to remember where our superhuman abilities come from—His Spirit. We need to remember where the power of our sword comes from—His Word and, in times of fear, we need to remember who we can run to, who we answer to—the Lord.

Ladies, we are called to be braver five minutes longer, and we are given the power to answer this calling.



Let’s Pray:

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for entrusting us with such a great responsibility, and thank You for the power and tools to accomplish the tasks You have given us. In times of fear remind us that You are there for us to run to; You are there to give the superhuman abilities we need to wield our sword against Satan’s attacks. Lord, please give us the strength and courage to be braver for five minutes longer, to be the heroines You have called us to be.

In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.


Girls With Swords: Chapter 3 – “Heroes Seize Their Moments” (pgs 42-47)

I LOVE SUPERHEROES!!!!!  When I think about the ‘worldly’ image of superheroes it brings to mind the bold, muscular, powerful, intelligent, gifted persona we recognize as the hero.  But if we really look at the person behind the superhero name tag, we find a normal, unassuming, unlikely character.  Most of the comic books show us that these people were ‘victims’ of  a major event in their lives not of their choosing.  They don’t come from a long line of heroes.  They are unique.  They stand out.

I got so fired up when I began reading this chapter, “You Might Be A Hero”.  It was a very powerful reminder of who God can use to do heroic things for Him while we are in this world.  Look at these points Lisa made:

  1. God makes heroes out of nobodies.
  2. Heroes are people of substance.
  3. Heroes have attitude.
  4. Heroes seize their moment.
  5. Heroes are part of a connected legacy.
  6. Heroes are superhuman.
  7. Heroes are brave.
  8. Heroes have something more to them.

I don’t know about you, but when I read Hebrews 11 and recount the heroes of the faith, the last thing I see is ‘nobodies.’  They must have been something special, right?  Surely they woke up one day and KNEW they were a hero.  Didn’t they?  It’s time to dig a little deeper for some truth.

“Each one of these people of faith died not yet having in hand what was promised, but still believing.  How did they do it?  They saw it way off in the distance, waved their greeting, and accepted the fact that they were transients in this world.”

 Hebrews 11:13  MSG

Each one of the people listed in the Hall of Faith died not even knowing the impact their life would have on the world.  All they knew was that they were chosen by God to go wherever He asked, do whatever He needed them to do, protect whomever He needed them to protect, feed whoever was hungry, build what He said build, stand when He said stand and FIGHT when God said fight.

These are our ancestors.  THESE are our ancestorsTHESE ARE OUR ANCESTORS.  They could see us in the future.  They waved to us a greeting and encouraged us to carry on.  They passed the torch on to us normal people of God to continue the fight.  Our ancestors knew they were only passing through this world.  They chose to follow God, do what He asked them to do, and left us a mighty legacy as an example.  As a result, they had an impact on the world that is still being felt many generations after their passing.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.”  Hebrews 12:1-2

(Our pastor spoke on this passage this weekend.  I love it when God does that for me.  I got a lesson before I needed to share it with you.)  It is our turn to be the hero that God rises up, in our time, to carry out His purposes.  We have encouragers surrounding us.  They have gone before us, they know how we feel, they are considered heroes, and are sitting in the presence of God RIGHT NOW.  I want to be cheered on by Moses, Abraham, Rahab, David, Mary, Nehemiah, Jeremiah…my grandparents.

Lisa says on page 46, “As the realization grows of how in him we are heroes and he is the hero within, it should overpower any fear we may have felt when we learned we were targets.  We need to throw our shoulders back and declare, “I am positioned for overwhelming triumph because I am ‘from God and have overcome them, for he who is in [me] is greater than he who is in the world’” (1 John 4:4).”


Did you see that?  “I am positioned for overwhelming TRIUMPH because I am ‘FROM GOD’, ‘HAVE OVERCOME THEM’, ‘HE WHO IS IN ME IS GREATER THAN he WHO IS IN THE WORLD’.

This mild-mannered Jesus girl may look ordinary on the outside, but I have a HERO living inside me that needs to save the world.  “It is exciting to look in the mirror and realize there is far more to you than anyone can actually see.  The realm of the unseen holds your secret hero identity.  Being a hero is an act of worship” (p. 47).  My act of worship is to do the will of the One who lives within me.  It is God’s will for every soul on this earth to be redeemed and restored.  It is our job as Jesus girls to spread the word and fight the battles to free God’s children from whatever entangles them.

We cannot lead people spiritually where we have not gone.  (That’s considered a push.)  As heroes, we have to be prepared for the battles by getting to know the Commander.  His Spirit within us guides us to do the will of the Father.  In our own strength, we cannot defeat the enemies we face.  The Bible tells us our enemies are not flesh and blood, but spiritual.  We will not be able to punch, claw, or even stand and take the enemies punishment in our own body without the aid of the Holy Spirit.

Superheroes Are Part of a Connected Legacy

Superheroes know where their strength comes from.  “Life in the Spirit means we no longer give way to the base actions and emotions that tether us to our own strength and striving.  Nor can we allow the enemy entrance through our actions” (p. 47).

Zechariah 4:6 tells us, “Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of hosts.”  Zechariah was a cool dude.  Do you think he really understood who his son was going to be?  Can a parent see into the future and know how their child will change the world?  I don’t think so, but man, John the Baptist was a cool friend of Jesus.  Zechariah raised that boy the way God said and his words are still being read today.  He is still a hero changing the world.  Zechariah had a part in John’s story, John had a part in Jesus’ story and Jesus is a part of OUR STORY.

Oops, sorry,  I chased a chicken and got distracted.  On page 43, Lisa adds a fencing fact.

In fencing, if you fall into playing your opponent’s game,

you are as good as doomed.

We cannot act the way the world does and expect them to see Jesus.  “We cannot allow the enemy entrance through our actions.”  Our sWord says,  “For while there is jealousy and strife among you, are you not of the flesh and behaving only in a human way?” (1 Corinthians 3:3).  As long as we allow ourselves to be controlled by our actions and emotions, God cannot use us to do superhuman things for Him.  We have to choose to walk with God, by His power, and through His Spirit.

So, to be a superhero we have to plug into our Power Source.  Because God is our Power Source, we are accountable to Him for our actions.  He will guide us to the battle.  He will protect us through the fight.  We will emerge victorious, being cheered on by that great cloud of witnesses who have gone before us.


Let’s be Heroes,



Let’s Pray:

Heavenly Father, we come to You with a humble heart today.  We fully acknowledge that it is by Your power that we are fighting our battles and by Your power we will emerge victorious.  Lead us to the field, equip us for every good work and lift our arms as we stand for You.  We love You and praise Your Holy Name.   Amen. 

Girls With Swords: A Sword Reforged (pgs 24-29)

The sword was renewed… There have been times in my life where I have felt beaten down, like I was unable to pick anything up— least a sword and carry it anywhere; times where I have felt I couldn’t read the word of God; times where I felt I couldn’t even pray.

I know what it feels like to have the sword renewed in my life. To pick up the Bible and have God lead me to the scripture I needed to read that day, to say a prayer and to feel His presence, I know what it feels like to have my sword renewed. I think we can all relate to this.

When I pick up the sword of the Word of God, a lot of times I don’t know what I’m going to read.  I don’t know how it is going to impact my day, my week or how it is going to impact that moment in time.  I do know, and I have faith in the fact, that the Word I hold in my hand and in my heart will make a difference, that the words He has written will make a difference not only in my life, but in the lives of others.


Our futures are beautiful and powerful, because we have God on our side and in our hearts.  As Lisa said, it is time for the church to know what a girl with a sword can do, it’s time for Satan to know what a girl with a sword can do, and it’s time that we believe this ourselves—that we take up our swords and declare what God has said in His Scriptures.

Girls with swords may be only three letters, but ladies, it means so much



Lets Pray:

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the sword You have placed in our lives. Thank You for allowing us to see the power of this sword in our own lives so that we can wield our swords with confidence and faith. Please allow our words and actions to heal and not hurt.  Please give us the holy boldness to step out, sword in hand, and show the world, Satan, and ourselves, that Your word—our swords—hold more power than we could ever imagine.  In Jesus’ name, we pray,  Amen.

