March 4, 2025

A Daughter’s Worth: Week 6 /Day 4 – A Good Friend Forgives and Forgets


When you have found a friend, you have found a good thing. A good friend is so hard to come by, but when you have found a good friend, do whatever you can to hold on to that friend. In the dictionary, a friend is defined as, “a person who is on good terms with another; a person who is not hostile.”

Do you have a friend like that in your life? I think that we all should have at least one!  I have a few friends that are very close to me. We can talk about any and everything. We hang out and go to the movies and out to eat together at least once a month. We are like sisters, and you know what that means…sometimes we don’t always see things the same way, or agree with each other. We don’t argue, but we have our own opinions and therefore, sometimes we disagree. There have been times when my feelings have been hurt by something that may have been said or done, and the same may have happened to them. We all agreed that it would always be best to talk about what may have upset us and fix it.

We are to forgive and forget. It is never good to hold onto things. It is not good for your heart or your mind. It is always best to forgive and forget. Have you ever had a disagreement with one of your friends? How did it make you feel? I am willing to say that it made you feel really bad and frustrated. If you talked it out and fixed things between you and your friend, I am sure that you felt like a load was lifted off of you. You and your friend were like new again.

Jesus wants that for all of us! He wants us to feel free of anger, confusion, and frustration. If we can ask God to forgive us, surely we could forgive a friend when they ask us to, and even when they don’t. Forgiveness is the key.  Forgetting may be a little hard, but if you ask God to help you…He for surely WILL!!!


Be Ye kind one to another, tender-hearted,

forgiving one another, even as God, for Christ’s sake, has forgiven you.

Ephesians 4:32


Let’s Pray:

Dear Heavenly Father, we are so grateful for you sending your only begotten son to die on the cross for our sins. Help us to remember that you so graciously forgave us, through your son. Let us remember that when our friends may have done something to hurt us, that we should talk it over with them and when they ask for forgiveness or if it is us that should be asking for forgiveness, that we so freely grant it to them. We love you Lord and we are asking that you continue to work on our hearts. We ask these things in your darling son’s name, Jesus Christ, Amen <3


Love, Tonya


For the A Daughter’s Worth Bible Study, you will need the book, your Bible, pen or pencil, a highlighter and a quiet place. You can order the book right through our website from clicking the sign-up form button at the top of our webpage.

If you are interested in joining us in our GCH:decaf Teen Girls Ministry, please click the sign-up form button at the top of our webpage. Just follow the instructions on the form and hit submit. We’ll be happy to add you to one of our Online Bible Study Groups! Our new study is A Daughter’s Worth! Please email for more information


The Resolution for Women: All Clear

Jeremiah 31: 34

I will forgive their wrongdoing and never again remember their sin.”


Don’t you wish  forgiveness was as easy as Priscilla describes in today’s chapter, using the “Delete” button?  I mean look at the Hatfield’s and McCoy’s!  Perhaps if only one of them had used the ‘Delete’ button years and years ago, the incredible family feud that has gone on for so many years, taking many lives, would have been long over – instead they have made history over a lifetime of unforgiveness.  In scripture it tells us the following ~

 “Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you”      Ephesians 4:32

Being around someone you don’t like and being kind is one thing; however,  forgiveness has to be the hardest pill for us to swallow.  “Excuse me Lord, you want me to forgive Her“?  [emphasis]  How many of us have asked that question over and over with various people in our lives.  It’s so much easier for us to just ignore people – stop associating with them – or chalking them off in our lives rather than doing as Jesus would and forgiving them.   It’s built into our flesh – it’s human – there is no “delete” button.

How many of you have someone in your life that you need to forgive?  How many have a dark cloud hanging over your head because this issue is not resolved? Doesn’t it truly keep cropping up? Perhaps you miss a family function because of this or you actually find yourself missing this person you’ve chosen not to forgive~ both situations very irritating, keeps the wound festering even long after the event.  Unfortunately, we cannot seem to hit that “delete button” to free them and to free us.

Well, it’s time to hit the “delete” button.  Scripture makes it clear.  Jesus has made it clear.  Do not let one more day go by without reaching way deep down inside of your heart to forgive to, lift the burden this carries on your life.  Not only will you feel better yourself mentally and physically, but you will be following the desires of God’s heart.  THIS is worth it all by itself!

So,  if forgiving others is tough, what about the need to forgive yourself?  Well, that’s a whole different story, huh!?

The following story is true and it breaks my heart to tell it; however, it’s a story that truly screams out forgiveness in every sense of the word so I need to share it.

I have a friend and  when he was away one day, his oldest son was riding his bike outside and fell; his mother ran out the door to rescue him.  Unfortunately, while mom was outside with her injured son, his 2-year-old brother went through an opened sliding glass door and into the pool drowning.  Horrifying, right?  RIGHT!  Can  you absolutely imagine the pain of this mother?  Do you think she has forgiven herself today?   The true answer is, I honestly do not know for sure.  Her mistake cost her son’s life ~ that is a level of forgiveness I cannot even imagine having in this situation.

And, what about this little guy’s father?  This baby boy was the apple of his eye, his heart – and now he was gone due to an accident caused by a simple mistake.  An open door.  And he wasn’t there to protect him.  He couldn’t save him. Outside of not being able to forgive himself, what about forgiveness for his wife?  The wife who left the door open that his baby went through The turmoil that must have (and likely still does) cause him agony. How does one dig that deep?

Here’s the GREAT part.  Here’s the part we need to get and understand…..Priscilla says, “No human forgiveness is strong enough, not even your own, to ever free you from the torturous remainder of your offense and the cloak of guilt in it lays on your shoulders”  – did you hear that  NO HUMAN FORGIVENESS IS ENOUGH .  There is only one way to lift that black cloud, to free yourself from the bondage and years of suffering and that is to accept the gift that Jesus Christ has given us – the gift of freedom – freedom from our sins.  He forgives US – we in turn need to forgive others.

Priscilla says it best when she says, ‘He felt the crown of thorns pressed onto His head.  He took the beating……..He hung on Golgotha’s tree.  That’s when you received all the forgiveness you’ll ever need.  When he cried, ‘It is finished!’.  It was done.”   – The ‘DELETE’ button pressed.  For us.  For each and every one of us.

Do not let another day go by without forgiving yourself or someone else.  Press your Delete button today. Jesus did.


Your Assignment:

  • Describe in your own words the differences and connections between forgiving yourself and receiving God’s forgiveness.
  • Choose one past action that you’ve held against yourself, and then prayerfully (INTENTIONALLY)  consider the Lord’s payment for this sin. Choose to receive it for yourself.
    Let’s Pray:
    Father God, thank you for the gift of forgiveness.  For dying on that cross for us and freeing us from all of our sins.  It is my prayer Father that whatever burdens we carry internally or those that we carry for others be removed as we remember that day on Calvary.  May we intentionally work in the name of forgiveness.  We ask these things in your humble name. We love you Father, Amen.

Now it’s time to go back to your Facebook Online Bible Study Group to see what your Daily Activity is!!  I’m guessing it’s going to be a fun one!!  If you are not currently in one our FB OBS Groups, and would like to be, please send an email to:, and we’ll be glad to add you!!


Kelley <3<3

Read all about Craig’s Resolution for Men Journey here: