February 22, 2025

Why Would We Want to Honor God with our Body by How We Eat and Exercise?


Last week, in my blog, I encouraged you to think of the way you exercise and eat as an opportunity to honor God.  It can be motivating to do it unto Him and not out of our own desires and needs.  However, what if that is still not motivating enough?  How do we even get to the point of wanting to honor Him in all that we do, including how we eat and exercise?  If it is still a struggle, let me share with you what I have learned from my own experiences and why I now want to honor God with my body by how I eat and exercise.

God’s Love and Grace

My friend, when I think about where I would be without God’s love and grace in my life, I am overwhelmed with appreciation toward Him. He has set me free from the bondage of sin and shame and given me a life of joy and peace.  Let us not take for granted John 3:16 and remember that God sent His ONLY son to die for us. Ephesians 1:4 says He chose us to be ‘holy and blameless.’  In verse 6 he reminds us that He “freely” bestows on us His grace.  I am so blessed to walk in His amazing grace everyday that I want to honor Him in EVERYTHING I do.

By accepting and understanding the fullness of His love, grace, and forgiveness, you may discover you have a heart to give back to God.

My Confidence is in Him, Not Others 

Have you gone on crazy diets or tried to stay motivated to exercise because of what you, others around you, or someone from your past has said about the way you should look?  Ladies, we do not have to be imprisoned by the media, what others say, or the voices in our head.  Those pressures can lead to yo-yo dieting or extreme exercise which finally leads to quitting because of a lack of motivation.  How beautiful is it to hear God tell us that we are wonderfully made.

I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Wonderful are Your works, and my soul knows it very well.
Psalms 139:14

Once we can become confident in who we are in Christ, and believe what He says about us, our motivation is for Him and not for ourselves or others.

If you are struggling to stay motivated, I encourage you today to stop “trying” to eat healthy and exercise on your own.  Take some time and devote yourself to learning and accepting two things that can change your life.

  1. God’s love, grace, and forgiveness He freely gives you

  2. What God says and feels about you

When we understand these truths, God’s says in John 8:32 that the truth will set us free.  Through this freedom, our motivation can change to give back and

 Honor God with our Body by How We Eat and Exercise

In Good Health,


Crucial Questions Before Starting an Exercise Program by Crystal Breaux, Wellness Coach/Fitness Designer



Have you ever wondered what you should do when starting an exercise program, such as:  What works, what doesn’t work?  Should I do cardio or lift weights?  How long, how fast, and what do I wear?  These are all important questions and need the right answers to achieve your personal health and fitness.

However, can YOU answer two crucial questions before starting an exercise program?

  1. Have you made exercise a PRIORITY in your life?
  2. What is your MOTIVATION?

Your answers will not only help you get started, but set the road map for having a consistent exercise program, which can be the most difficult part.

Follow me for a moment with this newspaper headline:

After receiving the news that she would have to drive 45 minutes to pick up her 1 million dollar lottery check, a busy woman states  that she  “does not have time” and will have to decline her winnings.”

Does that sound crazy or what? Like me, I am sure you are thinking, “I would find the time!” because I know that…

  • My life would change
  • I would never HAVE to work again
  • My kids college would be paid
  • I would never have to worry about money again

Without a doubt, picking up that money would become a PRIORITY that day because of the benefits I would receive in finding 45 minutes in my day.

How often do you say “I don’t have time to exercise?”  Let’s be honest — is it that you don’t have the time or you have not made exercise a priority?


A priority has been defined as something afforded or deserving attention. 

The truth is we will make time for the things that are a PRIORITY to us, like picking up a million dollars. We will rearrange schedules, cancel meetings, or say no to certain things so that it can be done.


Would exercise become a priority if you were motivated for the right reasons?  Before I design a specific program for my client, we establish a concrete motivator.

It is important to know that what motivated you in the past may not motivate you now.  For example, the only reason I exercised 20 years ago was to “hopefully” look a certain way in my jeans, although it did not exactly work.  Today at age 41, while the jeans do matter (let’s be honest) it is not my only motivation for exercise.  If I use “the jeans” as my only motivation, exercise would not be a priority.

What does motivate me is focusing on Scripture and remembering that when I exercise I am

  • Bringing honor to God with my body (I Corinthians 6:19-20)
  • Feeling close to God as He strengthens me during my exercise (Isaiah 45:5) and brings me:
  • Less stress (Philippians 4:6)
  • More peace (Psalm 34:14)
  • Feeling good and in good health (Proverbs 3:8)
  • Strong enough to do what I am called to do (Proverbs 31:17)
  • More energetic at work (Proverbs 31:17)
  • Positive with a better attitude (Proverbs 17:22 )
  • Feeling confident about myself (Psalm 197:14)

What will motivate you today?  Before jumping into the next exercise craze, ask yourself the real questions before starting an exercise program.

  • What is my motivation?
  • Have I made it a priority?

If just like taking the time to pick up your money would change your life,

how would your life change if you were motivated to make exercise a priority?


To Your Health & Wellness, 

Crystal Bush Breaux

Wellness Coach/Fitness Designer