Girls With Swords: Chapter 2 – “The God Sword” (pgs 19-24)

If someone handed you a sword today would you know how to use it?  Would you know how to hold it properly?  Wield it safely and effectively?  Defend yourself against an enemy?  Protect your family from harm?  Why do we need a sword anyway?

We have been handed a sword—a God Sword.  Ephesians 6 addresses the Armor of God that we are to put on daily to protect ourselves from spiritual attack.  Verse 17 says this, “Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”  We had a pretty cute discussion about spiritual “helmet hair” last week in one of the Facebook groups, but this sword of the Spirit is a different matter.  The Sword of the Spirit is the Word of God—my Bible.  How many of us have a Bible in our home, on our night stand or bookshelf, or in our car and we rarely use it?  Do we really know what is inside it?  Do we know the One the Book reveals to us?  We are missing out on the power of God in our lives because we do not learn how to use our weapon.

If a warrior was sent into battle the same day he was given his sword, chances are good the warrior would not come back alive.  That same warrior needs training and experience to be able to handle his sword effectively.  Owning a sword does not make him an effective warrior, using the sword does.  Lisa says she had a revelation that “many of God’s daughters in this generation are unarmed…ill equipped and unprepared.  It…means they are at risk and incredibly vulnerable to deception” (p. 19).

The Bible warns us against the double-edged sword of false teachers/prophets and deception.

“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world”  (1 John 4:1).  The only way to know the truth, to be able to test the spirits, is to know God.  You have to know His character, see if what the teachers (or people in general) are saying is consistent with what you know about God.  Are the teachers teaching the “whole” gospel?  There are many factions of believers in the world who are holding to small pieces of the God sword.  Each piece, used individually, is ineffective to defend and protect us from the evil one.

What good is a blade with no point, or a handle without a guard?  The sword bearer will be injured and perhaps killed if not properly equipped.  A broken sword is useless to the warrior, BUT useful to the enemy.  As Christ-followers we need to be properly equipped with the whole Bible, not just the pieces we like and disregard the rest.  Let’s figure out how to unite our fellow believers so that we are using the whole counsel of God against our enemies.

WordOfGodAliveLisa says, “All that we require to reassemble these weapons of battle in this season can be found in God’s Word.  Every piece large and small is already awaiting our unified, living declaration.  If it takes a furnace of hardship to bring us to a place of unified prayer so that what was separated can be seamlessly joined together, so be it” (p. 23).  It is time for the Mighty Warrior Princesses to study, pray and declare the Bible is TRUTH as a whole and learn to use it to influence others.  “The Word of God is ALIVE, POWERFUL, PERFECT, and PURE” (p. 23).

There was one more very profound truth on page 23.  “Satan is not afraid of a disjointed church that wields pieces or fragments of God’s mighty Word, but he will tremble in terror at the church that rises up with the sword of his Word re-forged and expressed through our lives.”  We have to know more than our favorite verses.  That piece may get us through sometimes, but we need to know ALL the Word to help us through a LIFETIME.

The world will truly see REVIVAL when the church unites to use our strengths to work together instead of tear each other apart.  Let’s learn to use our swords.  It’s time to TRAIN.  We have to get strong in the Lord and be of good courage.  Oh, and one more thing, “swords are used on enemies, not friends.”  Let’s band together, sharpen each other as we practice using our God Sword and fight the enemy!

Lift your WHOLE sword high,



Let’s Pray:

Heavenly Father, we thank You for the sisters You have given us to sharpen us.  Thank You that we can speak truth from You into each other’s lives.  Lead us to a deeper understanding of Your Word and help us to hide it deep within our being.  Enable us to use the truth to defend and protect us from the deceiver and false teachers.  Guide and protect us as we band together and learn to wield the whole counsel in the Bible and not just our favorite parts.  Your Word is Holy and complete.  We do not want to be found guilty of diminishing its value in our lives.  Thank You, Father for the opportunity to be in this place, in this time, to stand for You.  Help us as we learn new skills to apply to our lives.  AMEN.


