February 22, 2025

Preparing For a New Season!


It’s that time of year again, ladies!  Fall is here and winter is soon upon us.  It’s time to declutter those closets!!

Living in Kentucky where it goes from blazing hot to freezing cold, I have to admit I have a lot of clothes that I really only wear a few months out of the year. Due to limited drawer and closet space, I have come up with a routine that I learned from my own mom. This is a way to help keep you organized. It always seems to me that I feel better the more organized and tidy my house is. Being a single mom with two little boys, there is a beautiful mess in my home all the time. So I like to clear out unneeded clutter when I can.

Items Needed:

  •  Boxes or Totes
  •  Markers or Labels


  •  Go through each person’s clothing individually and pull out the clothing they will not be wearing for the upcoming season. Also, this is a good time to pull out items that you no longer need, or no longer fit. You can save them for a garage sale or donate them to a friend or to a non-profit agency, like Goodwill or Salvation Army.
  •  Put the clothes in a box. I always use a separate box for each family member. If you would like, you can use the plastic totes with lids to store the items.
  •  Label the boxes or totes with the person’s name and what clothing is inside. Example: “Tristan’s Summer Clothes”
  •  Store the boxes out of the way, until they are needed again.

I hope you find this decluttering tip helpful. Little things can make a big difference in the long run.

Happy Cleaning!
