September 21, 2024


It’s okay
To not be okay
This is a safe place
This is a safe place
Don’t be afraid
Don’t be ashamed
There’s still hope here
There’s still hope
No matter what you’ve done
Or who you are
Everyone is welcome
In His arms

Just let go
Let His love wrap around you
And hold you close
Get lost in the surrender
Breathe it in, until your heart breaks
And exhale, exhale

Spirit come
Tear down the walls
That only you can
That only you can
Reconcile, this heart to yours
Right now God, right now

Oh God
We breathe in your grace
We breathe in your grace
And exhale
Oh God
We do not exist for us
But to share your grace and love
And exhale

Writer(s): Tiffany Lee, Matt Armstrong, Josh Silverberg

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I was working with a young mother who was grieving the loss of her father and, like many other clients of mine, the first thing I told her was “It’s okay to not be okay!”  

{This is something we have to remind ourselves of from time to time as well.}  

As moms and wives…women in general…we often feel as if we need to hold it  together for all those around us.  And that we can’t show any sign of weakness.  But there are times when we need to surrender, to just be, and as the words of this song says, there are times when we just need to let His love wrap around us and make us whole again.  We don’t have to act as if nothing is wrong, or as if we have everything under control—because we don’t and that is okay.

Ladies, remind yourself that it’s okay to not be okay.  When we fall short, God will always be there to wrap His arms around us.

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Let’s prayDear Loving Father,  You are our safe place.  In You and with You we know that it is okay to feel as if we cannot hold it together.  Thank You. Remind us, Lord, to seek You when life is not okay and when life is okay.  Remind us to seek You always and to let You make us whole.  In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.