Girls With Swords: Chapter 1 – “Women As Warriors” (pgs 8-12)


Sometimes we have to sit down and look at the reality of the situation. The reality of the situation we are in today is not only biblically supported, but it is supported by the world as well, by what we see on a daily basis. The author of this book pointed out gendercide, a very real threat to women in some areas; there is also sex trafficking and sex slavery. I sit with my daughter and watch TV, or look through her pre-teen magazines.  What I see and hear scares me—the methods of communication the world uses are teaching our daughters to be self-centered, superficial women who place their value in the latest brands, and the ability to find the perfect man. It doesn’t stop there, I see the same when I’m in the aisle at the store looking through the women’s magazines. What is the world telling us to focus on? What is the world telling us to place our value in?

There is a lot of pressure on women.  There is quite a bit expected from us: we hold down jobs, we raise families,we are to do it on our own as an independent woman, we are to look beautiful. We are distracted at every turn. No, gendercide doesn’t directly affect all of us in our hometowns, but like Lisa said when writing this book “your birth location just means you will be targeted in a different way.” The reality of the situation is that we have a target on our backs, we are women, we are Christians, and we are determined to take up our swords and fight back. These three combined make us a very real threat to Satan and he will do what he thinks he can do to throw us off of our path.

And then there is a bigger reality than the one I just spoke of—the reality that we have God on our side, the reality that His promises are stronger and more powerful than any threat Satan has made. “There is no way we can or should fight this battle alone.” We don’t have to, we don’t need to, and we can’t. We NEED God’s heavenly support.

We as women are faced with a choice, “Will we be an unarmed civilian, victim, prisoner of war or a hero”? Where will we stand? What will our position be?

Ephesians 1:11-14

In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will, in order that we, who were the first to put our hope in Christ, might be for the praise of his glory. And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession—to the praise of his glory.

We have been chosen. ladies. We need to look at the reality of the situation, we need to decide where we stand, and we need to take a position. There is a target on our back, but the swords we hold are bigger and stronger than the weapons being thrown at these targets. Our swords, our prayers must not be influenced by what is around us; they need to be powered by looking to the One who created us to be warriors.


Psalm 62:5-8

Yes, my soul, find rest in God;
my hope comes from him.
Truly he is my rock and my salvation;
he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.
My salvation and my honor depend on God;
he is my mighty rock, my refuge.
Trust in him at all times, you people;
pour out your hearts to him,
for God is our refuge.



Let’s Pray:

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the swords You have placed in our hands.   Thank You for showing us a bigger reality, Your bigger reality. Your protection and love are more powerful than anything Satan can lay in our path. Lord I pray for boldness when we pick up our swords!  I pray that our prayers hold a power we could never have imagined because they are powered by You. Lord, You created us to be warriors; You gave us the power to be warriors, to make a difference and to take a stand. Thank You for this gift and thank You for Your protection and power.  In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.


If you would like to join us for the Online Bible/Book study, click HERE to be taken to our sign up page.

Once you complete the enrollment process, we will email you further details.

We hope you will join us!


Girls with Swords: Chapter 1 – “A Target” (pgs 6-7)



When I think of being a TARGET I start looking for a place to hide.  That means something or someone is looking for me to do me harm or disrupt my peace.  Time to duck and cover, put on the armor, bring up the defense shields.  Being a target can’t possibly be a good thing. can it?  What if I’m targeted for a promotion?  Targeted for an honors program or award?  The targeted recipient of favor from God?  Either way, something has made me a target to someone and they are coming after me.  While I am hiding I think I’ll try to figure out what made me a target in the first place.

The Bible doesn’t tell us much about the exact struggle Satan had with God while Satan was still one of God’s angels.  It does tell us enough to know that Satan had a pride and rebelliousness about him that made him question God’s wisdom.  God then cast Satan and a third of God’s angels, who had decided to follow Satan, out of heaven to roam the earth.  Satan took a third of God’s messengers with him when he fell.  Satan is still looking to steal souls from God.  The Bible calls Satan a thief and tells us his purpose in John 10:10, “The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life” (NLT).

We must have something of value if Satan wants to steal from us, kill us, and destroy us.  What could that be?  He has dominion over all the earth until Christ returns to claim…His own…to Himself…and then all those SAVED in CHRIST will LIVE with God FOREVER.  Hmmm…. Something Satan can no longer do because of his bad attitude and unwillingness to work with others.  (Isaiah 14:12-14)  Satan’s only “job” is to separate humans from relationship with God.

Here are a few of the reasons I found for Satan to put a TARGET on us:

  1. We are a target simply because we are human.
  2. God loves us and created us for a relationship with Him.
  3. Satan cannot fix his problem himself and be returned to a relationship with God.
  4. If he can’t have a relationship with God, then neither can we.  NAH! NOT! Whatever!
  5. Satan knows that every soul close to God is capable of great and wondrous things.
  6. Satan knows how the story ends.
  7. Satan is fighting to keep God’s precious creation distracted, distressed, and demoralized so that we don’t experience the fullness of our place with Him in heaven.

I admit to being human AND to God loving me and wanting a relationship with me.  I acknowledge the fact that Satan has NO POWER to fix his relationship problem with God, and he holds no authority over my life either.  Just because he messed up his opportunity to serve God doesn’t mean I let him distract me from the perfect plan God has for ME.  I’m glad I know how the story ends, too, because I now have the power to choose to follow Jesus, to live for Him, and to bring other humans along the path with me.

The only point here that I haven’t really addressed is that with God I am capable of GREAT and WONDROUS things.  Who?  Me?  Satan knows who I am.  Do I?  We, you and I, are daughters of the King of Kings.  We have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb of God.  We are fitted for GLORY.  We have supernatural potential to be whatever God needs us to be.  All we have to be is willing and ready to serve when He calls our name.  To God, we are a HERO!!!!!  No wonder Satan is throwing darts at us.  No wonder when we are on a God-journey the stresses in our life get stronger.  No wonder when we are pursuing a life patterned by Jesus, our kids go haywire, our car dies, the dog runs away, we lose our job, fail a class, the house is a mess, and we are out of groceries with no money to buy any.

In our book, Lisa Bevere says, “I believe that the attacks on your life have much more to do with who you might be in the future than who you have been in the past (p. 7).  This one statement made me realize that God created me for a purpose in this time.  I have a choice to fulfill that purpose and live a rich and satisfying life that God wants to give me or I can let Satan steal, kill, and destroy me.  I get to CHOOSE.

I choose to be a Christian.  A Christ-followerAn Anointed One BelovedA Royal Daughter of the King.   I choose to grow in my faith, strengthen my walk, and lead others to Jesus so that they may have a rich and purpose-filled life as well.  I choose to draw a weapon against the evil one and do everything in my power (given to me by the Holy Spirit) to prevent Satan from stealing one more soul from fellowship with God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  I choose to be a HERO!


Let’s Pray:

Heavenly Father,  We thank You for choosing us for relationship and purpose.  We thank You for Your love and protection from the fiery darts of the enemy.  We know they are meant for a distraction from our true purpose, and that is to light the path to lead others to You.  We thank You for the confirmation from the enemy when we are on the right path and are a threat to his evil ways.  Lead us to the purpose You have planned for us so that we can live a rich and satisfying life in Your will.  We choose You.  Use us how You will.       AMEN

Put on the WHOLE Armor,


Crazy Love: Chapter 6 – When You’re in Love (pgs 109-111)

Back when we were married for just a few years, my husband had to change jobs. It was a good move, but in the first month we were strapped for cash.

The bills came in and we were able to pay all of them but one. It was a daunting $100 (back then that was a lot of money to us)!  We didn’t have it.

So we prayed and told God that we wanted to be good stewards of our money, but we just couldn’t pay that one. We went to church that week and told God that we couldn’t do it without Him.  We made a plan to make up for it in the coming weeks, but the bill would be late.

It was hardest on my husband as he was never late with his bills. While we were discussing how we were going to pay this bill in the future, I kid you not, there was a knock on our door.

It was one of the deacons from our church. He handed us an envelope and said someone was told by God to give this to us anonymously. He said the person wanted nothing in return except that, when we could afford to, we would bless someone else who needed it! We were stunned!! I mean we never told anyone about our need! How did they know?

This was a good lesson on how faithful God is to His children. We prayed and thanked God for His provision for us in that time. We have also  been able to do this a few times since and know the joy that person must have felt when they gave it to us. You can’t out-give God! We’ve learned that over the 35 years that we have been married.


The seasons that we go through in life are a testament to  God’s faithfulness. We can be real and cry out to him and hold nothing back.  He already knows our needs and what we feel anyway.

What does God need from us? Absolutely nothing!! He has everything He could ever need; after all, He created it! Including us!!  So what can we give that means anything to Him?

We can give Him ourselves…that’s what He truly wants! Our heart, given to Him willingly, open, and truly waiting for God to fill it. Wanting God is the thing He wants from us, and we need Him too.

In Christ,



Let’s Pray: I like the prayer at the end of the chapter that Francis Chan writes so let’s pray that prayer:

“Jesus, I need to give myself up. I am not strong enough to love You and walk with You on my own. I can’t do it—I need You. I need You deeply and desperately. I believe You are worth it and that You are better than anything else I could have in this life or the next. I want you, and when I don’t, I want to want You. Be all in me. Take all of me. Have Your way with me.  In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Your Assignment:

What holds you back today from giving your all to God? He wants you and you need Him. If you can, list those things; and let’s pray for one another to let go of them and live full on for God.


If you are interested in joining this amazing online Bible study for Crazy Love, click HERE to sign up. Once you are registered, you will receive an email with further details.

If you would like to email a private message to Donna in regards to this blog, please email her at:

Love Letters From God


My story is made up of many love letters written from my heart to God’s heart and from His to mine.  I open up to Him with a pen in my hand and a journal in my lap.  The Lord speaks to me through my writings and I am beyond excited to share with you bits and pieces of different letters I have from God.  I share parts of my story so that God’s love, power, grace, forgiveness, so His perfectness may be showcased.  As you read I pray the Lord grabs a hold of your heart and fills you with hope!


Do not let your hearts be troubled;

trust in God, trust in God alone.

John 14:1


Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for teaching me through afflictions I face in this life.  I know with every storm, drought, and sometimes tornado in my life there will always be an ending in which I am closer to You.  You teach me something through each storm.  When I am in the desert, I am learning.  When I am getting swirled around by this world’s vicious schemes, You are there holding me down; You will not let me get swept away in the tornado!  And for that Lord, I praise You.  There is one thing I struggle with sometimes, Trust.  That word scares me, BIG time.  I really want to trust You.  I do not know if I currently trust You.  How do I know?  Teach me Lord, during this waiting period in my life to trust You; please and thank You!

Love, me

Love Letters from God

Dear Precious Daughter of Mine,

Oh how I am smiling down on you to hear you praising Me through the many storms of your life.  If there is one thing I want you to know through any affliction you face in this life, it is that I am right beside you the entire time.  I never let go of your hand.  Praising Me in your storm is a wonderful sign of the trust that you have for Me; as your Protector, Savior, Healer, and most Powerful Being in your life.  It is not enough to say that you trust Me, you must act out the trust you desire to have for Me in your heart.  Trusting Me is learned through dependence on Me.  Trust comes when you wake up each morning, and empty out all of your desires, dreams, worries, stresses, sins, and burdens into Me.  It is best to trust everything in My hands.  Trust My hands that in return, I will give you My peace, comfort, love and blessings.  I promise you that when My timing is right I will give you everything you need as you need it according to My perfect will for you.  You will never not struggle with trust, because every day will bring something new that you will once again have to hand over to Me.  I wait patiently for you to surrender all to Me.  I desire to show you just how trustworthy I am.  Do not doubt your trust; just keep on surrendering and depending on Me every moment of every day of your entire life!

Love Always and Forever, Your Trustworthy Father

Trustworthy Father,

Thank You for helping me learn how to really trust in You alone!  I do not want to just say I trust You I want to act it out too.  I am glad that trust is not a one and done type of deal.  Trust is something that will be a continuous effort in my life.  Every day as I grow closer to You, I grow in trust as well.  Thank You Jesus that I can trust my heart and all of me, with You!  I am excited to see where this journey of trusting You leads me.

Love, Diane


Questions for Reflection:

  1.  TRUST a small five letter word that can be a BIG problem for us sometimes.  Think about what areas of your life you are not trusting with God.  Ask God to help you turn over these areas to Him alone!
  2. Meditate on Psalm 62:5-8


 Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from Him.

Truly He is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will not be shaken.

My salvation and my honor depend on God; He is my mighty rock, my refuge.

Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.

God is waiting patiently for you to pour out your heart to Him!

Copyright 2013 Diane Meyers


If you would like to send a private email to Diane in regards to this blog, please email her at:

GCH:decaf – Circle of Friends


There is a semi-old song that I think about when I think of the girls I have met through this GCH:Decaf ministry.  I have been singing it a lot lately.  If you have never listened to the girl group you should really look them up.  They have some awesome harmonies and the words to their songs are really relevant.  Chances are you have heard their songs and just didn’t know who sings them.  Anyway, the song I have had on my heart is “Circle of Friends”.  Here is the first part:

We were made to love and be loved

But the price this world demands will cost you far too much

I spent so many years just trying to fit in

Now I’ve found a place in this circle of friends

In a circle of friends we have one Father

In a circle of friends we share this prayer

That every orphaned soul will know

And all will enter in

To the shelter of this circle of friends

That is how I feel about all of the new friends I have met through the study of “A Daughter’s Worth” by Ava Sturgeon.  We began the study as just a group of random hearts from all over the United States mostly, then, we had friends join us in other countries.  People began reading our study blogs in over 100 countries around the world.  The leaders and the girls in the groups became friends and we got to know each other through our Facebook groups.  This study, this group of leaders, this group of girls has changed my life and I want to say Thank You to each one.  I’m sure there will be more lives touched through the words spoken through the blogs than we will ever know.  I pray that God multiplies the hearts blessed by the words He inspired us to write and publish.  The next verse of the song:

If you weep, I will weep with you

If you sing for joy the rest of us will lift our voices too

But no matter what you feel inside there’s no need to pretend

That’s the way it is in this circle of friends

Many of you have shared your hearts and hurts with us during this study.  We have grown close and that makes this Mama’s heart so happy.  We have loved to cry with you and sing with you and celebrate with you.  We are your FRIENDS and you are ours.  As we began making plans for the next study we looked at many things that might make a difference in the lives of teen girls and young women.  We began talking about doing the study “not a fan” by Kyle Idleman.  As we continued to pray and make decisions, it was becoming apparent that we needed to take a step back for a time.  We have decided to not go forward with a new Bible study for teens with Girlfriends Coffee Hour Ministry right now.  There are many exciting things happening at GCH.  I believe God will continue to bless the women as they minister to other women all over the world in the areas they have chosen to pour their hearts into.

                Among the nations, tribes and tongues we have sisters and brothers

                And when we meet in heaven we will recognize each other

                 With joy so deep and love so sweet

                Oh we’ll celebrate these friends

                And a life that never ends

                In a Prayer

                That will not be long before

                All will enter in

                To the shelter of this circle of friends

Because we have all become social media friends, we can contact each other whenever we want to.  Please know that your leaders love you all very much and would love the chance to keep in touch and be a part of your life as you mature.  Remember us if you ever need someone to pray for you, we would love that.  If you have questions about anything, please message us and we will be there for you.

                In a CIRCLE of FRIENDS we have one FATHER,

                In a CIRCLE of FRIENDS we share this prayer,

                That every orphaned soul will know and ALL will enter in,

                To the shelter of this CIRCLE of FRIENDS.

May our Father God bless and keep each of you until we meet again.  If you want to reach me you can find me at or leave me a comment here.  I’d love to hear from you.

Mama T


Song Credit goes to Point of Grace – Circle of Friends

Words and music by Douglas McKelvey and Steve Siler